Social problems of the student family. The difference between a host family and a student residence. Pros and cons

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  • Introduction
  • 1. The specifics of the student family
  • 2. The main problems of the student family
    • 2.1 Study and family
    • 2.2 Problems of the student family and their solution
  • Conclusion
  • List of used literature


The student family is a rather complex and still little-studied object of research. Accordingly, there is not much literature on this topic, as a rule, studies refer to the late 80s, early 90s of the last century.

High motivation for marriage among students exists already in the first year. According to researchers, 70% of the first-year students surveyed consider it possible to marry in student years; 27% prefer to get an education first and then start a family; 3% are already married. The view of students on the functional load of the modern family reflects the orientation towards the psychologization of the family: the psychological function occupies a dominant place in it (about 80%).

Student families are created and developed according to general laws. They have the features of an ordinary young Russian family. Therefore, many problems of the student family are considered through the prism of common features of the modern family.

The student family, due to the closeness of the ideological and moral characteristics of the spouses, has the potential ability to function successfully. However, there are a number of transient socio-economic, pedagogical and administrative-legal factors that make it difficult to implement positive attitudes towards the successful functioning of the family during the student years. The purpose of the study was to determine the specifics of a student family and to study the factors influencing the success of a student marriage.

1. The specifics of the student family

Students are a large group of young people. More than 5 million students study in 896 universities of the country, including more than 2 million 600 thousand full-time students. 55% of university students are women. The results of a number of studies conducted in the universities of the Russian Federation indicate that the proportion of seminal students has recently been increasing.

This process corresponds to the general trend of marriage rejuvenation, the kinetics show that by the age of 25 more than 80% of women and about 70% of men enter Iraq (compare: 20 years ago, respectively, 70% and 60%). Students are no exception. In addition, more than half of the students are women, and the desire of the latter to start a family in the most favorable years for this is understandable. Another factor that affects the number of students who came to the university from the Russian Army, from enterprises, preparatory departments.

Statistics show that by the age of 25 more than 80% of women and about 70% of men are getting married. Students are no exception. In addition, more than half of the students are women, and the desire of the latter to start a family in the most favorable years for this is understandable.

According to the Family Service, today more than 55% of girls get married before the age of 20. The main reason for early marriages (according to a survey conducted by employees of one of the registry offices) among girls is the fear of being left alone. If we also take into account that in the country every fourth or fifth is single, and this circumstance is very serious, then it is not difficult to understand young people.

An important aspect of the problem under consideration is the change in attitude towards student families on the part of parents, public organizations and university administrations. It becomes more bearable. In many universities, families are given assistance and support: places in a hostel are allocated, cash benefits are issued, and, if possible, conditions are created for combining study and raising children. All this to a certain extent makes life easier for student families. The attitude towards marriage and family life is also changing among the students themselves.

Conducted in 1988, a study of the problems of student youth of the republic (surveyed 3186 people) by employees of the PNILSI BSU. V. I. Lenin showed that 35.9% of students consider it expedient to start a family during their student years. They think that it is inexpedient - 26.6%. 15.2% of the respondents were married. These answers indicate that a third of students have a positive view of creating a family while studying at a university, and half of them not only verbally have a positive attitude towards marriage during these years, but also create families themselves.

The specificity of student marriage lies in the peculiarities of the activities of the spouses - study, their temporality social position. Graduation, assignment to work, in the long run favorite work - these are the components of the spirituality of student marriage.

Sociologist D. M. Chechet rightly believes that the prospect of joyful events in family life, the creation of " light spots» along with other components contribute to maintaining a high emotional, cultural and intellectual tone of life in marriage.

In a homogeneous student marriage, the expectation of a joyful long-awaited prospect of graduation from a university has a double effect, since a change in social status will occur for both spouses. Thus, the similarity of long-term goals determines main point characteristics of student marriage.

According to their composition, student families are divided into two large groups: those with (60.4%) and those without (39.6%) children. The reasons why a significant part of family students refrain from expanding their families are mostly objective. The main of them students call study, constrained living conditions, material difficulties, as well as difficulties associated with looking after a child. The social origins of married female students and married students are diverse. More than a third come from families of specialists with secondary and higher education, a little less - from families of workers. About a fifth of family students have collective farm parents. The study revealed the similarity of social origin in 57.2% of spouses. Apparently, the homogeneity of the social environment for the upbringing of boys and girls, which ensures the similarity of interests, habits, social attitudes, contributes to their emotional rapprochement and the creation of a family.

At the same time, it should be noted that social origin plays an ever lesser role in choosing a marriage partner. The spread of socially heterogeneous families (in our study, 42.8% have different social origins) indicates the process of convergence of social groups in our society, the erasure of differences between them. The institution of marriage and family is increasingly losing its estate, class character. At the same time, there is a certain "planning", the desire (primarily the parents of a girl, a young man) to find a groom or bride in his circle. This trend is observed most often among workers in science and culture. It persists among students as well. In particular, a study in 1988 showed that only 51.5% of the respondents do not consider the different level of education of boys and girls to be an obstacle to marriage.

The student environment is distinguished by a diverse ethnic composition: the majority of students are Belarusians (72.9% of men and 65.4% of women), a significant part are Russians (14.1 and 20%), there are Ukrainians (5.9 and 5.4% ), Poles (3.6 and 5.4%), as well as other nationalities (2.6; and 1.3%). According to our data, nationally mixed marriages account for 52%. These are mainly couples consisting of Belarusians and Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians, Belarusians and Poles, i.e. representatives of similar cultures. The bulk of single-ethnic couples are Belarusians, which is a reflection of the ratio of students based on nationality that has developed in the republic. Our students are characterized by the absence of national prejudices in marriage. Only 12.7% of the students surveyed; gave an affirmative answer to the question “Can another nationality of your loved one serve as an obstacle to entering into marriage with him?”. Students marry most often in their senior years, when the end of the university and the distribution to work (at least for one of the spouses) is nearing. The age of marriage for men is 22-24 years, for women 20-22. The most numerous group consists of married couples with an experience of one to two years; (39.8%). A little less, with experience up to one year (37.7%). The rest (22.5%) have more than two years of family life.

Quite often, students believe that it is much easier to create a family during their studies at a university, especially for women, since subsequently their chances noticeably decrease (with increasing age, with a change in place of residence, where the contingent of men or women is not suitable enough, etc.).

Now, however, the question arises less and less - to start a family in your student years or not. A survey of experts in all universities of the republic (representatives of trade union committees, party committees, administrations, committees of the Komsomol) made it possible to establish that most of them approve of student marriages. Many of the respondents started a family during their student years and believe that marriage during this period has a beneficial effect on the formation of a person: it makes them feel responsible to the family, university, and society. Family students have more serious attitude to study and the chosen one; professions, they especially value independence in work, are more focused on achieving success in professional work. Marital status has a beneficial effect on the student's value orientations, contributes to the development of intellectual and social needs.

However, these arguments, which can also be put forward as research hypotheses, need additional confirmation, and in any particular case, the question of marrying during the years of study or not is far from being idle.

2. The main problems of the student family

2.1 Study and family

Are students the main source of reproduction of the country's intellectual potential? Soon he will have to take on his shoulders the development of science and technology, culture and art, and bear responsibility for the fate of the Motherland. The progress of society depends to a large extent on the quality of the acquired knowledge, social position, moral character of the modern student. (The social maturity of the students is characterized by their attitude to learning - the main work of students). At the same time, the growth trend of student marriages can be considered a sign of the times and a peculiar characteristic of the student environment. Is this combination justified both personally and socially? After all, official approval and unofficial point of view do not always coincide. Opponents of student marriage point to the social immaturity of young people, the lack of a material base and their own housing, the incompatibility of studying at a university and performing family functions as decisive arguments. Is this really so?

The state, as you know, is taking real steps to improve the conditions of study and life of students (stipends are being increased, dormitories are being built, student life is improving, etc.).

Parents of students also provide significant financial assistance. However, 80% of the surveyed family students are dissatisfied with their financial situation. The need to replenish the family budget and related work significantly distract family students from their main type of study. family students do not contribute to the successful acquisition of knowledge.However, we are well aware that almost any young family today needs material assistance, and the student family is no exception.

Supporters of student marriage give their arguments. Today, serious economic transformations are taking place in society, the pace of social, emotional and moral emancipation of young people is accelerating, their sexual maturity is becoming earlier. All this gives rise to a number of problems of a moral-psychological and medical-biological order. In this regard, the family represents a unique microenvironment for students in the sense that it allows them to constantly satisfy (remove) a number of vital age-related needs: in love, rest, intellectual communication with the chosen one, psychological comfort, etc. Because of this, family students in experience discomfort to a lesser extent, and this allows them, in turn, to more rationally distribute their daily time, devoting a significant part of it to study.

