Wedding scenarios for hosts full detailed. Wedding scenario "happy flight"

Wedding scenario.

A new family has arrived
And they are not happier today.
I invite them to the hall to the guests,
We welcome young people.

Young people come in.

Dear newlyweds! A rainbow on a wedding day has always been a harbinger of happiness, kindness, prosperity.
We salute the bride and groom,
We wish you good luck on your journey!
Under the rainbow of family happiness, we ask
You young people go through!
May it encourage and give you hope
Each color will protect from evil.
And let every color become your favorite,
Good brings you a hundred years.

RED. Let love intoxicate you with red wine,
The tenderness of scarlet roses.
And tirelessly warms the blood
Even in bitter cold.

PINK. So that you do not get tired of life,
So that the sparkle does not fade in the eyes,
Take a minute and take a peek
In your pink dreams.

GREEN. May the freshness of spring not leave you,
Let the nightingale sing to you.
Let in your hearts, scattering with flowers,
Spring lives forever.

YELLOW. Yellow will warm you with a sunny color,
Hastens to give you warmth.
And you will only be left with a little
It's warm to keep.

BLUE. peace over head
Gives you blue
So that your children grow up carefree,
Peacefully under the roof of the native.

VIOLET. The color purple is an eternal mystery,
It beckons with its mystery.
You are a constant secret to each other
And a permanent magnet.

WHITE. The color of nobility, purity of relationships,
White is today's color.
May you be able to keep it
For many decades.

Throw up the champagne
For the happiness of the young
Fill them with radiance
Sparkling, golden!


Expensive _________________________________________.
I ask you to drink this glass alone for two as a sign that from now on you will share all sorrows and joys in half.


So be it, let no evil dare,
Enter your home and stand at the head.
May happiness bring to your house
The bread that is baked with love.

We always meet the young with a baked loaf,
You try his piece of your happiness.
For joy and happiness for many years, accept the blessing of your parents.
Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and season with salt. You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt more!
Now swap pieces.
And now the way for the couple -
May only happiness await in life!
Come on, hurry up!
The wedding feast is calling you!
The guests are seated
Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long process. Choose a more cheerful neighbor, but a prettier neighbor. Men - closer to a snack, women - to a drink.
Attention! 3 times. At the wedding, every fifth commander. Count in numerical order!
Well done! Get up! You are the commanders of festive feasts, your duties include: pour, pour, do not forget your neighbors and do not dress yourself.
Dear guests! We have all gathered here today, at this festive table, the most honored, most beloved holiday in Rus'. His name is wedding! So let's start our wedding.
Let the warmest, most cordial words be addressed to the bride and groom.
Let the wedding "Bitter" sound louder than a thousand fireworks!
It's time for us to drink
To the newlyweds, a friendly "Hurray"!
And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear the explosive anniversary fireworks!
Well, the guests stood up together,
The glasses were cheerfully raised,
Let's wish them much happiness
Let's say "Congratulations" three times!
Our first toast, friends, for our couple,
For the happiness and love of these eyes!
And we will drink only then,
When the mouths merge together.


So that they were full of happiness,
Drain the glasses to the bottom!


Dear guests! Dear fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts and uncles!
Friends and girlfriends and other friends!
Greetings to everyone who came, flew in and just got there,
And he found his place at the table!
Today at the table are the most devoted and dear people of the young family, therefore, let me address you - “Dear friends!”

From ancient times, from forgotten legends
The wedding ceremony comes to us -
On the hands, as a sign of boundless love
Wedding rings are on fire.

And teardrops shine on the eyelashes
Mothers crying with happiness
Pride in the faces of fathers
For the fate of their big children.

And wish happiness to the newlyweds
Old and new friends
And we are sure that the marriage is successful,
Far and near relatives.

So raise your drunken cup
For the union of two loving hearts,
For their pure, holy love,
For the radiance of golden rings.

Now, bon appetit everyone!
By the way, ladies! If you are afraid to break the diet, drink another 50 grams, they are sure to dull the feeling of fear.


BE READY! (for guests)
Dear guests, are you ready for the wedding?

We, friends, are together today
Let's say a lot of kind words
To the groom, his bride... Be ready!..

We congratulate the young
We have fun again and again.
Let's dance, let's play. Be ready!..

And part with gifts
Sparing no wallets
And walk up to the glory, Be ready ...

Get ready to sing songs loudly
Spare no voices
And shout more often "Bitterly" !,
Be ready!..
And I recall some features of the wedding evening!

1. Friends are known in food! Ate by myself, feed a neighbor!

2. A quickly drunk glass is not considered poured. Drink less, but more!

3. Grabbed by the chest - say something! Each of you can congratulate the newlyweds in person, cash and non-cash!

4. A large glass of mouth rejoices! As people say - the soul is the measure, if only there was a peaceful atmosphere!

5. Only steal a bride once! For the second - a fine of 25 thousand rubles!

6. The chairs of the newlyweds today have a special magic! Whoever sits on them will not fall into crisis. But remember! Magic is a great thing, but not free! Sat on a chair - pay money! Dachshund - 500 rubles!

7. Dear guests! Be nails! The highlight of our wedding program!
Sing, dance, play, get prizes as a keepsake!
In a word, easy in fun, hard in a hangover!
All good mood and sweet alcohol intoxication!
wedding report

KALEIDOSCOPE. (acquaintance game)

Dear friends! let me introduce myself
Those who are in charge of the wedding.
I'll start with myself, my name is Natalia.
I will lead the entire wedding program.
And my partner is known to all Gubakha.
_____________________ is our best DJ!

We give ovations to the first ladies,
What is the bride and groom - mothers!
Let the young dads get up
we applaud for them.

In a kaleidoscope family motley
Newlywed sisters fit in!

And you have to give it your due
Who are the bride and groom brothers!

Not for fame, for honor
Newlyweds stand uncle!

And we don't mind welcoming
If the newlyweds will rise aunts!

Let's play together ok
We are beloved grandmother!

Let them stand up to be seen
Established family witnesses!

Do we have godparents?
We applaud them now.

We would like to see more
Nephews of the newlyweds!

I'll just say, without further ado:
Applause - for friends!

And there are among you, please answer,
Heroes of celebration neighbors?

Let's clap our hands
For all the guests, good for you!


And I want to check whose half of the table is the loudest, the most friendly.
GAME "For this you need to drink"
- The wedding is already in full swing,
Let's start the fun.
- Today we have a holiday,
We all know about it.
- Praises addressed to you,
We compose in chorus.
- With love to the young,
We give gifts.
- Happy days, patience,
We wish you more.
- Come to the golden
We wish you a wedding.
And now I propose to find out who came to the wedding for what purpose.
Dear guests, guess any odd number from 1 to 9. Guessed?
1 - these are the guests who came to show themselves.
3 - these guests came to give gifts
5 - find a new sexual partner
7 - came to drink and eat
9 - and it was just boring to sit at home.


