Will the pension of military personnel be increased c. Where did the rape investigation lead? Pension increase for working pensioners

In 2018, the government plans to change the principles for calculating military pensions, which will significantly save the state budget. At the same time, the authorities are considering options for increasing pension payments to former military personnel. The final decision will be made based on the state of the national budget.

The amount of a military pension depends on several key indicators:

  1. official salary;
  2. military rank;
  3. allowance (accrued depending on the length of service).

According to experts, the average pension of military pensioners last year amounted to 23 thousand rubles, which is significantly higher than the average Russian figure.

Given the freezing of the indexation of the monetary allowance of the military during the crisis, the basic level of pensions remained unchanged. However, the authorities used a reduction factor adjustment, which resulted in an actual increase in payments. This tool made it possible to increase military pensions in 2017 by 4%, which is significantly inferior to the indexation of the insurance pension.

Next year, the indexation of insurance and military pensions will be identical, experts predict. Slowing inflation will reduce the annual increase in pensions to 4%. In addition, the authorities intend to increase the length of service, which will reduce the cost of military pensions.

In 2018, the authorities plan to launch another reform that will affect the principles of calculating military pensions. Following the example of civil servants, officials propose to increase the standard length of service required to receive a pension. The government intends to increase this indicator to 25 years (at the moment, the required length of service is 20 years). The reform will be launched immediately after the elections, experts predict.

The main goal of officials is to reduce government spending on the payment of early pensions. Such a measure will reduce budget costs by 300-400 billion rubles, the authorities predict, which will positively affect the budget deficit.

Experts believe that the authorities in 2018 should adjust the key indicator for calculating pensions for military pensioners - the monetary allowance of the military. At the same time, representatives of the Ministry of Finance suggest proceeding from the real possibilities of the budget.

Indexation of pensions for military pensioners

At the traditional meeting of government members, Vladimir Putin recalled that from 2011 to 2017 military pensions were almost doubled and expressed disagreement with the draft budget for 2018, in which indexation of wages for military personnel is planned from January 1, and indexation of pensions for retired military - from 1 February.

The President said that it is necessary to raise these two payments simultaneously from the beginning of the new calendar year, because the issue of the amount of pension benefits concerns more than 2.6 million people.

The author of the bill drew the attention of those present at the meeting to the fact that benefits for retired military men are paid a month in advance. This means that the increased pension will need to be paid as early as December 2017. But, the country's budget makes it possible to do this, and already before the New Year, military pensioners can receive an increased pension, taking into account the expected amount of indexation.

Savings on the military

The indexation of military salaries has been frozen for 5 years. The economic crisis and the growing budget deficit extended the moratorium until 2017. However, next year, experts and officials predict a revival of the domestic economy, which will allow the government to increase the salaries of the military.

Last year, the Ministry of Finance proposed changing the principle of indexing military allowances. Instead of mandatory indexation to the level of inflation, representatives of the department proposed fixing the future increase in military salaries in the federal budget. This approach will take into account economic realities and adjust salaries based on budget revenues. However, the State Duma did not support the initiative of the Ministry of Finance. Legislators believe that the state should not save on the military.

In addition to economic indicators, the final decision of officials regarding the increase in military salaries depends on fluctuations in the oil market. The export of "black gold" provides a significant part of budget revenues. Next year the oil market will remain unstable, experts say, which is the main threat to the Russian budget.

The optimistic scenario assumes an increase in quotations to 60 dollars per barrel. As a result, the government will receive an additional financial resource, which will increase the cost of maintaining the military. In this case, the authorities will be able to resume the annual indexation of military salaries.

The basic forecast assumes fluctuations in quotations at the level of 50-55 dollars per barrel. As a result, the budget deficit will remain at a high level, which will leave open the question of a future increase in the monetary allowance of the military.

In the case of a pessimistic scenario, the cost of a barrel of oil will fall to $40, which will prevent officials from increasing the salaries and pensions of the military. In addition, a sharp decline in budget revenues will force the government into a austerity regime.

Pensions for military pensioners in 2018 will be increased by 4%, experts say. The authorities will use the mechanism of reducing the adjustment coefficient, which will allow indexing pension payments.

Another initiative of the authorities next year is to increase the length of service to 25 years. This measure will reduce budget expenditures on financing early pensions.

