Analysis of programs for patriotic education of preschool children. Program for patriotic education of older preschoolers “Little Russians”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 16 in Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov Region"

Agreed I approve

At a meeting of the pedagogical council, Head of MBDOU No. 16

Protocol No. 1 of 08/31/2016 _________ T.I. Filippova

Order No. 75 of 01.09.2016


on patriotic education of preschool children:

"Raising Russian patriots"


    Explanatory note

The younger the child, the more direct it should be

his moral education, the more he should not

teach, but accustom to good feelings, inclinations and

manners, basing everything mainly on habit.

Love for the Fatherland must come from love for humanity.

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky.

Childhood is a daily discovery of the world. It is necessary that this discovery becomes, first of all, knowledge of man and the Fatherland, so that the beauty of a real person, the greatness and incomparable beauty of the Fatherland enters the child’s mind and heart.

Childhood is a crucial stage in the development of personality and its moral sphere. Favorable time created pedagogical environment contributes to instilling in children the fundamentals of patriotism and citizenship.

The concept of patriotism is diverse in its content - it is respect for the culture of one’s country, and a feeling of inseparability with the outside world, and pride in one’s people and one’s Motherland.

From the first years of life, a child must love his native land, culture with his heart and soul, and experience a sense of national pride, which is called “putting roots in his native land.” Preschool age, according to psychologists, is the best period for developing love for one’s small homeland.

We are very proud of our small homeland and our fellow countrymen, we introduce children to the history and culture of our region, and cultivate love and respect for it.

    Justification of the relevance of the program

Patriotism - love for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility and pride for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase its wealth - begins to form already in preschool age. It is impossible to cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, and therefore a full-fledged personality, without respect for the history and culture of one’s Fatherland, for its state symbols./ “The Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation”/

You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with your Motherland, without knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved and cherished it. There is no doubt that already in kindergarten, as a result of targeted educational, systematic work, elements of citizenship and patriotism can be formed in children.

Along with preserving and strengthening the health of children, one of the tasks of the kindergarten team is to educate the moral qualities of a small person, and patriotic education is part moral education. A true patriot must be healthy physically and morally, because... folk wisdom reads: "In healthy body- a healthy spirit,” which is why the task of patriotic education is closely related to the task of educating a healthy lifestyle.

Much has been written about the importance of introducing a child to the culture of his people, since turning to the fatherland and heritage fosters respect and pride for the land on which you live. Therefore, children need to know and study the culture of their ancestors. It is the emphasis on knowledge of the history of the people, their culture that will help in the future to treat with respect and interest cultural traditions other peoples.

The feeling of Homeland... it begins in a child with the relationship to the family, to the closest people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment.

The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the baby sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul... And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, but, passed through the child’s perception, they play huge role, in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

The immediate environment is of considerable importance for instilling in children interest and love for their native land. Gradually, the child gets to know the kindergarten, his family, his street, the city, and then the country, its capital and symbols.

Hometown... We must show the child that his hometown is famous for its history, traditions, sights, monuments, and best people.

To be a citizen, a patriot, is certainly to be an internationalist. Therefore, nurturing love for one’s fatherland and pride in one’s country must be combined with the formation of a friendly attitude towards the culture of other peoples, towards each person individually, regardless of skin color and religion.

2. Purpose and objectives of the program

Target: To form in preschool children patriotic attitudes and feelings towards their family, city, nature, culture based on historical and natural features native land. Developing self-esteem as a representative of one’s people, respect for the past, present, future of one’s native land, and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.

Tasks :

    Formation of moral personality traits in preschoolers through familiarization with their hometown.

    Formation of civic position and patriotic feelings for the past, present and future of the native land, a sense of pride in one’s small Motherland.

    Raising in a child love and affection for his family, his home, the land where he was born.

    Fostering love and respect for one’s people, their customs and traditions.

    Formation of the foundations of ecological culture, a humane attitude towards all living things.

    Formation of artistic taste and love for beauty, development of creative abilities.

    Instilling in preschoolers feelings of respect and care for the Defenders of the Fatherland.

    Nurturing a healthy lifestyle.

    Fostering a sense of respect for the professions and work of adults.

3. Pedagogical principles of the program

    Availability . The principle of accessibility involves correlating the content, nature and volume of educational material with the level of development and preparedness of children.

    Continuity . At the current stage, education is designed to form among the younger generation a sustainable interest in constantly replenishing their intellectual baggage and improving moral feelings.

    Scientificity . One of the important principles of the program is its scientific nature. Based on information about the history and culture of the native land.

    Systematicity . The principle of a systematic approach, which involves analyzing the interaction of various areas of patriotic education. This principle is implemented in the process of interconnected formation of the child’s ideas about patriotic feelings in different types of activities and effective attitude towards the world around him.

    Continuity . Patriotic education preschoolers continues into elementary school.

    Cultural Conformity . This principle builds the content of the program as a consistent assimilation and development of value orientations on this basis.

4. Legislative and regulatory support for the program

The program “Raising Patriots of Russia” is designed for children aged 3 to 7 years.

Regulatory framework of the program:

1. Law “On Education of the Russian Federation”

2. State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010”, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2005 No. 422.

3. The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation.

4. Federal Law “On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia dated March 13, 1995 No. 32 FZ (as amended on August 22, 2004).

5. Charter of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 16 of Krasnoarmeysk".

6. The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014).

II. Program structure

The program is organized by age groups. It covers four age periods of children's development: younger age (3-4 years, second youngest group), middle age (4-5 years, middle group), senior preschool age (5-7 years, senior and preparatory school group).

The program defines the sequence for solving a set of tasks; it is determined by sections.

1 section “Together a friendly family” (family, kindergarten).
Section 2 “This street, this house.”
Section 3 “The city where I live.”
Section 4 “Our pantry”.

1 section “Together a friendly family.”

Family and kindergarten are the child’s first team, and in it he should feel like an equal member, making his own, albeit modest, contribution to the family business every day. In this section, children get acquainted with the history of their family, tell where the child’s grandparents and their great-grandfathers were born and lived, who they worked for, what hobbies they had, what difficulties they had to experience.

Target : Fostering love and respect for family, relatives and friends.

Tasks :

    Introduce the concept of “family”. Teach children to name family members; instill in children a sense of pride in their family; instill a respectful, caring attitude towards elderly relatives. Develop an interest in your ancestry.

    Encourage children to want to attend kindergarten and meet with friends.

    To instill in children respect for kindergarten staff, respect for the work of adults, and a desire to provide all possible assistance.

    Introduce children to the history of kindergarten.

Section 2 “This street, this house.”

There is a need to cultivate a caring attitude towards the small Motherland through knowledge of it.

Its main task is to form children’s understanding of the geographical features of their small homeland. The content of the material in the section reveals the following topics: location of the city, climate, nature and minerals, symbolism of the native land.

Tasks :

    To form children’s ideas about the geographical, climatic, socio-economic features of their small Motherland, and the symbolism of their native land.

    Expand ideas about the natural resources of the Sakhalin land, especially the city: flora and fauna; mineral.

    To cultivate a love for the nature of the native land and a sense of involvement in its conservation. Give the concept of nature reserves.

Section 3 “The city where I live.”

Target : Give basic ideas about history, pioneers, heroes of labor and the Great Patriotic War, defenders of the Fatherland, attractions of the city, socio-economic significance of the city.

Tasks :

    To form an idea of ​​the historical roots of the city.

    Expand your understanding of the sights and socio-economic significance of the city.

    To cultivate respect for pioneer people, heroes of labor, the Great Patriotic War, defenders of the Fatherland.

Section 4 “Our pantry”.

Target : To give preschoolers an idea of ​​the peoples living in the city and the culture they represent.

Tasks :

    To form an idea of ​​the main professions of city residents.

    Arouse interest in people's lives different nationalities and indigenous peoples of the district, their life, way of life, culture, language, traditions.

    Cultivate interest and desire to learn as much as possible about your small homeland.

III. Expected result of the program implementation

Children have knowledge about the history of the city, its attractions, natural resources, socio-economic significance, symbolism of their native land; the emergence of a strong interest in the past, present and future of the hometown, a sense of responsibility, pride, love and patriotism. Involving families in patriotic education of children.

Children should know:

3–4 years.

    Know the name and patronymic of your parents.

    Know where their parents work.

    Know the site and group of the kindergarten; be able to maintain order on them, take care of the equipment of areas and groups, and care for plants.

    Know the name and patronymic of the kindergarten staff, respect their work, and be able to provide all possible assistance to adults.

    Know some domestic and wild animals of your native land; Do not pluck plants unnecessarily, do not break branches of trees and bushes, do not frighten animals, do not destroy insects.

    Know the name of your city; have confidence in the adults who care for them.

4–5 years.

    It is a pleasure to talk about family, family life, traditions; actively participate in events prepared in a group, in a preschool educational institution, in particular, aimed at something to please adults and children.

    Be able to talk about your hometown.

    Talk about your desire to acquire a certain profession in the future (to become a military man, firefighter, policeman, etc.).

    Participate in observations of plants, animals, birds, fish and in feasible work to care for them; share your knowledge about living and non-living things; do not tear or break plants, treat living beings with care, do not harm them.

5–6 years.

    Know your home address, city, county.

    Have an idea of ​​the symbolism of the city and district.

    Know the names of nearby streets.

    Have an idea about the life and way of life of the people who inhabited the city of Krasnoarmeysk and the region.

    Recognize the sights of the city in photographs and be able to talk about them.

    Know your parents' professions.

    Know the rules of behavior in nature.

    Be able to talk about the inextricable connection between man and nature, the importance of the environment for a healthy lifestyle.

    Distinguish between some types of troops.

6–7 years old.

    Brief information about the history of the city and district.

    Know your date of birth, your patronymic, home address, phone number; parents' names and patronymics; kindergarten address.

    Know the coat of arms and flag of the Saratov region and your city.

    Have an idea about the President and the Government of Russia; about war defenders of the Fatherland, about WWII veterans.

    Have an idea about your native land; about people of different nationalities, their customs, traditions, folklore, labor, etc.; about the Earth, about people of different races living on our land; about the work of adults, their business and personal qualities, creativity, public holidays, school, library, etc.

    Poems, works of art by local poets and artists.

    Rules for safe behavior in nature and on city streets.

    Have a basic understanding of nature conservation, nature reserves, sanctuaries of the Saratov region, Krasnoarmeysk.

    Understand involvement in the social and environmental environment, realize oneself as a full member of society.

IV. Stages of program implementation

    Collection of information.

    Development and implementation of the program.

    Development and implementation of the program plan.

    Educational and methodological support of the educational process.

    Implementation of plans to ensure the implementation of program material.

    Regulation of program execution.

    Current monitoring of program execution.

    Final analysis of program implementation, final monitoring.

V. Program support mechanism

1. Planning and preparation

    Studying methodological literature.

    Work plan for the year.

    Plan approval.

2. Methodological support

    Promoting the best work experience of teachers working in this area.


    Conducting seminars.


3. Use of the results of the work

    Preparation and execution methodological activities(MO, pedagogical readings, teacher councils, open viewings).

    Writing creative works and projects.

    Media appearance.

4. Support events

    Development and conduct of comprehensive classes and joint holidays.

    Interaction with family.

    Cooperation with the Central Regional Library.

    Cooperation with the department social protection population.

    Cooperation with the Center for Culture and Leisure, the Museum of Local Lore, and the Military Commissariat.

5. Final analysis

    Studying the results of diagnosing children's development (ongoing monitoring).

    Monitoring the professional skills of teachers at each stage.

    Diagnosis of children's development (interim monitoring).

    Presentation of work results.

VI. Thematic planning

II junior group (3–4 years)

Tour of the kindergarten (introduction to the kindergarten staff and premises)

Role-playing game “In kindergarten”

Environmental campaign “Save the flower”

Targeted walk (plants of the site, nature of the native land)


Conversation "My family"

Project (lesson) “Mom, Dad, Me – Family”

Project (drawing) “Portrait of a family”

Project (lesson) “How animals of their native land prepare for winter”


Project “Varvara-beautiful, long braid” (introduction to the work of a mother).

Conversation “It’s good in our garden”

Role-playing game “Grandma has arrived”

Looking at the illustrations “All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important”


Environmental campaign “Feed the birds in winter”

A targeted walk to the nearest street, located near the kindergarten.

labor observation junior educator.

Conversation about the work of preschool employees


OOD "My native city".

Project (construction) “We will build a new house.”

Conversation “Pets in our home.”

Modeling “Let’s treat our new acquaintances to pancakes.”


“White birch under my window” - trees in my hometown.

Project (drawing) “We invite bullfinches to eat rowan quickly.”

“How Funtik and I carried sand.” To give an idea that dad cares about his family.

Conversation “How to become strong?”


"Me and my mom."

Project (drawing) “I will draw a comb for my mother. I will please my dear, dear."

"What we do in kindergarten." Adult labor.

"Help the Plant" project.


"Stories about my family."

"Our Good Deeds" adult labor

Conversation "The house in which we live."

Application “Building, building a house. The house has grown huge.


A targeted walk to the street decorated for the holiday.

Project (drawing) “It was a bright, festive fireworks flashing in front of us”

Reading the poems “What is a forest?”, “What is a meadow?”, “What is a river?”, “What is a sea?” from the collection of V. Stepanov “Our Nature”.

Conversation "Our city".


Environmental campaign “Plant a flower”

Campaign “Be thrifty with water, close the tap properly”

Role-playing game “Journey by Sea”


Cognitive development “The work of a teacher.”

Physical education "A healthy body, a healthy mind."

“Our Little Friends” – getting to know the animals of our area.

Conversation “Krasnoarmeysk is my homeland.”


Modeling “Make ladybugs quickly! Save the trees from aphids.”

Entertainment “Journey to the land of cleanliness and health.”

Slide show “City of Krasnoarmeysk” buildings and monuments of the city.

"Our friendly family."

middle group(4–5 years)

Walking the ecological trail – nature


“Family photography” – expanding knowledge about your family.

Project "My Hometown".


Excursion “Where does the Motherland begin?” (city streets).

Labor: “Help the janitor collect fallen leaves”

S. Cherny “When no one is home” - reading a poem.

Target walk “A new house is being built in our city.”


Project (drawing) “Let’s build a big house.”

Conversation "My health".

Adult labor: the concept of “profession”, professions of kindergarten employees.

“My Family” – favorite activities of parents and other family members.


Environmental campaign “Feed the birds in winter.”

Project “Children on the Planet Are Friends.”

A targeted walk along a nearby street adjacent to the kindergarten.