Dear our guests!
I suggest you slightly open the veil of the future. Let's try to find out what awaits each of us on this anniversary, and tomorrow we will check your forecast.
1. Most of all will sing
2. Dance
3. Drink
4. Give number 5 shoes
6. Will gladly give number 7
8. The most beautiful
9. The most smiling
10. The hungriest
11. The loudest will shout "Congratulations"
12. Eats everything that is left
13. Shake hands with everyone present
14. At 22.00 he will fall asleep
15. Will wake up at 22.30
16. Now kiss the neighbor on the left
17. Kiss the neighbor on the right
18. Kiss a neighbor on both the left and right
19. Shake hands with everyone present after 2 hours
20. Will lend without return
21. Tomorrow will invite everyone to improve their health
22. Will come to him with a case of beer
23. Now he will drink to the health of all those present
24. Kiss the hero of the day
25. The most incendiary
26. After the feast they will carry home
27. After 3 hours, he will say that he is cool
28. After 2.5 hours, he will say that he sneezed at everyone
29. After 3 hours, he won’t say anything
30. Give everyone a belly dance
31. Today most of all will smoke
32. Not one will go home
33. Will be a super star today.
Us plus minus 32.
Is everyone ready for the toast?
There is no reason for concern.
All men agree.
Well, women in response
Do you have vodka in your glasses?
Everyone is ready for the toast
The guests are there.
Bitterly! Groom and bride!


If there is a veil on her, she called the guests.
He sits in a place of honor
So, her name is BRIDE

If the boy is at the parade,
In your best holiday attire.
But has a timid look
But he doesn't look at girls
Only one got quiet
So, to call him ... GROOM!

Take a look, guests, at the red place!
Look where the bride and groom are!

She is smart, and a prankster, and just a beautiful girl,
The whole meat processing plant is very proud of her.

And he's a guy, young and smart.
He's in perfect order.
And the whole Metastroy is pleased with them,
He deserves our beauty.
Both are young guys
The lips of our children are dear.
And today they have united, united in one family.
And fate brought them together for a reason.
Lena and Andrey are the best couple!
And young people at the wedding can’t really eat or drink!
And now a mini-exam is announced for them!


Husband questions:
1. How will you peel the potatoes?
But in vain. Better than an electric razor. The thin cut and pre-massage give it an irreplaceable taste.
2. Do you drink coffee in the morning?
Right! The one who drinks coffee in the morning does not get tired all day ... help his wife with the housework.
3. Will there be a division of labor in your family or will you do everything together?
Right! Take on the honorable mission of earning money, and leave the less noble, but necessary one - to spend it - to your wife.
4. Can you: compare your wife to a musical instrument?
Yes, the wife is not a harp, after playing - you can’t hang it on your back.

For wife:
1. What do you like more: bread or cake?
Strive for your husband to be bread, not cake. The cake is delicious, but gets boring quickly. However, remember that man is not fed with bread alone.
2. Will you always tell your husband the truth?
Right! Be moderately truthful and do not demand more from your husband, as they say - the truth is good, but happiness is better.
3. Will you always tell your husband the price of the things you bought?
Right! The husband does not need to know the true price. This will save his nervous system from shocks.
4. Will you always obey your husband?
Right! Cross the street where your husband wants, but take him where you want.

She was a bride, she became a wife,
And took possession of such an eagle,
Ringed, confused,
Well, serve him right, serve him right
And he noticed a swan,
Did not miss her, predator, beast,
I know the husband will be friendly with his wife,
What is left for him now.
Live together, newlyweds,
Improve your nest
Bring forth princesses and champions,
And we all drink together for you!


Traffic jam - a big booze awaits at the holiday
Candy - there will be an unusually tasty treat
Chewing gum - the holiday will be very long
Matches - the holiday will be full of bright moments and incendiary entertainment
Condom - the guest will be sexually preoccupied
Now let's greet each other.
Let's cheer up.
We raised our hands together
Waved with the right hand.

Well, the left hand goes down while
On the knee. Not yours, but your neighbor's.

Right hand hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We embrace indecently.
Did you like it? Great!

Swayed left, right.
You're doing great, bravo!

Pulled up all the stomach,
We move our hands forward.

Low - low everyone bent down,
Unbent, stretched.

Everyone stroked their belly
Smiled all over.

We will push the neighbor
And lightly pinch.
Have you lifted your spirits?
We played great.

Now good people
Clap your hands together!

Let's shout "Congratulations" to the newlyweds!
And we raise our glasses again!
And again applause to our young people!
In love and wonderful! And the most expensive!

We wish you a happy life
So be happy friends!
Now let's check the capacity of the hall
Shout to the young "Hurrah!"

Let the wine sparkle in the glass
Let the blood play in your veins.
Let us be bitter, let us be sweet,
You - advice, but love!
We wish the newlyweds happiness
And shout "Congratulations" three times!

So that the wine does not make the guests bitter,
It needs to be sweetened.
And the newlyweds kiss so much
As long as they ask for it!

Bitterly! Bitterly! Bitterly!

Well, the newlyweds are kissing, and everyone else is sitting and licking their lips!
Let's fix this mess! After all, today is the universal day of love!


Let's fill our glasses again
And together let's drink to LOVE!


But here our wedding noise subsides,
It's time to get up from the tables
After all, the sounds of beautiful music
We are invited to dance.
But the first dance will be theirs,
Lovers, dear ones.


Guests, we can’t sit indefinitely,


Today you can not be sad and gloomy!
Today should be light and bright.
And if Andrei married Lena,
So he's the luckiest of all.

In a life where there are many and doubts,
Only the one who knows how to love is happy.
You can live without wealth and money,
But without love it is impossible to live.

Today you can not be sadly jealous!
To hell with separation, betrayal and evil.
And if Elena goes for Andrey,
So she's the luckiest of all!


Today is a special day for young people
From now on, they will go the same way.
Go about the first wedding without regret
And on the way meeting anniversaries.
I would like to wish young people
More than once they celebrate a wedding together,
But know wedding anniversaries
They have their names.

Let's tell these two lovers
What is the wedding day today? GREEN
And in a year? calico
And in five? WOODEN
And after ten? PINK
What about 25? SILVER
Every wedding has its time
Who will be honored here
To be generals at these weddings?
To find out I ask you all
Do not be lazy, in their places
Find treasured hearts.
Take a closer look at the chairs
Found hearts, come out!

Here are the generals before you,
And who what you look.
And I want to ask you:
"Ready to have a wedding?"
Entertain guests with toasts
Sing and of course dance
Are you ready to pass the test?
I have a task for you.
Sing a song for us
Let's see who is the best among you.
There is nothing better in the world
Than to walk now at this wedding!
How beautiful the bride and groom are!
We wish them a happy life!

Your guests are cheerful, not drunk,
Guys are remote giants,
Russian beauties girls,
So let's sing and have fun.
May your life be as full of joy as this glass! So let's drink it to the bottom!


A wonderful event happened today - on our good blue planet
a new family was born!
Two more hearts joined together!
Two more people found each other!
Let's wish: Elena and Andrey in this happiest for
their day - endless love, tenderness for each other, mutual understanding!
And let the sun shine brighter today. May this October day
will be the beginning of creating a strong and friendly family!
We are happy to congratulate the young!
There is no better couple in the world!
Live happily and richly
Not 100, but 200 years!
Let in the many years of noise of life
All louder - the voices of children!
May the door always be open
For both family and friends!
Meet difficulties you steadfastly
And win them always!
Let them shout to you today<Горько!>
Like no one ever!
Bow to the guests of the glorious bride!

So that our beautiful bride
You were able to enjoy.
And now you only need

Everyone whom the groom greeted,
Please get up from your seats
Groom to the best
You were able to enjoy.
And now you only need
Shout "Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Who wishes the couple happiness
Please get up from your seats
To the bride and groom
You could admire.
And now we only ask
Shout "Bitter! Bitterly! Bitterly!"

