Gifts for wedding guests. Useful gifts for wedding guests: funny, seasonal and practical

The central figure of any wedding is the newlyweds. Guests say a lot of warm wishes, compliments, give gifts. The newlyweds can thank the guests for this not only with delicious food, but also with interesting contests. And there are prizes for contests.

What to hide - it is the opportunity to receive a gift that motivates many to participate in them. The variety of possible rewards for contests is beyond description. So let's talk about what they can be, how to find good prizes and not spend a fabulous amount on it.

Everyone loves to receive prizes, because everyone is pleased that he was encouraged for something, albeit purely symbolically. Incentives can be tangible or intangible..

The first option is the most popular. Of course, this is a separate expense item, but it is much more pleasant for guests to take a present with them, which will remind them of a solemn event. No one says that as prizes you need to buy expensive things, enough cute little things. The main value is not in the gift itself, but in its meaning, which the toastmaster informs the winner of the competition.

When choosing material prizes, many newlyweds have doubts about their appropriateness. For example, it may seem that giving soap bubbles to an adult respectable man is absolutely ridiculous and can offend him. This is partly justified opinion, so you should choose gifts depending on the age and social status of the guests.

Intangible prizes, even the smallest ones, can encourage even inactive guests to take part in. An original and interesting promotion will definitely not go unnoticed. The main thing is to present it correctly.

Intangible prizes may include:

  • applause;
  • gratitude from the young;
  • kiss the bride or groom;
  • the ability to include any song in .

Such "gifts" require the manifestation of imagination, and also save the budget.

So what to choose - tangible or intangible prizes? Of course, both options have the right to exist. Guests still come to the wedding, first of all, not for prizes, but in order to congratulate the newlyweds. On the other hand, the original present will be a pleasant reminder of this solemn event, which the guest will take with him. Some gifts can be very useful in everyday life. And, what to hide, even in the most comic competition it is pleasant to be a winner.

Errors when choosing

When choosing wedding prizes, newlyweds often make mistakes. The first and most common of these is buying the same gifts for all guests.. Think for yourself, would you be interested in participating in the competition if you knew in advance that you would receive the same gift for it as the other person? Of course not, it is much more interesting when the intrigue is preserved.

The second mistake is too expensive gifts.. Of course, the newlyweds buy them with the best of intentions, trying to present something useful to the guests. However, this can put the person in an uncomfortable position. When for the most ordinary competition he receives, for example, a portable speaker, bewilderment may arise. A person will involuntarily begin to consider himself indebted to you. Therefore, prizes should be chosen more or less cheap. The main thing is to pick up even the simplest trinket with your soul.

When buying gifts, you should take care of their relevance. Knives, mirrors, watches, and the like are completely unsuitable as a gift, because they have a certain symbolic meaning, and many guests may not like it. Also, when choosing gifts, consider whether they will offend people's cultural or religious sensibilities.

Gifts "for show" is also a very bad idea. The choice of a present should be taken very carefully, show imagination, and not buy what first came to hand. It is best when you already have a list of competitions ready, and you choose prizes specifically for each of them.

What to give guests?

Prizes for wedding contests can be anything, as long as they are appropriate. You should buy presents in advance so that on the last day you do not waste time shopping.

However, newlyweds do not always decide which prizes to buy. Quite often, the choice is entrusted to the toastmaster. In this case, be sure to check out the list of contests and prizes so that there are no unpleasant situations.

Useful little things

Gifts for wedding contests can be sold even in the nearest supermarket. Your own imagination will help in choosing them. For example, a chocolate bar can become a pleasant prize if you give it to a guest with a wish for a sweet life. Go to the nearest hardware store and you will see good prizes there too. For example, a set of hair bands can be a great gift in competitions designed specifically for girls.

Important! Don't donate low quality items. Even if the gift is very cheap, it should look decent. There are a huge number of things that can be bought for a ridiculous amount, but beat so that all guests want to get such a thing.

