Project my family surrounding world 1. Family and family values ​​- Project "My family" - Family and family values ​​- Catalog of articles - Fifth school. Justification of the significance of the project

Class: 1

Presentation for the lesson

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The purpose of the lesson:

  • form a holistic view of the family and encourage understanding of the universal value of the family;
  • production of the application "My family"

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational:
    • clarify elementary ideas about the family and understanding of family relationships;
    • help to learn the basics of relationships with family members;
    • learn to speak with prepared messages;
    • learn to follow the example.
  • Educational:
    • to form the ability to show attention, love and respect for loved ones;
    • promote a sense of pride in one's family;
    • cultivate accuracy, attention, patience, thrift;
  • Educational:
    • development of the muscles of the fingers;
    • development of attention, memory, speech.

Lesson plan

I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson

II. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson

III. Main part

1. Practical work
2. Introductory conversation
3. Children's stories
4. Wishes of children
5. Practical work. Tree "My family".

a) Explanation by the teacher of the stages of work
b) Safety briefing
c) Independent work of students.

IV. Summary of the lesson.


  • For students:
    • leaves, colored paper;
    • pencil, scissors, glue;
    • slip sheet, rag;
    • projects "My family"
  • At the teacher:
    • computer;
    • presentation for the lesson;

Literature: T. N. Maksimova Lesson developments at the course “The world around us” 1 class. (Moscow, Vako Publishing House, 2011).


I. Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Establishing a working order and checking readiness for the lesson.

- Guys, for work we need leaves, colored paper, glue, scissors, a simple pencil. It should all be on your desks. Check, please.
- Stand up, join hands and greet each other with words

Good morning people and birds!
Good morning smiling faces!

II. Self-determination to activity. Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Today is our lesson, friends, slide 2
About the amazing seven "I"!
Who are they tell me?
The theme is up to you!

– What do these amazing seven I mean?
- What are we going to talk about in class?
- Right. We will talk about family, about your family.
- The topic of our lesson: "My family"
- Today at the lesson there is a lot of interesting work;
- We will talk about the family, about family members, about the relationship between parents and children,
- Find out what needs to be done so that the family lives cheerfully and happily.

III. Main part

1. Practical work. Creative activity

Now I invite you to make a collage about your families in groups. You can add illustrations, your drawings, kind words about the family to the collage. You will have to submit your work.

slide 3

2. Introductory conversation.

What does the word FAMILY mean to you?

Children's answers.

The family is a nest in which it is cozy and good.
Family is the most important and precious thing for a person.
Everyone in the family takes care of each other.
Family is mom, dad, my sister and me

What does the word family mean? In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, a family is a group of relatives living together.

slide 4

“I want to invite you to check how attentive you are. I will read the quatrain, and you remember which family members are mentioned in it.

slide 5

I love it when everyone gets together.
The table is covered with a white tablecloth.
Grandma with mom, dad and me,
Together we are called family.

- What family members were listed in the quatrain?
Who is not mentioned in this poem?
- Do you think that each of us has the same families?
How are families different?
- Count how many members are in your family, name.


slide 6

- Let's once again remember all family members (standing)

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother,
This finger is dad
This finger is mom
This finger is me.
That's my whole family.


So, who are the members of the family?

Family is people close to us: mother, father, children, grandmother, grandfather.

What can unite family members? (Care for each other)
– Select the appropriate labels. Children choose the appropriate tablets from: anger, tenderness, hatred, love, affection, care. (The rest are removed, explaining why)

- Well done, indeed, parents take care of their children, take care of them. And children, in turn, are obedient to their parents.
How can you express your love for your parents? Children's answers.

Family is the most precious thing you have. These are your mom and dad, sisters and brothers, grandparents - the people closest to you who love you, take care of you, do everything to make your life happy. The family is the foundation of the state. (Scheme)

Slide 7

- What is your family like? Let's hear what the guys have to say about it.

video clip

Slide 8(click on photo)

- And from his parents, the child inherits external features, behavioral characteristics, inclinations and abilities.

Game "Corners"

- Now let's play a game called "Corners".

Get up:

  • in the right corner - who looks like mom?
  • in the left corner - who looks like dad?
  • to me - who looks like himself?
  • in the right corner - who has sisters?
  • in the left corner - who has brothers?
  • to the door - who has both brothers and sisters?
  • to the window - who has no one yet?
  • all to me, who loves his family, cherishes her! Clap!

Yes, you are happy children.