Well, guests, do not be stingy!
Share your generosity!
Our royal wedding sparkles brightly!
It's time for you to give gifts!

Treasures are allowed to open!
There are so many treasures that it is not counted!
Treasures - heartfelt words,
Their head is spinning!

For you, newlyweds, everything for you!
Raise the glass higher
Yes, wish young people happiness!
We start the show
Wedding gifts!
Presentation of gifts
A new house is being created
The house is big from small.
It's built brick by brick
Yes, stronger, isn't it?
How will construction go?
Never seen
It all depends very much on
Builders skills.
Here you go, friends
The path unbeaten,
Hello new family
New story!
Here's a new album for you
Imprint in it
And look later
Everything you can.
It's fun to walk together
bright spaces,
Start creating
New history.


Dear Andrey and Elena! You will hear a lot of good words addressed to you today, but I suggest you find out who and for what purpose actually came to your wedding.

1. I did not want to cook dinner at home.
2. They wept and begged me for it.
3. I simply had no other choice.
4. For me, they are the dearest and most beloved people on Earth.
5. Tomorrow I want to borrow money from them.
6. I have long dreamed of having a brotherhood drink with them.
7. I promised them that I would never reveal this secret.
8. I have long dreamed of talking to them in an informal setting.
9. Today I have nowhere to sleep.
10. They have so many tasty things here!
11. Without me, this holiday would not have taken place.
12. It is impossible to resist the charm of the groom.
13. They promised me an unforgettable evening.
14. I really want to invite all their relatives to my birthday.
15. I promised them that after the guests left, I would wash all the dishes for them.
16. Today I decoded.
17. Hiding from the police.
18. I need an alibi for my wife.
19. I secretly love the bride.
20. The groom is a magnificent man.
21. I want to find a new sexual partner.
22. They are the most reliable friends.
23. They always have fun.
24. I want to find new friends.
25. I really wanted to drink vodka.
26. I'm tired of being alone.
27. I have long wanted to show my new outfit.
28. The groom is the wisest man in Gubakha.
29. I want to kiss a beautiful bride.
30. I haven't sung drinking songs for a long time.


Comic test "You are like a beast".

Affectionate like...
Strong like...
Protective like...
Authoritative as...
Independent as...
Smiling like...
Neat as...
Loving like...
Bold as...
Handsome as...
In transportation, like...
With relatives...
With work colleagues...
In a shop like...
At home like...
In a cafe or restaurant…
With the boss...
In friendly company...
In bed like...
In the doctor's office...

Let life be like the blue sky
Will pour light into the house,
What are you beautiful -
Bride with groom.

We will drink to the bottom -
Was, oh, was not -
For the white swan
For the glorious eagle!

For your happiness with splashes,
For joy over the edge
For devotion, for sincerity,
For your family paradise.

For a little third
We will drink with a dream
So that we all meet together
Golden wedding!

She is an unseen beauty
He is dashing like a hussar ...
Oh how we envy you.
Bride and groom!

"Kiss the bridegroom"
Oh what a wedding
brought us together!

At the huge table
There was room for everyone
Guests: Tili-tili dough, kiss the bridegroom!

You won't find a better couple!
We'll tell you without flattery.

So live well
Friendly, honor by four!

Joys and hardships
You meet together.

And so to old age,
About two hundred years...
Guests: Tili-tili dough, kiss the bridegroom!

- Dear guests! There is such an aphorism: “Gold is tested with fire, a woman with gold, and a man with a woman!” Let's try to verify the truth of this statement.
1. Zolotko, will you give me huge bouquets of roses for every holiday?
2. Honey, can you ever believe that “wife on the couch is gold in your pocket?”
3. Darling, would you like to become a gold digger in the future?
4. When buying a gold ring, can you decide to give it to the first person you meet?
1. I secretly dream about it.
2. You can't figure it out without a bottle.
3. It can only happen.
4. Easy! But then blame yourself...
- Thank you! God forbid that your family always had answers to all questions, and gold was not a stumbling block.
Poems are good
And the music is better
Isn't it time for us to dance and sing,
Show yourself, look at others.
dance break
If two people love
They already went to the registry office,
This couple, friends, is called FAMILY.
If after the wedding immediately
She is in tears, he threw a vase,
It's, well, who guessed it?
It's called SCANDAL.
Though you are mutually loved,
And forever you are one
Your union, one way or another
They call it MARRIAGE.
If suddenly a dream came true:
Next to the tie and veil,
If guests are waiting at the estate,
So this is your WEDDING.
If you don't get through the house,
There is always someone on the way
You don't have to guess, come on
GUESTS are waiting for you today at home.
Dear guests!
I hope that in any difficult moment you will come to the aid of this couple, because family life is not only happy serenity, but also a piercing wind of misunderstanding, bitterness and tears.
So that our young people do not have to deal with it alone, I suggest that the whole world pile on. Each sip and our young will get less bitterness and tears.
I propose to raise glasses to the young,
For their parents and relatives,
For relatives and friends
Let's have a quick drink.
But before drinking wine,
We need to sweeten it up.
Do not do it ourselves -
Let's leave it to the young!


Well, the newlyweds are kissing, and everyone else is sitting and licking their lips. Let's fix this mess. After all, today is the universal day of love.
If you think that our kissing games are over, then you are wrong.
Who got married in the summer, get up and do not indulge,

Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in the fall, get up and do not indulge,
And publicly wifey, kiss hard!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who married winter, get up and do not indulge!
And publicly wife, you kiss hard!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!

Who got married in the spring, get up and do not indulge!
And publicly wifey, kiss hard!
Bitterly! Bitterly!! Bitterly!!!
Attention! Auction!
The only lot is running today.
Exclusive prize from the young!
Who wants to buy?
The starting price is 50 rubles.
A congratulatory card has come to our young people.
Did you drink for the young?
Did you drink for your parents?
To become closer and closer to everyone, let's drink for the guests!
"Vodka, beer, cognac"
"Music track"
Guests, we can’t sit indefinitely,
It's time to stretch your limbs!
dance break
Choral game "It's Me!"

Which one of you is ready now
Howling a glass to the brim?

Which one of you has a cheerful song
Enchant us all together?

Which one of you, brothers,
Will you undress for the dance?

Which of you is in a new suit
So much like Casanova?
Which one of you, open-mouthed,
Tell a joke here?

Which one of you, tell me, brothers,
Will it lie under the table?

Who is behind a smart conversation
Drink a glass from a neighbor?

Which one of you, tell me, brothers,
Will you get a hangover tomorrow?

When you wake up at early dawn,
Already alone, already together
And remember the cries of "Bitter"!
At this wedding table.
When in embarrassment alley
The sun peeks through the window
You will become clear clearer
That both of you are already one.
May the joy of this moment
Will go through your whole life
So that happiness is not exchangeable
On copper random little things.
So that no parting
Didn't stop you from saving
All the freshness of the first date,
All the tenderness of your first meetings.



The men lead the ball with their feet, serpentine between the ladies. Passing by a lady, she must be kissed. Who is faster.
"Newspaper passions"
Couples. Newspaper sheets are sandwiched between the bellies in an unfolded form. Task: with the help of body movements, crumple paper for a certain. time. Whose lump will be the smallest, he won.

The groom in front of the registry office, everyone knows
He gives flowers to his bride.
And our bride has
A bouquet that does not look away!
But in order to become a wife forever,
It is necessary to part with the bouquet,
Yes, it would be interesting to know
Who will be the next bride.
Now we know the answer
Who will get the bouquet?
So go out, girlfriends,
But only those who are unmarried!

