How to stretch jeans. Ways to stretch jeans to fit

Today, denim pants have gained incredible demand and popularity among the population.

Almost everyone has jeans in their wardrobe. which are small in size or short in length.

But you should not throw away such a thing, because denim pants can be returned to a second life by well-known folk methods at home.

Often, many girls and guys are faced with the problem of short jeans. This is especially true for tall people.

This problem occurs due to incorrect sizing when buying, buying things “blindly” through the network or after washing.

Yes, after washing, jeans tend to shrink due to the reduction of synthetic fibers that have succumbed to excessively high temperatures.

Note! Many people think that it is possible to stretch shrunken and short denim pants only in width, but this is not so.

It is quite possible to stretch jeans in length and this can be done using the means described below.

Table: ways to stretch denim in length

Method number 1 Step-by-step instruction:
  • Wet your pants.
  • Lightly pat dry with a towel. The fabric must be damp.
  • Lay the product on the ironing board.
  • Cover the thing with gauze in one layer. This is done to prevent damage to things from the iron.
  • Pull the leg down with your hand, and with the other hand, iron the thing with a well-heated iron in a parallel direction.

    The smoothing procedure is repeated several times. With the help of an iron, you can quickly lengthen the leg from two to four centimeters.

Method number 2 Step-by-step instruction:
  • Soak the item in boiling water.
  • While it has not cooled down, pull the leg over the product of a cylindrical shape.
  • When the thing dries, the trouser leg will lengthen by 1-2 centimeters.
Method number 3 Step-by-step instruction:
  • Soak the item in cold water.
  • Tie it to an object that is difficult to move.
  • With both hands, stretch the legs by pulling back on yourself.
    The last procedure is repeated every half an hour until the product is completely dry.

Jeans stretch more in length than in width. But it is worth considering the composition of the fabric itself.

Stretch is not desirable to expose to boiling water, it can sit down even more, so for stretch denim pants it is optimal to choose the first and last lengthening method.

If the pants are tight, then the use of boiling water, on the contrary, is necessary to further soften the fibers of the fabric.

If the product is made from denim (a tough fabric for making jeans), then any of the above methods is suitable.

Expand quickly

If the trousers are too tight, then it is worth stretching them in width.

Width stretching methods:

  1. In calves. If the pants narrowed at the bottom have become small for you, then sprinkle the legs with water from a spray bottle and smooth them 2-3 times in width.
  2. In the thighs Small jeans in the hips are enlarged by taking water treatments.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Put on an item.
  • Bathe in them pretty wet.
  • Wear it until completely dry.

If denim pants are small in the thighs or legs, do physical exercises in wet pants: squats, lunges, leg raises for stretching.

Important! The steaming method is also suitable for size up. But it is worth remembering that immediately after steaming, the trousers will need to be put on.

The thing is that under the influence of hot temperatures, the fibers become more elastic and after using the iron, you need to fix the result so that the fibers do not converge again.

In the belt

Stretching denim in a belt is the most difficult thing due to the design of the thing.

But there are four ways to help stretch your jeans at the waist:
1. Stretching underwater.
2. Steaming the waistband of wet pants with an iron.
3. Sewing an extra button. This method helps to increase the size of the denim.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • The button is sewn opposite the native button of the product.
  • After putting on things, both buttons are fixed with an elastic band.

This method helps to increase the volume of the product in the waist for a few socks. When you feel that the sewn-on button is no longer needed, it will need to be sewn off from the denim.

4. Using an expander. This device is inserted into the waistband of wet denim trousers. These devices have several modes.

They can be adjusted in width. Initially, the expander is set to the minimum width, then the length scale increases as necessary to achieve the desired volume.

Shrinkage Prevention Rules

Often people are faced with the problem of the wrong size due to the purchase of a new item in the wrong size.

This is especially true if the product was purchased online. In this case, new jeans should be stretched immediately after it became clear that the thing is not sitting as you would like.

Note! Everyone will agree that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences after washing in the form of jumping and size reduction, you need to properly monitor the thing.

Table: denim care and washing rules

Ways to "reduce" denim

Often there is a situation when a girl has lost weight, and her jeans are stretched. In this case, you should also not despair, because denim can not only be stretched, but also pulled together.