The study concluded that the family is not the main obstacle to successful study and participation in social work. There are other factors that make it difficult to study at a university. We will analyze the main ones. For students, study is primary. But the ability and desire to learn, and most importantly, the desire to master a particular profession, as a rule, do not arise by themselves (spontaneously) upon enrollment of applicants in a higher educational institution. Only a good desire to master a profession is not a reliable guarantee of the formation of inclinations and professional qualities. A rare applicant fully understands what constitutes the essence of his future profession, what knowledge, skills and abilities it requires, what system of training will lead to mastery of the specialty and the formation of the necessary personality traits. And therefore, schoolchildren entering a university for formal reasons doom themselves to a certain extent to a choice error, which subsequently affects their studies and professional training. Of the 3186 students we surveyed, only 35.8% consciously entered the university (prepared in circles and studios, studied at correspondence schools at the university, regularly participated in olympiads, graduated from a special school in their future specialty). The majority (64.2%) entered the university without taking into account personal capabilities and the specifics of the future profession, only out of a desire to get a higher education, or the prestige of the university and specialty, or a low competition, or for company with friends.

It is clear that for the development of a student as a specialist, appropriate prerequisites are needed, the main indicators of which can be a professional orientation and appropriate pre-university training of young people. Usually, a professional orientation means a positive attitude, interest in the profession, a tendency to engage in it. The concept of orientation also includes needs, emotions, attitudes, interests and inclinations, ideals and beliefs. If pre-university training meets the requirements of the higher education system, then studying at a university creates a direct opportunity for the student to realize the need for higher education. If not, then there is a need for additional efforts of the student to develop and improve knowledge, abilities, skills that meet the requirements of the chosen profession. The success of mastering the profession will depend on how much the student develops the need to master the profession. And in this sense, not all students who got into a university by accident are hopelessly lost to society as qualified specialists. In the process of studying, under the influence of various factors, they may show interest in the profession they receive. For this category of students, the psychological and pedagogical atmosphere of the educational institution, the quality of teaching, the material and technical base, the technique and methodology of the educational process and practical exercises are of particular importance.

However, we have to state that today only 29% of students out of all those surveyed in the course of the study are satisfied with the content of education.

Students make serious claims to teachers of educational institutions. Many of the respondents noted the incompetence, illiteracy of some teachers, their professional inadequacy. These circumstances reduce interest in learning, turn learning into a formal process, and thus, to a certain extent, discredit university education. Students note an inadequate assessment of their knowledge, rudeness, arrogance and incorrectness of some teachers in relation to students, a patronizing attitude towards those who have influential relatives. In such conditions it is very difficult to study well and achieve the required quality of professional training. Students, including family students, believe that it is, of course, possible to improve the quality of academic performance and change the attitude of students to learning as an objective necessity. To do this, it is necessary to improve the quality of teaching, create social guarantees when distributing to work, depending on the quality of the acquired knowledge, moral and physical costs. It is necessary to ensure the educational process modern technology, good textbooks and scientific literature.

It is noteworthy that all students (both family and non-family) associate their studies at the university with future benefits. There is a reason for this. A well-trained specialist has the right to count on appropriate remuneration from the society.

Among family students, we assumed to identify a set of life values ​​and performance characteristics typical for this category of students, which, as it seemed to us, had some differences from the same indicators for non-family students. At the same time, we proceeded from the fact that their marital status encourages them to take a more responsible attitude to their studies, to mastering a profession, to more specific and real life orientations. This was confirmed in the students' answers about life goals. 90.4% of family and only 22% of non-family students would like to receive a good salary immediately after graduation, 82.8% and 3.8% of students, respectively, would like a comfortable apartment. The assumption that family life negative impact on performance has not been confirmed. Significant discrepancies in the levels of performance of family and non-family students could not be found. The following distribution of answers to questions about the academic performance of family students was obtained (in % of the number of respondents):

In general, family students study well. This applies equally to wives and husbands. / The following feature was also recorded: family life, despite the difficulties of everyday life and financial difficulties, for a significant part of the students (41.1% of men and 34.6% of women) was a factor stimulating study. They began to study better after they got married. Family and study turned out to be acceptable and compatible for them. When communicating, spouses, as a rule, often discuss their studies, provide each other with all possible assistance in preparing for classes, during sessions. However, there is some relationship between learning outcomes and family factors. One of them is having children. Thus, 18.5% of married students and 31.2% of married female students note that family affairs, the difficulties associated with caring for a child (if they are done in good faith), take a lot of effort, time and interfere with studying well. Students with children have a higher percentage of underachievers among both women and men. As a rule, those students who have children and a poorly organized life most often fall into the dropout because of poor progress.

The combination of educational and family activities depends to a large extent on the type of organization of family life, which, in turn, is related to the level of readiness for marriage.

Interesting data on the combination of educational and family activities by spouses in various types families. However, the latter noticeably interferes with the studies of women from anarchic-type families with a child. Typically, these women are adverse conditions. Marriage for them creates a situation in which "family life interferes with study, and study interferes with the family." More than half of them study at "satisfactory". Among men, "suffering" from the family are also "anarchists" most often. The disorganization of family life, the disunity of spouses also affect the results of study. In conditions of psychological discomfort, it is very difficult to achieve the required quality of professional training. The most favorable results from combining educational and family activities are observed in families democratic type(recall that they are 81.5%): almost half of the husbands and wives began to "study better after they got married, study also does not interfere with the family." 65.8% of men and 63.5% of women from these families study without "triples".

The quality of education is significantly influenced by the participation of students in research work. In the conditions of scientific and technological progress and social transformation, the formation of a specialist is firmly associated with the formation of the student's qualities of a researcher, a creatively thinking worker, able to independently navigate in a huge flow of scientific and social information, quickly master new promising areas and areas of activity. For the development of these qualities in the universities of the republic, a system of research has been created and is functioning. All students (especially full-time students) have a real opportunity to participate in the research work of departments, laboratories, scientific circles. Research is a kind of tool that increases the authority and prestige of a student, and for a family student, it can also become a certain material help (in case the university conducts contractual scientific work and the work of students is paid). Moreover, material interest can become a decisive factor in involving a wider range of students in research work. The majority of those involved in R&D have fixed high performance in studies (78.8% study "excellent" and "good"), many enjoy well-deserved respect and authority among their comrades (46.4%).

Of course, not every student can study well and do research work, and not every student can have a family. Obviously, therefore, only a few family students are engaged in research work today (11.8% of women and 24.1% of men). Along with objective reasons, there are also subjective reasons for non-participation in R&D (laziness, unwillingness and inability to study seriously, lack of interest in science in general), due to which the majority of students, regardless of their marital status, remain outside the scope of university research work.

In the life of students, social work is traditional. It allows the student to develop organizational skills, gives the skills of interpersonal communication and behavior in a team environment. In the work of public organizations (Komsomol committees, student trade union committees) there is a process of reassessment of values, a departure from traditional forms work. Republican studies of the problems of student youth showed that 53.7% prefer to work in construction teams, 30.3% to participate in thematic cultural trips and excursions, 28.9% - in debatable political clubs and interest clubs. There is a certain increase in the activity and interest of students in solving student problems. They take an active part in their solution: they speak at Komsomol and group meetings on the problems of educational work (20.6%), take part in organizing students' free time, their work and life in hostels, putting things in order in residential and educational premises, in the work of student canteens and buffets (28.3%), participate in the election of faculty leaders and teachers (11.9%.)....

Student employment in social work is significant. For family students, it is even somewhat higher than for non-family students (60% and 55.3%, respectively). Family students have different motives for participating in social work. Only 15% of families feel the need for it, while the rest participate out of necessity, due to their social status or forcedly, due to pressure from public organizations and administration. Students note that family worries and Small child are the reason for non-participation in public work two to three times less than the lack of desire and interesting things to do. Of course, for married female students, the family and the child become the main reasons for temporary withdrawal from social work. But the lack of interesting cases as the reason for non-participation in public life also indicate female students who do not have children. Thus, it is not the family that is the main culprit in the social passivity of students, but the rigidity of the old forms, the lack of demand by society for the strength and energy of the younger generation.

New forms in a particular field of activity should be built on the basis of equal relations between its participants, the interest of society in the needs of young people, the natural initiative and collective interest of students in the transformation of our society.

It is very difficult to reproduce a socially active and creatively thinking specialist in five years at a university. It would be frivolous to blame the failures in the training of specialists at the university to blame the student family as some kind of artificial obstacle. Family and study, as well as family and work, do not exclude the spheres of human life. The legitimacy of their coexistence is undeniable. They have a moral and legal basis in personal and social terms. This is confirmed by numerous positive examples of married student couples. The success of combining family and academic responsibilities to a certain extent depends on the organization of the educational process, on the degree of attention paid to students by trade union committees, administrations, and deans. Today, almost a third of married students noted dissatisfaction with the attitude towards their families on the part of public organizations and university administrations. The question posed at the beginning of the section, whether study and family are compatible, can be answered as follows: successful combination of study and family activities is quite possible for those who are responsible enough for both, who are organized and purposeful, who have a sufficient level of educational preparation for a profession, positive attitudes and necessary skills for family life.