So, the girlish system is ready,
Throw the bouquet, bride, yours!
The bride throws a bouquet
Guests! We have a reason
Reach out to men:
Middle-aged or young
Come out who's single.

And we know at the same moment
Who will be the next groom.
It remains to wait quite a bit.
Take the bandage off your pretty leg.

And here comes the denouement.
Who will get the garter?
Quit, groom, but don't be cunning
And wait for the command: one, two, three.
The groom throws the garter
wedding parable
Happiness decided to leave one house. But first, it decided to fulfill one wish of each family member. The hostess wanted a mink coat, her daughter to marry an overseas prince. And already on the threshold of happiness saw the owner and asked about his desire. I want the light of the family hearth to never go out in the house. And happiness remains to live in this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns.
From our grandfathers a custom came to us
Bring fire to the house of the newlyweds,
To ignite a welcoming and familiar
The hearth of the family is a guarantee of great love.
And so that his fire gave warmth
And the light of love and work together in life,
So that everyone in your house is warm,
And life was happy, interesting.

Scenario "Romantic wedding"

Holding a wedding is not an easy task, this scenario will help you navigate and make a holiday for the young unforgettable. The scenario is easily transformed, if desired, you can rearrange the actions in places, as well as add your own innovations.

Scenario "Wedding in Paradise"

Wedding in the style of angels in Paradise: guests and newlyweds in white clothes like angels, and only the bride and groom have halos over their heads in blue and pink. The wedding takes place in nature near the river.

Scenario of the wedding evening "Through fire and water"

A fun and entertaining program for the evening of the wedding celebration. This scenario has a simple and original content for holding a wedding banquet, in which neither the newlyweds nor the guests will be bored.

Scenario "Let me into your heart and become the joy of my days"

The scenario is intended for the ransom of the bride by the groom and the witness. Traditionally, the bridesmaid and bridesmaids prepare the ransom. This scenario is best used if the bride lives on the fifth floor. In advance, you need to decorate the entrance with balloons, flowers, ribbons, make posters with the names of the newlyweds.

Wedding in the Egyptian style "Tablets of Life"

Wedding script, in order to surprise guests; because they will be told a costumed and romantic story based on the myths of ancient Egypt; the groom's name is Abu and the bride's name is Fatima (or come up with your own rare and beautiful names)

Scenario of the ransom of the bride "And we will cure me, and we will cure you!"

There are only a few events in life that are remembered for a lifetime, one of which is a wedding. Its important stage is the ransom of the bride. There are a lot of buyout scenarios, but those that are implemented leave much to be desired in practice. And being at the seventh wedding in a year, you can observe for the third time the same process with different actors.

Scenario wedding anniversary "Silver wedding - 25 years together."

This scenario displays all the rituals that are inherent in this holiday. It is desirable to hold a celebration in the hall of a cafe or restaurant, but it is also possible to hold it at home. The scenario does not require large financial investments; relatives can lead the holiday.

Scenario for the ransom of the bride "Ariadne and Theseus"

The ransom of the bride is the first and integral part of the wedding celebration. When arranging it in an original way, remember: it should not be traumatic (not everyone, even a healthy person, will climb to the 7th floor with the help of climbing equipment), the duration should not exceed 30-40 minutes. The scenario of this ransom is new and the chance that you will see it at someone's wedding is almost zero.

Scenario for the anniversary of the silver wedding (25 years).

The twenty-fifth wedding anniversary is a significant and at the same time personal event. The celebration itself is quite an expensive pleasure, but once in a lifetime. Therefore, it is best that the closest people to the "newlyweds" - their children - take over the organization of the holiday. Even the best and most professional presenter will not be able to make the celebration more sincere. So, the script for the organizers.

Wedding scenario.

A wedding is not only the most beautiful day in the life of lovers, but also a kind of performance for guests. In order for this performance to be successful with the “spectators”, you need to prepare well.

Wedding scenario "We'll tell you everything by the stars, fortune-telling!"

The script is designed to hold a wedding in a non-standard manner for today's youth. The hosts will be an astronomer and a gypsy, for whom costumes should be prepared in advance. The scenario is designed for holding a wedding evening in a banquet hall.

Scenario "Constitution of a new family or how to officially congratulate the newlyweds?"

The script is designed to congratulate the young in an official humorous form. This congratulation can be made part of the general scenario, or it can be held at the very beginning of the evening, gradually replacing them with competitions and a dance part. In advance, you should draw up a brochure - the Constitution of the new family.

Scenario "Back to a prehistoric wedding"

Wedding in the style of prehistoric times. The guests are dressed in various animal skins, the groom - in the skin of a lion, the bride - in the skin of a lamb. The venue for the ceremony is in nature, 3 bonfires are being prepared. Covers are spread out on which guests are accommodated, and one white cover for the bride and groom, on which stands the main dish - a whole baked ram and many fruits.

Scenario for a golden wedding

The first anniversaries of living together are solemnly celebrated by a young couple. However, when the "experience" reaches eight, twelve, seventeen years, even women begin to forget about the anniversary. Few lucky people manage to live up to a silver, and even more so golden wedding, so they need to be celebrated as magnificently as possible.

Scenario for the second day of the wedding

Script for adults. The second day of the wedding, which takes place in a cafe or restaurant. The host needs to prepare in advance, think over costumes and paraphernalia. With this scenario, the second wedding day will be no less fun and memorable than the first.

Scenario for a bachelorette party at the Scarlet Flower house

Script for adults. This script is designed for a bachelorette party at home. It is not difficult to prepare, it is easy to remember. The host can be one girlfriend, or the entire scenario is distributed to the participants.

The script for the ransom of the bride in verse

This bride price scenario is perfect for brides, who can be safely called Cinderella (hard-working, charming, kind) and their suitors - beautiful princes with a refined soul capable of loving and being faithful. Such a redemption of brides will definitely appeal to those who believe in a good fairy tale of love...

Scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster "Wedding without a toastmaster - no problem!"

A wedding is a touching event that remains in the memory of not only the heroes of the occasion, but also the guests present for a long time. Unfortunately, the financial situation of a young family does not always allow it to be celebrated with the desired glamor.

Scenario of a wedding in a narrow circle of friends "Wedding in a hostel"

An ideal wedding scenario for people with temporary financial difficulties, which involves holding an event in a narrow circle of only the closest friends. Minimum cost in the original version. The venue for the holiday can be an apartment rented for several days, a small cafe or the parents' house.

Scenario wedding in nature “Ruslan and Lyudmila. Loving Hearts»

In the warm season, it is so romantic to arrange a wedding in the fresh air. Unity with nature and the original staging will give the celebration a special flavor, and natural scenery will not only be a great place for an event, but also a spectacular backdrop for your photos. Food in the fresh air will seem tastier, drinks - stronger, and kisses - sweeter.

A cool scenario for the ransom of the bride "Oriental Tales"

A flirtatious ransom scenario in verses with a touch of oriental flavor from the first minutes will charge the wedding participants with positive emotions. Game actions last 40-45 minutes, during which the groom will be liberated, and the bride will have time to fully prepare.

Cool scenario for the ransom of the bride "Once Upon a Time"

The script is designed for both a themed wedding and a simple one. In our case, a fabulous wedding. The duration takes up to 30 minutes. The bridesmaids, the groom and the groom's friends participate.

