What age can you get married in Japan. The so-called "suitable" age for marriage in different countries

Where can you get married at 12, and where you shouldn't think about getting married before 22?

“My Vanya was younger than me, my light, and I was 13 years old,” Tatyana’s nanny described her marriage in Eugene Onegin. Indeed, back in the 18th-19th centuries, the church set the marriageable age at 13 for women and 15 for men. It was believed that at this age young people are already ripe for married life, and since boys mature later, they need to marry later. Only in accordance with the imperial decree of 1830, the age of marriage was raised to 16 for the bride and 18 for the groom. Now in Russia, both men and women can get married at 18, but in different countries the age of marriage varies greatly.

Scotland: 16

In almost all European countries, you can get married on your own from the age of 18. But there are exceptions - for example, Scotland, which from time immemorial has been considered a paradise for lovers. As now, it was allowed to marry from the age of 16 without parental consent, while back in the 18th-19th centuries, parents in England could forbid their children to marry until the age of majority, which then began at 21 years old. And so the young from all over the island fled to Scotland. Until 1940, there was a provision under which it was enough to declare your desire to become spouses in front of witnesses, and the marriage was considered concluded. It was also valid in England.

It is no coincidence that the tiny village of Gretna Green, closest to the English border, has gained romantic fame. Young people came here as best they could: some by land, some by sea, some openly, some secretly. Often they were pursued by angry relatives. For example, in 1782, John Fane, Earl of Westmorland, escaped to Gretna Green with the daughter of a London banker. Her father organized a chase, and the pursuers shot the main horse in the harness, on which the young lovers raced in the mail coach. But that didn't stop them. Having cut the reins, they continued on their way, breaking away from the chase, reached the village and got married.

There was also a curious tradition in Gretna Green: the wedding ceremony was performed by a blacksmith who acted as a priest and a witness. By the way, you can swear allegiance under the blows of a hammer on an anvil even now. Only for the marriage to be valid, you still need a priest. He can conduct the ceremony in one of the rooms of the old forge, and then the newlyweds will undergo a ceremony with an anvil.

USA: 15-21

In the United States, the age of marriage varies and is determined by the laws of each state. In most cases, it is 18 years for both men and women, and with the consent of the parents - 16. But there are exceptions. For example, in the state of Georgia, young people can get married at 15 with parental consent, and at 16 without their consent if they are expecting a child. In the state of New Hampshire, with the consent of the parents, girls can get married at 13 years old, and young people - at 14. In Massachusetts, the highest marriage age is up to 21 years without the knowledge of the elders, you cannot put a stamp in your passport. But the lower threshold for marriage with the consent of the parents is not defined. But still, in practice, young people are allowed to start a family from the age of 17, and girls - not earlier than 15.

China: 20 and 22

China has the highest marriage age in the world: 20 for women and 22 for men. But it was raised to this limit relatively recently - the modern law on marriage came into force on January 1, 1981. It is believed that by this age people can become quite independent both emotionally and financially and make an informed choice.

Interestingly, in medieval China, the situation was completely opposite. Then, according to the law, 20 years was the age limit at which a girl could get married. Men could marry up to 30. Such were Confucius' ideas about marriageable age. Girls could marry from the age of 13, and young people from 15. Compliance with the law was controlled by a special official: he compiled lists of 30-year-old men and 20-year-old women in his region and ensured that, upon reaching the threshold of marriageable age, they formed couples and got married. If young people still did not dare to tie the knot, they should have understood: now they will have to remain a bachelor all their lives.

India: 18 and 21

Now, Indian girls can officially marry from the age of 18, and young people from the age of 21. But it was not always so. The tradition of child marriage has flourished in India since ancient times. The 1921 census identified over 600 girls under the age of one who were already married. Mahatma Gandhi, the spiritual leader and main ideologist of the Indian national liberation movement, was worried about the problem of children's weddings. On his behalf, the law of Sardis was developed, preventing early marriages. Ironically, it was prepared by the famous lawyer Harbilas Sarda, who himself had been married since the age of 9. By the way, Mahatma Gandhi himself got married at the age of 13.

