Beauty and youthful hands after effective and useful “paraffin gloves. Paraffin baths for hands and feet at home

The uniqueness of cosmetic paraffin is that it has a high heat capacity: a heated product is able to give off its heat for a long time. And, as you know, with an increase in skin temperature, metabolic processes occurring in tissue cells are significantly improved, blood circulation is accelerated and water balance is normalized. In addition, already after the first procedures of paraffin therapy, the skin becomes soft and velvety, and problems such as microcracks, irritation and peeling disappear. While solidifying, paraffin compresses the skin (brings it to a stationary state), as a result of which wrinkles become smaller. Therefore, the additional benefits of paraffin therapy include smoothing wrinkles.

Paraffin baths are used to care for hands and feet. If such a procedure is performed in a beauty salon, as a rule, it consists of several stages:

  1. skin steaming
  2. peeling
  3. application of revitalizing serum to the skin and massage
  4. paraffin therapy

At the first stage, the skin of the hands or feet is steamed: for this, a warm bath is made, in the water of which a little sea salt or a few drops of aromatic oils are added. This is followed by exfoliation. This procedure is the application of a special salt scrub to the skin, which contains essential oils. As a result, the skin is freed from keratinized particles and saturated with useful biologically active components.

At the next stage, the cleansed skin is covered with nourishing oil or regenerating serum, after which a ten-minute relaxing massage is performed. After the nutrient mixture is absorbed into the skin, the hands or feet are immersed in a paraffin bath heated to 41 ° C. Then thin rubber gloves are put on the hands (legs are wrapped with a film). After 20-25 minutes, gloves (or film) are removed and enjoy an amazing result - radiant and hydrated skin.

Paraffin therapy for the feet: benefits and contraindications

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How to make paraffin baths at home

To carry out this cosmetic procedure at home, you will need a special bath for heating paraffin (it can be replaced with ordinary enameled dishes with a high rim, for example, a bowl) and the waxy substance itself.

For paraffin therapy, a cosmetic waxy substance without impurities or paraffin with various additives can be used. For example, "orange" paraffin is rich in vitamins of groups B, C and K, as well as bioflavonoids, so it perfectly tones the skin, moisturizes and strengthens it. And the “honey” waxy substance is replete with microelements, therefore paraffin therapy with its use has a regenerating and soothing effect, and also facilitates exfoliation and improves blood circulation.

Take 2-3 kg of paraffin and melt it. While the waxy substance is heated, prepare the skin for the upcoming procedure. To do this, an exfoliating mask is applied to the hands (or legs), held for 3-5 minutes, after which they are washed off and covered with a nourishing or moisturizing cream. Then they wait until the cosmetic product applied to the skin is absorbed. If necessary, excess cream is removed with a cotton napkin. Next, the hands or feet are immersed in a wax mass for 5–7 seconds, after which they are removed for 10–13 seconds and again immersed in a paraffin bath. This procedure is repeated 7-8 times. As a result, the skin of the hands or feet should be covered with a thick layer of paraffin.

The container in which paraffin is melted must be absolutely dry, otherwise water droplets that get into this cosmetic product will cause skin burns

To narrow the pores, use an infusion of calendula, for the preparation of which they take:

  • 100 ml water
  • 20 g calendula flowers

The raw material is poured with freshly boiled water and insisted until the medicinal mixture cools down to room temperature. After the infusion is filtered, diluted with 2 liters of warm water and the hands or feet are lowered into it for 3-5 minutes. Finally, a nourishing cream is applied to dry skin.

One of the most popular procedures in beauty salons is hand paraffin therapy. This procedure is very useful and extremely pleasant. Paraffin baths eliminate peeling of the hands, treat microcracks, slow down skin aging, and prevent bone deformation. If you pamper yourself with a paraffin therapy procedure at least once every three to four weeks, you will do yourself an invaluable service. Paraffin therapy for hands is most useful for women who have sensitive skin and dry cuticles.

Why do you need paraffin therapy for hands?