The scenario of the wedding at home "All to the ball!"

A wedding is always an exciting event that brings together not only lovers, but also their families. In order to create a holiday of your dreams, it is not necessary to throw out huge amounts of money, order a concert hall, the best restaurant, etc., everything can be organized at home.

Scenario of a golden wedding at home "Here comes the gold"

A wedding anniversary is not just another family holiday, it is a kind of a certain stage in a relationship that allows you to once again confirm the depth of feelings. The family has always been considered a single mechanism, one cohesive system, experiencing together any ups and downs.

Comic congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of cool gifts

Congratulations should always be considered. Buy a gift in advance, learn a toast. And what if a banal congratulation is turned into a joke, and the mood is good, and pleasant memories in one set. To please the bride and groom, just look into our section of comic congratulations on the wedding, find the right option and you can safely give emotions.

The scenario of the ransom of the bride in a private house "Seven Keys"

Your attention is presented to the scenario of the ransom of the bride in a private house. Here you will find interesting tasks, funny contests and beautiful poems. The bride price should be memorable, positive and funny. This scenario is designed for a one-story house.

We have prepared a scenario for a wedding for a toastmaster with interesting and fun contests for you in this article.

According to tradition, after the marriage is registered at the registry office, all memorable places and objects in the city are visited, flowers are laid and the photo session is over, the young people, their parents and guests are already waiting for the festive table. It used to be so, but the modern holiday is not complete without comic toasts, songs, jokes and contests. And in order for everything to go like clockwork, they trust a professional to manage the holiday. The master of ceremonies keeps the mood of the guests at the proper level all evening, for this he always has at hand his main tool - the word!

We meet the young

Here the young people approach the entrance through a long corridor of numerous relatives and friends. They shower them with rose petals, coins and rice.

Here is grain for you!

It will bring happiness!

Here are the rubles under your feet!

So that the purses do not empty!

Showered with rose petals

So that you live without grief and tears!

The passage is blocked with a red tape:

The ribbon is tied here for a reason,

In bachelor life will close the gates.

Show me your pass and we'll open it.

Young people show a certificate of marriage registration.

Dear our guests,

We invite you to the table.

Relax, we ask you

Do not crowd you in the corner!

Ceremonial part of the feast

The guests take their places at the table, and the toastmaster invites you to fill the glasses for the first toast.

- Dear guests! While your glasses are being filled, a little weather forecast for our magical evening. So, according to forecasts, the average temperature in crystal glasses is about 29 degrees, the friendly atmosphere is warm and cozy. A strong storm of joyful emotions is expected, accompanied by an endless downpour of alcohol. At night, forecasters promise heavy fog in the head, but by the middle of the next day the fog will dissipate.

Poured? I propose to drink so that in the life of our young people there will always be complete calm, peace and quiet, and God's Grace!

After the first toast, the toastmaster addresses the guests:

‒ Surely, our guests would like to know more about our young ones. They agreed to help us in this matter and answered questions. Now I will read them to you.

The bride and groom must write in advance on separate sheets of paper 6-7 names of animals or birds. The host takes turns reading the answers of the bride and groom.

‒ This is what our bride says about her betrothed:

  1. Handsome as ______________
  2. Smart as _______________
  3. Affectionate as ______________
  4. Hardworking as __________
  5. In bed like ____________
  6. Caring as ____________
  7. Affectionate as ______________

‒ So let's raise our glasses to such a wonderful young family, where our young people will live in peace and harmony, so affectionate and caring, and most importantly, very kind to each other!

Tribute to parents

‒ A lot of guests have gathered in our beautiful hall today. But the most important and dear people to our young people are their parents. If not for them, there would not be such a solemn holiday, for which we all gathered. Stand up, newlyweds, and bow at the feet of your parents. And you, parents, bless your children.

Parents and spouses prepare congratulations and words of gratitude in advance.

Competitive part

After the solemn part is over, the toastmaster offers to move on to the competition. Not all guests from the side of the bride and groom are familiar with each other. They need to be rallied and liberated. One of these competitions can be a question and answer game. The toastmaster prepares notes with questions and notes with answers to them in advance. Each guest takes one note with a question and an answer. The toastmaster first asks the guest a question, he answers and asks the neighbor on the right (or left). The neighbor also reads his answer from a piece of paper, and he asks the next guest a question. Of course, the answers will be out of place, but this is what the competition is designed for.

Sample questions and answers:

  • Are you often aggressive? No, only if I get drunk;
  • Are you jealous? You better know;
  • Do you like to have conversations with strangers? Yes, especially with cognac;
  • Have you ever woken up in a bed other than yours? Everything is possible, I do not remember;
  • Are you here today exclusively to eat and drink? No doubt it is;
  • Do you often drink much more than your norm? Every Friday;
  • How do you feel about the institution of marriage? Definitely good;
  • “What does a woman want” is a mystery question for you? I don't know myself;
  • Are we ready to do crazy things? Need to try;
  • Do you know how to dance private dances? Only to applause.

The competition turned out to be fun, the guests laughed, relaxed, but were already tired of sitting at the tables. Tamada invites to entertainment events, with song contests, ditties. You can divide the guests into teams and offer to continue the beginning of ditties. Then a representative of each team comes out and sings what happened. For a small company, this will not be difficult.

Examples of the beginning of ditties:

We have fun at the wedding

We don't sit, we move.

And the bride is beautiful

lowers his eyes.

The groom is so good

He is both stately and handsome.

Video on the topic of the article:

Greeting the guests, the host thanks them for accepting the invitation, introduces himself and informs everyone about the order of the wedding. Then he asks the guests to line up in a living corridor, holding bouquets of flowers over their heads; at certain intervals, he hands guests multi-colored ribbons of one and a half meters in length. Guests must pull these ribbons.
Immediately outside the entrance doors of the hall, the presenter spreads three decorative paper tracks on the floor. On one is written "Matriarchy", on the other - "Patriarchy", on the third - "Council and love." Tracks are laid labeled down.

Young people are coming. The host meets them.

Good afternoon, dear bride and groom, dear parents and witnesses! On behalf of all the guests, I congratulate the young people on the happiest and most joyful holiday in their lives - the holiday of love! May it last forever!
Expensive …. (calling young people by name)! Now you will pass along the honorary corridor, and the guests will gird you with colorful ribbons. May your family life sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, may it always be warm, cozy and happy! Welcome! Young people pass through a living corridor, enter the hall and stop in front of the paper paths.

Dear young people, at the beginning of your married life there are three paths before you. If you go one by one, your wife will have a husband under his heel, if you go by another, the husband will become the head of the family, if you choose the third one, peace and harmony will rule in the family. Choose your own path, your own way of life.

To the music, the young people walk along one of the paths, the host raises it and shows the inscription to all the guests. Young people sit on chairs covered with towels. Nearby are the witnesses.

And now, dear guests of the holiday of love, I ask you to prepare for the ceremony of congratulating the bride and groom.
Dear young people, they will offer you - know how to bring it up.
Dear guests, the young people ask you for a glass of wine and a glass of beer. Accept the invitation, and give the young ones: on an awl, on a soap, on a crooked spindle, on a spoon, on a bowl, on a stick, on a crusher, on potty tires ...

To the music, the guests take turns congratulating the newlyweds.
The host introduces each couple or group of guests. Witnesses help place gifts and flowers. After everyone congratulated the young, the musicians play a lyrical melody.