However, many Hindus still have no laws. The 2001 census showed that 3 million Indian women became mothers before they were 15 years old. Child marriages can be arranged during mass marriages that take place regularly in Indian settlements.

One of the explanations for the tradition of early marriages is that in the 11th century Muslim conquerors came to India. They regarded unmarried Hindu women as spoils of war. Fearing for the fate of their daughters, parents began to marry them off in infancy. Then the conquerors left, but the tradition remained. Now there is an economic explanation for this. Child marriage is actively practiced among the lower social strata. By marrying off their daughters at an early age, parents reduce the cost of their maintenance, since from that moment on, the husband's family is responsible for the young wife. But not just like that: she receives free labor to help with the household.

Tunisia: 17 and 20

Girls in Tunisia can marry from the age of 17, and young people from 20. But today's young people prefer to start a family later. It is normal for men to get married here after 35, and women get married easily at 25 and even 30 years old. For a Muslim country, this is very late, given that even less than a century ago, 14-year-old brides here did not surprise anyone. It's just that the country is actively developing: women get an education, can relax abroad, including without the accompaniment of men, often dress in European style.

But not only the course towards gender equality became the reason for raising the age of marriage. One of the reasons is the high cost of the festive ritual itself. The wedding is celebrated for seven days. At the same time, not only the newlyweds, but also their closest relatives, friends and girlfriends should appear at the celebration in rich outfits, and a man, before entering into marriage, should be able to provide for his young wife. In addition, for treason in Tunisia, a prison term is required for both women and men. Therefore, local residents try to approach the creation of a family consciously.

Ecuador: 12 and 14

In Ecuador, the age of marriage is one of the lowest in the world: 12 for girls and 14 for young men. Traditionally, it was believed that it was at this age that young people grow up and mature in order to become parents. But now the law does not encourage early marriage in Ecuador. The minimum marriageable age is set at 12 and 14, but if any of the couple is under 18, the consent of their parents or guardians will be required. In fact, everything is simple: parents usually give consent, and teenagers get married. There are especially many early marriages in rural areas.

By the way, the population census conducted by the Ecuadorian Institute of Statistics and Qualifications (INEC) in 2001 revealed 23,869 married teenagers aged 12-17. The 2010 census showed that the number of marriages among minors decreased by 43.3%, to 13,517. True, the country's authorities have recently decided to raise the age of marriage. A new Ecuadorian Code of Civil Procedure is already being prepared, which will establish a uniform age for marriage: 18 years. And no concessions - from the age of 12 and 14, teenagers will not be able to marry even with the consent of their parents. The government decided to take these measures due to the fact that such a low age of marriage now actually violates the rights of children - having married, many children quit studying. Especially girls who are traditionally raised primarily as future wives and mothers.

In which country in the world can you get married at 12, and where you should not think about getting married before 22?

In almost all European countries, you can get married on your own from the age of 18. But there are exceptions - for example, Scotland, which from time immemorial has been considered a paradise for lovers. As now, it was allowed to marry from the age of 16 without parental consent, while back in the 18th-19th centuries, parents in England could forbid their children to marry until the age of majority, which then began at 21 years old. And so the young from all over the island fled to Scotland. Until 1940, there was a provision under which it was enough to declare your desire to become spouses in front of witnesses, and the marriage was considered concluded. It was also valid in England.

In the United States, the age of marriage varies and is determined by the laws of each state. In most cases, it is 18 years for both men and women, and with the consent of the parents - 16. But there are exceptions. For example, in the state of Georgia, young people can get married at 15 with parental consent, and at 16 without their consent if they are expecting a child. In the state of New Hampshire, with the consent of the parents, girls can get married at 13 years old, and young people - at 14. In Massachusetts, the highest marriage age is up to 21 years without the knowledge of the elders, you cannot put a stamp in your passport. But the lower threshold for marriage with the consent of the parents is not defined. But still, in practice, young people are allowed to start a family from the age of 17, and girls - not earlier than 15.

