Pregnant women to increase nails. Nail care during pregnancy. What is possible and what is not? Nourishing cuticle oil ~ manicure ~ aromatherapy

During pregnancy, everything changes: outlook on life, a woman's behavior, her attitude to her own appearance and the world as a whole.

There are many superstitions regarding pregnancy. After listening to them, many girls stop cutting their hair: they used to think that the longer the braid, the more energy the expectant mother and her child would have. They also try to trim their nails as little as possible, not to mention giving themselves manicures and pedicures.

In today's times, this myth has been dispelled, but some superstitious women still do not visit the hairdresser, beauty salons. Most, fortunately, want to look attractive. And what is the main sign of grooming? Of course, hands.

Nails and pregnancy

Many people notice that nails during pregnancy become more dry and brittle, which makes it difficult to grow them. But do not be discouraged, it will not be like this all the time - everything will work out immediately after the birth.

Modern cosmetic procedures allow you to hide the flaws in appearance. In particular, you can “disguise” problem nails: build up and apply varnish on them. That's just a pregnant woman needs to be very careful not to harm her health and the baby.

Fragility of nails, hair, caries occurs during pregnancy due to a lack of minerals and calcium. Therefore, after some time after the birth of the baby, the problems will disappear.

Harmful substances

Pregnant women can also apply nail polish. That's just allowed only those varnishes in which there is no formaldehyde, toluene, camphor. These substances tone the uterus, which can adversely affect the bearing of a child.

Almost all varnishes that are offered to use in salons contain toluene. This material does affect the development of the fetus if handled in large quantities. Moreover, the consequences for the child are the same as when drinking alcohol. In small doses, it is practically harmless.

As for a substance such as formaldehyde, its use in large quantities can also negatively affect the mother's well-being. Studies have shown that it does not affect the development of the fetus.

It is strictly forbidden to use acetone to remove nail polish during pregnancy - it can affect the central nervous system of the unborn child. There are many non-acetone nail polish removers that are recommended for pregnant women.

Nail extension

So is it possible to increase nails during pregnancy? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to consult on the composition of the materials that will be used for building. Studies conducted by specialists show that most products contain a large amount of chemicals that, when evaporating, adversely affect the development of the fetus.

The main material used for nail extensions is methacrylate, which can be made from methyl methacrylate and ethyl methacrylate. As a rule, the material used by domestic salons is brought from China. It consists of methyl, which really has a negative effect, which is scientifically proven.

Experiments have shown that the use of methyl methacrylate can lead to the development of various fetal malformations. In our country, it is used, although methyl methacrylate has long been banned in Europe and other developed countries.

As for ethyl methacrylate, it is less toxic, so it is more often offered to women who want to protect themselves from harmful fumes.

What to use: gel or acrylic?

The gel is a natural polymer that allows air to enter the nail plate and thus allows it to grow. The gel coating also protects the structure from delamination. That is, the nails will "breathe" and their appearance will be beautiful.

Acrylic does not let air through at all, but it stays on the nails much longer. But without the necessary trace elements and air saturation after this procedure, do not expect a healthy look for your nails.

The gel, unlike methacrylate, does not have a pungent odor, so it is suggested to be applied to pregnant women. But still, you need to be careful: even if you do not smell, this does not mean that the substance does not have any fumes.

What do you need to know about the procedure?

Doctors do not prohibit nail extension during pregnancy, but some conditions will still need to be observed:

  • Ask the manicurist about the composition of the proposed materials.
  • The expectant mother should take care not to breathe in vapors during the work of the master.
  • After the extension procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands. The fact is that on the hands, as a rule, there is working dust.
  • It is also advisable to rinse the nostrils of the nose well in order to get rid of particles that may have entered during the nail extension process.

I would like to warn women against visiting dubious nail salons. After all, they can become infected with hepatitis, the consequence of which is the termination of pregnancy or the birth of a child with severe pathologies.

Nail care

A hygienic manicure is enough to make your hands look beautiful and well-groomed. But at the same time, I want to talk about several folk methods that will help pregnant women restore the strength of their nails, as well as make the skin of their hands soft.

How can pregnant women take care of their hands:

  1. Massage is the main way to make your nails beautiful. It is recommended to do it using medicated oil and products that will help strengthen the plates.
  2. After creams prepared on natural ingredients (lemon juice, olive oil), the nails will become stronger, and the skin will become silky. You can buy vitamin A at the pharmacy and also add it to this mixture.
  3. Soda baths perfectly strengthen nails. To do this, dilute 1 tablespoon of table soda in water. To make the effect more obvious, it is advisable to do the procedure daily for 20 minutes for 14 days.

The well-being of the mother, her mood and psychological state directly affects the health of the child. If beautiful nails make you a little happier, you can build them up. Just do not forget to consult with a specialist before this and do not use cheap materials.

A pregnant woman thinks about what the pregnancy period will bring to her: what she will have to give up and what she will have to do from what she has not had before. Pregnancy will bring a woman not only a small miracle and a long-awaited one, but also some inconvenience and frustration. A pregnant woman will no longer be able to wear her usual clothes and shoes, but do not be upset! For pregnant women, there are also shops of fashionable things, shoes and accessories.

There are a huge number of stores where a beautiful and fashionable collection of clothes, shoes, and a special one is presented for expectant mothers. There is even harmless hair dye and other cosmetics.

And if a woman is used to always building up her nails, then what to do? Is it possible to increase nails during pregnancy?

Is it good or bad to grow nails during pregnancy?

A few years ago, studies were conducted on this issue, in which women took part, often using the services of nail extension masters.

In the course of this study, the effect of the most common chemicals used in nail extensions on the body of a pregnant woman and the course of pregnancy was noticed.

Substances in nail extensions and pregnancy

Modern materials for nail extensions contain methacrylate, which is of two types: methyl methacrylate and ethyl methacrylate. Methyl methacrylate has a negative effect on the development of the fetus, can cause malformations. Such effects from a given substance can occur if the concentration of the substance is a thousand times higher than the content of this substance in materials for.

Materials for nail extension, which are produced in Europe and America, do not contain methyl methacrylate at all. This substance is present in materials produced in China and Korea.

Currently, instead of methyl methacrylate, ethyl methacrylate is used, which has less toxicity, does not harm the health of the unborn child and mother, subject to precautions.

Lacquers and nail extension materials contain a minimal amount of formaldehyde, which is poisonous and toxic in large quantities. Studies have shown that a large amount of formaldehyde can only have a negative effect on the mother's body, and not on the child.

More dangerous is toluene, which is found in almost all nail polishes. This substance may adversely affect the development of the fetus, especially if inhaled. In varnishes, the toluene content is so minimal that not a single case of influence on the development of a child has yet been registered.

Acrylic or gel for pregnant women?

Pregnant women often choose gel nail extensions, believing that acrylic is more harmful than gel because of the pungent chemical smell and harmful fumes. The gel is odorless, but has the same fumes and effects on the body.

In this case, if you cannot refuse nail extensions while pregnant, then you can safely build up nails, both with acrylic and gel.

Precautions for nail extensions during pregnancy

The procedure for nail extension for a pregnant woman should be performed in a well-ventilated room where the hood will function.

It is important that when building nails, the master uses only high-quality materials that will not have a negative impact on the body of the expectant mother and child.

After nail extension, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and rinse your nose with mineral water to avoid an allergic reaction to dust after filing nails.

Artificial nails are one of the most popular procedures in the nail industry. And this is not surprising. The material used for this procedure is particularly durable, which allows the nails to maintain an impeccable appearance for a long time. Also, it allows you to bring to life a design of any complexity - from a monophonic coating and jacket to a complex aquarium. A lot of controversy raises the question of whether it is possible for pregnant girls to build up nails. Opinions on this issue are significantly divided. We, in turn, will try to understand this issue.

A few words about nail extension

Nail extension is carried out in order to lengthen the nail plate. For this, several types of materials are used:

  • tips;
  • acrylic;
  • gel.

Tips are hypoallergenic plastic. They are applied to the nail plate, which, in turn, lengthens it and reliably protects against mechanical damage. Nail extension during pregnancy is recommended to be performed with this material. It is safe and does not enter into chemical reactions with the human body.

Gel and acrylic are considered no less safe materials. Despite the fact that they are applied in liquid form, they have practically no chemical effect on the nail platinum and are not absorbed into the cuticle. Acrylic is distinguished by enviable strength when hardening on the nail plate, but it has a sharp chemical smell, which causes concern not only for expectant mothers, but also for girls who carefully monitor their health. Another thing is the gel - it has practically no smell, color and lays down more subtly when applied. Any of these materials can build up nails during pregnancy, but it is worth remembering that each of them is artificial, which means "alien" to the human body.

A lot depends on the master himself, who carries out the nail extension procedure. In any case, he should work only with well-disinfected materials, his hands and the hands of the client should be treated with antiseptic preparations. Edged manicure is best done no earlier than 2-3 days before the procedure. This will prevent infection from entering the blood through the damaged cuticle.

Nail extension during pregnancy: positive and negative aspects

So, is it possible to grow nails during pregnancy? Of course, pregnancy is not an indication for the prohibition of this procedure. But manicure masters do not recommend doing such procedures during hormonal changes and shifts. The fact is that during pregnancy, the hormonal background changes significantly. This can cause rapid detachment of the material from the nail plate. Weak and brittle nails cannot withstand "heavy" artificial materials.

However, with a competent approach to the procedure and preliminary treatment of the nail plate, the question of whether it is possible to build up nails during pregnancy is decided by itself. Proper processing of the nail plate allows the material to last much longer. And the treatment course makes the nail plate strong and reduces the harmful effects on it at times. Nails after nail extension during pregnancy have a neat well-groomed appearance for a long time. This means that the expectant mother will feel beautiful and happy - which has a positive effect on the fetus.

What do doctors think about nail extensions during pregnancy?

Despite the safety of the nail extension procedure and the safety of materials promised by the manufacturer, doctors recommend that pregnant girls take this procedure extremely carefully and responsibly. The fact is that one of the components of the material for building up are rather aggressive chemical components - methyl methacrylate (MMA) and ethyl methacrylate (EMA). They have an indirect effect on the fetus and in rare cases can cause defects and mutations in the embryo. However, for such an effect to occur, a large concentration of these substances is required. And in modern materials, their content is extremely small.

On the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to build up nails with gel, doctors also cannot answer unambiguously. On the one hand, gels and nail polishes contain formaldehyde, which does not have the best effect on the fetus. On the other hand, for building up certified masters choose materials produced in the USA and Europe. They are of high quality and the absence of prohibited toxic components. And in order for toxic substances to act on the fetus and the body of the expectant mother, it takes a long time (about 7 hours) to properly inhale the harmful components. And, as you know, no extension, even the most complex in technique and design, can last that long.

And you, being in a happy expectation of a baby, would you decide on nail extensions? Share with us your opinion on this matter! If you already had such an experience, then share it, tell us what material the build-up was carried out on, how you and your future baby felt. And, of course, offer nail designs that are interesting for new mothers! Health to you and your children!

Every woman dreams of always looking her best. And while carrying a baby, I especially want to feel the admiring glances of people on myself. Thanks to special shops, she can choose beautiful outfits, fashionable and comfortable shoes, as well as cosmetics intended for expectant mothers. Not every woman in a position will be able to refuse beauty salons that she has visited before. Hair coloring, nail and eyelash extensions, all this is so familiar to girls that they simply cannot do without such monthly procedures. And having become pregnant, women cannot but use the main sources of attractiveness. Today, due to the fact that paints began to be produced without ammonia, and nails are built up with gentle glue, it is quite possible to use all these cosmetic procedures.

For many years, numerous studies have been conducted on the benefits and harms of artificial nails. As a result, it was found that the composition of the material may include 2 variants of the substance - ethyl methacrylate and methyl methacrylate, which can become a source of danger. So, is it possible for pregnant women to build up nails? If the process occurs with the help of a substance - methyl methacrylate, then the question must be answered in the negative. This substance has an extremely negative effect on the fetus, and can also cause malformations in the development of the baby. There is a small amount of this substance in the material for nail extension, which is not capable of causing harm, but still, in many European countries, the use of methyl methacrylate is excluded.

At the moment, in the developed parts of the world, another option is used - ethyl methacrylate. In this case, the question - is it possible for pregnant women to build up nails, a positive answer is given. This substance is not toxic, therefore - this procedure will be absolutely safe, both for the mother and for the fetus.

Many women are wondering not only whether it is possible for pregnant women to build up nails, but in general - how ordinary varnishes affect the body and the fetus. Here it should be clarified that in the building material and in nail polishes there is a sufficiently low amount of formaldehyde and toluene, the content of which cannot cause harm and malformations.

To answer the question posed - is it possible for pregnant women to build up nails, it should be clarified what is better suited as a material - gel or acrylic. Some women, due to the absence of a pungent odor, choose a gel. But this decision is not correct. Acrylic has a strong odor when it evaporates, but gel also has this fumes, it just doesn't smell. To make nail extension during pregnancy less dangerous, you should choose European-made acrylic than Chinese gel.

Well, here we have answered the question - is it possible for pregnant women to build up nails. But still, with such a procedure, expectant mothers should follow some recommendations:

Always visit a competent specialist who uses quality materials;

The room must be ventilated so as not to breathe chemicals;

After the procedure, you should rinse your throat and nose to avoid allergies;

Also, at the end of the extension, you need to wash your hands with soap;

When a woman begins to give birth, you need to remove your nails so as not to injure the skin of the baby.

With the birth of a baby, do not forget about yourself, mothers should look good, no matter what it costs them. But still, you should refrain from building nails after childbirth, because in the process of caring for a child, nails can cause inconvenience and unwanted vulnerability.

Thus, it is quite possible for pregnant women to build up nails, only it is necessary to choose not cheap Chinese materials, but more modern and high-quality ones. The master of the procedure must be experienced and tactful, working individually with each client.

The question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to build up nails worries many women who, before they found out about their situation, regularly did the procedure. And if many agree that it is possible to paint nails during this period, if you follow the basic rules and use high-quality products, then the answer to the question of whether it is worth building nails for pregnant women is not so unambiguous, and many recommend abstaining.

Despite the fact that some studies have shown that the harm from nail extensions is no more than from polluted air or synthetic materials in the apartment, which, when evaporated, adversely affect the body, there are a number of reasons why it is advisable to refuse the procedure, limiting yourself to a simple manicure , or do without it altogether. They are associated primarily with hormonal changes in the body, which begins to actively prepare for childbirth.

One of the reasons why many women refused the procedure during this period is that during pregnancy, as a result of changes in the body, artificially attached nails are rejected (even if they were made by a good craftsman and high-quality materials).

Due to hormonal disruptions, some advise not to grow nails during menstruation, but many question this statement and say that the day of the cycle does not affect the quality of the manicure: the only disadvantage of the procedure during this period is that the woman has increased sensitivity and reacts more sharply for pain.

During pregnancy, women with malnutrition may experience a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, due to which the nails become brittle, weak and it is undesirable to cover them with artificial material. In this case, it is necessary not to build up, but to take measures to strengthen the nails, among which is the intake of a balanced vitamin and mineral complex.

Also during pregnancy, a woman's sensitivity increases. This applies not only to odors, but also to various materials to which allergic reactions occur, even if they have not previously manifested themselves.

In this case, according to reviews, the fingers in this case turn red, begin to itch unbearably, and after removing the artificial coating they are difficult to recover, while the situation is aggravated by the fact that all the pain and discomfort that the mother experiences is also felt by the baby in the womb, which can negatively affect its development.

Having agreed to the procedure, it should be borne in mind that nail extension takes three or more hours. It will not be easy for a woman in position to sit this time in one place, which will lead to uncomfortable sensations - and the baby will also feel it. Nails grow quickly, so the correction procedure must be done often, therefore, as the period increases, it is very difficult to withstand the procedure, according to reviews. In any case, false nails will have to be removed before the maternity hospital.

During childbirth, they can fall off, as a result, the fingers will look unaesthetic, and it will not be possible to remove the remaining nails. Even if nothing happens to them, after giving birth, after visiting the toilet, you need to wash yourself every time, and after the birth of a child with long nails, it is simply dangerous to take care of, because you can scratch the baby badly.

Also, the procedure should not be done if the woman has diabetes, problems with blood flow, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, or if the woman is undergoing chemotherapy or bacterial treatment. These ailments in themselves are dangerous for the health of not only the baby, but also the mother, so you should not expose the body to unnecessary risk.

Checking the ingredients

Another reason why you should not do nail extensions during pregnancy is the composition of the products that are used for the procedure. Poor-quality products contain methyl methacrylate (a component banned in Europe and America back in 1974) and other substances that can adversely affect health.

For example, although methyl methacrylate has been replaced with safer ethyl methacrylate, it can cause coughing, burning, migraine, dizziness. And although many agree that the concentration of substances harmful to health is insufficient to harm the health of the mother and child in order to prevent pathology (and few people want to become a rare exception), it is advisable to refuse the procedure.

When choosing materials, many prefer gel coating, believing that such nail extension during pregnancy is safer for health. This opinion is erroneous, because although acrylic, unlike gel, smells strong and unpleasant, these substances evaporate and affect the respiratory tract in the same way, and researchers' reviews suggest that the effect on the body of products of the same quality does not differ.

Nail extension during pregnancy with a gel is a more pleasant procedure, since a woman's sense of smell is aggravated during this period, which is why she may not be able to withstand the unpleasant smell.

Also, do not forget that harmful components may contain varnishes and nail care products. Therefore, experts who do not recommend building up nails in their reviews, but allow the use of varnish, are advised to carefully choose the product and make sure that the composition of the product does not include toluene, toulin, dibutyl phthalate, camphor, and the especially harmful substance formaldehyde. All of them have a negative impact on health and can harm the health of the mother and baby.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a product, experts advise purchasing varnishes designed for pregnant women, if they are not on sale, you can buy products labeled "Big3free", which do not contain formaldehyde, toluene, dibutyl phthalate. And even better - "Big5free": in addition to these substances, the composition of the varnish does not contain camphor and formaldehyde resin. It is desirable to use such varnishes for all girls, regardless of the cycle of menstruation, and also whether the woman is pregnant or not.

If a decision was made in favor of false nails, the procedure must be taken responsibly and steps should be taken that will make the session as safe as possible for the health of the mother and child. First of all, preference should be given only to a well-established master, for which to collect all kinds of information about him from friends.

An incorrectly performed procedure will not only lead to a rapid detachment of nails, but can also greatly spoil them, causing itching sensations already in the first hours after a manicure. In this case, the artificial material will have to be removed, and the nail plates after that will not look the best.

Before the procedure, you need to check the composition of all products that will be used for manicure. You can learn about their effect on the body through the Internet. If you have a gadget with you, this can be done on the spot, if not, ask the master in advance about the means used and check at home.

For the duration of the manicure, it is better to wear a mask or respirator. True, not every woman will decide on this, given that the session lasts several hours. It is necessary to ensure that during the entire extension procedure do not bring the nails closer to the face at a distance closer than fifty centimeters.

It is desirable to breathe through the nose, with a curved nasal septum this is problematic, so you need to ensure that your fingers are at a great distance from your face. Upon returning home, you will need to rinse the nasal mucosa with saline, mineral water, or simply clean water.