An increase in the monetary allowance of the military next year remains in question. The final decision of the authorities will depend on the economic situation and fluctuations in oil prices.

Cancellation of military pensions

Quite often recently there is information about the possible abolition of pension contributions for the military. The reliability of these rumors has not been confirmed in any way, but due to the fact that this idea finds a considerable number of supporters, these assumptions cannot be ignored.

It is believed that the former military can easily do without these payments, as they have very useful skills that can be used not only in the process of service. For maximum adaptation, it is proposed to organize the passage of free training for former military personnel. At the same time, the preservation of the severance pay is guaranteed for the purpose of financial support at the start.

Pensions have been discussed in the media for the past few years since the crisis began. And since then, the pension system has repeatedly undergone changes, during which some pensioners received increased payments, some decreased, and some were canceled altogether. Today, information about what will be the increase in military pensions in 2018, and whether it is worth counting on it at all in the context of the ongoing crisis and the deficit of finances in the budget.

It is necessary to immediately emphasize that the authorities have not yet decided the fate of this issue, but they are still thinking about some changes in the environment of military pensioners. In modern times, pension payments are paid only to those people who have been in the army for more than 20 years (this is an official payment determined by the law of the Russian Federation). However, the law contains additional information that it can also be received by those people who have served in the army for more than 12 years and have an additional 25 years of experience, but they were dismissed from work due to health problems, never reached the age of 45.

Additionally, it must be said that military pensions in Russia are formed on the basis of length of service, which must necessarily have a limit established by law, because otherwise a person simply cannot count on receiving it.

Today, information is very common that pension contributions to former military personnel may be canceled in 2018, and this idea finds both supporters and those who are quite skeptical of such a proposal. Proponents of the proposal believe that the abolition pensions of military pensioners 2018 possible only if the proposed changes are carefully considered. Some of them offer retired military personnel to undergo free retraining. In particular, this idea is supported by a member of the public organization P. Segal, who rightly believes that today "former" military personnel have a very useful potential that can be used for the welfare of the state. However, the severance pay will still be paid because it will make people feel more confident leaving the armed forces, for example, at a relatively young age (they will not be able to receive a pension in such a case, and they need financial support).

The complexity of the issue

Most people liable for military service are extremely negative about one of the decrees of the president of the country, according to which military pension payments should be increased so that people can receive at least 2% more than the inflation rate in the country, considering this level to be incredibly small.

However, increase in pensions for military pensioners in 2018, latest news which is mentioned very often, is planned at 4%, which, according to the authorities, will exceed the inflation rate. In fact, the modern economy today practically opposes "pensions", because the Ministry of Finance does not tire of repeating that its budget does not have the funds to improve the material allowance of the members of the pension system.

Official news says that latest news about the indexation of military pensions in 2018 quite optimistic. The budget for this time period has not yet been fixed anywhere, but it is already known that no one plans to cancel indexation (especially before the presidential elections), but no one knows the exact size of the indicative coefficient.

The crisis of the world economy has become a very difficult test for the modern economic system of the country, and its consequences will disturb mankind for a very long time. Under such conditions, it is definitely not worth counting on an increase in pension allowances for pensioners, but positive dynamics in the economy have already been outlined, so we can hope that the situation will change for the better soon.

Reserves don't last forever...

Economists often say that the reserve funds allocated to combat the crisis and its consequences are already running out, because their number in the funds was limited. The previous year significantly reduced the amount of funds in the funds, because about 1 trillion rubles had to be taken from them, and if the authorities do not stop using them, then by the middle of 2018 they will be empty.

Solve this problem and, accordingly, find means for increase in pensions for military personnel in 2018 in Russia partial privatization of state corporations will help. For example, a good profit can bring to the budget, but so far members of the government are constantly postponing this decision, because, in accordance with their opinion, this law can create a number of certain difficulties for foreign investors. Additionally, it is said that, which was introduced in the country back in 2015, it needs to be improved, otherwise it will be almost impossible to solve the issue of a constant shortage of pension funds.

Today in the country there is a significant increase in the number of pensioners who create a serious burden on working people. It is for this reason that the authorities constantly have to allocate huge funds to cover the deficit. PF, This adversely affects the functioning of the economic system and forces members of the government to terminate some financial programs aimed at state support for the population. The state budget deficit is growing at an uncontrollable pace today, and until the authorities have found ways to solve such a problem, it will definitely not be possible to manage without revising the draft pension reform, so the authorities will have to think about this very seriously.

