Corporate gifts for Chinese New Year. Small gifts are also welcome. Preparing for the Chinese New Year

After 1911 New Year In China, it is literally called the Spring Festival. This is one of the most important and long holidays in China.

Chinese New Year 2013: Celebration Dates

By Chinese calendar The New Year begins on the days between January 21st and the end of February. It is celebrated from the first day of the new moon for 15 days (until full moon). In 2013, the holiday will come on February 10 and will be celebrated until the 25th. It is believed that this is when winter ends, it gets warmer, and nature begins to wake up. Therefore, hopes for health, happiness and well-being have been associated with the Spring Festival since ancient times.

Preparation for the holiday

Preparation for the holiday begins long before it. Already a month before, New Year's fairs appear, the main entrance of which is traditionally decorated with colorful pai-low arches. At the fairs you can find everything you might need on a holiday! There's a huge selection New Year's toys, and the most popular of them - Panvava - healthy child made of clay, 40-50 cm high. This large-headed doll with rosy cheeks is a symbol of nobility and wealth. Panvava holds a peach in her hands, symbolizing longevity.

The four main figurines sold at the fairs - dragon, phoenix, qilin and turtle - provide happiness and prosperity and are magnificent talismans and symbols of Feng Shui.

The dragon occupies a special position in Chinese folklore: he is the lord of heaven, and the emperor was considered his son. Phoenix is ​​the personification of happiness and rebirth, and the turtle symbolizes long life. Qilin - a fabulous creature - in turn, is a symbol of well-being and longevity. There is a special ceremony held on the New Year according to the Chinese calendar: people carried a bamboo qilin figurine around the villages and performed a special dance to the sound of drums, thereby welcoming the new year.

At the same fairs, housewives buy food for holiday table. At the meal there is always fried meat, various pies and fruits. You need to prepare food in advance: the Chinese have a belief that cutting something with a knife in new year's eve means cutting off happiness.

Chinese New Year: Celebration

New Year in China is a family holiday. It is celebrated at home, and even family members who work in other cities always return home. In order to prevent evil spirits from disturbing the family during the celebration, the head of the family seals the door with a strip of red paper with magical symbols.

Each family conducts a thorough cleaning in the house, thereby symbolically clearing their lives of past failures and making room for happiness. In this, the god Zao Wang, the patron of the hearth, helps the Chinese, who takes out the problems that have accumulated over the year from the house.

Early in the morning of the new year, children congratulate their parents, wishing them health and happiness, and in return, they wish the children future success and give them money in red envelopes. A lot of such envelopes are accumulated over the holidays (from all the relatives, who are enough in Chinese families). Children spend money on something useful or give it to their parents.

New Year - best time for reconciliation in disputes. These days, you need to forget all past grievances and wholeheartedly wish everyone happiness and peace.

What to give for Chinese New Year 2013

On the Chinese New Year, interior items with oriental symbols are often given - jewelry boxes, chess, balls to calm the nerves. They also give gifts with meaning - Feng Shui candles, designed to improve personal life; a cup of wealth; accounts that bring success in business; bells to cleanse the room of bad energy; hourglass harmonizing thoughts.

It is important to calculate the number of gifts for all those present: they give either to everyone or to no one. The black water snake - the symbol of the Chinese New Year 2013 - would definitely approve of such generosity. She is a talisman of honest, generous people, constantly working on themselves and caring for others. As you know, the body temperature of a snake is completely dependent on temperature. environment. Therefore, it is very important to create a warm, cozy atmosphere in the New Year so that the snake keeps the family all the next year.

Another gift idea borrowed from Chinese parents is a red envelope with money. Instead of real money, you can put a souvenir coin for good luck.

Friends and relatives are also given traditional delicacies, tea, pies, melon seeds, various fruits and flowers. There is also a tradition to present the Wine of Happiness as a gift. It is wrapped in high quality Chinese silk and tied with a Happiness tassel.

On Chinese New Year, paired items are traditionally given, which symbolize unity and family harmony. A good gift would be, for example, two vases, two mugs or two bottles of wine.

And to avoid unpleasant situation, in which gifts are drastically not enough, prepare Chinese nian-gao rice cookies. It is very tasty and is a favorite delicacy of both children and adults, which is why it can become very nice gift.

Pair of tangerines obligatory gift for the Chinese New Year. If you go to visit, then be sure to take a couple of tangerines with you for each family member! The sound of the word "tangerine" is consonant with the sound of the word "gold" in Chinese, therefore, bringing tangerines as a gift, you symbolically give gold. In return for your gift, the hosts of the house will also present you with a couple of tangerines.