China has the highest marriage age in the world: 20 for women and 22 for men. But it was raised to this limit relatively recently - the modern law on marriage came into force on January 1, 1981. It is believed that by this age people can become quite independent both emotionally and financially and make an informed choice.

Now, Indian girls can officially marry from the age of 18, and young people from the age of 21. But it was not always so. The tradition of child marriage has flourished in India since ancient times. The 1921 census identified over 600 girls under the age of one who were already married. Mahatma Gandhi, the spiritual leader and main ideologist of the Indian national liberation movement, was worried about the problem of children's weddings. On his behalf, the law of Sardis was developed, preventing early marriages. Ironically, it was prepared by the famous lawyer Harbilas Sarda, who himself had been married since the age of 9. By the way, Mahatma Gandhi himself got married at the age of 13.

Girls in Tunisia can marry from the age of 17, and young people from 20. But today's young people prefer to start a family later. It is normal for men to get married here after 35, and women get married easily at 25 and even 30 years old. For a Muslim country, this is very late, given that even less than a century ago, 14-year-old brides here did not surprise anyone. It's just that the country is actively developing: women get an education, can relax abroad, including without the accompaniment of men, often dress in European style.

In Ecuador, the age of marriage is one of the lowest in the world: 12 for girls and 14 for young men. Traditionally, it was believed that it was at this age that young people grow up and mature in order to become parents. But now the law does not encourage early marriage in Ecuador. The minimum marriageable age is set at 12 and 14, but if any of the couple is under 18, the consent of their parents or guardians will be required. In fact, everything is simple: parents usually give consent, and teenagers get married. There are especially many early marriages in rural areas.

Average age at first marriage is on the rise in all EU-28 countries, but differences are large across countries

Data on the total number of registered marriages and divorces provide only a very general idea of ​​marriage trends. In addition, the Eurostat database provides more detailed information on first marriages - number and distribution by sex and age (in completed years) since 1990. Based on these data, age and total marriage rates and the average age at first marriage for men and women were calculated. Overall estimates for the EU-28 as a whole are not presented as data are incomplete.

According to the latest estimates of the average age at first marriage presented in the Eurostat database, the differences between the EU countries in the average age of grooms reach 6.9 years (from 28.6 years in Poland to 35.5 years in Sweden), and in the average the age of brides is 8.4 years (from 25.9 years in Romania to 34.3 years in Ireland). In most countries, the average age of men at first marriage is 2-3 years higher than the average age at first marriage of women (Fig. 5). The exceptions are Portugal, where the differences are minimal (0.1 years), and Ireland, where the average age of brides at first marriage in 2011 was almost a year higher than the average age of grooms at first marriage (34, 3 versus 33.4 years).

Figure 5. Average age at first marriage for men and women in EU-28 countries, years, 2011*

*Belgium - 2010; Cyprus - 2007; United Kingdom - no data


According to data for previous years, there was no such excess of the average age of brides compared to the average age of grooms. In 2011, the average age of brides who first married in Ireland increased by three years at once (from 31.3 to 34.3), but no disruption of the time series was noted (Figures 6.1-6.4). It is possible that this estimate will be adjusted in the future, but, one way or another, Ireland undoubtedly belongs to the countries with the highest average age at first marriage - more than 30 years for women (Fig. 6.1). In Denmark and Sweden, it was already around 28 years in 1990, and steadily increased in subsequent years, especially in Sweden. In Finland, France, Italy, Spain, the average age at first marriage for women was about 26 years old in 1990, and by 2011 it had increased by 4 years or more.

In the early 1990s, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Estonia had the lowest average age of brides entering into a first marriage - from 21.5 to 23.0 years. Despite the upward trend, these countries still have a relatively lower average age of women at first marriage, which ranges from 25.9 to 28.4 years, while in 11 countries of the EU-28 it exceeds 30 years.