Leisure "Rota, rise!"


“We are Pathfinders” is about the life of wild animals in local forests.

Project “Letter to a Fairyland,” an introduction to the profession of a postman.

“On earth, in heaven and at sea” - about the army, about the branches of the military.

“Dads, grandfathers - soldiers” - about the national holiday “Defenders of the Fatherland.”


"Our mom is the best."

"City. Transport. a pedestrian".

"I love Russian birch." (trees and plants, nature of the native land)

Entertainment “We want to be healthy.”


“My city”, viewing slides about the city of Krasnoarmeysk.

“Visiting Grandfather Naturalist” - an ecological trail in spring.

Conversation “Helpers” - about the responsibilities that children perform at home, about the responsibilities of family members.

Introducing children to the flag of Russia and the Saratov region.


Excursion through the festive streets of the city.

Teacher's story "About Victory Day."

Role-playing game “We are fishermen”, introduction to the profession of a fisherman.

Targeted walk to the “Wall of Memory” dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.


Campaign "Green the site"

Project (drawing) “Fireworks in honor of the Russian holiday.”

Leisure “Sun, air and water are our best friends.”

Teacher's story about medicinal plants.


Excursion to Skomorokhova Avenue

Project (drawing) “My kindergarten”.

Leisure activities “Overcoming obstacles”.

Reviewing slides

"Sights of the city of Krasnoarmeysk."


The “Nature Asks for Protection” campaign is a caring attitude towards the nature of our native land.

Reading fiction for children on a family theme.

Looking at the photo album “Our Friendly Family”.

“My land is thoughtful and gentle.”

Senior group (5–6 years old)

Conversation “What is it famous for?

Krasnoarmeysk" (based on visual material).

Excursion to the Lakomka bakery

“Let’s play economics” (what is made of what?)

Exhibition of drawings “Mom is the best in the world” dedicated to Mother’s Day.


"Panorama of good deeds."

Environmental campaign “Don’t cut down the Christmas tree.”

Creation of a group album “All professions are important, all professions are needed” (professions of the district).


Reading the story "Who's the Boss?" (V. Oseeva)

Making the coat of arms of Krasnoarmeysk with children and parents.

History of origin


Project (d/i) “Tasty and healthy food.”


Defenders of the Russian Land (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich).

Natural world"Nature and Man".

Campaign “Gifts for Defenders of the Fatherland”.

Holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day.


A targeted walk along the nearby streets of Krasnoarmeysk. Environmental campaign “Take care of birds”.

Making a photo album “Sights”


Excursion to the Central District Library


Conversation with children “What nationalities do people inhabit our city?”

Role-playing game “Travel around the city of Krasnoarmeysk.”

"What do our parents do?"

Excursion to the monument to the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident


Thematic holiday "Victory Day". Meeting with the heroes of the Second World War

"Tasty and healthy food."

Conversation " National clothes indigenous peoples."

Quiz “Do you know your city?”


“Let's decorate the kindergarten” (landscaping the territory of the kindergarten).

“The House Where I Live” exhibition of drawings.

Leisure "Zarnitsa"

“Forest Adventures” a journey along an ecological trail.


Conversation “Fishes of our waters.” Herbarium collection.

Excursion to the local history museum.

Entertainment "The Adventures of a Droplet."

Introduce animals listed in the Red Book.


Game educational situation “school for toy bunnies”.

Compiling the Red Book of Krasnoarmeysk with children.

"Symbols of the city."

“Our Friendly Family” is about the indigenous peoples inhabiting the city.

Preparatory group (6–7 years old)

Tour of nearby streets

Krasnoarmeysk. A teacher's story about the origin of street names.


Project (complex lesson) "Symbols of the Saratov region" (visual and musical activities).

Conversation “Forest - multi-storey building”, introduction to the profession of forester, huntsman.


Krasnoarmeysk" (mineral resources of the district).

Festive event, dedicated to Mother's Day.


Conversation “Important dates in the Saratov region and


City Tour

Making posters on the theme “Save the beautiful birch tree.”

Creative living room for children and parents “Indigenous culture”.


Sports entertainment “Get the package”, “Orientation on the map”.

Reading Z. Aleksandrov’s “Watch.” A. Nehoda “Pilots”.

Excursion to the Central District Library.

Collecting information about the war participants - residents of our city.


Environmental campaign “Help the birds in winter.”

Design of the album “History of kindergarten in photographs.”

Operation "Joy" making gifts and presenting them to dads

Holiday – Defender of the Fatherland Day.


Holiday "Our Mothers".

“All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Conversation using the experiment "The land is harsh and gentle" (climatic features).

The teacher's story about the Heroes - fellow countrymen.


Leisure “Green Service of Aibolit” (for All-Russian Health Day).

“What is our region rich with” – an excursion to the local history museum.

Project (drawing) “Language of Ornaments”.

Conversation “Architecture of the native city.”


Excursion to the “Wall of Memory”. dedicated to the Second World War.

A teacher's story about protected areas in the Krasnoarmeysky region.

Quiz “Hometown Connoisseurs Competition.”

"Me and My City" using poetic works of art.


Mutual aid day “Green Street” (greening the territory of the kindergarten).

Conversation “The Red Book of the Krasnoarmeysky District

Role-playing game "Trip around the city."

Game – festival “Riddles of the Leshego”.

Training exercise “Learning to enjoy nature.”

Leisure "Zarnitsa"

Conversation “Why do people need water?”

Compiling creative albums based on children's stories “My City”.

State symbols, symbols of the city, Saratov region (Flag Day).

Sports festival

Leisure “Our friends trees.”

Operation "Joy" - making gifts for war veterans in peacetime.

Preparing for the holiday on September 1

VII. Interaction with parents on patriotic education of children

Of particular importance in solving the problems of patriotic education is close contact with the family of pupils.

Help from parents or joint activities gives children a sense of pride and contributes to the development of the child’s emotions and social sensitivity. In the process of communicating with parents and other family members, the child, imitating them, learns norms, rules and forms of social behavior.

Parents provide great assistance and actively participate in the life of the kindergarten, showing creativity, imagination, and enthusiasm. With their participation the following are carried out:

    Exhibitions of drawings and crafts: “My mother is the best”, “My family”, etc.

    Decoration of group rooms.

    Improvement of preschool educational institutions.

    Household labor in nature.

    Matinees, holidays, excursions, competitions.

    Environmental campaigns “Plant a flower”, “Making a feeder”, etc.

Patriotic education is carried out in all areas of work with children: in familiarization with the environment and with fiction, speech development, music, and fine arts.

Parent Communication Plan

Parents, educators

VIII. Forms and methods of work on patriotic education of children

Work on patriotic education is carried out using a variety of forms and methods.

1. Educational activities

    Classes devoted to the study of state symbols of Russia (the history of the emergence of the city of Krasnoarmeysk, the Saratov region, their symbols).

    Lessons about the origins of the city, geographical location, climate, etc.

    “Our city”, etc.

2. Traditions

    Introducing children to the culture, language, traditions, and rituals of the Russian people strengthens the connection between generations, develops a sense of belonging and respect for the Russian people and the history of the Krasnoarmeysky region. For this purpose the following is carried out:

    Ritual holidays: “Christmas carols”, “Maslenitsa”, “Gatherings”; they unite all participants, cause joyful excitement, emotional uplift, and provide an opportunity to more fully express their imagination, ingenuity, and creativity;

    Excursions to the local history museum of Krasnoarmeysk;

    Themed leisure activities “My land is thoughtful and gentle”, “My family”, “My dad”, “Zarnitsa”.

3. Nature and ecology

One of the components of patriotism is cultivating love for our native nature on walks and excursions. Gradually, children form ideas about their hometown, nature becomes closer and clearer, children try to do something for it, and feel a sense of responsibility towards it.

4. Heroic past

It is important to convey to children the idea: after many years, people remember the events of the terrible years of war, honoring the memory of those who died, they will surround with attention and love the people who defended our Motherland. These are events such as:

1. Annual month of military-patriotic education, during which the following are organized:

    Poster and drawing competition “Defenders of the Fatherland”.

    Classes “Children are heroes”, “War heroes are our fellow countrymen”.

    “Courage classes”, in which children turn to the glorious exploits of a Russian soldier who showed unparalleled courage in a harsh time for the country.

2. “Week of Remembrance” including:

    design of greeting cards and gifts for war veterans.

    Classes, conversations.

    Matinee "Victory Day" with the invitation of war veterans.

    Excursion to Victory Square, dedicated to the participants of the Great Patriotic War.

IX. Logistical support

    Didactic and visual aids;

    modern TSO facilities;

    methodological literature;

    Reproductions of paintings;

    pictures with various types of troops and Defenders of the Fatherland, slides “My City”;

    "My family";


    recordings and audio recordings of songs from the war years;

    maps, atlas of the Saratov region;

    symbols of the Saratov region and the city of Krasnoarmeysk, globe, etc.

Used Books

    Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. . "Class notes in the second younger group kindergarten", Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2007.

    Deryagina L.B. . Russia is my homeland. Series “For kids about their homeland” St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2007.

    Dybina O.B . The child and the world around him. M: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005.

    Evtushenko S., Veselova L . Raising a great citizen of Russia. // Preschool education 2007 No. 6, pp. 118-121.

    Komarova T . Art as a factor in nurturing love for the native land // Preschool education 2006 No. 2, pp. 3-8.

    Komratova N . On the civic education of preschoolers // Preschool education 2006 No. 5, pp. 3-10.

    Kazakova N.V. . A big river begins with a fontanel, love for the homeland from kindergarten // Preschool teacher 2008 No. 12, pp. 31-36.

    Komratova N . On the civic education of preschoolers // Preschool education 2005 No. 10, pp. 10-19.

    Pryakhina S.A. . I was lucky to be born in Rus' // Preschool teacher 2008 No. 8, pp. 27-29.

    Soboleva I . Love your small homeland. // Preschool education 2005 No. 10, pp. 52-54.

    Tatarinkova L.Yu . The rights of a small citizen. Series “To kids about the Motherland” St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2007.

Department of Education of the Administration of the Yurginsky Municipal District

Kemerovo region

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten Yurga – 2 “Sun”

Moral and patriotic education of preschool children


Yurginsky district 2015


Stepanova Svetlana Valerievna, head of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten Yurga - 2"C

Dovydenko Lyudmila Vasilievna, senior teacher, specialist of the highest qualification category, "Honored Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation", municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Yurga Kindergarten - 2"COlnyshko" of the Department of Education of the Yurginsky Municipal District of the Kemerovo Region.

Karamysheva Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher1 qualification categorymunicipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten Yurga - 2"COlnyshko" of the Department of Education of the Yurginsky Municipal District of the Kemerovo Region.

The work experience offers an original program for the moral and patriotic education of preschool children "Kuzbass region, forever beloved". This material includesmoral and patriotic education of a preschooler, which is implemented in an educational educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational field “Socio-communicative development” in integration with other educational fields: Speech development, Cognitive development, Artistic development aesthetic development, Physical development. The difference between the program of the circle “Kuzbass region, forever beloved!”from the state program lies in the variety of topics that reveal the relationship of moral and cultural values, the formation of which is based on the traditions and customs of our region in a single educational space, kindergarten and family with social institutions(district local history museum, regional library, MDYuTs, regional poetry club "Lira"). The experience can be used by young preschool teachers in practical activities.


1. Program passport

2. Explanatory note

3. Thematic planning according to the program

4. Program content

5. Implementation stagesprograms

6. Literature

Kuzbass region, forever beloved!

Program for moral and patriotic education of preschool children

V. Implementation stages program “Kuzbass region, forever beloved!”

middle group.

A week


1 Week

2 week

3 week


"Our kindergarten" - presentation "Let's get to know each other."

Conversations about summer vacations: where they vacationed, what they rode, what they saw.

Conversation "My family".

Conversations about summer vacations: continue the conversation about where the children vacationed in the summer.

“Who is treating us in the hospital?”

Excursion to the medical office

Target walk: amenities in city houses.

Conversation about summer vacation: talking with children about where they vacationed, the teacher asks about nature.


"Who is a cook?"

Excursion to the catering unit.

Working with parents: the need to teach children at home. address.

Russian storytelling folk tale.

Lesson “If you are sick.”

Excursion to the medical office.

"I you he she" -

conversation about family members

Target walk: Home improvement.

Conversation about my native village.


Excursion to the laundry.

Games with building materials: build your own street and give it a name.

Work in the book corner: reading P. Voronko’s poem “There is no better native land.”

A conversation about our native village: it’s clean where there’s no litter.

Games with nesting dolls and pyramids: nesting dolls and pyramids are folk toys, because they were invented by the Russian people.

Work in the local history corner: sights of the native village.

Conversation about kindergarten workers: excursion to the laundry.


Purpose of the walk: cleaning the streets from snow.

Singing songs and reading poems about kindergarten

Lesson “Wild Animals”.

“My family’s favorite activities” - conversation

Work in the local history corner: the name of the village, think about why people called it that.

Conversation “When I become an adult.”

S/r game "Family".

Examination of T. Sorokin’s painting “Family”.

Conversation about their native village: children can also make the village beautiful.

Work in the local history corner: winter nature.


Conversation “Why do we need a kindergarten?”

Conversation about who went where to the New Year's performance.

Reading Russian folk nursery rhymes.

Collective work “Let’s decorate the village street for the New Year.”

Work on learning home addresses: for those who don’t know it yet, learn it by heart.

Dramatization of the Russian folk tale "Turnip".

Conversation “My home is a family.”


Target walk along a nearby street: shops.

Work in the book corner: the nature of Kuzbass.

Conversation “I want to be like dad”

A story about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Independent observations of children: the work of kindergarten staff

Russian folk outdoor game "Bunnies".


Drawing: a flower for mommy.

Conversation: I want to be like my mother.

Conversation: Kemerovo is the main city of our region.

Class"How they bought gingerbread at a Russian fair."

Conversation “My mother works in a kindergarten.”

Russian round dance game.


Work in the local history corner: a landmark of your native village.

Conversation about your native village: where in your native village were you?

A dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok".

A targeted walk around the kindergarten site.

Teacher's story "The Tom River".

Examination of objects of folk applied art.


Conversation about their native land: remember the name of the main city of the region, what they can tell about their region.

Musical and literary composition "Let us bow to those great years."

Target walk: along a festively decorated street. Our people celebrate Victory Day.

“My grandfather told me” - conversations with children.

Conversation about the Victory Day holiday.

Modeling “Airplane is flying”

D/i “Who needs what?” (about the professions of kindergarten workers).