2.2 Problems of the student family and their solution

In the youth environment, including students, premarital intimate relationships are quite widespread. Almost 70% of university students consider premarital sexual relations acceptable. Thus, among student couples, about 80% had intimate relations with their future spouse before marriage, and 55% and 20% of women noted that they had experience of sexual relations before meeting their future spouse. While stating the fact of the widespread premarital sexual life of students, one should nevertheless distinguish the intimate relationship of a couple in love from the sexual promiscuity of some young people. If we evaluate the reasons for premarital sexual intercourse, it should be noted that almost 60% of students admit the possibility of entering into sexual relations only with a loved one. And only about 12% of the respondents do not see any obstacles for complete freedom premarital relationship. Most of the students surveyed consider premarital intimacy acceptable and morally justified if it is accompanied by love and plans for a future marriage. Almost half of the married couples surveyed were those where the spouses had known each other from one to three years before marriage. At the same time, the acquaintance of almost 70% of the spouses was associated with joint studies, which, of course, led to the commonality of their views, life plans, made it possible to learn and understand the personality of the future spouse.

A student family is created as a result of an active search by young people for a loved one, dear person necessary for happy, full life. The nature of the future marriage is largely determined by the motive, the reasons that led to the conclusion of the marriage union.

It was proved that the predominant motive for marriage among students is love and spiritual, ethical and aesthetic values ​​and expectations close to it.

In the works of Soviet sociologists S.I. Goloda, Z.I. Fainburg, A.G. Kharchev and others, there is a fairly large variety of motives underlying the decision to marry: this is love, and common interests, and the coincidence of tastes, lifestyles, material considerations, chance, etc. At the same time, each the specialist uses his "set" of the most significant motives from his point of view.

Love as the emotional basis of the marriage union prevails over other motives. In marriage, love remains the highest value for most spouses. Preservation mutual love spouses in a marriage are considered one of the subjective characteristics successful functioning of the family. On the basis of a strong, positively colored emotional connection of the spouses, all the difficulties of the difficult period of adaptation are overcome. The nature and strength of feelings determine the level of "social optimism" of spouses-students, namely: immunity to external conditions of existence unfavorable for the family, primarily material and domestic.

Love must be genuine and active, i.e. assume " not receiving egoistic satisfaction, but experiencing joy through the joy of another person, enjoyment through the reflected pleasure of othersatgogo". The authenticity of feelings provides for respect for the rights and dignity of the spouse, his interests, the spiritual closeness of the spouses.

The emotional side of marriage is of paramount importance for young spouses. Satisfaction with marriage for each of them is associated with the nature and strength of feelings. Neither material and living conditions, nor the ability to continue studies without additional difficulties arising from the creation of a family, affect marital satisfaction as much as the character and strength of feelings of young spouses-students.

A connection has been established between the preservation of a feeling of love in marriage and the nature of the use of free time: a fair distribution of household duties between spouses allows increasing the leisure time of a family woman.

Positively colored communication is of great importance for preserving and strengthening the feelings of young spouses. Communication is a necessary condition for a full-blooded, internally rich and emotionally rich life.

One of the main issues faced by students entering into marriage is the housing issue. It is good when young people start living together in a separate apartment, but this is extremely rare. The housing problem of family students to a certain extent can be solved by student hostels. The provision of a room in a hostel to a young family directly depends on the material support of a higher educational institution. Today they are in unequal conditions. In this regard, for example, the provision of dormitories is higher among students of technical universities than those of pedagogical and universities that train cultural workers. Only about half of universities provide student families with places in hostels.

True, it cannot be said that nothing is being done in our country in terms of solving the housing problem of student families. Some universities have a positive experience.

The student family lives today in very difficult material conditions. Most young people at the beginning of their married life are faced with problems that they may have heard about before, but did not think that they would have to solve. In particular, such a small budget, which a young family has, requires special care in housekeeping. And here at least elementary knowledge and skills are needed.

An analysis of the budget of student families, carried out by the Latvian sociologist P.P. Zvidrinsh, showed that, despite some financial assistance from their parents, in material terms, they live in less favorable conditions than the families of young people employed in production.

According to sociologists, today also about 40% of family students have additional earnings. But if among the students of the conservatory almost half of the family students work additionally, then among the future teachers - only 3-5%. Consequently, the opportunity to "earn some money" largely depends on the profession for which the student is preparing himself.

During the period of marital adaptation, the general ideas of spouses about marriage and family are formed. The conflict in a young family occurs precisely because the young spouses have ideas about family life that somehow contradict each other. Under marital conflict in a broad sense, we understand the clash between spouses, caused by the contradiction of attitudes, goals, views, ideals, ideas, etc. in relation to a particular subject or situation.

The main cause of family misfortunes, as L.N. Tolstoy lies in the fact that people are brought up on the idea of ​​happiness and expect it from marriage. But even sometimes, after several months of married life, hot feelings go into oblivion, and only gray, endlessly monotonous, with a mass of the most ordinary and prosaic affairs, weekdays remain.

According to experts, in most student families, conflicts are infrequent and are of a constructive nature, which is noted by 85% of student spouses. A feature of relations in a student family is the concern of both spouses (68% of husbands and 76% of wives) about the emergence of conflicts, regardless of their nature and frequency. Another characteristic feature of student marriage is the diverse content of conflicts. They are connected both with the main aspects of the life of the family, and the most a wide range problems solved by spouses during the adaptation period. This indicates the activity of adaptation processes. If in a mature family the sphere of conflicts is limited and the causes of quarrels are quite monotonous, then in a young family, literally everything becomes a reason for clashes.

What determines the frequency and nature of conflicts? What subjective and objective characteristics of the student family determine them? The way family life is organized affects not only the frequency and content, but also the nature of conflicts. The way in which decisions are made depends on the basis on which family life is organized. The greatest satisfaction with the method of decision-making, for example, was expressed by spouses from families of a democratic type. This is explained by the fact that in these families not only decisions are made jointly, but also the responsibility for their implementation is equally shared. The more the spouses are satisfied with the decision, the more likely it is that a constructive conflict will prevail in this family.

The degree of satisfaction of the student wife with the distribution of housework and childcare responsibilities also has a determining influence on the frequency, nature, and other characteristics of conflicts.

The conflict in the student family is also significantly affected by the dissatisfaction of the spouses with spending leisure time, which is of value in the youth environment. The creation of a family implies the emergence of new responsibilities, which means a decrease in free time. The content of leisure also becomes different.

Conflicts are also influenced by the degree of unity of views, attitudes of the spouses on how it should be organized. It should also be noted that, as a rule, student wives consider mutual love in marriage to be obligatory. Husbands-students are not distinguished by such unanimity.

Thus, from the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Student family - a special type of young family in which the spouses are not more than 28 years old, and the length of family life does not exceed 5 years;

2. The student family is characterized by greater stability than any other young family, because spouses are united by common interests and views, their actions are aimed at learning;

3. The student family is also characterized by greater dependence on parents, because the only source of income is a scholarship or, sometimes, plus some earnings;

4. A student family faces the same material and everyday problems as any young family. The housing issue occupies a special position here. Not all educational institutions provide an opportunity to get family hostels.


Student families are created and developed according to general laws. They have the typical features of an ordinary young Russian family. Therefore, many problems of the student family are considered through the prism of common features of the modern family.

An analysis of the researchers' work allows us to identify several specific problems that are characteristic of most student families: low monetary income; difficulties in reconciling studies and family obligations; difficulties associated with the birth and upbringing of children: there is no one to look after the child during study; small opportunities for extra work.

Among the immediate life plans of student families important place takes the birth of a child. With the advent of the child, the family enters a new, more responsible stage of development. But, various studies show that a certain part of the newlyweds, sometimes contrary to the interests of their families, postpone the birth of their first child due to financial difficulties (not all of them receive material assistance from their parents, many family students have to earn extra money in “ free time”, others - to switch to the correspondence department, or even postpone their studies for some time (and sometimes for good). In about half of the cases, postponing the birth of a child is motivated by difficulties in solving the housing problem.

For married students who already have children, one of the main questions is “Where and with whom to leave the child during classes?”.

Most universities do not have their own kindergartens and nurseries. Less than half of student families have children attending preschool institutions, 30% - the mother is on parental leave.

Another major problem is the lack of free time.

It is noted that with the advent of a child, spouses devote less time to each other, most families do not have time for frequent meetings and communication with friends.

Also, among the problems highlighted by student parents is that many of them are little informed about the benefits provided by the state and the university to families with children.

