Thematic week "Magic water". Calendar planning for the summer recreational period in the middle group. Thematic week “Water is the source of life”

senior group project « Water »

Water is the basis of life on Earth,
It is necessary for everyone around:
Plants, animals, humans,
Use it carefully, my friend!

Project type:cognitive research.

Deadlines:short term (1 week).

Members:children, teachers, parents.

Location: group room, observations on the site.

Project relevance:

The project aims to consolidate and deepen children's knowledge that water is needed for all living beings; Without it, plants, animals, and humans cannot live.

Objective of the project:

To form in children knowledge about the importance of water in the life of all life on earth: water is the source of life;

Project objectives:

- to form in children knowledge about the properties of water (clear, odorless, has weight, fluid, solvent), about its different states;

- to learn to observe the simplest connections of the cycle in nature;

- to acquaint with the inhabitants of the reservoirs;

- learn to identify the most characteristic seasonal changes in nature;

- bring up careful attitude to water as an important natural resource;

- to educate children's interest in wildlife.

Research methods:


- talking with children about water,

- reading fiction

- look at illustrations

- self-drawing

- memorization of poems

- guessing riddles

- physical minutes, didactic and outdoor games, finger games,

-information sheets for parents

Observations :

- Behind the "garden" on the windowsill, watering the flowers;

- Observations on walks with melting snow, drop by drop.

Project progress:

1. Statement of the problem, entry into game situation(Is it possible to live without water).

2. Discussion of the problem, acceptance of the task.

-Who needs water?

-Who lives in the water?

Where is water found in nature?

Step by step solution:

Target : Determine the level of primary ideas of children about nature, natural objects.

3. Conducting the topic in all educational areas.

4.Experimental activity.

5. Exhibition of children's works;

6. Exit: CAPITO'S FUN Quiz


- Reading stories, poems, fairy tales about water. "Rain" by L. Kvitko; “First Snow” by Y. Akim; "Grad" G. Tsyferov; "Crocodile Tears" by H. Laiglesia; "Danka went through the water"; "How a turtle walked on water"; "Collapse" Boris Zhitkov; "Spring" Bogdan Chaly; "Who lives in the sea" S. Sakharnov; “I washed my hands under the tap”; "Mountain streams" D. Maksimovich.

Memorization of proverbs, sayings and poems.

guessing thematic riddles.

Labor activity.

“Let's drink flowers with water”, “Grow a seed”.

Purpose: to give an idea that without water, all living things die, flowers and plants dry up, lose their leaves.


Morning talk: "What do we know about water?"

Cognition (expansion of horizons)

Theme: "Water is the source of life."

Purpose: To expand knowledge on the topic, to cultivate a careful attitude to water as an important natural resource.

-Drawing "Save water".

Purpose: - To inculcate respect for water as a source of life;

-Learn to draw

- Finger game "ringing drops"

Reading art literature: "Spring" Bogdan Chaly;

P.i "Brook"


Morning conversation "Where does the water come from?"

The development of speech "Learning the poem" Sorceress - Water ".

Goal: develop auditory memory, articulatory apparatus, learn to pronounce a poem in different pace and with expression.

Mathematics "Lost droplets."

Purpose: to fix the score within 10, to consolidate the knowledge of colors, to continue to learn how to compare 2 groups of objects.

Finger game "And I went on the water."

Reading thin. Literature: "I washed my hands under the tap."

D. and “guess it” (learn to guess riddles on the topic)


Morning talk: "Can we live without water?"

Experimental activity: "Water in different states.

Properties of water.


-Observation of water in its various states (snow, ice, steam).

- Observe the properties of water (odorless, colorless, transparent, solvent, flowing).

Application "Glass of soda water".

Objective: To consolidate knowledge of various water-based drinks, continue to teach neatly cut small parts from colored paper (gas bubbles) and stick on the composition.

Reading art literature: "Mountain streams" D. Maksimovich.

