Patriotic education of youth for military service. Military-patriotic education. Putin on the patriotic education of youth

Today, many schools practice military-patriotic education of students. Any state needs physically healthy, strong, courageous, courageous, disciplined and enterprising citizens who, if necessary, will defend it without even thinking. The most important element in the education of young people should be the formation of patriotic feelings, because without this a harmonious and full development of the individual is impossible.

That is why it is important to pay special attention to the military-patriotic education of schoolchildren. In the course of events dedicated to the formation of feelings among the younger generation, the children get acquainted with such concepts as humanism, morality and self-esteem. In addition, students study the political system of their homeland, the structure of government institutions and similar topics.

In this article, we will tell you what exactly is the military-patriotic education of children at school today, and what is its meaning.

Military-patriotic education of youth today

Military-patriotic education of schoolchildren in most cases is the following activities:

  1. Laying flowers at mass graves, visiting various museums and excursions, meeting with veterans, as well as holding various events related to the celebration of Victory Day, for example, military-patriotic song contests.
  2. Military-sports collective games.
  3. Acquaintance of students with the basics of pre-conscription training, various units of the armed forces, the features of service in each of them, and the like. Schoolchildren will learn about this at the lessons of OBZH - the basics of life safety or OVS - the basics of military service.

The main goal of the military-patriotic education of youth, of course, lies in the formation of patriotism and feelings and devotion to their homeland. Meanwhile, one should not underestimate such functions of these events as preparing boys for future military service, as well as increasing the endurance and level of physical fitness of girls and boys. Also, military-patriotic education makes children proud of their country and compatriots and respect the history of their state. Finally, such events contribute to the formation in young members of society of an active civic position and the ability to be responsible for their words and take responsibility for their actions.

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The geopolitical confrontation and the intensity of the international situation simply obliges us to treat the defense of our Motherland with all responsibility. One of the ways to protect their native land is the military-patriotic education of young people in Russia. The goal of education is to raise morally mature people who are faithful to their military and constitutional duty.

Military-patriotic education consists of three main areas:

  • Introduction to the military victories of the Russian people.
  • Organization of military sports games.
  • The relationship between military and school teams.

A significant role in patriotic education is played by the school, the family, as well as specially organized centers. The main ones were given by the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Life has set completely new tasks, we found ourselves in the center of a real war. That's just it is not conducted by guns and missiles, but by word. In short, you can hurt and heal, so you need to raise such young people who will be ready to distinguish truth from lies and always remain true to their Fatherland.

The state needs to educate courageous, healthy and courageous people who are ready to study and work for its benefit, and not look towards emigration to a ghostly better Western world. Properly educated youth should stand up for the protection of their families, their native land and the state.

In the light of such tasks, the role of the correct military-patriotic education of young people is noticeably increasing. It is this upbringing that will contribute to the preparation of strong and skillful defenders of Russia.

Three directions of patriotic education of youth

  1. Introduction to the fighting traditions of the people, honoring their victories.

This direction includes the following activities:

  • Commemoration of those who died in the struggle for the independence of Russia. To do this, not only one-time visits to monuments and mass graves are organized on major public holidays, but they are also taught to take patronage over a mass grave. Participation in the guard of honor as part of the watch of memory is encouraged. Caring for monuments becomes not a duty, but a matter of honor.
  • Courage lessons are held, meetings with war veterans are organized. It is important to properly set up the youth, to prepare morally for such events. Pupils participate in congratulations, come up with a program themselves, put their soul into it.
  • Celebration of memorable dates - for the great holidays associated with glorious victories in the military history of Russia, visits to museums are organized, exhibitions, competitions, quizzes are held, and thematic videos are watched.

The most important thing is to remember that military-patriotic education is a systemic process. Its foundations are laid in kindergarten and school.

  1. Organization of military sports games.

Complicated and sometimes pretentious speeches in the minds of young people need to be supported by more interesting entertainment events. Among them are military sports games. For example, "Zarnitsa" or "Eaglet".

It is also necessary to organize visits by young men, especially graduate classes, to military units. It is possible that someone will find their calling here, a profession for life. Communication with the military strengthens the spirit of patriotism, which makes ordinary people Citizens of their Fatherland.