Leading (against background music):
I ask our young people to come to the bowl of water and perform the wedding ritual "Washing". This custom came to us from hoary antiquity. It means that the husband and wife must now divide everything in half. We ask the young people, standing on the same rug, wash their hands in one bowl and dry with one towel.

The ritual "ablution" is performed.

From now on, you have everything in common. You have to walk the same road all your life, supporting each other ... And now I invite the heroes of our occasion, respected witnesses and parents to take their places at the central wedding table.

(after the young ones, their parents and witnesses took their places:
Dear guests! Our young people ask you for a festive table: eat bread - salt, break up a loaf, on bread - salt and on a kind word, because the hut is red with corners, and the wedding is with pies! The guests are seated at the tables.


I ask guests to prepare for the first wedding toast!
Men, please take some champagne and get ready to fire the first wedding volley in honor of the newlyweds.
I give a countdown: five, four, three, two, one .... hall! …. (Men open champagne, pour it into glasses.)
I ask everyone to rise and support me at the end of the toast.
Cork rocket salute,
Crystal ringing
Helmet congratulations and hello
Family newlyweds.
May you always shine brightly
Happy life dawn
May it always be sweet to you
Well, today ... BITTER!

There is a wedding feast. (At each feast, the host pronounces three obligatory toasts).

(against the background of music):
The good light of the parental home ... Wherever we are, wherever fate throws us, in days of joy and in days of adversity, we are always warmed by the warmth of parental hearts ... Dear parents, please stand up, look at your children! This is the happiest and most solemn day in their lives, and this is your day, for the joy of your children is your joy, the happiness of your children is your happiness, their health is your health.
For you, dear parents!

There is a wedding feast.

Friends, please fill your glasses. I propose a toast to the most honored, most respected guests of our wedding.
Dear young grandparents, please rise so that the entire wedding feast can see you.
Your hands have labored for ten lives,
Your grandchildren were born under this sky.
You're getting old, your years are gone,
But your grandchildren grow up over the years.
And now the day has come when your grandchildren create a new family, as you once created. And in this family, as in a mirror, your youth and your happiness will be reflected. Years will pass, the grandchildren of your grandchildren will wish their children peace,
health, well-being, as you wish today ...
For you grandparents! Many summers!

There is a feast.


And now I invite the bride and groom to their first wedding dance. May the melody to which they will dance always sound in their hearts, reminiscent of this wonderful holiday of love and happiness. The dance program of the young opens a dance program, to which all guests are then invited. In this program, you can provide for the dance of the matchmakers, the dance of the son-in-law with the mother-in-law ...
Toward the end of the dance program, the leader gathers the parents of the young near him, hands the mothers bread and salt on a tray with a towel, and the fathers each with a towel.

(at the end of the dance program):
Dear guests, the hosts invite you to the table. Eat, eat, don't get bored. We have clean bread, sour kvass, a sharp knife, we cut it smoothly, we eat sweetly. The guests are seated at the tables.

Dear bride and groom! On your wedding day, your loved ones, your parents, congratulate you with bread and salt.

Mothers slowly approach the young and hand them bread and salt.


Bread - salt is a symbol of fertility, love it, appreciate and respect the work of people, and may there always be bread on your table, and may it be in your heart, and your heart in bread. Accept your parents' gift and tell them a sincere "Thank you!" for the fact that they spared no effort and raised you, raised you to create a new family.

Fathers slowly approach the young and tie them (or simply throw them over their shoulders) with embroidered towels.

Well, dear guests, the bread and salt has been handed over. Now you need to find out which of the young to be the head of the family.

The young bite or break the bread. Witnesses look and determine: whoever has a larger share will be the head of the family.

Let me read the wedding mandates to our young ...

The musicians play a march, the guests are seated at the tables. The host takes out a bunch of balloons in which there are “tickets”.

Now our young people, together with witnesses, will play a comic lottery: who will have to do what in family life.

The bride and groom will take turns piercing the balloons, and the witnesses will open the tickets and read what is written in them.

The lottery of young people is being drawn. To speed up the draw, you can put two "tickets" into one ball.
Ticket inscriptions:

1 Repairing, planing, sawing firewood - I will do all this.
2 And if friends call me, then I will go to the restaurant.
3 I will be the owner of the house.
4 I will go shopping.
5 I will read newspapers.
6 Sewing and knitting is my destiny.
7 I will drive the car, and we will have to wash it.
8 I will wash the dishes.
9 Repairs in the apartment will be done by you.
10 I will iron the trousers.
11 I will sit by the TV.
12 I will chat with a neighbor.
13 I will wash the diapers.
14 I will cook dinner.

Leading (at the end of the lottery draw):
May God bless our young people with good luck! Let them draw only lucky tickets in their lives!
And again I propose a toast in honor of the bride and groom!
Dear young!
How many bumps in the field
So many you and daughters!
How many stumps in the forest
So many sons for you!
There is a feast.


And now I want to propose a toast that no one here will refuse. This toast is in your honor, dear guests!
Our land is rich not only with soulful songs and incendiary dances, but also with sun and warmth. And it became even warmer and sunnier at today's wedding from your smiles. The bride and groom, their parents thank you, dear guests, for accepting the invitation and offer a toast in your honor - a toast to friendship, which our people are strong, for wealth is not wealth, strength is not wealth, brotherhood is wealth!

The host invites everyone to a dance program, after which a sweet table should already be ready.
The wedding celebration is coming to an end. A variant of its completion is proposed. After the dance program, guests are seated at the tables. The host invites the young and their parents to him, hands them a tray on which six candles are fixed: four for the parents and two for the bride and groom. The musicians play a lyrical melody.

Leading (against background music):
Dear ……… (calls the young people by their names)! now your parents will light their candles, and you will light yours from their candles. We want the sparks of family fire that burns in the hearth of your parents, who have lived in peace and harmony for many years, to blaze with the fire of great love in the hearth of your young family!

The light goes out. Candles are lit. Young people and their parents, bypassing the guests, put candles on the central table, invite everyone to the sweet table, then say goodbye.

Nowadays, many newlyweds abandon the traditional wide feast on the occasion of their marriage and replace it with a friendly party at the club and honeymoon trip, well, this is their holiday, which means it is up to them to decide how to spend this day. But the majority, nevertheless, arranges a banquet in order to have plenty of fun with friends, and most importantly, so that parents and relatives can celebrate this event with them, who, like the heroes of the occasion themselves, were waiting for this day with trepidation and bated breath. How to make such a wedding banquet fun and interesting for guests of different generations? How to arrange a modern holiday and at the same time observe wedding traditions and rituals? The way out is to find an original and compromise solution for organizing a wedding celebration. To help, we offer our option - New wedding scenario "Happy Day", in which we tried to combine classics and modernity, lyrics and fun, novelty and loyalty to traditions. The script is built according to the classic wedding story, but all the rituals are presented in a new way, and all the games and entertainment are original, funny and musical.

ABOUT THE SCENARIO: the script was written taking into account modern holiday trends and practical experience - traditional wedding moments are presented in a new way, softly, in a comic-lyrical form, worked out in detail and fully decorated with music, printing and video files (you can download the full version of the script). Since the script turned out to be very voluminous and labor-intensive, and many of you in your preliminary requests asked only for the beginning of the holiday or, conversely, only for its final and entertaining part, it was decided to split it into two equal halves (each contains about 15 game episodes and chips), for those who are interested in having the entire script, a good bonus discount is provided. Also, due to the fact that a couple of moments of the script are duplicated with a previously placed program" We have fun walking the wedding" , then when it is purchased, a bonus is also valid - details below.

