Game program for Valentine's Day at school. Scenario of the competition and entertainment program for Valentine's Day

Inspired by a high feeling once in ancient years,
Someone came up with the day of lovers, not knowing then,
That this day will become a favorite, desired holiday of the year.
That Valentine's Day will be called with reverence.
Smiles and flowers are everywhere, in love confessions again and again ...
So let a miracle happen for everyone - let only love rule the world!

Good evening, dear participants and fans! Of course, you guessed that today we dedicate our program to a wonderful holiday - ST. VALENTINE'S DAY.

Valentine's Day is celebrated by everyone - both adults and children. With family, with friends. They have been celebrating for a long time. This holiday is associated with a touching and sad story. In the III century AD. Roman emperor Claudius II issued a decree forbidding people to marry. He believed that marriage kept men at home, and their destiny was to be good soldiers and fight for Rome. But there was a man who, despite the cruel ban, secretly consecrated the unions of lovers. The young Christian priest was named Valentine.

Having discovered these "anti-state" marriages, the emperor ordered that the violator be imprisoned and then executed. While in prison, Valentine saw the jailer's daughter. Young people fell in love with each other. Before his execution, on February 14, 270, he sent the girl a brief farewell note with the signature: "From Valentine", which later came to mean eternal affection and fidelity. And the date of the death of the priest, who betrothed the lovers, despite severe obstacles, and who did not see his happiness, remained forever in the memory of people. His ashes were buried in the Church of Saint Praxidis in Rome.

The tradition of celebrating St. Valentine's Day has come to our country, to our city. The Ball of Lovers has been held here for several years, and we hope that it will become a good tradition. So, dear participants and fans, today you have to go through a series of tests, at the end of which a winner pair will be selected from all worthy participants. And the interesting thing is that the participants of the couples will be selected by lottery. Now we invite all participants to draw a card with symbols from the hat. Those who have chosen tokens with the same symbols will make up a pair.

There is a draw.
Presentation of the pairs-participants.

Andrei Bolkonsky - ... (Natasha Rostova)
Master - ... (Margarita)
Kai - ... (Gerda)
Chatsky - ... (Sofya)
Maxim Shatalin - ... (Victoria Prutkovskaya)
Pierrot - ... (Malvina)
Leonid Agutin - ... (Angelika Varum)

While our esteemed jury checks your answers, we invite viewers to help their teams earn extra points.

Several participants are invited to hold in the air balloon blowing on it from below. The one whose ball falls last wins.

And now we ask the jury to announce the results of your answers.

An apple is passed around in a special way. The couple who dropped the apple leave the circle. The remaining pair wins.

How are you real gentleman, be sure to present a gift to your lady. But the beauty of your girlfriend left you speechless, and therefore you have to explain to her what you want to give using only gestures. And what exactly you will give, the lot will decide.

Participants draw lots from the hat. During their preparation, a CONTEST FOR VIEWERS is held.

Wishing fans are called. To cheerful music, they need to drink a glass of drink through a straw. The first one wins, he brings the team 1 point.


The couple becomes opposite each other. IN right hand girls and young man put tangerine. With his free hand, the participant covers the partner's hand. The task of the contestants is to peel the tangerine without changing the position of the hands, and eat it. The first pair to complete this task wins.

All participants are asked "female" and "male" questions. The first person to answer earns a point. First, the girls answer the questions, then the young men.

Questions for girls:
1. Integral part what is a carburetor? (motor)
2. Is the hood on the car front or rear? (Front)
3. In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)
4. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)
5. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)
6. Which company's products have a checkmark logo? (Nike)

Questions for young people:
1. When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a needle or a thread? (Needle)
2. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)
3. Is yeast used in shortcrust pastry? (No)
4. Why might a woman need acetone? (For removing nail polish)
5. Do I need to wash off the hair dye after dyeing it? (Yes)
6. What is the name of a small pouch that holds items needed for makeup? (Cosmetic bag)

All interested fans come out (2 people per team). Their task is to make a “mummy” out of their assistant by wrapping it in a roll of toilet paper.

So let's hear from our esteemed jury...

And now we offer the guys to become culinary specialists for some time. I will call the pairs in turn the names of the products, and you should quickly determine what kind they are (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.).

1. Artichoke (vegetable)
2. Carp (fish)
3. Pistachios (nuts)
4. Lingonberry (berry)
5. Persimmon (fruit)
6. Gobies (fish)
7. Cherry (berry)
8. Watermelon (berry)
9. Coconut (nut)
10. Kiwi (fruit)
11. Kvass (drink)
12. Blueberry (berry)
13. Parsnip (vegetable)
14. Melon (vegetable)
15. Mullet (fish)
16. Parsley (vegetable)
17. Cheddar (cheese)
18. Kohlrabi (vegetable)
19. Rice (groats)
20. Koumiss (drink)
21. Hazel grouse (bird)

A cross is pasted on the back of the chair, sitting on this chair receives a prize.