3. Project "My family". Children's stories

- Today for the lesson you prepared projects where you talked about your family. Children's stories.

a) My name is Maxim Valiullin. I am 7 years old. I live in the city of Naryan-Mar. I have a big family: mom, dad, two grandmothers, two grandfathers, two aunts, two uncles. My grandfather Valera came from Tatarstan to Amderma, and for many years they have been living there with their grandmother Nadia. My mother Zhenya was born here, she draws very beautifully. My dad's name is Radik, he loves to go fishing and hunting. I like to relax with my grandparents in Amderma. Once I visited them in the winter, and my grandfather and I went for a walk to the sea and saw fur seals there. Grandmother Nadia and grandfather Kolya live in the city. I have two more uncles: Marat and Damil, they recently came from the army. I really, really love my family!

Slide 9

b) My name is Olesya Kaneva. I am 7 years old. That's my mom. Her name is Natalya Alexandrovna. Together with my mother, we love to walk and travel. I also have a beloved grandmother Zoya Mikhailovna. Grandmother bakes delicious pies and buns. She is just amazing to me. I love to travel with my family. We travel to different cities and visit sights. We like to visit Malyye Korela. There, all the houses are made of wood, and they resemble the houses in which our ancestors lived. And the whole family loves to go to the forest. There we pick berries and mushrooms, drink tea with sandwiches and just relax. We have such a friendly family.

Slide 10

c) My name is Master of Light. I was born and live in the city of Naryan-Mar. My mother's name is Natalya Mikhailovna, she works as a salesperson. Father Sergey Ivanovich works as a carpenter. I also have a brother Oleg, he is in the 4th grade. Our family is friendly. We love to relax in the summer by the sea. I also like to visit great-grandmother Lisa, grandmother Klava and grandfather Misha. They live in the village of Red. They have a beautiful house. Great-grandmother worked as a plague worker, and grandmother Klava worked in fur tailoring. She sewed pima, mittens and other things from deer skins. In summer we go to the forest for berries and mushrooms. In winter we ride reindeer. I help my grandfather take care of them. We all love our northern region very much. This is our family, strong, friendly and happy.

slide 11

d) My name is Solomatin Nikita. This is my family - dad, mom and me. Our family is very friendly. Dad and mom take care of me. My dad is a policeman. He is very kind. He always supports me both in competitions and fishing. My mom is a teacher. She arranges various holidays at home. The most fun holiday is birthday! I also love my grandmothers. Grandma Galya and I are friends. We go to museums together. In the summer I help my grandmother Raya at the dacha. I love my family very much!

slide 12

4. Wishes of children

Write a warm wish to your family on the yellow rays.

(Children stand in a circle in a circle and read wishes)

slide 13

Children read poems about family.

Slides 14-16

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble.
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

5. Practical work. Tree "My family"

- Guys, let's grow a strong, powerful tree of our family. How does a tree start to grow?

a) Explanation by the teacher of the stages of the work.

Slide 17

1) Cut and glue the trunk.
2) Glue the leaves.
2) Attach photos.

b) Safety briefing

Slide 18

- Let's remember how to hold scissors while working?

Can you use blunt scissors?
– How to safely transfer scissors?
How should paper be used?
What side of a sheet of paper do we work with a pencil on?

c) Independent work of students.

IV. Lesson summary

a) Analysis and evaluation of work.

- Guys, look at our work. Do you like her? Look what beautiful trees we got.

Slide 19

- What words could grow on them. Children name the words, the teacher attaches . (Warmth, care, respect, wish, kindness, love)

I want to end our lesson with a poem

Family is a magical symbol of life!
Everything is in it, there is a drop of Motherland in it!
In it - mom, dad, brother, sister,
It has a small square courtyard.
In it is the sun, in it is a birch, a house,
Everything is warm all around.

b) Cleaning the workplace.

Thank you for your work, you did a very good job. As you leave class, stick a brightly colored sticker under the picture that matches your mood.

– it was easy and interesting to work,

- had difficulty

- it was very difficult

1st grade students

MOU OOSH s.Ikshitsa

Sukhanova Nastya

My family is my mother, grandmother, grandfather and me. We live very friendly.

Grandma always takes care of me. She is kind and affectionate. I love her very much. Grandma loves to cook and grow flowers.

Kind grandmother, dear grandmother, The most tender and patient, Happiness, health! Live without sorrow, so that everyone you love adores you!

Grandpa is my best friend! With grandfather, we always watch different cartoons and films about animals together. He likes to watch sports programs.

