Corporate New Year. Corporate in St. Petersburg in restaurants and banquet halls

In St. Petersburg, there are many cozy restaurants, banquet halls, and even motor ships that are suitable for New Year's corporate parties in 2019 and 2020. In one of them you will definitely be able to spend an unforgettable festive evening. It is very important that the event takes place in the right place with delicious food and an interesting program. The New Year is approaching, and it's time to think about where to hold a corporate party. The best places are booked in advance, and some of them also offer a good discount for early bookings. New Year's corporate party in St. Petersburg is a great opportunity to create a warmer atmosphere in the team.

New Year corporate party in St. Petersburg restaurants

On our site you can find a suitable institution for you, sorting them according to the necessary parameters. If you want to spend a summer corporate party in nature, outside the city near the Gulf of Finland or, for example, in Pushkin, pay attention to country restaurants. Usually in such places you can additionally rent a barbecue, take a steam bath and really relax from the bustle of the city. If you want to have a dance party or you are interested in a New Year's corporate party 2020 in St. Petersburg with a program, look for spacious restaurants with a dance floor. After a festive event in the center of St. Petersburg, you can take group photos against the backdrop of Palace Square, the Kazan Cathedral or the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.

Corporate in St. Petersburg in restaurants and banquet halls

Entertainment for a festive meeting is better to think over in advance. Many restaurants and banquet halls in St. Petersburg are ready to take care of the program for the New Year corporate party 2020 instead of you. They can:

  • organize quests;
  • propose a stylized party (say, in the style of Gatsby or disco);
  • arrange a musical concert (with famous DJs, singers or a jazz orchestra);
  • equip the stage and dance floor with the necessary equipment;
  • invite dancers, animators, actors and more.

Restaurants for corporate events in St. Petersburg

If you are a young creative team that follows trends, you should take a closer look at the new establishments in St. Petersburg. If your company is more conservative, it may be better to give preference to respectable restaurants at hotels or banquet halls for corporate parties in St. Petersburg. If you have a large company, then banquet halls will accommodate a large number of people.

Another popular type of event is a prefabricated corporate party. This format is suitable for several companies wishing to unite and rent a hall together for a New Year's corporate party in St. Petersburg. In this case, a suitable date is selected when the team corporate party 2020-2019 will be held in the restaurant, and tickets are bought for all colleagues. It remains only to come to the appointed time together with everyone, to an already organized event with a show program for a corporate party and have fun.

Team building in St. Petersburg: restaurants and event venues

Almost all establishments will offer you a special holiday menu. Often, discounts are made for large companies, and somewhere New Year's corporate parties are held directly for 2019-2020 in St. Petersburg. Customize the search by parameters and choose a restaurant, cafe or banquet hall for a corporate party in St. Petersburg, which is right for your company.

If you work in a company with a staff of five people or more, then most likely you will have a noisy corporate party before the New Year. Even if the director of the company saved money and did not organize a holiday for his employees, in this case, often the employees themselves are going to celebrate the main event of the year. And in order for the evening to be a success, and the feast to leave a good impression, you need to prepare for it.

So that the evening does not turn out to be boring, you need to make an entertainment program, contests, skits, invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden (or change clothes yourself).

We offer an exemplary corporate party with jokes.

For a corporate party with jokes for the New Year 2018, you will need:

  • scenario;
  • gifts for winners in competitions (chocolate, notebooks, pens, calendars, bottles of alcohol, symbols of the coming year - Dogs, etc.);
  • colored paper or cardboard;
  • paper clips;
  • marker;
  • scissors;
  • elastic band, one and a half meters long;
  • scotch;
  • ribbons;
  • 4 boiled eggs;
  • two apples;
  • leaflets with the names of dances and songs;
  • attributes for dogs: food, collar, leash, etc.;
  • chairs.

Leading events come out to those gathered in the banquet hall, you can turn on the music louder at this moment.

Father Frost:

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Today we have come to you to paint this evening with bright colors!

