Abstract of a drawing lesson on the theme of a grain field. Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Wheat field. Spikelets are golden. Bread

Abstract of a drawing lesson in preparatory group:

on the topic "Bread is the head of everything."

Compiled by: Gurkalo O.B.

Program content:

To consolidate knowledge about the genre of still life painting, to give an idea of ​​the composition.

Learn to choose the right color scheme.

Learn to convey the shape, color and size of objects in a drawing.

Learn to harmoniously arrange the image on a sheet of paper.

Develop a vision of aesthetic beauty in still life.

Equipment and materials:

Still-life reproductions: V. Stozharov "Bread, salt and brother", Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov "Moscow food. Bread.

Photo illustration bakery products approximately 15x20 cm in size, cut into fragments.

A4 paper sheets

Watercolor, Gouache, brushes, brush stands, water jars, cloths.

Music P.I. Tchaikovsky "July, August" from the cycle "The Seasons".

Lesson progress

Educator: The topic of today's lesson will help you determine the pictures. I'll ask you to come up and choose one fragment. Now look at reverse side. You see, the "shirts" in the pictures different color. Please, those guys who have pictures with a blue "shirt", go to the table marked with a blue circle; those who have a yellow "shirt" - go to the "yellow table"; etc.

So, guys, take a close look at your pictures. Go to other tables. What do you think we are going to talk about in class today? Right about the bread.

Guys, I brought reproductions of paintings by Russian artists to our lesson. In Stozharov "Bread, salt and brother" and Ilya Ivanovich Mashkov "Sned Moscow bread".

Look at these pictures, what can you say about them.

Children's answers: That's right, still life.

Let's remember what a still life is. Still life is a genre of art depicting inanimate objects in custom compositions.

What art genres do you know?

Right: Landscape and portrait.

Landscape is an image of nature or some area (forest, field, grove, etc.)

Educator: Let's look at our still life, what is drawn on it.

Children's answers.

How the artist arranged his objects. Isn't it nice to see such an abundance of bread and pies. It seems that a delicious smell of freshly baked bread, rolls, lush dough comes from the picture.

Guys, let's be artists and draw a still life, but to start drawing we need to stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

Flour is kneaded into the dough, fingers are squeezed and unclenched.

And from the dough we blinded: They clap their hands, “sculpt”.

Pies and buns, Alternately unbend fingers

Sweet cheesecakes, starting with the little finger.

Buns and rolls -

We bake everything in the oven. Both palms are turned up.

Delicious! Stroking the belly.

Educator: First, let's prepare the background for the picture. On what background do you think it is better to depict bread. (Answers of children).

First, wet a sheet of paper with water using a foam sponge or a wide brush. Then we apply watercolors to the important surface.

Let's wait a bit until the leaf dries.

A physical education session is being held.

The bun grew like an ear, Children raise their hands up, shake

They are left and right.

Was the grain under the millstone, Vol. Ex. "Bird Feeding".

And baked it in the oven


Good master baker! Issue. Ex. "Tray".

Raise thumbs hands

Guys, look carefully at the pictures, remember the previous lesson, how to draw a still life, what paints you will use, how to properly arrange objects, having carefully thought out the sequence of actions, you can start drawing.

While drawing, soft music is turned on. P.I. Tchaikovsky "July, August" from the cycle "The Seasons".

After completing the work, the guys talk about their drawings.

Anastasia Metelkova/Gryaznova

tour of the kitchen

Tasting bread products

educational activities,

various types of children's activities Educational activities,

carried out during

regime moments. Interaction

with parents and

social partners

1. Cognition (formation complete picture peace)

2. Artistic creativity (drawing) Conversation: "My big family"

Looking at family photos.

"My relatives"

1. Story about bread


Give an idea of ​​what bread is a daily product; tell where it comes from bread how it is made, who grows and bakes it; educate respect for the work of adults, careful attitude To bread.

Veraxa page 81

2. "Wheat"

Target: Continue calling positive emotions To visual activity. Learn to betray in the drawing characteristics, color, shape of wheat

Labor in the corner of nature

Continue to teach children to collect water in a watering can. Water and loosen the soil of plants.

D/game "Think of another word"

Expand lexicon children.

T. G. Kobzeva page 64

P / s "learn by sound"

Develop observation and attention in children.

T. G. Kobzeva page 64

Individual drawing work


To consolidate the ability to draw wheat.


Grandchildren go to the country to visit their grandparents. They help to sow rye and plant onions.

educational activities,

carried out in the process of organization

carried out during

social partners

1. Communication (Speech development)

2. Artistic creativity (Modeling / Application)

3. Physical Culture A conversation on etiquette

"How to greet each other properly?" Good afternoon.

T. A. Shorygina page 11

1. Examination and description of the painting by I. Shishkin "Rye"

Target: Enrich and activate vocabulary; to teach the verbal description of the picture, to instill a love of art and native nature. Show interest in art when looking at photographs and reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin "Rye";

Veraxa page 112

2. Modeling « Bread»

Target: Continue to teach children to sculpt their plasticine, conveying the characteristic features of white and black of bread. Continue learning how to use the stack.

3. Physical culture No. 19


L. I. Penzulaeva str32 NKP

Continue to form respect for others, the ability to reckon with their desires and requests.

Di "What did I say?"

To teach children to distinguish the word with several meanings, compare these meanings, find common and different in them.

T. G. Kobzeva page 65

P / s "Where is the sound"

Develop mindfulness.

T. G. Kobzeva page 65

Ind. work developed speeches

Expand words knowledge.

Kissel from cranberries ....

Vegetable soup...etc.

C/role play

"Shop household chemicals»

Buyers choose household chemicals, consult with the seller, pay money to the cashier, and give checks to the seller. The seller is polite to the customers.

Reading Russian nar. fairy tales

"Princess Frog"

Educational activities

carried out in the process of organization

various types of children's activities. educational activities,

carried out during

regime moments. Interaction with parents and

social partners

1 Cognition (FEMP)

2. Communication (Speech development)

Conversation about the rules of conduct

"What does it mean to be responsive"

Get to know the concept "responsiveness"

Continue to learn to determine the location of surrounding people and objects relative to themselves and designate it words: FRONT, REAR, LEFT, RIGHT.

I. A. Pomoraeva page 20

2. Learning to read and write. Lesson number 4

Target: Development of the ability to determine the number of syllables in words; intonation to highlight a given sound in a word. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound.

N. S. Varentsova page 54

3. Express positive emotions when listening to audio recordings of songs about your hometown and piece of music V. Kalinnikov. KGN

Improve skills washing: lather hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, wash face, dry with a towel.


"Tell the kids how to wash"

P / s "Streams and Lakes"

To develop coordination of movements of children, speed, dexterity, the ability to act in a team.

T. G. Kobzeva page 67

Ind. work on FEMP

"We count longer"

"Lay the planks in a row"

I. A. Pomoraeva page 21

S/r game "Family"

Children help their grandparents clean the house, prepare meals.


"Peaceful Counting"

Veraxa page 196

educational activities,

carried out in the process of organization

various types of children's activities. educational activities,

carried out during

regime moments. Interaction with parents and

social partners

1. Artistic creativity (Drawing)

2. Physical culture


Conversation "Carefully and without haste"

Explain to the child why you should not rush when you eat.

Invite parents to bake bakery products and bring them to the kindergarten for tea on Friday.

1. Drawing « Bread in a basket»

Target: Continue to teach children to convey characteristic features in a drawing bakery products. Draw with the tip of the brush. Color objects in one direction: left-to-right or top-to-bottom. Develop attention and memory. Cultivate a love for drawing.

2. Physical culture No. 20

Tasks: Repeat walking with a change in the pace of movements; develop coordination of movements and an eye when throwing at a target; practice balance.

L. I. Penzulaeva page 33

Improve management skills bed: straighten the sheet, cover with a bedspread.

"How to make a bed"

P / s "Frog"

Teach children to match movements with words.

T. G. Kobzeva page 69


"can you lie on balloons"

N. M. Zubkova page 13

Reading thin. literature

Literary kaleidoscope

Coat of arms str 44

educational activities,

carried out in the process of organization

various types of children's activities. educational activities,

carried out during

regime moments. Interaction with parents and

social partners

1. Cognition (Design)

3. Physical education on Conversation street "What do people ride"

Talk about urban ground transportation

tea drinking with bakery products that the children brought from home.

1. Design « bakery»

Target: To consolidate ideas about the work of people on bakery. Strengthen the ability to build from small building material, correlate in size with the works of peers. Strengthen teamwork skills.

Galitsyn str 45

Target: express positive emotions (joy, pleasure, interest) while listening to music "Antoshka" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by Y. Entin). Learn to play the words of this song with a certain intonation.

3. Physical education on the street number 21

Tasks: Exercise in walking and running with stepping over obstacles, continuous running for up to 1 minute; repeat game exercise with jumps.