Most of all, the average age of brides entering marriage for the first time increased in Ireland (by 7.7 years), Hungary (by 6.6 years), the Czech Republic (by 6.5), Slovakia (by 6.0), Spain (by 5.7), Slovenia (by 5.5), Estonia (by 5.4) and Sweden (by 5.3 years). The average age of brides at first marriage increased the least in Cyprus (by 2.9 years), although the data for this country with a relatively small population are somewhat incomplete and unstable.

Figures 6.1-6.4. Average age at first marriage for women in EU-28 countries, years, 1990-2011

Source: Eurostat. Marriage indicators (Last update 11/19/2014, Extracted on 01/15/15)

In contrast to the average age of women at first marriage, the average age of men at first marriage was already above 30 in the early 1990s in two countries, Denmark and Sweden (Figures 7.1-7.4). At the same time, in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe, the average age of grooms entering into marriage for the first time was 4-5 years lower.

The increase in the age at first marriage for men has occurred, as for women, in all EU-28 countries. The largest increase was noted in Slovakia (by 7.0 years), Hungary (by 6.9 years), the Czech Republic (by 6.7 years), Estonia (by 5.9 years), and Spain (5.7 years). According to the available data, the least increase in the average age at first marriage occurred among men in Portugal (by 2.1 years) and Latvia (by 2.4 years).

Now the average age of grooms entering into marriage for the first time exceeds 30 years in 21 EU countries, including 33 years in five (Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Ireland). In four more countries - Bulgaria, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania - it is from 29 to 30 years, in Portugal and Poland - a little less than 29 years.

Figures 7.1-7.4. Average age at first marriage for men in EU-28 countries, years, 1990-2011

Source: Eurostat. Marriage indicators (Last update 11/19/2014, Extracted on 01/15/15)

In addition to the average age at first marriage, an important integral characteristic of marriageability, closely related to it, is the total marriage rate for first marriages, which shows the expected number of marriages (usually by the age of 50) per man or woman of a certain conditional generation, while maintaining the same age intensity of marriage (age marriage rates). In contrast to the similar indicator for real generations, the value of which cannot exceed 1 (a first marriage can be entered into only once in a lifetime), the value of the total marriage rate for first marriages for a conditional generation can exceed 1 when the age model of marriage is rejuvenated (increasing the intensity of marriage marriages at younger ages). With the aging of the age model of marriage, the value of the indicator decreases and takes on extremely low values ​​that are not typical for real generations. This is exactly the situation observed in the EU-28 countries.

The value of the total marriage rate for women's first marriages in 2011 ranged from 0.4 in Luxembourg, Hungary, Bulgaria, Spain and Estonia (Fig. 9.1) to 0.8 in Lithuania and Malta (Fig. 9.4). Or in other words, if the age-specific marriage rates (for first marriages) of 2011 were maintained during the marriageable period by the age of 50, from 40% to 80% of women would have entered into a first marriage.

In the group of countries with the lowest total marriage rates for women's first marriages, the lowest value of the indicator in the early 1990s was observed in Slovenia (slightly more than 0.5), while in Bulgaria and Portugal the value of the indicator was quite high (0.9 ).

In the Czech Republic, the total marriage rate for first marriages for women was around 1 in 1990, and by 2011 it had more than halved (0.46), lower than in many countries with lower total marriage rates in the early 1990s ( Fig. 9.2). The decrease in the total marriage rate in Austria, Great Britain, and France was moderate and, rather, one can speak of a stabilization trend. In Latvia, there was an increase in the coefficient in 2002-2007 (from 0.44 to 0.66), followed by a decrease (to 0.41 in 2010).