June August

Senior group.


1 Week

2 week


Conversation with children about summer vacation “My favorite vacation spots.”

Lesson “Homeland”

Drawing competition “The house where I live.”

Lesson “Every person has the right to a name. What do our names mean?


Lesson "Family. My pedigree." Role-playing game "Family".

A tour of the kindergarten and an introduction to the work of the kindergarten staff.

D/i “Who needs what?”

Drawing on the theme "My family".


Didactic exercise “Guess where and who I work for.”

Lesson “What is the Kemerovo region famous for?”

Conversation: how I help my mother.


A conversation about work in the family, about their responsibilities as family members.

Lesson “Friendly family.”

Excursion to the library. Poetry evening (songs, poems about the native region, land).

Manufacturing New Year's toys for babies.


Lesson “Family and national holidays”.

Lesson “Coal is the main wealth of our region.”

Acquaintance with the Red Book of the Kemerovo region.

Conversation: my home is a kindergarten.


Making gifts for dads and grandfathers.

Teacher's story “The most beautiful places in our native land.”

Teacher's story "Sights of Kuzbass."

Conversation “My dad is the best.”


Compilation of stories on the topic “Why I love my mother.”

Making gifts for mothers and grandmothers.

Excursion to the Regional Museum of Local Lore.

Conversation “What nationalities do people live in our village and region?”


Lesson “Honorable people of our village.”

A targeted walk around the village.

Lesson “Native land, forever beloved.”

D/i “Find your coat of arms.”


Conversation about the war while watching film fragments. A targeted walk to the monument to the soldiers who died during the Second World War.

Review of the album “Countrymen-Heroes”. Conversation: the city of Kemerovo is a regional center.

June August

Collection of medicinal herbs in the vicinity of our city. Making herbariums.

Consolidation and repetition of the material covered.

Preparatory group


1 Week

2 week


Conversation “Talented people of our village.”

Getting acquainted with the map of the Kemerovo region. Exhibition of children's works "My Favorite Village".

Lesson "Men and women in the family."

Acquaintance with the symbols of the Kemerovo region and the city of Yurga. Artistic creativity “Flag of the village of Yurga-2”.


Drawing competition “My favorite kindergarten”.

D/i "Residential-non-residential." Lesson "The origins of the native village."

Looking at photographs “Flora world of Kuzbass”. Work on the map of the Kemerovo region “Where do I live?”


Lesson “History of kindergarten”. D/i “All jobs are good - choose according to your taste” (about professions in kindergarten).

Coming up with a group coat of arms.

Lesson “I, family, clan, people.”


D/i “Who lives in the village?”

Crafts competition “Musical chest”.

Teacher's story about the tradition of celebrating the New Year


Lesson "Genealogical tree of my family."

Thematic lesson “Reservoirs of the Kemerovo region”.

Lesson “What is Kuzbass rich in?”

Drawing competition “My family’s coat of arms.”


The story of a guest warrior (from the popes) about the defenders of the fatherland. Drawing competition “My dad at work.”

Lesson “The land in which we live” (geographical location, climatic features).

"Medicinal plants of our region."


Making gifts for mothers and grandmothers. Drawing “Portrait of Mom.”

D/i “What is she like, my mother?”

Lesson “Natural World”.

Lesson "Family Heirlooms".


Thematic lesson “Yu. Gagarin”. Making gifts for veterans.

Lesson “How a shirt grew in a field.” “Day of Mutual Aid” - cleaning the territory of the kindergarten.


Meeting with WWII veterans.

Participation in the rally dedicated to Victory Day

Educational game “What? Where? When?" on the topic “What do I know about Kuzbass?”

June August

Consolidation and repetition of the material covered.

Long-term planning for working with parents






A questionnaire for parents determining their attitude to the moral and patriotic education of children.

Joint excursion around the native village.

Photo exhibition joint creativity"My home village."


Parents writing an essay “My Child.”

Competition "Autumn Bouquet".

Photo exhibition "My Father's House".


Family leisure “Our friendly family”.

Family living room “We come from childhood” (evening of memories).

Photo exhibition for Mother’s Day “A mother’s heart is in her children.”


Environmental campaign “Don’t cut down the green Christmas tree.”

Creation of snow structures on the kindergarten site.

Crafts competition "New Year's chest".

Snow town competition


Campaign “Feed the birds in winter”.

Production of the photo album “Special Places of Kuzbass”.

Exhibition of joint drawings by children and parents “Profession of my parents.”


Design of the newspaper “The Role of the Father in Raising Children.”

Sports entertainment “Mom, dad, me – a sports family.”

Sports entertainment "Together with Dad."


Competition "Miss Grandma".

Entertainment “My dear mother.”

KVN “Come on, girls!”


Meeting with parents “My profession”.

Jointly drawing up safe routes to kindergarten and home with children.

Competition "Coat of Arms of My Family".


Design of the photo album “One day in my family.”

Photo exhibition “Defenders of the Fatherland”.

Joint excursion to the monument to soldiers who died during the Second World War.


Short story competition “Traditions in my family.”

Publication of the newspaper "Let's relax with the whole family."

Sports entertainment “The whole family goes camping!”


Educational quiz “The Journey of Whychek”.

Production of the photo album “Nature of Kuzbass”.

Drawing competition "The best family."


Exhibition of works from natural materials “Creating Together”.

Making a photo album “Plants of Kuzbass”.

Exhibition of children's drawings "My favorite kindergarten".

Long-term planning for working with social institutions






Excursion to the regional museum of local lore "Getting to know the museum"

Congratulations to the museum workers on the 30th anniversary of the museum.

Meeting with the poet of the regional poetry club "Lira" Trotsenko V.E. and Albitova L.N.


Excursion to the district library "Getting to know the library"

Holiday of Intercession in the regional museum of local lore.

Excursion to the regional library, holiday of the Intercession.


Meeting with employees of the regional museum "Day of Reconciliation"

Meeting with employees of the regional museum "Heraldry of the Kemerovo Region"

Meeting with employees of the regional library "Day of Reconciliation".


Excursion to the Children's Youth and Youth Center for a joint game program.

Meeting with the poet of the district club "Lira" Trotsenko V.E.

Meeting with employees of the regional museum "Where did the New Year come to us from?"


"Carols" Merry Christmas greetings to the workers of the regional library and employees of the Children's Youth Center.

"Carols" Merry Christmas greetings to the workers of the regional library and employees of the Children's Youth Center.


Meeting with the poet of the regional poetry club "Lira" Trotsenko V.E.

Performance in the concert program dedicated to "Defender of the Fatherland Day" at the MDYuTs.

Meeting with employees of the regional museum "Defender of the Fatherland Day".


"Maslenitsa" congratulations on the holiday to the workers of the regional library.

"March 8th International Women's Day" congratulations to MDYC workers.

"March 8th International Women's Day" congratulations to the workers of the regional local history museum.


"Easter" meeting in game program with employees of the regional museum.

"Cosmonautics Day" meeting with employees of the regional library.


June August

Meeting with the guys from the literary club "Read It" in the mini theatrical performance "In Search of Vasilisa."

Meeting with the guys from the literary club “Read It.”

Diagnostics of children according to the program

« Kuzbass region , forever beloved!

Levels of program development:

To the beginning and the end school year Teachers assess children’s knowledge at three levels:high, medium and low.

Children withlow level of knowledge, they experience difficulties in communication, are poorly oriented in the emotional states of others, along with good deeds, frequent manifestations of negative behavior are observed. There is a significant delay in the development of coherent speech, as a result of which the child cannot clearly express his thoughts.

Childrenwith average level of knowledge, they have an understanding of the rules of cultural behavior and carry them out in a familiar environment. However, in new conditions they may feel constrained, need support and direction from adults, and exercise basic self-control. A child with an average level of knowledge knows and names the members of his family, we know the location of the kindergarten, the name and patronymic of the teacher, junior teacher. He knows and names professions, the name of the village in which he lives, its attractions, transport on the streets of the village, knows some of the citizens of the village, the name of the regional center. Names and participates in holidays organized in kindergarten.

Children withhigh level of knowledge, they are well oriented in the rules of cultural behavior, willingly enter into communication, the child’s behavior and communication is stable, positively directed. Characterized by high speech activity, readiness to accept the general plan, knows how to put forward ideas himself, draw up an action plan, and organize partners. The child shows an active cognitive interest in the world. Knows and names his family members, relatives, and kindergarten employees well. He knows how to speak about famous fellow countrymen, knows professions, the name of transport, and the sights of his native village. Knows the district center, the regional center, some of its attractions, famous people Kemerovo region, Yurginsky district; 4-5 cities of the Kemerovo region. Knows how to work with a map of the Kemerovo region.

Diagnostics of children according to the program “Kuzbass region, forever beloved!”

Block name

"My family"

Child's full name

Knowing family members and being able to name them

Parents' place of work

Keeping personal belongings in order

The desire to work

Children's knowledge level

Block name

"My favorite kindergarten"

Child's full name

Knowing the name of the kindergarten and its location.

Knowing the first and middle names of kindergarten employees.

Kindergarten site

Professions in kindergarten

Children's knowledge level

Block name

"The village where I live"

Child's full name

Knowing the name of the village where it is located.

Sights of the village.

Knowing some of the honorary citizens of the village.

Monument to soldiers who died during the Second World War.

Flora of the Kuzbass region

Fauna of the Kuzbass region

Knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature and on the streets of the village.

Children's knowledge level

Portrait of a modern child – a resident of Yurga, senior preschool age.

A modern preschooler – a small citizen – is:

a person who recognizes himself as a citizen not only in the modern, but also in the historical space of the country and city. He loves his homeland, his family, his peers, he wants to make life better, more worthy, more beautiful.

The bearer of a still-forming, but already very stable system of values. A modern preschooler has a good grasp of his immediate surroundings, his present and future. He is ready to evaluate the phenomena and events of life from different points of view: interest, aesthetics, knowledge.

Modern children to a greater extent than their peers of the 80-90s of the last century, they are focused on the future. They talk about where and with whom they will work, how much they will earn and spend, what kind of family they will have, how many children they will have, in what conditions they will live and how to relax.

An extremely communication-oriented personality. The modern child is lonely, he very often lacks communication with his parents and peers. A kindergarten is a preschooler’s second family, where he can fulfill his needs, where he should live safely and interestingly.

Researcher focused on knowledge of man and nature. Children love to play at people of different professions, draw themselves and their peers, look at portraits of fairy-tale characters, fashion magazines, play educational games related to the study of a person and his world, and ask various questions in this regard.

A modern child whose preferences and interests largely depend on living conditions.

The life of a child in the 21st century is closely connected with the capabilities and interests of the family. A preschooler listens to and watches the same TV programs with his parents; goes with them to cafes and restaurants, goes abroad on vacation, travels; knowledgeable about car brands, fashionable clothes and perfumes. A modern preschooler masters a mobile phone and a computer faster than an adult.

A child who loves to play, compose and fantasize, rejoice and reason.

VI. Literature:

1. T.A. Shorygina Conversations about children - heroes of the Great Patriotic War \\ LLC "TC Sfera", 2011

2. L.V. Loginova What can the coat of arms tell us \\ MOSCOW 2006

3. T.A. Shorygina Kindergarten \\ LLC "TC Sfera", 2011

4. T.A. Shorygina My family \\ Sphere shopping center LLC, 2011

5. T.A. Shorygina School \\ LLC "TC Sfera", 2011

6. T.A. Shorygina Our homeland Russia \\ LLC "TC Sfera", 2011

7. T.I. Podrezova Planning and notes of classes on the development of children’s speech in preschool educational institutions \\ MOSCOW 2007

8. Ed. L.A.Kondrykinskaya Classes on patriotic education in kindergarten \\LLC "TC Sfera", 2013

9. G.D. Sudakova Introduction to history and local history \\ Yurga 2008

10. Program of Nikolaeva S.N. “Young ecologist” on environmental education of preschool children.

11. Program of Knyazeva O.L. and Makhaneva M.D. “Introducing children to the origins folk culture»

12. Ed. Overchuk T.I. Program for moral and patriotic education of preschoolers My home.

13. Program of Barannikova O.N. Lessons on citizenship and patriotism in kindergarten

14. Program of Zelenova N.G. and Osipova L.E. for the older group We live in Russia

15. Program of Fesyukova L.B. " Complex classes on moral education for children 4-7 years old.”

16. Program by Lopatina A. and Skrebtsova M. “Moral education of preschool children.”

17. State program Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005, the main goal of which was to create a system of patriotic education;

18. Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova Program for raising and training children in kindergarten.;

Program Name


on moral and patriotic education of preschool children

"We are together "

Legal name

Educational organization

Municipal state preschool educational institution Vengerovsky kindergarten No. 2

(MKDOU Vengerovsky kindergarten No. 2)

Full address of the organization:

Subject Russian Federation Novosibirsk region

Postcode: 632241

LocalityWith. Vengerovo, Vengerovsky district, Lermontov Street, Building 26

Basis for the development of the Program

1.Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ.

2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved by order

3. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155.

4. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating hours of preschool educational institutions. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26.

Main developers of the Program

Teachers: Gavenko Elena Aleksandrovna

Sherstobitova Tatyana Mikhailovna

Main goal of the Program

Formation of a moral and patriotic attitude and a sense of belonging to the family, to the native village, to nature, culture based on the historical, national and natural characteristics of the native land. Developing self-esteem as a representative of one’s village, respect for the past, present, future of one’s native land, and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.

Main goals

3. To foster respect for the national identity of the language and traditional values.

Program implementation period

The program is designed for 4 academic years.

Areas of work

Cultivating moral and patriotic feelings for the small homeland, native village.

Fostering a tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities.

The program defines the sequence for solving a set of tasks; it is carried out in sections:

Section III “Where do we live?”

A long-term work plan has been drawn up for each section, joint events with children and parents using innovative forms and methods.

Project participants

Children of junior, middle, senior, preparatory groups, parents of pupils, group teachers

Criteria for evaluating results

Monitoring the educational process based on the methodology

N.P. Kapustina, T.M. Maslova;

Participation in village, municipal, district competitions on patriotic education;

Questioning of parents and teachers;

Pedagogical observation.

Expected Result

Children have knowledge about the history of the village, its attractions, natural resources, socio-economic significance, symbolism of their native land; (survey);

The emergence of a strong interest in the past, present and future of the native village, a sense of responsibility, pride, love and patriotism (observation, analysis);

Participation of children and parents in monitoring the results of project activities (observation, involvement, analysis);

Formation of partnerships, demonstration of civic behavior skills (observation);

Implementation of new productive methods of training and education (accumulation and generalization of experience).