Snow Maiden:

Today, the smile will not leave your faces, because we have prepared an incredibly interesting program for you!

Father Frost:

Enough time to get drunk! After all, there is nothing to hide why we are gathered here today!

Snow Maiden:

Well, what are you saying, grandfather! And we gathered here to take our souls away, have fun from the heart and spend a hard year. Let's give the floor to our leader, who will sum up the outgoing year!

(the word is given to the head of the company - it sounds like the first toast).

Father Frost:

Thank you, dear (name and patronymic of the leader). For such words it is worth drinking a glass of champagne!

(guests fill glasses)

Snow Maiden:

Now, let's get straight to the competition. We have prepared the most interesting quizzes for you! Grandpa, start!

Father Frost:

Dear, what is the most important thing on the New Year's table?

(the audience tries to answer - the correct answer is: menu, food, snacks)

That's right, the menu. I’ll ask you to be smart: I will say the letter, and you will tell me the name of the dishes that begin with this letter. Whoever names the most dishes wins a prize!


Snow Maiden:

What kind of economic girls we have, how many names of dishes they know!

Father Frost:

So knowing is one thing, they still need to be cooked! Let's raise our glasses so that our beauties remain wonderful housewives!

(raise glasses)

You can take small breaks between competitions, during which guests can drink, have a bite and chat a little. Hosts can also join the table. The main thing is not to delay with such pauses, otherwise the guests will get bored or get drunk quickly, and it is unlikely that they will be able to play.

Father Frost:

We decided on the menu, now we move on to drinks.

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, there is champagne on the tables ...

Father Frost:

My dear child, champagne, it's just to warm up, as they say. For real men, you need something stronger! So, for those who want to drink something stronger, I propose to guess the riddle!

Riddles with jokes. Options are best written into the script right away. The one who gives the most correct answers wins a prize.

Riddles for corporate parties for the New Year 2018

  1. Quenches thirst alive.
    Drink from a mug. This is (beer).
  2. Burns the mouth and throat.
    They drink from a glass. This is (vodka).
  3. Delicate smell. Tasty but
    My head hurts. (wine).
  4. Cuties drink, bitches drink,
    Adding ice and juice - (vermouth).
  5. Replaces sleep and bromine.
    It is drunk with cola, - this is - (rum).
  6. Disperses gloom and spleen,
    If it pours into the tonic (gin).
  7. It smells like bedbugs - the most relish! -
    French vintage (cognac).
  8. Having adopted the manners of the lord,
    We drink cold (champagne).
  9. No medicine, no bed
    Not cured (hangover).

Father Frost:

And now, I would like to give the floor to all those who have something to say and wish each other! Let's still remember!

(those who wish come out with congratulations, or raise a toast from their place at the table)

Snow Maiden:

I propose to play a game that our beautiful ladies will enjoy!

Dressing contest: those who wish are given scissors, ribbons, adhesive tape, marker, paper clips, cardboard or paper. From the proposed props, you need to come up with a dog costume and put it on yourself. The winner receives a prize. You can also choose "Miss Audience Choice", for which the majority of the guests of the evening will vote.

Father Frost:

Work hard, now you can drink and eat!

(guests raise their glasses, after which you can make a short musical pause)

Snow Maiden:

We ate, rested, and now I propose to strain the convolutions of the brain and solve a few more mysteries.

Riddles Examples

  1. What is it - small, white, flies and buzzes?
    B. (Fly. Why B? Because blonde)
  2. Why don't elephants fly? (by air)
  3. What dishes can not eat anything? (From empty)
  4. What is: green, bald and galloping? (Soldier at the disco)
  5. What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street)
  6. What can't be done in space? (hang yourself)
  7. How do day and night end? (soft sign)
  8. Small, gray like an elephant (Elephant)
  9. What is it: the power lies, and the water runs? (The deputy is given an enema)
  10. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk)

Since the riddles are all tricky, one of the presenters should help and answer. The point of these charades is not to guess who guesses, but to make the audience laugh.