Evening entertainment«blowing bubbles."

Tasks : give children pleasure, create a joyful mood and positive emotional mood; monitor the correctness of inhalation (through the nose, learn to direct the air stream during exhalation).


Morning talk “Spring changes in nature. Water conditions»

Speech development: "compilation of a story based on the picture" The water cycle in nature ".

Purpose: -To learn how to compose a story based on a picture, develop coherent speech and sequence, supplement a friend's story.

Experiment game"Sinking - not sinking"

Tasks: enrich the sensory experience of children, their ideas about the variety of properties of objects in the world around them, develop the ability to recognize and name them.

Reading art literature: “Crocodile Tears” by H. Laiglesia;


Morning conversation “What do we know about water?” - they say it everywhere!

Drawing "On the water" - collective

Purpose: to introduce non-traditional technique drawing on the surface of the water, learn to perform simple images, develop Creative skills, fantasy.

Quiz "Captain's fun"

Prepared and conducted by the teacher senior group Mikulenene N.O.

World, surrounding the child, is primarily the natural world
with boundless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty.
Here in nature eternal source child mind.
V. Sukhomlinsky

World Water Day is celebrated every year on March 22nd. It was created in 1993 by the UN General Assembly. The main task This holiday, according to its creators, should be a reminder to all the inhabitants of the Earth about the great importance of water to sustain life on our planet. As you know, man and animals cannot exist without water. If there were no water resources on Earth, then life would not have arisen on it.
On the territory of our country, the holiday "World Water Day" has been celebrated since 1995. Its motto is: "Water is life". It is designed to emphasize the greatest importance of water in our lives.
Water occupies a special position among the natural resources of the Earth. The well-known Russian and Soviet geologist Academician A.P. Karpinsky said that there is no more precious fossil than water, without which life is impossible.
Russia is a great water power, ranking second in the world in terms of river runoff after Brazil, and third in terms of water supply per person, after Brazil and Canada. Water abundance imposes on Russia a special responsibility to humanity for the preservation of this most important natural resource.
MBDOU on Bondarenko Street 25 has been working in the environmental direction for many years, cultivating love and respect for nature native land. environmental education preschoolers, especially moral education, because humane feelings, awareness of the value of any manifestation of life, the desire to protect and preserve nature should underlie the relationship of a person to the natural world around him.
In the preparatory school group No. 12 to world day water under the guidance of the educator of the highest qualification category Gryaznova Olga Viktorovna, the project “Water is an amazing substance” was carried out. The following activities were planned and carried out:
Speech development:“Who lives in water?”, “What do you grow in water?”
Cognitive development:“Water is all around us. Water cycle in nature”, “Properties of water. Magic water.
Artistic and aesthetic development: Drawing "At the bottom of the sea", "Aquarium", "Our river Upa", "Penguins on an ice floe".
Application:"Sailboat and fish".
Modeling:"Underwater inhabitants".
Paper construction (origami):"Boat", "Kit".
Social and communicative development: Conversations: "Where does water live in kindergarten?”, “Who lives in a reservoir?”, “Rivers can get sick and how to save them”, “Water on Earth”, “River of our city”.
Plot - role-playing games:"Sailors", "Steamboat", " Cruise" and etc.
Physical development: outdoor games "Fishing rod", "Frogs and heron", "The sea is worried", "Water".
Reading: Poems and riddles about water, aquatic inhabitants, " living water"Polish fairy tale, Fairy tale "How a duck got the earth", V Orlov "Tell me, forest river", S. Sakharov "Who lives in the sea?", G. Lyushina "Droplet", N. Ryzhova "Have you heard about water? ”, N. A. Ryzhova “Once upon a time there was a river” ( ecological fairy tale), Two streams”, “In muddy water- you will perish yourself”, B. Zakhoder “What happened to the river?”, “The Tale of the Brook” Esther Adam.
Experiences:“Water cycle in nature”, “Properties of water”, “Plants drink water”, “Cloud”, “Where fog comes from”, “Water can move”.

Topic of the week:
"Sorceress Water"

From 04/25/16 to 04/29/16

Program content:

Expansion of ideas about the properties of water (water can be in different states: solid, liquid, gaseous; other substances can dissolve in water; water can be dyed different colors; water is clear, has no shape, has different temperature and etc.).

The development of the ability to establish the simplest connections between living and inanimate nature(it's raining - there are puddles on the ground, plants and animals need water, etc.).







Cognitive development (extended circle)

Conversation "Sorceress - water".

Artistic aesthetic development (appl)

"Living Clouds" by I.A. Lykov page 120

Cognitive Development (FEMP)

Nod №4 I.A. Pomoraeva str 51

Speech development

Drawing up a story based on the painting "Metal Water" by O.S. Ushakov

Artistic aesthetic development (sculpting)

"Our Aquarium" by I.A. Lykov page 132

Artistic aesthetic development (music)

According to the plan of the music director

Physical development


According to the physical plan instructor

Theme: “Water sorceress” Experimenting with water “Sinking-does not sink”, “Water painting”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of the development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments



socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

speech development;

artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "What do you know about water?" Purpose: to clarify knowledge about water and its properties.

Reading and repeating the nursery rhyme “Vodichka, Vodichka” Purpose: to develop memory, speech, quick wits

Considering illustrations about water. Purpose: to encourage children to recognize, distinguish and name objects and natural phenomena.

D / and “And then what?” Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of children in different time days. Ruslan, Sasha, Alina

Experience. The water is transparent. Purpose: clarification of the properties of water, the establishment of causal investigative links: the water is transparent, which means that living organisms can live in it, without water, all living things die.

Create conditions for

Looking at illustrations and pictures various sources water and reservoirs on Earth, the use of water in everyday life

Talk to parents about how their children are feeling. Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (extended circle)

Conversation “Sorceress - water.” Purpose: To develop cognitive activity in the process of getting to know the environment. To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about the importance of water in the life of a person, animals, plants (water is the source of life); develop an understanding of the properties of water; continue to acquaint with the techniques of elementary experimentation; educate respect for water, for nature.

Topic of the week:
"Sorceress Water"

Program content:

1. Expansion of ideas about the properties of water (water can be in different states: solid, liquid, gaseous; other substances can dissolve in water; water can be painted in different colors; water is transparent, has no shape, has different temperatures, etc.).

2. Development of abilities to establish the simplest connections between animate and inanimate nature (it rains - there are puddles on the ground, plants and animals need water, etc.).



Topic of the week:
"Sorceress Water"

From 04/25/16 to 04/29/16

Program content:

  1. Expansion of ideas about the properties of water (water can be in different states: solid, liquid, gaseous; other substances can dissolve in water; water can be painted in different colors; water is transparent, has no shape, has different temperatures, etc.).
  2. Development of abilities to establish the simplest connections between animate and inanimate nature (it rains - there are puddles on the ground, plants and animals need water, etc.).







Cognitive development (extended circle)


Conversation "Sorceress - water".

Artistic aesthetic development (appl)


"Living Clouds" by I.A. Lykov page 120

Cognitive Development (FEMP)


Nod №4 I.A. Pomoraeva str 51

Speech development


Drawing up a story based on the painting "Metal Water" by O.S. Ushakov

Artistic aesthetic development (sculpting)


"Our Aquarium" by I.A. Lykov page 132

Artistic aesthetic development (music)


According to the plan of the music director

Physical development


According to the physical plan instructor

Theme: "Sorceress Water"Experimenting with water “Sinking, not sinking”, “Water painting”

Day of the week


Group, subgroup





cognitive development;

Speech development;

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "What do you know about water?" Purpose: to clarify knowledge about water and its properties.

Reading and repeating the nursery rhyme “Vodichka, Vodichka” Purpose: to develop memory, speech, quick wits

Considering illustrations about water. Purpose: to encourage children to recognize, distinguish and name objects and natural phenomena.

D / and “And then what?” Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the parts of the day, about the activities of children at different times of the day. Ruslan, Sasha, Alina

Experience. The water is transparent. Purpose: clarifying the properties of water, establishing cause-and-effect relationships: water is transparent, which means that living organisms can live in it, without water, all living things die.

Create conditions for

Examination of illustrations and pictures of various sources of water and reservoirs on Earth, the use of water in everyday life

Talk to parents about how their children are feeling. Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Cognitive development (extended circle)

Conversation “Sorceress - water”. Purpose: To develop cognitive activity in the process of getting to know the environment. To form children's ideas about the importance of water in the life of humans, animals, plants (water is the source of life); develop an understanding of the properties of water; continue to acquaint with the techniques of elementary experimentation; educate respect for water, for nature.

Artistic aesthetic development (music)

According to the plan of the music director


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;


Outdoor games: "Merry Sparrow", "Sun Bunnies".

Goals: - to form the ability to follow the rules of the game;

cultivate independence. Nikita, Kirill Z, Sonya M

Situational conversation on the topic: “What is water for?” Purpose: development of observation, the ability to compare, contrast.

Create conditions for s/r games« We are going for a walk" Target: to develop in children the ability to choose clothes for different seasons, to teach them to correctly name the elements of clothing, to consolidate the generalized concepts of “clothes”, “shoes”, to cultivate a caring attitude towards others.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Didactic game "Come up with a sentence and show it" - children make sentences with the word "water" Purpose: to teach how to make sentences with a given word and convey it through facial expressions.


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Guessing riddles about water, activating and enriching the vocabulary

Reading a poem by Ryzhova. Poetry Conversation (Appendix)

D / and ABC of health

Purpose: to systematize children's ideas about health and healthy way life, develop speech, attention, memory.

D / and "Birds that arrive in the spring." Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about migratory birds. Polina Vaz, Rita Gn, Oleg

Conversation "Why you need to wrap your sleeves while washing and washing your hands." Purpose: To teach, wrap sleeves.

Learn to wash your hands properly, wash your face without soaking your sleeves. (Me and my health, Tarsova)

To create conditions for the s / r game "Katya's doll came to the hairdresser" Purpose: to develop the ability of children to translate life experience into a conditional game plan.


physical development.

Outdoor games "Faster than the wind", "Who is higher?". Goals: develop running speed; learning to jump is easy.

Conversation “Rules of conduct on the d / garden site during a walk” Purpose: to teach children to follow the rules of safe behavior on the d / s site; know the boundaries of your site; remind them of the dangers that lie in wait for them on the site.

Theme: "Sorceress Water"

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments




socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

morning exercises

Conversation "Why do we water indoor plants?" Purpose: to give an idea that without water, plants can die, about the need for watering indoor plants. Examination of indoor plants.

Remember the nursery rhymes about water Purpose: memory development. (Our home is the Southern Urals)

The game "Our cheerful, our favorite handkerchief"

Purpose: we continue to teach how to use a handkerchief (Me and my health. Tarasova)

D / game "Let's drink tea to the doll" Purpose: clarification, consolidation of the properties of water, its use in everyday life with Yulia, Anya, Yana

Experiment "Plants and Water" Purpose: to show the dependence of the state of plants on irrigation; establishing causal relationships.

Activating children for independent activities in book centers, artistic creativity(stencils)

Create conditions for NIP at the request of children.

Direct educational activities

Art.aesthetic.development (appl)

"Living clouds" Purpose: to teach children to depict clouds in shape similar to familiar objects and phenomena. Continue mastering the interrupted appliqué technique. Develop imagination, attention and observation. Coordinate eye and hand movements. Raise interest in the knowledge of nature, a sense of humor.

