To the question of how the state takes care of the children that it needs so much. The concept of social care of the state

From this article you will learn:

    How to take care of an elderly person

    Who to ask for help if you can’t take care of the elderly on your own

    What are the challenges you face when caring for an elderly person?

    What services are offered for the care and care of the elderly

In any family, sooner or later there comes a moment when elderly parents become infirm and require constant care. Elderly people tend to get sick often, have difficulty doing household chores.

In other words, there comes a time when children have to take care of those who once raised them. Caring for the elderly is not only the responsibility of children, it is the right of parents, enshrined in law. However, many of us find it difficult to provide proper care for the elderly.

How caring for the elderly is shown in the world

Caring for the elderly is a problem that worries people all over the world. Attitudes towards it have been rethought and changed significantly in many countries, for example, the UK, Denmark, Australia, etc. Political changes were aimed at reducing taxpayer costs and increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of government programs aimed at caring for the elderly.

Elderly citizens are showing an active interest in aged care services. They are very interested in caring for the elderly. This is especially evident in those countries where older citizens are united in groups.

For example, in Sweden, a third of the elderly are members of an association of pensioners. They openly defend their rights, declare themselves to the whole country. Even in states where such organizations have not yet emerged, members of the government have to take into account the opinion of pensioners, who demand that the existing social program be adapted to their needs. Politicians listened to the demands of the elderly and set the following goals:

    First target participation of the elderly in public life. This also includes improving the quality of life of pensioners, providing them with the care they need and a decent level of income. In addition, we are talking about improving the quality of care in nursing homes. The restrictions that are typical for such establishments should be relaxed. It is preferable that the elderly person live in their own home or stay in a day care centre. Caring for the elderly should not be entirely the responsibility of nursing homes.

    Second goal- providing an elderly person with the opportunity to receive help and care in his own home. It is also about identifying the problems that concern the elderly, developing programs that prevent their physical and moral exhaustion. Most British politicians believe that care for the elderly will be properly organized if there is practical support for those who care for them. According to Swedish law, local authorities must listen to the demands of these people and support them. They are given 30 days paid leave. Politicians in Australia and the UK believe that the rest of those on whose shoulders the care of the elderly falls is a national concern. Of course, the cost to taxpayers increases as a result.

    Third goal- reducing taxpayers' costs for caring for the elderly. The efficiency and effectiveness of aged care programs must be improved. In the Netherlands, for example, a committee on health financing was tasked with “developing a strategy to contain costs in the face of a general aging population.” Australian policy makers are also seeking to reform aged care programs to make public funds more efficient.

To meet the needs of the elderly and those who take care of them, it will be necessary to change our society, its behavior and habits. Members of society resist this, because the changes require that the cost of financing other areas be reduced.

How to take care of an elderly person at home

Many older people find themselves unable to take care of themselves. In such a situation, they, together with adult children, will have to understand what kind of help they need and how to provide it. Caring for the elderly is an issue that should be addressed by the whole family.

Relatives need to unite and determine what kind of care for the elderly is required, how to solve the problems that have arisen. We encourage you to be honest in expressing your feelings and needs.

Discuss whether an elderly relative can live alone with occasional help. Think about and distribute responsibilities among family members. Caring for the elderly is a task that simply cannot be done alone.

For example, one of the family members can take care of the elderly, and someone does not have the time, but has the money to provide everything necessary for the grandparents. Try to make sure that caring for the elderly does not become something that divides your family, but, on the contrary, look at it as an opportunity to unite. Everyone can contribute, however, in the future, you can redistribute the responsibilities for caring for an elderly relative.

Caring for the elderly - great responsibility. If you are caring for an elderly father or mother, try to consult with your doctor and get all the information you need to ensure proper care for the parent. If we are talking about some serious illness, then it is better to carefully prepare for possible emergencies. If you are taking on such a task as caring for the elderly, you must be ready for anything.

If you feel that caring for elderly relatives is beyond your power, you can contact one of the government agencies that provide services for the elderly.

Recognize that caring for the elderly is not easy, and you will most likely need professional help. Find out what aged care services are available that can make your job easier and how best to organize the process. The upcoming change may cause you sad thoughts, doubts. Don't keep them to yourself, share your feelings about caring for the elderly with a close friend or counselor.

Sometimes an elderly person thinks ahead about his life in old age. He determines whether he wants to live with the children or move to a nursing home. Such a person faces the truth and understands that caring for elderly parents significantly affects the lives of children, and prepares for a new stage in his life. Attention and care for the elderly, of course, are necessary. But deciding how to treat your old age is also extremely important.

Alas, many elderly people do not adequately assess reality, and as a result, family members have to face numerous problems associated with caring for pensioners. Elderly people need care, and their relatives simply cannot give it. There is a high probability that in such a situation a conflict will flare up. And if you take care of everything in advance, then this process will be less painful.