Father Frost:

Something we have almost all drunk and eaten, but have not yet danced. Come on, let's shake off the fat that we have accumulated this year to enter the next one with a small waist!

Snow Maiden:

We offer a dance competition! Everyone can come to us in the center of the hall.

Pre-prepared cards with the name of the dance are pulled out by the participants of the competition one by one. Music can sound completely different, not even suitable for the type of dance that has fallen out. This is the essence of the competition: to dance a certain dance to any music. Men can also participate, it will even be more interesting. The winner is a prize.

Dance options:

  • lezginka;
  • striptease (light);
  • polka;
  • break;
  • waltz (you can invite a partner);
  • cancan;
  • Boogie Woogie;
  • tap dance.

You can add to the list with other types of dances.

Father Frost:

And let's find out which of us is the most flexible? I'm sure it is me!

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, slow down! Just look at the men sitting at the table. How can you compete with them!

Father Frost:

And we will find out now!

A ribbon or elastic band is pulled between two chairs at the level of a person's belt. The point of the contest is to pass under the ribbon without touching it. You can't crawl, you can only bend forward or backward. Who touches the tape or falls - immediately leaves. The remaining participant wins.

After the competition, you can make a musical pause so as not to tire the guests and give them a little breath and relax.

Snow Maiden:

We found the most flexible, but who is the coolest of our team? Let's find out!

Boiled eggs will come in handy for the next competition. How many eggs - so many participants. Contest for men only! Eggs are laid out on a plate, participants are told that one egg is raw. Everyone must take an egg and break it on the head. Who gets the raw egg? No one, because he doesn't exist! But the contestants don't know that! Therefore, the tension will increase with each broken boiled egg! Based on the results of the competition, small gifts can be awarded to all outcast participants.

Snow Maiden:

These are the men we have! One is stronger than the other! Let's drink to the strong half of our wonderful team!

(raise glasses)

Snow Maiden:

Do you know how much work we did when we prepared this scenario for a corporate party? For a long time we came up with jokes and contests with jokes. And the smiles and laughter on your faces today are evidence that our labors were not in vain! We want the New Year 2018 to be as easy and happy for you as this evening!

Father Frost:

You won't praise yourself, no one will praise you! So, Snow Maiden? Did you hope so? Okay, ate, drank, now let's start the next game. No celebration is complete without this fun competition. Only in advance I ask you not to push hard, not to fight, otherwise we will break the dishes - they will demand money from us!

Chairs are placed in a circle in the center of the room. The number of chairs must be one less than the number of participants. Chairs are arranged in a circle, seat facing out. To the music, the guests begin to run around the chairs. As soon as the song ends (the DJ can hit the stop button at any time), the members quickly sit down on an empty chair. The person who did not get a seat is eliminated from the game and takes one chair with him. The winner is the one who manages to sit on the last chair.

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, do you love me very much?

Father Frost:

You know, granddaughter, sometimes I love you, sometimes not so much.

Snow Maiden:

Will you kiss?

Father Frost:

What's the matter with you, my child, I'm your grandfather, not your betrothed!

Snow Maiden:

Then I announce a competition in which I will also participate, since you don’t want to kiss me!

Two teams will be needed for the next competition. Each team has 4-5 members. If so many are not typed, then you can assemble one team. The meaning of the game is for the guest to take an apple in his mouth (the fruit must be washed in advance) and pass it to the second participant, but not with his hands, but with his mouth. It turns out a kiss through an apple. The one who drops the apple is out. The couple or one person who doesn't drop the apple wins.

Do not forget that a successful corporate party should consist of costumed heroes, in our case, these are the leading Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. You can make a theme party and replace the costumes, for example, with the image of Jack Sparrow and his beautiful companion.

Since the upcoming New Year 2018 will be the year of the Dog, this moment should be taken into account in the script. A corporate party with jokes will be more fun if you come up with some interesting and funny facts about dogs, or a dog contest.