How many dances there are in the world!
Just make sure you choose them!
There are also new items on the horizon.
So let's dance!
You must perform a slow dance with an apple, holding it with your foreheads. The hands should be clasped behind the back. Whoever does not drop an apple during the dance for a minute will earn 3 points.

Three clothespins are attached to the clothes of a boy and a girl. Their task is during slow dance blindfolded find and remove them from each other's clothes.

The team gets 1 point for the correct item.
1. Aircraft ( balloon)
2. Talisman from the evil eye (pin)
3. Woodworking machine (sharpener)
4. Means for saving rubles (penny)
5. Calcium cubes without "Orbit" (chalk)
6. Table lamp "Retro" (candle)
7. Package "Black Gold" (pepper)
8. Means for "sugrevu" (mustard plaster)

Excerpts from the following classics are offered:
- Shakespeare's "Othello"
- Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
- Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
- Tolstoy "War and Peace"
- Goncharov "Oblomov"
- Kuprin "Olesya"
- Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

Dear contestants, you have carefully studied the list of songs. Now we invite you to sing them. You can duet, you can attract a support group.

We thank our contestants for participating in the program, the audience for their support and good mood. Our program is coming to an end. And while the jury is doing its hard work to determine the winning couple, the participants are offered the most fun competition, which will not be evaluated and in which there will be no losers.

Balloons are suspended from the ceiling, each with a note with the name of the prize. The male contestants take turns throwing darts at them and getting a prize for their pair.

I would like to end our evening with these words:

I want to proclaim love as a country,
So that everyone there lives in peace and warmth,
So that the hymn begins with her line:
"Love is above everything on earth!"
May love be your great sky,
Living water, daily bread,
Spring call, warm wind,
All the best, the brightest!

Competition for Valentine's Day.

Goal: 1. to improve the culture of communication between boys and girls;

2. Learn the following principles, such as respect, trust, delicacy, tact;

3. To comprehend the experience of human relationships.

Event progress:

I introduction from the reader:

Good afternoon

Today we dedicate our Classroom hour the eternal theme - love. We have several wonderful reasons to talk about love. Firstly, you are young. Many people believe that only adults have the right to fall in love, and children can only be laughed at and teased: bride and groom". All this is stupid and ugly, because love can overtake a person at any age, even in kindergarten. The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin said “Love is submissive to all ages”. He probably meant that you can fall in love at 1, and at 20, and at 45 years old. This is evidenced by A. Barto's verse "Meeting" (Reading Olya Chusova)

Not in a passenger car

Not in a shaking supply -

Brother rides on the pavement

In my own wheelchair.

From hill to hill

In the city of Zagorsk.

Suddenly out of nowhere

Like a princess in a fairy tale

Goes important from the hill down

Girl in a stroller.

From hill to hill

In the city of Zagorsk.

But there is no longer a stroller -

The stranger disappeared.

Andryusha looked after

And wept loudly.


Secondly, we are with you on the eve of the holiday. For a very long time, all of Europe, and after it America, celebrate February 14, Valentine's Day, or St. Valentine's Day. Why does one holiday have two names?

1. "Valentine's Day" The history of the origin of this name is lost somewhere in the mists of time, but now it is associated with one romantic legend. A certain Valentine was unjustly convicted and imprisoned. According to the verdict of the court, he was to be executed on February 14. But the daughter of the head of the prison, an exceptionally kind and gentle creature, who, unfortunately, was blind, fell in love with him. This love did a miracle - the girl regained her sight. Later, Valentine was canonized, that is, elevated to the rank of saints.

2. "Valentine's Day" This name is associated with another legend.

Many centuries ago, the law did not allow ancient Roman soldiers to marry while they were in the service (and the service lasted 25 years!), And even more so to consecrate it in the church. Saint Valentine, the priest, secretly blessed loving hearts and, despite the ban, consecrated the relationship with a church rite. The disobedient priest was given away. He was executed on 14 February. Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day.

II Choice of par.

On the eve of the holiday, a choice of couples is held. Everyone writes on a piece of paper the name of the girl (boy) that he likes. The teacher asks the children one by one what choice, who made it.


According to the preliminary selection, we matched 4 couples Let's greet them.

And now we will choose Valentine and Valentine from those whose pairs did not match, and we will do it as follows: boys with eyes closed they will take a card with the name of the girl from the magic chest. Let's see how our pairs match. Welcome couples. Proclamation of couples to applause. It's time to start our competition.

1st competition: "Heart".

The symbol of our holiday is the heart. Therefore, you need to cut it out and attach it with a magnet on a magnetic board.

2nd competition: "Real man".

It will be the one who manages to tie a scarf around the neck of his lady with one hand.

3rd competition: "Hostess"

Remember Cinderella's first ball. There, at the ball, she first met the prince, and they fell in love. But at the same ball there was another little noticeable case.

