Summary: Social work with the family. Models of social work with families

Introduction. 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the study of the family. 5

1.1 The meaning of the family. 5

1.2 Forms of social work with families. 7

1.3 Types of families. 10

Conclusion on the first chapter. 20

Chapter 2. Family problems. 21

2.1 Social problems of the family. 21

2.2 Abuse in the family. 22

Conclusion of the second chapter. 25

Conclusion. 26

List of information sources. 27


Studying the problems of families in today's Russian conditions seems to be especially relevant. We can talk about a constant increase in the proportion of mothers (and in the West, fathers) raising a child without a husband (wife). The number of parents (stepfathers, stepmothers, adoptive mothers) who are not connected with the child being raised by biological ties is also growing. Due to the increase in divorces and extramarital pregnancies, many fathers (sometimes mothers) do not live with children, while others, without maintaining any contact with the child, remain only biological parents.

As a result of the decline in the birth rate, the number of one-children is increasing.
parents; at the same time, some mothers and fathers are consciously oriented towards a large number of children. Looking at the age of primiparous mothers, one can see a widening of the range both at the expense of young mothers who give birth so late - usually among those women who are more oriented towards professional careers than marriage. In turn, the age of the parents significantly affects parental feelings. In terms of parental roles and socio-cultural norms, there is likely to be an increase in the diversity of parenting and communication styles.

Object of course research: family

Subject of course research: social work with the family.

The purpose of the course work- considering the family as an object of social work.

To achieve the stated goal, the following course research tasks:

1. Describe the meaning of the family.

2. Describe the forms of social work with the family.

3. Consider the types of families.

4. Identify the social problems of the family.

5. Uncover abuse in the family.

Research hypothesis: we assume that social work with the family will be more effective if social work specialists are involved in it.

Research methods: analysis of scientific literature.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of the study of the family.

The meaning of the family

Family- an organized social group whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is due to the need of society for physical spiritual self-reproduction.

In the family, a person learns the norms and rules of human behavior. Here he joins the culture. In the family, human values, beliefs, ideals turn into personal characteristics.

Family Functions:


emotional support;

Household and household services;

social control;


Studies by sociologists, psychologists, and educators show that a stable family can be created with a certain readiness of people for family life. The concept of "readiness for family life" includes social and moral, motivational, psychological and pedagogical readiness.

- social and moral readiness for family life implies civil maturity (age, secondary education, profession, level of moral consciousness), economic independence, health. The most favorable marriage age from a medical point of view is 20-22 years for girls and 23-28 for boys (this takes into account the fact that the male body reaches full maturity later than the female).

- readiness to create a family and its well-being largely depends on the state of health of young people entering into marriage. A healthy lifestyle contributes to the development of a person’s spiritual culture, strengthening intra-family relations, maintaining friendly and highly moral relations with people around him, and also makes it much easier for a person to overcome psycho-emotional difficulties and stressful situations that sometimes arise in family life.

- pedagogical readiness to create a family includes pedagogical literacy, economic and economic skills, sexual education. Pedagogical literacy of young people entering family life implies knowledge of the patterns of development of children and the characteristics of their upbringing, skills in caring for babies.

In the last two decades, negative trends have been observed in the field of family and marriage relations, which are expressed in the following:

Decrease in the value of marriage, family and especially children in comparison with the values ​​of material well-being and prosperity;

An increase in so-called "frivolous", thoughtless marriages;

Lack of understanding of some of the youth of the problems and difficulties of family life, mutual rights and obligations in the family;

The growth in the number of families with one child, which does not even ensure a simple reproduction of the population;

An increase in the number of abortions and all the consequences associated with them;

The growth of incomplete families in which children are brought up by one parent;

An increase in the number of men and women who are then unable to remarry;

The growth of alcoholism, which greatly undermines family foundations and leads to the birth of children with various birth defects and anomalies;

A significant increase in divorces for ethical and psychological reasons and the reasons for the sexual illiteracy of spouses, and, consequently, dissatisfaction with the intimate side of married life.

Thus, we can say that the family is an organized social group, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is due to the need of society for physical spiritual self-reproduction.

Forms of social work with families

All social work with families is carried out mainly through territorial social services.

The main forms and methods of social work with families are:

Information work: identification, collection, generalization and communication to the concerned departments and institutions of official statistics and operational information received from various sources about families in need of social assistance, or about facts requiring the intervention of the social service;

Analytical and prognostic work: the study of the demographic situation, trends and causes of social and family ill-being, the opinion of the population about the quality and range of social assistance provided to families, the current and future needs for it, the development on this basis of proposals for adjusting and improving social work, planning social development , taking into account demographic factors and indicators in the construction of housing and socio-cultural facilities;

Medico-social work: individual work to prevent bad habits (drunkenness, smoking, drug use, sedentary lifestyle, etc.), preparing family members for the birth of a child, career guidance for young people, taking into account their state of health;

Work on the removal of neuropsychic and physical stress, the prevention and prevention of diseases associated with overloads of the nervous and muscular system, teaching advanced methods of physical and mental culture.

Listed activities can be carried out in socio-psychological services, health and traditional medicine centers, as well as in departments and sectors of other social services.

Social and pedagogical work: social patronage of families with unfavorable psychological and socio-pedagogical conditions, assistance in family education, in overcoming pedagogical mistakes and conflict situations with children, family conflicts by parents.
Creating conditions for the formation of an environment for communication and leisure of young people, stimulating the development of family and youth tourism, the development of modern forms of personality education. Such services include leisure centers, travel and tourism agencies, women's and youth clubs, business meeting clubs, etc.

Social rehabilitation work: assistance in social rehabilitation and adaptation to the unemployed, emigrants, persons who were forced to change their place of residence (assistance in obtaining benefits, permanent housing, employment, retraining and employment in a newly acquired specialty, etc.); disabled people, women with children, families with unfavorable social and legal conditions; organization of the work of departments of social rehabilitation of youth with maladjusted behavior; social rehabilitation and adaptation of family members who have fallen into a difficult life situation, returned from places of deprivation of liberty, special educational and medical institutions, who have not been working or studying for a long time, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.; social formation of members of young families with disabilities in physical and mental development, disabled people, etc.

Informing and advising on the rights, responsibilities and obligations of family members in various activities, familiarization with benefits, legislative and regulatory documents. Information and advice can be obtained from documentation and information centers, legal services, etc. .

Thus, the main forms and methods of social work with the family are:

Information work;

Work to ensure the employment of family members, studying the labor market, informing about the availability of vacancies for employment, organizing vocational training and retraining;

Analytical and prognostic work;

Medico-social work;

Work on the removal of neuropsychic and physical stress, the prevention and prevention of diseases associated with overloads of the nervous and muscular system, teaching advanced methods of physical and mental culture.

Family types

Young family

Any family goes through the “young family” stage, during which relations between spouses are formed, family traditions are formed, roles in the family are distributed. Young spouses try to build relationships based on the experience of their parents. Often the advice of parents leads to conflicts.

Young families have the following problems:

1. material and everyday problems.

The budget consists of salary (salary of a young specialist, scholarships), child allowance; secondary earnings are fickle and minimal; help of parents.

Most young families live with their parents during the first years, and underage mothers are dependent on their parents.

2. Housing problem. This is due to a reduction in housing construction, the curtailment of the practice of providing free housing by the state and inaccessible due to the high cost of housing on the free market.
In most cases, the most preferred option is living with parents. This improves the financial situation of the family, helps to raise children, parents have time for secondary earnings, study, leisure, but there is a problem of psychological compatibility of family members.

3. The problem of employment of a young specialist, low wages are pushing young specialists to look for work in another city. Work associated with a long absence from home does not contribute to strengthening the family, creating an atmosphere of love, mutual understanding, and goodwill in it.

4. Psychological problems. These include joint emotional relationships, psychological compatibility, addiction of spouses to a changed lifestyle. Spouses have to get used to hobbies, manifestations of each other's character.

In early marriage, a single value system of the family is formed, and joint leisure activities are of great importance for this. A young family prefers to visit together, spend holidays, watch TV, read books and newspapers, and sports and tourism are in last place for many families, which can be explained by objective conditions (paid services).

5. Medical problems. The unpreparedness of young families for marriage, insufficient sex education is manifested by the unformed culture of intimate relationships, the unconscious attitude of young people to reproductive behavior.

Unmarried women suffer from chronic diseases more than married women from intact families. Family disorder, lack of male support significantly affect the occurrence of chronic diseases in men. The relationship between an unfavorable family-psychological climate and the risk of chronic diseases has been revealed.
Most disorders in the reproductive system begin to accumulate from childhood. The potential of the future mother and father is laid in childhood. The number of underage mothers has increased. Young mothers often develop anemia, toxicosis, premature birth.

In recent years, there has been an increase in gynecological diseases, and the health of pregnant women has not improved. Maternal mortality is 2.5 times higher than the average European level.

The socio-economic situation in the country is increasingly leading to the stratification of society into the poor and the rich, especially in the possibility of obtaining education and raising one's social status. In order to stabilize a young family, a set of measures for the social, economic, and legal protection of young families is needed to give them equal development opportunities with other families.

The existing problems make young families often postpone the birth of not only the second, but also the first child. A delayed birth may not take place at all, because in modern conditions the deteriorating health of spouses can make them infertile.

The interests of the state and society, the needs of the social well-being of individuals require the introduction of a sustainable and stable system of social assistance to the family.

Statistics show that the low-income group includes not only families with many children and incomplete families, families of the unemployed, but also young, student families, families with young children. In the category of families in need of special assistance, the young family comes first.

It can be concluded that most young families are in difficult life situations and should be protected by the state.

Large families

All large families can be divided into three categories:

Families in which large families are planned (for example, in connection with national traditions, religious prescriptions, cultural and ideological positions, family traditions). Such families experience many difficulties due to low income, cramped housing, the workload of parents (especially mothers), their state of health, but parents have a motivation to raise children. In these families, the child is one of the main values ​​in life, and parents do everything in their power to make their children live better;

Families formed as a result of the second and subsequent marriages of the mother (less often - the father), in which new children are born. Studies show that such families can be quite prosperous, but their members have a feeling of an incomplete family;

Dysfunctional large families, formed as a result of irresponsible behavior of parents, sometimes against the background of intellectual and mental decline, alcoholism, antisocial lifestyle. Children here are only a means to receive various benefits, benefits and benefits. Parents in such families can have another child because this will give them the right to receive an apartment out of turn or to build a house in the countryside. There is another option: parents only give birth to children (for example, conceived in alcoholic intoxication) and consider their mission accomplished on this, without even thinking that the child should not only be born, but also raised and educated.

Children from such large families especially often need help, rehabilitation, suffer from diseases and underdevelopment. In the event of the loss of parental care, their fate is especially difficult to arrange.
A large family has both its own specific problems and those that are characteristic of any other family (with one or two children, incomplete). She suffers all the "diseases" of the standard family, but in her they are much more difficult. This is one of the most important features.

First, it is necessary to mean not only the problems that arise in it, but also the problems of children living in such families.

Secondly, the problems of a large family differ depending on its place of residence: different regions of the country, city or village.

Thirdly, large families do not represent a homogeneous mass. All of them, despite the presence of common problems, differ sharply from each other.
The main problem of large families is material. At present, with the birth of each child, the income of the family decreases sharply. We can say that the birth of a third child in the family in the vast majority of cases leads to poverty.

Most often, such families also have poor living conditions.
Having many children often has a detrimental effect on children. The issue of the state of children's health is raised sporadically and is assessed ambiguously. Among adolescents from large families, there are many smokers, both boys and girls. Starting with the fifth child, the probability of an increase in infant mortality and the birth of a handicapped child, that is, with malformations of the child, increases sharply.

All children from large families have low self-esteem, inadequate ideas about the meaning of their own personality, which can adversely affect all of their subsequent fate.

