Who hasn't tried the wonderful starch baths for hand care? Softening and soothing hand baths (hand care)

Hands are very often exposed to negative effects. Because of this, the skin of the hands becomes dry, cracks and abrasions appear on it. This condition is accompanied by a host of other unpleasant symptoms. In the fight against this disease, hand baths at home help well, the recipes of which are very simple and do not require special financial costs, unlike expensive salon procedures.

Dry hand symptoms

Often the skin dries out after prolonged contact with untreated water or after exposure to frost. In this case, there is no need to worry too much: the skin itself will soon recover, it is enough to apply a nourishing cream to the damaged areas.

However, there are many other reasons for the appearance of such symptoms, such as:

The reason for all this can be such negative factors as:

Having decided on the cause, it is necessary to immediately proceed to the fight against this disease. After all, competent and timely treatment- the key to beautiful and velvety skin of the hands.

Treatment: basic methods

Overdried and rough to the touch skin not only causes severe discomfort, but also spoils appearance. How often many girls in a hurry smear their hands with cream and run to work. Such a careless attitude leads to the fact that skin covering loses its elasticity.

To correct this, treatment must be comprehensive. To do this, you need to remember a few rules that will help all owners of the fair sex to keep natural beauty with your hands!

Best Home Remedy Recipes

There is nothing easier than doing cosmetic procedures at home. And the result will be no worse. At the same time, preparing a mask, scrub or hand bath at home will not take much time and money. Simple and available treatments fit like young girls as well as adult women. But before you start cooking, you should choose the right basic ingredients..

So, masks intended for girls aged 20 to 35 should include components such as oatmeal, fruit and vegetable pulp and juice, dairy products, medicinal herbs.

Women over 35 should add to the mask: healthy oils, Hercules flakes, aloe vera and other medicinal herbs, as well as potatoes and dairy products.

The use of medicinal herbs in skin care products is very important. Indeed, thanks to them, youth and beauty of the skin are maintained, inflammation is removed, blood circulation improves, as a result of which wrinkles are smoothed and the skin softens.

Nutritious baths

Such baths must be performed at least twice a week. After each procedure, the skin is lubricated with a moisturizer..

Moisturizing masks

Masks are another effective method get rid of an unpleasant disease. The mask should be used in combination with baths, then the result will not be long in coming.

home scrubs

It is better to prepare such a tool yourself than to buy in beauty salon. After all, it is not only cheap, but also very effective, since the components that make up the scrub are natural, without chemicals and other harmful additives.

Thus, the problem of dry skin of the hands is quite simple to solve. To do this, you should follow a few simple rules every day, as well as pamper your hands. useful baths and masks. After all, only complex treatment help you get over this pain!

For many of us May holidays associated with the opening of the summer season, the first crops and plantings. And even if you use gloves at the same time, for some reason the skin of the hand still gets rough, it becomes rough. We offer several recipes for softening baths for hands from "pasture" plants. Hand bath "Violet".
Take 2 tablespoons of chopped violet tricolor herb, 1 cup of water.
Grass pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and cool.
Dip your hands in the infusion for 15-20 minutes.

Bath for hands "Dill".
You will need 2 tablespoons of dill seeds and 1 cup of water. Pour the seeds with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and cool.
Soak your hands in the infusion for 10 minutes.

Dill and cucumber hand bath.
To prepare this bath, you need: 1 bunch of dill, 1 medium-sized cucumber, 1 glass of water. Pour dill with water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Strain the resulting liquid. Wash cucumber and grate. Add the resulting slurry to the dill broth, mix thoroughly, cover the bowl with a lid and let it brew for 2 hours.
Soak your hands in the bath for 20-25 minutes.

Nettle hand bath.
Required: 2 tablespoons chopped nettle, 1 glass of water.
Pour boiling water over the nettle and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and cool.
Dip your hands in the infusion for 10-15 minutes. Then dry your hands dry with a towel and grease with any nourishing cream for hands.

Hand bath "Chamomile".
Take 2 tablespoons of crushed chamomile flowers, 1 liter of water.
Fill the chamomile flowers with boiling water and leave for 20-25 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and cool.
Soak your hands in the infusion for 15-20 minutes. After the bath, wet your hands with a napkin and grease with any greasy hand cream.

Valerian officinalis hand bath.
This bath requires 1 tablespoon of crushed valerian leaves, 1 liter of water. Pour boiling water over valerian and leave for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting infusion and cool.
Dip your hands in a warm infusion for 15-20 minutes. After the bath, grease your hands with any greasy hand cream.