The main task of paraffin baths is to moisturize the skin of the hands. After a paraffin film is applied to the hands, the temperature of this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin increases by one to two degrees. Due to the warming of the skin, many positive physiological reactions occur. Many refuse paraffin therapy because they are afraid that paraffin baths can cause burns on sensitive skin of the hands.

Such fears are absolutely groundless, since paraffin has a low thermal conductivity. It gives off heat to the skin in small portions. But the outflow of lymph sharply increases, the functionality of capillaries increases, and blood circulation increases. This causes an increase in intercellular spaces, softening of the upper stratum corneum of the skin and opening of pores. But moisture does not leave the skin, because the paraffin film prevents this. Therefore, moisture is reabsorbed into the skin.

We will dispel the doubts of those who believe that there can be nothing useful in such a procedure - after all, moisture is simply released from the body, and then absorbed back. But paraffin therapy causes a redistribution of fluid. The water that comes out of the blood and lymph is absorbed not in the same place where it was released, but in other areas - those in which there is not enough moisture. That is why paraffin therapy for hands perfectly moisturizes the skin, which is noticeable after the first session. Skin elasticity increases, elasticity increases, the skin becomes fresh and pink. As it hardens, the paraffin compresses the skin, while the tissues tighten, and lifting occurs.

By the way, paraffin therapy is not only a cosmetic procedure. For some people, this is part of the treatment program. So, paraffin baths and applications are shown to people who suffer from salt deposits, orthopedic diseases. During a session of paraffin therapy, blood flow to problem areas increases, blood circulation improves in them, and this contributes to the restoration of muscle tissue, the improvement of motor joints, and the rapid healing of wounds.

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Paraffin therapy at home

Paraffin baths for hands are not such a complicated procedure, and in order to carry it out, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon. Everything can be done at home.

To conduct a paraffin therapy session at home, purchase about 2-3 kg of cosmetic paraffin (purified). Melt the paraffin in a water bath. Be careful not to splash water on the cosmetic material. While the paraffin is melting, prepare your skin for the procedure. First, use a scrub to remove dead skin particles and apply a moisturizer to your hands. Be sure to check the temperature of the paraffin before applying. To do this, apply a drop on the back of your hand. Remember that paraffin should be used only once, after that it loses all its useful properties.

To conduct a paraffin therapy session at home, you will need the following devices:

  • dishes for paraffin;
  • cosmetic purified paraffin (can be bought at a pharmacy or in an online cosmetics store);
  • plastic bags or gloves for hands;
  • small terry towels for hands (needed to keep warm);
  • hand scrub;
  • oil or cream - a nourishing cosmetic product for hands.

Various additives are often added to paraffin, which is used in cosmetology, which give an additional effect. Thus, aloe extract moisturizes and softens the skin, lavender or peach oil has a calming effect, menthol refreshes the skin of the hands, azulene has an anti-inflammatory effect, almond oil or cocoa butter softens the skin of the hands, vitamin E promotes skin regeneration. On sale you can find cosmetic paraffin, which includes therapeutic mud. Such paraffin is most often used not for the hands, but for the hips and abdomen.

There is also paraffin with various flavors - with the smell of chocolate, citrus, vanilla. So a session of paraffin therapy for hands at home can be combined with an aromatherapy session.

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The order of the procedure

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Paraffin therapy and the reasons for its popularity

Hands are the part of the body that is most exposed to the negative effects of the environment. It is the hands that can give out the true age of a woman. Therefore, they should be carefully looked after. Due to the negative effects of the environment, the skin of the hands begins to peel off, becomes excessively dry, and cracks appear on it. Paraffin baths for hands help to cope with these problems.

But cosmetic paraffin is useful not only for hands. The salons also do paraffin therapy for the face, legs, abdomen and thighs.

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Contraindications for paraffin therapy for hands

Despite the effectiveness of this procedure, it has a number of contraindications. So, if a person is sick with infectious diseases, hypertension, diabetes, he should refuse sessions of paraffin therapy. If you suffer from varicose veins, or you have open wounds or rashes on your body of any kind, be sure to consult your doctor about paraffin baths. Perhaps some local applications will be recommended to you, or maybe you will have to refuse paraffin therapy altogether.