1. Explanatory note.


Currently, Russia is going through one of the difficult historical periods. No socio-economic and political reforms in Russia can be successfully implemented without the moral and patriotic feelings of each individual and society as a whole.

According to the priorities of the National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation until 2025, the Russian education system is designed to ensure:

Historical continuity of generations, preservation, dissemination and development of national culture, fostering a careful attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia;

Education of Russian patriots, citizens of legal, democratic, social state who respect individual rights and freedoms, have high morality and show national and religious tolerance, respect for the languages, traditions and culture of other peoples;

Formation of a common culture and interpersonal relationships.

The leading principle of state educational policy is the education of a spiritual and moral person-citizen with high moral principles.Today, material values ​​dominate over spiritual ones, so children have distorted ideas about kindness, mercy, generosity, justice, citizenship and patriotism. High level juvenile delinquency is caused by a general increase in aggressiveness and cruelty in society. Children are distinguished by emotional, volitional and spiritual immaturity.

One of the problems of modern education is that the historical continuity of generations is not respected in the process of education. Children are deprived of the opportunity to follow the example of people who lived in the past; they do not know how people solved their problems, what happened to those who went against the highest values, and to those who were able to change their lives, setting us a shining example. The attempts made to date to educate a spiritual and moral personality show that the weakest place in this activity is the family. Many negative phenomena among young parents observed recently (cruelty, increased aggressiveness, alienation, etc.) have their origins in preschool childhood. A world immersed in technocracy offers the child information instead of knowledge, a given program instead of developing his own imagination, a TV and a gaming computer instead of the necessary human communication. An aggressive information environment suppresses the development of personal qualities that define human essence - the ability to compassion and mercy, to independent thinking and decision-making, creativity and creation.

Distortions in personality development are especially dangerous in preschool age, when the ability to distinguish between “good” and “evil” is established, moral standards are formed, and the spiritual culture of one’s people is comprehended. Finding himself without proper education, in isolation from the domestic cultural environment, the higher spheres of the personality of a preschool child, his worldview are filled with the surrogate content of the virtual world, the delusions of adults raised in atheism and mysticism.

Subsequently, deprived of traditional moral and patriotic guidelines and values, the child’s life turns into a subordinate wandering through various computer programs, often aggressive and even sadistic.

Inadequate, or even distorted, moral and patriotic education of a child is the cause of deformations in his social development. And this danger is intensified by the grave moral crisis that modern Russian society is experiencing.

The feeling of love for the Motherland is one of the most strong feelings, without it a person is flawed, does not feel his roots. Will a person feel attached to native land or move away from her, this already depends on the circumstances of life and upbringing. Therefore, it is important that the child already early age felt personal responsibility for his native land and its future.

In order for children to become bearers and creative successors of the cultural traditions of their people, it is necessary to introduce them, convince them of the value of these traditions, introduce them to them, and develop the habit of following them. It is necessary to think through the education program in kindergarten in such a way as to raise children’s knowledge of the customs and traditions of their village and region to a higher level.

This leads to the following problems:

What should be the forms and content of the educational process so that, without overloading preschoolers with additional activities, they can instill a sense of love, responsibility, and pride in their native land;

What forms educational work They will help to develop in preschoolers the need to take care of the people around them, and will provide an opportunity for independent activity and creative self-realization.

You cannot be a patriot without feeling a personal connection with your Motherland, without knowing how our ancestors, our fathers and grandfathers loved it. There is no doubt that already in childhood, as a result of systematic, purposeful educational work, elements of citizenship and patriotism can be formed in a child.

Many preschool institutions are trying to solve the problem of patriotic education of children with the help of various programs: comprehensive programs have been created, which to one degree or another reflect the topic under discussion: “Origins”, “Childhood”, but among them there are also those who act independently: “Heritage” , “Introducing preschoolers to the origins of Russian national culture”, “Discover yourself”, “Moskvichek” and others.

An analysis of the literature and the experience of kindergartens allows us to conclude that the problems of incorporating the fundamentals of local history into the practice of preschool institutions have been developed. Authors of regional local history programs Alifanova G.T., Bibikova N.V., Serova Z.A. and others (St. Petersburg); Aleshina N.V. and others (Moscow); Nikitina S.V., Timonina O.Yu. and others (Veliky Novgorod) are unanimous in the opinion that in the patriotic education of preschoolers using local history material, it is necessary to take into account the need to form personal relationship to facts, events, phenomena in the life of the city, creating conditions for the active involvement of children in social reality, increasing the personal significance for them of what is happening around them.

The content of the “Childhood” program, edited by T.I. Babaeva, Z.A. Mikhailova, according to which our kindergarten operates, patriotic education is carried out through peace social relations, cognitive and aesthetic development. In the section “A preschooler enters the world of social relations,” ideas about the family, family and kinship relationships are formed. In the section “A child discovers the world of nature” enrichment is carried out personal experience positive, humane interaction between the child and nature. The section “Child in the world of fiction, fine arts and music” gives ideas about the diversity of works of Russian folk art, and introduces children to the life and works of outstanding Russian composers. The “Childhood” program involves solving such a problem as instilling in children love for family, home, kindergarten, native places, nature - the task of forming spiritual and moral values, but this content is mainly intended for children living in urban areas, and Our kindergarten is located in the village.

The search and development of innovative approaches to the patriotic education of preschool children is of great importance.

Teachers are looking for different ways and approaches to solving the problems of patriotic education, especially today, when parents are busy making money, they have actually withdrawn from the process of raising their children. Children more often communicate not with their friends and family, but with the heroes of computer games. And yet, it is necessary that our computerized children remember their roots - their ancestors, their family traditions, so that the thin thread that connects the past with the present, and the present with the future does not sink into oblivion.

It should be taken into account that the parents of many of our students came with different ends Russia. They have their own culture, customs and traditions. The village of Vengerovo is not their homeland. And their children, although they often live here from birth, know more about their parents’ native places than about our region.

Monitoring the indicators of the democratic climate in preschool educational institutions for children, teachers, and parents, we conducted a survey on issues of patriotic education and saw the following data: 89% believe that today in our country we need to pay more attention to the patriotic attention of preschoolers, 75% believe that patriotic education always brings only benefit, 78% believe that a patriot should both love his small homeland and be proud of it, others believe that patriotic education is not possible without love for his small homeland, but is not obliged to be proud of it. Only 40% believe that it is imperative to always be tolerant and tolerant of others.

Data from a social survey made it possible to see problems on the part of all participants in the educational process. Both teachers, children, and parents are not sufficiently able to think critically and act to change social reality; are not always tolerant of dissent and tolerance; do not know how to be guided by democratic values, do not have sufficient knowledge of civil behavior.

Therefore, there is a need to create a program to instill moral and patriotic feelings for our small homeland, our native village, “We Are Together.”

The program “We Are Together” reflects the issues of familiarizing children with the historical roots of the village, region, life and way of life of people; important people: pioneers, people, heroes of labor and the Second World War, culture and art; the wealth of the Siberian land and their significance at the present stage.

The program was developed in accordance with the main educational program of preschool education, implemented in MKDOU Vengerovsky kindergarten No. 2, in accordance with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education to the structure of the main general education program of preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) ) dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Moscow), (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Education), the main goal, which is the formation of equal conditions that ensure full development the child’s personality, taking into account his individual and age-related capabilities.

The basis for the development of the Program is:

1. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ.

2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155.

3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating hours of preschool educational institutions. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26.

4. The procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for preschool education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated August 30, 2013 N 1014.

The program determines the content, the main ways of development of patriotic education in MKDOU Vengerovsky kindergarten No. 2 and is aimed at nurturing patriotism and the formation of citizenship through love for the native land and represents a certain system of content, forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical influences.

Novelty of the programlies in the fact that it integrates various educational lines: Orthodox, cultural, environmental - into a single educational content. The difference from the state program is in the variety of topics that reveal the interconnection of moral and cultural values, which are based on the Orthodox traditions and customs of our village and region.

The program involves working with children of senior preschool age. It does not impose requirements on the content and volume of starting knowledge, or on the level of development of the child, but requires the active participation of parents, children, and teachers in its implementation.

The program consists of 4 sections:

Section I “Family hearth and traditions”

Section II “The village in which I live.”

Section III “Where do we live?”

IV section “Life according to the laws of goodness”

These sections of classes are thematically interconnected and are implemented in all types of children's activities: directly educational, independent activities, joint activities with adults.

The place where the program is implemented is kindergarten and family.

This program involves a combination of various methods and techniques: a game, a conversation, a teacher’s story, work with illustrative, audio and video material, with texts that evoke a strong emotional reaction, drawing, presentations, project activities, information and communication technologies (ICT).

1.1.1. Goals and objectives of the Program implementation.

Main goal of the Program. Formation of a moral and patriotic attitude and a sense of belonging to the family, to the native village, to nature, culture based on the historical, national and natural characteristics of the native land. Developing self-esteem as a representative of one’s village, respect for the past, present, future of one’s native land, and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities.

Main goals

1. To form a civic position and patriotic feelings for the past, present and future of the native land, a sense of pride in one’s small Motherland.

2. Expand children’s understanding of the geographical location, history, culture, professions, people, and socio-economic significance of their native village.

3. To foster respect for national identity and traditional values.

1.1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program

The program is formed in accordance with the basic principles defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education:

The principle of purposefulness- moral education requires awareness of the appropriateness of pedagogical influences, a clear definition of the goal by the teacher.

Accounting for individual and gender age characteristics- education of any moral quality largely depends on individual characteristics pupil: already existing moral principles of behavior, ethical attitudes, development of the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres, level of development of mental processes, character traits, personal experience of relationships, the presence and development of natural and spiritual abilities, etc.

The principle of cultural conformity- in the process of moral education, it is necessary to take into account the cultural and ethnic environment of the child’s upbringing. This principle is reflected in the integration of education into the culture of the people, family, and world.

Principles of connection between the education of moral and ethical standards and life- Education of morality largely depends on how much the child understands the significance of this category and its connection with life, sees its results or consequences in the world.

The principle of respect for individuals- regardless of the child’s position, his worldview, respectful attitude towards him is a necessary principle of the educational process.

The principle of relying on the positive in the child- By cultivating this moral quality, we must support development, see in the child a self-developing personality, ready for change and self-realization. At the same time, the basis for the success of the process of moral education in preschoolers is the actualization of positive traits, positive social experience, and developed (even if to a small extent) constructive skills of interaction with people.

The work program is based on the following approaches:

1. Personality-oriented approaches:

Assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations, versatile, free and creative development of each child, realization of their natural potential, provision of comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions development of pupils;

Supporting children's initiative in various activities;

Psychological security of the child, ensuring emotional comfort, creating conditions for self-realization;

2. System-active approaches:

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;

Mastering culture is introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society, state, ensuring the child’s ability to navigate the world and act (or behave) in accordance with the interests and expectations of other people, social groups, society and humanity as a whole.

1.1.3. Characteristics of the developmental features of preschool children brought up in preschool educational institutions.

Contingent of pupils

Characteristics of age-related developmental features of children

Junior group

3-4 years

In early preschool age, one can observe a subordination of motives for behavior in relatively simple situations. Conscious control of behavior is just beginning to emerge; In many ways, a child’s behavior is still situational. At the same time, one can also observe cases of the child himself limiting his own motives, accompanied by verbal instructions. Self-esteem begins to develop, and children are largely guided by the teacher’s assessment. Their gender identification also continues to develop, which is manifested in the nature of the toys and stories they choose.

Middle group

4-5 years

The main achievements of age are associated with the development of play activity; the emergence of role-playing and real interactions; with the development of visual activity; design by design, planning; improvement of perception, development of imaginative thinking and imagination, self-centered cognitive position; development of memory, attention, speech, cognitive motivation; the formation of the need for respect from an adult, the emergence of touchiness, competitiveness, and competition with peers; further development of the child’s self-image, its detailing.

Senior group

5-6 years

The development of the child’s cognitive, intellectual and personal spheres takes on leading importance. Gradually there is a transition from impulsive, situational behavior to behavior mediated by rules and norms. Children actively turn to rules when regulating their relationships with peers. Preschoolers already distinguish between good and bad deeds, have an idea of ​​good and evil, and can give relevant specific examples from personal experience and literature. In assessing their peers, they are quite categorical and demanding; in relation to their own behavior, they are more lenient and insufficiently objective. It is during this period that many personal aspects are formed in the child, the main character traits of the child are formed, and the “I” position is formed. Now

Preparatory group

6-7 years

In the preschool group, preschool age ends. His main achievements are related to the mastery of the world of things as objects of human culture; mastering forms of positive communication with people; development of gender identification, formation of the student’s position.

By the end of preschool age, the child has a high level of cognitive and personal development, which allows him to successfully study at school in the future.

Social and psychological characteristics of the children in the group:the general socio-psychological climate of the groups is positive and favorable. In conflict situations, children use the strategy of cooperation and compromise. There are no rejected or isolated children in the groups.

1.2. Planned results of mastering the Program (targets).

1.2.1. Educational targets in preschool age.

The results of mastering the program are the target guidelines for preschool education, which represent social and normative age characteristics possible achievements of the child. Planned results of the Program implementation:

Positive dynamics of the formation of moral qualities in children of middle preschool age (responsiveness, sympathy, goodwill, etc.)

Creating in children a holistic and systematic understanding of social norms and rules of behavior in society.

Enrichment of the subject-developmental environment in the kindergarten group.

Increasing the interest of parents and educators in solving problems of moral education of children.

The results of mastering the Program are determined during diagnostics, serve as a guide for teachers and parents and determine the direction of educational activities of adults. Pedagogical diagnostics are carried out during observations of children’s activity in spontaneous and special organized activities. Toolkit for pedagogical diagnostics - observation cards child development that allow recording the individual dynamics of the development of each child in order to determine further prospects for his development.

The planned results of mastering the Program are a prerequisite for the formation of target guidelines for preschool education in children, namely at the stage of completion of preschool education:

The targets for preschool education presented in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education should be considered as social-normative age characteristics of a child’s possible achievements.

Targets at the stage of completion of preschool education

The child masters basic cultural means, methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive and research activities, design, etc.; able to choose his own occupation and participants in joint activities.

The child has a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and himself, and has a sense of self-esteem; actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games.

Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of self-confidence, and tries to resolve conflicts. Able to express and defend his position on various issues.

Able to collaborate and perform both leadership and executive functions in collaborative activities.