Hand bath "Herbal".
Take 2 tablespoons of chopped lavender flowers, chopped St. John's wort, chopped chamomile flowers, juniper berries, 4 tablespoons of chopped thyme flowers, chopped peppermint herb, 2 liters of water.
Put the herbs in a linen bag, dip it in water and boil over high heat. Then keep on low heat for 20 minutes. Strain the broth, cool to room temperature.
Keep your hands in the decoction for 15 minutes. After the bath, wipe your hands with a napkin and grease with any nourishing hand cream.

Each of the women, young and old, knows that it is important and necessary to take care of their hands. In conditions of frosty weather, with the change of seasons, with frequent contact with water, dust, various detergents and cleaning products household chemicals, hands often feel discomfort. Hand baths for dryness and cracks at home will help to cope with it.

Prevention of dry skin of the hands

There are a lot of reasons and factors that cause the problem of dry skin on the hands. play a role Not only external environment, but also the vitamin balance of the body, individual genetic characteristics and the state of health in general. To keep your hands looking flawless, take care of them daily. For this follow the recommendations below:

  • Keep your hands clean: when washing use mild soap or a special moisturizer;
  • good after washing dry skin, so that drops during evaporation do not give excessive dryness;
  • Use personalized creams and lotions moisturizing dry skin of the hands and saturating vitamins;
  • Use in winter protective And nourishing cosmetics, wear gloves or mittens;
  • In summer take care of your hands with dry skin and cracks from exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Use gloves made of rubber to protect hands during prolonged contact with water;
  • If you are doing repairs or just decided to update any surface with paint, do not remove drops that get on your hands with solvents. Take advantage vegetable oil;
  • Do not forget to nourish the body with vitamins and minerals in the off-season.

You will achieve the maximum effect if you take a comprehensive approach to eliminating discomfort from the resulting dryness, roughness and the appearance of small cracks on the skin of the hands. Therefore, pamper dry hands with warm, pleasant and, of course, useful baths.

Herbal infusions for dry skin

Herbs have been used for a long time traditional medicine and cosmetology. They have a moisturizing, soothing and antiseptic effect on dry skin of the hands. Combination of linden with eucalyptus relieves inflammation and itching from peeling of the skin, softens it. Prepare an infusion from these components. It is enough to take 4 teaspoons of the crushed mixture, pour 300 ml hot water and wait 30 minutes. Same recipe the infusion is prepared from linden or eucalyptus separately.

What herbs can be used to make decoctions that save from dry hands and cracks

Along with natural infusions, the following decoctions are excellent for solving the problem:

  • Oak bark
    Tincture from the bark perfectly removes redness of any nature.
  • refreshing mint
    An ideal tool for eliminating dryness and cracks on the skin of the hands.
  • bird cherry
    Bird cherry removes puffiness from the hands, heals hematomas and fights dryness.
  • Chamomile.

Do not lower these gifts of nature immediately into boiling water. First pour cold water and then bring to a boil. Wait 10 minutes. When the broth has cooled down and infused a little, pass it through a medical bandage or gauze. The beauty of decoctions is that the way they are used not limited to bathtubs. You can do compresses or rubbing with a soft cotton swab.

Sauerkraut - a remedy for excessive dry hands

lovers sauerkraut especially lucky. Her juice copes wonderfully with the problem of coarsened and rough skin. However, cabbage juice should not be used too often, as active substances juice can cause reddening of the skin of the hands. Limit yourself to two treatments per week.

After application, smear your hands with an oily or greasy nourishing cream. Additionally, you can wrap it in cotton cloth or hide your hands in gloves for a while.

baking soda solution for dry skin

Surely in your kitchen there is soda. If so, make her great bath: dissolve a dessert spoon of powder in a liter of heated water. Optionally add sea ​​salt. Be careful: if there are wounds on the skin, then unpleasant tingling is possible upon contact with salt and soda.

Sea salt for moisturizing dry hands

Many of the fair sex love to take a bath with the addition of sea salt. Pamper the same their pens. Dilute 12 grams of the product in boiled water. Such a gram is usually taken per 1 liter of liquid. Soak your hands in the solution for 7 minutes, then gently wipe dry without creating excessive friction. Do the procedure 4 times with a break of seven days and give your hands a little rest. Repeat the course if dry hands has not been eliminated.