In most cases, children feel embarrassed when they start a conversation that an elderly person needs care and changes are coming in his life. However, these sensitive issues will still have to be discussed. The conversation should be simple and frank. Caring for the elderly requires respect towards them. Try to treat the experiences of the elderly with attention and understanding. Caring for the elderly is a delicate topic, and one cannot do without compassion and love.

If the grandfather can take care of himself and does not need to be taken care of, such issues still need to be discussed. Find out what kind of help he might need and tell him what kind of support you are ready to provide him. He will probably listen to you and try to make the right decision so as not to limit your freedom and independence. Caring for the elderly is something worth discussing with the family.

Think also about possible treatment options. The elderly person has the right not only to care, but also to agree or refuse the proposed type of therapy. The wishes of the patient can be entered into a pre-compiled medical document. If the older person appoints you as their representative, then you will have to make decisions regarding their care. Providing care for the elderly is not so easy and in doing this, you will have to face a lot of difficulties.

It is advisable to keep such a document or a copy of it with you. As a rule, it is placed in the same place where the will and other important papers lie. If you are looking to provide care for elderly relatives, think about such nuances in advance.

Caring for the elderly: who to ask for help

It is desirable that the elderly person remain as independent as possible. Let him clean the room, control his medication, do the cooking. Sometimes caring for the elderly turns into total control, and this makes the elderly even more infirm.

However, if you notice that a pensioner has difficulty moving, cannot reach the store, has memory problems, needs constant care, then such changes require your immediate response.

Caring for the elderly requires taking into account the characteristics of the aging organism. The elderly often lose their hearing, vision, memory, their minds are clouded, etc. Caring for the elderly in such a situation requires the intervention of specialists, because family members cannot help a pensioner on their own.

At some point, children have to take care of the affairs of their parents. Sometimes caring for the elderly involves acting as a lawyer, secretary, driver, etc.

If the problem is unsolvable, then care for the elderly must change. You may have to work on adapting the home to the characteristics of an elderly family member.

How is care for the elderly ensured if children live far from their parents? Maybe ask the neighbors to visit them and let them know how they are doing? Perhaps caring for the elderly requires cooking for them and cleaning the premises. Sometimes it's enough just to provide an elderly person with a device that would help him move around the house, perform hygiene procedures, etc. Caring for the elderly does not always require you to be near them around the clock.

Sometimes social workers can take care of the elderly. This will allow the elderly person to maintain their independence. However, if you feel that it is difficult for him to take care of himself, to go about his daily activities, then it is better to think about how to provide care for the elderly on an ongoing basis.

Find out which local organizations provide care for the elderly. If an elderly relative lives at home, it is important that the caregiver has her own key to the apartment. No one is safe from emergencies, and if you want to provide care for the elderly, it is better to prepare for them in advance.

What are the challenges you face while caring for the elderly?

Of course, a loving son or daughter strives for parents to live in comfortable conditions, to be looked after. When you are sure that the elderly are being cared for properly, you can go about your business in peace.

Living with your parents is not always possible. However, you can visit them regularly, offering your care to the elderly mother and father, helping with household chores.

Call your parents regularly, write to them and remind them that you love them. Whatever situation you are in, remember that caring for elderly parents is your responsibility.

Of course, everyone's situations are different, and care for the elderly is carried out in each family in its own way. Some have the opportunity to transport their parents to their place. Sometimes parents do not accept care from their children, striving to remain independent. Some children are ready to pay for the services of a nurse or a nursing home, while others simply do not have the funds for this. It doesn't matter how care for the elderly is provided. The main thing is that all family members should be comfortable from this.

Most often, the care of the elderly falls on the shoulders of those who live near them. Of course, a son or daughter should strive to provide care for elderly relatives, but you should not put your life on pause because of this. Adequately assess your strengths and do not take on an exorbitant burden. Try to redistribute responsibilities among other family members.

The one on whose shoulders the care of the elderly has fallen can become exhausted, because it takes a lot of time and effort. Be realistic and if you feel you can't provide the care your elderly relatives need, ask for help.

Of course, watching your parents grow old is very painful. Caring for elderly relatives is accompanied by sadness, anxiety, disappointment, anger, guilt and frustration. Sometimes an elderly person says hurtful words, but you should not be offended by him. Psychologists say that to overcome any unpleasant feeling that, for example, caring for elderly parents causes you, it is enough to recognize and accept it.

Do not keep feelings to yourself, tell about your experiences to relatives or friends whom you can confide in. Through such a conversation, you will become more balanced and able to provide care for elderly parents. You will understand how you really feel. Remember that caring for the elderly is not easy, and emotional outbursts are simply inevitable.

Sometimes it happens that relatives cannot provide care for the elderly, as they do not have the necessary skills and means for this. In such a situation, it is advisable to transport the grandmother or grandfather to a nursing home. You can visit your parents regularly. Such institutions will provide care for the elderly, and you will be sure that elderly parents are under supervision.