Dog Contest

The guests name as many dogs-characters of famous films and cartoons as possible. If the names of animals are difficult to remember, then you can only name the name of the movie or cartoon. The winners will receive dog gifts: bones, collar, leash, etc.

List of films and cartoons with dogs:

  1. Kitten Woof.
  2. Prostokvashino.
  3. Catdog.
  4. There lived a dog.
  5. 101 dalmatians.
  6. Visiting Barbos.
  7. White Bim Black Ear.
  8. Scooby-Doo.
  9. White Fang.
  10. Belka and Strelka.
  11. Chestnut.
  12. Dog in boots.
  13. Barboskins.
  14. Pluto.
  15. Puppy Patrol.

At the end of the corporate party, you can announce a white dance. Or again give the floor to the leader. It is not necessary to follow all the points in the script for the New Year 2018. A festive dinner with jokes will perfectly decorate spontaneous jokes that may arise in a conversation with guests. You have to act according to the circumstances. Perhaps one of the guests will prepare their own contest, or the invitees will not show interest in quizzes.

No need to go too far and arrange one game after another. This is likely to quickly tire people who came to relax and unwind in the first place.

It is believed that the New Year corporate party 2018 is held by the company purely for show. In fact, any HR specialist will confirm that this is an important team building event. Raising the team spirit of employees and achieving the planned results next year depends on its organization.

Indeed, a skillfully planned holiday can turn a set of various departments, such as warehouse, accounting, logistics department, into a well-coordinated team capable of performing the most complex functions of raising the company's image and its further promotion in the market of goods and services. You can once again use the New Year and the joint holding of the holiday to lay the foundation for future victories.

How to prepare for a corporate event

The easiest way to do this is with large companies, where there are special event departments that think through all the details of such an event. What about a company that does not have sufficient financial resources for such a luxury? In this case, there are two options:

  1. appeal to specialists of a special agency for organizing holidays;
  2. arrange everything with the help of your team.

The second case is the most common and most often the issue of a corporate party is solved by ordering a restaurant. However, with this option, an event in a restaurant should not turn into a banal feast. A good script must be devised, a theme determined, interesting entertainment found, which will be seasoned with excellent food and a small amount of alcohol. It should not prevail, but be an element of giving courage.

There is probably no universal theme that would suit most companies. Nevertheless, let's try to identify the most unhackneyed ideas of corporate holidays.

It is necessary to start preparing for a corporate party in advance. The closer to the target date, the greater the guarantee that all the best restaurants, decorators and artists will be busy. It is better if your company addresses this issue in September and starts thinking about the details and taking practical steps. Corporate planning should begin with an analysis of the number of participants, their gender, as well as their age. This will largely determine the theme, scenario and choice of venue for the event.

Of course, it is difficult to find out in detail the preferences of all party participants, but given the age and status, one can guess what kind of music should be ordered and what place to choose for a joint meeting of the New Year.

Funding and site selection

The issue of financing is also very important in organizing a corporate party. At present, when the crisis phenomena are observed in all spheres of life, company leaders are reluctant to go to the generous funding of corporate events. The allocated amount may not be enough for a large-scale party in an elite location. Before organizing a corporate party, you can ask employees if they can add personal funds for holding a holiday at the highest level. It depends on the agreement of this issue whether you will celebrate the New Year on a grand scale or modestly and in not the best place.

Thus, the question arises: "Where to spend a joint celebration of the New Year?". Given the number of participants, the available budget and preferences, you can choose the most appropriate option. It could be:

  • office holiday;
  • field trip:
  • renting a mansion or apartment;
  • celebration in a restaurant with a program;
  • visiting a karaoke bar;
  • participation in an interesting quest;
  • going to a bowling alley, etc.

Other organizational issues

Among the issues that also need to be addressed is the determination of the date of the event. Since the New Year is a family holiday and many participants prefer celebrating in the family circle, therefore it is better to choose a date for a corporate party a few days before the New Year.

If the company intends to celebrate the upcoming holidays in an office environment, then it is necessary to think about decor in a timely manner. Now there are no problems with this. There are special firms that professionally decorate any room. If your company does not have the funds for this, then you can make the decor yourself by connecting imagination, skill and jewelry bought in a store.