My grandfather knows everything and knows everything. I am proud of my grandfather.

Wise, strong, real, You are the head of our family! I wish you success, happiness, I really want you! Be always in great shape! You are an authority for us, Our exemplary man, The best grandfather in the world!

That's my mom. She works as a primary school teacher. She is a creative person: she loves to embroider and do something with her own hands. Mom reads books to me before going to bed, helps me do my homework.

I am in 1st grade. I like to study, draw, do various crafts, jump rope, dance, sing, take pictures, watch cartoons. I love the zoo. I also love New Year's Eve! I like to play with my friends, classmates, cousins ​​and brother.

We also have a red cat. He is handsome, smart, affectionate and kind. I often play with him.

I love it when our whole family is together. I love my family very much!

Family is my home, I live there, there is my peace. My shelter and shelter, My dreams, my love. What could be more precious than a family? Warmly welcomes the father's house, Here they always wait for you with love, And see you off with goodness! Love and appreciate happiness! It is born in the family. What could be more precious than a family, In this fabulous land!

Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, purchases, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good, excitement and awe. Family is work, caring for each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is hard! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, Drive insults and quarrels away, I want friends to talk about us: What a good family yours is! Meet - it's me! The secret of the name My name is Maxim. The meaning of the name Maxim is "great" (Latin). Choleric by nature. Very calm. It looks like it's about to explode, but nothing like that happens. He manages to be an unsurpassed mediator. He is resilient and flexible. Knows his abilities well. If Maxim is concentrated, then he is very successful in society. This is an extrovert with the gift of mutual understanding and innate diplomacy. Objective.

First class page

From them, great-grandmother baked delicious pies. Great-grandfather and great-grandmother (on my mother's side) - Garansky Alexander Nikolaevich and Garanskaya Tatyana Kuzminichna. Great-grandfather by nationality is Belarusian. More than 35 years worked in a construction company as a carpenter.

He was awarded the title of "Veteran of Labour". He loved fishing, hunting and picking mushrooms. Helped build houses for people. Great-grandmother is a long-liver of our family, who raised more than one generation.

She is now 82 years old. She is a native of the city of Orel. All her life she worked in the SUBR Prodsnab. He has the title of "Veteran of Labor" of SUBR. My great-grandmother had a difficult childhood.


I had to starve, freeze, hide from the terrible bombing during the war. But, despite all the difficulties she endured, she did not lose faith in a happy future.

Many trials fell on her lot, but she remained kind and sympathetic.

Creative project "my family" of a 1st grade student

I am a student in the first grade of MBOU secondary school No. 11 of the Severouralsky urban district. I like studying. I love math, reading, the world around me.

In my free time from school, I visit the Ballroom Dance Club, a children's music studio. I also study in the first grade of a music school in the department of choreography.

Singing and dancing are my main hobbies. My father is Mikhailov Alexander Viktorovich. He was born and raised in the village of Bayanovka, Severouralsky urban district.

Secondary special education. Graduated from Nevyansk College with a degree in mechanics. Dad is a driver of the highest first category. He has a letter of thanks from the head of the Severouralsky urban district for impeccable, conscientious work and high professionalism.

Project around the world "my family" Grade 1

Dad loves me the most, he is the kindest person on Earth. I play with my sister Polina, sing songs, dance for her, all this amuses and makes her laugh, she is still very small and cannot walk, she is only six months old, entertaining Polina, this is how I help my mother.

I love and protect all my family very much. Family is us. Family is me, Family is my dad and mom. Family - these are two dear grandmothers, Family - and my mischievous sister.
Family - this is Tuzik, an evil dog, Family - this is my fluffy cat. The family is godparents, and aunts and uncles, The family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.
Family is a holiday at a round table, Family is happiness, family is a home, Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil! Now it has become very popular to study your ancestry. We want to know where our roots are, from whom we came. Who are our relatives on the line of mom and dad.

My family project

At the moment he works as a truck driver, travels long distances. My dad is the responsibility and strength of the spirit of our family. My mother is Mikhailova Olga Mikhailovna.

She was born and raised in the city of Severouralsk. Higher education. She graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Economics and Management with a degree in manager in state and municipal government.

At the moment, my mother does not work - she is engaged in housework and my upbringing. Mom is a great craftswoman. She cooks well. Since almost all girls in our family have long hair, she knows how to beautifully braid different pigtails.
It turns out that many women of our family had long braids. I am happy that I have such a family! As a father, I am responsible and strong in spirit, as a mother, I am affectionate and caring, as well as direct and kind. Each of us is a separate person, but each complements each other.