Since there are different types of denim (cotton jeans, natural denim, stretch and “Shrink to fit”), for each type designed its own way of tightening the fabric:

  1. You can pull off the “shrink to fit” fabric only through initial washing and drying on the person.
  2. Stretch is difficult to pull off. If, after washing in hot water, the product does not sit down, then you should think about how to take in the pants.
  3. Cotton pants and natural denim can be pulled together in the following ways:
  • Wash in hot water at 90 degrees.
  • Drying things under a heat fan. Under the influence of hot air, the thing shrinks in size.
  • Bathing in the product in the bathroom. After that, you should take a hairdryer and dry the jeans on yourself.

These methods help to pull together all parts of the thing. The bathing method will help even if protruding stretched knees appear on the trousers.

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For some reason sometimes things can get small. This is especially true with jeans or denim shorts. After all, they are easy to shrink. And then the question arises of how to fit them to the figure, if you don’t want to part with your favorite thing. Firstly, they can be embroidered by adding decor from or leather at the seams, and secondly, they can be stretched.

How can you stretch denim shorts?

Stretching denim shorts is easier, because the effort needs to be applied only in the waist and hips, and not like in the case of long jeans, which also need to be stretched in the legs. There are several methods:

  1. Manual. With your hands or your own body, you can stretch the fabric of denim shorts both in dry form and after wetting them. Putting dry jeans on yourself, try to fasten them at least in a prone position, and then do various exercises for a while. If this method does not suit you, then it is better to wet the fabric and walk around in wet shorts for a while. So that the body is not uncomfortable, you can moisten only those places that require an increase. You can also stretch wet denim shorts with your hands without putting them on. To do this, it is better to wash them with fabric softener so that the denim becomes softer, fasten the zipper and button, and pull the fabric in different directions with your hands. Pay close attention to accessories.
  2. Mechanical. If you don’t feel like exerting physical effort or simply don’t have time, then you can purchase a special device in the store that looks like a regular hanger. However, despite the modesty of the design, this thing is very effective, especially if you need to stretch the denim shorts after each wash. Just insert it inside the shorts at the waist, fasten the retainer, and leave to dry. So you need

It is enough to gain extra pounds, and the jeans immediately become too tight. This is where the question arises: is it necessary to try to lose weight, or is it better to think about how to stretch jeans.

There are several ways to increase the volume of a denim product in a convenient, simple and guaranteed way.

Do not forget that denim is a rather elastic, dense and non-tearing material. This is his undeniable advantage.


The first and easiest way to stretch your jeans is by spraying them.

To do this, you need to choose a segment of a denim product, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich there is discomfort and tightness. There are usually three such places: a segment in the hips and buttocks or a jeans belt.

The question of how to stretch jeans in the hips is perhaps one of those that are asked most often. What to do? Take the product by the side places of the belt with both hands and pull it in different directions several times with smooth movements.

Stretching in length

If the jeans are too short or have shrunk after washing, you can try to pull them in the area of ​​​​the vertical seams along the legs.

To do this, you need to take the legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner seam in the place where the leg begins to expand from the knee towards the lower leg, and also gently pull.

It is important to remember that you should not stretch the fabric in thin places or where there are holes.

Interested in the question of how to stretch jeans in just one size? For accuracy before and after the stretching process, it is recommended to take a centimeter and measure the stretched area. The results obtained must be compared.

To do this, you need a spray bottle. You can take a container from some cleaning agent that has already ended. You need to fill it with warm clean water.

Stretching jeans in this way should be continued in the following sequence:

  • Spray the area to be stretched first and make sure the fabric is wet on the inside and outside.
  • On the wet area in the pocket area, if the hips and waist area is stretched, you need to stand with your foot. If the trouser leg stretches, you need to stand on a dry piece of fabric located above the knee.
  • Take the opposite part of the jeans (trouser leg) and carefully pull it towards you. The main thing is not to do it abruptly. The procedure must be repeated 10 times for reliability, and pulled in the direction in which you want to stretch.
In the process of performing these steps, it is important to remember that the button in the waist area must be unbuttoned, otherwise the product may break. Also, do not pull pockets or fasteners on pants.

After the procedure, it is also necessary to measure the desired areas with a centimeter.


This method may not seem very pleasant, since it requires direct participation. However, the method is a reliable solution to the question of how to stretch jeans at home.

First you need to put on jeans. Of course, this method is not suitable in cases where the pants are so small that it is impossible to fit into them.

Then you should take a bath with warm water. For a better effect, you can add a soft fragrant bath foam. Detergents usually perfectly soften even the most dense fabric.

Then you need to sit right in jeans in a warm bath and wait fifteen minutes until the fabric is completely saturated and the product becomes free.