Information on "dessert"

In conclusion, it can be said for certain that military pensions from January 1, 2018 in Russia will definitely not be canceled, because in this case the military in reserve, who are also the backbone of the country, will be seriously infringed in their own rights. The abolition of pensions can greatly adversely affect the authority of the army and undermine it at the domestic level, so you definitely shouldn’t count on it, which, naturally, those liable for military service in the reserve can only be happy about.

The medium-term forecast for the development of events in the country, according to experts, will worsen over time. Pension reform is still going on quite painfully today, so the authorities are constantly trying to smooth it out, postponing, for example,. However, in the future, officials will have to take radical measures, because the crisis has caused serious damage to the economy, which means that measures to eliminate its consequences should also be as serious as possible.

In general, in modern times, no special changes are foreseen in the military pension system today, and no one has to hope for, however, as well as for their abolition. More detailed information on this matter will be available a little later, because the news and decisions of the authorities are constantly changing, so do not forget to follow them.

The pensions of military personnel have been discussed by everyone for several years now, because due to crises and instability of the state budget, the pension topic has undergone some changes during this time. Undoubtedly, the state is trying to maintain the size of these payments and even increase them, but, unfortunately, the reality is that this is not always possible.

Military pensioners expect a recalculation of pension indexation this year. Rather, they have already waited, the operation took place in January 2019.

Due to what factors can increase the military pension.

  • First, such an indicator as an official salary is important.
  • Secondly, the pension depends on the military rank.
  • And finally, thirdly, the allowance, which is charged for the length of service.

According to last year's statistics, the average military pension is about 23,000 rubles, which is much higher than the subsistence level and even the average wage in the country.

Compared to the insurance pension, the military pension is under greater state protection. Since it was not possible to make an increase due to the freezing of indexation during the crisis, the state simply corrected the downward factor, as a result of which the military pension increased by 4% in the past 2017.

This is planned to be done with military pensions for the next couple of years. However, more and more often there is talk of increasing the length of service, after which the military man retires. Now the experience is 20 years, they plan to increase it to 25, so the state wants to reduce spending on early pension payments. Experts say that this reform may come into force after the elections.

military allowances

Military personnel exercise their right to work through military service and, according to constitutional law, have the opportunity to receive remuneration for their work. So, it is the monetary allowance of the military that is the form of realization of this right.

For the past 5 years, the indexation of monetary allowance has remained frozen, despite the crises. In 2017, the Ministry of Finance proposed slightly changing the approach to indexing this type of payment - instead of a fixed indexation, they proposed introducing a variable value that would depend on the level of state budget income, which would allow to adjust this amount in the future. However, the State Duma rejected this proposal, not wanting to save on payments to military personnel.

Indexation of pensions for military personnel

The inflation rate of the past 2017 turned out to be quite low - only 2.5%, so this year, contrary to the usual course of circumstances, indexation was carried out already in January, and not in February, as is usually the case.

And since the benefits to military personnel are paid a month in advance, the newly indexed pensions should have been paid back in December 2017. These expenses were registered in the country's budget, and therefore this payment was made.

Additional payment in February to military pensioners

Quite often, there were rumors that military pensioners could also expect an increase in pensions by 2,500 rubles. In fact, everything is not so simple. Firstly, the allowance will affect everyone, and about a third of pensioners, and secondly, the amount is not so strictly fixed, it will depend on the rank.

3.1 billion rubles have already been allocated from the state budget to increase and index the pensions of military personnel in 2019 and 2020.

Cancellation of military pensions

Rumors are also very common that the abolition of pension benefits for military personnel is possible. This information is completely unconfirmed, but the project has many supporters, so you should probably not ignore it at all.

The fact is that some people believe that during military service people acquire skills that can later be used not only for military purposes, but in everyday life, and therefore military personnel have every opportunity to provide for themselves. However, this point of view does not take into account that military service is often more difficult and exhausting work than civilian positions, and therefore, in 20 years, a person simply wears himself out.

However, this project provides for the next moment - the payment of severance pay in order to support military personnel.