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Paraffin therapy on video

Try paraffin hand baths if you have no contraindications to them. This is a truly magical procedure that gives an extraordinary feeling of freshness and youth to your hands. Even if it seems to you that 2-3 kg of cosmetic paraffin, which is necessary for one procedure, is expensive, a paraffin therapy procedure for hands at home will still be cheaper than in a salon.

To keep your hands beautiful and young for as long as possible, you need to take care of the skin in a special way, moisturizing and nourishing it with useful substances.

In cosmetology, paraffin baths for hands have been very popular lately. With this method of care, you can maintain the softness of the hands, moisturize the skin, soften it, add the nutrition necessary for the skin of the hands.

Wax is very hot when melted and has the ability to retain heat very well. And heat has a positive effect on internal processes in the body.

Baths for nails have a very favorable effect. For those who have a weak nail plate or exfoliate nails, this is an excellent solution. You can solve several problems at the same time. For various purposes, you can add the necessary vitamins of your own free will.

In cosmetology, paraffin therapy has gained great recognition due to the fact that it can not only solve cosmetic problems, but also the possibility of medical procedures.

Indications and contraindications for the use of hand paraffin therapy

  • dry hands;
  • cracks from drying out on the skin of the hands;
  • peeling of the skin of the hands;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • frostbite;
  • delamination of the nail plate.

Regular hand paraffin therapy has the most beneficial effect on the skin.

There are certain contraindications:

  • fresh wounds on the skin of the hands;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • vascular diseases;
  • infection or fungal diseases;
  • angina;
  • bronchial asthma.

It is also not known the effect of the procedure on pregnant women and their tolerability. That's why holding it for women in position is not recommended.

In any case, to confirm the absence of contraindications, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

This procedure has not only a certain benefit for the skin of the hands. Doctors recommend the use of paraffin baths for medicinal purposes.

Benefits and treatment of paraffin baths. Harm from misuse

The benefits of paraffin baths are well known, and they are used not only for hands. Although it can have a negative impact if used incorrectly.

The action of this procedure helps to avoid problems for people who have redness on their hands, as blood circulation increases. The skin on the hands becomes velvety. It is only worth trying one procedure in order to be able to feel a positive result.

If you carry out a series of procedures of this kind, the effect will be amazing. Even older people with aging skin can notice improvements.

It is very useful to carry out such procedures in the cold period. After winter, the skin becomes dry and receives little vitamins. Paraffin therapy can solve these problems in a few sessions.

Interesting fact! This procedure is considered one of the most useful all over the world.

Paraffin therapy does not have a negative impact, if its improper use is excluded.

The table below shows a number of positive and negative effects of paraffin therapy:

The benefits of paraffin baths for hands Harm of paraffin baths for hands
Enhances blood microcirculationIn case of overheating of the composition for the procedure - a burn
Accelerates the removal of toxinsUse in case of contraindications
Deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the handsOveruse
Nourishes the nail plate
Increases skin elasticity

The therapeutic effect of using paraffin baths is quite large. They are used for diseases such as arthritis, dislocation, fracture.

It is very useful to use these procedures for people with joint diseases. IN In this situation, sessions should take place daily, or every other day. The required number of procedures is from 10 to 20.

As you can see, the positive effect on the skin during this procedure is much greater than the possible negative effect.

Only white paraffin is used for treatment. He is purified.

Yellow paraffin cannot be used, as it contains substances that adversely, and even harmfully affect the skin, since it is unpurified.

Baths at home

The choice of a paraffin bath for hands is of no small importance, as it should have many useful functions. Since this procedure is simple, you can independently purchase the necessary ingredients and do everything in the comfort of your own home.

For paraffin therapy, it is necessary to use the so-called cosmetic or medical paraffin. You can buy it at a pharmacy.

Paraffin should only be heated in enameled containers.

You need to have dishes in order to pour this paraffin for the procedure itself.

Paraffin can be melted in a water bath in enamel or glassware

It is necessary to melt the paraffin in a water bath, its required amount is about 2 kg. Hands must be smeared with cream before starting, so that the paraffin is well separated from the hands. Then carry out the procedure according to all the rules.

Rules for the procedure of paraffin baths

It is important to know! The procedure for paraffin baths for hands has a lot of advantages, but if used incorrectly, it can be harmful.

That's why For this type of treatment of the skin of the hands, it is necessary to follow all the rules:

  1. First you need to remove all jewelry from your hands and wipe the varnish from your nails.
  2. It is necessary to know for sure that there are no contraindications for this procedure.
  3. Carefully inspect the skin so that there are no fresh wounds or cuts.
  4. Hands must first be lubricated with a nourishing cream or scrub. This will prevent the paraffin from adhering to the skin.
  5. Hands must be lowered into a paraffin bath for hands. Enough to the wrist, no longer than 10 seconds, so as not to harm. For a positive effect, you need to do this 6-7 times, with a break of about 10 seconds. The fingers should be tightly pressed together so as not to burn the membranes between the fingers.
  6. Wrap your hands with a plastic bag or gloves, then wrap in a towel or wrap with warm mittens for 20 minutes.
  7. Remove paraffin, starting from the wrist.
  8. Lubricate your hands with cream.

It is best to carry out such procedures half an hour before bedtime. It is recommended for preventive purposes to do them once a week.

Paraffin must not be heated on an open fire. Only in a water bath. Otherwise, it may burn and exude a very unpleasant and harmful odor.

Cosmetic paraffin is of different types. It can be sold with the addition of various essential oils, plant extracts, vitamins, but it can also be in its pure form.

It is also necessary to purchase a means for removing paraffin from various surfaces.

Be careful! The temperature of the paraffin in the hand bath should be such that it would not burn. Paraffin should be hot, but so that you can safely hold your hands in it.

The correct paraffin temperature should be no more than 50°.

Appointment of paraffin baths for hands. Recipes

Paraffin baths for hands - a useful procedure, but should be used only for its intended purpose and according to the rules. If used incorrectly, it can easily damage the skin.

Paraffin baths are an excellent procedure for rejuvenating hands, but in order to get the maximum benefit and not inadvertently harm the skin, it must be carried out in strict accordance with the rules.

Since paraffin therapy must always take place with a preliminary application of the cream, it can also be used to enhance the positive effect.

There are good recipes for cream before paraffin therapy.

Cream for pre-applying

For the cream you need:

  • mix 20 g of olive oil and sea buckthorn oil, also calendula oil;
  • add 10 drops of vitamins A or E in the form of oil and any aromatic oils. Mix it all up;
  • melt beeswax in a water bath in an amount of 15-20 g and pour a mixture of oils into it;
  • after the wax hardens, you will get an excellent nourishing cream that you need to use before and after the paraffin therapy procedure.

Nutrient bath


  • paraffin - 2 kg;
  • Vitamin A - 20 g;
  • Vitamin E - 20 g;
  • Seaweed (dry kelp) - up to 20 g.


  • algae pre-grind and pour water;
  • melt the paraffin in the bath;
  • mix all ingredients in a bowl.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure for preventive purposes once a week.

This bath, in addition to nourishing the skin, strengthens the nails very well.

Rejuvenating bath to nourish the epidermis


  • paraffin - 2 kg;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • milk - 20 g;
  • butter - 30 g.

Bath preparation and procedure:

  • Boil the potatoes and mash them like mashed potatoes, add milk and butter to it. Mix everything;
  • melt the paraffin separately;
  • put warm potatoes on your hands, wrap and hold it for a couple of minutes and then carefully remove;
  • wipe and rinse hands, grease with cream;
  • put your hands in a paraffin bath, according to the instructions 5-6 times for 7-10 seconds;
  • wrap your hands in a plastic bag or gloves. Wrap in a towel and soak for about 20 minutes.

Application once a week is sufficient for preventive purposes. If the skin is aging and needs restoration, you can repeat the procedure every other day, but no more than 5 times.

As a result, the skin will become soft and velvety. Hands will look younger.

Paraffin bath in combination with a mask of mashed potatoes makes the skin of the hands surprisingly soft and velvety.