Creation of an OBZh cabinet

Out-of-school education is interesting and productive, but the main bonds for patriotic education are laid in the classroom. An important lesson in terms of the formation of civic consciousness is life safety.

In schools, sometimes this subject is taken lightly, considering it a kind of auxiliary elective. Not all educational institutions have a special cabinet, so we will give basic advice on its creation. It is important to equip, here they place materials on educating schoolchildren on the traditions of previous generations. Symbols of Russia are placed on the walls, you can indicate information about compatriots-heroes of Russia.

The OBZh cabinet can be used not only for specialized classes in the subject. On its basis, Courage lessons, classes in history or literature with a patriotic component are held, meetings with military personnel and veterans are organized here. In a specialized OBZh cabinet, it is convenient to watch patriotic videos and engage in military applied circles.

Putin on the patriotic education of youth

The President of Russia urged to educate young people even more patriotically, to fight against falsifications of history. According to Vladimir Putin, patriotic education must become an integral part of society. The President stated this during the 37th meeting of the Russian organizing committee "Victory", which was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace.

Vladimir Putin clearly outlined the tasks that modern Russian society faces in terms of educating the younger generation:

  1. Respect for veterans.

Read more: Topical issues of patriotic education

Centers for Patriotic Education

The main goal of the activities of the centers of patriotic education is to prepare young men for military service. Support is also provided for student and student initiatives that are associated with the development of a sense of citizenship. People who sincerely love their school, university, native land, and the country as a whole come to the centers. There must be a strong desire to change society, starting with yourself.

What do patriotic education centers do?

The centers have the following responsibilities:

  • Teaching the basics of military service through military training for high school students.
  • The level of physical training of young men is being improved so that it becomes appropriate for military service.
  • Orientation to the successful completion of the TRP standards for physical training.
  • Organization of events for military-patriotic education and preparation for military service.

The correct military-patriotic education of the younger generation depends on each of us. Do not be inactive and place all responsibility for the process on teachers. Everyone can make a feasible contribution to the development of the consciousness of young people, you need to start with your family and with your close circle.

Institute for Socio-Political Studies

under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus


№ 2 (15)





(for advocacy groups)

Minsk 2005


Patriotic education -

an integral part of ideological work ……………….…

The role of the education system and the family

in military-patriotic education ……………...……..

The role of physical culture and sports

in the upbringing of pre-conscription and conscription youth.…….


National traditions

and patriotic education ……………………………...

Christian moral values

and patriotic education ………………………...……

Military-patriotic education and Belarusian Republican Youth Union …….……….


The current stage of the formation of public consciousness makes ever higher demands on the education of the country's population in the spirit of citizenship.

Patriotism should be considered not only as the most important spiritual and social value of society, but also as an integral part of the Belarusian ideology.

It is important for a young man who is considering his future life to constantly remember that along with the many professions provided to him by society for choice, there is one that he must master without fail. This is the profession of the defender of the Motherland.

Historically, the Belarusian people for many centuries had to fight against foreign invaders, to defend the right to their national existence.

We have the right to be proud of the military prowess of the glorious sons and daughters of our Fatherland and strive to ensure that the memory of their great deeds and accomplishments lives forever.

The world has changed irreversibly in recent decades. Fundamentally new threats to national security have emerged. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the scale and nature of these changes in order to adequately respond to the new civilizational challenges of the 21st century.

The Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus play a special role in the patriotic education of the youth. Military service hardens people spiritually and physically, teaches them to overcome hardships and hardships, to cherish honor and dignity, friendship and camaraderie.

Military-patriotic education, especially in the army environment, is aimed at instilling in young people love for the Motherland, respect for its history and national values, fidelity to duty and military traditions.

Service in the Armed Forces is a school of courage and civic maturity.

In the year of the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet people over fascism, military-patriotic work in youth labor and military collectives is of particular relevance.

Patriotic education -

integral part of ideological work

Today there is no need to prove that success in the socio-economic sphere of life depends not only on the material and financial condition of the family and the state as a whole, but also on a well-adjusted ideological state policy based on the values ​​of patriotism, love for the big and small Motherland.