Also, the supporters of this project suggest that servicemen undergo free retraining, which will allow them to take their place in the labor market in the future.

So, recently the Ministry of Finance has been increasingly declaring that the state budget is not rubber and there is no money to increase social benefits, including early pensions, which include military pensions. Over the past couple of years, a significant amount has been spent on indexing these payments, and therefore the Ministry of Finance says that by the end of 2019, the budget allocated for the payment of pensions may simply be empty.

On the other hand, the State Duma continues to insist on a fixed indexation of pensions for military personnel, and in the near future it plans to increase the level of these payments by another 2% over the next two years.

It is clear that the pension reform needs to be reviewed in the near future. We can only say that an increase in the length of service or the abolition of pensions for military personnel in 2019 will definitely not happen. Such measures entail the infringement of the rights of the military in the reserve. And Russia now needs a strong military structure.

Legislative regulation of military pensions in Russia

Military pensioners and citizens equal to them in rights after dismissal can apply for the accrual of pension payments based on years of service if:

  1. the total service life exceeded 20 years;
  2. the military man was dismissed due to the impossibility to serve anymore for health reasons, upon the onset of the maximum allowable age, or in connection with organizational and staffing changes at the place of work; at the date of dismissal, he was already 45 years old, and the total length of service exceeded 25 years, at least 12.5 of which was military service.

Depending on where the last place of service was, monetary allowance is assigned:

  • Defense Department;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Service for the Execution of Punishments;
  • Federal Security Service.

There is a restriction: if a military pensioner gets a job in military service or in the National Guard of the Russian Federation, in internal affairs bodies, penitentiary bodies or in the fire service, then the payment of a pension for years of service is suspended.

Payments are subject to review in two cases:

  1. when the monetary allowance of the relevant categories of employees increases;
  2. annually from January 1, taking into account the growth of monetary allowance taken into account when calculating social benefits. Until 2035, this indicator is expected to increase by 2% per year. Depending on the level of inflation, it is possible to increase it by the Law on the State Budget.

The actual state of affairs in previous years and the latest news

The rate of gradual increase in payments was introduced in 2012. But due to the lack of money, this item has not been observed since 2015. For several years in a row, the Government has been declaring that such ways to save the budget are temporary, and the suspension of the growth of monetary allowances for the security forces planned by the Law, and, as a result, pensions for former employees, is an emergency measure. The military, on the other hand, complains that the norms of the legislation are declarative in nature, and in fact they cannot take advantage of the provided benefits in full, and the plus 2% laid down annually from January 1 has long been frozen.

The state is really having a hard time finding the means to adjust the amount of social benefits even for inflation, not to mention an additional 2 percent. In February 2017, against the backdrop of a general indexation of pensions of 5.4%, only 4% were credited to the military. In the summer of 2017, it was said that the salaries of the military could still be increased. But there was no money in the budget. Expectations for the indexation of pensions for the security forces from October 1, 2017 were not confirmed either.

Plans for 2018 are still being discussed. According to preliminary estimates, based on today's realities, the state will be able to afford a 4% increase in benefits for pensioners-siloviks. The final figures will be adopted with the Federal budget for 2018.

In general, the reform of the maintenance of the military may enter a new stage. So, the authorities are discussing the length of service that needs to be served for retirement. Some officials believe that it should be increased from 20 years to 25. The authors of the bill say that this will save several hundred billion rubles a year.

Opinions were also expressed on the termination of accruals to working military pensioners. This was argued by the fact that for most men 45 years old is quite a working age. Their potential needs to be used in the economy, helping with professional reorientation and retraining.

Pension reform is always a painful process. Such measures on the eve of the presidential elections are extremely unpopular. Therefore, the likelihood that officials will risk losing the trust of voters, infringing on the interests of people in uniform, is extremely small. Experts believe that the State Duma will most likely return to discussing such options for patching up holes in the budget later, after the elections. So far, the legislators have not adopted any changes.

Military pensions and inflation in Russia:

Criteria 2015 2016 2017
% of the amount of the monetary allowance of employees of the security forces 62,12 69,45 72,23
Actual pension increase, % 6,3 4 4
Inflation, % 12,91 5,38 4
Increase planned by Federal Law 4468-1 (inflation rate + 2%), % 14,91 7,38 6
Under-indexing of military pensions, % 8,61 3,38 2