A very important element of any corporate party is the choice of gifts. A gift doesn't have to be expensive. It can be very small, cool or meaningful. A small calendar, an original Christmas toy, a branded cup, a set of tea or coffee, etc. will do.

Choosing a menu is the most important part of the New Year's holiday. Of course, here everything determines the place for celebrating the corporate party. If you are renting a mansion or a separate room, then it makes sense to use the buffet menu. If the corporate party is celebrated in the office, then you can order pizza or sushi. The restaurant will be appropriate banquet menu. In natural conditions, goodies from the participants of the event will do.

The dress code of the participants of the holiday is also important, although everything here depends on the place and theme of the party.

Original ideas for a corporate party

Stylized party Such a corporate party can be dedicated to a sensational film, cartoon characters, musical preferences. It will be a lot of fun if employees try on the images of Disney cartoon characters or dress up as dudes, rockers or disco dancers.
Corporate in the form of tastings Such an event is suitable for a purely male team. You can invite a professional sommelier to the office who will tell you how to choose the right rum or whiskey. If there are women in the team. Then a wine tasting or enogastronomy is suitable, when a professional chef prepares dishes suitable for a certain type of alcohol in a partner restaurant.
Collective meeting of the New Year in the form of sports games Such a celebration of the New Year is suitable for a young team of men. On the eve of the holiday, you can organize a collective trip to the rink to play hockey, biathlon or paintball. After gambling, you can celebrate the New Year in a bar or restaurant, which are always available next to the sports grounds.
Club party in the industrial area To do this, it is not necessary to go to a club with the whole team. In a big city, you can rent any loft space, hire a DJ with ready-made musical equipment, and rent a bar counter. After that, you can dance until you drop.
New Year at the entertainment center The whole team can be divided by interests and sent, for example, women to sing in a karaoke room, young staff to play bowling or participate in a laser tag battle. Everyone can also participate in kart racing or other entertainment. After that, the whole team can “attack” the bar.

The New Year is coming soon. Shop windows dressed up in festive decorations: Christmas decorations, serpentine, sparkling garlands and other New Year's tinsel. It is on New Year's Eve that we, for some reason, become kinder, begin to believe in the best and simply enjoy life, winter, and each other. New Year is always a magical holiday that you want to celebrate in an unusual way, so that later all year, looking at the photos, remember happy moments. They say how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it. And since work and the team occupy an important part of life for many, the editors of I WANT to prepare information about the New Year's corporate party 2018: interesting ideas, contests, New Year's toasts for colleagues, and even an approximate menu. Read more further in the material.


As a rule, it is better to entrust the organization of such an action to professionals. This may be a toastmaster from the artistic group you ordered. Correct diction and intelligible speech, wit and tact, the ability to stir up the audience, the availability of costumes and various impromptu programs - these qualities should have the organizer you need. Pre-read forums where companies that provide entertainment are positively characterized. Consult with professionals how best to celebrate the New Year, given the contingent of your team. Maybe your team will benefit from the New Year's masquerade. If you were instructed to organize a corporate party, and there are catastrophically no ideas, then the moment has come when you can slap yourself on the forehead and breathe a sigh of relief. Everyone will surely like the masquerade: both serious uncles and glamorous fashionistas.

And you can arrange a retro disco: to the music of the 80-90s, we met and fell in love. These are not lost memories! All this can be returned! The dress code for such a party is appropriate for the era. Your employees will be delighted to find themselves again in their past and feel very young. For an older team, a New Year's blue light in the style of the 40-60s is suitable. Invite a jazz orchestra or a group that is familiar with the repertoire of those years. Decorate the whole holiday based on the movie "Carnival Night". Include in your evening karaoke with jumping parodists: who will be better able to portray your favorite performer. Invite clowns, acrobats, trainers - if your employees love the circus.

Financial questions

First you need to decide on the holiday budget for. Usually a certain amount is allocated, within which you have to "dance". When you have sketched out a rough scenario plan for yourself, including the main characters of the holiday and key moments in it, a rough picture of expenses emerges. All your expenses (even the most minimal ones) should be taken into account and, preferably, supported by cash receipts.

Before making bulk purchases of products and all kinds of jewelry, agree on a rough estimate of the event with your superiors. In small groups, in small enterprises, it is quite possible to hold a party at the expense of employees. One of the key points that will have to be decided is the venue of the event. Actually, there are only two options: in your own office or rent a banquet hall for this purpose (a sauna, a motor ship, a house at a camp site, etc.), in any case, you will have to proceed, firstly, from the budget, and secondly , from the theme of the evening.

Organizing a holiday at the workplace will significantly reduce the figure written after the word "Total". But there are pitfalls here. If you are planning to hold a holiday on your own, then you need helpers to decorate the hall, set the table, hold various competitions, and clean up after the holiday. Write a list of those responsible and clearly indicate, preferably in writing, their duties and assignments.

Menu for New Year's corporate party

You have two options:

Order ready-made meals at the nearest cafe or restaurant. If the budget allows, you can also invite staff to serve the holiday for an additional fee;
- organize a buffet table on your own: purchase, cut, lay out - and here you also cannot do without assistants.

buffet laws

While the guests are gathering, the waiters offer drinks and light snacks. The aperitif will be decorated with live music in a light style. In order not to rack your brains on hot New Year's Eve and reporting days, use our sample menu for your buffet table:


  • Assorted fish - slightly salted salmon, smoked sturgeon, cold-smoked sturgeon, hot-smoked eel;
  • Fraise cocktail with shrimp in martini glasses - shrimp, lettuce, pineapple, cucumber, mayonnaise;
  • Pike stuffed;
  • Classical beef basturma basturma, olives, green olives;
  • Stuffed chicken legs;
  • Assorted delicacies - boiled pork, carbonate, chicken roll, sausage, beef tongue;
  • Sauté vegetable;
  • Assorted elite cheeses - rambol with nuts, mimolette, camembert, mozzarella; as a decoration: kiwi, strawberries, almonds;
  • Khachapuri with cheese puff.


  • Canape with ham and mustard;
  • Canape with boiled pork, cherry tomatoes and herbs;
  • Rolls of raw smoked beef and smoked cheese;
  • Canape with smoked eel with lemon and a sprig of tarragon;
  • Crab julienne in puff tartlets.


  • Salad "DEEP BLUE" - tiger prawns, garlic, cherry tomatoes, honey, cilantro and avocado.
  • Herring under a fur coat - herring, potatoes, carrots, onions, eggs, beets, mayonnaise.
  • Salad "Freshness" - from fresh tomatoes with mozzarella cheese and basil leaves, seasoned with olive oil.
  • Salad "Greek" - tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, olives, olives, olive oil.
  • Salad "Olivier"
  • For convenience, salads can be laid out in puff tartlets and mosaically arranged on spacing.


  • Pike perch "orly" with sauce;
  • Chicken rolls with bacon.


  • Sturgeon baked with shrimps and cheese;
  • Pork escalope with gherkins;
  • Rack of lamb with raspberry sauce;
  • Veal medallions with herbs;
  • Turkey with oranges;
  • Pancakes with salmon caviar;
  • Grilled chicken with spicy sauce on the grill;


  • Assorted buns;
  • Kulebyaka with cabbage and mushrooms;
  • Sliced ​​bread - lavash, baguette, black Borodinsky.


  • Fruit tartlets;
  • Apples baked with honey and nuts;
  • Fruit mosaic - pears, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, tangerines, banana.


  • Vodka;
  • cognac;
  • Martini;
  • champagne;
  • mineral water;
  • juices.

And let the champagne flow like a river, let the table burst with dishes, because the reason is worthy of such a celebration, because this is the New Year!

How to congratulate the team on the New Year 2018?

You can prepare one general congratulation for the whole team. If there are not very many employees, it will be much more interesting to separately congratulate each employee. Such congratulations can be read as toasts. You can also compose playful congratulations that characterize the employee, but without indicating the name, and invite those present to guess the addressee.

But what is a holiday without competitions?

If you approach the celebration on your own, it is important to prepare a certain number of competitions. There should not be too many of them so as not to tire the celebrants. Ideally, if the contests are somehow related to the specifics of the work.

All competitions have a well-thought-out comic entertainer with elements of improvisation. A relaxed holiday atmosphere is guaranteed, taking into account that the team always consists of spectators and participants. The musical program consists of well-known compositions of various styles. And if you get together with the whole team and throw out your dreams? Make the fairy tale come to life! Winners of competitions are awarded with playful diplomas and prizes.

Here are some competitions for the New Year's holiday:

The host leaves the room, and the rest decide who will be guessed. Then the facilitator tries to guess the person, according to his abstract description. The facilitator asks leading questions. For example: "If this person were ... a cloud (tree, monkey, hanger, Snow Maiden), then what would he look like (run, fly, play hockey?)". You need to compare and guess. A very fun game.

Guess who?
The company is divided into 2 equal groups. One group thinks of some abstract concept (for example, love, a trip, a Christmas tree). The member of the other group is told this concept without the other members of his group learning. After that, he depicts this concept, and the members of his group guess by asking leading questions. The impersonator can only be answered in monosyllables, "yes" or "no".

Making a collective toast
The host begins to make a toast, then meaningfully cuts it off, and the next person from the company continues. The toast is finished by the same presenter.

Guess the song
In the absence of the driver, the players choose a line from a popular song, and each player receives one word from the line. The driver, entering the room, hears a discordant choir, in which everyone sings his word in a singsong voice. The driver's task is to guess the song. The audience should agree on how many times they should sing their words.

name for ice cream
The most favorite delicacy of the Snow Maiden is ice cream - therefore, a competition is announced for the name of the ice cream. Everyone takes turns calling the varieties of ice cream, and whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

It was my ball!
The competition requires 2 participants. They are given one inflatable New Year's ball, which the presenter ties to the left leg of each participant. At the command of the leader, the participants try to crush the opponent's ball with their right foot. It is recommended to play in indoor shoes or sneakers (participants in tarpaulin boots or stilettos are not allowed to the competition). The winner is the one who quickly "bursts" the opponent's ball with his foot.

Funny toasts for the New Year of the Dog

May the Dog of all enemies
Laem scares,
Only sincere people
Leave side by side
Let her give you
Courage, loyalty, friendship,
To have everything in life
What is needed for happiness.
Her year is coming
Wait and meet!
And the badass Rooster
Feel free to follow.

I wish you, for the New Year,
So that there is happiness at the gate,
For the magic to reign
What a fairy tale given to children!

So that the “Dog” faithfully guards you
And accompanied for a whole year,
To lead, only the "better" path,
Where roam: "Happiness" and "peace"!

Where the "fairy tale" wanders without fear,
Where is Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Prince,
Deer of marvelous beauty...
Where dreams come true!

In the year 2018
You shouldn't be upset.
This will be the best year ever.
The dog will bring you
Happiness, joy and luck,
There can be no doubt.
And health this year
Will not let you down for anything.

Friends, welcome the New Year!
He will come with a yellow dog.
Two thousand eighteen.
Will he bite?

May this friendly year
Like a wonderful golden puppy
Bag of love, smiles, laughter
It will drag you to your doorstep.

We wish that this dog
I brought you the keys in your teeth.
From every door you knock on.
And from the hearts you aspire to.

In a calm, quiet, kind world
Let the year pass without any drama.
May life, as the most faithful friend,
Always wags its tail.

We'll let you in on a special secret.
I burn happiness in the house so that
Luck must be lured:
Adopt a dog in the house.