Meeting of the newlyweds before the banquet" family birthday"

This is a new author's version of the meeting of the newlyweds before the banquet, designed in the bright style of a birthday - the birthday of a new family, in compliance with all the necessary wedding traditions, which, according to the plot, takes place on seven different bridges: " amulet " , " Past ", " Wealth " , " Love ", " Happiness ", " Family ", " Future " . Thanks to the chosen theme and inexpensive, but colorful props, such a meeting ritual will give a positive charge to the whole holiday, cheer up all participants and is very spectacular, which is good for memorable photos and video footage. In case of bad weather, the meeting can be arranged in the lobby of the hall.

General requisites for all participants of the meeting: caps, headbands, colorful birthday paper ties, pictures of bridges printed on a color printer (if multiple use is supposed, then it is better to laminate the pictures, except for picture No. 6, because an inscription will be made on it, it will be printed again for each holiday and given to the newlyweds as a keepsake)

Props by groups:

First group of guests(Bridge "Obereg")- pipes, whistles, bells;

Second group of guests(Bridge "Past")- balloons inflated with helium, note paper, felt-tip pens;

Third group of guests(Bridge "Wealth")- crackers - bumfeti with money or gold foil, coins;

Fourth Guest Group(Bridge "Happiness") - sweets, rice, rattles, scissors, blue and pink helium balloons;

Fifth Group of guests (Love Bridge) - hearts and sponges on sticks or balls - hearts

Sixth Group of guests (Family Bridge) - LED or foil stars on sticks, felt-tip pen);

Seventh Group of guests (Bridge "Future") - loaf, glasses, colored ribbons

(Author's note: the scenario is designed for a newlyweds meeting on the street before entering the banquet hall, depending on the number of guests participating in the meeting, each group should have two or more people. The organizers are offered two options to choose from: the first is bright, lyrical and solid, the second is shorter and more dynamic. The theme of the meeting fits well into the storyline of the entire holiday, so we advise the hosts to keep this in mind when making their own changes.)

Preparation. The host discusses the scenario of the meeting with the guests in advance and distributes roles and props between them. If most of the guests, together with the newlyweds, take part in a walk after the registry office, then you should ask them to arrive a little earlier than the car with the bride and groom arrives. Guests line up in a living corridor, the so-called "corridor of happiness", for all (if possible) paraphernalia for celebrating a birthday, in the middle (along the living corridor) seven pictures depicting bridges are laid out (important (!) - the bridges in the pictures should be located exactly in the direction of the newlyweds, so that the newlyweds seem to walk along them, and not step across them). All guests are divided into seven groups according to the number of bridges and, depending on the conditional purpose of the "bridge" near which they will stand, each group has its own props and tasks, the key moments on each bridge are supported by everyone: with a sound effect, enthusiastic shouts and applause. Pictures are laid out at a small distance (40-50 cm) from each other, each picture is 1x0.52 meters in size, if desired, you can make it larger, reducing the size is not recommended, because. will be uncomfortable. ( ready options images can be downloaded in full version - folder " Meeting (pictures) " ).

Meeting of the newlyweds. Option 1.

(When the newlyweds approach, the presenter begins to speak)

Presenter: Hooray! A beautiful and happy couple is approaching us, let's welcome them! (guests shout, make noise, applaud). No, no, dear guests, you probably didn’t understand, not just a couple is approaching us, but an incredibly wonderful FAMILY (!) COUPLE - (Names and surnames of the newlyweds), which means that it is necessary to welcome them incredibly and wonderfully! Let's try again! (guests shout, make noise, applaud even louder and more actively).

Expensive (Names of young people), today a wonderful event happened in your life - you became husband and wife! Your family is celebrating their first birthday today! And all your closest people have gathered here to congratulate you on this event, and also to bless and charge your newborn family for a long and happy life with the help of an ancient ritual - passing through seven bridges!

(points to the picture with the first bridge)

Presenter: First Bridge - "Charm"! You will pass it

You will confuse evil forces and scare away from yourself,

Just walk not straight, but unusually,

And be loud as hell!

(The newlyweds are walking, a group of guests standing near the first bridge on the left and right sides, creates a lot of noise: blowing, whistling, ringing)

Presenter: On the Bridge with the name "Past" step,

Let go of all the past and unnecessary forever ......


Meeting of the newlyweds. Option 2.

(in this more dynamic and simpler version, the essence and sequence of actions is preserved, only the presentation and text of the host changes when passing bridges, and also in this version, guests can not be divided into groups, but put in a common corridor of happiness on the left and right sides and simply distribute props and paraphernalia in the style of a birthday)


Banquet scenario.

Track 1 sounds (from the folder "Music for the script - 1") - young people enter, then guests

(The beginning of the holiday can take place in different ways - it is better to discuss this moment with the newlyweds in advance.

1. Guests and newlyweds are invited to the tables and the host helps in seating, gifts in this case are presented during the celebration.

2. In order for the young people to put themselves in order after the wedding walk, a pause is arranged, and at this time the guests are invited to put gifts on a specially designated table and drop gift envelopes with money into a colorful box.

3. The newlyweds themselves accept congratulations and gifts from the guests and then invite everyone to the tables

Background music plays. If there is a screen, wedding pictures are shown)


Sounds track 2 - the presenter solemnly exits

Presenter: Everything starts with love!

Dream, flight, discovery, inspiration.

Everything starts with love!

Family, birth and union of hearts!

So our holiday began with Love and is dedicated to Love, wonderful, unique and beautiful, the Love of our newlyweds! …………………



- Musical acquaintance of guests "Close people". Option 1

This version of musical acquaintance is an alternative to the popular wedding presentation, which allows you to put an emotional emphasis on the newlyweds and their parents, unobtrusively introduce yourself as the host of the holiday, and the guests to relax, tune in to the festive wave and become closer to each other.

Presenter: It has long been customary that the most dear and close ones are invited to a birthday party. The birthday of a new family is no exception, although it has its own characteristics. Which? Yes, at least these! I ask you, raise your hands, those who sincerely wish the newlyweds happiness? (guests react) Of course everyone! And now respond those who are well acquainted not only with the young, but literally with everyone present in this hall? (guests react). As you can see, there are much fewer of them. After all, a wedding connects not only two loving hearts, but also two Worlds, Two Planets: the World of relatives and friends of the groom and the World of the bride’s relatives, who until this day rotated in different orbits, and, only thanks to the birth of this family, for the first time all met together at the same table. And now, everyone just needs to get to know each other better, make friends, and maybe fall in love, right?



But this happy story might not have happened if, in due time, their parents (names of the bride's parents and the names of the groom's parents) did not meet and fell in love with each other, let's greet the parents of the newlyweds and their wishes to the children - applause.

Sounds track 5 or 5a

Our newlyweds managed to fall in love with each other from the first smile, I propose to check with what smile you, the closest relatives and best friends of the newlyweds will succeed?! Do you agree? (guests support). Then let's make it fun and to the music! And help us to

- (DJ name)! We welcome him…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

11 ready-made cuts are attached - look in the folder "Close people"

- Toast"For love!"

Track 6 sounds ( from the folder "Music for the script -1") - banquet break

Presenter:"Foreva, Love!", "Love, Foreva!" Expensive (Names of young people)! Love, long and mutual, tender and real, is sought by everyone, but few find it. What a score! In this huge and so difficult world you have found each other! ……………..................................................................................