Oils - a source of nourishment for dry skin

A long time ago has become habitual use of essential and vegetable oils for the preparation of various masks and creams. You can choose the type of oil at your discretion. Suitable sunflower, olive, vegetable. hold your hands quarter of an hour in oil diluted with a little water. Then get wet soft cloth Apply liberally on the cream and let it absorb well. After the procedure, remove excess cream with a dry cotton pad.

Emergency dairy help

Dairy products - indispensable assistant in restoring and maintaining female beauty. It is able to help not only hair, but also dry skin of the hands. You can learn more about kefir and milk masks from this

Serum baths are ideal for hands. Milk whey can be replaced with curdled milk. The only one nuance that is important to know- do not use a cold product. Effective remedy will be if you preheat the whey. Rinse off with warm water twenty minutes after application. At the end, anoint your hands with cream.

boiled potatoes, take your time pour out water. It is perfect as a bath for dry hands. Cracks, peeling and redness of the skin are treated with procedures lasting 1/2 hour.

Healthy oatmeal

Boil porridge in water from oatmeal . Let her cool down a bit. Pour the porridge into a convenient bowl and place your hands there. The procedure will be completed when the mass has completely cooled down.

softening starch

Softness women's hands, characterized by dryness and cracking, will give trays of starch diluted in water. Keep Proportions when preparing the mixture. You will need half a liter of warm water and ½ tablespoon of starch. Choose the frequency of application yourself, depending on the degree of dryness of the skin.

There are many other recipes for making hands soft. You can find them

Vitamin bath

The ideal option would be dilution in water of freshly squeezed lemon juice . In the absence of lemon, suitable and lemon acid. The bath will not only moisturize dry skin, but will also favorably affect the color of your nails. She will save them from yellowish tint after using decorative varnishes.

Raspberry-chamomile tandem

This summer product works great. with chapped skin after visiting the beaches and pools. You will need half a faceted glass of crushed chamomile flowers, water and raspberries. Chamomile can be taken dried or fresh. Cook first chamomile and raspberry infusion. The recipe is the same in both cases. Pour the product with hot, slightly not brought to a boil, water. Leave for 30 minutes, insulating the containers with a towel or fabric cap to teapot. After that skip liquids through gauze or bandage: after you mix the tinctures, the bath will be ready.

Try to make the bath no longer than 10 minutes, as then it will lose its beneficial properties.

We heal cracks with nettle

Crumble a small handful into a bowl dried leaves nettle, supplement it with calendula inflorescences. Put them half as much as nettles. Pour in hot water and let the composition cool slightly. After dip your hands in a bowl with contents for a quarter of an hour. Finish the procedure with a light massaging of the hands with a nourishing cream.


Crush a small handful flax seed. Add a few drops mineral oil. Pour the composition with water until a slurry is obtained.

The peculiarity of the linen bath is that by immersing hands in the prepared mass, they need to be rubbed. The bath serves as a kind of peeling.

After completing the cleansing process, rinse your hands in water, lubricate the treated area with a light cream.

When using hand baths with dry skin and cracks at home, it is important to be aware of the possibility of allergic reactions to individual components or their mixtures. Therefore, we urge you to use these products against dryness and cracks with caution.

Hand baths are a medical or cosmetic procedure during which the hands are immersed in certain time in water. They help relieve fatigue, prepare the skin for a massage or manicure, saturate useful substances. Exists a large number of bath recipes. The best of them are presented in this rating.

From flaxseed

4 teaspoons of flax seeds pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for a quarter of an hour. When the liquid has cooled slightly, pour it into glass jar with screw cap. Shake vigorously. This step is necessary for the seeds to form more slime. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth and pour into a bowl. Keep your hands in the decoction for 20 minutes. Take a bath every other day. Thanks to healing effect flax seeds, after a few procedures, the hands will look well-groomed and attractive, as if after visiting an elite salon.

Bath with soda

The simplest recipe includes only two ingredients - baking soda and warm water. But, despite the ease and availability, the procedure will help with many cosmetic problems. After all, soda is great for excessive sweating palms, eliminates bad smell after cooking, deeply cleanses and softens dry skin, eliminates inflammation.

For cooking, you need 1 tsp. baking soda mix with a glass of boiled water. Immerse your hands in a warm solution and hold for 10 minutes. Dry your brushes with a towel. Apply your favorite cream.

Vegetable oil bath

Once a week it is recommended to do oil baths for hands. As a rule, the procedure is carried out using olive oil first pressing. However, not always desired product are available. In this case, it can be replaced with unrefined sunflower oil. The result will be just as good.