When the king was merrily dancing a mazurka with Cinderella, his

button. A trifle for common man but not for the king. There would be a scandal, if not skillful hands Cinderella. We are sure that if any of our girls were in the place of Cinderella, she would do the same. I think that there are no white-handed women among the contestants, and they will prove it to us now. Among the many different buttons in the box, you must choose the one that, in your opinion, is suitable for royal attire, and quickly sew it to the fabric. 3 minutes are given.

III Preview of the presentation: "Postcards for Valentine's Day"

4th competition: "Declarations of love in verse"

1. Let the fire of love passion

Warms the globe!

May happiness come to you

With Valentine and with me!

2.Every day

You are dearer to me

You are always in my soul!

Can't love more

Just nowhere stronger!

3.From our very first meeting

I remember every day and evening

Only modesty bothers me

Stormy feelings are not allowed.

I always want to be near

Gently, devotedly I love!

4. I give my love and valentine,

To melt the February sadness!

I wish you the best experience

From sincere and kind congratulations!

5. How sweet is your smile,

What a lovely, gentle look!

In the yard - February is in full swing,

And in the soul - a blooming garden!

6. I am usually like this -

Serious and very cool

When I meet you...

I blossom at the same time.

7. I'm in you better feelings I confess.

I hope that I will achieve reciprocity!

I will wait, hoping and loving.

And tenderness will save only for you!

8. Nature gave me an excellent taste,

For life, this is good and, of course, a plus.

And so I chose you by accident and suddenly,

Love, burn, burn, be happy, my friend!

9. Loving me, my beloved,

Be kind and obedient!

Except you, no other

I don't need the world!

10. I only miss you,

Worry and dream!

The sky will be cloudy

If you're sad again

Remember, day and night

You reign in my soul!

11. We are not afraid of either winter or blizzard.

The main thing is that we are with you!

If in life we ​​found each other,

So we'll be all right!

12. You are my soulmate,

The best and most beautiful in the world.

Let this valentine today

It will become a symbol of love and happiness!

5th contest “Understand me without words”.

The girls stand on one side, the boys on the other. Young people are given the task of inviting a partner somewhere, but you can’t talk about it, you need to show everything with gestures so that your girl guesses:

to the ballet


for a ski trip

to the rink,

to the circus,

to the art gallery

dig potatoes,

to the disco

to the beach,

in the cafe,

To the market,

to the library,

to the cinema.

6th competition "Dance".

6th competition "Dance".

The couple begins to move to the music and support the balloon with their heads. Whoever gets the ball down is out of the game. The pair that can hold the ball the longest wins. You cannot support the ball with your hands.

7th Fun Shopping Contest.

Couples go shopping. The girls will choose cards from one box and the boys from another. Purchases need to match.

Dress - I iron it.

Brooch - I'll attach it to the dress.

I will take the cat in my arms and stroke it.

A pocket handkerchief - I will pour perfume on it and put it in my pocket.

Soap - I'll take it with me to the bath.

Car "Zhiguli" - I'll sit down and go.

Nuts - gnaw and eat.

Violin - I will play it.

Hat - I'll put it on my head.

Sausage - fry and eat.

Umbrella - cover from the rain.

Flowers - I will smell.

Paints - I will draw.

8th competition: "Collect proverbs."

A boy from each pair comes to the board. Takes half of the proverb upside down reverse side, and returns to its place. Together with their soul mate, they discuss, find the ending on the board and read out the proverb.

9th competition: "Darting".

Which of the boys will score more points in 3 attempts.

IV Song "Oh, Seryozhka"(Performed by Nikitina Anastasia)

Summarizing. Prizes (organizers)


Do not miss the day when you can convey your feelings, your confessions to your loved one and just to those people who love you more than anyone ... Naturally, you guessed it, these are our parents, mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters, brothers.


Words by Tatyana Evtyukova

1. We will sing ditties to you

About this and about

You guys listen

How fun we are!

2. There is a glass on the table,

And a candle in a glass

Why didn't my friend come?

Oh my heart hurts!

3. I will give you three flowers:

White, blue, scarlet.

I'm a daring boy

Even though it's small!

4. Boots with heels,

The skirt is short.

Don't make eyes, guys

I'm still young!

5. What are you looking at me,

Break your eyes

Not from your class

You do not know me!

6. We sang ditties to you

And we go home

And you stay here

Have fun yourself!

7. Oh, girls, in February

The holiday is coming!

I need to fall in love urgently

But it doesn't work!

8. Draw a Valentine

And paint with colors

I will give my neighbor Dimka,

To be kinder!

9. Mom, mom do not scold

For my grades!

Celebrate love today

Adults and kids!

10I will sign Valentine's card,

I will give Vanyushka

Let him know about my feelings -

These are not toys!

11 I'm busy today -

I draw love!

I miss the sheet

For big love!