Difficulties in resolving the above problems can lead to conflicts in the family, deterioration in the health of student families, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in single mothers, an increase in child abandonment, i.e. to the loss of the family of their basic functions. To avoid such consequences in modern society, a developed and established system of measures of social support for student families is needed, as well as assistance to them both from the state and from the administration of universities and public organizations. Student families themselves should play an important role in this. Interest and initiative in solving problems, the desire and ability to equip one's life will greatly contribute to the successful functioning of the student's family.

List of used literature

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10. Schneider L.B. "Psychology of family relations" Course of lectures. - M.: April-Press, EKSMO-Press publishing house, 2000.

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Chapter 1. Problems of the student family……………………………………………4

§1. The concept and general characteristics of student families …………………..4

§2. Material and economic problems…………………………………….7

§3. Socio-psychological problems…………………………………….9

Chapter 2 Possible solutions to the problems of student families…………………12

§1. State assistance………………………………………………………...12

§2. Parental assistance…………………………………………………….…15

Chapter 3 Positive aspects of creating a student family……………18

§1. Emotional climate………………………………………………….....18

§2. Youth is the best time for marriage…………………….…19




One of critical tasks work with youth in modern society is to create conditions for the favorable existence of a young family, in our case - student. A young family, to a greater extent than mature families, needs the help of society and the state, in creating conditions for the implementation of the most important functions: to ensure the reproduction of physically healthy and mentally healthy offspring; be emotionally and psychologically stable; resolve all family conflicts on their own, without resorting to the help of social services; contribute to the material and moral well-being and satisfaction of the personal interests of each family member; create conditions for strengthening the health and good rest of all family members.

When creating a family, young people face many different problems, such as: compatibility of characters, overcoming various crises, planning for the birth of a child and his upbringing, economics, professional growth family members.

From the foregoing, it follows that the relevance of the topic: "Socio-economic and psychological problems of the student family" are relevant to this moment, since students include a large group of the population, as well as public policy, aimed at demographic growth, an increase in the birth rate and the health of the population, is interested in the problems of families, including student families. Well, the very fact that the author of the abstract work is a student and shows a personal interest in this topic.

The student family is a rather complex and still little-studied object of research. Accordingly, there is not much literature on this topic, research, as a rule, refers to the late 80s, early 90s of the last century.

The purpose of this abstract work is to reveal the socio-economic and psychological problems arising in student families.

1. Show possible problems student family.

2. Provide possible solutions to the identified problems.

3. Show the positive aspects of creating a student family.

Chapter 1. Problems of the student family

§1. The concept and general characteristics of student families

student time - this is not only five years, when "from session to session, students live happily." This is definitely also the season of love. It happens that passionate feelings lead to their logical conclusion - marriage .

Under the student family is understood as such a family in which both spouses are full-time students of a higher educational institution, i.e. homogeneous (homogeneous) according to the social status of husband and wife.
This is a young family in which the spouses are no more than 28 years old, and the experience of family life does not exceed 5 years.

In recent decades, negative trends in marriage and family relations among young people are clearly visible. The deterioration of the moral, social, economic condition of young people in general, especially family youth, is associated with a sharply changed political and economic structure in the country. I would like to especially note that over the past decades, there has been a growing positive attitude towards premarital relationships among students. In the literature, this fact is regarded as "evidence of a change social functions family and marriage, their role in the life of the individual, as an integral feature of the process of modernization of demographic behavior in general.

We have an ideal option in the student environment. Young people, having entered the institute, are united by a commonality of views, interests, and a common goal. They are almost constantly together: in the classroom, in the hostel, spend their leisure time together, etc. Therefore, the reason for their choice of a classmate (classmate) as their husband or wife is also understandable.

It is safe to say that the strength of the family is based on mutual love, common interests, the ability to empathize, caring and respectful attitude towards each other.

In our time, there is not and cannot be a national or any other, for example, social barrier to marriage. Therefore, choosing a life partner, a young man or girl seeks to find in him character traits that appeal to him or her.

With a serious relationship between young people and thoughts of marriage, a number of questions immediately arise: "Where do student families live?
What should she live on? What to do when the baby is born?
" etc.

For greater clarity, we present the artistic images of four student families.

Natasha and Sergey met during their studies, met for more than a year. We talked at the institute, spent our free time together. They knew that they would be fine together. We decided to start a family. The institute provided a hostel. True, not immediately, but when Natasha was expecting a baby. The son was born already in his student dormitory room. Often, a grandmother comes to look after her grandson, Natasha's mother, fortunately, lives not far from the city. The family's budget is small, there is only enough for food, a scholarship for both, plus Sergey sometimes earns extra money. And yet, without the help of their parents, they cannot live. Parents buy some clothes, sometimes they “throw” some money, otherwise they gave me a TV set. Financially, of course, it is difficult, you have to save on everything, but Natasha and Sergey believe that their difficulties are temporary. And they help each other in their studies, take turns taking notes on lectures, preparing for exams together. A year later, they graduate from the institute and start earning.

Andrew and Lena In a young family, Andrey immediately felt like the head, he liked being the owner. Lena did not really resist, although, of course, she considered the ideal family, where everything is decided and done together. But, loving Andrei, believing in him, she believes that everything he does is right, her role in the family is secondary. Andrey dreamed of a son, so when Lena felt that she was born in her new life, and told Andrei about this, he was delighted and said that they would immediately sign. Immediately after the wedding, he rented a room in a communal apartment, as the "married" in their university was treated very coolly. Lena is more involved in household chores and with the baby. Andrei disappears for a long time at the institute - after all, the fifth year, scientific work, work in the student trade union committee. Both Andrei and Lena dream of another child so that the family lives in abundance. Lena wants to be a good wife, a true friend to Andrey, to get a separate apartment faster.

Yulia and Volodya met in the hostel where they lived. A few months after they met, Julia announced that she was expecting a baby. For Volodya, this news was unpleasant. Therefore, we can say that their marriage was forced. They were going to get married, because they thought they loved each other, but not so quickly. After the marriage, quarrels began. Volodya believed that a real man can afford an easy relationship with those he likes, he considered marital fidelity a prejudice. Family troubles took away a lot of time and energy from Yulia, and after marriage she began to study worse. Yulia and Volodya hardly did housework. The couple ate in the dining room, each doing their own laundry. Both considered their marriage a failure.

Nikolai and Irina met during the entrance exams to the institute, studied together. Kolya came to the city from a distant village, Irina lived in the regional center with her mother and sister before the institute. Irina attracted Nikolai with her tenderness, her, as he said, "urban habits." They were in no hurry to have children, they devoted a lot of energy to study and social work. From the first days of their life together, Irina and Nikolai had disagreements over the distribution of family responsibilities: who should; buy groceries, clean the room, etc. Quarrels arose because of the ratings of the films watched, because of relations with relatives. Nikolai often reproached Irina for her inability to spend money, and they were just there to make ends meet. Irina wanted to have fashionable clothes, go to some kind of concert, and this required considerable expenses, he did not agree, saying that it was superfluous. In general, conflicts arose in the family quite often, but were resolved painlessly. They did not consider their marriage unsuccessful. They dreamed of graduating as soon as possible, getting housing, and having a decent salary 8 .

Obviously, each family has its own characteristics, but student families reveal a number of problems that are unique to them, which we will pay attention to in this work.

§2. Material and economic problems

The student family, by definition, consists of young people who have not yet taken their place in the world and, accordingly, have not yet sufficiently established their social and material status. Extremely low level scholarships, the possibility of only part-time employment at work constitute a serious obstacle to starting a stable family life. Per capita income of young families is 1.5 times lower than the national average, and 60% of student families live below the poverty line, among which 34% have difficulty making ends meet, which makes it impossible for them to fully perform reproductive and other social functions 2 .

Objectively, the increased financial needs of a young family are due to the need to carry out the process of family life: the acquisition of housing, the organization of everyday life, caring for children, additional leisure costs.

One of the main issues faced by students entering into marriage is the housing issue. Options for solving this problem can be accommodation:

In a separate private apartment

Together with parents

In a private rented apartment

In the room of a communal apartment

In dorm

Almost all student families experience difficulties in acquiring their own housing and, accordingly, in constructing themselves as a separate family. A standard urban dwelling provides minimal comfort to just one family. That's why Cohabitation a young family with parents in a small apartment or in a room in a communal apartment leads to a deterioration in living conditions, crowding, an increase in conflict, which does not contribute to the strength of family relationships. Living in a rented apartment provides a situation of independence, but creates an additional, sometimes overwhelming, financial burden for the student family. To a certain extent, the housing problem of family students can be solved by student dormitories, which, perhaps, are the most profitable, from a financial point of view, living conditions. But the provision of a room in a hostel to a young family directly depends on the material support and internal policy of a higher educational institution, and often does not leave such an opportunity for family students.