To prepare the bath, you need to slightly warm half a cup of vegetable oil. Squeeze out 2 capsules of vitamin A and E. Add a few drops of tincture of iodine. To stir thoroughly. Soak your fingers in the warm mixture for 15 minutes. Then rub the oil into the skin and nails with massaging movements. Pat dry with paper towel.

Warm vegetable oil will strengthen brittle nails softens the skin. An important advantage of this procedure is that the prepared mixture can be used several times. It is stored in a dark glass container.


Our grandmothers used a simple, but effective recipe. When preparing potatoes for dinner, the broth was not poured out. It was used to make a bath. Women noticed that their hands after it became soft, velvety. The reason is simple. Potatoes contain starch, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenating and restoring it. Now there is no need to boil vegetables for the sake of cosmetic procedure. The decoction is easily replaced with a starch solution, which can be prepared in just a couple of minutes.

Mix a teaspoon of starch with a little cold water. Pour the resulting liquid into a deep bowl. Top up with warm water. Keep your hands in the solution for 10 minutes. After this procedure, the brushes do not need to be rinsed, but only slightly blotted with a towel. Lubricate wet skin with your favorite cream.

From dryness and cracks

In winter, the hands are especially affected by cold air and wind. Even protective creams don't always help. Weathered and dry skin will help save milk with the addition of oils. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 1 tsp any vegetable oil;
  • 5 drops essential oil orange;
  • 2 drops of lavender oil

Warm milk, but do not boil. Pour in oils. Mix carefully. Dip your hands in fragrant milk for 10-15 minutes. Wipe with a napkin, then grease them with cream.


A bath with the addition of mustard is designed to improve blood circulation, get rid of excessive sweating, and relieve tension. It is also recommended to carry out as a prevention of colds.

Pour dry mustard powder (no more than 2 tsp) with a liter of hot water, stir. Gently immerse your hands in the liquid and hold for 10 minutes. The bath has a warming and locally irritating effect, so after a while the skin will turn a little red. Rinse your hands with cool water. Lubricate with cream. Course - 15 procedures.

It is important to remember that mustard can cause allergic reaction. Therefore, as cosmetic product will not suit everyone. To avoid irritation, a sensitivity test should be performed before the procedure.

With sea salt

Sea salt has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, regenerating properties. Salt baths increase skin elasticity, strengthen nails, relieve fatigue. Selling in shops and pharmacies ready mixes for taking baths. You can use the product of industrial production. However, the tool is easy to prepare yourself. After all, cosmetics hand made does not contain harmful dyes and fragrances. To make a bath, you need the following components:

  • sea ​​salt,
  • essential oils,
  • water.

Add a few drops of any essential oil to sea salt. To stir thoroughly. The resulting mixture is recommended to be stored in a tightly closed dark glass jar. For the procedure 1 tbsp. flavored salt dissolved in 1 liter of warm water. Immerse the brushes in a bowl, keep until cool. Then rinse your hands with cool water and treat with cream.


Decoction medicinal plants softens, rejuvenates, tones, strengthens the skin, reduces dryness and flaking. To prepare the remedy, you will need the following herbs:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • succession;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort.

Mix herbs. If desired, you can use only one type of plant. A tablespoon of herbal collection pour 1 liter of hot water, cook over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Insist. Strain through cheesecloth or clean cloth. Dip your hands in warm water. Wipe dry after 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure daily. The course is 20 days.


Paraffin not only effectively softens rough skin, but also gently cleanses, removing dead cells upper layers of the dermis. First, the product must be melted. To do this, put it in a bowl and melt it in a water bath. Cool down a bit. Paraffin should remain liquid, but not hot. During this time, wash your hands with warm water and soap and gently dry them. Carefully lower into melted paraffin. Remove your hands and wait a few minutes for the warm mass to solidify. You should get a kind of paraffin "gloves". Brush wrap cling film and put on warm gloves. Keep for half an hour. Remove paraffin, lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.


Get rid of tan, freckles and dark spots a whitening bath with lemon will help. In addition, the procedure will even out skin tone, reduce sweating. Heat the water and pour in the juice of half a lemon. Dip your hands in the liquid. After 10 minutes, rinse the brushes with cool water, dry with a towel. Apply a thick layer fat cream or cosmetic oil. Massage the skin. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in the evening before going to bed. For achievement maximum effect brightening baths should be done in courses - in spring and autumn.