Caring for the elderly is no easy task. Emotional problems are likely to arise sooner or later. Caring for the elderly is a question that is solved differently in every family, and there is no right or wrong answer. Try to plan wisely how you will provide care for the elderly, cooperate with other relatives, communicate with friends and loved ones, and, most importantly, honor your parents, no matter who they are.

You will be calm and satisfied knowing that you have done everything possible to ensure that your elderly parents are properly cared for.

Care and care for the elderly: who provides such a service

1) Social worker

You can find social workers even in the smallest town. They provide the following types of care for an elderly person:

    Assistance with hygiene procedures;

    Monitoring the implementation of medical prescriptions;

    Caring for the elderly involves providing assistance with medical procedures, escorting to the clinic, etc.;

    Purchase of food, medicines at the expense of a pensioner;

    Caring for the elderly involves helping with food preparation;

    Help with eating;

    Caring for the elderly involves helping with cleaning the premises;

    Washing, ironing;

    Escort during the walk.

Positive and negative aspects of a social worker in caring for the elderly:

    Services are provided free of charge;

    The social worker has a medical education, if necessary, he can provide medical assistance;

    A social worker can provide both one-time and round-the-clock assistance;

    In order for a social worker to provide care for the elderly, you will have to collect a large number of documents. First of all, you need to apply to the social service center. Care of an elderly person by a social worker is provided only to persons who have an appropriate medical certificate.

    Care for the elderly provided by a social worker is not for all the elderly;

    Care for the elderly is provided if close relatives of a pensioner cannot take care of him due to illness, disability, living away from him, frequent business trips.

2) Nurse is a health worker trained in caring for and caring for the elderly. Such work requires patience, hard work, a sense of humor, compassion, sincerity. Of course, finding a nurse with all these qualities is not so easy.

Care for the elderly can be paid by the hour or on a full-time basis, that is, the caregiver lives with the elderly.

Positive and negative sides of a carer in caring for the elderly:

    Elder care services may be temporary and billed by the hour;

    An elderly person does not need to move to a nursing home. Care for the elderly is carried out at home;

    Family members may not like the fact that a stranger is constantly present in the house to provide care for the elderly;

    There is a chance that you or an elderly relative will not get along with the caregiver in character;

    Confidence. Caring for the elderly falls on the shoulders of the nurse, who will be next to him constantly. Make sure that this is a person you can trust, because it is very difficult to control her activities. We recommend hiring a nurse through an agency, getting acquainted with the recommendations of previous clients. Care for the elderly and its quality is in your hands!

3) Specialized boarding house (care for the elderly with accommodation)

A private boarding house is a specialized country hotel that provides medical services to its guests. As a rule, it is located in a quiet, secluded place. However, getting to him to visit your dear grandparents is not difficult. Your concern for elderly relatives is important to them and should not be neglected.

Such a boarding house offers not only accommodation, care and care for the elderly. The institution is specially equipped for the life of the disabled and the elderly. Special medical services are provided here, rehabilitation programs are offered. In addition, grandparents live an active life here, communicate with each other, walk, and the staff of the boarding house give their attention and care to the elderly.

Caring for the elderly in a country house is not limited to medical services and care. A cultural program is provided for them, which includes attending concerts, picnics, organizing meetings, watching films together, and musical evenings.

Alas, most of us associate a nursing home with an unpleasant institution where older people have to "live out" their lives. The thing is that public institutions are underfunded and cannot provide proper care for the elderly.

The state nursing home offers its services for a small amount. The cost of treatment, food, accommodation in a private boarding house, of course, is higher. But is it worth saving when it comes to such a thing as caring for elderly relatives?

Positive and negative aspects of the services of boarding houses in caring for the elderly:

    Care for the elderly is provided by highly qualified staff. They provide comprehensive care. The boarding house has sophisticated equipment that is simply impossible to install at home. Nurses and doctors monitor the health of clients. A nurse can only alleviate the suffering of a pensioner, while the boarding house seeks to improve the quality of his life;

    Caring for the elderly is not limited to housing and care. Rehabilitation programs are offered to guests. The elderly are entertained by animators. Retirees eat healthy food, and through hobby activities they restore their interest in life and work;

    Caring for the elderly in a boarding house involves the development and selection of an individual program that is adapted to the characteristics and needs of the client;

    An elderly person can live in a boarding house for several days, during the rehabilitation period, or move permanently;

    Care for the elderly is provided by a huge staff. Thanks to this, each ward can choose a nurse who will suit him;

    You will have to spend a lot of time choosing a boarding house that meets all your requirements. Do not judge the institution by the photos posted on the site. Visit boarding houses in person, get to know the staff, read customer reviews. Remember, caring for the elderly is your responsibility, and the well-being of the elderly relative depends on your choice.

    An elderly person, most likely, will not immediately decide to move. As a rule, this is due to the fact that, in his understanding, the nursing home is a gloomy place. Try to visit the boarding house with an elderly relative so that he can see with his own eyes the conditions in which pensioners live.

In our boarding houses we are ready to offer only the best:

    Round-the-clock care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 meals a day full and diet.