According to experts, in ten out of a hundred families with several children, the moral and psychological climate is unsatisfactory.

According to the research of physicians and lawyers, it is clear that in large urban families, the percentage of offenses committed by minors is higher; pedagogical neglect is manifested most of all.
These families are economically disadvantaged, especially in cases where parents (one or both) are disabled or unemployed, one of the parents is absent, parents have low wages, there are physically or mentally ill children in the family, the treatment of which requires financial costs.

The number of large families has been declining in recent decades and has stabilized at a minimally low level;

The prevalence of large families in Russia has a distinct regional character. Unlike most regions of Russia, a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are part of the Southern Federal District are characterized by a traditionally high level of large families;

The predominance of large families with three children - 75% of the total number of large families in the Russian Federation; families with five or more children make up 7.7% of the total number of families with many children.
The real incomes of a large family fell sharply, which led to an increase in food costs and a decrease in all other types of expenses. In the structure of income, the role of the child allowance is not great, although it gives some increase to the family budget. This difficulty affects both intra-family relations and the relationship of the family with the social environment.

Thus, we can say that families with many children have both common problems (characteristic of families at risk) and specific ones, depending on the functional system of each particular family.

Incomplete family

An incomplete family is a family consisting of a single mother (single father) with a child (children), a divorced woman (divorced man) with a child (children), a widow (widower) with a child (children).

In incomplete families, a significant part of the population is concentrated, which has not developed family and marriage relations. These are children without a father (or mother), adults who do not have their own family and continue to live with their parents. This situation not only complicates the material side of life for most of them, but also deprives them of the spiritual life that a happy marriage could give.

The main types of single-parent families are distinguished:




There are also paternal and maternal families, the latter make up the absolute majority among single-parent families.

The growth of incomplete families is directly related to the sphere of marriage and family relations:

Changing moral norms in the field of gender relations;

The spread of premarital relationships,

Changing the traditional roles (family) of men and women;

Loss of the family of its production function;

Unpreparedness of youth for marriage;

Excessive requirements in relation to the marriage partner;

Alcoholism and drug addiction.

Raising children in an incomplete family has a number of features. In the absence of one of the parents, the remaining one has to take on the solution of all the material and everyday problems of the family. At the same time, he also needs to make up for the deficit of educational influence on children that has arisen. Combining all these tasks is very difficult. Therefore, most single-parent families experience material and domestic difficulties and face pedagogical problems.

A mother rarely manages to contain and hide her irritation towards her ex-spouse. Mother's irritability is unconsciously projected onto their common child. Another situation is also possible. The mother seeks to make up for the lack of parental care in abundance and surrounds the child with an atmosphere of cloying caress and overprotectiveness. In such cases, the educational atmosphere of the family is distorted and negatively affects the development of the child's personality.

The biggest difficulty is the difficulty in the correct sex-role identification and orientation of children. The child forms stereotypes of his perception and behavior, guided by the model that adults, primarily parents, are for him.

The absence of one parent in the family can be the cause of inferior, unsuccessful upbringing of children. In maternal incomplete families, boys do not see an example of male behavior in the family, which contributes to the formation in the process of their socialization of an inadequate idea of ​​the role functions of a man, husband, father. The absence of a second parent also affects the socialization of girls brought up in maternal single parent families, distorts their ideas about the role functions of a woman, wife, mother. In paternal incomplete families, the above problems are supplemented by the lack of maternal affection, without which the upbringing of children cannot be complete.

A father with a child is more likely to create a new family than a mother with a child. Therefore, one of the problems of such a family will be the formation of relations between the child (children) and the new wife of the father (possibly with her children). Therefore, a child, in the future, in his own family, a person will not always be able to demonstrate adequate gender-role behavior; this leads to dysfunction and conflict, and possibly also to the breakup of the family.

Children from incomplete families are much more likely to suffer from acute and chronic diseases. The frequency of bad habits (smoking, alcohol consumption), social and housing disorder, non-observance of hygienic standards of life, failure to consult doctors in case of illness of children, self-treatment, etc. is statistically significant.
In incomplete families, there is an acute problem of an economic nature (material difficulties experienced by the family). The total family budget consists of individual labor income, allowances, pensions, compensatory payments and benefits determined by the state, child support after divorce, gifts in money or things, food from relatives and friends. Recently, the list of social guarantees has been significantly reduced and the level of social protection has decreased. A mother who raises a child without a father must herself be responsible for the well-being of her family. Many women consider raising and caring for children their main purpose and relegate professional success and career to the background. At the same time, material well-being and often employment in two jobs removes a single mother from raising and caring for a child, and he is left to himself.

Working single mothers have a particularly strong influence on their daughters, who attach great importance to personal and material independence, the prestige of the family and are distinguished at school by higher academic performance than the daughters of non-working mothers from intact families.
All this does not mean, however, that an incomplete family is necessarily dysfunctional in the educational aspect. These problems may arise in an incomplete family with a greater probability than in a complete one, but it does not at all follow that they will necessarily arise. In some cases, the psychological atmosphere of the family is quite favorable and does not create difficulties in the formation of a healthy personality. It also happens vice versa: in a formally complete, but emotionally dysfunctional family, a child faces much more serious psychological problems.
Thus, an incomplete family, although it faces a number of objective difficulties, nevertheless has sufficient potential for the full-fledged upbringing of children. A parent who, due to circumstances, turned out to be the head of an incomplete family, needs to be soberly aware of the psychological characteristics of the situation that has arisen and not allow them to lead to negative consequences. The experience of many successful single parent families shows that this is possible.

Thus, we can say that the number of single-parent families is increasing every year, the number of divorces is growing, and specific measures are needed to address the problems of single-parent families.

Summary of the first chapter:

In the first chapter, we examined the meaning of the family, where the concept of what a family is is given (it is an organized social group whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and social necessity, which is due to the society's need for physical spiritual self-reproduction.) and what functions it should perform (educational, emotional support, household services, social control, reproductive).

Forms of social work with families, of which the main ones are:

information work;

work to ensure the employment of family members, studying the labor market, informing about the availability of vacancies for employment, organizing vocational training and retraining;

Analytical and prognostic work;

medical and social work;

· work on the removal of neuropsychic and physical stress, the prevention and prevention of diseases associated with overloads of the nervous and muscular system, teaching advanced methods of physical and mental culture.

As well as types of families, which include:

Young family;

The large family;

Incomplete family.

Chapter 2. Family problems.

Social problems of the family

In the first place in the ranking are material and financial problems. According to the results of sociological surveys of women, regardless of the level of material security, they express concern about high prices.
The next problem for urban and rural residents is "a sense of insecurity, indifference on the part of the state, society", which once again indicates that any family needs state and social support. The health status of family members and the lack of opportunities for good treatment are of greater concern to families in big cities than in small towns.

On the one hand, in a big city there are more opportunities for good treatment, more medical institutions, including better equipped and equipped than in small and medium-sized cities, rural settlements; on the other hand, not all families in large cities can use expensive medical services, and it is in such cities that the percentage of morbidity due to environmentally unfavorable conditions is much higher.
The problem of living conditions is also more topical for families in large cities than for families in other cities and rural families. This is due to the fact that housing in a large city is much more expensive than in medium and small cities.

In large cities there is a network of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, only families see the problem in limited opportunities to give their children a good education. In small and medium-sized cities, in rural settlements, there are limited opportunities to give children a good education, which is more relevant.

The combination of work and childcare is more problematic for urban families (the data for large, medium and small cities are almost the same) - 74.8% than for rural families - 25.2%. This is due to the high workload of urban women at work, long distances and remoteness of work from home. Relationships in the family and at work are also less problematic for rural residents compared to urban ones, which is also explained by the peculiarities of the rural way of life.

Thus, we can say that problems in raising children are more common in large cities than in medium and small cities, and especially in rural families. The larger the city, the more disconnected parents and children are, the wider the social circle of children and adolescents among their peers, the more “temptations” and places of leisure. In rural families, on the contrary, family ties are stronger, parents are more informed about their children by teachers, neighbors and other residents of the settlement.

Similar information.

Social work with family.


Today, many families need help and support in order to fully implement the functions prescribed by society.

Single-parent and large families, families of single mothers, military personnel, families raising children with disabilities, adopted and guarded children with disabled parents, student families, families of refugees, migrants, the unemployed, asocial families, etc. need such assistance.

Socio-psychological support is necessary for families with reduced behavioral activity, a pessimistic attitude and poor health. It is of particular importance in those regions, territories where there are few or practically no female vacancies. Various types of social support make it possible to stop personal and family disintegration, help people believe in themselves, orient them towards self-employment, home work, and the development of subsidiary farming.

Family social service is the activity of social services for the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult life situations. In the narrow sense of the word, it is understood as the process of providing families, individuals who depend on others and are unable to take care of themselves, specific social services necessary to meet the needs of their normal development and existence.

Social and psychological support may be necessary for any family, although to varying degrees. Passive families especially need help. They have little potential of their own to resolve crises.

The family as an object of social work.

Family It is a complex social system that has the features of a social institution and a small social group.

Family - a small group based on marriage or consanguinity, whose members are connected by a common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance, the relationship between husband and wife, parents and children. In sociological research, it is important to take into account the average family size, the composition of families, carried out on various grounds (the number of generations in the family, the number and completeness of married couples, the number and age of minor children), the division of families according to social and class characteristics.

The family is of great importance for the stability and development of the whole society. As a small group, the family performs the functions of the regulatory nature of the behavior of its members, both within this small group and outside. The family performs the functions of reproduction and maintenance of the new generation, is the primary institution of socialization - success, which affects the entire future life of the individual. performing so many functions, the family is the basis of society, a guarantee of its stable state and development.

Violation of any of the functions of the family leads to inevitable problems and conflicts both within the family and outside it. A social worker is also called upon to contribute to the restoration of lost or damaged functions. For a social worker, knowledge of the functions of the family is important for the correct diagnosis of family problems and, in the future, quality assistance.

Thus, given that the family is one of the oldest institutions of socialization of new generations, which performs the function of ensuring the safety and security of any person, but in modern conditions is experiencing serious problems (disorganization of family ties, instability of marital relations, an increase in the number of divorces, a change in the position of spouses in the system of social labor, serious economic difficulties, a change in emotional and psychological manifestations, parental function, etc.), it can be reasonably considered that the role of a social specialist in preserving and strengthening the social potential of this phenomenon of society is increasing.

All the many problems associated with the modern family can be divided into the following groups:

1. Socio-economic problems : This group includes problems related to the standard of living of a family, its budget (including the consumer budget of an average family), the share in the structure of society of low-income families and families living below the poverty line, with the specific needs of large and young families, state financial assistance systems.

2. Social problems : in terms of semantic content, they are similar to socio-economic problems. This group includes problems related to providing families with housing, living conditions, as well as the consumer budget of an average family, etc.

3. Socio-psychological problems: This group includes the widest range of problems: they are associated with acquaintance, the choice of a marriage partner, and further - marriage and family adaptation, coordination of family and intra-family roles, personal autonomy and self-affirmation in the family. In addition, they include the problems of marital compatibility, family conflicts, family cohesion as a small group, domestic violence.

4. Problems of the stability of the modern family: d This issue is the state and dynamics of family divorces, their socio-typological and regional aspects, the causes of divorces, the values ​​of marriage, satisfaction with marriage as a factor in the stability of a family union, its socio-psychological characteristics.

5. Problems of family education: in This group of problems can be considered the state of family education, types of families according to the criterion of education, parental roles, the position of the child in the family, conditions for effectiveness and miscalculations of family education. these problems are naturally related to socio-psychological problems and problems of family stability.

6. Problems of families at risk: f The actors that cause social risk may be of a socio-economic, medical and sanitary, socio-demographic, socio-psychological, criminal nature. Their action leads to the loss of family ties, an increase in the number of children left without parental care, a permanent place of residence, and livelihoods. Child neglect continues to be one of the most disturbing characteristics of contemporary Russian society. Families at risk include: single-parent families, families raising or having disabled people, large families, low-income and poor families, etc.