Understands that all people are equal, regardless of their social origin, ethnicity, religious and other beliefs, or their physical and mental characteristics.

Shows empathy towards other people and a willingness to help those who need it.

Shows the ability to hear others and the desire to be understood by others.

The child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activities, and above all in play; owns in different forms and types of games, distinguishes between conditional and real situations; knows how to obey different rules and social norms.

Able to recognize various situations and assess them adequately.

The child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech utterance in a communication situation, highlight sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy.

The child has developed gross and fine motor skills; he is mobile, resilient, masters basic movements, can control and manage his movements.

The child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various types of activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene skills.

Shows responsibility for the work started.

The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, and tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions; inclined to observe and experiment.

Has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives; is familiar with works of children's literature, has basic understanding of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc.; capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

Open to new things, that is, he shows a desire to learn new things and independently acquire new knowledge; has a positive attitude towards learning at school.

Shows respect for life (in its various forms) and care for the environment.

Emotionally responds to the beauty of the surrounding world, works of folk and professional art (music, dance, theatrical activities, visual activities etc.).

Shows patriotic feelings, feels proud of his country, its achievements, has an idea of ​​its geographical diversity, multinationality, and the most important historical events.

Has primary ideas about himself, family, traditional family values, including traditional gender orientations, shows respect for his own and the opposite sex.

Complies with basic generally accepted norms, has primary value ideas about≪ What is good and what is bad, strives to do well; Shows respect for elders and care for younger ones.

Has basic ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Perceives a healthy lifestyle as a value.

2. Description of educational activities in accordance with the direction of child development

2.1.1. Social and communicative development

Appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values

Forming a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and community of children and adults in the organization

Formation positive attitudes to various types of work and creativity

2.1.2. Cognitive development

Developing children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation

Formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as the common home of people, about the features of nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

2.1.3.Speech development

Mastery of speech as a means of communication

Enrichment of the active dictionary

Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature

2.1.4.Artistic and aesthetic development

Perception of music, fiction, folklore

Stimulating empathy for characters in works of art

Implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.)

2.1.5.Physical development

Mastering outdoor games with rules (folk, round dance, sedentary)

Formation of healthy lifestyle values, mastery of its elementary norms and rules

2.2 Perspective-thematic planning


/number – during classes


Goals, objectives

Methods and techniques, accompanying forms of work





Section I “Family” hearth and traditions”

Goal: to form in children a holistic idea of ​​the family, emphasizing the connection between the past, present, and future.

The section consists of 4 thematic lessons. Practical classes are conducted in the form of excursions, targeted walks, conversations, exhibitions, joint work with parents, didactic, role-playing games.


“Mom, dad, I are a friendly family together”

"We are together"


"Family Hearth"

1. Expand children’s understanding of family as people who live together, clarify the concept of “family.”

2. Foster a sense of family cohesion (based on ideas about the family, its composition, relationships and home comfort).

3. Instill in children a sense of pride in their family and a desire to take care of the elderly.

Classes, joint leisure time with parents, KVN games, “What, where, when?”, holidays, exhibitions, meeting evenings.

Conversations, writing stories, reading fiction, projects.

"Adult Labor"

“Such different professions”

"All works are good"

Family is the main educator

1. Instill respect for the work of parents.

2. To consolidate knowledge of professions and understand the significance of their work.

3. Foster love and trust in the family. Develop safe behavior skills

Excursions to enterprises in our village, meetings, role-playing games, didactic games.

Conversations, writing stories about professions, reading poems “What do you have?” S. Mikhalkova, drawing.

"My favorite toy"

"It's more fun together"


Family way and traditions

1.Continue to introduce children to family traditions.

2. Respect the interests of each family.

3. Develop skills in distinguishing between the emotional states of other people and your own.

Theatrical activities, games, concerts, family club “Grow Healthy, Baby.”

Conversations “My favorite toy”, “The most interesting book”. Home holidays “We can do everything together.”

"Grandmothers and grandfathers"

Those who love me

My family is my castle

Native hearth

1. Introduce children to the pedigree of your family.

2. Instill love for your home, teach to see, display your visions in drawings (family coat of arms).

3. Foster respect, mercy and attentive attitude towards people; a feeling of respect and love for the old and young.

Mutual visits to families of peers, role-playing games. Drawing “My Family Coat of Arms”

Conversations “My family”, “My grandparents”, drawing a family tree.

Section II “The village where I live”

Goal: to cultivate a feeling of attachment to your village, admiration for its beauty; instill in children a sense of pride in their village of Vengerovo, interest in its history and the desire to make it richer and more beautiful.
The section consists of 8 thematic lessons. Practical classes are conducted in the form of excursions, targeted walks, conversations, exhibitions, joint work with parents, didactic, role-playing games.


This is my home

Favorite village

“Where does the Motherland begin?”

Where does the Motherland begin?

1.To form children’s ideas about the historical roots of the village

Teach children the ability to work with a map of the village, find their home, the location of the kindergarten.

Classes, excursions around the village, museum, exhibitions for Village Day, working with a map

Conversations, stories about the village, looking at maps, photo albums, presentation “Favorite Village”.

Introduce children to the traditions of our village, teach children to observe them.

Different jobs are needed, different jobs are important!

Professions of our region

What we value

The wealth of Siberia

1. Strengthen children’s ideas about the professions of the region. 2. To cultivate respect and pride for your village, region, people who live and work in Siberia.

3.Expand knowledge about mineral resources of the Novosibirsk region.

Conversation: “The Wealth of Siberia.”

Classes, meetings with employees, excursions.

Conversations, drawing, looking at illustrations, layout, presentations.

Places we love.

Coat of arms, flag.

Symbols of the native land

I'm a patriot

1. Introduce children to the symbols of their native land, the history and origin of the coat of arms and flag.

Classes, visiting the library.

Conversations, drawing competitions, viewing illustrations, appliqué drawing, didactic games.

If you are kind!

Kindness will save the world.

Do good!

Church of the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands.

Introduce children to the Orthodox tradition of the Russian people.

Lessons of Philokalia. Excursions to the Temple.

Conversations, meetings, holidays, excursions, creativity lessons, games, slide films, readings.


Visiting the book.

Meeting the Past

I can do everything!

Cultural centers

Develop creative abilities, form the cultural level of children.

(museum, music school, secondary school No. 2, post office, libraries, sports complex "Temp").

Excursions, clubs, participation in village events.

Conversations, meetings, holidays, excursions, creativity lessons, games.

The Christmas tree is a green needle!

Birch is a white friend!

Vegetable world

Nature lover!

Introduce children to the plant world of the village; with endangered plant species; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Give the concept of poisonous plants; about possible injuries in nature; teach first aid; teach to observe the rules of behavior in nature.

Classes, didactic games, environmental games, viewing a herbarium of medicinal plants, work in nature.

Experiments, looking at pictures, slides about nature, drawing, conversations. Classes “Lessons of Doctor Aibolit”,

“Little gray cowardly bunny!”

Help the birds

Our smaller brothers

Red Book of our region

Introduce children to the animal world; endangered species of animals and birds; instill a caring, caring attitude towards the animal world.

Give the concept of dangerous animals; about possible injuries in nature; teach first aid; teach to observe the rules of behavior in nature.

Ecological trails, organization of winter canteens for birds, activities, games. Classes “Lessons of Doctor Aibolit”, ecological trails.

Observing animals, reading fiction, memorizing poems, nicknames, jokes, drawing.

Our river

Reservoirs in winter

Reservoirs in winter

Along the winter ecological trail

Give an idea of ​​the village’s reservoirs, their flora and fauna.

Give the concept of poisonous plants and dangerous animals; about possible injuries in nature; teach first aid; teach to follow the rules of behavior on bodies of water.

Ecological trails, walks, holidays.

Observations of nature, looking at illustrations, photo albums, conversations.

Section III “Where do we live?”

Goal: to cultivate love and respect for the native land; develop in children a sense of pride in their region; arouse interest in the history and traditions of the Vengerovsky district.

The section consists of 5 thematic lessons. Practical classes are conducted in the form of correspondence trips, conversations, exhibitions, joint work with parents, didactic and role-playing games.


Pictures of the past

Want to know everything.

My little homeland.

History of Vengerovsky district

To form an idea of ​​the historical roots of the Vengerovsky district. Teach children the ability to work with a map of the area and find their village of Vengerovo.

Classes, correspondence trips, exhibitions, excursions to the local history museum. Working with a map of the Vengerovsky district.

Conversations, stories about Vengerovo and other villages in the region, looking at maps and photo albums.

I know this place!

Amazing place

Traveling around the area


Vengerovsky district

Introduce children to the sights of some places in their native land.

Classes, correspondence travel, KVN, artistic creativity.

Presentation “Vengerovsky district, forever beloved!”, conversations, examination of illustrations.

NOD "Travel around the area"

Meetings with interesting people

Meetings with interesting people

Meetings with interesting people

Famous people

Arouse children's interest and pride in famous people

Classes, exhibitions.

Meetings with local artists, musicians, poets.

Conversations, stories from the teacher, looking at photo albums, “Meeting the beautiful” (Reading poems by local authors).


Nature and me!

My native land is forever beloved.

Everything that surrounds me

Exploring native nature

1. Expand children’s understanding of the animal and plant world of their native land, its originality and characteristics.

2. To foster in children an interest in the world around them, a desire to help and care for animals and plants;

3.Continue to introduce children to the rules of safe behavior in nature.

Classes, quiz “Love and know your native land”, excursions, targeted walks, educational games, environmental games, collecting medicinal plants, work in nature.

Examination of paintings, illustrations of books, albums with images of flora and fauna of the Vengerovsky region; learning poems about nature.

Wide Maslenitsa!

Natural world

“Panorama of good deeds” (the ability to sympathize and empathize with all living things)

Introduce children to the traditions and customs of the indigenous inhabitants of the Vengerovsky district; contribute to the formation of a high cultural level in them; introduce children to the traditions of indigenous people; contribute to the development of children's creative abilities.

Conversations, stories from teachers, meetings, holidays, creativity lessons, games, readings, excursions

NOD “I am a resident of Siberia”

IV section “Life according to the laws of goodness”

Goal: to equip preschoolers with knowledge about morality and the advisability of observing moral standards.

The section consists of 10 thematic lessons. Practical classes are conducted in the form of enriching the emotional world of children by involving them in a variety of ethically oriented activities, where the child learns to show the strengths of good qualities, to see manifestations of goodness in other people.


"Glade of Good"

“It’s right to be kind!”

"If you are kind"

"Good conquers evil"

1. To strengthen children’s knowledge about the rules of a kind, conscientious life with people around them, with the elderly, children and the sick.

2. Foster respect, mercy and attentive attitude towards people; a feeling of respect and love for the old and young; compassion for people in need of help.

3. To promote the development of the habit of acts of mercy in children.

Practical: resource circle “I give the word”, exercises “Compliment”, “Give the word to a friend”, games “ Magic chair", "Glade of Goodness", work with a doll.

My mood

"My actions"

"My actions"

“My actions, feelings, moods”

1. To form ideas about the moral concept of “truthfulness”, to teach how to give a moral assessment of the hero’s actions, to help understand that a lie does not decorate a person.

2. Educational tasks: to cultivate obedience, prudence, caution and gratitude for help.

3.Create conditions for the formation of moral models of behavior, such as friendship, mutual assistance, obedience.

Literary series for home reading: B. Ganago “Daughter”, “Call me father”, V.G. Dyachenko “After all, this is my little sister”, “What bees teach children.”


If you're nearby!

Help a friend!

“You will regret it, and they will regret you”

1. Teach children to be friends and help each other in difficult situations. Develop the ability to correlate the perception of verbal descriptions of fairy tale characters and musical images.

2.Cultivate friendliness and mutual understanding.

3. Teach children that being friends means understanding and forgiving each other.

Fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf." Didactic games “4 elements”, “Deaf telephone”, “Follow the command”; solving problem situations; sketch games.

Land of obedience.

Land of obedience.

Obedience and stubbornness

Obedience and stubbornness

1.Form a culture of behavior, moral qualities: responsiveness, goodwill; train in the ability to give kindness to others in words and deeds.

2.Create conditions for the formation of moral models of behavior, such as friendship, mutual assistance, obedience. 3. Teach children that being friends means helping each other.

3. Promote the development of skills to manage their desires and behavior: help children understand that disobedience is the cause of trouble.

Practical material for work: practice the rules of obedience: “do not do what you want, but do what you need”; teach to fulfill requests and instructions.


Magic words

Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.

Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.

1. Expand children’s understanding of relationships between people;

2.Give children an idea of ​​why bragging does not lead to good, why it is dangerous to be arrogant.

3. Form moral standards necessary to regulate the child’s behavior.

Practical material: “Give a word to your favorite toy”, games “Magic Chair”, “Glade of Good”, discussion of problem situations.

Make up, make up!

Don't spill the water!

"Beautiful" things.

"Good brotherhood is stronger than wealth"

1. Expand children’s understanding of the laws of relationships between close people.

2.Understand and distinguish between character qualities: wise, intelligent, far-sighted.

3. Develop in children the ability to give in, negotiate, and get along with other children and adults.

Literary series for classes in kindergarten: V.A. Sukhomlinskaya “Brother Cockerel, good afternoon”, “Say hello to the person”, “Beautiful words and beautiful deeds”, “Why say “thank you””, “ Good health, grandfather". "The Old Man and Sons"

My friends

A friend will not leave you in trouble.

Friendship is strong.

"Hello world, hello friend"

1. Teach children to see, understand, evaluate the feelings and actions of others, motivate, explain their judgments. Strengthening positive associations with the concepts of “friend” and “friendship”. 2. Forming an understanding that friendly relationships with peers depend on the behavior of each child.

3. Teach children that being friends means helping each other.

“Tasty words” (child with eyes closed determines who said polite word), “Who will say more?” (magic words), “Share a smile”, “Change places” (those who like to play with a friend; those who help a friend, etc.),

Me and my friends

Me and my friends

Me and my friends

Me and my friends: “We are different”

1. Help to understand that children, despite their differences, have a lot in common, and cultivate respect for each individual’s individuality.

2. Lay the foundations of a trusting relationship with each other; expand ideas about the similarities and differences in the appearance, character and behavior of girls and boys

3.Teach children to keep promises, correcting mistakes in behavior, overcoming difficulties.

"Flower beautiful words” (children insert their petals while pronouncing the magic word), “River of Politeness” (children line up in pairs one after another, the child without a pair stands in front, he, pronouncing the magic word, chooses a mate), “Praise your neighbor”, “My toy talks about me” , “I love my loved ones” (the child only shows with his movements how he loves his loved ones).