Paraffin bath for dry hands


  • cosmetic paraffin - 2 kg;
  • olive oil - 15-20 g;
  • cocoa butter - 50 g.
  • melt the paraffin, add olive oil and pre-melted cocoa butter to it;
  • put your hands in the bath for 10 seconds 5 times;
  • wrap your hands in a bag, wrap in a towel for 20 minutes;
  • carefully remove the paraffin;
  • Hands at the end of the procedure, smear with cream.

This procedure will benefit if it is carried out regularly once a week.. You can take a break for a month.

Paraffin bath for hands with a tendency to allergies

This type of bath is suitable for people suffering from possible allergic reactions.


  • paraffin - 2 kg;
  • peach oil - 15 g;
  • aloe extract - 15 g.

Preparation and use:

  • melt the paraffin in the bath, add oil and aloe extract there, then mix the composition thoroughly;
  • lower your hands into the bath for 7-10 seconds 5-6 times;
  • wrap your hands with plastic gloves and wrap them in a warm towel for 20-30 minutes;
  • remove paraffin, starting from the brush gradually reaching the fingers;
  • at the end of the procedure, lubricate the hands with cream.

It is enough to carry out such paraffin therapy once a week.

If the paraffin is cosmetic without the addition of various ingredients, then various aromatic essential oils can be added to it as desired, for example, lemon, jasmine, green tea, lavender.

Be beautiful!

Video materials on how to conduct paraffin baths for hands, the benefits and possible harms of medicinal plants

How to make a paraffin bath for hands:

The benefits and harms of medicinal plants, possible side effects of popular herbs:

Any woman is well-groomed skin of the face and hands. Fragile female hands, coping with housework, child care and many other things, are worthy to be admired, admired, to be kissed. The health and youthfulness of the skin will be supported by the already very popular paraffin therapy for hands.

What it is?

This is a pleasant cosmetic rejuvenating procedure applied on any part of the skin. The use of paraffin is due to the high heat capacity of the material. Already at a temperature of 53 °, cosmetic paraffin melts, turning into a viscous mass, which is convenient to apply to the skin. But at the same time, low thermal conductivity of the material will help to avoid burns. The temperature under a layer of paraffin increases only a couple of degrees. After paraffin therapy, the skin becomes moisturized, tender, soft and visibly smoothed. The effect of the procedure can be enjoyed within a week.

Types of paraffin therapy

Depending on which wax is used for the procedure, there are:

  1. Hot paraffin therapy, which requires melting the material in a steam bath.
  2. Cold paraffin therapy. The procedure consists in applying cold paraffin cream to the surface of the hands or other parts of the body, that is, there is no thermal effect, which allows girls and women with contraindications to the hot method to do the procedures.

How does hot paraffin work, the benefits of the procedure

This material consists of hydrocarbons, it is dense and does not allow air to pass through. The skin under a layer of paraffin is as if in a greenhouse, that is, sweat, standing out, does not evaporate from its surface and is absorbed back. At the same time, the released toxins are not reabsorbed due to the large size of the molecules. This is what provides such valuable moisturizing and detoxifying properties of paraffin therapy. Also, thermal exposure contributes to the rapid and deep penetration of the active components of creams into the layers of the skin through expanding intercellular spaces.

Moreover, paraffin therapy for hands and body is capable of:

Normalize blood circulation and lymph flow, which will improve skin nutrition and speed up the process of removing toxins;

Clear pores;

Reduce swelling;

Smooth out fine wrinkles;

Restore muscle tone of the skin;

Increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin;

Improve overall well-being.

Benefits of cold paraffin therapy

Cold paraffin therapy for hands and body has a number of advantages over hot:

There is no need to purchase additional containers for melting the material;

Saving time, as there is no need to wait for the preparation of paraffin (it melts for about an hour and a half);

Easily removed with warm water after the end of the procedure;

There are no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the ingredients in the composition of cold paraffin.

Cold and hot paraffin therapy produces a pronounced psychotherapeutic effect. Immersion in hot paraffin can relax and restore even the most exhausted and tense female psyche. A cold enveloping with paraffin with various fragrances will cheer you up and just bring a lot of pleasure.