Among the immediate life plans of student families, the birth of a child occupies an important place. With the advent of the child, the family enters a new, more responsible stage of development. But, various studies show that a certain part of newlyweds, sometimes contrary to the interests of their families, postpone the birth of their first child due to financial difficulties (not all of them receive material assistance from their parents, many family students have to earn extra money in their “free time”, others - to switch to the correspondence department, or even postpone their studies for some time (and sometimes for good). In about half of the cases, postponing the birth of a child is motivated by difficulties in solving the housing problem.

For married students who already have children, one of the main questions is “Where and with whom to leave the child during classes?”.

Most universities do not have their own kindergartens and nurseries. In less than half of student families, children attend preschool institutions, in 30% - the mother is on parental leave.

Another major problem is the lack of free time.

It is noted that with the advent of a child, spouses devote less time to each other, most families do not have time for frequent meetings and communication with friends.

§3. Socio-psychological problems

In the first years of marriage, the process of adaptation of the spouses to each other takes place, and contradictions or an inadequate course of the process can lead the family to disintegration, which is so frequent in the first 5 years of marriage. Each newly created family is subjected to serious trials and often does not withstand the stress. In student families, as a rule, it is psychologically difficult to distribute family responsibilities and roles. During the period of marital adaptation, the general ideas of spouses about marriage and family are formed. The conflict in a young family occurs precisely because the young spouses have ideas about family life that somehow contradict each other. By marital conflict in a broad sense, we mean a clash between spouses caused by a contradiction in attitudes, goals, views, ideals, ideas, etc. in relation to a particular subject or situation.

Each of the student spouses has to adjust to a state that, compared with premarital independence and freedom, seems like a heavy necessity. The low level of preparedness of young people for the future family life does not allow them to cope with their internal contradictions arising from the uneven distribution of family responsibilities, provided that they are socially equal. S.V. Kovalev highlights the compatibility of spouses as one of the main conditions for the stability of marriage, understanding this concept as “the ability of group members to coordinate their actions and optimize relationships in various areas and types of joint activities” 3. According to experts, in most student families, conflicts are infrequent and have a constructive character , which is noted by 85% of spouses-students. A feature of relations in a student family is the concern of both spouses (68% of husbands and 76% of wives) about the emergence of conflicts, regardless of their nature and frequency 1 . Another characteristic feature of student marriage is the diverse content of conflicts. They are connected both with the main aspects of family life, and with the widest range of problems solved by spouses during the period of adaptation. This indicates the activity of adaptation processes. If in a mature family the sphere of conflicts is limited and the causes of quarrels are quite monotonous, then in a young family, literally everything becomes a reason for clashes.

Another characteristic phenomenon in the life of a modern student family, which increases its instability, is the ever-increasing proportion of interethnic marriages. In such families, differences in national psychological attitudes are added to the complexities of the general psychological plan.

The conflict in the student family is also significantly affected by the dissatisfaction of the spouses with spending leisure time, which is of value in the youth environment. The creation of a family implies the emergence of new responsibilities, which means a decrease in free time. The content of leisure also becomes different.

Conflicts are also influenced by the degree of unity of views, attitudes of the spouses on how it should be organized. It should also be noted that, as a rule, student wives consider mutual love in marriage to be obligatory. Husbands-students are not distinguished by such unanimity. The disorganization of family life, the disunity of spouses also affect the results of study. In conditions of psychological discomfort, it is very difficult to achieve the required quality of professional training.

At such moments, it is important to help young people in the formation of such scarce in modern marriage respect for each other's character traits, the ability to understand and forgive a person who, by the will of fate, became a life partner.

Exacerbation of problems on initial stage family development occurs due to the unformed adaptation mechanisms of young family members, the lack of a correct transfer of experience previous generations, the lack of a system for preparing young people for family life, the lack of quantity and quality of socio-pedagogical and psychological services provided to young families, material support from society and the state.

Chapter 2. Possible solutions to the problems of student families

§1. State assistance

Student families are created and developed according to general laws. They have the typical features of an ordinary young Russian family. Therefore, many problems of the student family are considered through the prism of common features of the modern family.

An analysis of the researchers' work allows us to identify several specific problems that are characteristic of most student families: low monetary income; difficulties in reconciling studies and family obligations; difficulties associated with the birth and upbringing of children: there is no one to look after the child during study; small opportunities for extra work.

The issues of legal support of comprehensive support for a young family in Russia are very relevant, especially issues related to the legal support of organizational and managerial activities in the field of social services for families and children.

In Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation laid the foundations of the legal framework welfare state and obligations of state support to citizens. In the future, state-legal support social work in Russia develops in federal laws and by-laws.

The state family policy is an integral system of principles, assessments and measures of an organizational, economic, legal, scientific, informational, propaganda and personnel nature aimed at improving the conditions and improving the quality of family life 4 .

The object of state family policy is the family. The implementation of the state family policy in relation to a young family has its own characteristics, which are determined by its specificity in comparison with a stable family.

The state pursues a targeted family policy in relation to young families, legally granting them an independent social status and ensuring the observance of family rights in the social life of society. At the same time, the young family is considered not as a means of reproduction of the labor force, but as an institution for the reproduction and education of a viable personality, the formation of a harmoniously developed person.

The state policy towards a young family is not limited to material support and assistance in the performance of its functions, but is aimed at creating conditions for active innovative participation family union in the life of Russian society.

Today there is no holistic law dedicated exclusively to a young family, so there is a need to find appropriate provisions in all legislation.

One of the main challenges a family faces in its formative years is acquiring or getting their own home.

In accordance with Russian legislation There are five forms of state support for a young family in solving the housing problem:

1. Preferential long-term lending. This is the provision of funds on a reimbursable basis. A young family has the right to receive funds for the purchase or construction of an apartment or house at low interest rates (8-10%) and for a long period (from 10 to 15 years).

2. Allocation of materials for individual housing construction. This form of support is aimed at the development of individual construction in rural areas. In accordance with it, the administrations of municipalities of the region can provide a young family with some of the necessary materials for building a house, a land plot for construction, or free of charge supply water, gas, electricity, etc. to a young family.

3. Provision of housing with installment payment of its cost. This form of support has much in common with long-term lending, only the apartment itself acts as a loan. A young family pays its cost in installments over 10-15 years.

4. Provision of housing under social tenancy agreements. In other words, a young family rents a dwelling from the state. In this case, the timely payment of rent and utilities are monitored very strictly.

5. Provision of gratuitous subsidies for the purchase of housing.

Also, among the problems highlighted by student parents is that many of them are little informed about the benefits provided by the state and the university to families with children.

Consider some aspects of social support for citizens with children, based on federal law"On state benefits to citizens with children" dated May 19, 1995. M81-FZ, as amended on September 17, 1999 No. 171-FZ.

In Art. 3 listed the following types benefits:

Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth;

A one-time allowance for women registered in medical institutions in early dates pregnancy;

One-time allowance at the birth of a child;

Monthly allowance for the period of parental leave until the child reaches the age of one and a half years;

Monthly child allowance.

In Art. 8 determines the amount of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, which is equal to:

The size of the average earnings at the place of work of women subject to state insurance;

The minimum wage for women laid off due to the liquidation of an enterprise;

scholarships women studying off-the-job;

Monetary allowance of women serving under a contract in the internal affairs bodies.

In Art. 12 says size lump sum at the birth of a child, which is equal to 15 times the minimum wage.

§2. Parental help

Young families inherit many patterns of family life from their parents. As a rule, those who evaluate the marriage of their parents as ideal, also approach their marriage in the same way. And the more conflicts there were in parental families the more often they occur in families of children. Parents whose marriages have gone well give their children the clearest and most convincing example of how living together husband and wife.

In young, newly formed families, which include student families, the process of grinding, adapting, developing a common way of life occurs in different ways. In some cases this can happen quickly, in others slowly. And if the spouses have not yet decided on the assessment of their marriage, then this is explained either by the short experience of family life, or because of unsettled or unformed ideas about family roles and their responsibilities.

The student family lives today in very difficult material conditions. Most young people at the beginning of their married life are faced with problems that they may have heard about before, but did not think that they would have to solve. In particular, such a small budget, which a young family has, requires special care in housekeeping. And here at least elementary knowledge and skills are needed.

Difficulties in resolving the above problems can lead to conflicts in the family, deterioration in the health of student families, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in single mothers, an increase in child abandonment, i.e. to the loss of the family of their basic functions. To avoid such consequences in modern society, a developed and established system of measures of social support for student families is needed, as well as assistance to them both from the state and from the administration of universities and public organizations. Student families themselves should play an important role in this. Interest and initiative in solving problems, the desire and ability to equip one's life will greatly contribute to the successful functioning of the student's family.

Chapter 3

§1. Emotional climate

The emotional side of marriage is of paramount importance for young spouses. Satisfaction with marriage for each of them is associated with the nature and strength of feelings. Neither material and living conditions, nor the ability to continue studies without additional difficulties arising from the creation of a family, affect marital satisfaction as much as the character and strength of feelings of young spouses-students.