The essence and content of social work with the family.

Social service - a set of state and non-state structures and institutions that provide the population with social assistance and services that allow them to overcome the difficult life situation of an individual, family or social group. This is an organizational form of social work, the elements of which reflect the main spheres of life of modern Russian society, ensuring the implementation of social, including family, state policy.

For social service specialists, the main tasks in working with families are to identify the sources and causes of social maladjustment of the family, diagnose the microclimate, develop a primary program for the rehabilitation of the family as a whole, which is possible only if complete information about the internal potential of the family is obtained.

Different specialists work in social services to help families and children. The social work specialist, the social pedagogue and the psychologist work directly with the family as a client. Their functional duties and methods of helping the family and the child are different.

social work specialist - an employee professionally engaged in activities aimed at assisting citizens in exercising their social rights through information, diagnostics, counseling, direct in-kind and financial assistance, pedagogical and psychological support, mediation; coordinates the activities of narrow specialists in solving client problems.

Goals of a social worker:

Establishing the social status of the client;

Drawing up individual programs for the social rehabilitation of minors, programs for working with families;

Management of the implementation of these programs with the involvement of narrow specialists and interested departments;

Analysis of the social situation of various categories of families and children in order to prepare proposals for the development of social programs.

To achieve these goals, a social work specialist performs various functional duties.

1. Accounting for families and individuals in need of social support.

2. The implementation of the initial reception of citizens, identifying their needs for various types of social assistance, the reasons for their difficulties, conflict situations, preparing draft orders for the director of the institution to enroll a client for service.

3. Collection of client documents necessary for organizing work to solve their problems, proposals from narrow specialists and preparation of individual rehabilitation programs, programs of work with the client on their basis, control over their implementation.

4. Implementation of intermediary functions (functions of social intercessors) in order to solve the client's problems (representing the interests of the client in the bodies of social protection of the population, internal affairs, education, healthcare, employment services, migration services, courts, etc.).

5. Implementation of social patronage over clients, including after the implementation of work programs with them.

6. Carrying out work on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency (identification of neglected children, informing the guardianship and guardianship authorities, assistance in further life arrangement, participation in the protection of their rights).

7. Advising clients on various aspects of family and marriage, on the observance of the social rights of clients.

A specialist in social work with families is faced with both typical and specific, individual problems that are typical for families in a difficult life situation.

The directions of his work are connected with the resolution of a complex of social, economic, psychological, pedagogical, medical and other problems. In his work, a social worker should be guided by the following principles:

The principle of humanity . Approach to a person as the main value in the system of social relations.

The principle of family-centrism . In providing assistance, the interests of the family always come first, taking precedence over the rights of society, the state or any group.

The principle of social adequacy . Accounting for a variety of environmental factors.

The principle of individualization . Creation of conditions for self-disclosure and self-realization of personality.

The principle of creating an educational environment . The family as a collective is the main factor in the development of the individual.

The principle of consistency . The family is a complex system of structural elements. Influencing a separate element, we get changes in the system.

A specialist in social work with families in their professional activities usually performs the tasks of a social worker and a social pedagogue. Based on this, E.I. Kholostova considers the followingfunctions of a specialist in social work with families :

- diagnostic - lies in the fact that the social worker studies the characteristics of the family, the degree and direction of the influence of the microenvironment on it and puts a "social diagnosis";

- predictive - predicts the development and improvement of social policy, events, processes occurring both in the family and in a group of people, and influences the development of certain models of social behavior;

- human rights - uses laws and legal acts in the interests of providing assistance and support to families, their protection;

- organizational - involvement of the public in the provision of various types of assistance and social services to needy families;

- preventive - activates various mechanisms (legal, social, psychological, medical, pedagogical, etc.) to prevent and overcome negative phenomena;

- socio-medical – organizes work on disease prevention, promotes mastery of the basics of first aid, helps prepare young people for family life, develops occupational therapy;

- socio-pedagogical - reveals the interests and needs of families in various types of activities: educational, interpersonal communication, cultural and leisure, sports and recreation, artistic creativity and attracts various societies, creative unions to work with them;

- social and domestic - providing the necessary assistance and support to various categories of the population (disabled people, the elderly, young families) in improving their life, living conditions;

- communicative – establishes contact with those in need, organizes the exchange of information and acts as an agent to develop a unified strategy for interaction, perception, understanding and social control

- psychological - provides various types of counseling and correction of interpersonal relationships, promotes social adaptation of the individual;

Psychological assistance to the family can be shown on the example of a counseling model, consisting of the following steps:

1. Revealing the ideas of family members about the nature of the difficulties experienced.

2. Clarification of the facts of family life and the peculiarities of its dynamics. Analysis of family history for an adequate understanding of the current situation.

3. Feedback from the consultant to the family, including a message about how the consultant understands the problem, a reflection of his own feelings and experiences, support for the family in their desire to receive psychological help.

4. Definition of the problem field of the family. At this stage, the problems of this family are identified; assumptions are made regarding the causes of the difficulties that have arisen, the mechanisms of their occurrence and development; if necessary, additional information is collected to test the hypotheses put forward. The result of this stage is the coordination of the ideas of the psychologist and family members about the existing problems and the setting of realistic goals.

5. Working through the feelings of family members associated with the ongoing crisis.

6. Identification of alternatives. At this stage, possible alternatives for solving problems are clarified and openly discussed. The consultant encourages family members to analyze all possible options, puts forward additional alternatives, without imposing their own solutions.

7. Planning. At this stage, a critical evaluation of the selected alternatives is carried out. The counselor helps the family understand which alternatives are appropriate and realistic in terms of previous experience and current willingness to change. Checking the realism of the chosen solution (role-playing games, “rehearsal” of actions, etc.).

8. Activities. At this stage, there is a consistent implementation of a plan for solving family problems, support by a consultant for family members is of particular importance.

As a rule, work with a family in need of assistance is carried out in the format of short-term therapy (from 1 to 20 meetings). The proposed counseling model allows a family psychologist or social worker to flexibly use and modify both the sequence and the content of the stages, taking into account the specifics of a particular family.

Diagnostics of family relationships in a crisis situation makes it possible to clarify the features of relationships in the family, as well as to determine the optimal, from the point of view of family members, and the real system of relationships. Comparison and joint analysis of the data obtained allows us to see the problem from different angles, which, in turn, contributes to a more accurate diagnosis and the search for an effective way out of a crisis situation.

Specialists in social work with the family are engaged in various activities in the performance of their professional functions.

Their work is characterized by three approaches to problem solving.

1. Educational - a specialist acts as an educator, consultant, expert. In such cases, he gives advice, teaches skills, modeling and demonstrating the correct behavior, establishes feedback, uses role-playing games as a teaching method.

2. Facilitative - the specialist plays the role of an accomplice or assistant, supporter or mediator in overcoming apathy or disorganization of the individual and family, when it is difficult for them to do it themselves. His activity with this approach is aimed at interpreting behavior, discussing alternative activities and actions, explaining situations, encouraging and targeting the mobilization of internal resources; organizing the application of the social group method.

3. Advocacy - is used when he performs the role of a lawyer on behalf of a particular client or group of clients, as well as an assistant to those people who act as a lawyer on their own behalf. This kind of activity includes helping individuals and families to put forward an enhanced argument, the selection of documented allegations

B.Yu. Shapiro identifies the following tasks of the professional activity of a specialist in social work with families:

The study of social tension, understanding the essence of the phenomenon of assistance, analysis and truthful forecasting of its development;

Social survey of families, knowledge of the symptoms of social diseases in order to identify development trends, identify harmonious interaction within family relationships;

Providing needy families with social, sociological-pedagogical, socio-medical, legal, psychological and material assistance;

Promoting the integration of the activities of various state, public, commercial and other organizations and institutions to provide socio-economic and cultural assistance in all periods of family life, and especially at the initial stage, in order to achieve economic independence for the family;

Ability to master the technique and technology of social work and influence through state and public organizations, local governments on the formation in the municipal district (district, district) of a climate of benevolent and universal respect for the disabled, the elderly and children; organization of volunteer activities.


The modern Russian family is going through a crisis, but a specialist in the social sphere - a social teacher, psychologist, social worker - can and should help restore the prestige and stability of the family. The family as a guarantee of the stability of society as a whole requires close attention from the state authorities and the public, the adoption of more measures to improve the situation of families, all this should be carried out, including with the help of social specialists.To help the family to achieve a change in the life situation, to modify the existing model, to coordinate the actions of specialists and service potentials is the main goal of a social specialist in working with the family.


1. Theory and practice of social work: the main directions of development in the XX-XXI centuries (domestic and foreign experience): Reader. / Comp. and scientific ed. S. I. Grigoriev, L. I. Guslyakova. 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M.: Publishing house "MAGISTR-PRESS", 2013. - 479 p.

2. Fundamentals of social work: a textbook for university students / Ed. N. F. Basova. -M. : KNORUS, 2012. -663 p. - (For bachelors).

3. Kholostova E. I. Social work: textbook. - M.: "Dashkov and Co", 2007 - 692 p.

4. Pavlenok P. D. Theory, history and methods of social work: textbook. - M.: "Dashkov and Co", 2013. - 428 p.

5. Technologies of social work in various spheres of life / Ed. prof. P. D. Pavlenka: textbook. - M.: "Dashkov and Co", 2014. - 236 p.

6. Dictionary reference book on social work. \ Ed. E. I. Kholostova. - M., 2007. - 397 p.

7. Technologies of social work / Ed. prof. E. I. Kholostova. - M.: INFRA - M, 2004. - 400 p.

8. Firsov M. V., Studenova E. G. Theory of social work: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook establishments. -Moscow: Academic Project, 2007. - 512 p.

9. Firsov M.V., Shapiro B.Yu. Psychology of social work: The content and methods of psychosocial practice: Proc. allowance for students. higher education, institutions. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012 p. - 192 p.

10. "Improving the general and vocational education of disabled people in the process of their rehabilitation" /scientific ed. S.S. Lebedeva - Publishing House of LLC "SPb SRP" Pavel VOG ", 2014. - 303 p.


Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences<#"center">Course work

by discipline

"Technology of social work"

"Technology of social work with the family"


3rd year student

group 1243-1/3-1

distance learning

Kuznetsova N.N.

St. Petersburg 2014


1 Concept of family

2 Functions of the family

2 Technologies of social work with the family

3 Family policy as an actual area of ​​social work



The family as an association of people connected by relations of kinship, parenthood, marriage is a link between the individual and society, performs the functions of physical and socio-cultural replacement of generations.

The family is the primary protective environment of the individual. However, it can cause deprivation and infringement of the individual and a factor in life crises. The family is a necessary value for the life and development of every person, plays an important role in the life of society and the state, in educating new generations, ensuring social stability and progress.

Despite the crisis features that the family acquired at the beginning of the 21st century, it continues to be an important factor in building the image of the modern social world. Society is interested in a spiritually stable, stable functioning family that maintains a high intensity of family relations and is capable of raising a biologically socially psychologically healthy person. This is the relevance of the topic of this course work.

The purpose of writing this term paper is the social problems of the family in modern Russian society as an object of study of social work.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

a) consider the functions of the family;

b) to study the technologies of social work with the family as a system;

c) reveal the main problems of the family and family policy in modern Russian society.

The practical significance of this work is determined by an attempt to reach out to the consciousness of every person that the key to a prosperous society is a happy family, that family values ​​are destined to live if they are treated with respect and passed on to future generations.

Structurally, the course work consists of an introduction of two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The first chapter provides a conceptual apparatus that allows us to consider the family as an object of study of social work. The second chapter examines the technologies of social work with the family as a system and analyzes the problems of the family and family policy in modern Russian society.