What not to give

Any gift - expensive or cheap, with or without meaning - always brings joy. But the Chinese approach the choice of a gift very carefully and selectively. If you want to give a gift to your friend from China, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the main taboos in order to avoid an embarrassing situation and not spoil festive mood both to him and to himself.

So, for Chinese New Year you can not give:

  • egg-shaped souvenirs (the fact is that in Chinese the word "egg" is used in many curses and therefore is not a very decent gift)
  • weapons or imitation weapons
  • clock (the word "clock" (in Chinese "zhong") in Chinese is very similar in sound to the word "death")
  • white or yellow flowers, since these colors are considered the colors of mourning, the Chinese usually bring them to the cemetery
  • objects of religious worship - this is also considered bad form.

New Year's signs and superstitions

In China, as in any other country, there are many popular superstitions and prejudices associated with the meeting of the New Year.

The first person you meet in the New Year will predict the main events of the year. You just need to listen to his words, especially to the very first word.

If you see a songbird, it is good sign. A swallow seen on New Year's Eve promises prosperity in the house.

But to congratulate someone on the New Year in his bedroom is a bad sign. It is believed that it will inevitably entail as many as seven years of misfortune. That is why on New Year's Eve, even sick people should get up, get dressed and celebrate the New Year with their families.

Also, on the first day of the New Year, neither a knife nor scissors can be used. According to folk omens, so not for long and cut off luck from yourself.

Having met the New Year also according to the Chinese calendar, you have every chance of success and prosperity, because you will officially welcome the lady of 2013 - the black water snake.

Watch an interesting video about New Year's Eve 2012 in China. And get ready for the next one!


On the Chinese New Year, following our usual holiday from December 31 to January 1, more and more people exchange gifts. Presents that are relevant to the Eastern New Year and Eastern culture bring good luck, happiness and money in any part of the globe.

Chinese New Year

Thanks to current trends, many customs and rituals of the Eastern New Year were borrowed by Europeans from Asian countries.

According to the rules, the Chinese New Year is supposed to be celebrated between January 21 and February 21. This tradition is connected with the fact that Eastern culture is firmly based on moon calendar. In total, the New Year is celebrated by the Chinese and neighboring countries for 15 days, and the first day of the holiday necessarily falls on the second New Moon after winter solstice 21 December.

Usually, the fifteen-day holiday marathon is not celebrated in its entirety by Western cultures, but the Chinese celebrate the New Year in a strict tradition. That is why in the Celestial Empire there are special days off, provided even for those who work outside home country- Chinese workers are allowed to go home for 15 days, showing respect for their culture.

Gifts that bring good luck and money

According to Eastern beliefs, gifts depend primarily on which animal will patronize the next year and which element corresponds to it. The Chinese give toys and images of these patron animals. Such a thing - protective talisman for a year of good luck.

Bring good luck and money will help Red color- Eastern traditions oblige to give more red things for the New Year to scare away evil spirit and call on the help of good spirits. According to the masters of Feng Shui - and this teaching is closely related to Chinese traditions New Year - red tones also bring money.

Very popular in Western countries is such a gift as bouquet of flowers. According to the rules, flowers must be packed in accordance with the holiday - the same red color is chosen as the dominant one.

Good luck and money will bring coins. You can give rare copies of coins or souvenirs that have a similar shape. In any case, such a gift will also be very "oriental".

You can also pay attention to Toad with a coin or Hotei- these are ancient talismans of well-being and prosperity in the countries of the East.

Chinese New Year is special holiday in Eastern culture. The traditions of the Celestial Empire have existed and have been preserved for more than one thousand years. Be happy and respect the cultural values ​​of the whole world. We wish you success, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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If you are invited to celebrate the Chinese New Year in China - in fact, this holiday is called the Spring Festival - your gifts should not be too expensive, there will be enough fruit or good alcohol. Don't forget to put them in nice box or a bag and remember that red and gold are considered the colors of good luck, while white and black are taboo for the holiday.

Gifts for friends

Choice new year gift mostly depends on the closeness of your friendship. Most often they give alcohol, tobacco products, flowers, tea, fruits. If you want something out of the ordinary, you have to think carefully.


If your friends are connoisseurs of good liquor, a bottle of quality liquor might be a great choice.

Tobacco products

If the owner smokes, find out what products he prefers. He will be delighted with the packaging of his favorite brand.

Most Chinese people love tea. Tea is always a beautiful gesture, whether your hosts are Chinese or not. wrapped in wrapping paper a box of loose tea is much better than tea bags.