(Author's note: if grandparents are present at the wedding, then before moving on to the next toast, you need to say a few warm words about them, and give them the opportunity to congratulate the young with a couple of words of blessing)

- Toast - interactive"For parental home!"

Presenter: Yes, today is an amazing day! A day of emotional upheaval, vivid impressions and magical transformations! For this one day (Names of young people) from beloved girls and guys turned, first into the bride and groom, and then the spouses ringed by fate. It is not easy for young people to accept all these changes at once, but what about their parents ?! …………………….......................................................................

Track 9 sounds

(words of parting words from parents and words of gratitude from children)

Track 10 or 10a sounds.

- Rite of interbreeding "Matchmakers under hypnosis"

Cheerful and unusual, musically playful and at the same time lyrical version of the traditional wedding moment of rapprochement and intermarriage of two families, written in the style of the show "Stars under hypnosis"



Heroes of the pilot issue - newlyweds and parents, please go to the studio!

(in the center of the hall facing the audience there are six chairs, if the families are incomplete, then less, and the text, depending on the specific family situation, is also slightly changed)

Track 1 sounds (from the folder "Matchmakers under hypnosis") - participants leave

Please sit down on our sofa! This applause sounds for you! (audience applauds). And we start with the most problematic, according to anecdotes, family relationships: mother-in-law and son-in-law! Yes, with you mother-in-law's names And son-in-law). Please change places (if not sitting next to each other) and sit closer to each other (goes up to mother-in-law and stands behind her).

- (While talking - quiet in the background track 2 sounds) Now I will put my hand on your head, and through my palm you will feel warm……………………….


Thank you for such a bright and touching ceremony of twinning! Go to your seats! And remember this state, it will be very useful in life, because where there is mutual understanding and trust, hypnosis is not needed there. (says with a smile) But to consolidate success with a life-giving drink - it won’t hurt, right ?! …………………………….

12 ready-made cuts are attached - look in the folder "Matchmakers under hypnosis"

- Eyeliner to the first dance of the young

dance break


- Musical table game - warm-up for guests "Hot wedding ten"

An original role-playing game - an animation to warm up and activate the festive mood





Wedding rings







Selection of participants and description of actions

(Author's note: the presenter goes around the hall and gradually distributes all the roles, explaining along the way the essence of the actions for each group, representing this or that symbol, the recommended text is below, but the organizers can do it in their own way)

Of course, our newlyweds will be responsible for the "Wedding Rings"! (referring to newlyweds) Your task: to gently stroke your sparkling rings, saying: "My charm!", as soon as you hear ……………….


Presenter:(referring to the audience) Gentlemen artists, is everything clear to everyone? Then let's start! First, let's play together the introduction called "We got to the TOP", and then the staging itself……………………….

Musical accompaniment to look in the folder "Hot ten"

- Block of delivery of wedding gifts "Tangerine Darins"

Author's note: In this case, it is a surprise from the young people with the situation that the presentation of gifts to the newlyweds themselves has already taken place at the beginning of the celebration, if there has not been a donation yet, then this ritual can be carried out as an exchange of gifts……………….

(Liner and explanations are attached)

Track 17 sounds in the background -from a folder" Music for the script - 2"

- Table role-playing tale - the game "Head of the family"

This feasting fun is taken from our author's script #59 "We're having fun at the wedding", so when you purchase it along with it, there is a bonus discount, you can see its announcement there, but the ending is changed to go to the next game block.


………… And try to find confirmation of the axiom,

What is more important and "most importantly - the weather in the house!"

Presenter: Newlyweds, please take the stage (to the center of the room)!

Track 18 sounds (folder "Music for the script - 2") - at the exit of the newlyweds

Game block for newlyweds. School of family life "Weather in the house"

Presenter:(sings or speaks):"There is me and you, and everything else is easy to fix with an umbrella." In my opinion, golden words! (referring to newlyweds) Do you agree? (newlyweds answer). The experience of family life shows that you can fix it not only with the help of an umbrella, but also with a trash can taken out, a nail hammered in time, a delicious dinner cooked, a washed shirt and many other household trifles, which, at times, are akin to feats. What exploits are you ready for? I propose to check with the help of a comic video game under the symbolic name "Twenty exploits of the newlyweds"

- Video game for newlyweds "Twenty feats of newlyweds"

A modern version of playing up the traditional moment of "Distribution of matrimonial duties" - in a playful way, with the help of comic pictures and appropriate musical arrangement.

Props: screen and projector or plasma TV and computer

The competition is made in Power Point format, the download link is at the beginning of the full version of the script, the author's explanations are attached.

Presenter: Attention to the screen! (on the screen the first picture). You are invited to express readiness to the groom - for his beloved, the bride - for his beloved to perform a dozen feats (picture 2 on the screen). You can choose in turn and in any sequence, if one of you finds ten feats beyond your strength, you can stop at any moment, but whoever stops, as a penalty, right here and now, fulfills any desire of his half. The essence of the game is simple: say the phrase: "I'm ready or ready for (name of the second half) ...", name the number, the DJ clicks on it, the picture with the feat appears on the screen, if you are really ready, dance, raising your thumb up in agreement (sign IN!) if, no, you dance with your arms or fingers crossed. It's clear? Then let's go!

Examples of feats to illustrate:

(game in progress)


- Lesson of reconciliation for the newlyweds "Step towards"

Ready-made pictures in the folder "Step forward", background music in the folder "Music for scenario -2"

- Kissing lessons "Bridges of Love"



- (on the screen the fifth picture"Bridge of Sighs") In front of you is the Bridge of Sighs. And we have a kiss of continuous romance. So the bride is high on the bridge again (the groom helps the bride to stand on a chair). She is a young Venetian who is waiting for her hot lover - a gondolier. And as he swims towards her, she sighs deeply from each stroke of his oar. Then he swims up, takes her off the bridge to his gondola and kisses her passionately, in Italian.

Track 5 sounds - newlyweds kiss

(Author's note: all three games with the newlyweds, in this case, are designed with video or printing and it is better to conduct them using the screen, but if the technical capabilities do not allow, the first lesson can be replaced with a similar one in scenario No.

Ready-made pictures in the "Bridges" folder, musical cuts in the "Bridges of Love (music)" folder

- Game decoy for a general photo"Family Support"


…..Presenter: Now, everything is correct. Dear newlyweds, look around, look around! From all sides you are surrounded by faithful and reliable friends and relatives, this is your wall, on which, like each other, you can always lean! Photo for memory!

Sounds track 21 - everyone is photographed

dance break

- Game during the dance break "Who got married in .. "

See the musical arrangement in the folder "Who got married"



To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to deposit a small amount (650 rubles) into the site development fund - conditions and details on the page AUTHOR'S SCENARIO

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to get the full version of this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)


Bonus discount on scenarios:

Due to the fact that this scenario partially duplicates the program, which is offered separately (500 rubles), when purchasing them together, there is a bonus discount (250 rubles), for two (900 rubles). Also, a discount is provided when purchasing together the second part of the "Happy Day" wedding scenario, which is separately offered (650 rubles), and if with this scenario, then there is a discount (300 rubles), for both (1000 rubles). For those who want to have all three scenarios in their arsenal, a discount (400 rubles), and thus, for three scenarios (1400 rubles). Only for this scenario, respectively, 650 rubles will be enough.