Chapter 1. Family and social work: conceptual apparatus

1 Concept of family

Being one of the ancient forms of the institutional organization of social life, the family arose much earlier than religion, the state, the army, education, and the market.

The concept of the family is different for different peoples and has changed significantly in different periods of human history. The protection of family relations is regulated by various branches of law, which interpret the concept of "family" in different ways. There is no single definition of the family in monographic studies.

Two groups of features can be distinguished according to the definition of this concept: 1) sociological and 2) legal nature.

In sociology, the family is defined as a social institution characterized by certain social norms, sanctions, patterns of behavior, rights and obligations that regulate relations between spouses, parents and children.

Along with this sociological definition, there is also a legal concept of the family. In the legal sense, the family is a legal bond. A family in the legal sense can be defined as a circle of persons bound by rights and obligations arising from marriage, kinship, adoption or other form of adoption of children for upbringing and recognized to contribute to the strengthening and development of family relations on the principles of morality.

As a social institution, the family is integrated into the segment of society of which it is an element. Therefore, the needs and interests of the family are satisfied in accordance with the opportunities provided by society. These opportunities are realized by the family in a wide range of social relations - marriage and kinship, legal and social, household and economic, moral and ethical, psychological and emotional. In the family, personal needs are ordered, organized on the basis of social values, norms and patterns of behavior accepted in society and in the subculture to which the family belongs, and, in the end, acquire the character of social functions.

The most important function of the family for society and the state is the socialization of the individual, the transfer of cultural heritage to new generations. A feature of socialization in the family is its duration: the mutual influence of children and parents lasts almost a lifetime. The socialization of adults rather changes external behavior, while the socialization of children forms value orientations. Socialization of adults is designed to help a person acquire certain skills, socialization in childhood has more to do with the motivation of behavior. Socialization means the process of constant knowledge, consolidation and creative assimilation by a person of the rules and norms of behavior dictated to him by society.

The family as a system performs the most important function of the social and emotional protection of its members. In the family, a person feels the value of his life, finds selfless dedication, readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of the life of loved ones. Another function is connected with this function - a recreational, restorative function, which is aimed at restoring and strengthening the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual forces of a person after a hard working day. It is known that married life has a beneficial effect on the health of spouses, and on the body of a man to a greater extent than women.

Thus, the social significance of the family lies in the integrity that is inherent in the family both as a social community, and as a small social group, and as a social institution.

1.2 Functions of the family

The American scientist Abraham Maslow, structuring human needs, divided them into:

a) physiological and sexual needs;

) existential needs for the security of their existence; 3) social needs for communication;

a) prestigious needs for recognition;

) spiritual needs for self-realization.

The social functions of the family, which play a huge role in public life, are directly related to human needs. Thus, the reproductive function of the family performs the most important task: biological and, in part, social reproduction of the population - after all, the foundation of human socialization is laid in the family.

The family as a social community is the primary element that mediates the connection of the individual with society: it forms the child's idea of ​​social ties and includes him in them from birth. In the family, for the first time, a person encounters the division of labor in housekeeping, self-service. Hence the next most important function of the family is the socialization of the individual, the transfer of cultural heritage to new generations. The human need for children, their upbringing and socialization gives meaning to human life itself through the implementation of the reproductive function. It is quite obvious that the priority of the family as the main form of socialization of the individual is due to natural biological reasons. The family as the main agent of socialization contributes to the assimilation of behavior patterns, forms of activity necessary for inclusion in the status-role dispositions of society. At the same time, the social status function is associated with the reproduction of the social structure of society, since it provides a certain social status to family members.

The family has more advantages in the socialization of the individual compared to other groups due to the special moral and emotional psychological atmosphere of sensitivity, respect, love and care. The level of emotional and intellectual development of children who are brought up outside the family is lower. They have a slowed down ability to sympathy and empathy, the ability to love their neighbor. The first five years in a child's life are especially important, because it is during these years that the foundations of personality are laid - speech, emotions, character, memory, intellect, thinking. The family carries out socialization in the most crucial period of life, provides an individual approach to the development of the child, reveals his abilities, interests, needs in time.

Due to the fact that in the family there are the closest and closest relationships that can exist between people, the law of social heritage comes into force. No wonder people say: "The father is a fisherman and the children look into the water." Children in their character, temperament, style of behavior are in many ways similar to their parents. Each family develops its own cultural environment, its own atmosphere, which has the greatest impact on the child. The effectiveness of parenthood as an institution of socialization of the individual is also ensured by the fact that it is permanent and long-lasting, continuing throughout life, as long as parents and children are alive.

The next most important function of the family is existential, i.e. social emotional protection of their loved ones. It is known that the essence of any phenomenon is especially pronounced in an extreme situation. In a situation that threatens life and health, most people seek to be close to their families. In the family, a person understands and feels the value of his life, finds selfless dedication, readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of the life of loved ones. The consciousness that a person is needed and dear to someone who loves him, maintains morale and confidence. The care of family members for each other, emotional and other protection within the family binds family members with mutual responsibility. It is based not only on the law, but also has a high degree of voluntariness, the desire to bear responsibility.

The next most important function of the family is economic and household. The essence of this function, from an individual point of view, is to receive material resources and household services by some family members from others, and from a public point of view, to support minors and disabled members of society. Family property, as a rule, is in the possession of a wife and husband, and marital shares of property are recognized as equal.

The restorative (or recreational) function is aimed at restoring and strengthening the emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual forces of a person after a hard day's work. This function has not been sufficiently studied, but scientists have reliable facts proving the positive impact of the family on the health of spouses. For example: bachelor life contributes (directly or indirectly) to the emergence of such serious diseases as ulcers, neurasthenia, hypertension.

The leisure function carries out the organization of rational leisure and exercises control in the field of leisure, in addition, it satisfies certain needs of the individual in leisure activities.

The sexual function of the family exercises sexual control and is aimed at satisfying the sexual needs of the spouses.

Each function plays a certain role in the life of the family and is important both for society and for the individual.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the family is one of the fundamental institutions of society, which gives it stability, and also makes it possible to replenish the population in each next generation. At the same time, the family acts as a small group - the most cohesive and stable unit of society. Throughout life, a person is part of many different groups, but only the family remains the group that he never leaves.

3 Family as an object of social work

The objects of social work are an individual, a small group, the population of a certain localized territory (in whole or in part).

A distinctive feature of the objects of social work is the presence of a difficult life situation: disability; inability to self-care due to old age, illness; orphanhood; neglect; low income; unemployment; lack of a fixed place of residence; conflicts and abuse in the family; loneliness.

Taking the family as an object of social work, it is necessary to take into account its structure, environment, functioning, traditions and customs.

The family reflects all the social problems characteristic of modern society, therefore, to one degree or another, all types of social work technologies are applicable to it - aimed at the social rehabilitation of the disabled or disabled children, providing assistance to the poor, women, military personnel, etc. there are also specific technologies designed to help the family as such.

Currently, there are more than 40 million families in the Russian Federation. The most common type is the nuclear family (from Latin nucleus - nucleus), which consists of one pair spouses with or without children. There are 2/3 such families in the Russian Federation.

The nuclear family can be complete or incomplete (consisting of one parent with children). Number of incomplete families (as a result of divorce, widowhood, the birth of a child by an unmarried woman, etc.) Currently, 6.2 million families in the country are incomplete: in Russia there are 5.6 million single mothers and 634.5 thousand . single fathers. At the same time, about 9.5 thousand single parents raise five or more children. According to statistics, more than half of parents who do not live with children periodically deviate from paying child support, and one in three does not pay them at all.

The next type is an extended family, in which there are several family nuclei (grandparents, their children and grandchildren, or families of brothers or sisters). At present, as a result of the dominant trend towards nuclearization (i.e. separation extended families into several simple ones), only 15% of such families from the total number of families. Although the type of patriarchal extended family was once the most common.

Families can also differ in the presence and absence of children and in their number. According to any statistics, the main trend in the development of a family with children today is a decrease in the average number of children (under 18) in a family, as well as a decrease in the number of complete (mother, father, children) and large families. So, according to the data for 2013, the number of families without children is 48.3%, with 1 child - 33.8%, with two - 14.6%, with 3 or more - 3.3%.

There is also a typology of social risk, i.e., the selection of families that, due to objective or subjective reasons, are in a state of difficulty in life and need assistance from the state system of social protection and social services. These are low-income families; families with an excessive dependency load (large families or those with disabilities), in which there is more than one dependent per worker; families raising children with disabilities; incomplete families; families of refugees and internally displaced persons; military service families.

In recent years, new categories of such families have emerged: families whose members work in enterprises and institutions where wages are not paid/delayed for months; families of the unemployed; families living in disadvantaged regions.

Chapter 2

1 The essence of the social problems of the modern family

Since the life of the family is determined by the laws of development of society, then, as a social institution, it has gone a long way of development and adaptation to a variety of conditions, which has led to a change in the role and functions of the family in modern society. Initially, the family was the main form of life arrangement and concentrated in itself all the main functions to ensure human life. But at present it is difficult to single out a specific type of activity that is peculiar only to the family, because The family shares a number of functions with other social institutions. Thus, the complex of problems of all types of families is determined by the question of the purpose of the family in the modern world.

All the problems that exist in modern families can be divided into the following groups:

.problems of fertility and family planning;

.problems of family stability;



.social and household;

.problems of family education;

.specific problems of families at risk.

Problems of fertility and family planning.

Demographic trends in Russia are extremely unfavorable. The population of Russia ceased to reproduce itself back in 1964-1965. since then, Russian society has entered a phase of so-called latent depopulation, when, despite the birth rate that has fallen below the threshold, the population has been growing by inertia for some time, but not for long.

The natural decline began in 1992 and continues to grow. In the period from 1990 to 2010, it reached 7.7 million people, and in 2010-2030 it will amount to another 11.5 million people. According to Rosstat forecasts, the population of Russia in 2010-2020 will decrease annually by an average of 21 million, and in 2020-2030 - by 13.8 million per year.

One of the main directions for solving the demographic problem is to increase the birth rate and increase the number of children in the family. The family structure of Russia is now dominated by small families: only 6% of families raise three or more children (in Western Europe this figure is 12-15%)]. However, according to demographic calculations, for a simple reproduction of the population, about 50% of all families should have 3-4 children. However, women and families who have a desire to give birth to a second and third child often cannot decide on such an action. Why?

There are several reasons here:

Housing issue and material living conditions;

Lack of a developed and accessible network of pre-school education institutions;

The importance of public opinion in relation to a large family. A family with several children is associated with poverty and deviance;

Difficulty finding a marriage partner.

Problems of the stability of the modern family.

This issue is the state and dynamics of family divorces, their socio-typological and regional aspects, the causes of divorces, the values ​​of marriage, satisfaction with marriage as a factor

The instability of the family way of life is expressed primarily in the increase in the number of divorces. According to the UN Demographic Yearbook 2012, Russia is the first among the countries with the highest number of divorces. The United Nations Statistics Division takes the number of divorces per 1,000 people as the starting figure. In Russia - 5%, the highest rate in the world.

The instability of family life is also manifested in the constant reduction in the number of children for each married couple.

Finally, another sign of family lifestyle instability is the belief that being single is an attractive and comfortable lifestyle. As a result, a person completely refuses to have children. Women increasingly began to deliberately postpone the birth of a child and free up time for other tasks: education, starting a career, experimenting with lifestyle and lifestyle. This position in life also has its extreme form - communities of consciously childless, or childfree (childfree, English - “free from children”).

Socio-economic problems.

This group includes problems related to the standard of living of the family, its budget (including the consumer budget of the average family). Thus, the population with incomes below the subsistence level in 2012 amounted to 15.6 million people (11% of the total population).