A connection has been established between the preservation of a feeling of love in marriage and the nature of the use of free time: a fair distribution of household duties between spouses allows increasing the leisure time of a family woman.

Positively colored communication is of great importance for preserving and strengthening the feelings of young spouses. Communication is a necessary condition for a full-blooded, internally rich and emotionally rich life.

The specificity of student marriage lies in the peculiarities of the activities of the spouses - study, the temporality of their social status. Graduation, assignment to work, in the long term favorite work - these are the components of the spirituality of student marriage.

Sociologist D. M. Chechet rightly believes that the prospect of joyful events in family life, the creation of "bright spots", along with other components, contribute to maintaining a high emotional, cultural and intellectual tone of life in marriage 5 .

In a homogeneous student marriage, the expectation of a joyful long-awaited prospect of graduation from a university has a double effect, since a change in social status will occur for both spouses. Thus, the similarity of long-term goals determines the main point of the specifics of student marriage.

Love as the emotional basis of the marriage union prevails over other motives. In marriage, love remains the highest value for most spouses. The preservation of mutual love of spouses in marriage is considered one of the subjective characteristics of the successful functioning of the family. On the basis of a strong, positively colored emotional connection of the spouses, all the difficulties of the difficult period of adaptation are overcome. The nature and strength of feelings determine the level of "social optimism" of spouses-students, namely: immunity to external conditions of existence unfavorable for the family, primarily material and domestic.

The acquaintance of almost 70% of the spouses was associated with joint studies, which, of course, led to the commonality of their views, life plans, made it possible to learn and understand the personality of the future spouse 7 .

A student family is created as a result of an active search by young people for a close, dear person, necessary for a happy, fulfilling life. The nature of the future marriage is largely determined by the motive, the reasons that led to the conclusion of the marriage union.

It was proved that the predominant motive for marriage among students is love and spiritual, ethical and aesthetic values ​​and expectations close to it.

In the works of Soviet sociologists S.I. Goloda, Z.I. Fainburg, A.G. Kharchev and others, there is a fairly large variety of motives underlying the decision to marry: this is love, and common interests, and the coincidence of tastes, lifestyles, material considerations, chance, etc.

§2. Youth is the best time to get married

The starting point in the study of student families was the assumption that these families represent optimal model families modern type. Namely, the progressive development of the family is characterized by the growing role of the moral and psychological side of family life, while students, by virtue of their social position, are called upon to increase the moral and spiritual potential of society, and for this, the necessary conditions are (or should be) created. The state of family morality and higher education of spouses has several points of intersection: firstly, education itself is a vital value, secondly, education contributes to the assimilation of ethical knowledge, which affects family relations, thirdly, education affects the formation of moral qualities and life goals. Indeed, a student family differs markedly from other categories of families in terms of success and stability. Although, of course, not all student families are the same. Some of them turn out to be untenable in the future.

Now, however, the question arises less and less - to start a family in your student years or not. Many who started a family during their student years believe that marriage during this period has a beneficial effect on the formation of a person: it makes them feel responsible to the family, university, and society. Family students have a more serious attitude towards studies and the chosen one; professions, they especially value independence in work, are more focused on achieving success in professional work. Marital status has a beneficial effect on the student's value orientations, contributes to the development of intellectual and social needs.

Supporters of student marriage give their arguments. Today, serious economic transformations are taking place in society, the pace of social, emotional and moral emancipation of young people is accelerating, their sexual maturity is becoming earlier. All this gives rise to a number of problems of a moral-psychological and medical-biological order. In this regard, the family represents a unique microenvironment for students in the sense that it allows them to constantly satisfy (remove) a number of vital age-related needs: in love, rest, intellectual communication with the chosen one, psychological comfort, etc. Because of this, family students experience gender and age discomfort to a lesser extent and this allows them, in turn, to more rationally distribute their daily time, giving a significant part of it to study.


Thus, from the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Student family - a special type of young family in which the spouses are not more than 28 years old, and the length of family life does not exceed 5 years;

2. The student family is characterized by greater stability than any other young family, because spouses are united by common interests and views, their actions are aimed at learning;

3. The student family is also characterized by greater dependence on parents, because the only source of income is a scholarship or, sometimes, plus some earnings;

4. A student family faces the same material and everyday problems as any young family. The housing issue occupies a special position here. Not all educational institutions provide an opportunity to get family hostels.

A young family, including a student family, is a special state of two souls when you believe that tomorrow will be better than today, that all difficulties can be easily overcome, and happiness is forever.


1. The demographic future of Russia // Ed. L.L. Rybakovsky, G.N. Karelova M.: Publishing House "Human Rights", 2001. p. 10

2. Comprehensive support for a young family: study method. Manual for university students / O.A. Koryakovtseva, M.I. Rozhkov. 2008.

3. Kovalev S.V. Preparing high school students for family life. M., 2007

4. The main directions of the state family policy (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1996 No. 712).

5. Antonov A.I. Modern family: two views on one problem // Family in Russia. 1999. No. 1-2.

6. Fedotova Yu. V. The problem of understanding the family crisis. M. 2002. - 108 p.

7. Schneider L.B. Psychology of family relations. Lecture course. - M.: April-Press, EKSMO-Press publishing house, 2000.

8. Mustaeva F.A. Social problems of the modern family.//Sociology of education. 2009 #5

Students often wonder what is better to choose: accommodation in a host family or in a school residence. In this article, we will talk about the pros and cons of each type of accommodation.

Living with a host family - pluses

  1. Family coziness, comfort, tranquility, warm and friendly atmosphere. For more at home students, family is definitely a plus, they will be able to become part of the host family and feel “at home”. Host parents are always ready to help the student, day and night, to understand, to answer any question, even if the student speaks the language at a minimum level (or does not speak at all).
  2. Students live in the same family different nationalities, which allows you to completely immerse yourself in the language environment, you will have to somehow explain yourself to both the host and school friends, so there will be no temptation to speak your native language. However, the school tries to take into account the wishes from the registration form, if students want to live with students of their own nationality, then they will try to organize this if they both wish.
  3. All families offered by the school have been verified by many years of cooperation, have an agreement with the school and are regularly inspected by representatives of the educational institution, as well as by the local police and the migration service. This guarantees the safety, responsibility and quality of the services offered.
  4. Very often, students become friends with the host family and keep in touch after the trip, further practicing a foreign language and studying local culture and traditions (especially if the host family has children of the same age as the students). In practice, there are cases when the host family invites students to visit in subsequent years already on a free basis.
  5. Homestay does not deprive students of school activities: they participate in all planned excursions and activities (with the exception of some evening ones, when the child / student is already in the family).
  6. Not the last parameter is the price. The cost of accommodation in a host family is always lower than in a student residence or hotel.

Disadvantages of staying with a host family

  1. The main disadvantage is the distance. Host families almost never live near the school. Therefore, you will have to get to school by public transport (about 20-40 minutes, in metropolitan cities up to 60-90 minutes). Mostly students get to school on their own (parents of minors must agree that the school is not responsible for the journey from family to school).
  2. Secondly, when a student lives in someone's home, there are a number of rules that the hosts are asked to follow. Turn off the lights, keep your room in order, come to dinner to eat, do not come late at night, do not take a long bath because. public utilities very expensive.
  3. The price includes meals based on breakfast and dinner, but it is important to understand that the family prepares their usual dishes, this is not a restaurant where you can choose what you want today. As a guest, students do not have access to a stove, you can only eat what the family has prepared and store food in the refrigerator, use the microwave and kettle.
  4. For homestay accommodation, you cannot select any specific option, there is no list of families as such. The family is selected according to the principle of who will be free on your dates. It can be either a classic family (mother, father, children), or a couple of any age, or 1 owner / hostess, or a parent with an adult child, there are many options. Legally, the host family can only be citizens of the country where you are going, but not always people who have the same origin due to the popularity of mixed marriages and the high percentage of migrants.

Living in a residence - pluses

  1. If a student loves communication, meeting people of different nationalities, being in the center of events - the residence is clearly a plus. As a rule, from 15 to 300 participants live in school residences, here you can always find friends and participate in fun student life.
  2. The residence is located either directly on the school grounds or within walking distance. Don't have to spend a large number of time and effort on the road, and devote this time to relaxing on the beach or excursions.
  3. As a rule, in addition to the bedrooms, the residence also has a rich infrastructure: a swimming pool, playgrounds and sports grounds, a gym, etc.
  4. In the case of minor children, they are supervised by counselors 24 hours a day in the residence. Careful monitoring is carried out so that children do not smoke, do not drink alcohol and do not violate discipline. This guarantees safety.