For the next 10 minutes, you can slowly stretch the inner seams of the legs and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe belt and buttocks.

Then you should leave the bathroom, flush the water and wait until the cloth dries a little so as not to stain the bathroom with blue dye.

Putting a towel or oilcloth on the floor, you need to do some physical exercises with your legs: squats, lunges, etc.

Continuing to lie or sit on an oilcloth or towel, you should wait until, having taken the desired shape and curves. It is important to place the jeans in fresh air to dry completely. Dryers should be avoided, because there the product will sit down again.

To stretch jeans, it is better to wash them by hand. A similar procedure should be repeated several times so that they finally stretch and lay down in shape.


Another affordable and easy solution to the question of how to stretch jeans in a belt at home is ironing.

To do this, you need to take the iron and put it on the steaming mode. Moist air will smooth out irregularities and warm up the fabric, which increases in volume from high temperature and humidity.

To "fix" the new sizes, you need to put on your pants while they are still warm and walk around a bit.


In addition to the usual home methods, special stretching devices are sold. One of these is the Belt Stretcher.

In order to use it correctly, you need to fasten the jeans with a zipper and a button, and then wet them. Then insert the device into the waist area, fixing it, and gradually increase the length. This method is great for stretch denim.

Sometimes your favorite jeans get small. In order not to run after a new pair, it is enough to know how to stretch jeans on your own using improvised devices. Enlarging your pants at the waist, hips, or calves can be a breeze.

Stretching jeans in different places

Skinny jeans can really discourage wearing them. However, if you know how to quickly stretch jeans in the hips, you can significantly extend their life.

Cotton jeans are easy to stretch with the wet method. Stretch jeans are a simple and complex piece of clothing at the same time. They can be called simple because they easily fit into different styles of clothing, complex because it is difficult to find a perfectly fitting model. If one day a hard-to-find thing stops fitting, the question arises how to stretch jeans if you can’t lose weight to the right size?

Wet jeans stretch in the thighs

If the jeans have become small, then the most effective way is to stretch them when wet. This is a simple and affordable way, although it requires a lot of patience. The process will include three steps:

  • wet;
  • dress;
  • stretch.

First you need to let them soak in water. Use preferably warm, simply because it is more pleasant for the body.

After the jeans are completely wet, you have to pull them on yourself. When the complex process is overcome, you can move on to the main actions. It is important to do numerous lunges and squats, while being careful not to tear the fabric.

If you need to stretch the jeans at the waist, you will have to place foreign objects there. It can be small bottles or whatever fits. Many recommend wrapping the belt with a towel and then pulling on the jeans.

This method is most effective if the model consists of cotton, or is a mixture with elastane. It is much more difficult to stretch fabric with poly blends or any additives.

Wet jeans should be left on until completely dry. This will prevent the fabric from shrinking. After the done, the pants will become much more comfortable.

Manipulations with wet jeans are best done in the summer, or in a warm room and without the presence of inflammatory or infectious processes in the body.

Stretching jeans at the waist

You can increase the jeans in the belt at home using a special tool. This item does not belong to the category of common items. Therefore, you should resort to improvised means.

To increase jeans in the belt at home, you can use, for example, a trouser hanger, or any item that is close to the required size. You can stretch jeans at the waist by a couple of centimeters only by inserting a bar and leaving it to dry completely.

In order to facilitate the task, you can again wet the fabric. Under the influence of water, the belt will stretch better, and when dried, it will not shrink.

You will also have to wet it with cold water, insert a suitable bar, then leave to dry.

In another method, the fabric is stretched by hand. Necessary:

You can play it safe with a bar threaded into the hips. When the pants are dry, turn them inside out and iron them to keep their shape.

stretching jeans in length

Very often jeans after washing are small. Therefore, the owners of new pants often face the question of how to quickly stretch jeans in length. Manufacturers themselves recommend purchasing a product longer than the required size, and shortening it to the desired size only after wet processing. If the jeans are already small, you will have to think about how to lengthen at home.

If ordinary pants are always dried hanging from the belt, then short jeans must be hung from the bottom of the leg. During the drying process, under the weight of a heavier belt, the fabric is stretched. You will have to resort to this method every time after washing. To lengthen already shrunken pants:

  • wet jeans;
  • in a dried state, spread out on an ironing board, securing the belt with pins;
  • iron with gauze, pulling the fabric in the desired direction.

This method will add about 5 cm to the product.