Most often, socio-economic problems are experienced by young families. So 78% of young families receive constant support from their parents or relatives, 12% of parents help from time to time, and only 3.6% of young families have a sufficient independent budget. This material support from the close relatives of the older generation places a heavy burden on the latter, since it is they who often solve the housing problems of the young, pay for the education of young people, financial assistance at the birth of a child, take mortgage loans, etc. this is due to the fact that, firstly: the wages of young specialists, and especially women, are not high; secondly, the salary of young women is often unstable due to maternity leave.

An important question is what types of assistance young families need in the first place. According to the results of the research, 35% of the young families surveyed answered that they needed financial assistance from the state, 5% for food and essential goods, and 25.4% for employment of family members.

Socio-psychological problems.

This group includes the widest range of problems: they are associated with acquaintance, the choice of a marriage partner, and further - marriage and family adaptation, coordination of family and intra-family roles, personal autonomy and self-affirmation in the family. In addition, it also includes the problems of marital compatibility, family conflicts, family cohesion as a small group, and domestic violence.

Social problems.

This group includes problems related to the provision of families with housing, living conditions, as well as the consumer budget of the average family, the share of low-income families and families living below the poverty line in the structure of society, the material difficulties of large and young families, the state system of assistance to the needy families.

Problems of family education.

In this group of family problems, the following can be considered: the state of family education, types of families according to the criterion of education, parental roles, the position of the child in the family, conditions for effectiveness and miscalculations of family education. These problems are naturally related to socio-psychological and family stability problems.

Problems of families at risk.

At the beginning of the 21st century, according to studies by Russian sociologists, one of the typical trends in social development is the growth of family troubles. In recent years, the economic crisis has only strengthened the already difficult financial situation of a large number of families. The moral problems of society complicate the system of value relations in the family, and a rather low level of pedagogical culture reduces the educational potential of the family.

Dysfunctional families can be divided into two large groups, each of which includes several varieties.

The first group includes families with a clear form of trouble. These are the so-called problematic, conflict, asocial, immoral-criminal families and families with a lack of educational resources (for example, incomplete families).

The second group consists of outwardly respectable families. From the side of the public, their lifestyle does not cause concern and criticism. However, the values ​​and behavior of parents in them sharply diverge from universal moral values, which negatively affects the moral character of children brought up in such families. A characteristic feature of these families is that the relationships of their members at the external, social level make a favorable impression. However, they have a destructive effect on the personality formation of children.

Family dysfunction can manifest itself in different ways. There are three groups of families in which the degree of trouble manifests itself in varying degrees.

Families in which problems have an insignificant manifestation, which are at the initial stage of development of trouble. They are called conditionally adapted, preventive. These are generally prosperous families, but experiencing temporary problems and difficulties. Every family is at risk of getting into a difficult life situation.

Families in which several functions are violated, and social contradictions are aggravated to a critical level, the relationship of family members with each other and the environment. This type of families is classified as crisis families or "risk group" families.

Families that have faced a lot of difficulties and often lost any life perspective in relation to their fate and the fate of their own children. In these types of families, dysfunction is manifested to a greater extent, so most researchers call them dysfunctional families proper.

If a prosperous family cannot cope with the temporary problems that have arisen, difficult life situations, then it can be qualified as a risk group family. Similarly, if the family at risk does not resolve the conflicts itself or with the help of specialists, and the crisis situation drags on, escalates and, as a result, actualizes other contradictions, then it can become unfavorable. At the same time, reverse circulation can be observed. So, for example, timely provided social and pedagogical assistance to a family at risk will allow it not to become dysfunctional in the future, but can move into the status of conditionally adapted and even prosperous.

A family at risk may be classified as such by the manifestation of one or more risk factors.

.Socio-economic factors (unemployed families, families leading an immoral lifestyle, large and single-parent families, low-income families, minor parents);

.Socio-cultural factors (families whose parents are characterized by different levels of general culture, have different levels of education: secondary, higher);

.Demographic factor as an indicator of the structure and composition of the family (full, maternal, complex, simple, one-child, large), as well as place and living conditions (rural area, city, metropolis);

.Medico-biological factors (disturbances in physical and mental development, hereditary causes, diseases of the mother, her lifestyle, etc.);

.Psychological factors (rejection of oneself, alienation from the social environment, neurotic reactions, impaired communication with others, emotional instability, difficulties in communication, interaction with peers and adults, failure in activities, failure in social adaptation,);

.Pedagogical factors (low level of spiritual and pedagogical culture of parents, lack of a unified tactic for raising children).

Trouble in the family is a certain factor in the maladjustment of children. There are various approaches to solving this problem:

· correction of intra-family relations;

· providing the child with an individual approach to learning;

· the inclusion of a teenager in school-wide and school-wide events;

· assistance in choosing a further educational route;

· orientation in choosing a profession;

· the formation of skills that facilitate the socialization of a teenager;

· organization of individual consultations with a psychologist;

· inclusion of a teenager in a training group to develop the ability to effectively interact with the social environment and make significant changes in their lives;

· training in techniques for removing adverse conditions.

2.2 Technologies of social work with families

) information function:

· collection of essential information about the various families in the served region, their needs and problems;

· transfer of the received information to authorities and departments that are able to provide assistance to the family.

2) dispatching function: referral of a family or its member to the right specialist or to a social structure;

) preparation of documents:

· formation of the necessary documentation;

· assistance in writing statements and other documents to individual family members;

4) intermediary function:

· organization of communication between the family and the necessary structures or specialists;

· establishing contacts between them;

5) control: obtaining information about the assistance provided to the family and its effectiveness;

) social service:

· providing the family with various kinds of benefits (money, medicines, food, clothes, tickets, vouchers, etc.);

· assistance at home, performing one-time assignments.

Based on this, the social worker is called upon to perform the following functions:

· diagnostic (studying the characteristics of the family, identifying its potentials);

· security and protection (legal support for the family, ensuring its social guarantees, creating conditions for the realization of its rights and freedoms);

· organizational and communicative (organization of communication, initiation of joint activities, joint leisure, creativity);

· socio-psychological and pedagogical (psychological and pedagogical education of family members, the provision of emergency psychological assistance, preventive support);

· prognostic (modeling of situations and development of certain targeted assistance programs);

· coordinating (establishing and maintaining links, uniting the efforts of departments of assistance to families and childhood, departments of family distress of internal affairs bodies, social teachers of educational institutions, rehabilitation centers and services);

· internal affairs bodies, social educators of educational institutions, rehabilitation centers and services.

Social work with young families.

Most young people face problems at the beginning of their married life that they may have heard about before but didn't think they would have to solve. A young family in modern conditions is not always able to get out of difficult life situations on its own, it needs outside help. Such assistance can be provided by social protection services and a social work specialist, helping to restore the status and role of a young family through the use of social work technologies.

A stable, prosperous family can only function if young people are prepared for a joint family life. The efforts of social work specialists should be aimed at restoring the status and role of the young family as an institution of primary socialization of a person. This is what the actions of all social services and specialists working with young families should be directed to.

The task of a social worker is to help create a sense of security in the family, he must be firmly convinced of the correctness of his actions, be able to clearly state his goals to the clients with whom he is going to work. The duties of a social work specialist when working with young families include:

· preparing young people for marriage;

· advising those entering into marriage on their compatibility in future family life;

· conducting a sociological study of young families in the Russian Federation;

· organizing monitoring of the activities of regional and municipal public associations and clubs;

· participation in the organization and holding of seminars, conferences on young families and festivals of young families in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

· development and dissemination of information materials to help young families.

Social work with incomplete families.

A single-parent, or incomplete family consists of a single mother (single father) with a child (children); a divorced woman (divorced man) with a child (children); widows (widowers) with a child or children. It is obvious that incomplete families are more exposed to negative factors. In such families, the roles and functions of both parents are forced to perform one. Normally, the family has certain functions: reproductive, educational, household, economic, leisure, social status.

In incomplete families, these functions can be distorted, which affects the status of family members, the process of socialization of the child, the formation of his system of values, worldview. One of the problems in such families is loneliness, potentially all its members are exposed to it.

Social work with a single-parent family is assistance to the family from society, the state as a whole through legislation and regulations that provide social protection and adaptation of the institution of the family and individual groups of the population.

Let us name the main forms of state assistance to single-parent families:

· social patronage;

· provision of temporary shelter;

· social services in hospitals;

· material aid;

· organization of day stay in institutions of social services for families;

· advisory assistance;

· rehabilitation services.

State services that provide assistance to single-parent families in solving their problems:

· Court: considers cases of divorce, transfer of a child to be raised by one of the parents, division of property, deprivation of parental rights. It also provides assistance in collecting alimony from the father (mother) of the child.

· Territorial law enforcement agencies: identify and work with families that are characterized by deviations from legal norms, violence against children, prepare documents on deprivation of parental rights, etc.;

· Committee for Social Protection under the local authority. In the person of the child protection inspector, he participates in the preparation of cases on deprivation of parental rights and goes to court with claims, develops proposals on who to leave the child with when filing a divorce, helps divorced parents decide on the nature of participation in raising children;

· Territorial bodies of social protection of the population: assist in obtaining child benefits, pensions, and provide information on benefits;

· Services of psychological assistance to the population: provide psychotherapeutic and counseling services to single parents in solving their pedagogical and personal problems;

· Employment Services: assist single parents in finding a suitable job, including those with special schedules.

Social work with large families.

Social work with large families is aimed at solving everyday family problems, strengthening and developing positive family relationships, restoring internal resources, stabilizing the positive results achieved in the socio-economic situation and focusing on the realization of socializing potential.

Social work with a large family is aimed at improving its well-being and ensuring its functioning in the interests of society. And although in recent years there have been fewer such families in the Russian Federation, their problems have become more acute. Social work with this category of families involves:

· material support;

· help in overcoming dependent life attitudes,

· mastering the techniques of services (home hairdresser, seamstress, massage therapist, etc.);

· increasing the level of legal literacy, familiarization with the content of legal documents for obtaining declared benefits;

· minimization of feelings of loneliness, forgetfulness, dissimilarity;

· exchange of experience in organizing intra-family life;

· expanding the circle of communication;

· psychological and pedagogical education;

· assistance in career guidance and employment of family members.

We list the various institutions and services that provide practical assistance to large families.

· Local social services: receive information about the needs and requirements of families;

· Health care institutions: provide practical medical assistance;

· Various children's and youth organizations: organize leisure and recreation for children from large families;

· Employment centers: provide employment assistance to parents with many children and provide their children with the opportunity to work part-time during their studies or during summer holidays.

Social work with families with unfavorable psychological microclimate, conflict relations, pedagogical failure of parents.

Principles of working with disadvantaged families:

) non-use of accusations and reproaches, even if they are well-deserved; instead - social protection, creating confidence in the possibility of a way out of the crisis;

) individual approach: solving specific problems of a particular family and child in real life conditions and places of their stay;

) constant contact with the family;

) a trusting relationship between the social worker and all members of a dysfunctional family;

) building relationships with the family on a business basis using methods such as a contract, a plan;

a) respect for the norms and values ​​of family members;

) orientation towards development, based on the positive potential of the family, its ability to self-help;

) the use of a wide range of methods and approaches in the work of specialists.

Stages of working with a dysfunctional family:


· entry into the family;

the study of the family;

· analysis of the received information;

· correction, restoration of relations within the family;

leaving the family.

The main goal of working with parents is to eliminate the shortcomings of family education, prevention and correction of disharmonious family relationships.

Tasks of working with parents:

· outreach work: explaining the influence of the type of family upbringing and marital relations on the development of negative deviations in the behavior of children. The work is carried out both at the federal/regional levels and at the level of educational institutions. The forms of such work are thematic parent meetings with the involvement of specialists, conversations, seminars, lectures, etc.;

· diagnostic work: diagnosis of parents' attitudes towards their family and children, such as family education. The results make it possible to obtain information about possible deviations in the system of family education, to identify the area of ​​possible problems in those families where the imbalance has not yet occurred, but there are already negative trends. The work is carried out by a group or individual method using test questionnaires;

· correctional work: the restoration of normal relationships between its members and the correction of existing deviations in family education. The forms of corrective work are very diverse: joint group psychotherapy of children and parents, group family psychotherapy, individual psycho-therapeutic work with a separate family or its individual member.