How to do the project "my family" grade 1?

The state of the modern family differs sharply from the family ways of past centuries: if the financial situation has improved significantly, then the nature of family relations is clearly not developing for the better. Other researchers even talk about the weakening of the family's ability to perform educational functions.

However, research data show that, first of all, the family is able to raise a sufficient person. And it's not only the closest - mom, dad. A certain influence on the child is exerted by grandparents. Their relationship with their children, are they role models? It is the knowledge of the history of the family, the knowledge of one's ancestors, the education in the child of respect for the present and past of his loved ones that will help in the future to "receive" honest, sincere, loving, decent members of society. Methodological passport of the project. Project leader: primary school teacher Kalaeva S.S.

Project for elementary grades "My family"

Project objectives:

  • To develop in students the need to know the history of their family;
  • To cultivate respect for the father and mother, relatives, a sense of responsibility for one's family;
  • To form an understanding of the value of the family;
  • To broaden the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children with terms of family relationships, to develop coherent speech.
  • Contribute to the strengthening of parent-child relationships, which is inevitable with active joint activities.

Outcomes: After completing the project, the student will learn how to extract information. Project product:

  • Album "My family"; family tree.

Subjects: the world around, fine arts and artistic work. Terms of project implementation: Terms of carrying out: 11/13/2012 — 11/30/2012.

Socially significant project "My Family"

Designed a stand: "My family". Composition "My family ..." Compositions were written at home on their own. The results were very interesting and meaningful works, giving a visual representation of how a child sees the structure and hierarchy of his family, as well as how he perceives relationships within it.

Teacher, students, parents 4 Creative activity of students Creating an album "My family", making an application (a family tree with signed names of ancestors.) 11/18-30/11 Pupils, parents 5 Consulting and coordinating activities 11/14-30/11 Teacher 7 Analytical stage. Reflection. Activity analysis. Discussion of preliminary results and introduction of changes.

Teacher, students 7 Presentation of the results of activities. Each student presents their own project. 30.11- Pupils 8 Summing up.

Project analysis.

My family project

Unusually quickly finds a way out of any difficult situation, very decisive. I was born on April 23, 2004. The secret of the surname My surname is Lesnikov.

I got it from my father. Lesnikov by the name of his father's profession. In the old days, the forester was not only a forest ranger, but also a forest ranger - a timber merchant, a lumberjack, and also a hunter who hunted in the forest.

The best, dearest Mom - she is the most beloved, the most beautiful and my best friend. She is an individual entrepreneur, opened the "Child Development Center" and works there as a special psychologist with children with disabilities. A little involved in politics. Dad is in the house and the house is in order My dad's name is Lesnikov Dmitry Sergeevich. Dad is an example for me. He works as a fitter, building a nuclear reactor. When dad is at home, we are calm and cheerful with him.
In the old days, people knew their relatives, relatives, and ancestors very well. So who are these ancestors anyway? This is what the poem by E.

Gubina: I want to tell you, children, Who are our ancestors, Those who were before us. Who messed around with you as a child? This is mom, this is dad, This is grandmother and grandfather, This is great-grandfather.

He was born Before you for a hundred years, Everything that we see now, Ancestors did before us. Lamps, shoes, telephone, Train, chairs, this house. Even the ball, football, pants Ancestors invented for us.

Many, many years ago, the Ancestors began to write. From the ancestors we learned, In the books the ancestors told, How our human race arose And who was before you and me. The word relic is closely related to the word genealogy. A relic is a thing that is sacredly kept and passed down from generation to generation.

Lyubov Poroshina
Defense of individual research projects around the world in the 1st grade "My Family"


To study family traditions, to explore the importance of the family in human life, the role of parents and children in the family.

Hypothesis: the assumption that we do not yet know everything about our family, its pedigree.

Relevance: the problem of studying one's family.

Academic discipline- the world.

Age of students: 7-8 years old - 1st grade.

The composition of the design team: 8 people.

Project type- Creative, individual.

Project Manager: Poroshina L. A.

During the project, children with the help of adults learn:

to select photographs of family members from the family archive during significant events for the family; interview family members; assess the value of family photos in strengthening family relationships; evaluate the results of their own work and the performance of their comrades.

Project questions:

Composition of the family, professions of parents, hobbies of children and parents.

Family holidays and traditions.

Family coat of arms or genealogical tree.

Works about the family (a selection of poems, proverbs, a test of the pen).

Photos on the topic: "My family".