And the majority of Belarusian citizens understand this very well. As can be seen from a sociological survey conducted by ISPI in December 2004, most of the 1,543 respondents answered that love for the place where they spent their childhood is of fundamental importance (88.9% of responses). Yes, a person is arranged in such a way that even far from the Motherland, in a time of severe trials, he remembers the “blue handkerchief” of his beloved, the parental home, the mother at the cradle of the child. It is for the sake of the warmth of his native hearth that he is ready to risk his life, protecting the Fatherland.

Love for the motherland is a universal moral value. It includes not only the sensory state of a person, but also his beliefs, views, which are formed by society. The entire system of social and family education is aimed at this. Education is a process of purposeful and systematic influence on a person in order to form the necessary vital guidelines, attitudes, stereotypes of thinking and behavior. In this process, the most effective ways and means of pedagogical influence on a person are used. Their arsenal is inexhaustible. Particular attention should be paid to the traditions and customs associated with military-patriotic education. First of all, a person must be a worker, a creator, and if circumstances so require, then a warrior, a defender of a small (father house) and a large (Belarus) Motherland.

The Belarusians never attacked anyone, but always and under all adversity they knew how to defend their native land from foreigners. Because of this, the continuity of traditions, customs, and rituals is firmly held in their mentality (mindset).

Traditions were created over the centuries, became the basis of morality and the way of life of people in specific historical conditions. Progressive traditions are of the utmost importance these days. This can be seen in the example of the military-patriotic education of the younger generations. If a family appreciates the merits of grandfathers and fathers in protecting the Fatherland, takes care of the health and well-being of the elders, then this indicates a healthy moral and psychological climate in everyday life.

It is known that children, adolescents, boys and girls tend to unite, group around a target setting that is close in their interests. In this situation, the state system of civic education should come to the rescue, which invariably provides for positive historical continuity through military-patriotic traditions. The recent history of Belarus is a vivid confirmation of this.

Military-patriotic education cannot be carried out in a campaign, from case to case. This is the daily systematic work of all subjects of youth education. Local executive and administrative authorities should take part not only in the implementation of a set of measures for the material and financial support of pre-conscription training of young men, the development of the material and technical base in museum and local history, club work, military sports games, but also ideological events. This is the personal participation of leaders of all ranks in meetings with student, working and military youth; rewarding with valuable gifts, medals and certificates of war and labor veterans; lessons in citizenship, patriotism and courage; support for the experience of generalizing the historical path of generations, the best traditions in the region; production of pennants, booklets, stars for attaching to the homes of war veterans; publication of thematic publicistic materials, leaflets, essays; organization of traveling exhibitions dedicated to historical events and famous people; participation in TV shows, processions of veterans; laying wreaths at obelisks and graves; creation in individual schools, secondary specialized educational institutions, military camps of support centers and points for the patriotic education of youth.

It is also important to support the activities of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, pioneer organizations, charitable associations in this direction. Principle: "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!" - must be put into practice. Sometimes roof repairs, firewood harvesting, well cleaning and other practical everyday issues solved by local authorities with the help of young people bring much greater fruits of education than beautiful words.

The duty of representatives of the ideological vertical includes both ensuring the need of people for state symbols, and explaining the semantic content of the anthem, flag, coat of arms of Belarus, the essence of which is to express the mentality of the Belarusian people: their peacefulness, diligence, goodwill.

In patriotic education, analogies of the exploits of older generations with the exploits of contemporaries are very important.

A monument to Sergei Ivanovich Gritsevets, a legendary pilot, a native of the Novogrudok district of the Grodno region, the son of a peasant, was erected in Minsk. Having mastered the skills of flying to perfection, Sergei Gritsevets distinguished himself in the 30s of the last century in the skies of Spain, then in battles at Khasan and Khalkhin Gol. When Major Zabaluev's plane was shot down in the area of ​​the latter, the brave pilot unexpectedly landed on enemy territory. Before the Japanese samurai understood the essence of what was happening and opened fire on him, Sergei on his plane, together with a friend, soared under the clouds. There were other amazing feats of Gritsevets, twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1939. During the Great Patriotic War, other pilots took over from the glorious son of Belarus, including Ivan Kozhedub and Alexander Pokryshkin, who were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union three times.