Thus, the work of specialists in social work with families with an unfavorable psychological microclimate, conflict relations, pedagogical failure of parents should be focused on the implementation of a set of measures for the early detection and prevention of conflict and family trouble. Also, this work includes activities to create conditions for the social rehabilitation of families in crisis, the correction of the current family situation.

2.3 Family policy as an actual area of ​​social work

The family is a special social institution, a transmitter of fundamental values ​​from generation to generation, an intermediary between the individual and the state. The public need for a strong family policy is due to a number of reasons. First of all, it is an essential social tool that unites society, reduces social tension based on the actualization of family values ​​and family lifestyle. Family policy makes it possible to ensure the coordination of the activities of social institutions in the interests of the family in all areas of its functioning, to identify and comprehend the features of the interaction between society and the family as a social community. A family policy aimed not only at supporting individual families, but also at overcoming the crisis of the family as such is a vital necessity. Trends in the development of the modern family are determined by:

.Pan-European processes of transformation of the family and family values, including their crisis and modernization aspects (an increase in the share of cohabitation without marriage registration, a high proportion of children born out of wedlock, later marriage, etc.).

.Reforms in the economy and social sphere of Russia over the past twenty years have determined the specifics of family development, characteristic of countries with economies in transition, which, in turn, has actualized the development of an effective family policy.

.The institution of the family in Russia is characterized by a significant mosaic, a variety of models, including both patriarchal and modern ones.

The problem of unsatisfactory performance by the family of its functions for the most part is the problem of the relationship and interaction between society and the family. The understanding at the state level of transformation and crisis as a threat to national security and as a problem requiring urgent solutions serves as an incentive to develop models of family policy that are adequate to modern realities. World experience shows that family problems are more effectively solved with the help of a targeted state family policy. The systems of such policies, created in many countries of the world, play an important role in the development and implementation of national programs for the development and strengthening of the family.

The solution of all problems without exception depends on the effectiveness of family policy - from ensuring security, population reproduction to the formation of human capital, which creates conditions for a competitive economy and, ultimately, historical survival. The state's interest in family policy has a pragmatic basis - first of all, from the point of view of the need to overcome depopulation and form a person who is ready to act not only in their own interests, but also in the interests of society. The formation of the most favorable conditions for creating a family, giving birth and raising children, improving the quality and length of life is the main means of overcoming unfavorable demographic trends.

Considering the need to implement a new concept and program measures for an effective family policy, it is necessary to rely on qualitatively different moral guidelines than the “achievable morality” of success, which has taken a dominant position in modern society. The harsh conditions of a competitive society put both women and men before a choice: career or family. And people often make a choice in favor of the strategy that is more welcome in society.

It is necessary to ensure a wave of social changes, in which the state and other public institutions will give family support, the birth and upbringing of children a new priority status; implement a new concept of family policy that recognizes the social and personal significance of family life.

In the history of Russia, the only concept characterizing the strategic development of family policy was approved on May 12, 1993 by the National Council for the preparation and holding of the International Year of the Family in the Russian Federation (Concept of the State Family Policy of the Russian Federation). The concept considered the state family policy as an integral part of Russia's social policy and proceeded from the need for structural changes aimed at mutual adaptation of the family and the economy during the reform period. With the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Main Directions of State Family Policy" (dated May 14, 1996 No. 712), family policy for the first time received a state definition.

The development of state family policy in the medium and long term is also determined by the extent to which family problems and the need to solve them are reflected in the country's socio-economic development strategy. Family problems were not reflected in the directions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation in the medium term and the Concept of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 N 1662-r. However, within the framework of the "Main Directions of Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2012", the need for the preparation and implementation of a program to promote family values ​​is noted.

In recent years, positive trends have emerged in the activities of the state in relation to the family. Society has become more aware of the need to take radical measures to strengthen the family, to implement family policy as an independent area of ​​social policy.

At the same time, the country has not yet managed to achieve the necessary harmony and complexity in the implementation of state family policy. The current state family policy in its content and results is not adequate to the needs of both the family and the state. The country has not yet succeeded in creating a system of state family policy and developing its legal framework. The prevailing approach is one in which social, demographic and family policies are identified. The functions of family policy are not clearly defined and are extremely insufficiently included in the practical activities of the authorities.

When solving economic, political, and other state problems, the rights and interests of the family are purposefully not worked out and not taken into account to the required extent. Many problems that arose during the period of transition to market relations (privatization, taxation, family business, lending, etc.) have not been resolved in the interests of the family. In the new conditions, the experience of family support accumulated in past years is not rethought. There is an underestimation of the legal capacity of the family (to have rights and fulfill obligations), the need to give the family a full-fledged social status, to ensure the legal regulation of family relations with the state and its institutions.

The activities of the authorities did not reflect the most important issues related to the life of non-marginal families, assistance to them in the implementation of basic functions, the development of the family economy, culture, and education. The tasks of conducting social expertise of decisions made in the regions from the point of view of their impact on the life of the family are underestimated. Programs often do not meet the requirements for such documents. Their complexity is often expressed only in the combination of activities related to different areas of social policy. Often, the programs do not present concepts, mechanisms for the implementation of the planned measures.

The policy pursued in the country as a whole does not correspond to the real state and development trends of the social institution of the family, the problems of which require special study, a comprehensive scientific development of the features and trends of its functioning in modern conditions, scientific substantiation of the goals and objectives, functions, methods of social organization, specific activities , systems of social status roles, development and implementation of the concept and program of family policy.

fertility risk large family


The problems of the modern family are among the most important and urgent. Its significance is determined by the fact that, firstly, the family is one of the main systems of society, the cornerstone of human life. Secondly, this system is currently experiencing a deep crisis, which has led to a drop in the birth rate, family instability, an increase in the number of divorces, an increase in the number of childless families, and the refusal to have an only child. The reasons for the crisis situation of families are economic and social. When predicting family and marriage relations, it should be borne in mind that the family was under the gun of not one, but several global trends that affected our society as well (transition to the market, democratization of society, informatization of society, an increase in personal potential, the increasing role of women in public life). ).

In modern conditions, the social functions of the family are significantly changing. The development of the modern family is largely associated with the growing role and importance of personal potential in family relationships. There is a new attitude towards each family member as a person.

It is necessary to create favorable conditions by society through the state to maintain the stability of the modernized family system and to increase the authority of the family community in the public mind. To solve these problems, it is necessary to form new political approaches and a certain legislative framework for state family policy.

An analysis of the current situation shows the need for state support for the young primary unit of society. At the same time, we are not talking about supporting family dependency, we are talking about creating a favorable space for the functioning of the family, conditions for the self-realization of its interests. Federal laws are needed, which should contain operating mechanisms that allow a young family to independently solve housing, social, financial and other problems.

Families in crisis need special attention and require active intervention from not only social workers, but also law enforcement agencies, healthcare and education institutions.

And in this work, I studied the technologies of social work with the family, shed light on the problems of the family and family policy in modern Russian society.

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2.2 Family therapy V. Satir



The concept of "family" comes from the Latin word fames - hunger. It is based on the functions of protection and satisfaction of the vital needs of a person, it is also the primary protective environment of the individual. However, the family can become a factor of deprivation and life crises.

Thus, intra-family conflicts between parents can cause a specific reaction in children, provoke suicide and suicidal attempts. The natural division of the family into generations can lead to different types of violence.

Adult aggression, as shown by foreign studies, is increasingly increasing in modern society, the number of children killed by their parents is ten times more than the number killed by sex offenders.

The educational opportunities of the modern Russian family are complicated by the socio-economic crisis. Unstable financial situation, the risks associated with unemployment, the increase in domestic loads affect the degree of satisfaction with marriage.

An unfavorable socio-psychological climate affects the relationship between children and parents, which leads to a complication of their socialization. According to studies, among adolescents living with their parents, only 11% wanted to be like their mother, 8% - like their father, 2% - like both parents.

Changes in the socio-economic life in the country in the 1990s. demanded to restructure the system of assistance and support to orphans. The crisis of the family, which was expressed in a decrease in the level of consumption, the destruction of the structure, marginalization - all this contributed to the growth of child orphanhood in Russia.

Every year, in Moscow alone, 42,000-44,000 marriages break up. For every three registered marriages in the capital, there are two official divorces. Every year in Moscow, as a result of divorce, from 25 to 30 thousand children are left without one of their parents, which is a source of social problems. In total, according to the State Statistics Committee of Russia in 2000, 897.3 thousand marriages accounted for 627.7 thousand divorces.

It can be noted that in the 1990s there has been a steady upward trend in the number of orphans and children left without parental care.

So, if in 1993 there were 460.4 thousand people registered, then in 2000 - 662.5 thousand. The number of children raised in boarding schools also increased: in 1993 - 117.5 thousand. , 2000 - 180 thousand children.

There has also been an increase in child neglect at the regional level. Thus, about 28,000 homeless children and adolescents under 18 years of age migrate through Moscow every year.

In addition to objective socio-economic conditions, there are also subjective ones related to problems of family relations in the parent-child system: the inability of parents to perform parental functions, increased aggressiveness, inability to listen and take an interest in the problems of the child, etc.

Each period of family development is characterized by certain functions for parents and their children. The practice of social work shows that the misunderstanding and rejection of these functions at different stages of the formation of family relations complicates the social functioning of individuals.

Another pole of problems is marriage and family relations between parents, which can also provoke a different range of problems that complicate the life strategies of both children and marriage partners.

Based on the above facts, we formulated the topic of our study: "Social work with the family."

The object of our study is the family.

The subject of the research is social work with the family.

The purpose of the study is to characterize the basics of building social work with the family.

Research objectives:

To analyze the psychological, sociological literature on the research topic.

Describe the basics of building social work with the family.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of Social Work with the Family

1.1 The family as a client of social work

In human society, the family is a natural primary cell, the most important social value, a fundamental institution. The family as the oldest institution and element of culture has existed for many millennia.

According to the definition developed by the UN experts, “a family is a group consisting of two or more persons living together, maintaining a common household for the purpose of providing food or other necessities and in some way connected by blood relationship, adoption of children or marriage (including civil marriages).

In any society, the family as a unique historical phenomenon has a dual character. On the one hand, it is a social institution, on the other, a small group that has its own patterns of functioning and development.

Initially, the family was the main way of organizing society, characterized as a community of people united by the unity of life values, ideas, positions in relations with society. The foundation of value orientations was laid in the family, serving as criteria for selecting information, preferring some of its forms and a source to others. The institution of marriage is closely related to the institution of the family.

The family is a kind of system for supporting the rights of each of its members. To perform these functions, family and family ties and the interaction of family groups are of great importance. The family provides its members with economic, social and physical security; caring for the young, the elderly and the sick; conditions for the socialization of children and youth.

From a practical point of view, taking into account the goals and objectives of family policy, social work with the family, typologies of families at risk, typologies of families in terms of the level of socio-psychological health of the family, the level of family income, the level of social adaptation, special conditions for family life.

According to the level of socio-psychological health, prosperous, problematic, conflict, crisis families are distinguished.

According to the level of social adaptation to changing living conditions, there are: prosperous, families of social risk groups, disadvantaged, asocial.

According to the degree of educational impact, they distinguish: favorable, favorable-unstable, unfavorable, neutral, criminogenic, conflict, desocialized.

According to material security, families are distinguished: families with a high material income, with an average material income, with a low material income (low-income), needy (below the poverty line).

Low-income families are divided by sociologists into "new poor" - these are families that have become impoverished as a result of economic reforms, but retained internal social resources, and "traditionally poor" - initially deprived, with an extremely small supply of social resources.