A longer, albeit modest, increase in the total marriage rate for women's first marriages was seen in Denmark, from 0.60 in 1990 to 0.81 in 2008 (Figure 9.3). Then it was replaced by a rather sharp decline - to 0.59 in 2011. A noticeable increase in the total marriage rate was noted in Poland (in 2005-2008) and Romania (in 2003-2008, and in 2007 its value exceeded one).

For Sweden, which in the early 1990s was characterized by low values ​​of the coefficient (0.4), in the 2000s a moderate increase in the indicator (up to 0.6-0.7) became characteristic. In Finland, Greece, Croatia, as well as in Lithuania and Malta, after a period of decline in the 1990s, there was a tendency to stabilize at a level of about 0.7-0.8. In Cyprus, where the value of the indicator before 2004 was noticeably higher than one and was subject to significant fluctuations, the period of growth gave way to a sharp decline - in 2004-2006, the value of the indicator fell by half (Fig. 8.4).

Figures 8.1-8.4. Total marriage rate for first marriages of women in the EU-28, first marriages per woman, 1990-2011

Source: Eurostat. Marriage indicators (Last update 11/19/2014, Extracted on 01/15/15)

Trends in the total marriage rate for first marriages of men are generally similar: in countries with higher values ​​of the indicator, in the early 1990s, as a rule, its decrease was observed, and in countries with low values, stabilization and a moderate increase (Fig. 9.1- 9.4). Deviations from the main trends were noted in the same countries and in the same years as for the total marriage rate for women's first marriages.

In 2011, the lowest total marriage rates for men's first marriages were observed in Luxembourg (0.35), Bulgaria and Hungary (0.36 each), Spain (0.37) and Slovenia (0.38). In other EU countries, its value exceeded 0.4. The highest values ​​of the indicator were noted in Malta (0.77) and Lithuania (0.75).

Figures 9.1-9.4. Total marriage rate for first marriages of men in the EU-28, first marriages per man, 1990-2011

Source: Eurostat. Marriage indicators (Last update 11/19/2014, Extracted on 01/15/15)

A couple of centuries ago, young girls went to the altar at the age of 13-14, young men got married a little later - at 15-16 years old. Such age limits in those days were established by the church.

Moreover, early marriages were common throughout the world.

Now the situation has changed, but even today the age limit for concluding a legal union is not the same in all countries. So, from what age can one get married in Japan, and in Ecuador to become a legal spouse?

Marriage age around the world

An analysis of the legislation of different states shows a very interesting picture. The minimum age for legal marriage varies from 9 to 22 years. Moreover, in some countries the marriageable age of young people is 2-3 years higher than that of girls.

How old do you have to be to get married in the US?

The vast majority of US states have set the minimum age for marriage at 18 for both parties.

Of course, there are exceptions.

For example, in Georgia, young people who have reached the age of 15 have the right to enter into an official union, however, with the permission of their parents.

From the age of 16, the consent of the elders is not required, but only if the couple is expecting a child.

The United State of New Hampshire has also set its own age limits. Here, girls who have reached the age of 13 and 14-year-old boys can create a cell of society.

Massachusetts scored the highest bar. Young people under the age of 21 cannot put a stamp in their passport without the knowledge of their parents.

With the approval of a mother or father, America gives consent to girls for marriage - as early as 15 years old, and young people can marry at 17.

Minimum age for marriage in European countries

In Europe, the minimum age for marriage is between 14 and 21 years.

  • So in Germany, the government allowed girls to become wives as early as 16 years old, and young people have the right to enter into a legal marriage only from the age of 21.
  • In the UK, young people went to a meeting and set the same “minimum threshold” - 16 years for each of the parties.
  • The French are allowed to marry at 15 and 18. For the male half, the age limit is naturally higher.
  • The lowest minimum threshold in Italy is 14 for girls and 16 for boys.
  • In Andorra, it is allowed to create official unions from the age of 16, and the court can also decide to allow young people to get married at 14.

In all other European countries, the minimum age for marriage is 18 years.

How old can you get married in the CIS countries?

