The mineral aragonite has magical properties. Aragonite stone. properties of aragonite. The use of aragonite Main diagnostic signs

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Aragonite stone got its name in honor of the deposit in Aragon, which is located in Spain. Here it was first discovered and here are its main deposits. This is a rare and "young" mineral that does not live long. After several tens of millions of years, the stone turns into calcite.

Aragonite stones

How are they mined?

According to legend, aragonite is the tears of a girl who was separated from her beloved and was not allowed to marry. She grieved so much that her tears turned to stone.

To date, aragonite deposits have been discovered in several places in Europe, the USA, and Russia. The largest mineral reserves are in Spain.

You can find aragonite in karst caves, mountain ranges, at the bottom of the ocean shelf. It can take the form of pebbles, balls, spherulites, crusts or radiant processes, which are called iron flowers. Some species look like an elongated needle. Aragonite peas are called cave pearls or pisolite.

Characteristics and application

The mineral aragonite has a Mohs hardness of 3.5–4 points. Its transparency depends on impurities. It can be cloudy, transparent, translucent. Has a glassy sheen. The cleavage that aragonite minerals have allows the stones to split along the axes. Aragonite has the ability to boil in acids and change its structure at high temperatures.

Due to various impurities, aragonite differs various shades: blue, yellow, orange, white, purple and many others. Most often there is a transparent or brownish tint.

Unique aragonite is valued in jewelry production. It is used to make earrings, beads, rings, bracelets. It is suitable for almost all metals, but most often silver, gold or platinum are used for framing. It is impossible to fake a stone, as it crumbles under the influence of temperatures and loses all jewelry properties.

Aragonite beads look very unusual and beautiful. For them, translucent minerals are used. For men, rings with dark stones are suitable. Iron flowers are considered the most valuable, because this is a real miracle of nature. A variety of shapes and colors of stone allow you to make products with an interesting design. Each woman can choose a piece of jewelry to her taste, emphasizing her irresistibility, elegance, perfection.

Prices for aragonite itself are small. They depend on the composition, color, shape and frame.

In order for the product to serve you for a long time, follow the rules for care:

  • store in a separate box with soft walls;
  • wear jewelry on the body after applying cosmetics, perfumes, varnish and other products;
  • remove jewelry before going to bed, going to the bathhouse, swimming pool, cleaning;
  • protect from moisture, high temperatures, chemicals and acids;
  • If there are dark spots on the stone, wipe it with a soft cloth.

In addition to jewelry, aragonite is used in the manufacture of handicrafts. From it I make vases of bizarre shapes, figurines, candlesticks, pyramids, caskets.

The magical properties of the stone

Aragonite has a special magic, because it protects the most precious thing - the family. The power of the stone is aimed at smoothing out disagreements among family members, getting rid of quarrels, helping to live in peace, understanding, love.

Crafts made from aragonite have their own meaning and will help bring prosperity to the family, get rid of laziness, and help in business. Children in adolescence aragonite will help to avoid the crisis, to become more confident, tolerant and stronger. The mineral contributes to the acquisition of housing, doing business.

Silver ring with aragonite

If you want to have children, put the figurine with aragonite in the bedroom. In addition, the stone helps to keep sexual attraction and keep the relationship cool. Jewelry with aragonite will help maintain up to old age memory and mind. Saves family members from betrayal, drunkenness, betrayal. If you are unsure of your feelings, this stone will help you understand the most important things, keep love, passion.

The mineral is used by magicians and sorcerers for rituals and conspiracies. The stone fills with energy, strength, calmness.

According to the sign of the zodiac, aragonite suits everyone, but it helps only married couples. He will rather burden lonely people, they will feel longing, as if someone they need is not next to them.

Due to its composition and impurities, aragonite has healing properties that help maintain the health of its owners:

  • relieves fever, fever during illness, infection;
  • relieves chronic fatigue;
  • helps fight insomnia, anger, stress;
  • cures allergies, lichen, psoriasis;
  • treats diseases of the genitourinary system, helps to get rid of impotence and frigidity;
  • relieves anxiety and fear.

Therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea contains aragonite, so it helps to get rid of skin diseases.

Aragonite is a unique miracle of nature, because its various types, shapes, colors allow you to make wonderful decorations and crafts. Unusual items will help create your own image, make its owner attractive, elegant, mysterious. Any outfit will play magic colors, if you decorate it with an aragonite product. In addition, if you are married or married, the stone will become a real talisman for your family. Comfort, love, fidelity, trust, mutual understanding, and prosperity will settle in your house.

The chemical composition of aragonite stone is the same as that of calcite. Their differences are in the form of crystal lattices, which explains the difference in the properties of minerals from each other.

Description of aragonite

The mineral was named after the area of ​​Aragon in Spain, where its deposit was first discovered. Aragonite is a natural polymorphic modification of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3). According to the chemical composition, 65% falls on CaO, 44% CO 2 .

The stone contains impurities of iron, strontium, magnesium. Soluble in acid HCL, chemical reaction accompanied by a characteristic hiss.


Due to its instability, after several tens of millions of years, aragonite transforms into calcite, having increased in volume. On an industrial scale, this period is reduced when the surface of the stone is heated to a temperature of 400°C.

The mineral does not have a specific type - its crystals come in various shapes:

From the foregoing, we can conclude that there are no aragonites with a smooth surface - most often it occurs in the form of thickets of shrubs with white and yellowish stems.

The Spanish Aragon mine is not the only place. But due to the fact that the mineral is rare and is formed mostly in water, its deposits are not so large:

Education and types

Aragonite is formed in several ways:

Application in jewelry

IN jewelry aragonite occurs as a pearl, which does not have a crystal form. In addition to sea pearls, you can find, no different from it, turned in the shape of pearls white aragonite. But the resulting stone on the surface of the earth does not differ in the breadth of the color palette.

The form of a crystal in the form of a bud, inflorescences is used by jewelers without processing. This is a rare crystal and its value is very high. The color of aragonite varies. Less common are green tones that shimmer in blue. These stones have a dark mother-of-pearl surface and are used to make jewelry.

Nature gives interesting forms to aragonite - these are both flowers and thickets of shrubs. Only such crystals cannot be processed, due to their fragility. The density of the material is very low. Its fracture, though conchoidal, is very fragile. Crystals found in nature interesting shape, can serve as an interior decoration without jewelry polishing.

Brown, black, purple, reddish colors are used for jewelry. transparent stones aragonite. Lead and other mineral dyes give them their color.

Rings, earrings, diadems, beads are made from aragonite. Bracelets. for framing semi-precious stone suitable for all metals. In jewelry, platinum and gold are used to frame the stone. It is impossible to forge this stone, or create another stone with it. When heated, it simply crumbles into aragonite powder.

Magical and healing properties

The magical properties of the crystal echo its medicinal characteristics. According to magicians and doctors, it helps to restore the former understanding in the family, relieves women of frigidity, and helps husbands restore male strength.

This stone helped magicians in the practice of spiritualism and communication with the other world. Nowadays, it is believed that it helps to build relationships with children, parents and other relatives.

Healing springs in Karlovy Vary receive their healing power thanks to calcite, a stabilized phase of aragonite. This is the version of scientists. The springs, in fact, overcome rocks that contain aragonites in large quantities.

As a healing property, you can also "charge" water filtered through aragonitic chips. Baths with particles of this mineral in water contribute to the healing of skin diseases of a different nature.

The mineral aragonite is a family stone. As an amulet, it helps only people who are married. For lonely people, he does not carry any useful properties and remains neutral towards its owner.

Aragonite is one of the hard varieties of calcite. Calcium carbonite as an inorganic chemical compound is represented in nature not only by aragonite, but also by such minerals as calcite and vaterite.

Aragonite is one of the hard varieties of calcite.