    1-2-3-seater placement (for recumbent specialized comfortable beds).

    Daily leisure (games, books, crossword puzzles, walks).

    Individual work of psychologists: art therapy, music lessons, modeling.

    Weekly examination by specialized doctors.

    Comfortable and safe conditions (comfortable country houses, beautiful nature, clean air).

At any time of the day or night, the elderly will always come to the rescue, no matter what problem worries them. In this house, all relatives and friends. An atmosphere of love and friendship reigns here.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, following international acts, enshrined a number of individual rights of paramount importance. In addition to the right to life, a person is guaranteed the right to social security in cases established by law (Article 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), the right to health care and medical assistance (Article 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), the right to housing (Article 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) and other rights that are usually called social.

In legal acts fixing the guarantees of the right to social security, various concepts are used, denoting certain ways of rendering assistance to a person by the state. This is about:

1) state social assistance, which refers to the provision of "social benefits, subsidies, compensations, vital goods."

2) social services as a set of actions performed in favor of certain categories of persons.

The idea of ​​social security is humane and has many merits, but in modern conditions it does not exhaust all aspects of social support for citizens in need of assistance. By bringing the idea of ​​social care to the discussion of legal science, we are far from thinking of making a revolution in the accepted and long-established terminology. The task is different: in order to avoid the routinization of the social security industry, it is necessary to outline the prospects for its further development. With all the stability of the values ​​on which the idea of ​​social security is based, it is necessary to take into account the values ​​of human activity, self-realization, solidarity and dignity, which are currently being brought to the fore, are gradually being included in the number of basic ones. It is with this that our attempt to substantiate the concept of "social care" as a legal category is connected. Care in this case should be considered not only in the form of lump-sum or periodic payments, but also in other forms. One of the meanings of the word “care” is attention to the needs, needs of someone, care for someone. In turn, the legal meaning of the term "care" can be different. In this work care will be considered broadly as "social care", i.e. activities to meet the needs of a person in need of care, carried out by the state represented by its bodies, as well as organizations and individual citizens, including family members of this person.

Social care is carried out, for example, through the payment of alimony by family members, and when providing charitable assistance to citizens or social institutions, and when an elderly citizen is placed in a social institution.

In modern conditions, many people in need of care and care, for various reasons, cannot count on providing them with assistance from members of the primary social unit - the family. Nevertheless, due to such an objective neediness, they have the right to claim the provision of care from the society of the entire social collective.

The combination of justice and compassion in the phenomenon of caring seems reasonable. The desire to help stems not only from one compassion (pity), this feeling, in turn, is dictated by the ideas of justice that live in the human mind. The boundaries of ideas about justice are dynamic, and only legal awareness in its statics will help determine which subjects the law should protect at the moment. Therefore, social care is a mobile phenomenon subject to changes depending on the level of social material well-being.

Draft article for "Polyarnaya Pravda"
Author - Shtyleva L.V., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

In light of the upcoming "fertility increase" campaign, it's time to talk about attitudes towards those who have already been born. According to experts, at least 40% of children are subjected to domestic violence, in 38% of cases, cruelty against a child is manifested by parents. In schools, 16% of students experience physical violence from teachers, 22% - psychological violence. In 44.5% of cases, the tormentors and rapists at school are our children's peers. In other words, cases where violence is committed by a stranger and a person unknown to the child make up only a small percentage of crimes against children. Most violent acts are committed by family members and close relatives of children: parents, older brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts.

Pictures from the "exhibition" of life.

Guess what words you most often hear when watching parents communicate with children, for example, on the beach? You will be very surprised, but these are the words: "I told you -" No! ". As a rule, they are pronounced by women, because most children "rest" with their mothers, young or very young women. the sea, they want to communicate with them, play, answer their questions, they want their parents to watch how they dive, how they swim and build sand fortresses, etc., etc. But the children categorically do not want "boiled vegetables" to lie next to their parents on the sand, they don’t want to be on the beach from morning to evening under the hot sun for the sake of some breathtaking tan.

Beautiful mothers want rest in the sense of peace, sunburn, comfort, and to be less distracted from this set of small pleasures. The behavior of young male fathers, who increasingly began to appear on vacation "in the family circle", resembles the behavior of lions in a pride. Most of them are not distracted by trifles for children: they are “above the fight”, contemplate the sea and periodically cool off in it, sip beer, play with mobile phones and sometimes with children, listen to music and call food peddlers with a “royal” gesture, periodically presenting the family with pies , roasted sunflower seeds, boiled corn and other beach food.

The trouble is not that the interests of generations and views on beach holidays diverge in the most radical way, but that, as a rule, relations with children are clarified in the highest tones with threats, slaps, insults, sanctions, children's tears and astonished misunderstanding, Why are parents so cruel and rude? One gets the impression that children, by and large, greatly interfere with adults, that no one needs them even when their parents are sure that they came to the south "for the sake of children", put themselves and the family's budget on the altar of improving their offspring .. At the same time, for sure, parents do not realize that they use psychological and physical violence against their children, grossly violate the rights of the child, humiliating his human dignity. Truly: - "We wanted - the best. It turned out - as always" ...