In the CIS countries that were previously part of the USSR, the minimum age for marriage is practically the same as in Russia.

  • So in Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, a minimum of 18 years is provided for both spouses. But in some countries there are still exceptions.
  • So in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, girls are allowed to marry from the age of 17, and boys to marry from the age of 18.
  • In Tajikistan, with the approval of parents, you can become a bride as early as 17, but a groom - not earlier than 18.
  • The legislation of Kazakhstan provides for the official age for marriage for the stronger sex - 18 years, for women - 17 years, but with the consent of the parents, you can get married already from 16.
  • The most unusual system in Afghanistan is the official age of marriage for men is 18 years old, for the fair sex - 16 years old. But in some cases, girls have to get married very young - at 8 years old.

How old do you have to be to get married in Japan?

In Japan, late marriages are common. But the state in the Land of the Rising Sun also set a certain minimum. You can get married here no earlier than 18 years old, and get married - no earlier than 16.

At what age can you get married in India?

There has been a tradition of child marriage in India for a long time. Even at the beginning of the last century, girls were given in marriage at the age of 10.

Everything changed in 1928, when it was forbidden to take a girl down the aisle before she turned 12. And since 1978, it is allowed to officially marry in India from the age of 18.

True, the law has not yet been written to the inhabitants of some villages. Child marriages are still performed during mass marriages in Indian villages.

Minimum age of marriage in Ecuador

In Ecuador, people get married early, you can even say that child marriages are officially allowed here.

Thus, the minimum age limit for marriage of girls is 12 years, boys - 14 years.

In the South American Republic, they are sure that it is at this age that young people are already ready to become parents, which means they have the right to enter into a marital union.

But despite the fact that early marriages are allowed in Ecuador, they are not encouraged by the state. If the future spouses have not reached the age of 18, then parental permission will be required to create a family.

Average marriageable age in different religions

In many countries, as before, they are guided not only by the law, but also rely on religious views. And for different religions, the age of marriage will be different.


In Christianity, the age of marriage is not exactly defined, but religion still sets age limits. Although marriageable age, the age when you can get married, does not always coincide with civil.

In Orthodoxy, there is the so-called "Pilot Book", which contains two age limits: 15 and 13 years; 14 and 12 years old. Accordingly, the upper bar is for men, and the lower bar is for women.

The Stoglavy Cathedral, according to this book, set the age of marriage at 15 and 12 years.

But for Russia, such a bar turned out to be unacceptable. The Holy Synod introduced its changes. Since 1830, men can get married - from the age of 18, and women from 16.

The Catholic Church allows young people who have reached the age of 16 and girls from the age of 14 to perform a wedding ceremony.


Islam does not prescribe a specific age for marriage.

As the Muslim "law" says, it all depends on the individual.

But children should create families only after reaching physical age.

According to Sharia, both parties must be mentally prepared to create a cell of society.


Judaism is one of the religions that encourages early marriages. Boys from the age of 9 are considered men here, but they can marry only after stepping over the 13-year milestone. The fair sex, according to the Talmud, are considered women from the age of three. This means that from this time marriage is possible. At such a young age, the girl could be married off by her father, since until she reaches the age of 12 she is completely in his power.


Hinduism also allows child marriages. A girl is considered an adult at the age of 12, and a young man at 16.

True, a couple can create a new cell of society even before the groom reaches the age of majority.

But there is another tradition. Having entered into an early marriage, the young cannot stay together for a long time: the girl spends most of the time in her parents' house. Only after she turns 18 can she fully move into the house with her husband.


In Buddhism, there are no specific age limits for marriage.

In our country, the age of marriage for men and women is the same - 18 years. In exceptional cases, you can get married at 16, or even at 14. As a rule, pregnancy becomes an exceptional case. Permission for early marriage is usually given by the local administration, in some areas by the governor.

In particular, in Chechnya in 2008 the parliament of the republic lowered the age of marriage to 16 years.