The mineral aragonite is formed when low temperatures close enough to the ground. Most often it is formed in stalactite caves. It is identical in chemical composition with calcite, but in structure they are different. Aragonite stone can be recognized by its hexagonal tees and is harder.

There are various legends about the origin of the stone. One of them says that aragonite is the tears of a girl who was separated from her lover. The girl lived in a small town in Spain called Molina de Aragon. She was not allowed to marry the man she loved, and the tears she shed became aragonite.

One of the first mentions of aragonite appeared in Torrubia's book "Introduction to natural history Spain". Later, the Saxon geologist Gottlob mentioned given stone in mineralogy. His erroneous assumption was that he was not in Castile, but in the ancient kingdom of Aragon. Despite the fact that the statement was extremely doubtful, they did not dissuade the geologist and the mineral got its name precisely because of the kingdom of Aragon.

Aragonite (video)

Shades and properties of stone

Aragonite is called the "mother" of pearls, since it is part of it. One of the main chemical properties this mineral is that its crystal cell quite unstable. Over time, it begins to transform, and the stone turns into ordinary calcite. After opening this unusual property aragonite, scientists were able to answer the question of why it is not found in the rocks of the earth's crust, which is more than 100 million years old.

The stone is considered rare. It is converted to calcite due to heat. Influenced high temperature its crystal lattice passes into a stable stage, and during its life this mineral is exposed to such a negative impact at least once.

The transparency of aragonite directly depends on its color. There are unclear, translucent and slightly translucent specimens. They have a sheen that resembles iridescent silk fabric.

As for the color of aragonite, it can have a snow-white color or even be colorless. But thanks various impurities stone may have various shades. It can be purple, bluish, orange, red, gray and greenish. There is also a mineral of a blue-green color, which is called a needle, and a bluish stone - zeyringite.

Aragonite has several varieties:

  1. Needle crystal - a transparent long prism or needle.
  2. Helictite - found in karst caves, is an aggregate in the form of a kind of coral. It grows in several directions, branches spontaneously.
  3. Pisolite is an aragonite body that has about round shape. It is small in size (about 1-2 mm). It is also called cave pearls, and it belongs to oolites.
  4. "Iron Flower" is an incredibly attractive aggregate that randomly branches.

Aragonite deposits

To date, the main deposits of aragonite are considered to be the autonomous regions of Spain, such as Aragon, Valencia and Navarre. Aragonites from Sicily and Moroccan oolites are somewhat inferior to those of Spain. The pisolite deposit is considered to be a thermal spring located in Karlovy Vary, and collection minerals can be found on the territory of Russia (Urals). Aragonite is mined in Kyrgyzstan, Taimyr and Turkmenistan.

The magical and healing properties of the stone

Aragonite has magical properties, and numerous astrologers recommend wearing it only family people. For single men and women, an amulet with this stone can bring misfortune and make them feel lost and useless. Aragonites the best way suitable as a talisman for home and family. He protects lovers from quarrels and scandals, brings happiness to their home, helps to achieve mutual understanding and peace between parents and children. For children in adolescence, aragonite makes it easier to outgrow this "difficult" age, and mature people- "middle age crisis".

The stone helps a person to direct his thoughts, set the right direction. He ties a man to family and home, helps to understand that there are loving relatives next to him, ready to accept him even with shortcomings.

Aragonite helps a person to concentrate his thoughts, gives patience and humility, at the right time helps to make the right, thoughtful decision.

According to Feng Shui, the apartment should have a figurine made of this mineral. She can attract money and happiness to the house. You can put the figurine in a conspicuous place, best of all in the living room. The stone promotes the acquisition private property or starting your own business.

Spouses sex life who have declined or they cannot conceive a child for a long time, it is advisable to install a figurine in the bedroom. Aragonite, which has strong sexual energy, will help return past feelings and emotions for the beloved.

Some argue that people who wear aragonite jewelry throughout their lives retain a sound mind and a good memory until old age.

Aragonite is also used for meditation. This mineral is considered grounding and bringing peace, so it is perfect for this. The Star of David or the seal of Solomon symbolize the 6 sides of the crystal. Sometimes this mineral is used by fortune tellers to increase energy.