Those who find it too laborious, but want to know how to lengthen their jeans, will have to turn to outside help. Wet pants are enough to clasp on both sides and pull in opposite directions. Buttons and zippers should be fastened so as not to accidentally create unnecessary stretch. You need to grab the fabric itself, and not the belt loops. To consolidate the result, jeans can be left to dry by attaching with pins or small pushpins to the belt and pulling the legs as far as possible.

It is important to monitor the uniformity of stretching so as not to spoil the pants.

Calf stretch

If denim pants have become narrow in the calves, you can partially use the above methods. Stretching the fabric without using water will not work, so you will have to wet your pants again. If a minor adjustment is required, then it will be enough to pull the problem area with both hands for 10-15 minutes. You can resort to wet-heat treatment and stretch the fabric with an iron. The fibers that have absorbed moisture under the influence of high temperature are very elastic and it will be easier to achieve the desired volume. When ironing the fabric, it is important not to forget to delay and dry without removing the iron from the leg.

Another effective and less labor intensive way is to use cylinders. For trousers, you need to select items of the desired diameter. Wet trousers will have to be pulled on them, and then left to dry. You can use plastic bottles, jars, or any container that is round and of the right size.

Plastic containers must be filled with water to keep their shape and stretch the fabric.

After the pants are dry, they need to be ironed. The method can be used as needed.

Stretching jeans at home (Video)

Over time, denim shrinks. If your favorite pants have become uncomfortable to wear, it is important to know how to quickly stretch jeans at home.

  • It is necessary to determine the area that needs stretching;
  • it is important to make sure that the fabric is not worn out and does not tear during manipulation;
  • jeans should be soaked in warm water.
  • Fasten the stretchable part on one side and pull the fabric five to ten times on the other.

You need to wait until it is completely dry and try it on. They will increase at least one size. Repeat if necessary.

The second method of general stretching of jeans at home involves pulling on your pants and climbing into a bathtub filled with warm water.

The water should not be hot, but comfortable for the body, otherwise the opposite effect may occur.

You have to sit like this for at least 15 minutes. Next, you need to stand up and allow excess water to drain. You will have to spend some more time on a towel so that it absorbs excess moisture. It remains to wait for the jeans to dry on themselves. After the pants can be removed, and when they are completely dry, put them on again and do squats and lunges for about 10 minutes. It guarantees. That the fibers will not shrink again. Thus, jeans can be increased by size at home.

A radical method of increasing jeans can be an increase. To do this, you will have to remember your tailoring skills. In fact, it's not difficult. All you need is a contrasting or matching fabric, a sewing machine, needles, scissors and thread. It is enough to open the side seams and insert the pre-cut stripes of the desired size.

For more information on how to increase the size of jeans yourself, see the video:

If the task seems overwhelming, then it is better to resort to the help of professional seamstresses. They will help extend the use of your favorite jeans.

Jeans are universal! They are worn with pleasure by children, youth and people of respectable age, because it is fashionable and stylish, comfortable and practical. Therefore, you experience a special chagrin when you notice that your favorite trousers have become cramped! But in this case, you should not be upset, but stretch your jeans!

Pants cease to be comfortable if the parameters of their owner have changed or the fabric has shrunk.

The most problematic area in most cases is the waist. But tight pants can become also in the hips or even all over the leg. And if you come across a product made from low-quality material with a high content of synthetic fibers, the trousers may become smaller not in a separate area, but as a whole. This is also possible with models sewn from high-quality fabric with stretch (stretch jeans).

In any case, denim can be stretched using one of the methods that we will discuss.

Stretching jeans at home

The change in the volume of trousers occurs due to the physical stretching of the material or by altering the trousers.

Several methods of mechanical stretching of jeans have been successfully used.

Stretching tissue with exercise

The modern fabric from which jeans are sewn necessarily incorporates special fibers from synthetics. Under certain conditions, they stretch or shrink. Taking advantage of these properties of synthetics, you can stretch your jeans by putting them on and doing physical exercises, exercises or warm-ups in trousers.

Important! To achieve the goal and make the jeans more spacious, the complex of exercises performed should be dominated by those in which the legs are involved: squats, swings, lifts from different positions, etc.

The fabric will stretch gradually, so the warm-up in jeans is carried out until they get the right size.

stretching jeans with water

Wet fabric stretches better, no wonder water is often used when stretching jeans. But they are not just soaked in water, but forced to resize so that they fit the figure. Therefore, you have to plunge into the water, wearing jeans.

Important! The time of complete wetting of the fabric fibers is at least 15 minutes, the water temperature is warm, but not hot.

It is necessary to ensure that there is enough water in the bathtub to completely immerse all sections of the pants.

After finishing the water procedures and letting the water drain, the jeans are not removed, but subjected to mechanical stretching with the help of physical exercises.

Stretching jeans with an iron and steam

Mechanical stretching of dry or wet jeans during charging occurs with the whole thing. If there is no such goal, and the trousers need to be stretched in a certain area, an iron will help with steam function or steamer.

When working with them, the problematic area is thoroughly doused with steam, ensuring that the material becomes wet, and the synthetic fibers begin to straighten and lengthen under the action of steam.

Important! A greater effect can be achieved if you put on jeans that are damp after steam treatment and wear them for 1–1.5 hours. This will prevent the drying fibers from shrinking more than the figure will allow them.

Using an expander

"Expander" is a device used by professional tailors to stretch trousers around the waist. You can buy an expander when visiting specialized sewing stores or via the Internet. The device replaces the human body during mechanical stretching of the pants. The principle of operation of the mechanism is similar to stretching worn jeans.


  • Waist measurements.
  • Moisturizing the trouser belt. It is convenient to do this with a spray gun.
  • Fastening buttons or zippers on the fly and the top button on the waistband.
  • Placement of the expander on the waistline inside the jeans.
  • Setting the desired dimensions on the device.
  • Drying jeans with an expander placed in them.

Important! Do not artificially speed up the drying of trousers. A longer mechanical effect on the fabric during the natural drying of the product will reliably stretch the fibers to the desired size.

How to alter jeans to make them bigger

Stretching changes trousers only for a while, but after the next wash they can become tight again. In order not to systematically engage in stretching of trousers, they can be altered by choosing one of the alteration options.

Making allowance minimal

This method is suitable if jeans need to be increased in volume quite a bit, up to 10–15 mm.

Operating procedure

  • Open the side seam, taking care not to damage the fabric while removing the threads.
  • Run a basting seam, reducing the allowance.
  • After trying on, sew the side seam with a machine stitch.
  • Process the modified seam.
  • Repeat the action on the other leg.

Adding a pant insert

If a little stretching of the jeans by reducing the allowances is not enough, you can use another alteration method - insert stripes. So you can add 2 sizes to your favorite pants! For inserts, you can use a companion fabric, contrasting or decorative fabric.

Important! When choosing a material for inserts, you need to pay attention not only to its color, but also to its density. Choose a material that matches the density of denim, then the connection of fabrics will be of high quality.

Operating procedure

  • We perform the calculation of the width of the stripes. By measuring the volume of the waist and hips, we find out the desired size of the increase in pants. Since the inserts are made on both sides of the trousers, we divide the resulting number by 2.
  • We select a suitable fabric and make a blank of stripes, adding 1 cm on each side for allowances. In the upper part of the stripes, we add an additional width of the belt, in the lower part - 2–3 cm for a turn.
  • Carefully cut the leg next to the side seam so that it is preserved.
  • We sew an insert to each part of the leg, try on trousers.
  • We carry out a machine seam, we process it.
  • We hem the upper part of the stripe so that it complements the belt, we perform the turn-up of the leg.
  • We repeat the work on the other side.

How to stretch jeans in different parts

Having become acquainted with the main ways of stretching jeans, we choose the most suitable for a specific problem area.

stretching Vwaist achieved with the help of water, physical education, as well as by changing the clasp. To do this, a new button is added to the opposite side of the belt. Two buttons are fastened with a strong elastic band. When walking in trousers connected in this way for 2-3 hours, the belt will stretch at the waist.

The most effective stretching result in hips obtained by wearing wet trousers.

An iron and steam will give the right result if you want to stretch your pants. in calves.

If you need to stretch the product in length, apply mechanical stretching of wet legs by hand or alteration: adding inserts or cuffs to the legs.

How to take care of your jeans so you don't have to stretch them

As you can see, stretching jeans is quite possible, although you have to work hard for this.

Little tricks to eliminate the need for stretching

  • Do not machine wash items with this care recommendation. Hand washing will be more time consuming, but will not shrink the fibers as much as machine washing.
  • Do not use hot water: synthetic fibers may react with shrinkage.
  • Dry the product in a natural way, immediately after washing. When drying, jeans need to be fixed on the belt, allowing them to stretch freely in length.