Fruit baskets are a common gift for the Chinese and can be found in many supermarkets. But some sellers in the markets at the bottom of ready-made baskets can “hide” spoiled fruits. Therefore, it is better to buy fresh fruits and wrap them in gift wrapping with red ribbon. Giving a box of oranges or apples is also a good idea, as they symbolize wealth and security.

Household products

If your friends have moved to new house shortly before the holiday, household goods such as tea-set, electrical equipment or utensils will not be superfluous.

Gifts for the elderly

Instead of alcohol and tobacco, it is better for the elderly to choose a New Year's gift that will help them feel healthier and make their life more enjoyable.

Hat, gloves, scarf or clothing

If you are close to the family, you can prepare a hat, gloves, scarf or clothes as a gift for an elderly person.

Massage brush or massage foot bath

In traditional Chinese medicine, massage is light and effective method support the health of the body. brush High Quality can be used to massage the head, and the massage foot bath will improve the blood circulation in the feet, which will warm the elderly person in cold winter.

Gifts for children

A New Year's gift for a child should express your wishes to grow up healthy and smart.


During the Chinese New Year, take some sweets with you so that you can please the children you meet.

Red envelopes for children

If there are children in the family, don't forget to prepare some traditional red envelopes (hongbao). Both the owners and the children will be glad that you know their traditions.

school supplies

you will make the children a pleasant surprise, being on a visit to the Chinese from school supplies, For example, beautiful handles, school notebooks or a set of brushes for drawing (if children are fond of painting).


Books that coincide with the interests of the child, such as an encyclopedia or the works of a great world classic, can also be recommended as a gift: this will be your best investment in his future.


High quality toys will become great gift for the children of your friends. For example, a Barbie doll for a little girl or a remote-controlled car for little boy. Chess or other similar games will a good present for a teenager.


If you are very close with a Chinese family, you can buy a set of children's clothes as a gift: it will be very practical.

Things not to give for the New Year

There are some things that should never be gifts for your acquaintances from China during the Spring Festival. Do not give them, otherwise you risk a fight.

Things in black or white. Red is the color of luck in China, and black and white are often used at funerals, so gifts and wrapping paper such colors should be avoided.

Necklace or chain. Do not give this to your friend / girlfriend. For the Chinese, necklaces, ties, and belts received as a gift can mean that you want a close relationship. Such presents are possible only for a boyfriend / girlfriend or spouse.

Green cap or hat. If a woman wears a green hat, it means that she is cheating on her husband. Therefore, green hats should be avoided.

Remember that you need to remove the price tag. A gift with a price tag is a hint to the recipient that the sender has spent a lot of money and is expecting a gift of the same value.

Don't give the gift in public, especially if you only want to congratulate one person in the group (to avoid embarrassment, dating rumors, etc.).

Do not visit a family on Chinese New Year who had a funeral less than a month before the holiday, as this is considered bad omen(there will be many funerals in the coming year).

When visiting, take a couple of gifts with you: the Chinese believe that good things should be paired.

Making the right gift, following the traditions of another culture, is not easy. In China, there is a taboo for certain types of gifts (). Let's now look at what is good and right to give. Choose these gifts for Chinese friends and colleagues, give to your acquaintances and friends for the Chinese New Year!

Buying gifts for Chinese friends can be real problem outside of China, when it is not clear how conscientiously people adhere to traditional customs. There is a lot written about gift etiquette in China, but this guide will help you choose good gift.

Gifts for friends

The choice of a New Year's gift for friends is based mainly on the closeness of your friendship. Formal relationships with traditional people in serious cases require the most traditional gifts, while the random relationship with modern people in informal relationships require less traditional gifts.

The key concept to keep in mind is that your gift is a symbol of the strength of your relationship. Exactly thoughtfulness a gift matters, not necessarily its value.

Alcohol, tobacco, flowers, tea, or fruits are general gifts. If you want to be more original, you need to be more careful.

Chinese New Year Gifts

Tea A: Most Chinese people love tea. Tea is to the Chinese what coffee is to the Americans. Tea as a gift is always a nice gesture, whether your friends are Chinese or not. A beautifully wrapped box of loose tea is much better than tea bags.

Fruits: fruit baskets are common and the right gift for your Chinese counterparts and can be found in many major stores.

In traditional Chinese medicine, massage is gentle and efficient way restore your strength. You can give a high-quality comb for head massage, or a hydro massager, a foot bath that will improve blood circulation, bring warmth in a cold winter.