It has aragonite and an amazing healing effect. If the mineral is used for these purposes, then it is protected from negative impact. As a rule, they hide it in the room of a sick person or carry it everywhere with them. Aragonite helps to remove faster inflammatory process, fever and relieves fever. This mineral helps to relieve stress, has a beneficial effect on nervous system human and helps fight fatigue, insomnia, irritability and anger. Aragonite is necessary for people suffering from muscle spasms, skin diseases, allergic reactions and hair loss. It helps men fight impotence, and women - with frigidity and diseases of the genital organs.

As for the signs of the zodiac that suits this mineral, then astrologers recommend wearing it to almost everyone. the only important condition is that a person must necessarily be married.

The aragonite talisman should be handled with care, because at the slightest chipping on the crystal, the stone will turn into calcite and lose its healing and magical properties.

Gems and minerals (video)

Jewelry and talismans made of aragonite

For jewelry masters, this mineral is of value and it is classified as precious. Needle splices or the so-called "iron flowers" are the most expensive. This kind of mineral can be found in Russia, in the Urals.

Aragonite is also valued in pearls, and snow-white stones are in some cases shaped like pearls. At first glance, it is almost impossible to distinguish them from real pearls.

Craftsmen make not only talismans from the mineral, but also decorate caskets, vases and other decor items with it.

It is recommended to purchase a talisman or amulet made of aragonite mainly to people who experience difficulties in relationships with their soulmate. Decoration or amulet from this mineral is also the best way fit people suffering from neurological ailments and depression.

Aragonite is beautiful mineral pale yellow or white color, also comes in purple, blue, green, red and black. Refers to inorganic chemical compounds and is a kind of calcium carbonate along with calcite and vaterite. Its formation occurs at low temperatures in caves with a large number of stalactites. Aragonite has the same chemical composition, which and , but has a different structure - it is harder and has prismatic hex tees. This stone is also called mother, sparkling stone, conchite and iron flower.

Origin story

According to legend, aragonite appeared from the tears of a girl in love from the Spanish city of Aragon, who was in long separation with your lover. Her parents did not allow her to marry him, and kept her locked up at home for a long time, so the unfortunate woman cried for a long time because of this, and her tears froze and turned into stone.

Description of the stone

Aragonite is a mineral that has a transparent structure with a pearly sheen and bright matt gloss. The impurities included in its composition greatly affect the original color. In stores, you can find two main options for the design of aragonite. The first is stones that look like they have hexagonal processes that are located on the sides of the center of the mineral. In the second version, aragonite is designed in the form of small round stones, pleasant to the touch. Aragonite treated in this way is commonly used for jewelry inlays.

Natural forms of the mineral aragonite

In nature, this unique stone is found in several forms.

Main locations of deposits

Most of the best specimens are mined in the Spanish cities of Castile-la-Mancha, Navarre, Aragon and Valencia. Crystals from Sicily and Morocco have a slightly worse quality. In our country, the main extraction of aragonite of pisolite structure is carried out from thermal springs in Karlovy Vary.

The healing properties of the stone

The healing properties of aragonite allow us to call it a healing stone, due to its unique ability to absorb negative energy. environment. In order to reinforce healing action stone before putting it on, you need to get rid of unpleasant thoughts and tune in a positive way.

Widely used for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases - various kinds lichen, acne, acne, psoriasis and allergic reactions in the form of a rash, redness and itching. Products from it must be worn to increase sexual activity. The stone contributes to the restoration of tone and increases the potency in men, relieves women of frigidity and infertility. Since ancient times, this stone has been used to relieve the patient from intense heat and fever. It also helps to remove chronic fatigue and get a restful sleep.

This useful mineral is useful for nervous and irritable people. It perfectly fights chronic stress and seasonal depression, helps with sleep disturbances and loss of appetite. It is especially useful for elderly people to wear it: aragonite crystals help to quickly restore memory and restore vigor. The patient needs to wear a crystal on his body in the form of jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets, beads and pendants), or store gem products next to his bed.