According to the special conditions of family life, families are distinguished where one or both spouses are minors, student, distant and illegitimate families.

At present, in the theory and practice of social work, typologies of families of "social risk groups" have become widespread. Social risk factors or criteria include:

¦ socio-economic factors (low material standard of living of the family, poor housing conditions, unemployment of parents);

socio-demographic factors (absence of one or both parents, remarriage, step-child in the family);

medical and sanitary factors (unfavorable living conditions, chronic diseases of parents, the presence of disabled people in the family, aggravated heredity);

psychological and pedagogical factors (violation of interpersonal intra-family relations, deformation of the value orientations of family members, pre-divorce and post-divorce family situation, pedagogical failure of parents, alienation between parents and children, lack of emotional and trusting relationship of parents with a child, educational defects, etc.);

Deviations are not always maladaptive factors, sometimes they are compensated by other characteristics. Families of "social risk" include: low-income families, families of refugees and forced migrants, families with a high dependency load (large families, those with disabilities), single-parent families, families of conscripts, etc.

A family of any type can become an object of social support for a family, however, the degree of need for social support will be different, as will its specific content, i.e., the types of assistance that families of different types need or may need.

In modern society, there is a process of weakening the family as a social institution, a change in its social functions, family relations, family structure, influence in society on other social institutions.

The destruction of patriarchal intra-family ties has led to the complication of interpersonal relations between spouses, parents and children in the field of parenthood. The need for children began to occupy a low position in the structure of the needs of the individual. In the field of premarital behavior and the choice of a marriage partner, the value orientations of young men and women have lost their matrimonial direction, and parental consent to marriage has ceased to be a generally accepted norm.

The intra-family functions of the spouses have changed dramatically, there has been a loss of the patriarchal role of the father and spouse in the family due to the increase in maternal participation in providing for the family and servicing it. A direct expression of this contradiction was the social problem of marital inequality in the new family roles. The process of democratization of public life directly influenced the development of family relations in the sphere of matrimony.

In modern conditions, monogamy is increasingly losing its lifelong character, being replaced by the right to remarry. As a result, the unity, the integrity of marriage, sexual and reproductive behavior breaks down; the unity of the system "marriage - partnership - parenthood - kinship" is falling apart.

Common characteristics common to families in a changing society include:

¦ increase in the number of low-income segments of the population; increased social and geographic mobility; migration, including outside the state;

the deteriorating state of health, the demographic situation (a natural decline in the population began);

fundamental changes in the traditional roles of family members, especially women;

growth in the number of incomplete families;

increasing the dependency ratio;

domestic violence, social orphanhood.

In the structure of economic problems, the sharpest is the sharp drop in the real incomes of the majority of Russian families.

For most families, health care services, including qualified medical care, medicines and medicines, have become less accessible.

More and more families cannot afford to use cultural and recreational facilities, organize family summer vacations, send their children to recreational country camps. Reduced visits to theaters, cinemas, concerts, museums, libraries.

An insoluble problem for most families is the improvement of housing conditions. It is especially acute for young families who do not have their own housing.

Family instability and an increase in the number of divorces, conflict in relations between parents and children, an increase in neglect and criminal behavior of adolescents, a violation of the continuity of generations in the family, according to the "crisis paradigm" - a crisis of family lifestyle and family values.

The Russian family is on the path of transition from an authoritarian way of life to a more democratic one. It is based on the almost universal involvement of women in the sphere of social labor, the growing material independence of wives from their husbands.

In general, today's stereotypes of husband and wife are inconsistent and contradictory, representing a conglomerate of traditional and egalitarian views.

In the system of people's ideas about marriage and the family, this complex is among the conservative, least flexible, and difficult to change. Nevertheless, shifts in the direction of egalitarianization of the requirements for each of the spouses are evident.

The psychological state of Russian families is dominated by uncertainty about the future and weak protection from violence and the criminal world.

This is the current state of the Russian families in terms of economics, demography and sociology.

1.2 Family as a factor in childhood neurotic disorders

The practice of parenting, according to the concept of A. Baldwin, is divided into two styles: democratic and controlling. The essence of the democratic style of education lies in the fact that the child is actively involved in the problems of the family, has the support of parents in the formation of their own subjective position.

Controlling parenting style involves limiting the behavior of the child. These styles of family education are aimed at educating the child's self-control and social competence. However, family education can also be destructive, despite the positive values ​​of parents.

Domestic scientist V. Garbuzov identified three types of destructive family education, leading to the development of neuroses:

Type A - rejection and emotional rejection. An attempt to "improve" the individual characteristics of the child, strict control and regulation of the child's life; indifference to the routine of life, connivance;

Type B - hypersocialization - anxious and suspicious concentration of parents on health, academic success, social status of their child; organization by parents of additional educational - developing programs (foreign languages, drawing, sports sections, etc.) without taking into account the real psychophysiological characteristics of the child;

Type B - egocentric - cultivating the attention of all family members on the achievements of the child, the "idol of the family."

R. Armando presents a more detailed description of family relationships that provoke various clinical forms of neuroses. According to her approach, prohibitions in intra-family relations lead to various affective states and somatic disorders.

In the process of practice, the following types of disorders in the process of education were identified, which led to nervousness in young children: executive type, type of internal deprivation, directive-permissive relations, symbiotic and intense types.

The executive type of family relations is characterized by ignoring the individual capabilities of the child, replacing the child's desire for achievements ("To be the first!", "To be the best!") For necessity.

The clinical picture is fatigue, passivity, lethargy, drowsiness, severe tearfulness and fearfulness, combined with somatic weakness; exhaustion of the nervous system due to unbearable load.

A type of internal deprivation is a conflict between desires and suggestions, ignoring the feelings and emotions of the child, accompanied by the instruction "Be strong!". The clinical picture is the presence of fears, nightmares, neurotic disorders, impaired contacts with peers.

DEPRIVATION (lat. Deprivativo - deprivation) is a social process of reduction and / or deprivation of opportunities to meet the basic vital needs of individuals or groups.

The type of directive-permissive relationship is associated with the realization of the boundaries of the child's self-control, restriction and permissiveness lead in both cases to the impossibility of a positive assessment of one's "I", awareness of limitations both in admiration and in permission. The clinical picture is the presence of hysterical seizures, conflicts, resentment, phobias: fear of loneliness, darkness, fear of death.

The symbiotic type of intra-family relations is the overprotection of parents, the complete solution of the child's problems; leads to an internal conflict, when the external environment is assessed as positive, and the inability in self-realization is assessed as inferiority.

The clinical picture is obsessive movements: biting and licking the lips, moving the head, shoulders, sleep disturbance, tics, fears and nightmares.

A tense type of intra-family relations is an early conflict between mother and child, the area of ​​parental prohibitions - from the right to exist to freedom of action, a negative assessment of any manifestation of the child.

The clinical picture is emotional disturbances, capriciousness, timidity, a combination of passivity with lethargy and irritability, a manifestation of systemic disorders in the form of enuresis. Semes as a stress factor in the process of socialization

The family, according to the concept of S. Rhodes, goes through seven stages of its development from the stage of formation of intimacy between spouses to the stage of mutual support between generations.

The most difficult stage of family relations occurs during the period when children become teenagers. During this period, the center of socialization is transferred from the family to peer groups, there is a tendency to weaken emotional contacts with parents, an important role for adolescents begins to play the appearance, attributes and behaviors of the youth subculture.

According to X. Remshmit, among the causes of conflicts with parents are the following:

lack of clear stages of transition from child dependence to adult independence;

the difference in the experience of children and adults, especially during growing up;

psychological (attitudes and ideas) and social (the controlling role of adults) differences between parents and children;

overload and tension as a result of social and cultural changes.

The most common form of conflict is when young people run away from home.

The period of regrouping, when adult children leave the parental home, create their own families, has its own difficulties in the relationship between children and parents.

According to B. Shapiro, based on his assessments of family life, often the advice and intervention of parents in choosing a marriage partner provoke conflicts between the generation of "fathers and children." The position of dominance and patronage does not contribute to the development of dialogue, but leads to destructive manifestations.

At the stage of mutual support, conflicts arise when parents-pensioners need support for their children. The conflicts that exist between the generation of parents and grandparents, most often, according to V. Satir, occur due to the fact that a unified view of the range of family problems in their new role statuses has not been developed.

To respect the lives of all family members, to rejoice in each other's successes, to overcome difficulties together - this is the strategy for overcoming the main intergenerational conflicts.

Based on the psychological theory of personality by E. Erickson, the stages of family development by S. Rhodes, the table shows typical conflicts corresponding to life and family crises.

Chapter 2

2.1 Basic strategies for working with families

Social work with the family has a multifaceted character. This activity is aimed at solving the needs of the family and its social environment. It can be noted that today there are no unified approaches to the practice of social work with families, and it is only possible to outline the main strategies:

the emphasis is on patterns of interaction between the individual and his environment;

a systematic approach to the family; structural interaction, connections, content, form of organization are comprehended;

approach to the family as a unit of change, understanding ways to change the situation;

"active-therapeutic" approach includes active forms of intervention: restructuring of family ties, introduction of new marriage and family roles, distribution of household responsibilities, etc.;

concentration of work on the principle of "here and now", changing attitudes and views on family relationships, the behavior of marriage partners.

The theoretical understanding of the problem of the family was obtained in the works of V. Satir, S. Minukhin, R. McGregor, M. Bowen and others, these approaches are used in the practice of social work with the family.

Social work with the family can be considered as assistance to the family from society, the state as a whole, through legislative and regulatory acts that provide social protection and adaptation of the institution of the family and certain groups of the population, and by any state, public, religious, commercial organizations or private individuals. The main content of social work with the family can be represented as a combination of many functions.

In Russia, the state family policy is reflected in the "Basic Directions of the State Family Policy" (1995). It is part of social policy and includes all measures intended to have some effect on the family, family change processes or family behaviour.

Family policy programs are always a compromise between the aspirations of different social forces and between different concepts. The search for a compromise is the most important part of the strategy for developing and implementing social policy

At present, the social protection of the family, in contrast to the previously existing social security system, is a multifaceted activity, differentiated in relation to various groups of the population and structured according to different ministries and departments, public organizations and institutions. New socio-economic conditions dictated by the transition to a market economy predetermine the transformation of the content, methods and forms of social protection of the population.

The theory and practice of social protection and family support has put forward many methods of social work, which are manifested in each of the types of professional activity, depend on the variety of general family and personal needs, interests, values. Among the technologies of social work with the family are:

technologies for collecting and processing information about a family in need of help (diagnosing the socio-psychological health of the family, determining the level of conflict between parents and children, diagnosing family disorders, etc.);

technologies for providing social assistance to the family (intermediary, economic, social, psychological and pedagogical, etc.);

technologies of direct work of a specialist with a client on specific issues (divorce, adoption, guardianship, foster care, etc.)

¦ forecasting technologies, assessing the quality of social services, etc.

2.2 Family therapy V. Satir

V. Satir believed that the family is a self-organizing system, the relationship of which is based on the principles of homeostasis: the elements of the system react to each other in such a way as to maintain a balance of relations.

Family typology

parent functions

Needs and challenges during the life cycle

Typical problems and crises

Family expecting a baby and a family with a baby

Preparation for the role of father and mother; adaptation to a new life associated with the appearance of a child; caring for the needs of the child, the distribution of responsibilities for the home and child care.

The main thing is the formation of trust; the perception of the world and the family by the child as a safe place where there is care and participation.

Inappropriate behavior of spouses as parents; absence of a father or mother, parental abandonment, neglect, disability, mental retardation.

Family with preschool child

Development of the interests and needs of the child; getting used to the increased material costs with the advent of the child; support of sexual relations by spouses; developing relationships with parents; the formation of family traditions.

Achievement of autonomy, development of locomotor skills, research of objects, formation of relationships with parents such as "I myself", the formation of initiative, feelings of guilt.