We can say that "sketching on the beach" is a special case of relations between children and adults. But the family is a territory closed to outsiders, a space of personal relationships, which in itself is not bad if these relationships are based on the principles of humanism, respect for the personality of everyone, regardless of age, health, material status and other signs. All the information that society receives about family relationships is, as a rule, indirect, and only in some situations, relations between family members proceed in front of strangers. Society must be very attentive and sensitive in order to be able to assess the degree of well-being or danger of these relations by indirect signs and episodes of relations between parents and children accessible to direct observation. Dangers, first of all, for the life, health and psycho-emotional development of the child.

What "gods" do we pray to?

Everything is known in comparison, the longer you live, the more you notice and reflect. Comparing the attitude of parents towards children in Russia and in other countries of the world, for example, in Germany, Norway, Sweden, not to mention the United States, is not in our favor.

The main difference, in my opinion, is that there is a lot of violence and cruelty in the attitude of Russian parents towards their children, which are perceived as the norm of upbringing, as an inevitable component of the "culture" of family, more precisely, parent-child relationships.

In our class, at least a third of classmates, both boys and girls, were subjected to ill-treatment, or, more simply, physical punishment. Recently, in one of the gymnasiums in Murmansk, the director bitterly said that during the next medical examination, bruises were found on the body of a ten-year-old boy. The parents, whom the teachers invited for a conversation, did not refuse the obvious, on the contrary, the father said that he would continue to beat him if he considered it necessary. The child's mother agrees with her husband's methods. They hurried to transfer the child to another school ...

Children are children everywhere. In any country, they get sick at the most "inappropriate" time for their parents, cry and act up for unknown reasons, lose something, forget, soil their clothes and tear their shoes, fight, break and break, do not justify their parents' hopes, get bad grades, etc. In general, children all over the world give their parents not only pleasure, but also all sorts of inconveniences and troubles.

Nevertheless, who among us who have been abroad in recent years has seen children who are poked by their parents in order to be in time somewhere? How many have you seen on the streets of "not our" cities roaring children, whom adults are dragging by the hand, periodically stopping to hiss something in the child's face with the most frightening expression on their faces? How many rude shouts and remarks "in front of everyone" addressed to children, including teenagers, have you heard? Most likely, do not remember or remember with great difficulty. Why do we behave differently?

My friend told me how she decided to celebrate the 30th wedding anniversary with a "cult trip" with the participation of her granddaughter. We chose a boat ride along the canals of St. Petersburg. The tour lasted about an hour and a half without stopping. Of course, 20 minutes after the start of the journey, the six-year-old granddaughter was itch to go to the toilet, which was simply not on the small boat. For the rest of the time, the child endured painfully and made appropriate grimaces, while the girlfriend was nervous and angry. As soon as the boat docked at the embankment, she and her husband picked up the child and rushed off to look for a toilet, reprimanding her granddaughter how wrong she was and how she ruined the whole trip. In addition, the frustrated grandmother awkwardly turned and smashed her granddaughter's nose with her elbow. In general, they "celebrated" to glory. My friend is a very good, warm-hearted woman, but it never occurred to her to demand that the organizers of the excursion make an unscheduled stop and help the child. On the contrary, as a result of the negligence on the part of businessmen of the natural needs of their clients, a little girl turned out to be guilty and injured.

Of course, there is no family for a family, exceptions from the general context can be found in any country, both for better and for worse, but the dominant attitude is obvious: a culture of child abuse has taken root in Russia, children are anything for us, but only not "privileged part of the population" in the sense of care and love. By "we" I mean both the family and the state.

The price of the question, or: get "change" ...

Since the early 1990s, we have witnessed an unprecedented increase in all kinds of violence against children, which goes hand in hand with the degradation of the culture of relations between people in general. Judging by the horrendous number of homeless children at train stations and basements, social orphans in mushrooming shelters, the ever-increasing number of "refuseniks" in maternity hospitals and the meager number of adoptions, regular reports of babies in dustbins, rampant pedophilia and child prostitution in the vastness of Russia, children are not an "unconditional value" either for the state, or for society, or for their parents.

The question is natural: is our society losing the ability to provide all children with the starting opportunities to become human beings? Is it capable of creating conditions for the normal satisfaction of the basic needs of each child: in cognition, communication and meaningful activity?

"Any situation of violence in which a child finds himself (an object or witness of violence) is negative, hinders or distorts the development of his personality, is the cause of many psychological or socio-psychological problems that can accompany a person all his life.". (*)

A child who has been abused does not learn the norms of socially positive relations in communicating with people, cannot properly adapt to life in the future by creating a family, treats his children and elderly parents cruelly, easily decides to use violence against other people in any situation.