The skin of the hands is constantly exposed harmful effects external environment and aggressive detergents. Regular use cream and protective gloves are not always able to protect it from damage. A variety of baths will help keep your hands tender, soft, beautiful.

For every girl, self-care is an integral part of life. It is at such moments that she can enjoy every moment of her transformation and spend time with benefits for beauty and health. One of the most pleasant procedures are baths for the skin of the hands, which help to make it taut, velvety, moisturized and healthy. How to make baths for caring for the skin of the hands and their compositions, we will consider in this article.

How to make the procedure as useful as possible?

Proper hand preparation and knowledge of the simplest rules will allow you to get the most out of the procedure. A hand bath will help make the dermis beautiful, soft and healthy, subject to the following conditions:

  1. The key to the success of the procedure is its proper preparation. Be sure to clean the skin of your hands from dust, dirt, cream residue, etc. Also degrease it with any alcohol tonic.
  2. You need to prepare the bath immediately before the procedure.
  3. Try to take baths regularly: do at least 1 such procedure per week.
  4. After the procedure, within 2 hours, try not to contact with chemicals: powder, soap, polishes, etc. They can be absorbed into steamed skin and bring irreparable harm epidermis.
  5. After the bath, be sure to rinse your hands in warm water and lubricate the skin with any natural cream(without dyes, additives and flavors) with vitamins A and E, plant extracts, natural oils etc. You can use homemade hand cream.

Hand baths can solve a lot dermatological problems. Below we will consider recipes that will help to cope with various ailments and restore softness, elasticity and attractiveness to the skin:

  • Bath with herculean flakes to soften the dermis. Cook 50 g of cereal in 150 ml of water (10 minutes will be enough) and pour 20 ml of any oil (olive, jojoba, peach, flax, sunflower, etc.) into the liquid mass. We lower our hands into the composition and wait 20 minutes, wash off according to the standard.
  • Milk bath with bread for the treatment of cracked skin. Soak the crumb in a liter of warm milk wheat bread. We lower our hands into the bath and wait 15 minutes, rinse the skin according to the standard.
  • A bath of calendula decoction with regenerating and wound-healing properties. We put 20 g of dry marigolds in a container with 1 liter of filtered or well water, put on fire and leave for 10 minutes (after boiling, we reduce the fire). We lower our hands into a warm broth for 20 minutes, there is no need to wash off the broth.
  • Potato bath with oil to soften rough dermis. In 1.5 liters of water, boil 3 washed potatoes (no need to peel) until tender. We take out the potatoes from the pan, and mix the broth with 40 ml of any oil (olive, jojoba, peach, flax, sunflower, etc.). We carry out the procedure for 20 minutes, rinse according to the standard.
  • Bath with oak bark to combat excessive sweating hands. Pour 40 g into 1 liter of filtered or well water oak bark, we send the mixture to the stove for half an hour (after boiling the broth, turn off the gas). We lower our hands into the cooled warm liquid and wait half an hour, there is no need to wash off the broth.
  • Paraffin bath for skin rejuvenation. We put 70 g of paraffin in a glass or ceramic container and melt it to a liquid consistency. Lubricate the hands with cream and dip in paraffin for 1.5 minutes, then pull out and let the product harden. We repeat this manipulation 7-10 times, the paraffin layer should be at least 3 mm. Now we wrap the brushes in plastic gloves / bag and put on warm (preferably woolen) gloves. After half an hour, remove the paraffin and rinse your hands with warm water.
  • Bath of sauerkraut juice for rough and rough skin. We place the brine from sauerkraut in a container and dip our hands into it, wait 20 minutes, rinse as usual.
  • Linden bath to soften the dermis. Pour 40 g of lime blossom into 1 liter of boiled water and wait 1 hour. We lower our hands into the infusion together with linden raw materials for 20 minutes. There is no need to rinse the decoction.
  • starch bath for rough skin. Dilute 20 g of starch in 180 ml of cold filtered water. We add the starch mass to a container with warm water - the volume of the entire liquid should be 1 liter. We lower our hands into the container for half an hour, rinse according to the standard.
  • Linen bath for the treatment of cracks in the hands. In 1 liter of filtered or well water, cook 50 g flax seeds. We hold our hands in the cooled broth for at least 20 minutes, it is not necessary to wash off the product.
  • soda bath for rough skin . We dilute 70 g of soda in 1 liter of warm filtered or well water, pour out 15 g of salt (preferably sea salt), stir and lower our hands for 20 minutes. Wash off in the usual way.
  • Vinegar bath for skin sweating. In 1 liter of filtered or well water we dilute 60 ml apple cider vinegar. We put our hands in a container with a solution and wait 15 minutes, rinse in the usual way.
  • Chamomile bath for healing small wounds and cuts and making the skin soft. 20 g of dried chamomile flowers are brewed with 1 liter of boiling water. After some time, we lower our hands into a warm broth and wait 20 minutes, there is no need to wash off the broth.
  • Cucumber bath to soften the dermis. 1 cucumber with a peel three on a grater or grind in a blender and dilute 120 ml of milk. We lower our hands into the resulting mixture and wait 15 minutes, rinse in the usual way.
  • Bath of bird cherry to remove puffiness from hands. We brew 20 g of dry collection of bird cherry with 180 ml of boiling water, after 30 minutes we lower our hands into the broth and wait 20 minutes. There is no need to rinse the decoction.
  • Glycerin bath to give the skin elasticity and softness. In 3 liters of warm filtered water, dilute 25 ml of ammonia and 40 g of glycerin. We lower our hands into the solution and wait 15 minutes, remove according to the standard.
  • Peppermint bath to relieve signs of fatigue from the skin. 20 fresh mint leaves brew 180 ml of boiling water from a teapot. After 30 minutes, put the handles in the decoction and wait half an hour, there is no need to rinse.
  • Soap and soda bath to soften the dermis. Grated soap (it is better to use baby soap) is diluted in 2 liters of warm filtered water, pour 30 g of soda into the mixture, stir and dip your hands for 25 minutes. Delete according to the standard.
  • Eucalyptus bath for rough skin. 20 g of eucalyptus leaves (dried or fresh) brew 180 ml of boiling water from a kettle. After half an hour, we lower our hands into the decoction and wait 25 minutes, there is no need to rinse.
  • herbal bath to give the dermis softness and velvety. We combine 30 g of dry collections of sage, plantain and chamomile. Boil 80 g of this mixture in 1 liter of filtered water for at least 10 minutes. We remove the raw materials from the plants, and lower the handles into the broth and wait 25 minutes. There is no need to rinse.