And if you go to the store of low prices, which are now almost everywhere, a huge scope for creative ideas opens up. Here are some of the simplest examples of things that can serve as prizes for contests:

  • stationery- pens, rulers, notepads;
  • household goods- soap, shampoo or sponge for washing dishes;
  • beauty products, which are desirable to use in competitions for girls - sponges for washing, beautiful hairpins, hand creams;
  • kitchen utensils- strainers for brewing tea, coasters for cups, molds for baking;
  • useful little things- a spoon for shoes, clothespins, silicone rags for cleaning laptop keyboards;
  • Just cute things- soft toys, anti-stress pillows, head massagers.

Many of the listed souvenirs cost less than 100 or even 50 rubles.


If you give alcohol, then only good. However, not all newlyweds can afford a bottle of expensive cognac, and it is inappropriate to give too expensive gifts. It is optimal to give small bottles (about 200 ml each) good alcoholic drinks, it is inexpensive and quite convenient. If you really want to donate a large bottle, you should make a special contest for this, where this prize will be a worthy reward.

Sweets - what to buy?

If you give guests a delicious candy, a small cake or a lollipop as a prize, it will all be simply eaten, especially if the award is given for. It turns out that the guest will not even take anything with him from the wedding, he will only have time to feel the taste of the edible prize.

Note! If you give edible prizes, then only those that you can’t eat right away, so that the guests have at least something to remember your holiday.

For example, a jar of jam would be a good gift, which, moreover, the presenter will be able to beat correctly. Here are some more examples of sweet gifts:

  • beautiful packaging of macaroons;
  • lollipops;
  • marmalade;
  • cookies in a festive box.


Handmade gifts are not always good. Firstly, handmade can be quite expensive, then it falls into the category of inappropriate gifts that will embarrass the guest. Secondly, a handmade gift made unprofessionally is also unlikely to be appreciated. An exception is if it has some kind of emotional coloring, for example, it was made by a child specifically as a prize.

But, despite these shortcomings, there are plenty of excellent souvenirs among handmade prizes:

  • scrapbooking postcards;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Handmade soap;
  • stylish decorative figurines.


Photos as a prize will be nice to take with you to all guests. These do not have to be photos from the wedding, you can also use pictures of memorable moments taken earlier.

One of the options is photos of the newlyweds.. Please note that only close relatives or friends will be pleased to receive prizes with such photos, others may not appreciate such a gift. Photos do not have to be printed at all, you can put them on any souvenirs, for example, magnets.

Another option is to give funny photos to guests.. These should be personalized gifts meant for specific people. The photos can show significant moments or just some funny shots. Try to choose a photo so as not to offend a person. In this case, contests need to be guessed for specific people. You can entrust it to the toastmaster.


Gifts for a wedding with images can be very different, it is not at all necessary to put photographs of the newlyweds or guests on them. They may also have original inscriptions or congratulations. Texts can be universal or intended for a specific guest. You can put inscriptions on pens, mugs, T-shirts and other things.

Also prizes may have some kind of symbolism designed specifically for the event. Of course, the facilitator should explain to everyone the meaning of the symbols.

Various cool pictures and inscriptions look great on prizes. A funny picture is sure to cheer up guests and enliven the event. The main thing is that the picture should not be offensive, vulgar or offensive.

Presentations with images can be made in the form of predictions. Then you can arrange not a competition, but a comic fortune-telling. For example, come up with good wishes that every guest would be pleased to receive.

You can also put a text on the prize stating that it was made at your wedding, the date of the event and the venue. Of course, it should not be simple, but beautifully designed text.

cool stuff

In any event program with competitions, it does not hurt to add a little humor. You can laugh not only during the competition itself, but also at the gift that is due for it. Examples of cool prizes:

  • colorful ties from the carnival store;
  • clown noses;
  • fan pipes;
  • crackers.

original ideas

What gifts are usually given for contests? Most of the time things are completely normal. But some newlyweds do not want to give something standard, but want to present original prizes to guests. Such things can also be found for very little money:

  • Board games is a great entertainment for a large group of guests. They contribute to the creation of a relaxed, comfortable, fun atmosphere at any party. Therefore, a board game as a prize is a wonderful and, moreover, a very unexpected option. The shops sell a huge number of small board games, for example, "Mafia", "Uno" or "Svintus";
  • beautiful lamp- also a very good and useful gift. In stores you can find lamps with a very unusual design;
  • Heating pad with charger function not only help to charge the phone at any time, but also warm in cold weather. This is a very unusual, but at the same time useful prize.