"My grandfather is a hero"

"Glory to heroes!"

We will stand at the eternal flame.

Monument to soldiers who died during the Second World War

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about how the Russian people defended their Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, how the living remember them;

2.Introduce the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Vengerovo;

3. Foster respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Excursions to monuments.

Issue of the walls of the newspaper “We have someone to be proud of.....”

Conversations, looking at photo albums

"Immortal Regiment"

"I remember - I'm proud"

"We remember, we know"

"No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten"

1. Cultivate an interest in the history of your homeland, in the history of wartime; explain that the people gratefully honor the memory of the defenders of the fatherland;

Introduce you to the monuments of the Second World War.

To foster a sense of respect for veterans of the Second World War and other military conflicts.

Excursions to the monument,

Classes, exhibitions. Campaign "Victory Ship"

Teachers' stories about war veterans, meetings with WWII veterans, holidays, examination of illustrations, layout design.

Section I “Family hearth and traditions”

Target: to form in children a holistic idea of ​​the family, emphasizing the connection between the past, present, and future.

The section gives an idea of ​​the family.

The family consists of close and distant relatives. Closest relatives: mother and father, brothers and sisters. The most respected people in the family are grandparents. Everyone in the family takes care of them. Understanding how families are supported family ties(correspondence, telephone conversations, visits), how care, love, and respect for each other are shown in the family.

In a friendly family, everyone is happy, rejoices when they meet, gets bored when apart, and takes care of each other. Each person in the family has the right to express their opinion, but the final decision is made by the adult.

Every family has things that remind them of important events. There are holidays that are called family (birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, meetings), family traditions, heirlooms, favorite hobbies. The older generation introduces children to their family tree. In preschool age, they continue to pay attention to the fact that adult family members not only perform household responsibilities, but also work. Therefore, children should help them. For example: wash dishes, water houseplants etc. Children should take care of adults just as adults take care of them. Special attention is given to caring for elderly family members - grandparents, great-grandparents, great-grandfathers. Children begin to imitate adults: boys - men, girls - women. This desire should be used and show children that boys can already behave like real men: give way to a girl, help arrange physical education aids, protect little girls if they are offended, etc. And girls can behave like housewives in a group: keep order, help the boys make their beds beautifully, etc. Thus, the family is the personal environment of a child’s life from birth, which largely determines his civic development as a member of society.

In the older group, it is necessary to introduce children to the family tree for the first time and carry out this work together with their parents. Children are of great interest in looking at family albums, which they bring to the group at the request of their teachers. Invite children to find out which family members or relatives served in the army or fought. It is necessary to show children that the history of their family is inextricably linked with the history of the native village in which they live, with the history of the country, etc.

The family is the personal environment of a child’s life from birth, which largely determines his civil development as a member of society, part of it.

To cooperate with parents, it was necessary to form the following beliefs in them:

To teach, you need to know and be able to do a lot.

Anyone who is busy raising a child and developing his spirituality must believe in the child himself.

Believe in your capabilities, never give up, even when it seems like nothing is working out. It is necessary to believe in the power of humane pedagogy.

The main principles rest on these three “pillars”:


Creative love,


Section II. "The village where I live"

Target: to cultivate a feeling of affection and love for one’s native village, admiration for its beauty; instill in children a sense of pride in their village, interest in its history and the desire to make it richer and more beautiful.

This section introduces children to their native village.

Each village has its own history, its own symbolism. Like a person, a village has its own name, which means something, has a birthday (foundation day) and there are many other dates by which its history is determined.

Children learn to see the beauty and diversity of the flora and fauna of the village and its surroundings. The environmental education of a preschooler is expressed in a humane and value-based attitude towards nature.

In kindergarten, work begins to familiarize preschoolers with their native land. The main goal of the work carried out is to instill in the child a sense of pride, respect and love for the place in which he lives. At this stage, all interesting information about where they live (street) is collected, analyzed and brought to the attention of children, including:

Historical facts of local significance;

The surrounding nature from a consumer position and from the point of view of recognition of the intrinsic value of nature;

The main profession, which is typical for the residents of our village, draws children's attention to the most important and well-known professions for children.

For example, when raising children’s love for their village, it is necessary to bring them to the understanding that their village is a part of the Motherland, since all places, large and small, have much in common:

Everywhere people work for everyone (teachers teach children; doctors treat the sick);

Traditions are observed everywhere: the Motherland remembers the heroes who protected it from enemies;

People of different nationalities live everywhere, work together and help each other;

People protect and preserve nature;

There are general professional and public holidays, etc.

To be a citizen, a patriot, is certainly to be an internationalist. Therefore, nurturing love for one’s Fatherland and pride in one’s country should be combined with the formation of a friendly attitude towards the culture of other peoples, towards each person individually, regardless of skin color and religion.

Section III “Where do we live?”

Target: to cultivate a feeling of affection and love for one’s native land, admiration for its beauty; instill in children a sense of pride in their region, instill an interest in its history and a desire to make their region richer and more beautiful.

This section introduces children to their native land.

The formation in children of a system of knowledge about their homeland is presented in this block as follows: natural history and geographical information (geographical features of their native land, climate, nature), information about the life of their people (features of life, work, culture, traditions), social information ( knowledge about the sights of the native land, knowledge of the name of the regional center, other cities of the district, symbols), some historical information (about life in different historical periods, about the exploits of the Vengerovites during the Great Patriotic War. Any region, region, even a small village is unique in its nature , people and their work, wonderful folk art.Selection of appropriate material allows preschoolers to form an idea of ​​what their native land is famous for.

The inclusion of children in practical activities to apply the acquired knowledge presupposes the formation of certain skills and abilities in them: the ability to reflect accumulated knowledge in play, artistic and labor activities, the ability to take part in socially oriented work, the ability to take care of nature, the results of the work of others, the ability reflect knowledge in speech, communication with adults and peers.

The task of instilling in children a sense of attachment to their native land is difficult to achieve in relation to preschoolers. You can tell your children about your favorite places, try to show them not only the entire panorama of the village, but also individual places through illustrations, photographs, postcards. You can have several conversations, for example, about parks, monuments, etc. Teachers select the content themselves, based on local conditions. It is only important that the educational material is understandable to children, arouses interest, and a desire to visit these places. In the general conversation “Why I love my region,” children will remember what they learned about it.

IV section “Life according to the laws of goodness”

Target: to equip preschoolers with knowledge about morality and the appropriateness of observing moral standards, to form an idea of ​​the power of good and its moral potential.

This section teaches children to understand the need to understand others, sympathize with a person, and empathize with him. To form the needs and motives of moral behavior in preschool children; enrich the emotional world of children by involving them in a variety of ethically oriented activities; teach to show character strengths, understand yourself and others, sympathize, empathize.Feel emotional satisfaction from performing a good deed and psychological discomfort when showing anger and immorality.

Forms of implementation: competition of experts; conversation; game followed by reflection; day of good surprises; drawing competition.

2.4. Organization of work with parents (legal representatives) of pupils on the issue of spiritual and moral education

The kindergarten’s system of work to improve the pedagogical culture of parents (legal representatives) in ensuring the moral development and education of preschool children is based on the following principles:

Joint pedagogical activities of the family and the preschool educational institution, including in determining the main directions, values ​​and priorities of the kindergarten’s activities in the moral development and education of preschool children;

Combination of pedagogical education with pedagogical self-education of parents;

Pedagogical attention, respect and exactingness towards parents;

Support and individual support for the formation and development of the pedagogical culture of each parent;

Assisting parents in solving individual problems in raising children;

Rely on positive experiences family education.

Plan for working with parents




Environmental campaign “Collect - Protect”.

A questionnaire for parents determining their attitude to the moral and patriotic education of children.


Parents writing an essay “My Child.”

Album design “We hold any work in high esteem.”


Design of the photo album “This is who I am!”

Family leisure “Our friendly family”.


Environmental campaign “Don’t cut down the green Christmas tree.”

Crafts competition "New Year's chest".


Visit to the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

Consultation for parents “Pedigree – an old Russian tradition.”


Design of the newspaper “The Role of the Father in Raising Children.”

Sports entertainment "Together with Dad."


Competition "Miss Grandma".

Group lesson “Family heirlooms”.


Meeting with parents “My profession”.

Campaign “Let the walk become more interesting” (improvement of the playground area).


Design of the photo album “One day in my family.” Meeting with WWII veterans. Actions dedicated to the Second World War: Victory boat, memory candle, “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”, Immortal Regiment.


3. Features of the daily organization of children’s lives and activities.

The program involves organizing joint and independent activities once a week with children of four age groups. The program lasts 4 years. The program involves conducting regular weekly classes with preschool children:

The leading form of organizing classes is subgroup. Along with the subgroup form of work, during classes an individual and differentiated approach to children is carried out. Individual work gives the child the opportunity to assert himself, increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

The program uses pedagogical technologies, including pedagogical technologies of a personality-oriented approach, cooperation and co-creation, gaming technologies, development methods cognitive activity preschoolers (heuristic, design, etc.), health-protecting.

Health-savingtechnologies used in the program:

Physical education and health technologies;

Technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child.

These include:

Organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime and creation hygienic conditions children’s life activity in the classroom;

Ensuring the psychological safety of children during their time in class;

Age and individual characteristics of the child’s health and development;

Breathing exercises;

Finger gymnastics;

Gymnastics for the eyes;


Compliance with injury prevention measures.

In order to enhance the developmental effect of forms and methods of working with children, the program provides methods for enhancing the cognitive activity of children:

Problematic issues;

Problem situations;





Technical training aids



video recorder,

music Center,

multimedia system,

Internet resources

Visual learning aids and materials

Audio library:

national anthem,

fairy tales,

classic poems,

Russian folk songs,

songs from the Second World War,

classical music,

modern songs for listening and spending leisure time and holidays.

Video library:

holiday presentations,


project activities,

video recording of classes, leisure activities and other types of children's activities



Russian folk toys:

wooden toys,

clay toy,

dolls in folk costumes

toys of our people (tumblers, Cheburashkas,...).


Exhibitions children's creativity(changing exposure),

photo albums on various topics,

exhibitions of family creativity on various topics.


attributes of ancient household items,

military attributes: medals, letters from the front,

clothing and household items of modern soldiers;

Earth globe;

mini-museum “Our District”

permanent exhibition-gallery “Symbols of our country, district, region”

a selection of photographs and illustrations “Plants of our region”, “Plants listed in the Red Book”

Methodical office:


Methodological, children's, special literaturefor study by teachers and use in working with children:

oral folk art, works of fiction (not only programmatic), descriptions of folk holidays,


"Folk costumes"

"Folk Crafts"

Illustrated material depicting the life of the area (photos of the area, memorable places, social objects, newspaper clippings...)

symbolism country, district, district,

materials about the Second World War,


Decoration of corners for patriotic education:

1.My family:

Family photo albums,

Homemade books on the topic “My family’s coat of arms”,

2.Native village:

Illustrations, photographic materials, thematic folders on the topics: “Famous fellow countrymen”, “Country during the Second World War”, “Sights”,

3.My area:

Symbols of the area, a map of the area, material introducing children to the glorious deeds and achievements of the area.

4.Home country:

Map of Russia;

Symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem, portrait of the president).

5. Defenders of the Fatherland:

Illustrations, thematic folders on the topics: “Our ancestors are the Slavs”, “Bogatyrs of the Russian land”, “Great Patriotic War", "Russian army",

Fiction and educational games on the topic,

6. Introducing to the origins of Russian folk culture:

Illustrations and thematic folders on the topics: “How people lived in Rus'”, “Ancient objects”, “From the history of Russian folk costume", "Folk holidays and celebrations", "Folk calendar";

Antiquities, Russian toys (various dolls made of straw, various types of fabrics, threads, leather, etc.), objects of folk arts and crafts (matryoshka dolls, Dymkovo toys, Gorodets painting, Gzhel, Khokhloma, embroidery, work woodworking, etc.)

Dolls in national costumes,

7. Our planet Earth: globe, children's world map, fiction, illustrations,

Thematic folders telling about the life of people in other countries of the world, their customs, traditions, professions characteristic of a particular country.


Cognitive and research

9.00-9.25 Artistic activity



Natural world

Dynamic pause

9.25 -9.35

9.20 – 9.30


9.25 – 10.00

Play activity




9.30 – 9.50

Artistic activity

9.35 –9.45

Gaming room




9.50 – 10.00

Preparing for the walk

10.00 – 10.10


10.10 - 12.30

10.10 – 12.30




Returning from a walk Preparing for lunch, lunch


Preparation for sleep

12.50 – 12.55


12.55 – 15.00

Lifting, gymnastics

15.00 – 15.20

Afternoon snack

15.20 – 15.30

Independent activity

15.30 – 16.25

15.30 – 15.50

15.30 - 16.25



World of Art


World of music




World of music



16.25 -16.45

Preparing for the walk

16.50 – 17.00

16.50 – 17.00

16.50 – 17.00

16.45 – 16.50


17.00 –17.40

16.25 – 17.40

16.35 – 17.40

Club work


Independent activity

18.05 – 18.35

Preparing for dinner, dinner


Going home

18.45– 19.00

3.3. Features of traditional events, holidays, events.

In addition to organized educational activities, we include wide range life events of the kindergarten: when organizing theatrical activities, holidays and entertainment, decorating groups for holidays, which is a powerful source of developing moral education in children. Based on the basic principles of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, namely: introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state, as well as taking into account the ethnocultural situation of the development of children in kindergarten important place dedicated to the joint celebration of Russian traditional holidays, as well as national holidays, memorable days for our Motherland. The preschool educational institution is gradually developing its own traditions, which are supported by the community of teachers, children and parents and, thanks to which, the unique way of life of the kindergarten is formed.

In addition to the tasks and methods of the new approach, constant work with the family is necessary, allowing one to observe the principle of continuity and continuity of moral education in the family and kindergarten. At the same time, it is necessary to organize work in such a way that the family and kindergarten do not replace, but complement each other.

Classes with children in kindergarten involve the use of traditional forms and methods of family education in an educational institution. The traditions of family education are mastered by preschool children in the process of recreating the annual structure of children's life in the family, which determines the content and types of activities of children in classes and in their free time. Children prepare for joint holidays, prepare congratulations and gifts together, work together and have fun.

Family theatrical performances are organized in the kindergarten, family evenings leisure, charity events(collecting toys, books for children in an orphanage and an orphanage, collecting food for an animal shelter).