At one of the conferences of women's organizations in the mid-1990s, I was shocked by the speech of a woman from Altai. She desperately appealed to the audience, describing the terrible conditions in which the inhabitants of the Altai Territory found themselves in settlements with total unemployment, without a livelihood, forgotten by the authorities and left to the mercy of privatizers. Describing the situation of children and youth in areas engulfed in hopelessness, poverty and total drunkenness, she threw a terrible prophecy into the hall: "A generation of mankurts is growing, who in ten years will horde through Russia and take revenge for being betrayed in childhood." This prophecy surfaced in my memory in the summer of 2006, immediately after the news of the brutal murder in Altai of a family of four tourists, two of whom are children of preschool and primary school age. The killer, a young man of less than 18 years old, took people's lives because of the desire to take possession of their car, and did not repent of his deed at the trial.

Every time I think about "mankurts" when facts of cruelty and humiliation of human dignity among conscripts emerge in the media, reports of the murder of homeless people, guest workers, wealthier peers by teenagers .... The young and embittered are still training on the weakest and defenseless.

Looks like the prophecy is coming true...

"The involvement of a child in one form or another in a situation of violence leads to the development of such psychological personality traits as, on the one hand, rudeness - rudeness, hooliganism, inability to behave, disrespect and insult to another person, and, on the other hand, servility - sycophancy. , hypocrisy, servility "(**)

Why is someone a mother, and someone is worse than a stepmother ...

I consider myself a consistent advocate for gender equality and justice for women. Whenever journalists on the TV screen or in a newspaper article habitually vilify women, addressing them all the problems associated with problems in the lives of children, with an unacceptable attitude towards children, I am overwhelmed by the desire to protest against such a formulation of the question. Children are not formed by budding. Every child has at least a biological father who may or may not become a father in the socio-legal sense of the word. Public opinion leaves men free to choose. A woman who gave birth to a child, according to society, is deprived of such a choice. She is an "unconditional mother". But mothers, just like fathers, are not born. They become. Rumors about the "innate maternal instinct" is one of the many social myths that has been cultivated for not so long - only since the end of the 18th century. It follows from this that all females, reaching childbearing age, in an incomprehensible way are already ready to become mothers who are willing and able to love their children and provide them with proper care.

Life has clearly shown that this is not so, that such a premise is also a myth, and a very dangerous one, and associated with a whole range of other myths that are stubbornly supported and reproduced with obvious political goals.

The pressure of social stereotypes on young women, which is due to their ability to bear children, is so great that the decision to have a child is often an insufficiently prepared and free choice of women themselves. Often, this is a forced concession to society, the consequences of which become a problem both for young parents, especially for young women, and for society.

Considering the historical love of our population for showing off and freebies, the "demographic program" announced by the Government, without serious social and psychological support for preparing young people for responsible parenthood, is fraught not with improvement, but with a deterioration in attitudes towards children. Simply put,

For starters, we would like to raise those who have already been born healthy and normal people, protect them from violence and cruelty, warm them with love,
seriously discuss the "children's issue" and the issue of responsible parenthood,
to form a comprehensive state program to support childhood and socially responsible parenthood, including a system of financial preferences in favor of a family with children, a set of benefits and benefits.
Unfortunately, it is not customary for us to seriously discuss issues of parental responsibility with young people, to tell the truth about how much and forever the life of two who gave birth to a third changes. Moreover, these changes relate to the financial situation of the family, the well-being of which decreases by 30% with the birth of the first child and even more with the birth of subsequent children. According to socially responsible and honest scientists, the absolute majority of Russian families with children are in the group of poor and very poor in terms of per capita income, especially families with one parent. It is equally important to be prepared for the fact that after the birth of a child, you have to share not only material well-being with him, but, above all, your time, your spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual forces. And not according to inspiration and schedule, but daily and in unlimited quantities, and the older the child becomes, the more ...

In order to cope with the new role and take care of the child properly, without taking out their irritation on him, parents need personal maturity, great endurance, a conscious readiness to overcome difficulties, a willingness to sacrifice ... And this applies equally to women and men .

If the maternal role has formed in the public consciousness, at least in the form of a set of gender stereotypes, then the issue of paternity and the image of a "real father" is not discussed at all. Somehow, by default, the father is the one who "feeds the family" and ... punishes.

For 10 years, we have surveyed teachers - students of the Faculty of Advanced Studies of the Pedagogical University on the problems of educating girls and boys. To the question: - "What, in your opinion, are the differences between maternal and paternal upbringing in the family?" - the majority named rigidity and severity as the main characteristics of "male upbringing". Among the characteristics of "father's upbringing", based on ideas about the qualities characteristic of men, there were strength, rudeness, will, exactingness, the ability to order, intolerance. Love and understanding were mentioned much less often, kindness even more rarely.

Certainly, our society has much to think about, especially when comparing the new generation of caring and understanding fathers in the Scandinavian countries with our ideas about "correct" fatherhood.