Besides, original prizes may be related to some topic. If the wedding itself is themed, you can attach gifts for guests to this. For example, the book “Memoirs of a Geisha” can be an original prize at a Japanese-style wedding.

Another unexpected gift is a gourmet book. Each country has unusual dishes that are worth trying. This book has a whole list of such dishes with their description and country of origin. Such a prize can motivate a person to gastronomic discoveries and he will definitely like it.

Of course, there can be much more original, beautiful and unusual prizes for a wedding. These are just a few examples of what you can give. Please note that original gifts often cost an order of magnitude more expensive than ordinary things and they are much more difficult to find, so think in advance where you will look for such prizes.


Ordinary gifts are usually wrapped, but is it worth it to do the same with prizes for wedding contests? If the item is already packed, of course not. In addition, packaging is an extra cost. If the item is already so beautifully packaged, it is simply impractical to invent an additional wrapper for it.

Important! Under no circumstances should prizes be packaged in ordinary plastic bags, even if they look decent. It’s better not to wrap them in anything at all, but to give them just like that.

But there are things that are impractical to give without packaging. For example, cakes, Christmas decorations, fragile items. You can come up with original boxes for them, buy beautiful little gift bags or wrap them in paper. Don't buy overpriced packaging., because the prizes themselves are usually cheap too. Items packed, for example, in craft paper, colored cardboard gift bags or bright boxes with ribbons look very stylish.

Packaging is also an important part of the gift, if it is supposed to be, then it should look decent.

Useful video

Some more interesting gift ideas for guests - see with your own eyes and rate:


You need to choose gifts that are not too expensive, but useful and of high quality. It is better to do this in advance so that the entire set of prizes for competitions is available in advance, then it will be easier to think over the program. Each thing must necessarily come up with some meaning and hand it to the person with the right words., then even the cheapest trinket will become a welcome prize, and your original approach will encourage guests to participate in contests.

Gifts for newlyweds at a wedding are commonplace, but gifts for guests are a relatively new custom. He came to us from medieval Europe, although in Rus' there has always been a tradition of wrapping guests from the wedding in a handkerchief. To give or not to give gifts to guests at the wedding? Many brides and grooms, given the number of guests, doubt the need to comply with such a formality, and in vain. It is necessary to thank the guests for the fact that they came to support you on such an important day for you. A gift for guests does not have to be expensive, the main thing in it is a tag with the inscription (you can also write it by hand) “Thank you for being with us!”.

A surprise for guests will be very pleasant if they see a bonbonniere next to their cutlery on the table - a classic version (translated from French, bonbonniere means candy bowl). You can make it. You can arrange a gift simply - in the form of a bag of cellophane or gift paper, as well as napkins in the form of a bundle with a beautiful ribbon. They are usually filled with sweets, marmalade, cookies, cakes, now popular cupcakes, muffins and other little things. Homemade cakes with wedding logos look original in bonbonnieres. And if you also put your family signature recipe in the box, the gift will not be forgotten soon. If there are not all lovers of sweets among the guests, you can choose handmade souvenirs for gifts - candles, soap, a warm scarf, a flower pot.

Gift Ideas for Guests

You can pick up ready-made gifts or show your imagination and make original souvenirs with your own hands. Let's start with the finished ones.

Themed wedding

It is better if the gifts are universal, not focused on men or women. Do not be afraid to be original, guests will definitely appreciate your creativity.

seasonal wedding

If the wedding is classic, you can focus on the time of year in choosing gifts. In summer, you can give fruit baskets or pots of seedlings. In autumn, guests will be happy with a jar of honey or jam, cooked by the bride herself. In winter, you can give scarves, mittens, a warm heating pad. In the spring, sets of seeds of flowers and greenery, indoor plants in pots are appropriate.

If the options with ready-made souvenirs do not suit you, let's see how to do it gifts for wedding guests at do it yourself

Bookmark for a book - master class

The budget is 200 rubles, the time for making a bookmark is 15 minutes.