12Valentines, Valentines -

colorful hearts,

Let them fly around the world

And there will be no end to them!

13 Oh, how beautiful you are,

Curls are curling

Look at the girls

From love all toil!

14. Valentine heart

I will sign Andryushka

And I will give, and I will kiss,

And in the arms I will suffocate!

15. Suggested a walk -

Made the girls laugh!

Well, what kind of gentleman are you,

You are still a child!

VI Final word from the reader:

Let Valentine's Day give again

Hope, happiness and love

May joy come to your house,

And everything comes alive.

Together: Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Valentine's Day

Inspired by a high feeling,

Sometime in the old days

Someone came up with Valentine's Day

Without knowing then

What will be your favorite day?

The desired holiday of the year,

What a Happy Valentine's Day

He will be named with respect.

Smiles and flowers everywhere

In love, confessions again and again ...

So let a miracle happen for everyone -

Let only love rule the world!

Many centuries ago, the law did not allow ancient Roman soldiers to marry while they were in the service (and the service lasted 25 years!), And even more so to consecrate it in the church. Saint Valentine, the shepherd and confessor of the soldiers, secretly blessed loving hearts and, despite the ban, consecrated the relationship with a church rite.

The disobedient priest was given away. He was executed on 14 February. Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day.

An indispensable attribute of the celebrations on the occasion of Valentine's Day is a valentine - a message that is sent to a loved one. One of the first valentines was a card sent in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife from the Tower prison, where he was imprisoned. The card is still kept in the British Museum.

In the 16th century, postcard cards became popular and more decorative. In 1797, in England, the "Young Man's Guide to Writing Valentines" was known, which contained many rhymes and dedications for those who themselves could not come up with anything worthwhile.

Do not miss the day when you can convey your feelings, your confessions to your loved one and just to those people who love you more than anyone ... Naturally, you guessed it, these are our parents, mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters, brothers.

February 14 is the only day when you can express your love for the most beloved person...

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

On February 14, everyone is in a hurry to make gifts to each other, exchange kisses and heart-shaped cards on which they write lyrical poems.

And you can give this postcard with the words of A. Barto.

I give you a heart on a white leaf,

I give you my heart, do what you want with it.

Play anywhere

Go with him everywhere

Draw what you want

I won't get angry.

But you better not learn to draw on it,

May my heart remain pure.

Different verses are written in Valentine cards:

I send a valentine

In the form of my heart.

But take a closer look at the picture -

You will find yours there.

After all, there are miracles:

There was a heart, there were two.

Competition program

We invite girls and boys to the stage who want to take part in the competition.

To begin with, you must decide. We need to choose a couple for ourselves, and for this we ask the girls to line up opposite the guys. I ask the young men to approach me one at a time. I will blindfold you, and you must, as in a fairy tale, throw your arrow. Whichever girl he gets into, she will be his betrothed. Only instead of arrows, we will have an airplane.

(Girls can change places when the boy is blindfolded.)

(Leaders attach numbers to couples and introduce them.)

And now let's play the game "Valentine and Valentine". The winning couple are declared lovers for the rest of the year. They should show signs of attention to each other (be helpful, give sweets, chocolates, call affectionate names).

So let's introduce the jury.

(Jury presentation.)

Contest 1

1st competition for the most original couple, whose answers will be the best, that is, you can joke, use ingenuity, because your originality will be evaluated.

(Questions to the young men)

  • Where do you prefer to meet girls?
  • What qualities of a girl make you sympathetic?
  • Do independent girls scare you?
  • Where would you spend your first date: in a cafe, at a disco, walking along the streets?
  • Why can you be loved?

(Questions to the girls)

  • You come to visit, and he lies on the couch. What is your reaction?
  • What attracts you most in a young man: hair, face, ears or something else?
  • Do you find it possible to be friends with several guys at once?
  • What words do you expect from a young man?
  • Your young man knocked over a mug of tea on the tablecloth. What are you going to say?

Competition 2

And now the erudite contest. Who will answer the fastest? Ready?!

Any woman can make three things out of nothing: a hat, a salad, and...? (Scandal)

The ultimate level of love? (Ears)

What is the main flower for a gift on St. Valentine? (Rose)

Why wedding ring wear on ring finger? (Nerves go from him to the heart)

What tree is considered a wedding tree? (Kalina. They decorate it wedding tables. Kalina is a symbol of girlish beauty, happiness, love.)

Answer only "yes" - "no"

In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)

Does Australia use disposable blackboards? (No)

The ballpoint pen was originally used only by military pilots? (Yes)

In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to gnaw on anything? (Yes)

Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (No)

Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

In a Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to waltz. (No)

Do penguins fly north for the winter? (No, penguins can't fly)

If the flounder is put on chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)

Spartan warriors sprayed their hair with perfume before the battle. (Yes, that's the only luxury they allowed themselves)

The tradition of giving gifts on this day has grown stronger every year and for some it has become enough successful business. For example, at the beginning of the last century, it was customary for Americans to send marzipans to their brides, which were quite expensive.