The magical properties of the mineral

This gem has unique ability attract energy flows. It enhances the effects of prayer, meditation, and magic spells. Magicians recommend wearing aragonite to insecure people in order to raise self-esteem.

It is called the stone of all lovers and couples. Esoteric experts recommend buying it to those people who are in search of their soulmate. It contributes to the preservation of comfort and coziness in the house. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of a gem for spouses - it helps to avoid quarrels and conflicts and find a compromise in acceptance difficult decisions. Regular wear will help smooth out sharp corners between partners and resolve all disputes. If the marriage is on the verge of collapse, it will help to return to the relationship past passion, affection and tender emotions towards each other. In addition, it helps to conceive a child faster and get rid of infertility. To do this, you need to put an aragonite figurine or decoration by the bed.

Aragonite crystals are useful not only for couples, it will be useful for those parents who are hard to find mutual language with their own children. It will help you calm down faster and talk calmly with the child without screaming and tantrums in order to identify true essence Problems. It is much easier for teenagers who wear aragonite talismans to survive difficult period adolescence.

It can also help fight laziness. This is especially true of negligent housewives and inept husbands. Wearing jewelry from it helps to increase activity and helps to focus on household chores.

What signs of the zodiac suit amulets and talismans made of aragonite

In this regard, aragonite is universal, it suits all signs of the zodiac, but only for those who are married or have a partner. Talismans with its stones must be worn carefully and try not to break it - after the stone breaks, its crystals will lose their magic power. Well suited for use during meditation, it helps to achieve complete relaxation and peace.

The name of the mineral aragonite is reminiscent of one of the provinces of Spain. So it is, because for the first time the stone was discovered near the city of Molina de Aragon, which belongs to Castile. In the 15th century, this area united with Aragon and became known as Spain. The legend says that the tears of a girl separated from her loved one turned into aragonite stones.

The stone belongs to the calcite group, having the most solid structure. The popular name of aragonite - cave calcite, suggests that the main deposits are found in dolomite and gypsum caves, in places most prone to weathering. This is explained by the fact that the stone belongs to the low-temperature group.

This mineral is considered "young", as after tens of millions of years it will be converted into calcite.

When heated, aragonite turns into calcite dust. Due to such a "short" life, aragonite is a rare mineral.

The chemical formula of the stone is CaCO3.

Aragonite is a component of pearls. Each pebble consists of the thinnest layer of aragonite and a transparent interlayer of solid organic matter.

Variety of colors…

Aragonite, mined in karst caves, forms needle-like or radial incrustations. There are spherulites.

Natural specimens are colorless or white. Depending on impurities, aragonite can be cloudy, transparent and translucent. The color of the mineral has a wide range, which is added by the presence of other minerals:

  • White, formed in dehydrated voids of the earth's crust, mined in Mexico;
  • Orange, cave pearls are mined in Morocco;
  • Blue specimens are mined in China.

Also in nature there are yellow, blue, purple, green, gray. The blue-green ones are called needles, and the blue ones are called zeiringites.


There are several natural forms aragonite formations:

  • Tarnovicite (admixture of lead) has hexagonal crystals. Color purple-brown, warm.
  • Nikolsovit contains zinc. Depending on the location, it changes color from colorless to black, it can be red-brown with an admixture of purple.
  • Sprudelstein otherwise, pea or caviar. This species is formed during the precipitation of calcium rocks from natural solutions. Differs in a variety of the sizes and forms. Sprudelstein is also called cave pearls, the deposits of which are located in Morocco. Its polished peas are used to make beads and as inserts in jewelry.
  • An iron flower is a very interesting interweaving of a bizarre form of mineral "outgrowths". There are instances resembling coral twigs.
  • Unusual crystals, in the form of needles, form transparent elongated shapes. Pisolite or cave pearls have a round shape with a size of 2 mm.
  • Spherical specimens are called oolites. Some marine mollusks have an aragonite coating that gives them a pearlescent sheen.