Adherents of a healthy lifestyle have at their disposal the most modern sports complexes.

At the opening ceremony of the unique Republican ski center of the European level “Silichi”, A. Lukashenko noted that “this is already the third major sports facility in the Logoisk region ... The construction of the “Silichi” is an example of the implementation of the social policy of the state. The development of mass physical culture, sports and tourism is an important direction of effective educational work among young people, a factor of the country's international prestige. Only thanks to a healthy lifestyle, active physical culture and sports, Belarusians can become a strong and beautiful nation. Belarus has been and will be a sports power!”.

head of state emphasized that it is physical culture and sports that contribute to the development of a harmonious personality, especially children. Attracting the younger generation to sports, physical activity, promoting a healthy lifestyle are the priorities of the state leadership. Most importantly, noted The president, to get children involved in physical culture and sports. Wholesome nutrition, healthy lifestyle and sports are the recipe for health and beauty.


National traditions

and patriotic education

National culture is the most important component of modern social life, a strategic spiritual resource of the nation. The cultural level of citizens largely determines the ideological, educational, spiritual and moral situation in civil society, the main directions of the development of the state.

Achievements of national culture elevate people, contribute to the growth of patriotic consciousness, strengthen the image of the Republic of Belarus among the world community.

The best features of the national character and life - diligence and tolerance, peacefulness and humanism, hospitality and respect for other peoples - were formed through the centuries-old cultural heritage of the Belarusian ethnic group.

Today, when the former hero-scientist, advanced machine operator, worker, milkmaid, collective farmer, cosmonaut, officer, patriot warrior are practically ousted from the TV screen and from the print media, the national culture is called upon to protect us from what personifies the advanced level of market “democracy”. ”: the imposition of legal nihilism, permissiveness, the cult of violence and moral maladjustment, the promotion of deviant forms of sexuality (in essence, moral ugliness).

Whether we like it or not, the realities of modern life force us to turn to such a philosophical category as “patriotism”.

The law determines the legal basis for the creation and activities of religious organizations based on: the right of everyone to freedom of conscience and freedom of religion, as well as to equality before the law, regardless of their attitude to religion; equality of religions before the law; recognition of the determining role of the Orthodox Church in the historical formation and development of the spiritual, cultural and state traditions of the Belarusian people; spiritual, cultural and historical role of the Catholic Church on the territory of Belarus; inseparability from the common history of the people of Belarus of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Judaism and Islam; the need to promote the achievement of mutual understanding, tolerance and respect for the religious feelings of citizens in matters of freedom of conscience and religion.

In modern Belarus, where confessions are experiencing their renaissance, Christian traditions are called upon to perform the functions of a harmonizing and stabilizing factor in society, contributing to the preservation of the established social order.

The Christian ideological potential of humanistic asceticism stimulates not so much a departure from the world in the name of one's own salvation, as an appeal to the highest examples of moral selflessness, service to the Motherland. The history of Christianity revealed to society the ideals of mercy and devotion in the images of Belarusian saints-martyrs, enlighteners, church leaders (in the Belarusian Orthodox Church - for example, St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Cyril, Bishop of Turov, holy Vilna martyrs, etc.; Casimir, St. Andrei Bobolya, etc.), which Belarusian Christians are guided by in their relationship to the individual and society.

Religion acquires a special psychological role during the war, when the need for self-sacrifice in the name of protecting relatives and friends, one's Fatherland is combined with the fear of death inherent in a person.

The Christian tradition contains a number of provisions that mobilize a warrior for a feat of arms in the name of the Motherland. This is overcoming the fear of death in battle by faith in the immortality of the soul, in God's providence and in a just cause; understanding that resistance to evil by force and weapons is not a sin wherever it is objectively necessary, or where it turns out to be the only or least unrighteous outcome. The defense of the Fatherland for our Christian ancestors has always been considered a sacred duty. In this regard, the biblical commandment “Thou shalt not kill” was interpreted as follows: “God forbids by the sixth commandment: to take life from people by violence or cunning and in any way violate the safety and tranquility of your neighbor, and therefore this commandment also prohibits quarrels, anger, hatred, envy, cruelty. But the one who kills the enemy in war does not sin against the sixth commandment, because by war we defend the Faith, the Sovereign and our Fatherland. God himself blesses a just war, and therefore is called the Lord of armies. Military service is a direct fulfillment of the commandment of the Lord: there is no more love than “to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (from A Short Prayer Book for Orthodox Soldiers. M., 1915) .