Try to use only fresh raw materials and products: vegetables, berries and fruits must be ripe, without dents and mold, dry herbal preparations should smell good and not be raw, all the remaining ingredients of the baths described above should consist of high-quality raw materials with no expired validity.

Everyone knows what's right careful care avoids the occurrence of most ailments. This rule also applies to the skin: if you follow simple rules, you can keep your hands as soft, attractive and velvety without the help of dermatologists and cosmetologists, expensive cosmetics and innumerable home procedures. For this you need:

  1. Wash hands with warm water and mild soap. If the skin comes into contact with hot water, it may begin to peel off and get burned, cold water provokes a loss of skin elasticity, as a result of which it becomes flabby and wrinkled.
  2. Dry hands after contact with water. This rule will help to avoid the appearance of burrs and prevent the loss of necessary moisture. Use only clean towels made from natural materials.
  3. Nourish and moisturize the dermis. Do not be lazy to lubricate your hands with cream before going to bed: choose high-quality cosmetic products with the presence of vitamins, vegetable oils, plant extracts and other natural ingredients.
  4. Carry out care procedures. At least once a week, carry out home treatments for hands: these can be baths, oil massage, masks, peeling, etc. After completing them, you will be able to mark positive result your actions and enjoy the magnificent view of the dermis on your hands.
  5. Protect skin from chemical substances. When using any cleaners and detergents for the home, protect your skin with thick rubber gloves. If you ignore this rule, you can run into troubles such as allergic dermatitis, skin inflammation and eczema.
  6. Dress for the weather. Wind, frost and dampness have on the skin negative impact, contributing to its chapping, inflammation and peeling. In the cold season, be sure to wear gloves or mittens, and before going outside, grease your hands with a rich nourishing cream.
  7. hold for hands special gymnastics. In order for the skin to always be in good shape, do simple hand exercises every day. Do circular motions with brushes, bend-unbend your fingers, make waves with your fingers, clench into fists, etc. These actions will help the skin stay young, as well as relieve fatigue and puffiness, which often appears after a hard day's work.

Following these tips will help the skin on your hands always remain young, velvety and attractive under any circumstances.

To be the owner of beautiful, tender and well-groomed hands it will not be difficult if you carefully take care of yourself and are not too lazy to carry out various procedures to maintain their healthy state.