What should be the paraffin for the procedure

The paraffin therapy procedure requires the use of highly purified, completely dehydrated paraffin. This composition can be supplemented with essential oils, minerals, salts and vitamins. Aloe, for example, will soothe inflamed skin and also soften it. Ginger extract in paraffin will give freshness, relieve puffiness, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Lemon and lime will create a whitening, cleansing and refreshing effect. You should pay attention to the fact that the composition does not contain artificial colors or flavors.

Contraindications to the use of hot paraffin therapy

Paraffin therapy for hands and body is a type of heat compresses that are useful, but, unfortunately, not suitable for everyone.

To refrain from hot paraffin therapy, but girls and women with:


Infectious diseases or diabetes;


Purulent lesions of the skin;

Warts, moles or other neoplasms on the face;

Rash or sores on the skin;

- varicose veins, if you are thinking about paraffin therapy of the legs.

What to buy for hot paraffin therapy at home

Of course, it's great to spend a couple of hours in a beauty salon, where professionals in uniform dressing gowns are fussing around you. But, unfortunately, most women do not have enough time or money for this. The main advantage of paraffin therapy is that it is not necessary to go to the salon to carry it out. Everything is very easy to do at home. You will need:

Cosmetic paraffin, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or a specialized store;

A bath for paraffin therapy, which can be a ceramic or glass dish;

Polythene bag or hand gloves;

For the face, a piece of gauze and a cosmetic brush;

Nourishing cream and scrub for the skin.

The results after the home procedure will not be long in coming.

Rejuvenating treatment for hands and feet

Paraffin hand therapy at home will easily make dreams of soft and silky skin a reality. The effect when carrying out the procedure at home will not differ in any way from that which can be obtained in a professional salon. The process begins with heating the paraffin. This should be done on a steam bath. To do this, you can use an enameled saucepan with water, where a glass or ceramic dish with paraffin is placed, or you can purchase a melting apparatus that will melt the material and keep it in that state. In order not to waste time waiting for melting, you can start preparing your hands for the procedure: peel, remove varnish, apply a nourishing cream.

When the paraffin becomes soft and viscous, you should lower your hands into it up to the wrist for 2-5 seconds. Taking out your hands, you will see a film formed by paraffin on them. He needs to be allowed to cool down a bit. Then repeat the procedure 3-6 times until a thick layer is formed on the hands. On top of the paraffin "gloves" are put on polyethylene and warm terry, which help to retain heat and enhance the effect of paraffin. Within half an hour after removing the wax from your hands with warm water, you can enjoy rejuvenated and refreshed skin.

Paraffin therapy for hands, reviews of which are extremely positive, helps not only to eliminate minor flaws or external defects, but also has a healing effect. So, after a course of procedures, consisting of 5-10 sessions, you can forget about the problem of premature skin aging, severe dryness, peeling, cracks and redness.

Our feet experience no less stress, as a result of which the skin of the feet becomes rough and cracked. Paraffin therapy for hands and feet is carried out almost the same way. The feet are cleaned with a scrub, then a nourishing or moisturizing cream is applied. After that, the legs are lowered into paraffin and wrapped up to keep warm. The procedure ends with the application of cream.

Beauties who have chosen a home procedure should remember that the reuse of paraffin is unacceptable, if only because it loses all useful and nutritious substances after the first application.

Paraffin therapy for the face

This is a completely painless and quite effective way to rejuvenate the skin of the face, restore radiance, softness and smoothness. The advantage is:

Restoration of water balance;

Softening and getting rid of puffiness;


Pulling up the oval of the face.

To prepare the skin of the face, wipe it with an alcohol-free tonic and apply a nourishing cream. Paraffin is applied with a brush along the massage lines. A pre-prepared gauze bandage with slits for the nose and mouth is applied to the first layer. Several more layers of the substance are applied to it, and everything is covered with a terry towel. In a state of absolute rest, you must be at least 20 minutes.

Paraffin therapy for hands and body skin is easy to perform, comfortable, pleasant and will allow you to enjoy the beauty and softness of healthy skin for a long time. This procedure debunks the myth that beauty requires sacrifice.