In many countries, the "groom" age is set by religion and local traditions. In Yemen, Qatar and Oman, a girl can become a wife at the age of 9, or even earlier. The same age of nine is considered optimal for marriage in Nigeria and Kenya. In Venezuela and Colombia, grooms become at 14, and brides at 12. In Egypt and Algeria, a man can marry at 18, a woman at 16. In England, it is allowed to get married and marry at 16, in France the bride must not less than 15 years old, and the groom - 18. In Japan, you can get married at 18, and get married at 16. In China, it is not allowed to become a husband before 22 years old, and girls can become legal wives at 20 years old.

In neighboring countries, the age of marriage is almost European. For example, in Azerbaijan - 17 years for women and 18 years for men. But recently, in many areas, cases of unregistered marriages with girls under the age of 15 have become more frequent.

For early marriage in Uzbekistan, you can go to jail. Marriage in this country is allowed at the age of 17 for girls and at 18 for boys. However, in Islamic traditions, it is customary to marry much earlier. Over the past fifteen years, the age of brides has decreased by two years. Therefore, in 2013, the country's parliament introduced amendments and additions to the Criminal Code and the Code of Administrative Responsibility of the Republic of Uzbekistan: for entering into marital relations with a person under the age of marriage, administrative and criminal liability is applied. It is interesting that the parents of the "newlyweds" can be punished for an oversight in the same way as the "newlyweds" themselves.

According to the WHO European Bureau, the highest rates of early marriages are in Tajikistan and Moldova.

Help "RG"

In Russia, in 1744, by the Decree of the Synod, the age of marriage for brides was set at 13 years old, and 15 years old for grooms. In 1830, by decree of Nicholas I, the age of marriage for both sexes was raised by 3 years. In 1744, the age limit for marriage was set at 80. On this occasion, the Decree of the Synod said: "Marriage is established for the multiplication of the human race, which is very desperate to hope from having for 80 years." In other countries, the age of marriage was set by religious norms. So, Catholics were allowed to get married at 12 years old, and marry at 14 years old. Protestants of both sexes could legalize relationships at the age of 14. Sharia norms allowed 15-year-old suitors to marry 9-year-old girls.

On November 3, 1965, the UN General Assembly adopted a voluntary norm establishing a minimum marriageable age of at least 15 years.

In ancient Rome, the age of marriage for girls was at least 12 years old, for boys - 14. True, the age of marriage did not at all imply the age of consent to sexual relations. Perhaps the first law regulating the age of consent dates back to 1275, when a provision appeared in English law establishing the status of a petty offense for the "seduction" of "a minor within the age" with her consent. "Within age" was probably interpreted as "under marriageable age", which at the time was 12 years old.

Young brides in world literature

1. The nanny of 17-year-old Tatyana Larina was allegedly married at the age of 13.

"Who is not bored to be hypocritical,
Repeat one thing differently
Trying to make sure
What everyone is sure for a long time,
All the same to hear objections,
Destroy prejudice,
Which were not and are not
A girl at thirteen!"

"And full, Tanya! In these summers
We haven't heard of love;
And then I would drive from the world
My dead mother-in-law."

A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin"

2. The age of the beautiful Juliet is known more reliably (13 years).

Signora Capulet:

That's the problem...
Nurse, leave us; we need
Talk alone. - Wait, come back.
I remembered that you should
Be present during our conversation.
You know that Juliet has grown up...


I will count her years hour by hour.

Lady Capulet:

She is not yet fourteen."

W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet"

3. Natasha Rostova appears in the novel at the age of 13, in love with Boris Drubetskoy. It was 1805. Very soon there will be an engagement with Prince Bolkonsky: "She was at that sweet age when the girl is no longer a child, and the child is not yet a girl." However, the writer married his heroine late:

“Natasha got married in the early spring of 1813, and in 1820 she already had three daughters and one son, whom she desired and now fed herself.”

Leo Tolstoy, "War and Peace"