1. Organizational part, psychological attitude.

The bell rang, everyone stood up,

Everyone looked at the guests.

Now sit down quietly

They looked at each other.

The girls smiled, the boys smiled,

They clapped their hands, warmed up their fingers.

I am very glad to see everyone today at our non-traditional lesson of the world around us with my parents.

2. Sounding the topic.

Good afternoon, dear children and guests! Today is really a good day, because the topic of our lesson is ... Guys, help me voice the topic ...

Topic: “Protection of individual projects “My Family”.

This was your homework around the world.

Objective of the project: Present classmates with a photo story about your family.

3. Introductory speech of the teacher.

According to the definition of the Explanatory Dictionary of V. I. Dahl, a FAMILY is a group of the closest relatives. Family is the most important thing in a person's life. All the kindest, dearest, most reliable is concentrated in the family. And just as a person cannot live without a home, so he cannot live without a family. Each word "family" is filled with its own, special meaning. It is in the family that we are expected, loved, appreciated, respected and waited for. When you have close relatives, there is a family - this is a great happiness!

4. Acquaintance with the evaluation criteria and application for evaluation.

Today you will present the presentation of your project "My Family" according to the plan (on the board).

Presentation plan.

o Introductory part.

o Tell about the composition of the family, the professions of parents, hobbies and family traditions.

o Provide a family coat of arms or family tree.

o Tell poems about the family and show family photos, drawings.

o Conclusion.

What could you tell about your family? Who does it consist of, what are the names of your loved ones? Family holidays and traditions, hobbies. Someone came up with the coat of arms of the family - a distinctive sign. There are guys who, together with their parents, compiled a family tree, came up with poems, drew pictures and found interesting photos about their family.

Let's take a look at the evaluation criteria:

o be sure to follow the plan

o speak clearly and understandably to the audience,

o be able to answer a question for clarification,

o the originality of the photo newspaper.

Appraisal Application:

"Excellent" - green badge,

"Good" - yellow,

"We must try" - red.

Who wants to get a green token today? Yellow? Red? And what is needed for this? (try to answer clearly, clearly, so that your speech is interesting and understandable to the audience, according to the plan)

5. Presentation of projects. Children's stories about their families.

(A collage from photo newspapers will be assembled on the board as the children perform)

Today we have everything for real. Let's determine the order of presentation.

a) Draw (girls, boys)

b) Performance of 1 and 2 participants, assessment (self-assessment, teacher assessment, peer assessment)

Game Find a Pair.

Masks are distributed to children, they must find a mate by family ties.

D Granddaughter

Brother Sister

Aunt Nephew

c) Performance of 3 and 4 participants, assessment (self-assessment, teacher assessment, peer assessment)

The game "Tell the proverb."

(Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws a ball to each,

says the beginning of the proverb, the child finishes the proverb)

The whole family is together, so is the soul .... in place.

In the native family and porridge .... thicker. What is the treasure for ... if the family is in harmony.

A family is strong when there is a roof over it .... one.

A Russian person without relatives ... does not live.

A tree is supported by roots, and a person .... by a family.

In a good family .... good children grow up.

The family is in a heap, not terrible .... and a cloud.

c) Performance of 5 and 6 participants, assessment (self-assessment, teacher assessment, peer assessment)

The game "Let's stomp and stomp" with the brownie Kuzey.

If there is a word in our families, we clap, attach it to the rays of the sun, if not, we stomp and throw it in the trash.

(Kindness, coldness, happiness, love, sadness, respect, health, smiles, envy, work, laziness, holidays)

d) Performance of 7 and 8 participants, assessment (self-assessment, teacher assessment, peer assessment)

Magic bag game.

Your parents, grandparents came to our lesson. Would you like to say kind words to them? There are unfinished sentences in the bag. Your task is to finish them with wishes for your loved ones.

- I want my parents to be...

I love it when grandma and grandpa...

My parents are the most...

I love my parents because they ... - I trust my parents ...

I love my grandparents because...

I want to wish my parents ... - I consider my family ...

6. Summing up.

Guys, you were so good today! Without you, we would not have had such an amazing meeting! Thank you and your parents! Your reward for your performances is "sunshine" medals.

To make life successful, you need to build a house,

Raise children in it, do not forget about the trees.

And to make it cozy, warm in that house,

We must love passionately, we must sincerely believe.

No matter how old we are, and wherever we are, we must remember our family, get acquainted with its history, ancestors, traditions, and carefully preserve everything.

Happiness to your families! See you soon!

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