The patriotic tradition of the Belarusians, based on Christian norms, developed the potential that helped our people to consolidate, survive and defeat the enemy during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Taking into account the supreme mobilizing role of religion, during the Great Patriotic War, the attitude of the Soviet state, which chose atheism as the state ideology, towards religious organizations was significantly transformed. State-church relations were legalized. In 1943–1944 The Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Council for the Affairs of Religious Cults were created, the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church resumed its activities, hierarchs who had been repressed earlier began to go free, and the journal of the Moscow Patriarchate began to be published.

Today it can be argued that in the Republic of Belarus there has been a complete restoration of the historically established confessional structure, where the largest part of the number of believers are Orthodox Christians. Christian traditions have a great influence on many aspects of the life of the Belarusian society. Although this influence is most pronounced in the spiritual sphere, social and family life, it noticeably affects many aspects of material culture, traditional economic activities, political orientation, and has a significant impact on the formation of patriotic consciousness.

With the creation of an independent state of the Republic of Belarus, a fundamentally new confessional entity took shape, corresponding to the status of this state - the Belarusian Orthodox Church. The processes of formation of the Belarusian Church are also actively going on. There is a revival of spiritual traditions, including military-patriotic traditions. This is confirmed by a number of agreements concluded by the Belarusian state with the Belarusian Orthodox Church, including an agreement between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian Orthodox Church, aimed at the military-patriotic and spiritual and moral education of military personnel and the socio-psychological work of the Church in the army.

According to modern Orthodox authors, the political meaning of the existence of an army based on Christian principles lies in the struggle for a just cause, in preventing wars, in the ability to self-defense, in establishing a lasting peace, in countering violence. The army is called upon to suppress evil, effectively deter any potential aggressors (external and internal), convincingly demonstrate in practice the effectiveness of the famous biblical saying “He who lifts the sword from the sword will perish” and thereby contribute to the sustainable development of a strong and effective state.

In the Belarusian army, of course, there are representatives of not only the Orthodox denomination. Thus, only in 2004, dozens of border guards of the Catholic faith showed the best Christian qualities - valor, courage and courage while defending the borders of our country. Representatives of other faiths honestly perform their duties in the service of the Motherland. The Belarusian state shows openness and is ready to cooperate in the matter of patriotic education with all confessions historically widespread in our country.

The balanced position of the state, the search for compromises on the way to creating a harmonious society contribute to the fact that at the present time the state ideology includes common Christian values. Belarusian culture has unique opportunities to attract the potential of Christian denominations to cooperation in the education of patriotism. First of all, it is the cult of miraculous icons that has developed on the Belarusian lands, equally revered by both Orthodox and Catholics. The images of the Mother of God of Zhirovichskaya, Belynichskaya, Vilna, Czestokhovskaya and others for centuries inspired the generation of our ancestors to the feat. The use of Christian values ​​is important today not only for the perception of the traditions of the ancestors, but also for the spiritual consolidation of society, strengthening patriotic feelings among the younger generations.

Military-patriotic education and the Belarusian Republican Youth Union

One of the main activities of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, education of the young generation of an active civic position, military-patriotic education of youth.

The territorial organizations of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union are actively implementing the Olymp program to promote a healthy lifestyle, health improvement and tourism of young people, within the framework of which the first republican healthy lifestyle festival Olympia was organized in July 2004, which brought together about 1,000 people and was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus .

Under the patronage of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, 101 clubs of a patriotic, sports and tourist orientation have been created. Work is underway to familiarize young people with Belarusian culture and national traditions.

To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and the Republican Council of the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans adopted a joint plan for the preparation, participation and holding of celebrations.