Inadequate socialization, insufficient attention from parents, excessive parental care, incorrect behavior.

Schoolboy family

Raising interest in scientific and practical knowledge; support for the child's hobbies; caring for the development of marital relations.

Intellectual and social stimulation, social inclusion of the child, development of industriousness, competence, zeal of inferiority.

Academic failure, membership in deviant groups.

Family with a child of senior school age

The transfer of responsibility and freedom of action to the child as they grow up and develop, the distribution of responsibilities and the division of responsibility between family members, the upbringing of growing children on worthy examples, the acceptance of the individuality of the child.

Achievements, partial separation from parents, ego-identity, new ways of assessing the world and attitudes towards it, "diffusion of ideals".

Identity crisis, alienation, addictions, crime.

Family with adult children entering the world

Detachment from a growing child, the ability to give up former power, creating a welcoming environment for new family members, creating good relations between one's own family and the family of an adult child, preparing to fulfill the role of grandparents.

Opportunities for self-realization in the performance of adult roles, intimacy - isolation, love as the ability to entrust oneself to another person, respect, responsibility.

Fatherhood, motherhood without marriage, increased dependence on the parental family, conflict in marriage, crime, misbehavior at work in an educational institution.

Middle-aged family, "empty nest"

Renewal of marital relations, adaptation to age-related physiological changes, strengthening relationships with relatives and friends.

Expanding opportunities for self-development in life roles, performance stagnation, productivity inertia.

Family gap, divorce, financial problems, inability to manage the household, father-child conflict, career failure, disorganization.

Aged family

Changing the house in accordance with the needs of the elderly, cultivating readiness to accept the help of others as strength decreases, adapting to life in retirement, awareness of one's own attitude to death.

Opportunities for self-development as an older person, integrity/despair.

Widowhood, chronic helplessness, misunderstanding of one's role in retirement, social isolation.

Many problems, according to V. Satir, can be considered as "defects" in systemic family ties. The social therapist, having ideas about the ideal family, explains the current situation to marriage partners, promotes their integration. Each family member is analyzed in accordance with his role, in the chronological context of family relations, a large amount of time is devoted to working on "pain", crisis family situations.

2.3 Structural family therapy S. Minukhina

Structural family therapy is aimed at changing the positions of family members in conflict situations. The social therapist tries to explain to the parties the boundaries of the existing relationship, considering the family as a multisystem, including: the subsystem of the spouse (wife), the subsystem of the parents, the subsystem of distant and close relatives.

The emergence of tension in the system of family relations arises from the inability to regulate and adapt personal space (the boundaries of the subsystem) in the event of internal and external changes (birth of children, appointment, loss of work, etc.).

A social therapist teaches clients to flexibly build the boundaries of their system, to abandon rigid models of interaction, replacing them with more functional ones. The key concept of S. Minukhin is the "connection" of the therapist and the family, through which a therapeutic change is possible.

2.4 Systemic therapy by M. Bowen

The theoretical approaches of M. Bowen are most closely related to the systems approach. According to systems theory, if one element of the system changes, then a reaction occurs that leads to a change in the entire system.

M. Bowen considers the family as a multigeneration, where the links between generations play a certain role in family functioning. A genogram, a structural system of intergenerational relationships compiled by a therapist, makes it possible to understand and evaluate the behavior of individual elements of the system (spouses, children, relatives, parents) in the context of the problems of a particular case and in the context of the entire system of family ties. The role of the social therapist is to help everyone understand their role in the family system.


Within the framework of the system approach (Minuchin, 1974; Satir, 1992; Olson, 1993), the family is considered as an integral system that implements a set of functions that ensure the full satisfaction of the needs of family members, characterized by external and internal boundaries and a hierarchical role structure of relations.

The boundaries of the family system are determined by the relationship between the family and its immediate social environment (external boundaries) and between the various subsystems within the family (internal boundaries).

The family includes two main subsystems: the subsystem of marital relations and the subsystem of parent-child relations. There are interconnections and interdependence between the marital and child-parent subsystems.

When several children are brought up in a family, the children's subsystem of sibling relations (relations between brothers and sisters) is also distinguished. The degree of rigidity/transparency of the boundaries determines the openness (closedness) of the family system and each of the subsystems.

The rigidity of the boundaries changes throughout the life cycle of the family, responding to the tasks of the development of the family and its newly emerging functions. The mobility and flexibility of the boundaries of the family system is an important characteristic that makes it possible to quickly adapt family leadership, redistribute family roles and develop new standards of role behavior.

Marital relations are primary in origin, they form the basis for the functioning and development of the family. The characteristics of the family are divided into objective, subjective and integral.

Social work with the family has a multifaceted character. This activity is aimed at solving the needs of the family and its social environment. It can be noted that today there are no unified approaches to the practice of social work with families, and it is only possible to outline the main strategies.

Social work is organized around various family problems, among which are mental health, family services, family and school problems, work with the elderly, and family welfare.

List of used literature

social work family

Antonov A.I., Medkov V.M. Sociology of the family. Moscow: MSU Publishing House: Publishing House of the International University of Business and Management "Brothers Karic", 1996.

Antonov A.I. Family disorganization // Vital activity of the family / Ed. A.I. Antonova. M. 1990

Barnes D.G. Social work with families. M. 1993

Gasparyan Yu. A. Family on the threshold of the XXI century (sociological problems). St. Petersburg: Petropolis, 1999.

Dementieva N.F. Social orphanhood: genesis and prevention. - Moscow, Research Institute of the Family, 2000.

Housing problems of families and the cost of housing and communal services. M .: Research Institute of the Family, 1997.

Zubkova T. S., Timoshina N. V. Organization and content of work on the social protection of women, children and families. M.: Academy, 2003.

Zubova LG Personal income: comparison of official statistics and results of sociological monitoring // Economic and social changes: public opinion monitoring. News bulletin. VCIOM. 1995. No. 3.

Karabanova O.A. Psychology of family relations and the basics of family counseling. - M.: Gardariki, 2005. - 320 p.

Problems of social orphanhood: causes, prevention, solutions / Ed. V. G. Brovnik, S. N. Kalashnikova. Belgorod, 2002.

Psychology of family relations with the basics of family counseling / Ed. E. G. Silyaeva. M.: Academy, 2002.

Shabanov P. D. Guide to narcology. M.: Medicine, 1998.

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Social problems of the family

As sociological surveys of women show, the main problems are material and financial and high food prices.

Both urban and rural residents talk about the problem of insecurity and indifference on the part of the state and society, and this is evidence that any family needs state and social support.

For residents of large cities, the problem is the lack of opportunity to receive high-quality and inexpensive treatment, as indicated by 39.2% of respondents, while in small towns this figure is 35.8%, in rural areas it is even lower - 25%.

The housing problem is relevant and it is most typical again for large cities, where the cost of housing is much more expensive than in small towns and rural areas.

A diverse network of higher, secondary and special educational institutions in large cities provides an opportunity to receive a high-quality and good education, this opportunity for children in small towns, and even more so for rural areas, is sharply limited.

For large cities, the problems of raising children are acute, the larger the city, the stronger the disunity of parents and children is felt, in such a city there are more temptations and places of leisure.

Rural families have strong family ties, and parents are much more aware of their children.

The problem of employment and unemployment, and especially the problem of women's employment, play a role. A woman is characterized by a double workload - on the one hand, participation in social work and, on the other hand, household services at home and family. The financial problem forces women to engage in social work, and even more so if the woman is the sole breadwinner of the family.

Uncertainty about the future and economic instability make a woman hold on to work. But, again, work is a place where you can show your abilities and communicate.

Work for Russian women occupies a leading place in the structure of their life values.

For many centuries, the number of children in a family was determined by biological productivity, enshrined in religious settings. This was justified because infant mortality was very high and few survived. Large families for modern Russia are basically history. They are more common in rural areas.

Currently, all developed countries are characterized by a decrease in the birth rate. Regulation of born children is carried out by a method far from civilization - Russia is in first place in the world in terms of the number of abortions. The consequences of this medical manipulation are often tragic.

Today, young spouses decide for themselves how many children they want to have, they plan their own family, and it is very important that the children born to them be desired and loved.

Remark 1

Family planning is the first prerequisite for the formation of a civilized society.

A very acute and little-studied problem is intra-family cruelty. Children become victims of parental abuse, and the consequence of this cause is child injuries, the growth of orphans and homeless people with living parents.

Remark 2

Socio-pedagogical work with the family is characterized by both common problems for most families and the problems of a particular family. It must be said that it is not the social teacher who solves the family problems of clients, but the family, with his help, is aware of their problems and finds the strength to solve them.

Socio-psychological methods of working with the family

Social work with the family has its own methods, which should be selected based on the tasks. The main task is to direct the energy of family members to positive changes in life, to change the way they interact with each other.

This process includes certain steps:

  • initial allocation of episodes, strategies of behavior;
  • participation of a social pedagogue in situations of interaction between a client and people close to him;
  • formation of new interaction strategies;
  • achievement of certain results of communication.

Influencing the structure of relationships in the family, the social worker, after the impact, must analyze the psychological family map. The map shows the relationships of family members: couples, triplets, unions of spouses, their children, parents, both living and not living with them.

The social worker, interacting with the family, sets the goal of achieving communication between family members or, conversely, creates boundaries between them. This concerns the guardianship of an older family member over a younger one and harms the development of the individual.

Example 1

For example, spouses, ignoring each other, resolve all issues through children, and a conversation with a social worker can change the current situation. In such a situation, the method of building bridges is used, the essence of which is that during the conversation third parties, as intermediaries, are not needed, communication takes place directly and the interaction channel begins to work.

Excessive guardianship of parents and absolute control hinder the manifestation of independence. Hyper-custody, on the one hand, helps to see good omens in an unfavorable situation, and on the other hand, to form an infantile, dependent personality.

In this case, the task of the social worker should be aimed at switching parental energy to another channel that is safer for the child, for example, home improvement, organizing family home holidays, organizing joint outdoor recreation, etc.

This method within the framework of the problem being solved was called personality decentration.

The method of reconstructing the perception of an event is used by social workers when it is very difficult or impossible to change the situation in the family. Then it is important to change the emotional or conceptual perception of it. Success is achieved by individuals who have flexible thinking, non-standard behavioral response, a high degree of learning, the ability to perceive other points of view. The client draws rational and useful conclusions by changing the perception of the problem. True, it is quite difficult to cope with such a task on your own, you need a push and help from outside.

The method of observation in social work remains primary. Of course, it makes no sense to observe everything in a row, so the social worker, as a specialist, isolates the features of the behavior, speech, and interaction of the subjects. Analysis of the results of observations allows us to give a logical and accurate interpretation.

Social work with a conflict family

Unfortunately, there are many families where the emotional climate is unsatisfactory, so work with such families begins with a thorough study of the existing family problem.

It is important to get acquainted with the personalities of the spouses and their characteristics, family and marriage attitudes. Family conflicts can be caused by various reasons, for example, different views on raising children, financial relationships, domestic troubles, etc.

Exacerbation of family conflicts contributes to uncertainty about the future, unemployment, material and economic restrictions.

In working with conflict families, family therapy is actively used, which includes finding a compromise, correcting socio-psychological stereotypes, and teaching non-conflict communication.

The work is carried out through individual conversations, interviews, group psychotherapy, play therapy.

Yes-therapy, autodiagnostic and psycho-corrective methods are used. Through these methods, spouses begin to rationalize their negative relationship by answering well-defined yes or no questions.

The balance of positive and negative answers allows one of the spouses to soften their attitude towards the other.

Numerous are the technologies for correcting family relationships, the choice of which is determined by a specific social situation.

Remark 3

I must say that not all types of family conflicts can be corrected, and this depends not only on a family work specialist. It is important to remember that the resolution of family problems is a matter of free choice and responsibility of family members. If there is no willpower and perseverance, then no even the most effective technology will bring success.