In other words, contrary to the myth of the "innate maternal instinct", women should not become mothers if they are not yet morally ready for motherhood, if they do not have complete information and freedom to choose a solution, if society puts too much pressure on them with stereotypes, and the state does not create high-quality programs support for families with children, and as a result, life after the birth of a child becomes unbearably difficult. Otherwise, the situation of the last decade will continue, when the number of births decreases, and the number of social orphans increases.

Men need special preparation for socially responsible fatherhood no less than women for motherhood. They need to learn how to be warm and sensitive, caring and emotional in dealing with children, redefine their role in the family and find a new balance between family and career.

Of course, no difficult material or housing circumstances that arise in a family in connection with the appearance of a child can serve as an excuse for cruelty in the treatment of children (and during the war years, children were raised, loved, cared for, gave the last piece of bread, saved at the cost of their lives. ..) .

Chat Invitation:

Unfortunately, a distinctive feature of the Russian mentality is a tolerant attitude towards violence and cruelty. Based on the experience of the work of the Murmansk Crisis Center for Women "Shelter", we were convinced that there is a certain resistance to recognizing the problem of violence against women and children, both at the level of public opinion and at the level of attitudes among specialists. At the same time, only for 10 days of the regional campaign "Protect me!" (1999) 142 cases of abuse of children by relatives were revealed. In 2006, the Murmansk Women's Crisis Center "Shelter" registered 1,241 appeals, of which 1,180 calls were made to the Helpline. 159 times during the year, the provision of assistance was associated with domestic violence against women, including in 8 cases women were subjected to sexual harassment and rape. 35 appeals were directly related to dysfunctional parent-child relationships in the families of Murmansk residents.

The mistreatment of his many victims and wrongdoings can continue for generations without exposure or intervention.

The first thing to start with, in our opinion, is to remove the "seal of silence", let adults who, in their childhood, experienced violence and abuse from their parents or other family members, speak out. The society must finally hear what a child feels who is beaten "for the purpose of education", who is bullied in one way or another by parents and other family members. It is necessary to show what then happens to a person as a result of abuse in childhood, how does the experience of violence affect his character and fate?

Finally, let the children themselves speak, against whom even today cruel methods of treatment are used.

I would like to hear the opinions of parents and teachers who are sure that physical punishment is an effective way of education.

Society is obliged to "look at itself in the mirror" and see its true face in relation to children. The newspaper is ready to become a "mirror" for society. We invite you to speak up and discuss the problem. Those who wish can also apply to the Murmansk crisis center "Shelter", which since December 2006 has been providing assistance not only to women, but also to children against whom domestic violence is used. Opening hours - from 12 to 21 from Monday to Saturday, tel - 226875 and 79113002662.

(*) Protecting children from abuse / Under the editorship of E.N. Volkova - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007, 256s. - p.10
(**) ibid.

Old age often becomes a period when regular help and support is needed. This is especially true for lonely elderly people.

Statistics show that 53 percent of Russians believe that relatives should take care of the elderly. But how to be lonely, for whom there is simply no one to look after? In this situation, the responsibility for them lies with the state. It is his social guarantees and social protection, as well as the quality of assistance provided to lonely old people, that become indicators of the civilized society.

We are talking about this with the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan Elmira Zaripova.

– Elderly people in the republic turned out to be the fastest growing age group. This means that more and more support from the state is required. Meanwhile, Federal Law No. 442 outlined the need for a differentiated approach to determining the forms of social state support, emphasizing that assistance should be provided only to those who really need it. In addition, in order to receive public services, a person must apply to the social security authorities himself. Elmira Amirovna, can't these two points - a differentiated approach and a declarative nature - objectively leave without the help of citizens who cannot live independently?

Let's start with numbers. In 2015, 18,229 people received services at home; today, 16,148 people are receiving services, which are provided by 2,035 social workers. In order to ensure that no single elderly person is left without help and proper care, we have created working groups of specialists from territorial social protection agencies and comprehensive centers for social services for the population. They, without waiting for appeals, bypass elderly Tatarstan residents themselves.

The government of Tatarstan has established additional categories of citizens entitled to free social services at home, regardless of the size of the average per capita income

Last year, people over 80 visited. Right in their apartments and houses, we studied the conditions in which the elderly live, what they need. We analyzed which of them is really lonely, who needs extraneous care. As a result of such rounds, 307 elderly people were helped to restore social ties - they were taken to live by their relatives, 103 pensioners were registered for home-based social services, and eight were placed in nursing homes for the elderly and disabled.

This year we are going around the elderly over the age of 70, as well as the disabled of the first and second groups. To date, 337.6 thousand citizens over 70 years old live in the republic, of which 44 thousand are single.

- The new legislation allowed the regions to expand the list of citizens entitled to receive free social services at home. What has been done in the republic in this direction?

- The government of Tatarstan has established additional categories of citizens who are entitled to free social services at home, regardless of the size of the average per capita income. These are people living alone or in families whose members, for objective reasons, cannot provide assistance and care for the elderly: disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War; combat invalids; former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention; citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, at the Mayak production association and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Techa River, as well as citizens from special risk units. In 2016, by decision of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, this right was also extended to pensioners living alone in rural areas.