Step-by-step instruction

DIY candle

Budget - 200 rubles, production time - 50 minutes.


  • container for a candle (cup, jar);
  • wick and wax;
  • thick cardboard for fastening;
  • a jug with a spout;
  • aromatic oils and dyes (optional).

Step-by-step instruction

Greens in a pot

Budget - 100 rubles, production time - 20 minutes.


  • pot;
  • seedling;
  • universal soil;
  • tag and twine.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Prepare the pot - wash if it is new or remove all labels if using jars.
  2. Fill the seedling container with soil and leave a recess in the center.
  3. Plant seedlings and attach a tag with the name of the guest and words of gratitude to the cord.

Such pots with glued magnets on a metal board at the entrance to the hall look interesting. Another option for such a gift is a violet in a pot, decorated with floral paper and a flag with wedding logos. The color scheme can be arranged in accordance with the theme of the wedding.

incentive prizes

They give consolation prizes for weddings. Bridesmaids who did not get the wedding bouquet can be handed cakes with predictions of a happy fate, guys who did not catch the garter, similarly, only something courageous.

After the wedding, you will probably have a disc with records of the registration ceremony, walks, competitions. You can send a copy to each guest.

How to give gifts

You can put gifts on a separate table or in the form of a multi-tiered cake, in the European style. You can give gifts to guests in different ways:

  • the easiest way is to leave them on the table under a napkin folded into a cone;
  • O original gift for wedding guests a souvenir in a balloon tied to the chair of each guest;
  • can be given during congratulations at the time of presenting gifts to the newlyweds;
  • you can beat in the form of contests - arrange fishing with magnetic fishing rods, where the guest himself will catch a gift for himself;
  • spend a win-win by indicating the ticket number in the wedding invitation;
  • if there are few guests, just introduce each one with a comic, not offensive poem and present the gift in public;
  • put souvenirs in a chest and call in turn the tallest man, the most magnificent and beautiful woman, etc., only the nominations should be focused on the sense of humor of each guest;
  • sometimes they make out a wedding tree, where gifts are hung up, as on a New Year tree, in return, the guest can hang a tag with wishes for the newlyweds.

For gifts to guests for participating in competitions, you can buy various little things - decorative candles, key rings, photo frames, chocolate medals, soap bubbles, a fan, vases, jewelry, pens, notepads. So that gifts do not remain on the wedding tables, you can think about an exclusive option. For example, order calendars for next year and a photo of the newlyweds, fridge magnets with a wedding theme, mugs, t-shirts, badges - any souvenir with your initials that can be ordered at an advertising agency.

There are no special requirements for gifts for guests - this is an expression of gratitude on the part of the bride and groom for the fact that their friends and relatives were able to share the joy and attend such an important holiday for the young. However, you still want the gift to please and be remembered, and not go to gather dust in the closet immediately after your wedding. What options should be considered in this case?

Bonbonniere. Traditionally, this is the name of a box with sweets, and its contents can be anything - from sweets (regular store-bought or handmade) to fashionable wedding gingerbread or exquisite candied flowers and berries. This is the most versatile gift, which can also be presented as a real small work of art - when the sweets are eaten, guests can use the bonbonniere itself as a jewelry box, piggy bank or jewelry box. You can make bonbonnieres yourself by buying beautiful boxes in a gift shop, and sweet "filler" in the confectionery department.

Natural flowers. Small beautiful pots with real green plants will successfully fit into the decor of the tables, and at the end of the holiday they can be given away to guests. You should choose unpretentious plants that can easily endure transportation and do not require special attention during the preparation of the banquet hall and the banquet itself. Cacti or dwarf bonsai trees are good for this purpose.

Mini-copies of the bride and groom. Small compositions that repeat the figures from your wedding cake, or porcelain shop couples, complemented by inscriptions with the names of the newlyweds and the date of the wedding, or beautiful heart magnets on the refrigerator with your common photo - there are a lot of options, choose the one that suits you best. Guests will be doubly pleased if the signatures on the figurines are personal, with the names of the guests.