Cons of accommodation in a residence

  1. In almost any country and any educational institution there will be a significant percentage of Russian-speaking participants. If the group still manages to avoid the strong influence of the native language, since there is a good mix of nationalities in the lessons, then the concentration of Russian-speaking students in the residence will be high, up to 20 percent. The temptation to speak Russian is great, which negatively affects the learning of the language; it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the effect of complete immersion.
  2. Accommodation conditions in the room may not be as comfortable as in the family. In addition to 2-3-bed accommodation, there are rooms for 4-8 people (and for a small age up to 10-12 people). Often amenities on the floor. It is unlikely that it will look like a “cozy homely atmosphere”.
  3. Price also matters. Residence (along with hotels) is the most expensive type of accommodation due to the above advantages: proximity to the school, good infrastructure, 24-hour control and more.

Each type of housing has its own advantages. If you do not know what is better to choose, leave us a request and our manager, after asking you a few clarifying questions, according to your individual characteristics, needs and your wishes, will select the best option for you and reasonably justify his advice.

Greetings, site reader site! Student time is a special time, not only because you get an education with all its charms, but also because many students find their soul mate during this period of their lives. Some of the lovers even decide to get married while they are students. In this regard, many people have a question: is student marriage serious and for a long time, or is it just another mistake of young people? Let's look into this issue...

Before you say all the pros and cons about student marriage, you need to talk about this. Most students (with rare exceptions) do not even have the slightest idea of ​​what an independent family life is. Yes, most likely you live or lived before entering the university, in a family, together with your parents and other relatives. However, few young people imagine an independent family life.

After all, this is not only freedom and pleasure, it is, first of all, a great responsibility and burden. Cooking, cleaning, dishes, budgeting, pet care, laundry... the list is endless. My point is that many newlywed students think that they will only enjoy the life of marriage.

However, as the truth of life shows, living together is not only a joy, but, above all, a great responsibility. Therefore, I immediately have a question: are you ready for this? Have you ever thought about it at all or not?

Surely this article is read by those who are either going to get married (get married) soon, being a student, or their acquaintances or friends are going to do it. In this regard, I wanted to “put you under a cold shower”, i.e. sober up your mind, intoxicated with love,

Anyway. It's all lyrics. Let's move on to "dry" pragmatics. Let's talk frankly. student marriage- Is this good or bad? I asked the wrong question. Wrong. To judge something or someone by the categories of “good / bad” means to express purely one’s point of view, which has developed due to personal experience and human values.

Therefore, I believe that it is best to evaluate student marriage as objectively as possible in the most important life categories. Unfortunately, even here one cannot do without my subjectivity, but it is not possible to do it in another way. I will try to “walk through” only those categories that are really significant from the point of view of the Russian truth of life. You may not agree with the categories I have chosen. It is your right.

So, as the most important aspects student marriage I have chosen the following categories:

- housing issue;

- financial position;

- level of independence;

— level of personal development;

For some, some of the above categories may seem strange. However, I will try to explain my choice further. By the way, for lovers of evaluation - this time I will not put down any points or marks "for" and "against". There will be only my personal conclusions, and to agree with them or disagree, this, as I said, is your personal right.

Let's not waste a minute, let's move on to our first category.

I believe that this category does not raise any questions from anyone. After all, everyone needs to live somewhere. Therefore, this issue is at the forefront as the most pressing for the newlyweds. What can be said about this issue. With a sweetheart, of course, paradise is in a hut, but it is much more pleasant to live in your own apartment. Therefore, you need your own living space.

But how can young people get it? There are very few options here. The most common methods are listed below:

1) buy with your own money;

2) take a mortgage;

3) buy with parents' money;

4) rent.

There are, of course, other ways to purchase housing, but I will focus on the popular ones. Let's start with buying a home with your own money. How many people do you think can afford to buy a home as students without anyone's help? Of course, few.

Unless you have been in business since the age of 12, you are unlikely to save money for an apartment, because. in adolescence, having money, young people are concerned about other issues.

About mortgage. Although many people say all sorts of nasty things about it, however, in fact, a mortgage is a neutral thing. With proper mortgage management (yes, yes, credit can be managed), mortgages are a lifesaver.

The most important thing here is to assess all possible risks and have a sound head on your shoulders. In order for a mortgage to not give you any trouble, you need at least the basics financial literacy. And in general, the money issue today comes almost to the fore in our age of materialism. In this regard, a whole category is dedicated to him, which we will discuss below.

Buy an apartment with the money of parents. This is probably the best option. But then again - how many of the parents can afford it? Nothing even comes to mind here. If parents do not have the opportunity to help their newlywed students, then there is little to be done. Will not children who have entered into a student marriage demand that their parents jointly chip in for living space, selling or exchanging their own square meters? However, things happen in life...

About rent. Renting is a good solution, especially for honeymooners. However, compare rent to a temporary filling - you won’t live with it for a long time, because. it is very difficult. Better to buy your own home. Although some live all their lives on rented square meters. This is a personal matter for everyone.

Conclusion on the category "Housing issue" : Without a roof over your head, family life is not possible. Housing is needed. It is best if, after marriage, you had the opportunity to live in your own “nest”. Then you would have one big problem less. Many people live "not at home", i.e. rent an apartment for decades, and this "suspension" very much ruffles their nerves. Moving, rent... in general, a lot of problems.

By the way, I completely forgot. Newlyweds can also live with their parents. However, here you yourself understand - with your charter, you don’t go to someone else’s monastery. If you live with the parents of your wife or husband, then be prepared to listen to reproaches. Therefore, a legitimate question arises: do you need it?

The best option is to purchase your own housing (possibly in a mortgage). It is always more pleasant to live in your new “native nest”. Yes, and away from everyone and the kids quickly appear

2. Financial situation.

The money question is always acute among people in our time. Whether we want it or not, almost everything today revolves around money. Again - many believe that money is evil, that rich people are bad people etc. All this is a myth. Money, as well as mortgages, as well as, and, I don't know, the table, are neutral. They just are.

Let's get back to our money. Student marriage - First of all, this is a young family. Due to the fact that the newlyweds are young people, then, like any other adequate representatives of this age group(not a fig to themselves expression) they tend, for the most part, to relax and have fun.

In turn, all the entertainment costs a certain amount of money, which flies "down the drain" with another drunk can of beer.

Of course, you need to have fun, but you should never forget about your financial situation. Young people are unlikely to have large sums of money, because young specialists, with rare exceptions, receive relatively small salaries.

In this regard, it must be clearly understood that lack of money is one of the most common causes of divorce proceedings. Yes, everything is clear here. If people live in financial bondage, if they can afford practically nothing from large purchases ( washing machine, refrigerator, car), then life becomes not a joy. Even with a loved one.

Attacks on the once beloved partner begin. And this is all a direct path to divorce. That's why it's so important to be financially literate. Moreover, you need to be savvy in the money matter if you still decide to take out a mortgage loan to buy your own home.

Many will say - money, because it's so boring! Earn more and here is the solution to all your problems! However, not all so simple. If you want to get the basics of financial literacy, then I will advise you only 2 books on this topic. Of course, I can tell you about other financial books, but for starters, two books will be enough for you.

The first book that I want to introduce you to is the book by the German author Bodo Schaeffer "Mani, or the ABC of money." This book is available in electronic, paper and audio versions. I advise you the latter, namely, to listen to this book. Whether you are going to school or work, just turn on the player or phone, and get the basics of financial literacy.

If you think this book is boring and "dry", then you are wrong. This work is written in the form of a fairy tale. It is very exciting and relatively short (about 4.5 hours). I assure you that you will love this book. So let's remember - Audiobook Bodo Schaeffer Money, or the ABC of money».

The second book that I want to advise you is the book of the famous American author Robert Kiyosaki "Rich Dad Poor Dad". This work is the No. 1 bestseller among financial literature.

Therefore, I have nothing more to add here. Read (or listen to) this book and you will change the way you think about money and how to get it. So let's remember: Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad Poor Dad».

Conclusion on the category "Financial position" : Money question for student marriage is one of the sharpest. Sometimes mismanaging your money leads to financial difficulties, and, as a result, to the divorce process. To avoid financial problems, you must have at least the basics of financial literacy.

It is best for the newlyweds to jointly decide their financial difficulties. At the same time, each of the young people should be guided not by their own whims, but by common benefits. Each of the newlyweds is simply obliged to understand the basics of financial literacy, in order to avoid mutual recriminations on the monetary issue.

In fact, the universal advice is simple: spend less than you earn. And that's it.

General conclusion: In this article, I told you about student marriage. I analyzed 2 most important categories that directly affect the quality of life of newlyweds.

This is a housing issue financial well-being. The other two categories (the level of independence and the level of personal development) will be disclosed in the next article. So if you don't want to miss it, subscribe to our site updates.

Now you know, what is college marriage.