L. I. Penzulaeva str 34 NCG

Improve the ability to hold the fork with the thumb and middle fingers, holding it from above index finger, There is different types food

"Guess the type of transport according to the description"


Ind. modeling work

"Different cars drive down the street"

tea drinking

Household life work

Teach children to wash toys with soap.

Reading thin. liters

Riddles about bread

Target: Generate interest and respectful attitude to bread as a product of human activity.

Lay and develop the foundations of the research and visual culture of children.
Learn about the process of making bread.
Contribute joint activities children and parents aimed at strengthening family traditions.

Preliminary work.

Examining with children illustrations with bakery products, grain and spikelets of wheat, rye, oats.
Riddles about bread. Reading the fairy tale by V. Stepanov "The Miller and the Bear".

Materials: Gingerbread "Tulsky". Coloring pages depicting spikelets of wheat.

R / i. "Let's bake pies"

Target: development of attention, classification of objects according to two criteria (shape and size).

Direct educational activity.

Educator. In Rus', bread has always been valued and treated with the deepest respect. The dearest guests in the house were greeted with bread and salt.

They called him a strong power in the old days,
Khleboshek is rightfully the king in the state.

Children, you and I know that bread and any other bakery product is baked from flour. What is flour made from? Solve the riddle.

He is golden and mustache,
a hundred guys in a hundred pockets.(ear)

Children: From grain. It is ground in a mill.

Educator: When grinding wheat grains, we get wheat flour. And if we grind rye grains, we get rye flour. From which rye bread is baked, the one that we eat at dinner.

Here you break rye!
He is fragrant, he is alive.
Nourishes rye bread,
Saves us from hunger
Strength gives strength.
People love bread!

What does a rye ear look like? It has a tall, dense and stiff stem, which, after flowering, forms an ear full of hard yellowish-gold grains. Rye bread in Rus' was especially respected. The people said this: Rye bread feeds densely and satisfyingly.
Let's take another look at what spikelets of wheat look like. (Consideration of illustrations of spikelets of wheat).

It has a dense, hollow stem (i.e., empty inside) that holds a full ear of grain. Ripe grains are yellowish-golden in color. They have an oblong shape and are covered with a rather hard shell that protects them from drying out.

Two types of wheat are grown in grain fields: soft and durum.
Durum wheat is used to make pasta, horns, etc.
It is not suitable for baking, because it contains little gluten - a substance that gives bread friability and porosity. Bread is baked from soft wheat, which contains a lot of gluten.

Educator: Guys, who will remember the names of products baked from flour. (children list the names). Well done, children. How much do you know.

It is necessary to remove the wheat in time,
And grind grain into flour
To be able to come into being
Slice of white bread.

How many hands raised him
guarded, protected.
After all, grains did not immediately become
The bread that is on the table.
People long and hard
Work hard on the ground.

Educator: Well, let's paint over the wheat spikelets in our coloring pages so that they ripen and sprout. Well done, children. All wheat is ripe. It's time for us to get some rest.


Children pronounce words and perform movements under the text.

The boys worked
Now it's all about charging!
Turn left, turn right
Bend over and rise
Hands up and hands to the side
And on the spot jump and jump,
And now we're running.
Well done you guys!
Slow down, children, step
And stay where you are! Like this!

Educator: Guys, a gift was handed over to us from the kitchen today. And what is this hotel? We will find out later.
Let's take a closer look at this product. What is this product? Is it possible to determine what it is for?

Children: This is a gingerbread. They eat him. He is big and beautiful. He also has a drawing.

Educator. Explore this product. Pay attention to its shape, color, size.

Children: He's white. It is glazed. It's a little beige. Beautiful. He has letters. He's also plump. square shape. Not square, but rectangle. It smells delicious like gingerbread. Smells like a bun. Fragrant what. I want to eat it. It has a sweet taste.

Educator: Guess who, when and for what it was used.

Children: It was made for food. Created by man. Created a very, very long time ago. Created by scientists. To eat with milk. To eat with tea. With raspberries or jam.

Educator: Guys, try to imagine the "native environment" of this product - a place where it would feel at home. And objects that could surround him.

Children: On the table. On the plate. In the oven. In the kitchen. At the birthday. In the box. On the holiday.

Educator: Guys, this gingerbread is not simple, it, like you and me, has its own name. It was named "Tula" in honor of the city (Tula), where it was invented and prepared.

All inscriptions, drawings and patterns on the gingerbread are printed on the dough and then baked. While still hot, the gingerbread is poured with glaze so that it remains soft and tasty and fragrant.

We print the pattern on the test

In our city there is a "Museum of Bread", where you can see not only different types of gingerbread, but also gingerbread houses, Easter cakes, kulebyaks, loaves, gingerbread and much, much more. And there is also a mill made of dryers and a mill of desires.

Dryer mill

I invite you and your parents to visit this museum and bring any photo or drawing of the product you like from there.

gingerbread houses

And now it's time for our gingerbread. Let's have a bite and taste it well. It is so fragrant, beautiful and appetizing that you just want to eat it.

GCD Drawing
DOU: St. Petersburg State Autonomous Preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 5 of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg.
Group: Senior group"Rainbow".
Educator: Voloshchuk Marina Viktorovna.
Topic: "Bread is the head of everything!"
Theme of the week: "Bread is the head of everything!"
Purpose: Formation creative imagination and the ability to implement ideas.
Tasks: Consolidation of the skill of working with colored pencils, choosing the right color scheme, symmetrically arranging the components of the picture. To consolidate knowledge about the types of bakery products.
Materials, tools, equipment: colored pencils, White paper, a magnetic board with legs, a picture with cotton products, pictures of cotton products and examples of their drawing.
Preliminary work:
Children are divided into two groups: one stays with the teacher, the second goes to the playroom, where they play quiet quiet games: didactic, plot-role-playing, work with the designer, drawing on a free topic.
stage, it
Stage tasks
Methods, forms, techniques, possible types

psychological attitude,
1 min
Attract the attention of children.
Three loud claps (or ringing of a bell), please collect toys and go to the teacher
Children put away toys and approach the teacher. They ask questions.
verbal method.
The kids are set to work.

1-2 min
Tell the children what is going to happen.
Educator: invites everyone to go to the game room and look at the vase for bakery products (where dummies of bakery products usually lie).

Children's comments and response: they are gone.

Teacher: Yes guys. Today the girls wanted to play in our kitchen and found that all the buns, muffins and bread were gone. How can we find them, how can we solve this problem?

Children's answers: search, buy, do it yourself.
The children look at the table game room, ask questions, tell, listen to the teacher.
Verbal-visual method, discussion.
The kids are organized.

Motivational, motivational
1-2 min
Encourage children to draw bakery products.
Educator: Let's remember where bakery products come (take) from.
Children: several children answer in turn.
Educator: Guys, how can we return our bakery products?
Children's answers.
Educator: I propose to draw bakery products laid out on beautiful table, and see if ours will want to return to our table to return to the game room.
Children listen to the teacher, agree to perform actions, answer questions.
verbal visual method.
Children are interested in performing actions to gain new knowledge and consolidate previously acquired.

3 min
To consolidate knowledge about the types of bakery products.
Educator: Let's remember what bakery products we had in the kitchen and what was gone. And our ball will help us do it. I will throw a ball to you and whoever has it will name the bakery product and say that it is gone. For example, there was bread, there was no bread.

Ball game "What's gone"
(bread, long loaf, buns, bagel, pretzel, pie, cookies, dryers, cake, cupcake).
We didn't have such bakery products.
Children listen to the teacher. Children complete tasks by following the rules of the game.
Conversation, play activity, Verbal-visual method.
Every child understands and wants to do these actions.

Perception and assimilation of the new (or expansion of existing ideas),
5-8 min
Formation of creative imagination and the ability to realize the plan.
The bread was grown by the growers,
To please the fragrant,
Delicious loaf of bread.

Rye bread, loaf and rolls
You won't get it on a walk.
People cherish bread in the fields,
They spare no effort for bread.

The bread machine is running
Drives up to the store.
From doors open on the side
Fly out on trays
Saiki, bagels and muffins,
Donuts, buns in curls.
teacher: shows finished work that the children have to do. Explaining why and how the products are arranged in the picture.
Children: review and discuss what they want to draw.
Children listen to the teacher, answer questions, look at the picture, discuss.
Visually effective methods.
verbal visual method. Discussion.
The children were introduced to new material.

Dynamic pause, 1 min
Switch the attention of children.
Physical education:
A grain hit the ground, (squat)
It began to germinate in the sun (hands above head)
The rain watered the earth
And the sprout grew up (slowly get up)
Stretched for light and warmth (on toes)
And he turned into a handsome man (showing himself).
Educator: Tell me, has anyone seen a real spikelet?

Game tricks
The children rested.

Practical work (if provided), 5-10 min
Strengthening the skill of working with colored pencils, choosing the right color scheme, symmetrically arranging the components of the picture.
Educator: I suggest you draw a table and arrange your favorite bakery products. Step by step shows different types of cotton products. On the table at the head (in the middle) is a loaf.
Children watch the actions of the educator, gradually do the work on their own.
Activation techniques
children's thinking. verbal visual method.
Performance practical work.
Individual shape
organization of activities.
Mastering a certain amount of new skills, consolidating previously acquired skills.

Reflective-corrective (for educational activities, in which practical work predominates),
3 min
Help the child understand (realize) that he has mastered the skills and coped with the task.

Asks questions: what did we do today, what did we master, what did we remember? Why do we need to know where bread comes from, what types of bakery products there are and why we need to be able to draw different forms and items?
Children answer questions and talk about what they have done, show their work (allow each child to answer).
conversation, method feedback from children (tell).
Children are aware of and positively evaluate the acquired skills and previously acquired skills and knowledge.

The final stage. Reflection,
3 min
Formation of positive self-esteem and desire for further development and consolidation of new skills and knowledge.
Positive attitude, praise and gratitude: everyone coped, well done.
Question: did the children like it and do they still want to play and learn a lot of new and interesting things?
They ask questions, express their consent to the further development of new skills and knowledge.
Conversation, discussion.

The awareness of children that they have mastered and consolidated knowledge and skills and their activities are needed by someone and by themselves.

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for children of preparatory groups for school

Basic educational area: "Artistic creativity", drawing.

Region integration:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Music", "Artistic creativity".

Target: educate children unconventional ways drawing a wheat ear.

Program content:

- Cognition: to expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the wheat ear, its appearance.

- Artistic creation: consolidate drawing skills by applying the bristles of the brush.

- Socialization: increase the motivation of visual activity through the awareness of its moral significance; improve gross and fine motor skills.

- Communication: activate adjectives in children's speech (yellow, prickly, golden).

Educational tasks: to cultivate independence and purposefulness in work, the ability to bring the work begun to the end, accuracy when working with paints. Cultivate respect for bread.

Equipment: musical accompaniment, illustrations on the theme "Bread is the head of everything", wheat ears, a chest.

The course of activity.

The teacher tells the ancient legend about the ear of bread:

In ancient times, when God himself walked the earth, the life of people was easy and full. All year round it was summer. It rained when needed, the sun shone when needed. Fruit trees grew in the forests. The animals were gentle, and all fed on grass. People knew neither diseases, nor troubles, nor hunger. The grain ear was very large - there was almost no stem, the grains started from the very ground, and each grain was the size of a bean. There was so much bread that no one appreciated it. Once God walked the earth and saw how a mother wiped a soiled child with a piece of freshly baked bread and at the same time refused food to a wanderer. God got angry, ascended to heaven and deprived the people of bread. The earth became like a stone, the rivers dried up, the grass withered. Hunger has come. Then the cat and the dog went to God to ask for bread. He took pity and singled out a small ear on a long stem for the cat's and dog's share. God made it so that summer began to occupy only half of the year. Winter is for people and summer is for animals. People, baking fresh bread, gave the first piece to cats and dogs. Now tell me, what does the legend teach?

Educator: guys, guess the riddle, “a house grew in a field, a house is full of grain” (ear). Here is a spikelet visiting us today, let's tell you what we know about him. Where does the spikelet grow? What plants still grow in the field that have spikelets?

Children: wheat, rye, barley.

Educator: guys, let's look at the picture, which shows a field of wheat. What is on the spike?

Children: grains (the teacher demonstrates a natural wheat ear)

Fizminutka to the music:

A grain hit the ground (children squat),

It began to germinate in the sun (hands above head).

The rain watered the earth, and the sprout grew (the children slowly get up).

He reached for the light and warmth, and turned into a handsome man.

Educator: children, let's sit down at the table and try to draw a wheat field (at the beginning we draw a stalk, and then by sticking the pile of a brush - a spikelet, at this moment calm melodic music sounds).


The teacher asks the children to imagine that he is a spikelet, and they are grains. Children slowly gather in a circle on the carpet, in the center is the teacher.

Guys, tell me what is made from wheat grains? (flour of different varieties)

What is made from flour? (bakery products)

Today our spikelet has prepared for you a treat in the form of bagels.

When you eat, remember the legend of the ear of bread.

Sources of borrowed materials:

1. Aleshina N.V. Familiarization of preschoolers with the surrounding and social reality. Senior group "-M .: Elise Trading LLC, 2001;