Photoshoot. Photographers are present at all weddings, but usually 90% of all shots are newlyweds from different angles and reportage shots. Give your guests the opportunity to get good staged photos with their participation. To do this, you can make a special photo zone with good lighting and interesting props, and at the end of the evening give guests flash drives with their photos or print photos and attach them on a special magnetic board, from where guests can pick up their favorite shots when leaving home. This option will require the presence of a second photographer at the wedding, but the pleasure of the invitees is worth it.

Personal prediction. Any kind of fortune-telling and prophecy is always interesting, and for your guests it will also be great entertainment. You can invite a real astrologer or a fortune teller who during the evening will predict the future or make horoscopes for those who wish, or you can make a special deck of cards in advance, where instead of kings, queens and jacks there will be photographs of guests with prophecies printed next to them. A good option is the so-called "fortune cookies", they can be ordered in advance and laid out next to the plates at the last change of dishes. An important point - all predictions must be extremely positive!

Copyright soft toys. Fashionable now small monsters and animals made of fabric, sewn and painted by hand, will appeal to all guests, regardless of age. When ordering toys in a needlework store, you can ask the manufacturer to add a useful function to them, for example, a key ring or "balls" - an anti-stress filler. Continuing the wedding theme, you can order "paired" toys, while the guest receives one "half" along with the invitation to the wedding, and the second - already coming to the holiday.

Scented pads. Sachets - pillows or bags with herbs and petals - will add coziness to any home, they can be decorated with suitable embroidery or pattern, and the contents can be selected in accordance with the theme of the wedding. Coniferous aroma will remind your guests of an eco-style wedding, rose petals, lilac or lavender flowers will remind you of a flower holiday. You can also use more versatile scents, such as coffee or juniper.

And a little more about how you can present gifts to guests in an original way:

Hang on a wedding tree - let each guest choose a gift to their liking, and instead hang a wish for the newlyweds

Fishing. The attraction comes from childhood - you can put a large container in the hall, for example, an aquarium or a children's pool without water, and put fishing rods next to it - guests will enjoy not only the gift, but also the process of "hunting" for it.

Shop. At the very beginning of the holiday, guests can be given game "money", which they can exchange in a specially arranged "shop" for memorable gifts of their choice. This can also be used when holding contests, playing the same game banknotes instead of the usual small souvenirs.

A wedding is a celebration of the love of two young people who have decided to link their lives and destinies. On this day, which was preceded by difficult months of preparation, the closest people are next to the newlyweds. The bride and groom want to thank them for their support and love and make sure that everyone remembers the happy day for a long time. Recently, it has become fashionable to express gratitude in the form of small presents that can be not only pleasant and touching, but also very practical. In today's article, we will talk about what useful gifts the newlyweds can make to guests at the wedding.

To give or not to give?

Many couples think about whether it is worth giving gifts to guests, because this is an additional expense item, and there may not be enough time. But just imagine how nice it will be for those invited to receive small souvenirs that will remind you of this happy day for a long time. Do not give up the idea to please your loved ones, because gifts should not be expensive, their value is different. They express gratitude for the fact that the guests came to share joy and happiness with you. Surprises for guests should not be taken as a duty. You must sincerely want to do something nice for those who came to this holiday of love.

What can you give your guests at a wedding?

If you decide to prepare small surprises for your guests, then be sure to check out the gift options.

edible gifts

This is not to say that this surprise has any practical benefit, besides the fact that it's just nice. Sweets can be packed in bags, baskets, boxes and decorated with ribbons and bows. As a sweet gift can serve:

  • Overseas treats (sherbet, dried fruits, Turkish delight, etc.).
  • Named chocolate. On the wrapper, the newlyweds, their initials and the date of the wedding can be depicted. Also on the package, lovers can express gratitude to the guest for their attention and support.
  • Jars of jam prepared by the bride / mother / grandmother. The jars are so beautifully decorated that after the jam runs out, they can be used as a decorative element.
  • Alcohol. You can't give every guest a bottle of good wine. Therefore, you need to pay attention to souvenir bottles of 50-100 ml, which can contain wine, beer, whiskey or a cocktail. It will not be so expensive and quite original.
  • Guests will also be pleased to receive honey, candied fruits, tea, coffee, etc.