Locations of the mineral

The main deposits of aragonite are located in Europe: the best specimens are mined in Spain, Sicily and Morocco. Pisolites are found in the Czech Republic (Karlovy Vary). In Russia, there are deposits in Taimyr and the Urals.

Crystals found in South Dakota (USA), in Sicily, are of particular beauty.

Large deposits are located in the shelves at the bottom of the ocean. In the surf zone, aragonite occurs in the form of oolites (polished oval pebbles).

The magical power of the stone

Aragonite is considered family stone. He protects home peace, smoothes out conflicts between spouses. Lonely people will be burdened by aragonite, catching up with melancholy. You can decorate your home with twigs, a box, or any aragonite craft.

For family

According to Feng Shui, an aragonite figurine attracts good luck and prosperity to the house. To do this, it is recommended to put the mineral in a prominent place. Its energy helps in acquiring a home or starting your own business.

The stone must “settle down” in the house so that the magical forces begin to work. You can arrange souvenirs in all rooms. If the stone is in the bedroom, then it helps to conceive a child and strengthen sexual relationships.

For people young and old

A pendant or amulet with aragonite will help a teenager overcome difficulties transitional age. For older people, it helps to preserve memory and a sober mind until old age.

The presence of the stone helps to focus and accept correct solution with a clear head.

A good gift for newlyweds would be a talisman with a blue mineral.

Healing properties

The well-known spa in Karlovy Vary owes its usefulness, among other things, to the aragonite stone.

For skin

The springs located in this area flow through rocks enriched with this mineral. Baths relieve skin diseases, local water, passed through aragonite chips, is considered healing. The therapeutic mud of the Dead Sea also contains aragonite.

This unique quality is also used in lithotherapy (stone treatment). The stone is crushed into crumbs through which water is driven. Lotions with this liquid are treated skin diseases. The stone helps to normalize increased age-related pressure, functioning of cardio-vascular system. The energy of the mineral effectively affects the genitourinary system, helps to endure the symptoms of menopause, and restores an erection.

For sleep

Aragonite is considered a healing stone. It helps to relieve the inflammatory process, elevated temperature. How additional remedy will help relieve stress.

Aragonite is good helper from insomnia.

The mineral must be protected from exposure negative energy. For a positive impact, it is necessary to put aragonite in the room where the patient is, or wear it as an amulet.

The ratio of the mineral to the horoscope

Aragonite does not belong to any certain sign Zodiac. The positive power of the mineral affects only couples. An aragonite talisman will help keep family ties strong. long time. Everything that destroys a marriage: infatuation on the side, addiction to alcohol, gambling loses its meaning from the impact of the stone.


Due to the variety of shapes and colors, aragonite is successfully used in the manufacture of jewelry. Any metal is suitable for framing, but gold, silver, platinum are more often used. Coral aragonite or iron flower is especially valued.

It is processed very little and inserted into earrings, rings, as decoration in jewelry boxes.

Beautiful beads are made from a translucent mineral. A very unusual blue aragonite, which is mined in China, is considered the most expensive. Such a mineral inspires confidence in its owner. It is inserted into rings, earrings. In China, local craftsmen carve ashtrays and caskets from zeyringite. Blue aragonite resembles turquoise in appearance, but softer.

There is another kind of stone - these are the White Sea fliers. They are valued for their unusual shape: star with 4 rays. Such specimens attract collectors as a finished souvenir.

Proper storage

A product made of aragonite will serve for a long time if you adhere to the following rules:

  • Jewelry should be stored in a box with soft walls;
  • Aragonite should not be allowed to come into contact with perfumes, cosmetics, chemicals;
  • Remove jewelry before going to bed, going to the bathhouse, swimming pool;
  • When dark spots, wipe with a soft cloth.


Aragonite stone cannot be faked, because when heated, it turns into dust. Its price is small, since the mineral deposits are extensive and located in many parts of the world. home Magic force aragonite aims to strengthen the family.