Health, joy and happiness!
I wish you a New Year
So that neither anxiety nor misfortune
They didn't guard at the gate.
So that the sun gently shines
Everything that the heart is waiting for came true
And just to be gratifying
All your life, like this year!

The old year is gone...

I want to say
Many good words
Wish you happiness.
To make life easy for you
Next year
So that you forget Woe and trouble!

Let all the flowers at your feet fall
Let the stars turn into emeralds
Let grief and sorrow go away
May your dreams come true in the New Year!

Winter is coming, playing with blizzards,
Frost crackles and summer is far away,
And we congratulate you on the New Year,
May the New Year bring you warmth!
The warmth of good luck, the joy of the first meeting,
Warmth of love, family warmth,
And let it ring on New Year's Eve
Glasses New Year's glass!

Gift Rules

They should be inexpensive, preferably the same, or equivalent for all. The best gift option is a souvenir with an animal, a symbol of the coming year. You can give candles, notebooks, New Year's toys, balls.

A gift to the boss should not be personal, too expensive or pretentious, it can be a set of CDs or video cassettes, elegant stationery, theater tickets or a magazine subscription, a high-quality photo album.

Rules of conduct at a corporate party

  • Even if you are not a party organizer, but an ordinary employee, a corporate holiday is not just fun for you, but a kind of festive continuation of working days. Behavior at a corporate party also has its subtleties.
  • Do not get out of the team. Participate in all competitions, proclaim toasts for the benefit of your own company. If all the employees at the party are in jeans, you are unlikely to feel comfortable in an evening dress under the gaze of colleagues. And the reverse situation is also not very useful for your reputation. Therefore, agree on what style of clothing will be adopted at the party. For yourself, beyond the tastes of others, take this rule: according to tradition, the New Year should be celebrated in everything new. In some countries, there is even a ritual according to which everything old and unnecessary is thrown out of the house. Of course, you should not do this with your clothes, but you definitely need to update your wardrobe. Be elegant and unique!
  • You need to attend a corporate party, even if you don’t really like noisy companies. Otherwise, your absence will be regarded as a disregard for the organization, for the team and for the leadership. The holiday is organized for you, so take an active part!
  • Be social! It is natural that you have your friends at work, but it would be very wrong to spend the whole evening exclusively in their company. A corporate party implies communication between all employees, even if they work in different departments, different branches and do not know each other. Do not sulk or whisper at someone on holiday when you see something unusual. It is advisable to avoid familiarity, especially with people holding higher positions, you should not talk too much about yourself under a drunken hand.
  • Limit your drinking. Otherwise, you risk appearing in front of colleagues from an unsightly side. Being frivolous or a drinker is far from an “+” of your reputation. At the same time, demonstratively refraining from drinking is also not worth it. It is best to take a glass of wine and drink from it slowly throughout the evening.
  • A corporate party is not a place for flirting. You should not explicitly invite the man for whom you clearly sigh, build promising plans, retire in a dark corridor. You want to continue working with these people, don't you? And flirting will only hurt you. There is nothing more humiliating than crying in the toilet for who knows who, when your other colleagues are dancing and having fun.
  • The road is not a gift, but attention. It is advisable to congratulate those colleagues whom you know personally and are somehow connected with them (for example, your desktops are in the same room). The gift should not be too expensive, so that the recipient does not feel obligated. Even a simple postcard may suffice.
  • . You should not talk about work and everything related to work: clients, exchange rates, deliveries, wages, office interior. All these topics can be discussed on weekdays. And a holiday, even a corporate one, means rest. Let the New Year begin with joyful impressions and give perspective to the new! New Year is a time to be surprised and surprised, to believe in the existence of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, good and evil wizards, to enjoy the New Year tree.

And most importantly, this holiday should bring joy and happiness!

Everyone's happiness depends on everyone's happiness! So everyone be happy! Perhaps someone does not know where to find it. And someone does not know at all what happiness is or does not believe in it. But one thing I know for sure - happiness is where you do not feel the passage of time. It is that mysterious ray whose radiance comes from your heart and blinds others. So let there be more of these rays this year!