During the year, some classes, as well as holidays (New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Holy Resurrection, children's birthdays) are held jointly: with the participation of children and parents. Close interaction with the families of pupils and pedagogical education of parents is carried out in the classroom parent school or in the family living room on issues of traditional education as a way of transmitting the value-significant content of national culture, family life and society.

In order to earn the trust of parents, the teacher must organize his interaction as follows:

Familiarization of the teacher with family problems in raising a child. At this stage, the active role belongs to the parents; the teacher only maintains the dialogue without making value judgments. It must be remembered that information received from parents should not be shared with a group colleague and, in general, should only be used to organize positive interactions.

Conveying a positive image of the child to parents. A teacher should never complain about a child. The conversation with parents is held under the motto: Your child is the best!

Transferring to parents knowledge about the child that they could not obtain in the family. The teacher reports on the successes and characteristics of his communication with other children, the results of educational activities.

Joint research and formation of the child's personality. Only at this stage can a teacher, who has gained the trust of parents by successfully carrying out the previous stages, begin to carefully give advice to parents.

The theme of the holidays is focused on all areas of development of a preschool child and is dedicated to various aspects of human existence:

Phenomena of a child’s moral life (tolerance week, days of kindness, friends, etc.);

Environment (promotions);

The world of art and literature (week of theater, children's books, etc.);

Traditional holiday events for family, society and the state (New Year, Christmas, Maslenitsa, Holy Resurrection, Victory Day, Mother's Day, etc.);

Events that form a child’s sense of citizenship (National Flag Day, Russia Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, etc.).

Thus, when organizing work with families within the framework of interaction, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles:

Openness of the kindergarten and family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);

Cooperation between teachers and parents in raising a child;

Creation of an active developmental environment that provides unified approaches to personal development in the family and children's team;

Diagnosis of general and specific problems in the upbringing and development of a child.

Event plan


event title


Promotion “Gift for an Elderly Person”.


Week of Tolerance. Photo exhibition “I, you, he, she - together a friendly family”


Competition of decorative, applied and artistic creativity “Light of the Christmas Star” together with the Sunday school at the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, Salym


Campaign “Let's keep the forest alive.”


Participation in the exhibition “We Did It”


Campaign “Spring Week of Kindness”


Arts and crafts “Easter joy” together with the Sunday school at the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Salym.

Issue of the walls of the newspaper “We have someone to be proud of.....”


Duration of educational service, number of hours per week, month, year.

4.1.1. Features of educational activities of different types and cultural practices.

A feature of the organization of educational activities is the situational approach.

The main unit of the educational process is the educational situation, i.e. this form of joint activity between the teacher and children, which is planned and purposefully organized by the teacher in order to solve certain problems of development, education and training.

The educational situation occurs in a specific time period of educational activity. Feature educational situation is the emergence of an educational result (product) during a specially organized interaction between the teacher and the child. Such products can be both material (a story, drawing, craft, collage, exhibit for an exhibition) and intangible (new knowledge, image, idea, attitude, experience). Focus on the final product determines the technology for creating educational situations.

To implement the program we offer the following methods: visual-effective, verbal-figurative, practical.

Visually effective methodused in time:

Showing fairy tales (teachers, children);

Examination of icons, book illustrations, reproductions;

Conducting didactic and musical-didactic games;


Embodying children's impressions in creative manifestations

Verbal-figurative methodseems to be most effective in the process:

Reading and acting out literary works by the teacher;

Reading fairy tales and Christian parables;

Conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing stories from the teacher;

Answers to questions from the teacher and children;

Carrying out various games(sedentary, role-playing, didactic, dramatization games, games with musical accompaniment and etc.);

Messages additional material teacher;

Making and guessing riddles;

Examination of visual material;

Children's stories about their impressions;

Analysis of everyday situations;

Practical methodused when necessary:

Organization productive activity: Fine arts (impressions after class, entertainment), manual labor

Carrying out games: with building materials,

Didactic (“Good and bad deeds”), active (“Help Grandpa”), sedentary (“Mirilka”), etc.

4.1.2. Ways and directions of supporting children's initiatives.

In the educational process, the child and adults act as subjects of pedagogical activity, in which adults determine the content, tasks, methods of their implementation, and the child creates himself and his nature, his world.

Forms of working with children

  • Extracurricular activities, conversations, gamesmoral and spiritual content.
  • Handicrafts and all types of creative artistic activity children.
  • Holding joint holidays.
  • Viewing slide films, filmstrips, using audio recordings and technical teaching aids.
  • Excursions, targeted walks (around the city, district, to the regional center).
  • Children's charity.
  • Thematic evenings with an aesthetic focus (painting, music, poetry).
  • Organization of exhibitions (joint activities of children and parents).
  • Staging musical fairy tales spiritual and moral content.
  • Creative evenings.
  • Organization of co-living events for adults and children.

Pedagogical conditions

Accessibility Gradual complication (performing the simplest actions smoothly leads to the development of more complex specific techniques).

Consistency (classes are based on learned material, familiar techniques are gradually reinforced in new topics).

Integration with other methods of preschool education.

Coordination of the thematic plan with calendar holidays.

Taking into account individual characteristics and characteristics of the team as a whole.

Information support (cannot be limited only to the process of cognition, it must be accompanied by the communication of certain information).

A sufficient level of teacher skill (knowledge of the history and traditions of Russian national culture, knowledge of basic forms)

Presence of preliminary and preparatory stages.

Joint activities of the teacher and children

The joint activity of the teacher and children is a process of mutual education, mutual discovery of new creative possibilities.

Memorizing poems and riddles about nature, natural phenomena;

Visiting circus performances, etc.;

Working with diagrams;

Creation of crafts and drawings;

Teacher's stories, reading children's fiction;

Creation of homemade books;

Moving and round dancing games;

Joint activities of children and parents

The joint activity of children and parents is a process of mutual learning, mutual assistance, and respect.

Watching programs about the culture of Russian life

- Conversations about the upper room, costumes, life and activities of peasants

- Coming up with a characteristic image, costume.

- Finding additional information about the culture of Russian life

- Creation of an album about the culture of Russian life.

- Guessing riddles

Having worked on this topic for a year, we have received the following results today:

In children:

- there is a positive dynamics in the formation of moral qualities

- a holistic understanding of the norms and rules of behavior in society has been created

- the subject-specific development environment in the group has been enriched

- parents' interest in solving problems of moral education of children has increased.

Results of the program:

Results of diagnostics of children (behaviours and personal qualities)

High level - 26%

Average level - 72%

Low level - 2%

Parent survey results

28% - pay attention to the formation of moral qualities in children

58% - partially pay attention

14% - have no idea how and what moral qualities need to be developed in a child.

Prospects for further work on the formation of moral qualities of the personality of preschoolers.

The specificity of a preschool educational institution is such that every year, from the walls of the kindergarten, children of older groups move to preparatory groups, and then enter schools, and new kids come to us.

That is why I will continue to work with the children of the preparatory group to educate the spiritual and moral qualities of children’s personalities and familiarize preschoolers with the history, culture and traditions of their native land, involving the children’s parents in this problem, I will try to make sure that the parents of our students become our first allies and assistants.


1. Feoktistova T.K., Shestyakova N.P. “Spiritual and moral education of older preschoolers”

2. Averina N.G. On the spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren./N.G. Averina // Primary School – 2005 - №11

3. Magazine “Modern Kindergarten” No. 5 2008

4. I.A. Kairova, O.S. Bogdanov “The ABC of Moral Education”: A Manual for Teachers./ M.: Prosveshchenie, 1997;

5. Davedyanova N.S. “On the understanding of spirituality in modern society. / Orthodox pedagogy: Traditions and modernity.” – Collection of lectures and reports of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University, 2000;

6. Davydova N.V. Masters: A book for reading on the history of Orthodox culture. - M.: Publishing House "Pokrov", 2004;

7. Makarenko A.S. A book for parents./ - M.: “Pedagogy”, 1988;

8. Internet resources.

Elena Kondratyeva
Work program for patriotic education of preschool children

1. Target section 1.1. Explanatory note

According to Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law “On education in the Russian Federation”) preschool education is the level of general education along with primary general, basic general and secondary general education. Exactly at preschool In childhood, the values ​​for the development of the child’s personality, the foundations of his identity, attitude to the world, society, family and himself are laid. Therefore the mission preschool education – preserving uniqueness and intrinsic value preschool childhood as a starting point for inclusion and further mastery of various forms of life activity in a rapidly changing world, promoting development various forms child activity, transmission of social norms and values ​​that promote positive socialization in a multicultural, multinational society.

Patriotic education of preschool children is not only education love for one’s home, family, kindergarten, city, native nature, cultural heritage of one’s people, one’s nation, tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, but also upbringing respectful attitude towards the worker and the results of his work, his native land, defenders of the Fatherland, state symbols, state traditions and national holidays.

The concept of modernization of Russian education defines priority tasks, the solution of which requires the construction of an adequate system of psychological and pedagogical support. One of these tasks is patriotic education the younger generation.

In the federal state educational standard preschool education goals are set for patriotic education: creating conditions for the formation of foundations patriotic consciousness children, the possibility of positive socialization of the child, his comprehensive personal, moral and ethical cognitive development, development of initiative and creativity based on appropriate preschool age activities.

Transformation of Russia into a post-industrial society, processes of informatization, increasing the importance of means mass media As an institution of socialization, a wide range of information and educational resources open up new opportunities for the development of a child’s personality, but at the same time they carry various kinds of risks. In this regard, the problem patriotic education of children and youth becomes one of the most relevant. At the same time, it acquires new characteristics and, accordingly, new approaches to its solution as component the holistic process of social adaptation, life self-determination and personality formation.

Patriotism- this is love for the Motherland, devotion to one’s Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness, even to the point of self-sacrifice, to defend it. Patriotic education a child is the basis for the formation of a future citizen.

Work program for patriotic education of children of senior preschool age(Further - Program) developed based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education to the structure of basic general education, an approximate basic general education preschool education programs"From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, system of classes by N. V. Aleshina “Introduction preschoolers with the surrounding and social reality."

Destination Programs. The program is intended for children 5-7 years old.

Implementation deadlines Programs. Program designed for two years.

Implementation time (organized educational activities) For children senior group - 10 hours, for children preparatory group – 12 hours.

The form of organization is full-time.

Features of the organization of activities - Program is implemented in the form of projects not only in organized educational activities, but also in the joint activities of the teacher with children, during regime moments, in independent children’s activities, in interaction with families, which contributes not only patriotic education of children, but also the formation of relationships with adults and peers, the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

1.2. Relevance Programs.

Childhood is a daily discovery of the world. It is necessary that this discovery becomes, first of all, knowledge of man and the Fatherland, so that the beauty of a real person, the greatness and incomparable beauty of the Fatherland enters the child’s mind and heart.

Childhood is a crucial stage in the development of personality and its moral sphere.

The content of the Federal State Educational Standards notes the urgent need to intensify the process instilling patriotism in a preschooler. Children in this very inquisitive at age, responsive, receptive. They easily respond to all initiatives and are able to sincerely sympathize and empathize. For teacher this is a time of fertile soil. After all, in this age great opportunities arise for systematic and consistent moral raising children. The formation of the child’s spiritual foundation, emotions, feelings, thinking, processes of social adaptation in society takes place, and the process of realizing oneself in the world around us begins. It is this period of a person’s life that is most favorable for the emotional and psychological impact on a child, since his images are very bright and strong, and therefore they remain in memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime, which is very important in education of patriotism.

A favorable pedagogical environment created in a timely manner contributes to instilling in children the fundamentals of patriotism and citizenship. Concept patriotism diverse in its content - it is respect for the culture of one’s country, and a feeling of continuity with the outside world, and pride in one’s people and one’s Motherland.

From the first years of life, a child should love his native land, culture with his heart and soul, and experience a sense of national pride, as they say. "to take root in one's native land".

The feeling of the Motherland... it begins in a child with his relationship to his family, to close people - to his mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. These are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul... And although many impressions are not yet deeply realized by him, they are passed through the childish perception, they play a huge role in the development of personality patriot. Of considerable importance for education of children the immediate environment has interest and love for the native land. Gradually, the child gets to know the kindergarten, his family, his street, the city, and then the country, its capital and symbols. Hometown... We must show the child that his hometown is famous for its history, traditions, sights, monuments, and best people. To be a citizen patriot- this is necessarily to be an internationalist. That's why upbringing love for one’s fatherland, pride in one’s country, must be combined with the formation of a friendly attitude towards the culture of other peoples, towards each person individually, regardless of skin color and religion.

Preschool age, according to psychologists, is the best period for the formation of love for one’s small homeland.

1.3. Goal and tasks Programs

Target: Development preschoolers citizenship, patriotism as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, readiness for active manifestation in various spheres of society.

Tasks: - formation of love for the native land (involvement in home, family, kindergarten, city);

Formation of spiritual and moral relations;

Formation of love for the cultural heritage of one’s people;

- upbringing love of respect for one's national characteristics;

Self-esteem as a representative of one's people;

To form a cognitive interest in the world and, based on comparison, expand ideas about one’s homeland;

A tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities, peers, parents, neighbors, and other people.

1.4. Pedagogical principles and approaches to formation Programs. The basis work on the education of moral and patriotic feelings in preschool children the following principles:

the principle of person-oriented communication is the individual-personal formation and development of a person’s moral character. During the learning process, children act as active explorers of the world around them together with the teacher, and do not just passively adopt experience. Partnership, participation and interaction are priority forms of communication between teachers and children;

the principle of thematic planning of material involves the presentation of the studied material according to thematic blocks: family of origin, native nature, native culture, native city, native country;

the principle of clarity – a broad presentation relevant to the material being studied visibility: illustrations, photographs of landscapes, monuments, landmarks, etc.

The principle of consistency involves planning the cognitive material being studied sequentially (from simple to complex, so that children acquire knowledge gradually, in a certain system.

Principles are moral - patriotic education.

Interpenetration educational-educational objectives.

Coordinated, targeted the work of all participants is educational-educational process (family, child, teaching staff) in a specially organized development environment.

Targeted approach to project participants, involving the use of forms and methods age-appropriate work and individual characteristics.

Using the social experience of past generations (national and family traditions).

Consistency in moral patriotic formation personalities: from close to distant, from small to great (my house - my street - my city - my country - my planet).

