Decoration of the hall in the dhow for the new year. New Year's decoration of the music hall

Here comes the New Year's Eve rush. And if at home we decorate windows and walls with stencils and garlands, then in kindergarten you need to come up with something different and special. What to come up with? In this article, you will learn how to make a group decoration for the new year in kindergarten with your own hands beautifully and not corny. See ideas and pictures. Repeat after those who have already completed everything, and have a fun new year. Well, let's get started, shall we?

Where should you start the design and decoration of the group? That's right - from the door. After all, the door is the first thing that absolutely everyone sees when they come to kindergarten. How to decorate it? There are many options. For example, you can paste over it with paper snowflakes. You can draw Santa Claus on the door, who invites everyone to visit the door to a fairy tale. If all this is too complicated, then you can simply hang a Christmas wreath and garlands on the door. Look at the pictures below and see how others have done it.

You can also decorate children's wardrobes in the same way if they stand right in the kindergarten group. And in general, snowflakes, drawings and garlands are a great decoration for items such as pianos, chairs and other furniture.

Next, you need to pay attention to the walls. Yes, they will also have to be “disturbed” and decorated. Here you can come up with both complex decorations and standard ones. What do we offer? Take New Year's tinsel and use it to make stars and a moon. Such unusual drawing on the wall will be the decoration of your group.
Also use New Year's rain. With it, you can hide places on the wall that are not desirable for general viewing on this holiday.
posters, paper snowflakes and Christmas tree drawings - be sure to use all this. Look at the pictures below and you can do the same.

What do we have next? And then we have windows. They should be given special attention. And all because the children, when they walk down the street to the kindergarten, will see them. And they will see the fairy tale and want to join their group as soon as possible. So try to decorate the windows in a special way. And stencils will help you with this. You can buy window stencils or make your own. And you can download it on our website.

This is how windows were decorated in kindergartens and schools in previous years.

And so, we have already decorated doors, walls and windows. Only the hall remained. And this is the place where your Christmas tree will be held. The children will live in this hall for a couple of weeks, and these weeks should be a fairy tale for them. Therefore, try to decorate everything as if the children did not come to their group, but got into the TV, where the fairy tale is on. What to think? Be sure to put up a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys.
Highlight one corner or even one wall in order to make a beautiful winter landscape out of cotton wool and white paper there. In this place, children and their parents will be able to take amazing photos.
If you show imagination, then you can arrange snowmen in the room, and they will not melt. And all because the snowmen will be made of white balloons.

Decorating a nursery for the New Year is a fascinating and rewarding activity. After all, only children are able to rejoice, not because it is customary, and not in order to please someone. No. The joy of children is sincere, not for show. Therefore, you want to create such small miracles for them more often and more. A New Year- why not a reason? And you can do it yourself. Don't believe? See photos of the already decorated children's room, get ideas and act.

For room decorations for new year you can choose any style. The main thing is to be festive, beautiful and ... safe.

  • For the safety of the baby christmas decor should be hung at such a height that the child could not reach them.
  • Toys, decor should not be glass. Plastic, foam, fabric, wood are the materials you should prefer.
  • Make sure that the decoration does not consist of small parts. After all, everything sparkling, new and strange just wants to be pulled into your mouth.
  • Electric garlands should be checked, and even better to probe so that there is no short circuit.
  • Electric garlands can be completely replaced with paper.
  • If you decide to put a Christmas tree in a children's tree, secure it securely, you can even tie it to a battery so that it does not inadvertently fall.
  • You can decorate the Christmas tree with paper, knitted or fabric toys. And we will share ideas and photos.

Advice! Think in advance, or rather, draw on a sketch or create a visualization map using a photo, how it will look children's room interior, decorated for the New Year. But you need to decorate it when the child falls asleep. So that, waking up, he or she finds herself in a fairy tale.

This master class includes the design music hall for the New Year and is designed for kindergarten teachers.

Goals and objectives:

Introduce educators and expand opportunities to work with unconventional ways designs from improvised materials.

Develop creative abilities.

Develop aesthetic taste, imagination, creative thinking.

Learn to combine different technique in work at design and use various material(V this example- foil).

Develop compositional skills.

To form the ability to freely use a variety of techniques to create images.

Description of the master class

Man by nature is a creator.

He's everywhere anyway

strive to bring beauty into your life ...

Beautiful things educate creative imagination people and respect for their work.

(M. Gorky)

There is a kindergarten in the Siberian town of Kodinsk " The Scarlet Flower”, and it has a place where children and adults always come with pleasure. This is our music room.

The most joyful, interesting and fun events take place here - these are holidays, entertainment, competitions, concerts. When preparing for any event, I try to carefully think over the design of the hall and always face the problem of how to make it so as not to be repeated.

Everything is important: the design of the central wall, ceiling, curtains. You always want something magical, mysterious, unique, and I decided to add such material as foil to the design. At first glance, you might think that this is a complex and inaccessible technique when decorating a music hall or group. But as stated in folk proverb: "The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing!"

Foil is a very malleable material for the implementation of different forms.

For work, we need to prepare:

Glue for ceiling tiles (it is colorless, when dried, spots are not visible on the finished work, it dries quickly)

Sketches different items on paper

Transparent polyethylene (greenhouse) film

Ribbon (oblique trim) for finishing the edge of the film (optional)

Action algorithm:

Stage 1: work begins with a design plan that would fit the scenario of the New Year holiday. Our scenario is based on the fairy tale "Morozko". (Forest, snow-covered trees, Santa Claus's sleigh, grandfather's house, Christmas trees, snowflakes, stars and a month).

Stage 2: prepare several sketches on paper of all items. This is done using a photocopier. Consider how you want to decorate the item. Roll foil balls different sizes or glue small pieces of foil, after crushing them with your fingers, or roll out the flagella. Make blanks in large volume for quick work.

Stage 3: take a sketch, it's better to start with small size e.g. snowflake. Apply not a large number of glue on a ray of snowflakes and lay out foil blanks, for example, balls. The snowflake will turn out to be voluminous. Apply glue in small portions, as it dries quickly. Put the balls close to each other.

Stage 4: completely fill the space of the sketch, let the glue dry, and then, stepping back from the edge of the contour 3-5mm., cut finished work and stick on a transparent polyethylene (greenhouse) film. The edge of the film can be processed with an oblique inlay. (photo #9)

Stage 5: and so step by step, from a small object to a large one, choosing the shape of the workpiece yourself, you will come to what the choice will be before, but how to make sure that the image does not merge when choosing the same workpiece. Let's take Santa Claus's sleigh, harnessed to three horses. Here you can take three types of blanks: a ball - the mane, tail, eyes of the animal, the design of the sleigh - the middle; a piece - the body, legs of the animal; flagellum - harness, sled, runners and outline of the sled.

Stage 6: the house of Santa Claus - is done in the same way as horses with sleighs: a ball is the roof of the house, a small ball is a cut of a log; a piece - Christmas trees (highly compressed foil) and snowdrifts (slightly compressed foil), different technique compression helps to distinguish nearby objects; flagellum - logs of a hut, path. Windows in houses can be laid out with rectangles from the same foil or cut out from another paper. After drying, the products must be cut out, as well as a snowflake, and transferred to a transparent plastic film. The film is not visible on the wall and can be easily fixed - with adhesive tape, or with pencil glue (if there is fabric on the wall). The glue dries quickly, holds the object firmly, can be easily removed after the holiday, does not leave marks on the wall.

Stage 7: forest - small Christmas trees are made according to the principle of snowflakes - balls, or you can put them in small pieces, slightly squeezing the foil with your fingers.

The trunk of large snow-covered trees is made immediately on the film. Cut out the outline of a tree with a crown. A trunk with branches is drawn with a marker in the middle of the workpiece. Glue is applied in small portions and the foil is laid out in small pieces, slightly crushing it with your fingers. This will give volume to the tree. Tree branches can be made from flagella. The foil sticks well to the film, only it dries a little longer than on paper. The leaves are glued separately - first make a sketch of the sheet, to your taste, apply glue in small portions and lay out pieces of foil, slightly crushing them in advance. For each tree you need 15-20 pieces. leaflets (this depends on the size of the tree and the leaf itself). The tree looks fabulous if you stretch a New Year's garland with blue light under it. It is not necessary to glue a lot of leaves, as the light bulbs from the garland will not be visible.

Stage 8: lambrequins can be made on the central wall, the shape is arbitrary, they are immediately cut out of a transparent film and the edges are processed with an oblique trim. Leaves of any shape are glued. They may overlap with the leaves from the tree, may be different.

Now we are moving on to assembling the design of the music hall. Fantasy is limitless!

Material such as foil makes the hall more solemn, fabulous, elegant, silvery. With central lighting and light Christmas garlands foil sparkles, glitters and shimmers.

All this fabulous beauty you can see in the photographs.

New Year is perhaps the most magical and fabulous holiday of all. And as in any fairy tale, the meeting of good and evil in new year's eve inevitable. Familiar characters, songs, dances, poems Christmas tree- traditional and most favorite entertainments in this winter time year for children and adults.

New Year's parties in the kindergarten "Scarlet Flower" have already become a good tradition. The brightest came to each group fun party which both adults and children look forward to. Santa Claus gifted Nastenka (from the fairy tale "Morozko") and all the children New Year's gifts, good conquered evil, the stepmother and Marfushka made friends with the children.

The matinees were held in the hall, which is decorated with a sparkling fairy-tale composition of silver snowflakes, Santa Claus's magic sleigh and twinkling blue lights. All this created an unusual atmosphere of magic and upcoming miracles and surprises.

The silvery New Year's rain on the curtains looked like glass icicles in the realm of Santa Claus.

Next New Year I plan to continue decorating in the same style. New characters will appear on the central wall, foil balls of various sizes suspended on a silver thread, snow trees made of threads. This combination different materials will make the New Year's hall even more fabulous and mysterious.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the implementation of ideas would be impossible if a creative team of like-minded people did not work in our kindergarten, if there were no such responsive parents. Thanks to this, I think the fairy tale turned out.

Thematic decoration of the music hall, where the New Year holidays are held, is very important for their success. On the eve of one of the most beloved celebrations by children and adults, everyone wants to see extraordinary beauty, lightness and magic in the decor. At the same time, it can be difficult to come up with specific ideas and proposals. The MAAM portal is in a hurry to help you!

See how varied and interesting solutions For festive decoration found by the authors of publications in this section. You can find many options here New Year's decoration, with photographs and advice from teachers - regarding the choice of materials and design methods. Special attention, of course, is given to the decor of the front wall of the hall, on which all eyes will be fixed. But also to attract additional elements and decorations designed to complete the overall picture and make it harmonious, a lot of practical advice is devoted here.

Festive New Year's decoration without "creative agony"!

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