A paraffin therapy session in a spa can be compared to something relaxing and renewing. And all this is not only due to the work of the cosmetologist, but also to the material that is used in such a procedure. The quality of the cosmetic paraffin must be appropriate in order for the session to be successful and meet expectations. The availability of this tool allows you to do pleasant spa treatments, even while at home.

What is Cosmetic Paraffin?

To make paraffin therapy with a melted paraffin candle will not work. After all, such a substance is made from petroleum products, and they cannot benefit human skin.

Cosmetic paraffin is a purified version of this substance. Additionally, it may contain various oils, vitamin complexes, natural ingredients. It melts at a temperature of about 53 degrees.

On sale, a cosmetic product can be found in the form of solid pieces of paraffin of different weights and types. Suitable for use at home and beauty salon.

The salons offer the use of paraffin containing natural bee products. Since they can cause allergic reactions in humans, the use of such a product for the first time is unsafe.

The use of cosmetic paraffin is possible for such thermal procedures:

  • face and body applications;
  • masks and baths for hands and feet;
  • wraps.

By correctly applying a cosmetic product, you can solve many skin problems: from moisturizing to rejuvenation.

Composition and useful properties

A cosmetic product under the simple name "paraffin" is not so simple. It contains the following elements:

  • complex carbohydrates are the “basis of the foundations” of the product, it is they who are able to turn solid material into a liquid mass;
  • cocoa butter - makes paraffin plastic and supple, gives it a barely noticeable aroma;
  • vitamins, namely A and E - skin regeneration, rejuvenation, skin renewal on any part of the body;
  • herbal extracts - necessary for better penetration into the skin and its hydration;
  • minerals - responsible for saturating the skin with oxygen.

Such a rich composition can be supplemented with various oils (essential, butter, cold pressed, etc.), plant particles, flavors, dyes. But synthetic additives will not bring much benefit, it is better to refuse them altogether when choosing a product.

Carrying out caring sessions of paraffin therapy has such a positive effect:

  1. skin nutrition. Even at the end of the session, the paraffin that has penetrated into the pores continues to nourish it, thanks to the elusive film created on the surface of the skin;
  2. smoothing. The effect is achieved after the paraffin hardens. Then it shrinks slightly, while tightening the skin, making it a slight lifting effect;
  3. stimulation of blood circulation. Under the influence of heat, which gives paraffin, blood circulation improves. Cells begin to renew themselves thanks to the lymph circulation, which is caused by the smooth cooling of the cosmetic product;
  4. hydration. Paraffin warms the skin, opens the pores and cleanses them. Under the paraffin film, a greenhouse effect is created (under the influence of the temperature of the material), moisture from which penetrates into these pores, moisturizing them qualitatively;
  5. relaxation. In cosmetology, it is also used for relaxing purposes. Upon contact of the warm mass with the surface of the skin, a person feels how fatigue leaves, and the body relaxes.

In addition to these properties that the product has in cosmetology, there are also the following: giving the skin elasticity, tenderness, velvety, improving color, accelerating the healing of microtraumas.

How to apply cosmetic paraffin?

Knowledgeable cosmetologists will not overheat the paraffin and will not bring discomfort to their client. But in home use, you can make a lot of mistakes: make it too high or low temperature, melt the paraffin in insufficient or too much, etc.

The most common uses for cosmetic paraffin are baths, hand and face masks. The technique of applying them is different, but the final result depends on it. Also, paraffin can be applied to any part of the body: knees, heels, décolleté, thighs, buttocks, elbows.

For hands

To bring the skin of the hands in order, you can use the method of "hot baths" or make a mask from a special cold paraffin. The result will be almost the same, but the procedure is radically different.

Hot baths.

To conduct a session, you need the following set of tools:

  • a special bath for heating paraffin (paraffin heater) or a home analogue - two pans of different diameters, so that it is possible to make a water bath;
  • 150-200g of paraffin for cosmetic purposes;
  • cream with a moisturizing effect;
  • disposable polyethylene gloves (alternative - bags);
  • mittens or a warm towel.

Before use, the paraffin must be melted. Do this in a special bath, as an option - in a water bath. It's important not to overheat. When it becomes transparent without cloudy impurities, it can already be used. It is advisable to use a water thermometer, just immerse it in paraffin before starting the procedure. The mark should be from 50 to 55 degrees.

  1. Clean your hands well. To do this, simply wash them well with soap and dry with a towel. If possible, instead of washing, hands can be treated with a disinfectant liquid.
  2. Moisturize your skin with a prepared moisturizer. Rub it with massage movements, it is worth paying special attention to the cuticle area and nails.
  3. Dip the pens in a saucepan (special bath) with molten (liquid) paraffin so that the liquid completely envelops the hands up to the hand.
  4. Take your hands out of the saucepan (bath).
  5. After the paraffin on the skin begins to become a little cloudy, put polyethylene on your hands, and then mittens.
  6. You need to keep such a mask for at least 20 minutes, but you should not exceed the time of 60 minutes.
  7. Hold the required time, remove mittens, polyethylene, paraffin from your hands. The product itself can be easily exfoliated from the skin by simply rubbing your hands.
  8. Moisturize hands with cream after the procedure is carried out.

You can also do several layers of paraffin on your hands. To do this, you need to dry each layer and dip it again in a melted product, which is in a liquid state.

Paraffin left unused in a saucepan can be drained into a bowl with a lid and cooled. It can be reused as many times as indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

It is used in cases where hot baths cause discomfort or there are certain health problems (for example, heart failure). The cold product has the appearance of a familiar nourishing cream, does not require any action before application. If used in a beauty salon, then the product is more hygienic than its “hot” counterpart, since it is used only once.

To use such paraffin, it is worth preparing the hands for the procedure in the same way as for hot baths. Next, the process is slightly different:

  1. After cleansing the skin of the hands, you can apply a moisturizer. This is not necessary, since the cold product contains all the necessary useful components and substances for moisturizing.
  2. Next, apply the product to your hands with a clean brush (a face mask brush can be used) or just with your fingers so that you get a thin layer of the product on the skin.
  3. Wrap your hands in plastic (gloves or bags), then put on warm mittens.
  4. Keep the mask from 15 minutes to 1 hour. In time, it will practically be absorbed into the skin of the hands and leave a thin film on it.
  5. Remove the remaining paraffin with a gauze or paper towel. No need to rinse with water to prolong the beneficial effect on the skin.
  6. To make the result more stable, it is better to use a moisturizing hand cream after the procedure.

It is better to make such hand masks with unpainted nails, but after a basic manicure is done.

For face

Using paraffin on the face is useful to restore water balance, and it is also an effective tool for improving skin condition at any age.

Effective paraffin therapy procedures using different materials - for melting or cold means. The stages of the cosmetic session are the same. The only difference is that the solid must be melted before starting.

It is also worth preparing additional accessories - cut a mask out of gauze so that it is large enough to cover the skin of the face, cut holes for the eyes, mouth, make incisions to follow the contour of the nose. Next, paraffin therapy for the face should be carried out as follows:

  1. clean the skin of impurities (sebum, cosmetics, dust) in any convenient way and means;
  2. then, using a brush, apply a moderate layer of liquid paraffin over the entire area of ​​​​the face, avoiding the delicate area around the eyes and lips;
  3. lay the previously prepared gauze mask on a layer of hot paraffin so that it sinks in it;
  4. a couple more layers of the product are applied on top of the gauze napkin, after the previous one has been slightly dried;
  5. wait 15-20 minutes and remove the mask (just pry off the gauze and remove it from the skin);
  6. remove the remnants of the mask with a dry cloth, use a moisturizer.

Using cold paraffin, the application technique is slightly different: it is smeared on a gauze mask, and after removal, the remnants of the substance are simply removed from the skin with a napkin. Additional use of moisturizers is not required.


Although paraffin has many benefits, it should not be applied to the skin of any part of the body, in such cases:

If cold paraffin is used, then it will become a harmless alternative to hot for vascular and heart diseases.

Which paraffin is better to choose?

Choosing a quality cosmetic product is easy if you know what to look for when buying:

Having chosen the desired product, you can start paraffin therapy and enjoy the result.