Employees of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union take part in the work of the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans, joint performances are organized in the media. Together with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Defense, the Belarusian Republican Association of Veterans, a meeting of young students with veterans of the Great Patriotic War was held.

Some work is being done to develop youth, socially oriented tourism. In 2004, trips were organized for schoolchildren to places of military glory (the memorial complex "Brest Fortress - Hero", the memorial complexes "Khatyn", "Mound of Glory", etc.).

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union is implementing a number of projects aimed at the heroic-patriotic, spiritual and moral education of young people. Activists of the organization conduct and take part in the events of the Watch of Memory, charity events "Youth to Veterans", thematic meetings with war and labor veterans, the campaign "Happy Service, Soldier", trips to places of military glory, local history work, contests and quizzes, military patriotic game "Zarnitsa", patriotic song festivals.

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union is actively involved in the improvement of monuments, burial places of soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, improvement, landscaping of cities and villages under the slogans "We keep the memory of the fallen in our hearts", "Share the warmth of your soul." In total, 3,101 memorials and monuments of military glory are assigned to the organizations of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

A long-term plan of bilateral cooperation between the Ministry of Defense and NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" is being implemented. As of January 5, 2005, 152 primary organizations have been created in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, which number 4,565 people.

Within the framework of bilateral cooperation plans, a draft Regulation on the Memory Watch to perpetuate the defenders of the Fatherland and victims of wars has been developed. Throughout the republic, employees of the organizational structures of the NGO "Belarusian Republican Youth Union" participate in the ceremonial sending of conscripts to the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union is actively cooperating with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with which a long-term plan of bilateral cooperation has been developed. As of January 5, 2005, 236 primary organizations have been created in the bodies and divisions of internal affairs, which number 4,920 people. Work with internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is active. As of January 5, 2005, 48 primary organizations have been created in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which number 1,476 people.

The Belarusian Republican Youth Union publishes information and methodological bulletins, collections on sports, health improvement and tourism, and patriotic education of youth. The activities of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union in organizing and holding sports, recreation, tourism, patriotic events are constantly covered by the media.

Love for one's fatherland, observance of the constitutional norms of one's country and respect for the traditions and cultural heritage of one's own and other nations - all this is the goal of patriotic education of the younger generation. Since the issue of the patriotic aspect of education is global, it is considered at the state level. In every state of the world there are whole programs of patriotic education of youth. Their foundations, activities and tasks facing the programs will be discussed further.

Activities for the patriotic education of youth

The patriotic education of youth is impossible in isolation from such institutions as museums, art schools, and houses of culture. Secondary schools, interacting with them within the framework of patriotic education programs, introduce young people to the cultural and historical heritage of their country.

Activities aimed at patriotic education of youth include:

  • Exhibitions;
  • holding competitions;
  • collective creative affairs;
  • art festivals;
  • visits to local history, historical museums and art galleries;
  • improvement of historical monuments;
  • talks and class hours;
  • defense sports games;
  • district and regional thematic competitions, etc.

Civic-patriotic education of youth

Civil-patriotic education in the framework of modernity involves preparing the younger generation for the upcoming responsibility for their behavior and civic position.

Young people, brought up correctly and competently, can freely interact in the current democratic society. Young people have an awareness of the value of the public affairs in which they take part, and the significance of their own contribution to them. Young people are becoming ready to take the initiative, develop their abilities and grow as a person, benefiting not only themselves and others, but the whole country as a whole.

Civil-patriotic education forms a culture of interpersonal and interethnic interaction among young people.

Military-patriotic education of youth

Military-patriotic education is an equally important aspect in the entire educational system, as it prepares future defenders of the fatherland. Within the framework of this direction, such qualities as reliability and firmness of character, physical endurance, and courage are brought up in young men. All these features are indispensable not only for those who will serve in the army, defending their country, but also for ordinary professions, such as doctors.

Education is carried out within the framework of lessons at school, for example, the subject of life safety. In a number of sections of this subject there is a specialized course of lessons "Peculiarities of military training." Also, young people are brought up by joining commemorative events in honor of those who once fought for their homeland.

Problems of patriotic education of modern youth

The main problems of patriotic education in modern society include: