DIY cookie box. An unusual and tasty surprise for the New Year holidays - gingerbread. Making delicious surprises

Greetings to all of you, dear audience. Holidays do not end with us all our lives - only Someone's Birthday has passed, as the New Year has already come, and there are other winter-spring holidays ... And for each of them we give presents that we want to present at least interesting. And what if not a gift box with your own hands will help with this?

I myself love to congratulate my relatives in an original way. It is very nice to see the smiles of those whom you congratulate. And cute boxes always contribute to this! After all, they are the first thing that catches your eye when presenting a presentation.

How to make a gift box with your own hands

Gift wrapping can be very diverse. But there is one rule - the cardboard or paper from which you want to make a box must be of the right quality. In this sense, the classic children's cardboard is far from suitable.

Where can I get such cardboard or paper? First of all, in specialized stores for creativity or even scrapbooking separately. Well, if there is such a store in the city, you say, but what if there is no such store at hand or the prices are exorbitant?

Such leaves will be enough for you to make small souvenir boxes (for jewelry, sweets, toys, etc.). Your family will appreciate

And now I suggest that you proceed to the actual detailed photo master classes, in which there will also be a scheme for creating each individual box.

Master classes on creating cardboard and paper boxes

small boxes

First of all, I want to give you 5 unwrapped patterns with very cute patterns that will make such a wonderful package:

On the first of them - red roses. If you want to impress your lover, then this is for you.

Principles of working with templates:

  1. Print your favorite scan on thick paper.
  2. Cut out the future box along the contour and cut it in those places where straight lines pass (focus on light scans - the arrangement of the lines is the same everywhere).
  3. Bend the box along the dotted lines and glue so that the semi-circular ends lie between the other two and the round ends point up.
  4. Everything, it remains only to bend the lid properly.

And again roses, but more tender.

And now there are two options for the birthday - sweets with balls and lollipops.

Large rectangular

This is perfect for large gifts (for example, wall clocks). For you, you will need specialized binding cardboard to make the box really convenient. By the way, binding cardboard can also be purchased at specialized stores or on Ali.

Incision sites are marked in orange. The lid can also be made, but with slightly larger dimensions (2-3 mm).

For a man

If the present is intended for a man, then I suggest choosing one of the following options.

Simple shapes are on trend - this is proved by the following 4 templates for creating strict classic boxes. For them, you again need thick cardboard.

If the gift is intended for a lover, then there should be more than enough romance ^^ There are butterflies, and hearts, and all kinds of declarations of love. They can be made from thick cardboard or thick paper.


Heart boxes are very popular, because with the help of them you can express your feelings. Or confess them


Getting ready for a big party where everyone needs a little surprise? Or maybe a wedding is planned? In both cases, cardboard pieces of cake will come to the rescue.

A beautiful and understandable scheme is suitable for both the bottom and the lid.

Paper boxes

Boxes do not always need to be tight - sometimes it is enough just to create a beautiful picture. Then I suggest you use this convenient scheme of 6 different packages:

If you are going to a holiday with a child (or maybe you want to please yours), then make him a cute box in the form of an animal.

Give happy parents this boot. Follow the traditions: girls - pink, boys - blue or blue.

Boxes for the New Year

The mood can be created not only with the help of gifts) Just look at these 8 lovely boxes, each of which can also be a great Christmas decoration

Especially needed if for some reason there is no Christmas tree. The main thing in this package is to trim the edges nicely and neatly.


Of course, this box itself is wonderful, but the silver paint on the tips of the snowflake can add a twist.

Tip: Give something in this package to a girl who loves Frozen.


Giving a gift is one of the easiest options.

Box with sweets

For all lovers of beautiful New Year's favors and quick handmade! Take a plastic cup with a smooth surface, cut off the edge and cut the edge.

Bend the cut pieces inward so that they cling to each other. Put the goodies inside and seal the top with something cute.

Another option for candy packaging is a donut. It is a little more laborious, but more effective.

How to decorate a box with your own hands

The design of the box can be very diverse - from simple figures in the form of birds and hearts to intricate flowers and bows. I will write more about the decor of the boxes in the future - do not miss it.

In the meantime, subscribe and comment - see you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

In the New Year's rush, we may not have time to run around the florist shops in search of packaging materials for our little culinary gifts.
It doesn’t matter, because you can use some of the things that are always available at home or in the office.
Material for
And FM "Journey to the Kingdom of the Nutcracker"

Envelopes for CDs
Yes, yes, simple paper CD sleeves with a transparent window .. They seem to be specially designed for gingerbread!
Transparent bags for CDs are also quite suitable. Their disadvantage is that they do not keep their shape well. It is easy to eliminate by inserting a strip of cardboard cut exactly to the width into the bottom of the bag. In the same bag for cookies, you can also put a New Year's card with congratulations.

Basket-manager from whatman paper
For her, we need an A3 paper sheet.
We cut out a square from it with a side of 297 mm (the length of the smaller side). We divide each side of the square into three and draw it according to these marks, as if we were drawing a lattice for playing tic-tac-toe. We make folds along these lines, the folds should look down. On the four corner squares we make diagonal folds, these folds should look up.
Now we bring the bent corners to the center and with the help of a needle we collect them on a strong thread. We tighten the thread, tie it, fix the knot, cut off the excess thread. We decorate the junction of the corners with a ribbon or something else.
The storage basket is ready. You can put sweets, cookies or other small gifts in it, and decorate the outer sides with appliqué or drawings.

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It is easy to make a cubic gift box from the same blank.
It’s just that the corners-ears should not be reduced to the center, but pressed from the inside to the walls and attached - glued with glue, tape or using a stapler.

(photos enlarge by clicking)
Pencils, markers, markers
These stationery will help you arrange our box or basket at no extra cost. Before the final assembly, we draw snowflakes, stars or Christmas trees on the sides, and write good wishes to the addressee.
Today it is fashionable to stylize everything and everything as “houses”. Why not take advantage of this idea - drawing windows and doors is not at all difficult!
Stationery files
Any gift will look more advantageous if wrapped in a transparent rustling film - lavsan. Instead, we can use the usual clerical file pockets. It is enough just to carefully cut off the strip intended for the binder, and we are already holding a ready-made gift bag in our hands.
The size of the package, by the way, is very practical. For example, our basket-manager will perfectly fit into it. Well, except that the corners in the center will have to be connected not end-to-end, but slightly overlapped.

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If this package is too big for your purposes, you can simply cut it into sheets and wrap small gifts like candy, tied with a ribbon.

The tradition of giving each other gifts for the New Year holidays will never cease to exist. Christmas gifts can be very different.

Making delicious surprises

Such an unusual holiday surprise can act as a corporate gift to colleagues or even friends and relatives, and. You can make a whole, which can consist not only of gingerbread and, but also,.

Do not forget about the design of Christmas presents. But how do you wrap gingerbread cookies and gingerbread for a gift? To pack such a present, you can use some.

Put a beautiful openwork napkin on the bottom. Lay the cake out on a napkin. You can put it in several rows, alternating with each other. box .

Do not forget that the wrapper should carry a festive mood, so it is best to choose bright colors with sparkles. For originality, you can glue rhinestones or sequins on the lid of the box yourself.

Another option for presenting a gift set of gingerbread and cookies is to put them on a beautiful one. It is better if it is decorated in a New Year's or Christmas style.

Sweets should also be put on a napkin. Then wrap all this beauty in beautiful transparent paper or film, securing it on top with a ribbon or bow.

This is how you can present a gingerbread cookie or a gingerbread in a gift box, and you don't even have to go to a store that produces gift wrapping.

If a surprise is made to an adult, then in addition you can present a bottle of mulled wine - a drink that in many European countries is associated specifically with the Christmas holidays. Such an additional present will create a truly New Year's mood.


Those who love to cook can make gingerbread cookies as a gift with their own hands. For cooking you will need:

  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • butter (can be replaced with margarine) - 120 g;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • ground ginger - 1-2 tsp;
  • ground cinnamon - 1.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 130 g;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp

How to cook:

  1. In a bowl, mix sugar and flour.
  2. Squeeze the soda with lemon juice and add to the flour.
  3. Pour ginger, cinnamon and vanilla there. Mix everything well.
  4. Whisk the egg yolks.
  5. Cut the butter or margarine into cubes and add to the mixture.
  6. Add honey and yolks.
  7. Knead the dough with your hands and refrigerate for at least an hour.
  8. Roll out a 0.5 cm thick layer from the finished dough. Cut out cookies using cookie cutters.
  9. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for no more than 15 minutes.

Ready-made New Year's cookies can be additionally decorated with icing, chocolate or nuts.

Usually the next one is what to wrap it in. That is why we have collected a lot of options on how to make packaging for cakes, cookies, pies and cupcakes with your own hands.

Save this article, you will need it more than once. For example, when you decide to bake something tasty in d, or.

How to pack a piece of cake or pie: packaging scheme

The situation is familiar: there is a cake or a pie, and in some magical way it needs to be transported piece by piece to another place. Yes, so that the pastries do not turn into mashed potatoes.

It turns out that this problem has been solved for a long time. Just print out the diagram of the pie box and cut out the cardboard blank according to it. The diagram is below (dashed line - bend, solid line - cut off).

Scheme of a box for packing a pie or cake with slices

How to pack cookies: packaging ideas

If we are talking about packaging large flat cookies, then you can simply use the "envelope" technique. Take a square sheet of paper or cardboard and simply fold the corners towards the center, fixing with tape.

The second option, how you can pack cookies with your own hands in a stylish and elegant way, is to sew a suitable cover from cardboard or paper. And although the picture shows cookies wrapped in a newspaper, you should not follow this example - printing ink, which is transferred to food, does not have the best effect on children's health.

For packaging, choose clean, unbleached paper. You can use thick paper towels or baking parchment. Cut the cover to the desired shape, stitch it along the edges on a sewing machine or manually with one of the decorative seams.

If you need to quickly and beautifully pack cookies for a school fair or for a gift, use ordinary paper bags. You don’t have to buy them, it’s quite possible to make such bags from craft paper or parchment for baking.

A diagram of how to make a paper bag for packing cookies with your own hands.

Small fragile biscuits, so as not to crumble, we suggest packing them in boxes of paper cups. To do this, cut off the tight rim of the cups and make eight vertical cuts, as shown in the figure. Then put the cookies inside and bend the "petals" in turn.

How to pack your own muffins and cupcakes

Smaller muffins can be packed in egg cartons. Glue something fun on top to hide the "Eggs" sign, and you've got a stylish muffin container ready.

You can also use plastic cups to pack muffins. Either put them as you see in the picture, or, if you have cups with a lid, put the cupcake on the lid, and cover the cupcake from above with the glass itself, like a dome.

If you are faced with the task of delivering a classic-shaped cupcake from point A to point B, we suggest making a cardboard box with your own hands. You will see the diagram below. The main thing is that the glue with which you will glue the box does not come into contact with the pastries: either replace it with paper clips / thread / glue away from the edges, or make an insert inside the box from tissue paper.

But if you decide to bring already portioned slices of cupcake to the school fair, use the ideas for cookie packaging.

Packaging for other products: jelly, popcorn, chips, fruits

If you decide to bring popcorn to the school fair (unseasoned popcorn is not bad for kids - it's just corn), homemade vegetable chips, fruit or jelly, we offer you the following packaging options.

Paper or plastic containers, folded and paper cones, skewers and ice cream sticks to string pieces of fruit on them and make it convenient for the child to eat.

How to pack sandwiches beautifully for the school fair

Yes, yes, sandwiches or sandwiches are quite suitable for a school fair. The main thing is that they are fresh and made from quality products. But you can pack them beautifully in two ways: put them in paper bags like cookie bags, which we talked about above. Or just wrap it in paper tape and tie with a tourniquet.

Now you know how to pack cakes and pies, muffins, cookies, fruits and jellies to bring them safe and sound to the school fair. Share your baking and food packaging life hacks in the comments or send us an email [email protected] website

B Gift box for cookies from improvised means

In the New Year's rush, we may not have time to run around the florist shops in search of packaging materials for our little culinary gifts.
It doesn’t matter, because you can use some of the things that are always available at home or in the office.
Material for FM Christmas Culinary Gifts
And FM "Journey to the Kingdom of the Nutcracker"

Envelopes for CDs
Yes, yes, simple paper CD sleeves with a transparent window .. They seem to be specially designed for gingerbread!
Transparent bags for CDs are also quite suitable. Their disadvantage is that they do not keep their shape well. It is easy to eliminate by inserting a strip of cardboard cut exactly to the width into the bottom of the bag. In the same bag for cookies, you can also put a New Year's card with congratulations.

Basket-manager from whatman paper
For her, we need an A3 paper sheet.
We cut out a square from it with a side of 297 mm (the length of the smaller side). We divide each side of the square into three and draw it according to these marks, as if we were drawing a lattice for playing tic-tac-toe. We make folds along these lines, the folds should look down. On the four corner squares we make diagonal folds, these folds should look up.
Now we bring the bent corners to the center and with the help of a needle we collect them on a strong thread. We tighten the thread, tie it, fix the knot, cut off the excess thread. We decorate the junction of the corners with a ribbon or something else.
The storage basket is ready. You can put sweets, cookies or other small gifts in it, and decorate the outer sides with appliqué or drawings.

(photos enlarge by clicking)
It is easy to make a cubic gift box from the same blank.
It’s just that the corners-ears should not be reduced to the center, but pressed from the inside to the walls and attached - glued with glue, tape or using a stapler.

(photos enlarge by clicking)
Pencils, markers, markers
These stationery will help you arrange our box or basket at no extra cost. Before the final assembly, we draw snowflakes, stars or Christmas trees on the sides, and write good wishes to the addressee.
Today it is fashionable to stylize everything and everything as “houses”. Why not take advantage of this idea - drawing windows and doors is not at all difficult!
Stationery files
Any gift will look more advantageous if wrapped in a transparent rustling film - lavsan. Instead, we can use the usual clerical file pockets. It is enough just to carefully cut off the strip intended for the binder, and we are already holding a ready-made gift bag in our hands.
The size of the package, by the way, is very practical. For example, our basket-manager will perfectly fit into it. Well, except that the corners in the center will have to be connected not end-to-end, but slightly overlapped.

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If this package is too big for your purposes, you can simply cut it into sheets and wrap small gifts like candy, tied with a ribbon.