Joke gift

For this purpose, pre-printed wedding newspapers that can be placed on festive tables are perfect. Articles in a playful way will tell the story of the acquaintance of young people and funny facts from their lives.

You can also ask friends with a good camera on their phone to photograph funny moments at a celebration with guests. Instant pictures will please the guests and will be remembered for a long time.

An excellent solution would be to hire a cartoonist. During the banquet, he will draw portraits of all those present, which can then be handed to each guest.

Seasonal Presents

Gifts can be chosen and beautifully decorated in accordance with the time of the year the wedding is celebrated.


Gift wrapping colors: blue, silver, white and, of course, New Year's theme. Gift options:

  • Christmas decorations;
  • sweets;
  • decorations in the form of Christmas trees, snowflakes, etc.;
  • magnets with the image of young people;
  • gingerbread men;
  • hot chocolate;
  • glass balls with snow.


Autumn involves decorating gifts in gold, yellow, red, marsh and orange hues. Good gifts for guests will be:

  • candles;
  • gingerbread;
  • homemade jam;
  • fruits.


Spring is characterized by blue, yellow, green colors. This time of the year, like the wedding, symbolizes the beginning of something new and beautiful. Guests will be happy to receive:

  • Handmade soap. It can be made in the form of doves, flowers, hearts or engraved on them with the names of the young and the date of the wedding.
  • Bath salt, a nice and useful gift.
  • Fresh flowers in small pots.
  • Scented candles, etc.


Bright and colorful summer does not limit the choice of color design for presentations, which can be:

  • aroma oils;
  • sachet with herbs;
  • Handmade soap;
  • sweets, fruits, berries;
  • shells;
  • a fan with personalized inscriptions on a fan or handle;
  • Sunglasses;
  • glass bottles in which there will be small scrolls with wishes and gratitude to all guests.

Really useful gifts

You can give not only beautiful and memorable trinkets, but also something that is useful to every guest in everyday life.

kitchen utensils

  1. Spice sets. The inseparable salt and pepper shakers add flavor and spiciness to life, which is very symbolic of family life.
  2. Bottle opener accessories. A corkscrew and an opener are very practical things. Since this is a wedding gift from the newlyweds, the handles of accessories can be made in the form of hearts or in another form close to this theme.
  3. Useful little things: strainers for tea leaves, coasters for cups, teaspoons, napkins (fabric and paper), potholders.


  • Personalized pens;
  • notebooks;
  • notepads, etc.

Bath products

  • Aroma oils;
  • candles;
  • bath salt;
  • various hygiene products.

More gift ideas

  1. Wedding magnets. Newlyweds, guests, wishes and so on can be depicted on them. A magnet with the date of the wedding will always remind you of when it will be necessary to congratulate the newlyweds.
  2. Personalized pendants.
  3. Keychain with the name of the guest.
  4. Personalized towels.

When and how to donate?

Many couples think about when exactly to present gifts to guests. The following options are available:

  1. Spread out on the places of the guests at the table. If the gifts are personalized, they will serve as seating cards.
  2. Independent work. You can put a separate table on which gifts will be beautifully laid out. The host can announce that each guest on this table can find a small present for himself.
  3. Wedding tree. On it, like on a Christmas tree, surprises for guests will hang.
  4. Goodbye handover. You can personally thank each guest for coming and give him a gift.

The tradition of giving gifts to guests at a wedding appeared relatively recently, although it has existed in Europe since the sixteenth century. In Russia, it was customary to give a small gift to take away after the wedding feast. Now she is very fond of both the heroes of the occasion and those invited. Guests will take away cute souvenirs that will remind them of the holiday. And the newlyweds will share a piece of their love and happiness.

What gifts to present to your guests?

The most common today are bonbonnieres. These are small elegant boxes or bags for sweets. You can fill them not only with ordinary sweets, but also with wedding cookies with the initials of the newlyweds. They are beautifully decorated with rhinestones, ribbons, flowers. Owners will be happy to use such a box as a jewelry box. The main thing is that the bonbonnieres are the same for all guests. So you won't offend anyone. As an exception, you can prepare souvenirs that differ in color separately for women and men. An interesting and pleasant addition to the bonbonniere will be a small card attached to it with wishes to the guest and gratitude.