Chapter 1. Problems of the student family……………………………………………4

§1. The concept and general characteristics of student families …………………..4

§2. Material and economic problems…………………………………….7

§3. Socio-psychological problems…………………………………….9

Chapter 2 Possible solutions to the problems of student families…………………12

§1. State assistance………………………………………………………...12

§2. Parental assistance…………………………………………………….…15

Chapter 3 Positive aspects of creating a student family……………18

§1. Emotional climate………………………………………………….....18

§2. Youth is the best time for marriage…………………….…19




One of the most important tasks of working with youth in modern society is to create conditions for the favorable existence of a young family, in our case, a student family. A young family, to a greater extent than mature families, needs the help of society and the state, in creating conditions for the implementation of the most important functions: to ensure the reproduction of physically healthy and mentally healthy offspring; be emotionally and psychologically stable; resolve all family conflicts on their own, without resorting to the help of social services; contribute to the material and moral well-being and satisfaction of the personal interests of each family member; create conditions for strengthening the health and good rest of all family members.

When creating a family, young people face many different problems, such as: compatibility of characters, overcoming various crises, planning for the birth of a child and his upbringing, the economy, professional growth of family members.

From the foregoing, it follows that the relevance of the topic: “Socio-economic and psychological problems of the student family” is relevant at the moment, since a large group of the population belongs to students, as well as state policy aimed at demographic growth, an increase in the birth rate and the health of the population, is interested problems of families, including students. Well, the very fact that the author of the abstract work is a student and shows a personal interest in this topic.

The student family is a rather complex and still little-studied object of research. Accordingly, there is not much literature on this topic, research, as a rule, refers to the late 80s, early 90s of the last century.

The purpose of this abstract work is to reveal the socio-economic and psychological problems that arise in student families.

    Show possible problems of the student family.

    Provide possible solutions to the identified problems.

    Show the positive aspects of creating a student family.

Chapter 1. Problems of the student family

§1. The concept and general characteristics of student families

student time - this is not only five years, when "from session to session, students live happily." This is definitely also the season of love. It happens that ardent feelings lead to their logical conclusion - marriage .

Under the student family is understood as such a family in which both spouses are full-time students of a higher educational institution, i.e. homogeneous (homogeneous) according to the social status of husband and wife.
This is a young family in which the spouses are no more than 28 years old, and the experience of family life does not exceed 5 years.

In recent decades, negative trends in marriage and family relations among young people are clearly visible. The deterioration of the moral, social, economic condition of young people in general, especially family youth, is associated with a sharply changed political and economic structure in the country. I would like to especially note that over the past decades, there has been a growing positive attitude towards premarital relationships among students. In the literature, this fact is regarded as "evidence of a change in the social functions of the family and marriage, their role in the life of the individual, as an integral feature of the process of modernization of demographic behavior in general." 1

We have an ideal option in the student environment. Young people, having entered the institute, are united by a commonality of views, interests, and a common goal. They are almost constantly together: in the classroom, in the hostel, spend their leisure time together, etc. Therefore, the reason for their choice of a classmate (classmate) as their husband or wife is also understandable.

It is safe to say that the strength of the family is based on mutual love, common interests, the ability to empathize, caring and respectful attitude towards each other.

In our time, there is not and cannot be a national or any other, for example, social barrier to marriage. Therefore, choosing a life partner, a young man or girl seeks to find in him character traits that appeal to him or her.

With a serious relationship between young people and thoughts of marriage, a number of questions immediately arise: "Where do student families live?
What should she live on? What to do when the baby is born?
" etc.

For greater clarity, we present the artistic images of four student families.

Natasha and Sergey met during their studies, met for more than a year. We talked at the institute, spent our free time together. They knew that they would be fine together. We decided to start a family. The institute provided a hostel. True, not immediately, but when Natasha was expecting a baby. The son was born already in his student dormitory room. Often, a grandmother comes to look after her grandson, Natasha's mother, fortunately, lives not far from the city. The family's budget is small, there is only enough for food, a scholarship for both, plus Sergey sometimes earns extra money. And yet, without the help of their parents, they cannot live. Parents buy some clothes, sometimes they “throw” some money, otherwise they gave me a TV set. Financially, of course, it is difficult, you have to save on everything, but Natasha and Sergey believe that their difficulties are temporary. And they help each other in their studies, take turns taking notes on lectures, preparing for exams together. A year later, they graduate from the institute and start earning.

Andrew and Lena In a young family, Andrey immediately felt like the head, he liked being the owner. Lena did not really resist, although, of course, she considered the ideal family, where everything is decided and done together. But, loving Andrei, believing in him, she believes that everything he does is right, her role in the family is secondary. Andrei dreamed of a son, so when Lena felt that a new life was born in her, and told Andrei about it, he was delighted and said that they would immediately sign. Immediately after the wedding, he rented a room in a communal apartment, as the "married" in their university was treated very coolly. Lena is more involved in household chores and with the baby. Andrei disappears for a long time at the institute - after all, the fifth year, scientific work, work in the student trade union committee. Both Andrei and Lena dream of another child so that the family lives in abundance. Lena wants to be a good wife, a true friend to Andrey, to get a separate apartment faster.

Yulia and Volodya met in the hostel where they lived. A few months after they met, Julia announced that she was expecting a baby. For Volodya, this news was unpleasant. Therefore, we can say that their marriage was forced. They were going to get married, because they thought they loved each other, but not so quickly. After the marriage, quarrels began. Volodya believed that a real man can afford an easy relationship with those he likes, he considered marital fidelity a prejudice. Family troubles took Yulia a lot of time and energy, and after marriage she began to study worse. Yulia and Volodya hardly did housework. The couple ate in the dining room, each doing their own laundry. Both considered their marriage a failure.

Nikolai and Irina met during the entrance exams to the institute, studied together. Kolya came to the city from a distant village, Irina lived in the regional center with her mother and sister before the institute. Irina attracted Nikolai with her tenderness, her, as he said, "urban habits." They were in no hurry to have children, they devoted a lot of energy to study and social work. From the first days of their life together, Irina and Nikolai had disagreements over the distribution of family responsibilities: who should; buy groceries, clean the room, etc. Quarrels arose because of the ratings of the films watched, because of relations with relatives. Nikolai often reproached Irina for her inability to spend money, and they were just there to make ends meet. Irina wanted to have fashionable clothes, go to some kind of concert, and this required considerable expenses, he did not agree, saying that it was superfluous. In general, conflicts arose in the family quite often, but were resolved painlessly. They did not consider their marriage unsuccessful. They dreamed of graduating as soon as possible, getting housing, and having a decent salary 8 .

Obviously, each family has its own characteristics, but student families reveal a number of problems that are unique to them, which we will pay attention to in this work.

§2. Material and economic problems

The student family, by definition, consists of young people who have not yet taken their place in the world and, accordingly, have not yet sufficiently established their social and material status. The extremely low level of scholarships, the possibility of only part-time employment at work constitute a serious obstacle to starting a stable family life. The average per capita income of young families is 1.5 times lower than the national average, and 60% of student families live below the poverty line, among which 34% barely make ends meet, which makes it impossible for them to fully fulfill reproductive and other social functions 2 .

Objectively, the increased financial needs of a young family are due to the need to carry out the process of family life: the acquisition of housing, the organization of everyday life, caring for children, additional leisure costs.

One of the main issues faced by students entering into marriage is the housing issue. Options for solving this problem can be accommodation:

    in a private apartment

    together with parents

    in a private rented apartment

    in the room of a communal apartment

    in dorm

Almost all student families experience difficulties in acquiring their own housing and, accordingly, in constructing themselves as a separate family. A standard urban dwelling provides minimal comfort to just one family. Therefore, the joint residence of a young family with parents in a small apartment or in a room in a communal apartment leads to a deterioration in living conditions, crowding, an increase in conflict, which does not contribute to the strength of family relationships. Living in a rented apartment provides a situation of independence, but creates an additional, sometimes overwhelming, financial burden for the student family. To a certain extent, the housing problem of family students can be solved by student dormitories, which, perhaps, are the most profitable, from a financial point of view, living conditions. But the provision of a room in a hostel to a young family directly depends on the material support and internal policy of a higher educational institution, and often does not leave such an opportunity for family students.

Among the immediate life plans of student families, the birth of a child occupies an important place. With the advent of the child, the family enters a new, more responsible stage of development. But, various studies show that a certain part of newlyweds, sometimes contrary to the interests of their families, postpone the birth of their first child due to financial difficulties (not all of them receive material assistance from their parents, many family students have to earn extra money in their “free time”, others - to switch to the correspondence department, or even postpone their studies for some time (and sometimes for good). In about half of the cases, postponing the birth of a child is motivated by difficulties in solving the housing problem.

For married students who already have children, one of the main questions is “Where and with whom to leave the child during classes?”.

Most universities do not have their own kindergartens and nurseries. In less than half of student families, children attend preschool institutions, in 30% - the mother is on parental leave.

Another major problem is the lack of free time.

It is noted that with the advent of a child, spouses devote less time to each other, most families do not have time for frequent meetings and communication with friends.