In Japan, the tradition of giving sweets on this day appeared at the suggestion of one large chocolate manufacturing company. They began celebrating Valentine's Day in the 1930s, and chocolate remains the most common gift to this day. By the way, there Valentine's Day is slightly reminiscent of "March 8 for men", since japanese men perhaps even get more gifts than women: men's accessories such as razor, lotion, wallet and so on.

Passionate French people give jewelry on Valentine's Day, and in romantic Denmark people send dried white flowers to each other.

In Britain unmarried girls On February 14, they get up before sunrise, stand near the window and look at the passing men. According to legend, the first man they see is the betrothed.

But there are some countries in the world that have especially distinguished themselves in celebrating Valentine's Day. First of all, this Saudi Arabia, which is the only country in the world where this holiday ... is officially banned, moreover, under pain of heavy fines.

And in Rus' there was a holiday of lovers, only it was celebrated not in winter, but at the beginning of summer. He was associated with legendary history love of Peter and Fevronia and is dedicated to Kupala - the pagan Slavic god, the son of Perun.

Contest 3

This competition is for boys. Imagine this situation: on the other side of the road, along which cars are constantly moving, you saw your good friend. You would very much like to invite her...where - it will be clear later. And since she cannot hear the words, you will have to use facial expressions and gestures. The main thing is to understand you.

Words (to the theater, to the lesson, to the ballet, to the circus, to go fishing)

So, we thought. Forward. Word to lovers.

Competition 4

It is necessary to collect a proverb in two words. Pull out the words.

pond-work (Without a pond, you can’t even catch a fish from a pond.)

awl-bag (You can't hide an awl in a bag)

feather-axe (What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.)

word-sparrow (The word is not a sparrow - you won’t catch it.)

hurts - says (Whoever that hurts, he talks about that.)

"Theatrical Intermission"

In the meantime, couples are preparing, we will all become artists together. Several people are invited to the stage.

Castle. A PRINCESS sits on a throne in the palace. The beautiful PRINCE enters. Blows a kiss to the princess. They start to be nice. At this time, an evil DRAGON with a huge TAIL flies through the window. Grabs the princess and flies away.

The prince sets off to save the bride, saddles his horse and rushes to the dragon's cave with an arrow. A CLOUD covers the SUN. WIND knocks the horse down, prevents the prince from approaching the cave. A dragon appears with a tail. The battle begins. The dragon is convulsing, the tail is dangling from side to side. The princess runs out, stumbles over the tail, almost falls. The prince picks her up and they embrace. The tail continues to swing from side to side. Happy end. Everyone goes to bow.



Andrei Bolkonsky - ... (Natasha Rostova)

Master - ... (Margarita)

Kai - ... (Gerda)

Chatsky - ... (Sophia)

Maxim Shatalin - ... (Victoria Prutkovskaya)

Pierrot - ... (Malvina)

Leonid Agutin - ... (Angelika Varum)


Several participants are invited to keep the balloon in the air by blowing on it from below. The one whose ball falls last wins.


An apple is passed around in a special way. The couple who dropped the apple leave the circle. The remaining pair wins.



All participants are asked "female" and "male" questions. The first person to answer earns a point. First, the girls answer the questions, then the young men.

Questions for girls:

1. What is a carburetor part of? (motor)

2. Is the hood on the car front or rear? (Front)

3. In what direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)

4. Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (in hockey)

5. Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)

6. Which company's products have a checkmark logo? (Nike)

Questions for young people:

1. When threading a needle, what should be motionless: a needle or a thread? (Needle)

2. What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)

3. Is yeast used in shortcrust pastry? (No)

4. Why might a woman need acetone? (For removing nail polish)

5. Do I need to wash off the hair dye after dyeing it? (Yes)

6. What is the name of a small pouch that holds items needed for makeup? (Cosmetic bag)



And now we offer the guys to become culinary specialists for some time. I will call the pairs in turn the names of the products, and you should quickly determine what kind they are (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.).

1. Artichoke (vegetable)

2. Carp (fish)

3. Pistachios (nuts)

4. Lingonberry (berry)

5. Persimmon (fruit)

6. Gobies (fish)

7. Cherry (berry)

8. Watermelon (berry)

9. Coconut (nut)

10. Kiwi (fruit)

11. Kvass (drink)

12. Blueberry (berry)

13. Parsnip (vegetable)

14. Melon (vegetable)

15. Mullet (fish)

16. Parsley (vegetable)

17. Cheddar (cheese)

18. Kohlrabi (vegetable)

19. Rice (groats)

20. Koumiss (drink)

21. Hazel grouse (bird)



Dear contestants, you have carefully studied the list of songs. Now we invite you to sing them. You can duet, you can attract a support group.

We thank our contestants for participating in the program, the audience for their support and good mood. Our program is coming to an end.