A variety of bonbonnieres - sweet hearts in a transparent package. They look no worse, only the emphasis is on the content. Modern confectioners create real masterpieces, richly decorated with mastic, candied and fresh berries, fruits and even fresh edible flowers! Such souvenirs can not only be placed on the tables, but also placed in one large basket. Seeing off the guests, the bride and groom will give each departing his bonbonniere and thank the guest.

Natural flowers. A very practical option. Throughout the festive banquet, they will emphasize and complement the style of celebration you have chosen, and at the end the guests will take them home. Flowers will delight their owners for decades to come and remind you of your wedding. You just need to be careful about choosing the type of plant. After all, they have to not only get to the solemn table, but also stand on it for more than one hour. The best option for such a gift can be a small cactus or bonsai trees, which are very popular today. And cute violets, also unpretentious in transportation and care, will remind the owners of the happy union of loving hearts with their flowering for a long time to come.

Small figurines of the bride and groom. It can be figurines with your names. Which depicts the groom in a tailcoat and the bride in. You can also consider magnets, key chains, flash drives, etc. An individual inscription for each guest with wishes will ideally complement such a souvenir.

Photoshoot. Traditionally, about ninety percent of the frames in wedding photographs are dedicated to the bride and groom. Guests will be very pleased if you invite a second photographer especially for them. By the end of the wedding banquet, their photos can be presented on flash drives decorated with your initials with the date of the wedding. Or you can place already printed frames on a special magnet, from where each invitee can take the image they like. Such a gift is undoubtedly more expensive, but guests will appreciate it.

Predictions. It's always fun and interesting. You can invite a real soothsayer or just hire an actress who, throughout the holiday, will predict fate and tell fortunes for those invited. Great entertainment. And you can prepare Japanese fortune cookies for guests. In Japan, it is traditionally baked for the New Year holidays. Why is marriage not a reason? A good option would be a pre-prepared deck of cards with the image of guests and a prediction on the back. Newlyweds, of course, hearts king and lady! After the holiday, each guest can take his card with him. But! All predictions must necessarily promise a bright future. If the fortuneteller is real, do not forget to warn her about it.

handmade. It is also a great option to please guests. Now he is in trend. It can be, for example, soft toys with anti-stress filler. Or clay gnomes, wooden amulets, horseshoes, straw birds of happiness. Paired dolls can be an excellent option, one of which you will present with an invitation, and the second at the wedding. In handmade shops, you can not only choose from ready-made works, but also order something special. Masters will gladly fulfill an individual order.

Soap. Such souvenirs for your guests can be prepared independently. It can be in the shape of hearts, with your initials inside. To give a special charm, it is enough to add a few drops of the groom's favorite perfume (for the male part of the guests) and the bride during the manufacture.

Sachet. These fragrant bags will give a spiritual atmosphere to both the festive hall and the guest house after the celebration. They can be filled in accordance with the theme chosen for the wedding. In addition, if you decorate them with embroidery with your names or the names of guests, your guests will most likely fill this bag with their favorite scents again and again. It is important that the color of the sachet is in harmony with the design of the banquet hall.

An excellent gift would be an album with the most significant moments of marriage or wedding. In the future, guests will be able to fill it with their favorite shots. Such a souvenir will be especially charming today, because many of us have long been accustomed to storing our frames exclusively in electronic form, sometimes even forgetting what is there.

A wedding-style mug with the guest's name on one side and your names and photos on the other is good as a gift.

If there are not very many guests, then a porcelain or faience dish with your image and the date of the wedding will be an excellent souvenir. A bottle of elite alcohol with your photo instead of a label will be just as good. Expensive, but among the guests are the closest people!

Summing up, it should be noted that no matter what gift the newlyweds present to their guests, it will always be a pleasant end to your holiday, and will give pleasant memories to its owners for a long time to come! If you have planned, then read our special article. It discusses the main points that you should pay attention to when preparing a wedding at this time of the year.