1.5. Targets at the stage of completion of development Programs

By the age of seven:

The child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in play, communication, construction and other types of children's activities. the child has a positive attitude towards the world, other people and himself, and has a sense of self-esteem. Actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games. Able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of self-confidence, tries to resolve conflicts;

A child has an imagination that is realized in various activities and, above all, in play. Knows different forms and types of games, distinguishes between conditional and real situations, follows game rules;

The child has a fairly good command of oral speech, can express his thoughts and desires, use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construct a speech statement in a communication situation, and can highlight sounds in words. The child develops the prerequisites for literacy;

The child is capable of volitional efforts, can follow social norms of behavior and rules in various types of activities, in relationships with adults and peers, can follow the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene;

The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, is interested in cause-and-effect relationships, and tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people’s actions. Tends to observe, experiment, build a semantic picture of the surrounding reality, has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives. Familiar with works of children's literature, has basic understanding of wildlife, natural science, history, etc. Capable of making his own decisions, relying on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

1.6. Planned development results Programs:

Child 5–6 years old:

Knows his home address, the name of the city, district, region.

Has an idea of ​​the symbolism of the city, district, region.

Knows the names of nearby streets.

Has an idea about the life and way of life of the people living in their hometown.

Recognizes city sights in photographs and is able to talk about them.

Knows the professions of his parents.

Knows the rules of behavior in nature.

Knows how to talk about the inextricable connection between man and nature, the importance of the environment for a healthy lifestyle of people.

Distinguishes between some types of troops.

Child 6–7 years old

Has brief information about the history of the city, district, region.

Knows his date of birth, his patronymic, home address, telephone number; parents' names and patronymics; kindergarten address.

Knows the coat of arms and flag of the Russian Federation and the Moscow region.

Has an understanding of the President and the Government of Russia; about warriors-defenders of the Fatherland, about WWII veterans.

Knows poetry, works of art by local poets and artists.

Knows the rules of safe behavior in nature and on the streets.

Has a basic understanding of nature conservation, nature reserves, and wildlife sanctuaries in the Moscow region.

Understands involvement in the social and environmental environment, recognizes himself as a full member of society.

Has an idea about his native land; about people of different nationalities, their customs, traditions, folklore, labor, etc.; about the Earth, about people of different races living on our land; about the work of adults, their business and personal qualities, creativity, public holidays, school, library, etc.

Forms for tracking and recording results.

Monitoring is carried out in accordance with the Maps individual development child at the beginning of each school year (October) and in the end (May).

Form for recording results – Child’s individual development map.

* Workshops, consultations for parents, open screenings, exhibitions of products of project activities are organized. A section is being maintained on the website.

Underway calendar plan group work, which reflects work on patriotic education.

1.7. Logistics support Programs.

For implementation Programs required:

Corners patriotic education in groups;

Cabinet patriotic education;

Visual and demonstrative material: presentations, illustrations, photographs, paintings, slides on the issue;

Library of books with patriotic content;


Theoretical and methodological literature,


Materials on best teaching practices.

Materials for classes patriotic education 1. Reproductions of paintings

2. Methodological literature

3. Visual and teaching aids

4. Illustrations of various types of troops, portraits of heroes

5. Electronic educational resources: laptop projector, presentations, films

6. Audio recordings

7. Maps, atlas, globe

8. Fiction

9. State symbols

2. Organization of activities for program:

For implementation Programs required, first of all, the creation of a social development situation children in kindergarten. Social development situation – social conditions, in which the psychological and behavioral development of a person occurs according to the following indicators:

1. organization of life children in the group

2. relationship style teacher with children

3. raising children social qualities and cooperation skills

4.involvement of parents in the educational process.

Organization of life children in the group.

1. Life is clearly organized children and regime.

A rationally designed daily routine contributes to the formation "dynamic stereotypes". It is important to remember that inadequate stress on the child’s body leads to slow development and deviations in social life. development. A reduction in duration leads to the same consequences. walks, time for independent studies, deficit of motor activity.

2. Constant emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers.

3. A developing subject-spatial environment has been created.

4. The group environment is psychologically comfortable for children.

Relationship style teachers and children.

Democratic style - teacher using various arguments, convinces the child of the advantages of a particular action. In this case, the choice is left to the child. This type of relationship involves individual approach to the children. It is this kind of unobtrusive care that children need most.

Parenting social qualities and cooperation skills.

1. raising children conscious attitude to the norms of behavior in peer society.

2. assistance in the exercise of rights by each child among his peers.

In professional activities it is necessary to rely on age standards children's behavior.

Interaction with parents.

It is necessary to involve parents in educational process: consultations, workshops, information about the development goals and achievements of the child, participation in projects.

Methods patriotic education- One of the priority tasks of modern education is the transition to new teaching technologies and education. One of the main and probably the most difficult tasks of a preschool educational institution is the development of creative abilities children and teacher. In my opinion, a source of interaction, co-creation children and adults is technology design. The project method, as a form of organizing the educational space, is for preschoolers innovative. It allows the child to act as a full partner in the pedagogical process based on the principles of cooperation. This is a method of pedagogically organized development of the environment by a child in the process of step-by-step and pre-planned practical activities to achieve the intended goals. - Targeted walks, excursions to places of military glory, to monuments, to the local history museum, etc.

Stories teacher, conversations with children about the glorious history of their native country and hometown

Observing how people work on the territory of the kindergarten and in the city, how its appearance changes thanks to this work

Demonstration of thematic slides, videos, illustrations

Listening to thematic audio recordings, these could be the voices of birds of the Russian forest or the anthem of the Russian Federation

Getting to know Russian folklore - fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, songs, games

Introduction to folk art, embroidery, painting

Getting to know the works of Russian writers, composers and artists

Visiting thematic exhibitions or organizing them independently

Participation in holidays

Participation in feasible socially beneficial activities works

Forms patriotic education

1. Various kinds of educational activities, studying state symbols of the Russian Federation, children gaining knowledge about the location, climate of their hometown, and its history. Various activities on the topic "Our native land"

2. Getting to know each other children with the culture and traditions of the native land, with the rituals of the Russian people, holding ritual holidays, excursions to the local history museum, organization of thematic leisure activities.

3. Upbringing in children of love and respect for their native nature, the formation in them of a sense of responsibility towards nature. It is necessary to strive to ensure that nature becomes clearer and closer to children. This is one of the important components patriotism.

4. Getting to know each other children with the heroic past of the Fatherland. Report to pupils' thoughts about that people will always remember the terrible military events, honor the memory of those who died, and surround the people who defended their Motherland with attention and care. Holding an annual military month patriotic education, organizing a drawing competition "Defenders of the Fatherland", conducting classes "Heroes of War", "Hero Children", and "Courage Classes", where children will refer to the exploits of Russian soldiers who showed unparalleled courage in those terrible times for the Fatherland. Carrying out "Weeks of Remembrance" with classes, conversations, decorating gifts and greeting cards for veterans, a matinee "Victory Day", excursions to monuments.

5. Interaction with parents. Holding exhibitions of crafts and drawings on the topic with their participation "My family", "My Mom is the best" etc., improvement of preschool educational institutions, holding competitions, holidays and matinees, joint work Location on. Contact with parents and family has great importance in solving moral problems patriotic education. The current method is « Family projects» . Its essence is that each family, taking into account its own educational interests and priorities, prepares material on a pre-selected topic. Joint activities between adults and children promotes their rapprochement and the emergence of common interests. Communication between parents and children filled with cognitive, emotionally rich content.

Patriotism is social feeling, which is characterized by attachment to the native land, people, and its traditions.

Moral and patriotic education is a system of measures aimed at developing in citizens a sense of duty towards their home country, national identity, and readiness to defend their homeland.

The relevance of patriotic education

Preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is quite relevant in modern conditions. This is due to the establishment of priority for material values ​​over spiritual ones in our society. However, raising the younger generation within the framework of respect and love for the Motherland forms a morally healthy, viable population.

Children of preschool age are especially emotional, inquisitive, ready to empathize, they are in the process of forming personal guidelines, so educational work can be carried out most fruitfully. This is also facilitated by the special susceptibility of preschoolers to the influence of adults.

Goals and objectives

Patriotic education in preschool educational institutions is carried out with the aim of instilling love for the fatherland, a responsible attitude towards the surrounding nature and people, and establishing a stable connection between generations. The formation of these values ​​occurs as a result of purposeful, systematic work with the child.

Patriotic education of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies the following tasks:

  • formation of moral and spiritual characteristics of the individual;
  • developing a sense of pride in one’s nation;
  • formation of a respectful attitude towards the national and cultural traditions of one’s people;
  • formation of a liberal position in relation to peers, adults, people of other nationalities.

Forms and methods of organizing work

The program of patriotic education in preschool institutions implies, first of all, the organization of internal methodological work in this direction. Since if the teacher himself does not experience a feeling of love for the fatherland, then he will not be able to convey it to the children, the teacher also needs to know how to most effectively convey the ideas of patriotism to preschoolers. Methodological work on patriotic education in preschool educational institutions is aimed at increasing the qualification level of educators and their pedagogical literacy. For this purpose, thematic teacher councils, consultations, and mutual visits to classes are held.

The second part of the methodological work is the child’s family, since they have a significant influence on the formation of the preschooler’s personality, and it is important to tell them the main directions for successful development children's moral and spiritual values. Thematic meetings and conversations are held with parents, they are involved in organizing and participating in preschool activities.

Patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard determines methods of working with preschoolers:

  • arrangement of patriotic corners in preschool educational institutions;
  • organizing excursions to the sights of your native land, visiting museums and exhibitions;
  • organization of thematic events (holidays, matinees, competitions, competitions);
  • conducting thematic discussions on the theme of love for the Motherland, reading relevant works, memorizing poems, watching films and programs.

Every year, the preschool educational institution draws up a plan for patriotic education, which covers all forms and methods of methodological and educational work. Approximate list of activities and topics of classes, planned, includes: events dedicated to state and national holidays, sports competitions, thematic classes on studying nature, features, traditions of the native land, state symbols.

Ceremonial events dedicated to public holidays

Activities for patriotic education in preschool educational institutions are usually timed to coincide with the celebration of relevant public holidays, such as Victory Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women's Day.

When preparing for the event, children learn the history of the holiday, understand who it is dedicated to and why it is celebrated.

For example, when preparing for the Victory Day celebration, you can hold a “Dove of Peace” campaign, making white paper doves with your children as symbols of peaceful life. For the event itself, learn military songs (“Katyusha”, “Victory Day”, etc.), poems on relevant topics. You can organize a meeting with veterans or children of war as part of the project “Such different childhoods: war and peace.”

In preparation for the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day, boys develop the concept that they are future men, strong and strong, the support of their family, the Motherland, its defenders. On the holiday itself, you can hold several different events depending on the age of the children, for example, a holiday congratulating fathers with military-themed poems, songs and dances, sports competitions, a lesson-conversation “We need peace,” dedicated to the army that protects our country.

Dedicated to the formation of family values ​​and the image of a mother, a woman as a guardian of the family, in preschoolers. Traditionally, events on this day are dedicated to congratulating mothers and grandmothers. The day before, children make gifts for them with their own hands, developing their creative abilities.

National holidays

In order for children to perceive themselves as part of their people, they must be imbued with its foundations and understand its originality. To do this, preschool educational institutions organize conversations and classes to familiarize themselves with folk life, but children best learn information while playing. You can note folk holidays songs, dances, good mood to join the traditions.

Celebrations begin with Christmas and the old New Year. Children learn carols, then visit in groups, sing, and receive sweets as a reward.

The Maslenitsa celebration can be organized during a walk; all preschool children can participate in it at the same time. Winter, Spring, and buffoons take part in the performance. Preschoolers get acquainted with the history of the holiday, its essence and symbols. The main symbol of Maslenitsa is pancakes; you can involve parents in making them and organize a kind of fair.

The Easter holiday also has its own symbols. A painting class is being held easter eggs. There are a lot of methods and techniques that give a child the opportunity to develop their artistic abilities.

Sport games

Patriotic education of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies a healthy personality. That's why physical development is an integral part of the educational process. Sports games and competitions not only develop children, but also form a sense of team, unity of interests, and strengthen family ties and traditions.

You can hold competitions between groups of the same age on a relevant topic, for example, dedicated to Russian heroes. During the holiday, children get acquainted with Russian epics about heroes and their military exploits. The following competitions are held:

  • "Sharpshooter" - throwing balls at a target.
  • “Fast Rider” is a relay competition in racing on rubber horses or large balls.
  • “The Strongest” - pushing the opponents beyond the boundaries of the mat with the shoulder.
  • “Heroic Help” - disassemble the entrance to the cave into cubes and save the beautiful maiden.

Joint competitions between children and parents play a special role. Celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day for students of senior and preparatory groups can be organized war game“Zarnichka”, in which fathers and sons participate in relay races, and mothers and daughters participate in competitions for fans. This game fosters a sense of collectivism and patriotism, creates interest in performing physical exercises, develops basic physical qualities, and introduces people to the traditions of big-time sports.

Classes on studying state symbols

Patriotic education of preschool children according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies knowledge of the state symbols of the country. To study them, appropriate classes and conversations are held, for example, “Love your Motherland”, “Symbols of Russia”.

The purpose of this activity is to instill in children pride in their country, consolidate and expand knowledge about state symbols, introduce the meaning of the colors of the flag and coat of arms, form basic geographical knowledge about their region, cultivate feelings of respect for the flag, coat of arms, anthem, and also instill a cognitive interest in history of their homeland.

Classes can be conducted using information and communication technologies. To do this, you need to prepare a presentation on a given topic and stock up on an audio recording of the anthem.

The sequence of the lesson may be as follows:

  1. An introductory part in which children become familiar with the geographical location and size of the country.
  2. Getting to know the Russian flag and the symbolism of its colors. You can play the game “Fold the Flag”.
  3. Getting to know the coat of arms. The teacher explains to the children the very concept of a coat of arms and plays the game “Invent and draw the coat of arms of your family.”
  4. Listening to the national anthem.
  5. The final part, which checks how preschoolers have mastered the material.

Expanding the theme of the small homeland

Every corner of our Motherland is unique and original in its own way. It is important to introduce a child to beauty in his traditions and way of life.

One of the ways is to organize a mini-museum of local history in a preschool educational institution. In it you can collect a collection of antiques that characterize everyday life, samples of products folk art(embroidery, napkins, tablecloths, amulets, dishes, toys).

Another method of exploring your native land is to conduct excursions and visit attractions.

Educational lessons are also conducted. Appropriate topics on patriotic education are selected for classes. Children will learn about their famous fellow countrymen, the history of the emergence and development of their native settlement, the natural features of the region, and study folklore.

Systematic work carried out in preschool educational institutions allows preschoolers to instill primary knowledge of the history, geography of their native land, its features of development and formation.