Summing up the evening.

Winner's reward ceremony.


When it's sad and funny.


When they don't like it, it doesn't matter.


Even though they don't call loved ones.


Your love will be understood.


Command your heart.


Cherish your love.


When there is good and evil all around.


And it shouldn't be otherwise!

Author: Pukhanova Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher additional education, Regional Public Institution "Zheleznogorsk Center for Social Assistance", Zheleznogorsk, Kursk Region.
Material Description: scenario of the holiday "Valentine's Day" for students in grades 6-7.
The event is intended to familiarize children with the history of the holiday, expand the horizons of children, to unite students and teachers in a collective creative activity.

Target: to acquaint students with the history of the holiday, to form communication skills in children.
1. create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
2. to develop the ability of students to refer to their own life experience;
3. develop communication skills, the ability to work in a team, a sense of mutual respect;
4. Contribute to building interpersonal relationships between boys and girls;
5. cultivate creative activity.

- boxes for mailboxes for valentines;
- hearts with the names of famous lovers;
- task cards;
- balloons - hearts 8 pcs;
- ice cream -2, spoons -2;
- skittles, scarves;
- hearts given as points for contests;
- certificates of honor.

Event progress

Good afternoon, Dear friends! I am glad to welcome you to this event, which is called “Everything starts with love”.
Valentine's Day - Holy holiday February
Valentine's Day now knows the whole earth!
Lovers are given valentines, sweets and flowers
After all, February 14 is the day of joy, love and beauty!

R. Rozhdestvensky.
Everything starts with love.
They say: "In the beginning was the word ...",
And I proclaim again:
Everything starts with love!
Everything starts with love:
And illumination, and work,
The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child
Everything starts with love...
Everything starts with love!
With love!
I know it for sure.
Everything, even hatred -
Dear and eternal sister of love.
Everything starts with love:
Dream and fear
Wine and gunpowder, tragedy
Longing and feat -
Everything starts with love.
Spring will whisper to you: “Live...”
And you shake from a whisper,
And straighten up and start...
Everything starts with love!

And now, I want to bring to your attention the song "Swan Fidelity" to the words of E. Martynov.

Inspired by a high feeling,
Sometime in the old days
Someone came up with Valentine's Day
Without knowing then
What will be your favorite day?
The desired holiday of the year,
What Happy Valentine's Day
He will be honorably named...

There is probably no person on Earth who has not heard about it. wonderful holiday February - Valentine's Day. It has already become a good tradition to give each other valentines and cards on this day, symbolizing sympathy or a declaration of love. But how did it all start?
There are many legends about this bright day, but we will focus on the most popular. Many centuries ago, warriors ancient rome the law forbade marriage during the service and, moreover, to get married in the church. The main problem It was that the service of the soldiers lasted as much as 25 years, and it was very difficult all this time for people in love to give themselves and their hearts. A certain shepherd and confessor of warriors named St. Valentine, despite a strict taboo, consecrated clean love relationship church rite. For disobedience to the laws, Valentine was executed, and it happened exactly on February 14th. Many years have passed, and this day began to be celebrated all over the world as Valentine's Day.
Do not miss the day when you can convey your feelings, your confessions to your loved one and just to those people who love you more than anyone. Naturally, you already guessed that we are talking about our parents, mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters, brothers. February 14th is the day when you can feel free to express your love for yourself. close person.

Love is like a red rose
Blooms in my garden.
My love is like a song
With which I go.

Song "Happy Valentine's Day" children perform.

February 14th is the day when you can feel free to express your love for the closest person. (To your family, friends and loved ones)

1 Competition "Who will we congratulate on this day."

Read books about the war
Only the brave... (boys).

Sew vests for dolls
Needlewomen... (girls).

If I wear a hat
I will be like... (dad).

We state firmly and directly:
The best in the world... (Mother).

If it suddenly becomes difficult
That will help... (Friend).

Dance "Factory Girls" (group "Factory") children are dancing.

What is the most popular symbol of love?
Of course, the heart.

2 Compliment game.

In the hands of the ball "Heart", in a circle to the music we pass it, when the music stops, whoever has the ball in his hands says a compliment to the audience.

The song "Oh mom, I fell in love" (group "Factory") children perform.

3 Competition "Broken hearts".

We feel our loved one in our hearts. It shrinks if something bad happens to the beloved. It beats faster if a loved one gives us joy. And then there is the expression "hearts beating in unison." This means that two hearts in love begin to beat at the same pace and rhythm. They say it happens when two people find each other.
There are two boxes on the table. On one inscription "Girls", on the second - "Boys". The boxes contain halves of hearts cut out of cardboard. There are a lot of these halves - 18-20 pieces. All of them have different inconceivably curved cuts, but only one heart consists of halves, suitable friend cut friend. One half of it is in the "Girls" box, and the other half is in the "Boys" box. This is the heart, both halves of which fit each other along the cut, and the participants need to find it. The young men stand on one side of the table, next to their box. The girls are on the other side, next to theirs. On command, they unanimously begin to pull the halves out of their boxes and try them on with each other: one of the “girlish” halves must match one of the “boyish” ones. You have to go through quite a few options before you find two halves that match in cut. The couple that finds such a heart, which after connection will be whole, is declared the winner of the competition. The winners receive a heart.
Now our participants know what one heart for two is.