Gifts for children

The key to choosing a Christmas gift for kids is choosing an item that can express your good wishes children - both for their healthy growth and for quick wits.

Candies: Carry candy with you during the Chinese New Year celebrations to be able to give treats to the children you encounter.

school supplies: pens, notebooks and notebooks, nice box with brushes and paints for drawing (if children are fond of painting) - a useful and pleasant surprise.

Books: encyclopedias or something from the world's great classics, perfectly matched to the interests and age of the child, highly recommended as a gift, will express your best wishes for the future.

Toys: A good quality toy also makes a nice gift for kids, such as a Barbie doll for a little girl, or a set of figures depicting an Asian family, and a remote control car for a little boy. Chess set, dominoes on different languages, big puzzle or other board game- a good gift for a teenager.

Clothes: If you are close enough with the family, you can buy their children a set of clothes as a gift.

And it is desirable to give a gift in a red festive package. Red paper and gold ribbon is the most classic color combination.

Things Not to Give as a Christmas Gift

There are some things that should never be given to Chinese friends. Do not buy them, otherwise your friends may break up with you.

And in short, do not give in China: things in black or white (the lucky color in China is red). Necklaces: do not give necklaces to friends and acquaintances; the Chinese believe that things like necklaces, ties and belts are associated with intimate relationship, give these things only to your couple. You can not give a man a green headdress. Never give watches, shoes, cut flowers, handkerchiefs, umbrellas, towels, or sharp objects such as knives and scissors. All of them symbolize various variations of bad luck, death and separation.

Avoid the number 4. Even numbers are generally better than odd numbers, and sets of 6 or 8 are particularly favorable.

Do not sign the card or gift card in red ink (it means death).

Don't forget to remove the price tag from the gift. A gift with a price tag is a hint to the recipient that the gift is expensive and that you expect a gift of equal value.

Don't give the gift in public, especially if you're only giving the gift to one person in the group (to avoid embarrassment, favoritism, etc.).

Don't visit a recently grieving family on New Year's Day if chinese family held a funeral less than a month before the Chinese New Year as it brings bad luck (bringing more funerals in the coming year).

Take with you couple gifts, as the Chinese believe that good things should be paired.

Gift giving is challenging under any circumstances, and especially when there is a cultural element potentially at play. important role. Take these recommendations into account and you will be able to choose the most winning gift.

  • 10 Taboos During Chinese New Year Celebrations

Meeting the New Year with friends from China can be remembered for a long time. However, the culture of this country has its own characteristics and it should be remembered that some gifts may be perceived incorrectly. To avoid mistakes when choosing them, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list below.

sharp objects

To give someone a sharp object means to hint that you want to break ("cut off") the relationship with this person. According to the Chinese proverb, "one sharp blow - two parts", which means the end of the relationship between people.

Number 4

In China, the number 4 (四 sì) sounds similar to the word for death (死 sǐ). Therefore, everything connected with this figure is considered to bring bad luck. Do not give sets of four items. The Chinese do not like this figure so much that in some buildings, for example, in hotels, there is no fourth floor. Often on the door of the rooms of hotels located on this floor, 8 is written in front of the four.


Giving shoes to Chinese people on New Year's is a bad idea, because the word for shoes (鞋 xié) sounds exactly like "evil" (邪 xié) in Chinese. In addition, shoes are what we walk in. Like a gift it's not the best option. It is better to choose something else.

The Chinese usually give handkerchiefs at the end of the funeral, which symbolizes goodbye forever. Handing such a present to your friend, you seem to be hinting that you want to part with him, break the connection forever.

In Chinese, "giving a watch" (送钟 sòng zhōng) sounds the same as "attending a funeral" (送终 sòng zhōng), and is therefore considered a bad luck gift. In addition, the clock often symbolizes the lack of time. This is especially emphasized if the person to whom you plan to give a gift is older than you. Both wrist and Wall Clock do not give to friends from China.

Giving fruits is a good idea, but pears are an exception. The Chinese word for "pears" (梨 lí) sounds the same as "leaving" or "breaking" (离 lí).

cut flowers

It is customary to give cut flowers for funerals, but not for the New Year! This is especially true for yellow chrysanthemums and any white flowers that symbolize death. In Chinese culture White color considered to bring bad luck (funeral), so white flowers should not be chosen for the New Year.


Umbrellas - also not best idea, since the word for "umbrella" (伞 sǎn) in Chinese is consonant with the word for "parting" (散 sàn). Such a gift may mean that you want to stop communicating with this person.