To cover social services for lonely elderly people living in rural areas and remote areas, our comprehensive centers use the outreach form of work "Mobile Brigade". It is also used for prompt response in emergency situations that threaten the life and health of elderly citizens. In addition, the "Mobile Brigade" carries out scheduled trips to carry out explanatory work on socially significant issues.

Starting this year, the category of pensioners entitled to free service also includes war veterans who served at air defense facilities, were awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad", and also worked in the rear from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 less than six months. Thanks to this innovation, since June of this year, another 779 people in 42 districts of Tatarstan began to receive free social services at home.

- Social care at home is the main and most preferable form of assistance to an elderly person - both for himself (he remains in his usual home environment) and for the budget (it is quite economical). But there are situations when the elderly either cannot find a common language with their relatives, or they cannot live independently even with the support of social services. And then they have to while away the rest of their lives in boarding schools. Most fellow citizens perceive the state nursing home as the most extreme measure. Is it so?

- In the system of social protection of the population there are several types of institutions for lonely old people: 26 boarding houses for the elderly and disabled (1885 beds) and 6 psycho-neurological boarding schools (2440 beds). They are home to 1859 and 2428 people, respectively, while 84 percent of those living in boarding schools are citizens of retirement age, and about 36 percent of those living in psycho-neurological boarding schools. Released from prisons, homeless people and beggars, previously convicted persons live in special boarding houses.

Nursing homes provide medical care and care, because the main goal of such boarding schools is to create favorable living conditions that meet all the requirements of state standards. But we are not limited to this. We introduce innovative technologies of social work and new types of services; we improve the medical, professional, labor, social rehabilitation of disabled people.

Particular attention is paid to leisure, because properly organized free time improves the mental state of the elderly. Residents of boarding schools are happy to engage in scrapbooking, decoupage, art weaving, beading, knitting. Events dedicated to honoring veterans are not uncommon in boarding schools; volunteers and schoolchildren come here. These actions are carried out not only with budget money, but also at the expense of sponsors and philanthropists.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the project "Our Dear Veteran", which has been implemented in Tatarstan for two years. As part of this project, not only living conditions are being improved in nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, but much is being done to restore social ties between veterans and war veterans. In 17 boarding schools we have one veteran veteran, one resident of besieged Leningrad, four widows of war veterans and 129 home front workers. We plan to place them only in single and double rooms.

Properly organized free time improves the mental state of the elderly, says Elmira Zaripova

- Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to eliminate queues in nursing homes by 2018. How is this installation carried out in the republic?

- As of September 26 this year, 77 Tatarstan residents are in the queue for receiving social services in nursing homes for the elderly and disabled. In order to reduce the waiting list, as well as to ensure that the elderly person lives in a homely family environment and improve the quality of life, boarding schools are working to find relatives and restore family ties.

This year, for example, the Guest Room project was implemented in boarding schools. That is, conditions have been created for meetings with relatives, former colleagues, and colleagues. And there are already results. Life situations are different, and after such meetings, for example, in the Jalil nursing home, the daughter took her old mother to her, who lived in this boarding school for a long time.

In addition, we decided to try to follow the path of placing older single people in foster families. It should be noted that the practice of foster families for the elderly in Tatarstan was before. In Zelenodolsk and Sarmanovsky districts, outsiders took in elderly people for permanent residence and took care of them. Now our ministry has prepared a pilot project, according to which, in the coming year, 30 pensioners who have partially or completely lost the ability to care for themselves will be placed in foster families. The Government of Tatarstan intends to pay compensation to families that have taken care of disabled people in the amount of up to 8,000 rubles.

life goes on

Don't get bored

Yuri Antonov danced the lady with the director of the Menzelinsky boarding school

Yuri Antonov was not even fifty when he was crushed by a concrete beam and he lost his leg. Now he is a wheelchair user and has been living in the Menzelinsky boarding school for eight years. He calmly talks about how he got there, because he made this choice himself:

- The children did not want to let me go, they persuaded me to stay at home, they were even offended ... But I insisted. First of all, I didn't want to burden them. Secondly, it’s boring at home, the only entertainment is to sit in front of the TV all day. And here I don’t have a free minute, I don’t have to be bored. We constantly participate in various events, we are engaged in circles, sections, we are either taken to the cinema or to the theater. I even visited Kazan for the World Aquatics Championship. Thanks for this to the leadership of our republic, which made it possible for us, wheelchair users, to visit such an amazing competition. I was impressed that I could move everywhere in my wheelchair without any problems.

Yuri Nikolayevich is the winner of various sports competitions, and recently he took up dancing. His mistress, which he performed in tandem with the director of the Menzelinsky boarding school, Irina Ismagilova, brought them victory in the republican competition "My Years - My Wealth", which was held in September as part of the first specialized exhibition "Active Longevity" in Kazan.
