Face cream with 10 percent urea. Products for the feet of domestic companies. The effectiveness of foot cream with urea

It would seem that today no one considers foot care a luxury or a whim, but corns, calluses and cracked heels are familiar to most of us firsthand. Women suffer because of them especially often, and the main reason is modern shoes: fashion shoes heels are often hard and uncomfortable, and cause a lot of torment. Excess weight and paved sidewalks add to the problems: women who have ever tried to walk around the city in high-heeled shoes know this very well.

Of course, shoes should be comfortable, and the weight should be normal, but if there is already a problem, you need to get rid of it. Calluses, corns and cracks are considered a cosmetic problem, although this is not the case: causing burning and pain when walking, they can cause injury - it is always easier to stumble if your leg hurts; cracks are dangerous because any infection can get into them - most often it is a fungus.

What is urea?

Therefore, serious treatment is necessary, and part of the treatment is the use of special creams for legs. Foot creams with urea, or carbamide, a chemical compound widely used in various industries, in pharmacology and medicine, help to put your feet in order. Urea is a natural substance: it exists in the body of humans and animals - without urea, our skin would lose moisture, become dry and wrinkled. If there is enough urea in the skin, the heels usually do not crack, and wet calluses and corns do not turn into dry ones - it is easier to deal with such ones. With a lack of urea, the skin of the feet becomes rough, flaky, and sometimes dermatitis and other skin diseases occur.

Products for the feet of domestic companies

Foot creams with urea are produced by many companies, but domestic products are especially popular, perhaps due to their availability and low price. However, in terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to imported foot creams.

The leader of our market - cream with urea Lekar

The St. Petersburg company LLC "VIS Cosmetics" produces a large assortment creams for the whole body, and for the legs in particular. The “Healer” line is in particular demand - it also includes a foot cream with urea, containing extracts oak bark, celandine, oil tea tree and other components. According to reviews, the cream relieves fatigue - this is noted by lovers of high-heeled shoes, softens rough skin well, helps heal cracks and wounds. Many people like light texture cream and unobtrusive smell. The cost of a foot cream with urea can vary, but the price is low - from 100 to 300 rubles.

Softening foot cream Evo

Creams produced by the domestic company Avanta, or Souvenir / Avanta, are also popular - the company is considered in Russia a major manufacturer cosmetics. Evo urea cream helps to restore rough and cracked skin of the feet: it is recommended as a remedy that eliminates corns and dry calluses, protects against fungus and bad smell. Urea in the composition of the cream is only 10%, and most of the reviews about its effectiveness are somewhat different from the manufacturer's promises. If the heels are cracked badly, Evo is unlikely to help: according to reviews, women note that it is great for daily softening care, but "does not work miracles." Many people talk about the lack of cream: it is absorbed for a long time, so you can apply it only before going to bed; even if the cream is thoroughly rubbed and waited, the legs still slide in shoes or on the floor. However, some women manage to heal cracks with it, and improvement occurs after the first use. Evo costs only about 60-80 rubles.

Diaderm Intensive for rough skin on foot

Approximately the same reviews about foot cream with urea Diaderm Intensive, from the same company. It is positioned as specially designed for patients diabetes, moisturizing and softening even very rough skin of the feet. Those who use it most often talk about the regularity and duration of use. That is, the cream helps to solve problems gradually, if applied in the morning and evening, and a noticeable result can be seen no earlier than in a week. It is also emphasized that it is better to steam the legs before applying the cream - this increases efficiency, and to a certain extent returns the “human appearance” to the skin of the feet. As for the advertising expression "heels like a baby", many consumers leave such feedback that they could not say so: regular care helps to make the skin soft, but nothing more. In addition to urea, Diaderm Intensive contains vitamins and nourishing oils- avocado, jojoba, etc. You can buy it for 100-180 rubles.

Foot cream with urea Aquapeeling

In Aquapeeling foot cream - it is produced by Russian manufacturer cosmetics and medicinal ointments"Green Dubrava" - more urea - 25%, and there are also herbal extracts, antiseptic and essential oils. It is suggested to use the cream continuously for a week to get the result. But women note that it does not soften hardened areas, but only moisturizes and softens the skin of the feet as a whole. Moreover, after stopping the use of the cream, the skin becomes dry in just a day. But the result is noticeably improved if the legs are steamed 2-3 times a week, very thickly lubricated with cream, wrapped in plastic wrap, put on socks and go to bed; plus, apply Aquapeeling foot cream twice a day - only in this way the effect becomes noticeable.

Imported creams with urea

Foot creams with urea foreign manufacturers have a more pronounced effect, and reviews also confirm this. German creams in this sense are among the leaders.

Dear and effective cream for feet Baehr

For example, Baehr cream, with glycerin, macadamia oil and other ingredients, is noted as suitable for people with sensitive skin and diabetics - it even relieves pain and irritation. PediBaehr foot cosmetics are generally considered professional, and you can buy them only through salons: they are economical, have a high penetrating power, are quickly absorbed, perfectly retain moisture and do not leave greasy, and have a healing effect. There are few reviews: Baehr products are effective, but quite expensive - a tube of foot cream can cost about 1,400 rubles.

Glatte urea foot cream

Another product made in Germany - Glatte 15% urea foot cream from Greppmayr is also not cheap - 800-1000 rubles, but judging by the reviews, it is easier to buy it, and it fully justifies its price. Greppmayr is considered a brand of cosmeceuticals, drug-like cosmetics, and specializes in foot and nail care products.

Glatte Urea Cream 15% is presented as an excellent remedy for corns and dry corns, and those who have used it rate it very highly. It is absorbed quickly and completely - you can immediately put on not only socks or stockings, but also sandals - the foot will not slip. It is also noted that it is not necessary to steam the legs and “loosen” the corns with pumice: the foam is applied directly to the dry skin of the feet, and in the morning the softened areas are carefully removed with a foot brush. After 5-6 days, the heels become really soft and pink; some women note that they have never seen such an effect at home - Glatte 15% foam-cream acts like an hour and a half of salon procedures.

If desired, you can prepare a cream with urea for the feet at home, having the necessary ingredients. You can buy them: these are cosmetic urea, oils, emulsifiers, lanolin, glycerin moisturizer and other components.

Foot cream with urea restores lipid balance, provides complete hydration, creates favorable conditions for the restoration of damaged areas. Urea fights peeling, compaction, cracks of various depths. Makes the epidermis smooth, tender, elastic, healthy. Urea is an ingredient in moisturizing cosmetics, medicines outdoor application.

IN natural form urea is present in the cells of the epidermis. The share in the composition among all components of the skin is 1%. Urea is responsible for proper hydration.

The lack of this component leads to depletion of the epidermis, drying, cracking, peeling. The sensitivity of the skin increases. The epidermis reacts strongly to Negative influence external, internal factors, defects appear, allergic rashes progress. manifestations of atopic dermatitis.

Urea is produced healthy body independently, provides full moisture up to a certain age. From the age of 25, metabolic processes in the body slow down, skin cells become less active, and the proportion of urea decreases.

To compensate for the lack of natural urea, cosmetics with its content allow. The scientific name of this component is urea. At the stage of creating any cream, it is used in crystallized form, it dissolves in alcohol, water.

Features of urea

Beneficial features carbamide were discovered a very long time ago. In medicine, the component has been used for about a hundred years, a little less in cosmetology. Despite constant discoveries in this area, innovative achievements, urea continues to be used in foot moisturizers, excluding the use of synthetic components.

Features of the cream containing carbamide:

  • Fully natural ingredient, which is contained in the cells of the body, participates in metabolic processes, is responsible for the lipid balance indicator.
  • Small, light forms of molecules allow the substance to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, to carry out transformations at the cellular level. Normal level moisture is obtained naturally.
  • Urea is perceived by the body as a substance that is produced on its own. No time is required for transformation, splitting.
  • Urea begins to act immediately after application, the effect can be seen the next day.
  • Carbamide allows you to increase the quality of the cosmetic product. The cream does not lose its properties, can be used for 3 years from the date of manufacture.

The action of urea

The natural component affects the external, internal condition of the skin, acts in several directions at once:

  1. Provides instant hydration.
  2. Softens the skin, helps to remove the keratinized layer of cells. Peeling is eliminated, rough areas of the epidermis are eliminated. Skin cells are saturated with oxygen, metabolism is activated, recovery processes are accelerated, and the top layer is renewed.
  3. Urea creates a protective film on the surface of the skin. Resists the negative effects of environmental factors, retains moisture inside the cells. Neutralizes the influence of chemical components that are contained in cosmetics- shower gel, liquid soap.
  4. Helps the penetration of active ingredients into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  5. Relieves symptoms of irritation, itching, burning, pain.
  6. Stimulates skin regeneration, restores damaged areas, eliminates cracks of different depths.
  7. Creates favorable conditions for get well soon epidermis.
  8. The therapeutic effect of urea is complemented by other active ingredients. The foot cream contains plant extracts, oils, and other useful ingredients.

Application instructions

Foot cream with urea is used after preliminary cleansing of the skin. It is recommended to make a foot bath with the addition of decoction medicinal plants- chamomile, calendula, mint, cornflower, lemon balm, succession, thyme, etc.

Apply the product in sufficient quantity, distributing with massage movements. Particular attention is paid to places with coarsened areas, cracks. The procedure is best done at the end of the day, before going to bed. To enhance the effect after applying the cream, put on socks. Improvement is seen the very next day. The course of therapy is continued until the complete disappearance of defects.

Application for diabetics

Very useful foot cream with urea for patients with diabetes. Since such people with a violation metabolic processes decrease in natural moisture content. On the heels, toes, cracks of different depths appear, up to the appearance of droplets of blood from the wounds. The situation is painful, unpleasant, dangerous penetration of infection. Cream with urea eliminates painful symptoms for a few days, prevents their occurrence in the future. natural composition cosmetic product allows you to use the cream constantly or for a long time for prevention.

Recipes at home

You can prepare a medicinal cream on your own, taking a few minutes from your free time, armed with simple components. All the necessary components can be bought at the pharmacy:

  • Urea - 3 g;
  • Stearic acid - 2 g;
  • Linden hydrosol - 60 g;
  • Any emulsifier - 5 g;
  • Shea butter, almonds - 5 g;
  • Glycerin - 6 g;
  • Wax neroli, bees - 3 g;
  • Menthol in crystals - 4 g;
  • Lanolin as a base;
  • preservative.

The cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. Wax, lanolin, stearic acid, oils are heated in a container over low heat. Add Neo Care emulsifier. It makes the cosmetic product thick, but allows it to be absorbed quickly. At the end, menthol in crystals is added.
  2. In a separate container, simultaneously with the first, linden hydrolate is heated, in which urea is dissolved. Enter glycerin.
  3. Mix the two consistency together, add a preservative, beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. The cream is placed in a glass jar with a lid, stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. For a pleasant aroma, last step cooking add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

If you don’t want to bother with the preparation of a cosmetic product, you can buy a ready-made one.

Review of the best creams

A cosmetic preparation for legs with urea can be bought at a pharmacy, any department of cosmetics. The products are manufactured by domestic and foreign companies. When choosing the best drug you should pay attention to the following creams.

Provides natural hydration to the skin of the feet. Many women know that some modern cosmetics contain a substance such as urea. What is this substance and how it works, not many people know.

Urea- an important substance present in skin cells in its natural form. The skin on the legs without diseases and problem areas contains up to 1% urea.

The main property of this substance is moisture. Deprived of moisture and problematic cover loses up to half the concentration of moisturizing components, among which is urea. As a result, the skin undergoes dryness, atopic dermatitis and flaking. Foot cream with urea allows you to make up for the lack of this important moisturizer in the skin.

The scientific name of urea is urea, it is used by cosmetics manufacturers in their products -. At the stage of creating a cosmetic product, the substance is used in a concentrated crystallized form. It dissolves in a liquid medium - it can be water or ethanol, as well as other water components that the manufacturer uses in his cream.


Urea has been used in medicine for several hundred years, and it has also found its wide application in cosmetology. Despite all the innovations, modern cosmetology enterprises prefer this natural ingredient to create their foot creams, excluding the addition of synthetic analogues.

What is the peculiarity of the substance and why is it effective in foot care:

  1. This is a natural component that is contained in any liquid medium of our body and is involved in protein metabolism;
  2. This is an excellent moisturizer, its deficiency is easily replenished by external means, that is, by applying the product to the skin of the extremities;
  3. This component is a natural solvent, which reduces the amount of preservatives and solubilizers of chemical origin. So you can prevent the clouding of the agent and the separation of its components;
  4. The light weight of the molecules of the substance contributes to their absorption into the deep layers.

Why do you need

The agent enriched with this substance performs the following functions:

  • Hydration.
  • Keratolytic properties - elimination of the keratinized layer of cells on the feet. The substance easily loosens dry cells, filling with moisture living and exfoliating dead ones.
  • Protective functions are determined by the retention of moisture in the tissues of the skin. Foot cream with urea protects the skin from washing-drying substances that we use for hygiene, as well as from external influences environment.
  • It promotes the penetration of various active components of the cosmetic product into the deep layers of the cover.
  • Relieve tension from the legs, local analgesia pain, elimination of irritation and itching.
  • Contributes to the treatment of many skin diseases- eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis, fungus and much more.
  • Perfectly stimulates cell regeneration, heals cracked heels.

It is important to know:

  • The properties of the substance are enhanced if applied after a shower on moistened, but towel-dried skin.
  • You need to be careful with creams with concentrated urea.
  • The substance, despite its naturalness, can cause irritation and allergic reactions. A sensitivity test will help prevent irritation.

How to cook with your own hands

Ingredients for cooking at home:

  • Urea - 3 grams;
  • Linden hydrolat - 60 grams;
  • Almond oil, shea butter - 5 grams;
  • Any emulsifier - 5 grams;
  • Glycerin moisturizer - 5 grams;
  • Wax neroli and bees - 3 grams;
  • Menthol in crystals - 2 grams;
  • preservative;
  • Stearic acid - 2 grams;
  • Fat lanolin.


  1. Dishes are placed in a warm water bath, lanolin, wax, stearic acid and the oils used are placed in it. A reverse emulsifier is added to the mixture, for example, Neo Care, which has the property of creating a water-in-oil emulsion. So the resulting mixture will be oily, but quickly absorbed.
  2. After that to oil mixture menthol is added in crystalline form.
  3. At the same time, we put on heating another water bath with linden hydrolate, in which urea dissolves. Glycerin is added to them.
  4. At the end of the complete dissolution of the substances, the aqueous mixture is poured into the fatty one. Then everything is mixed with a mixer.
  5. The final stage is the addition of a preservative, safe and gentle.
  6. We fill clean jars with a lid for storage.

This cream will moisturize the skin epithelium of the legs and keep them soft.

Advice! To make the fragrance more pleasant for you, you can add your favorite essential oil.

Good foot creams with urea

Cream Healer for feet with urea

Favorably affecting the condition of the skin. Due to the content of urea, the amount of moisture in the cells increases. The cover becomes more tender and elastic. The tool allows you to eliminate corns, rough areas, dryness and peeling, heal wounds and relieve pain.

Approximate price: 240 rubles.

Excellent saturates nutrients, vitamins and carotenes, as well as organic substances and trace elements. The most main function- hydration, replenishment of cells with moisture.

approximate cost: 40 rub.

Clarena emollient foot cream with urea

Suitable for people with dry and problematic skin as well as people with diabetes, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.

Approximate price: 600 rubles.

Baehr - urea foot cream

Suitable for those who have dry and sensitive skin on their feet, as well as for people with diabetes. The tool allows you to provide the necessary hydration. The special composition protects and nourishes, relieves irritation and pain.
The composition contains:

  • Urea;
  • Glycerol;
  • Panthenol;
  • Macadamia nut oil.

Approximate price: 500 rubles.

Urea face cream is an excellent moisturizer for the skin, which also has a beneficial effect on it.

No wonder this component is used as part of a natural medical cosmetics to soften the epidermis of the whole body.

The principle of action of urea in the composition of the cream and ointment

Many cosmetic manufacturers often add urea to their products. In this case, its concentration may be different.

On tubes of ointments, it is designated - Urea, because that's how it sounds in Latin. The appearance of this component is very similar to the crystals of sugar or salt.

It must be said that in tissues human body there is also this component and almost all processes in cells take place with its help. Almost all moisturizers contain urea, because its main duty is to maintain the balance of water in the cells of the body.

Such facial cosmetics with urea, such as caring ointments and creams, have a very good effect on the skin and have many positive properties.

A small recommendation. When buying a cream Special attention pay attention to the percentage of urea, because high concentrations have the opposite effect: the composition strongly affects the skin, causing itching, allergies and irritation.

As a separate component, urea (also called carbamide) has a positive effect on the condition of the dermis, due to which it is often used as part of cosmetics. Being in the composition of ointments, it only improves its effect.

Face cream with urea or urea heals even the most delicate skin.

In addition, urea for facial skin has anti-inflammatory and healing effects. She can help if you have gone allergic reaction on preservatives or components “new” to your dermis that are part of any product. And they, in turn, are contained in cosmetics in order to preserve its useful properties for a long time.

Urea-based cream has many useful properties. Therefore, when regular use composition, you will quickly notice the first results.

Despite the fact that a synthetic product is used in cosmetics, it can still adapt to individual characteristics the skin of every person. If a woman has dry facial skin, then she needs to apply a dry skin cream with urea daily.

The main properties of this cream can be called:

  • Reducing the evaporation of water from the skin. In the hot months, a lot of healing moisture evaporates through the skin, and carbamide in the cream helps to keep it inside the cells. That is why it does not dry out.
  • Moisturizing the main task urea. It replenishes moisture reserves in the layers of the dermis. Because after penetration, urea changes the structure of amino acids that play important role in providing moisture to the skin.
  • Helps to maintain a natural protective barrier on the surface of the epidermis, which prevents a negative reaction to irritants.
  • Helps other ingredients of the cream to penetrate the skin, due to which they are quickly absorbed.
  • Conducts lung superficial peeling skin from impurities accumulated throughout the day. Moisturizing cream with urea, removes dead skin cells of the epidermis, softening our skin. After this procedure, new cells appear, even more velvety and smooth.
  • Relieves pain or burning of the skin.

Carbamide is a skin moisturizer that can be used on all skin types.

This tool adjusts to any "request" of the dermis, but there are some nuances when this drug can be harmful.

Facial Urea Comet should not be used if:

  • On the face is acne and acne. Carbamide can only exacerbate inflammation, as well as provoke the appearance of new flaws.
  • A woman has sensitive skin, which is irritated at the slightest change.
  • Individual intolerance to the substance by the body, against the background of which new inflammations and irritations may occur.
  • If possible, avoid applying the cream to areas of the face that have inflamed or infected wounds.
  • In general, you can not use such cosmetics for children under three years old.

Interesting fact. If there is not enough carbamide in the composition of the skin, the skin becomes dry over time, cracks begin to appear on it. In this case, creams and ointments based on urea will help.

Popular brands of urea products for the face

This is a moisturizing cosmetic product, which contains urea, active substances, vitamins, natural oils. In addition, it is able to maintain water balance in all layers of the skin.

After application, the cream is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue. greasy traces. It can be applied to any type of dermis. It is also great as a make-up base.

This is a face cream that contains carbamide, sunflower oil, canola, as well as various natural extracts and extracts.

It perfectly moisturizes the skin and makes it very smooth and velvety.

Since it does not contain artificial fragrances, it is perfect for sensitive skin.

This cream perfectly moisturizes dry and sensitive skin a person who is prone to allergic reactions.

In addition, it well protects the skin from various harmful environmental influences. For example, low temperature air, strong dry wind and scorching sun.

Such creams with urea and glycerin soothe irritated skin and relieve the feeling of "tightness". Contains no dyes or allergens.

All the harmful effects of the environment strongly affect the condition of the skin of the face, because compared to other parts of our body, this is the most unprotected area.

No matter what type of epidermis a woman has, she can also suffer from water imbalance.

Therefore, if you experience tightness, dryness or any other discomfort, this means that the skin lacks moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to use a moisturizing complex from Bioderma. It is perfect for all skin types and is hypoallergenic.

In addition, this tool soothes irritated skin, refreshes and moisturizes. After the first application, the skin becomes smooth, radiant with health and not so sensitive to harmful effects external environment.

Apply the miraculous mixture twice a day to previously cleansed skin.

To deal with excessive dryness dermis, the manufacturer has released many variations of face care products that are not only able to moisturize, but also nourish the skin.

The composition contains medicinal components that saturate the cells with moisture.

Cosmetics of this company can be applied both on the face and on the whole body.

This tool is perfect for adults and children: it moisturizes well, promotes recovery protective properties epidermis.

Besides that good ointment for the face can be purchased at a store or pharmacy, you can still make it yourself. Therefore, we offer you a recipe for how to make a do-it-yourself urea face ointment.

The main components, of course, will be urea and natural oil. So the ingredients are:

  • Any anti-aging oil (jojoba, wheat germ, sesame).
  • Vegetable wax, fatty lanolin
  • Mineral water.
  • Urea.
  • Essential oil of ylang-ylang.
  • Vitamins A and E.
  • Aloe extract, chamomile.

Melt in a water bath a large number of beeswax and lanolin - about 4-5 grams each. Add 15 grams cosmetic oils and stir.

Separately, take a few crystals of urea and dissolve them in fifteen milligrams of water. Then pour half a teaspoon of aloe and chamomile extract into the mixture, mix thoroughly.

Manufacturers of cosmetics have long noticed the active effect of urea on the skin and a stunning effect. The addition of this component to creams for the face, hands and feet has become commonplace and no longer raises strange doubts. Urea, or carbamide, has the main and important advantage - the ability to intensively moisturize the skin. Especially popular are foot creams with urea from and to achieve the effect.

Useful properties of urea

The positive properties of carbamide have become scientifically proven relatively recently. But it was the therapeutic effect of urea that made it possible to start using the substance in cosmetology in the production of care products. Urea is considered an important component of the epidermis, capable of retaining moisture in the body and minimizing its loss.

In addition, the main properties of urea are:

  • protection of the skin from the effects of negative factors;
  • exfoliation of keratinized particles of the epidermis due to softening of its layers;
  • establishment of the regeneration process;
  • soothing effect, reducing redness and irritation on the skin;
  • the ability to enhance the effect of other active ingredients contained in the cosmetic.

The molecular structure of urea determines its ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, providing a quick therapeutic effect. From the inside, the molecules take away excess fluid and toxic substances. The skin becomes healthy and beautiful.

The effectiveness of foot cream with urea

If the skin of the feet suffers from a lack of urea, then its integument becomes dry. Peeling and cracks appear on them, bringing only discomfort. Similar sensations and symptoms are familiar to those who strive for the beauty and softness of the heels.

  • moisturizing dry and dehydrated areas of the legs;
  • relieve itching and irritation;
  • healing and;
  • softening and coarsened areas;
  • renewal of the upper layer of the skin;
  • relaxation in the legs.

The optimal amount of urea in cosmetics is up to 10%. If the label indicates a value that exceeds the indicated figures, then you should think about buying this cosmetic product. A high concentration of urea in the cream can cause allergic reactions.

The main indications for the use of urea-based heel cream are cracks caused by dry skin, corns. In dermatology, urea cosmetics are used to treat fungal infections, psoriasis, and eczema.

Thanks to active nutrition, the urea-based cream moisturizes and . Eliminates the feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs. The cream helps the skin fight age-related manifestations.

How to use the cream

To achieve maximum effect from using a foot cream with urea, it is necessary to carefully prepare the feet before applying the product directly. To do this, the heels are steamed in a soap bath for 15 minutes. Instead of soap hot water you can add a small amount of ordinary soda.

After the cleansing procedure, the feet are wiped dry with a soft towel. The cream is applied with massaging movements until completely absorbed. Most Attention should be given to coarsened and damaged areas. The legs are wrapped with a film for 2-3 hours so that the cream is deeply absorbed and begins its therapeutic effect. After the time has passed, problem areas are treated with pumice.

The cream is used in the evening, once a day. Apply the product as needed until the final result is achieved.

Names of foot creams with urea: TOP-10

Before our eyes, there are many different tubes designed to care for the delicate skin of the heels. Giving preference to a particular product, you should carefully read the information indicated on the label and pay attention to the presence of urea in the composition.

The following urea-based heel creams are the most popular:


Sufficiently generous composition of the regenerating cream allows you to change appearance heels in as soon as possible. Due to the content of several types of keratin, cracks heal quickly, and dry calluses disappear after a few days.

The cost of the cream is about 350 rubles.


Long-known Siberian herbs actively nourish the skin of the feet, filling it with micronutrients and vitamins. Beeswax heals wounds, making the skin soft, and calendula relieves inflammation. Damaged areas are quickly restored, eliminating discomfort.

Approximate price - 180 rubles.


The systematic use of the cream will relieve peeling and cracks on the skin. In addition, the tool is able to relieve inflammation and soften the skin. Sage attaches to cream delicate fragrance, A linseed oil- silky texture and healing effect on damaged areas. The lightness of the product allows for quick absorption and no greasy residue or shine.

Estimated cost - 200 rubles.


The composition of the cream is natural, and the amount of active ingredient is 10%. The tool has pronounced anti-inflammatory and healing properties. The regenerative action manifests itself at a deep level. The cream gives the skin softness and velvety, while eliminating corns and cracked heels.

The approximate cost of this care product fluctuates around 200 rubles.


The special formula of the care product contains not only highly effective substances, but also vitamin complex able to restore and soften damaged skin. The cream is designed to combat dry corns. Intensive elimination of the keratinized layer of the epidermis occurs in a short time. For a complete solution to the existing problem of the heels, it is recommended to use a complex of creams with urea from NEUTROGENA.

The average cost is 370 rubles.


The cream is designed specifically for people with diabetes. Carefully calibrated formula allows you to smooth the skin and get rid of corns. The oils that make up the cream nourish and soften rough areas. Long-term and systematic use of the product will heal cracked heels and moisturize dry skin.

Approximate price - 190 rubles.


An excellent combination of price and quality makes this cream affordable. 10% urea content and a large amount of vitamins in the composition allows you to carefully care for damaged heel skin. Hardened areas disappear due to the presence of lactic acid in the cream, which effectively removes dead skin particles. The moisturizing effect lasts a lot - as much as 24 hours.

Estimated cost ranges from 170 to 240 rubles.

SCHUTZCREME FUSSCREME für Diabetiker mit Urea und Hyaluron by PEDIBAEHR, Germany

The cream is intended for intensive nutrition foot skin, especially for diabetic people. Preservation of the optimal balance of moisture in the tissues is ensured by the content hyaluronic acid. Oils make the skin velvety and pleasant to the touch, promote the healing of cracks. Active ingredients reduce the likelihood of redness and bruising on the skin legs.

The cost is quite high - about 850 rubles.

GLATE 15% from GREPPMAYR, Germany

Foam cream has high efficiency and has excellent healing properties. Means for the heels will quickly rid the feet of dry calluses and coarsened growths. A pleasant advantage of the cream is the absence of the need for preliminary cleansing of the legs from keratinized particles. The result of use is similar to the feeling after the procedures in the salon.

It justifies high cost funds - at least 800 rubles.


In addition to the healing effect, the cream is used as a prevention of fungal diseases of the foot. The content of 10% urea in the product contributes to the rapid restoration of damaged tissues. Prevents unpleasant odors.

The approximate price of the cream is 120 rubles.

Cooking cream with urea at home

Homemade foot cream is good because it can include ingredients that have a certain healing effect or have an attractive aroma. The ingredients that make up the care product are common for those who have encountered soap making:

  • 3.0 g urea;
  • 60.0 g of linden hydrolat;
  • 5.0 g almond oil;
  • 5.0 g emulsifier;
  • 5.0 g glycerin;
  • 3.0 g of wax;
  • 2.0 g of crystalline menthol;
  • lanolin;
  • preservative.

First, using a water bath, melt hard wax and lanolin, add almond oil. After you can add any emulsifier and mix thoroughly. Pour menthol into the mass. Simultaneously with the first water bath, heat the glycerin, hydrolate and urea in the second.

After preparatory work both mixtures are poured into one container and mixed until smooth with a whisk or mixer. final stage will add a preservative. Ready cream for heels laid out in jars and tightly closed with lids.

To give the cream a special flavor, you can add a few drops of your favorite ether. Fresh notes of smell will be a good addition.

Urea foot cream is a lifesaver for many people with cracked heels and dry feet. Thanks to the content of carbamide in cosmetics, it has become possible to have beautiful feet without resorting to expensive salon procedures.

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