The song "Light the lights" (group "Factory") children perform.

4 Competition "He and She".

Each of you is given a half of a heart, on which one name of the heroes is written. It is necessary to find your partner as soon as possible, whoever completes the task first gets a heart.
(Master Margarita, Eugene - Tatiana, Kai - Gerda, Ruslan - Lyudmila, Juliet-Romeo, Agutin - Varum, Peter - Fevronia, Pierrot - Malvina, Tarzan - Natasha, Chatsky - Sophia).

5 Competition "Dance".

Six centuries have passed, but the holiday of St. Valentine's Day lives and will live forever. As long as people live, love lives.
How many dances there are in the world!
Just make sure you choose them!
There are also new items on the horizon.
So let's dance!

Music sounds, holding the balls - hearts with your foreheads, you dance. The hands should be clasped behind the back. If within a minute the couple manages to keep the ball without dropping it, they win and receive a prize.

Song "Lyolik" (group "Factory") children perform

6 Competition "Feed your loved one."

Children are divided into pairs. Each has a boy and a girl. In front of each couple, a few meters away, there are plates of ice cream. The task of the girls is to take a spoon, scoop up ice cream and, taking the spoon by the handle with their lips, carefully return to their partner and feed him without letting the spoon out of his mouth. The first couple to eat ice cream wins and gets hearts.

7 Competition "Let's go in pairs."

The girls guide the boys through the barriers with their eyes closed. The winning couple receives hearts.

8 Competition "Culinary".

And now we offer the guys to become culinary specialists for some time. I will call the pairs in turn the names of the products, and you should quickly determine what kind they are (meat, poultry, fish, drink, vegetable, fruit, etc.). For each correct answer, the participant receives a heart.
1. Artichoke (vegetable)
2. Carp (fish)
3. Pistachios (nuts)
4. Lingonberry (berry)
5. Persimmon (fruit)
6. Gobies (fish)
7. Cherry (berry)
8. Watermelon (berry)
9. Coconut (nut)
10. Kiwi (fruit)
11. Kvass (drink)
12. Blueberry (berry)
13. Parsnip (vegetable)
14. Melon (vegetable)
15. Mullet (fish)
16. Parsley (vegetable)
17. Cheddar (cheese)
18. Kohlrabi (vegetable)
19. Rice (groats)
20. Koumiss (drink)
21. Hazel grouse (bird).

Song "Valentine's Day" (F. Kirkorov) children perform.

9 Competition "Guess the subject."

For each item you guessed 1 heart.
1. Aircraft (balloon)
2. Talisman from the evil eye (pin)
3. Woodworking machine (sharpener)
4. Money saver (penny)
5. Calcium cubes without "Orbit" (chalk)
6. Table lamp "Retro" (candle)
7. Black Gold Package (pepper)
8. Means for "warming up" (mustard plaster).

10 "Remember each other."

The contestants of each pair stand with their backs to each other. After that, each of them is asked five questions about the partner's appearance (eye color, clothing, number of buttons on the shirt, the presence of earrings and other jewelry, the presence of watches, etc.). The pair that will do the best in this task will receive hearts.

11 Competition for the best Valentine.(jury)
Children make their own valentines in advance. At the festival, the results of the competition are summed up, the winners are awarded prizes.
We thank our contestants for participating in the program, the jury for their support and good mood. Our event is coming to an end, and while the jury is doing its hard work of determining the winners (the number of hearts for each participant is counted), we invite you to dance.
So our holiday has come to an end. dedicated to the day Saint Valentine's.
We gave everyone present a good mood, but that's not all! It's time to give each other gifts, present certificates and say nice words whoever you like. Let love dwell in your hearts. May this holiday bring sincere and bright feelings, kindness, understanding and love to relatives, friends and relatives. Be happy!
See you soon!

Competition goals:

  • To broaden the horizons of students, to acquaint them with the origin and traditions of the new holiday;
  • To develop the emotional-sensory sphere of the personality, to form a benevolent attitude of high school students towards each other;
  • To cultivate a sense of love for the Motherland, parents, loved ones, a sense of mutual assistance to others.

Host: Good evening!

Host: Hello!

Host: Tonight we dedicate the eternal theme - love!

Host: And we have a wonderful reason for this. It's Valentine's Day!

Host: In America and Europe, this holiday has long been celebrated on February 14th. And the origin of the holiday is associated with a romantic story:

Presenter: In the 3rd century AD, the priest Valentine lived in the Roman city of Ternia. Emperor Claudius commanded the troops of the legionnaires. To preserve the military spirit, Emperor Claudius issued a decree forbidding legionnaires to marry.

Presenter: The young priest Valentine, not afraid of the imperial wrath, continued to secretly marry the legionnaires in love.

Presenter: Having learned about "illegal marriages", the emperor ordered the priest to be imprisoned and then executed.

Host: In prison, Valentine fell in love with the jailer's blind daughter and healed her. On the night before the execution, he sent the girl a farewell note filled with love and tenderness with the brief phrase "from Valentine." Hence - and postcards "valentines"; and the holiday itself - February 14 - the date of the execution of the priest, who was not forgotten and was chosen as the patron of all lovers.

Presenter: Saint Valentine keeps from troubles those who are close friends and loves, helps all those in love.

Leading: On this day, girls are allowed to confess their love, and young men receive gifts and, depending on their quality and quantity, they will find out how they are treated.

Presenter: Of course, love is different: we love parents, best friend, teacher, pop singer. We fall in love and want to know - what is love?

Host: An ancient philosopher said: "The attraction of the soul generates friendship, the attraction of the mind generates respect, the attraction of the body generates passion. The combination of these three attractions is love."

Presenter: So we will try to talk about the sources of the greatest feeling, we start our game "Love can be different:"

Moderator: Our participants will be evaluated by a jury consisting of ____

Presenter: The most charming, most attractive and charming girls are invited to the stage. This_________

Leading: Meet no less charming, irreplaceable half of the 10th grade - young men! This_____________________

Presenter: Among those feelings that we all know about, love is the most beautiful of all.

Falling in love, we are kinder and suffer.

And we believe, burning ourselves, again and again.

In it open without any pretense,

But as always, it all starts with an introduction:

Moderator: "Acquaintance" is our first contest. Each participant is given 1-2 minutes for you to introduce yourself, and we get to know each other.

(Introduction of the participants, the jury evaluates the participants)

Presenter: In the meantime, the jury sums up the results of the first competition, your attention is a dance performed by the dance studio "Edelweiss"

Host: The next competition is "Understand me without words."

Young men draw cards with an invitation to the theater, cinema, concert, library, restaurant, disco.

Presenter: After reading the task, the young man must show without words, only with gestures and facial expressions, where he invites her. The girl replies, as she understood the young man.

(The host after each invitation reads out the task, the jury evaluates the participants)

Moderator: It so happened that women first of all appreciate intelligence in men. And now our participants will have to demonstrate intelligence and intuition. Questions to each participant in turn, 10 seconds for reflection.

What is the name of the first female pilot? (Baba Yaga)

What does a machine gun and a camera have? (Gate)

Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Better with a spoon)

In which troops did Uncle Styopa serve? (in the morphology)

In which month do people talk the least? (In February)

Presenter: The jury sums up the results of this competition, and we invite girls to the stage. Everyone knows that every lady in ancient times had her own knight. You have to name the name of the man associated with the lady, who will be called by the presenter.

  • Juliet - (Romeo)
  • Josephine - (Napoleon)
  • Tatyana Larina - (Eugene Onegin)
  • Natasha Rostova - (Andrey Bolkonsky)
  • Dulcinea - (Don Quixote)

(The jury evaluates the participants)

Host: And we are starting the 4th competition. On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give souvenirs, cards, sweets. So our guys will treat the girls with sweets.

Presenter: And for this they need to quickly unwrap the candy with two forks and treat the girl you like best.

Host: Success will depend on your speed and agility.

Love is not expected, you have to go to love,
How to get to the top, get out, climb.
To find your soul mate
Even playing, you have to try!

Moderator: The next contest is "Broken Heart". You will be given envelopes containing fragments of a broken heart. Your task is to collect as quickly as possible broken heart into a whole.

Presenter: While the jury is summing up the results of this competition, listen to the song performed by _______________________.

In the heart of love then only be
When they let her in.
- And how to treat the broken ones?
- For this they are revived!

Presenter: The contest "Revive the heart" is that couples must draw a heart, only this must be done with the left hand.

Leading: Couples stand sideways in front of each other, draw only the face of the heart with their left hand, doing this as quickly as possible.

(The jury sums up the results of this competition)

Presenter: Love can be different: happy and bitter, mutual and unrequited, love-joy and love-suffering: But real love always elevates a person, makes him better. A person cannot live without love, love keeps us from birth to last day. We love our homeland, friends, neighbors, relatives:

Leading: Let this feeling accompany each of us through life!

Host: And we are summing up the results of our competition. Jury word.

(The winner is the participants with the most points. Rewarding)

This day is special, beautiful,
When all hearts are open to love,
Our efforts, believe me, are not in vain,
To open talents to the end.
Whoever loves will not lose his heart:
Love calls, leads and inspires!

Presenter: Our holiday is over, see you soon!