Physical development

According to the plan of the physical instructor


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development


Outdoor games

“We are drivers”, “Sparrows and a car”.


develop spatial orientation;

to cultivate independence in the organization of the game.

Zhenya, Nastya, Rita Ge

Labor activity: Putting things in order on the site.

Objectives: - to organize collective work;

V individually give specific instructions;

instill a sense of satisfaction from the result of work; improve work skills.

Development game creative imagination"The sea is worried" The goal is to develop imagination, the ability to express the conceived image in motion

Work before bed

socio-communicative development;

Learn a poem about water. If our hands are in wax, If there are blots on our noses, Who then is our first friend, Will remove dirt from our faces and hands? Without which mother cannot cook or wash, To make it rain from the sky, To make ears of bread grow, To make ships sail - We cannot live without ... (Water)


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

memorization finger game"Sorceress Water"

Ah, water, water, water! Let's always be clean!

(simulating hand washing)

Spray to the right, spray to the left!

(“Shake off” water from hands)

Our body has become wet!

(rubbing hands on shoulders of both hands)

With a fluffy towel, wipe the handles very quickly.

(imitate wiping with a towel)

D / and "Find the mistake." Purpose: To develop attention, learn to find errors in the image of the seasons. Denis, Polina Vas, Sonya B

D / and "How to turn water into ice"

Purpose: to introduce the properties of water (it turns into ice at low temperatures).

Create conditions for drawing "Rain" Purpose: development of imagination, learning to hold the brush in hand correctly, draw with all the bristle of the brush.


physical development.

Insect Observation Purpose: to form realistic ideas about nature.

Mobile games "Tram". Purpose: to exercise in loose running.

Games with portable material.

Theme: "Sorceress Water"

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments




socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning gymnastics.

Conversation "Who needs water?" Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about the importance of water for all living beings, about where and how it is used. Activate the dictionary with new words on the topic. Develop thinking, cultivate a careful attitude to water.

D / game "Mosaic". Purpose: To teach children to lay out a pattern from small geometric shapes

D / and "The fourth extra". Purpose: To promote the ability to notice mistakes, develop observation skills. Lesha, Katya, Dasha

game situation "How to wash your hands properly?" Goal: Consolidate skills: lather your hands until foam forms, rinse thoroughly, dry your face and hands with your towel, (Me and my health, Tarasova)

To create conditions for viewing illustrations about nature Purpose: to encourage children to recognize, distinguish and name objects and natural phenomena

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP)

Nod No. 4 Purpose: To consolidate the idea that the result of the calculation does not depend on the qualitative characteristics of the object (size, color). Exercise in the ability to compare objects by size (within 5), arrange them in decreasing and increasing sequence, indicate the results of the comparison with the words: the largest, less, even less, the smallest, more.

Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

According to the plan of the music director


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development


P / and "Crow and Sparrow". Goals: continue to teach orientation in space, develop the ability not to bump into each other; listen to the command of the educator;

Kirill P, Danil, Vitya

Labor activity

Clearing paths from debris.


learn to work with a shovel;

develop a love for work.

Create conditions for the s / r game "Home, family"

Goal: Encourage children to creatively reproduce family life in games. To improve the ability to independently create a game environment for the intended plot.

Work before bed


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Reading E. Blaginina "Rain" Purpose: to instill love for fiction, enrich children's ideas about the various states of water.

D / and Friendly guys ”Purpose: to pay attention to the relationship of children, to get out of conflict situations.

Conversation " different water» Purpose: formation elementary representations about water.

D. game “What is water like?” - to consolidate children's knowledge about the different states of water Rita Gn, Ruslan, Nikita

Conversation “Close the tap more tightly - be careful with water” Purpose: to form ideas about the importance of water in human life, introduce the concepts of “drinking and technical” water, develop cognitive processes, cultivate respect for water.

Create conditions for Independent games children. Purpose: To bring children to independent creation game ideas, to encourage the creation of buildings for their games.


physical development.

Conversation “Do not play with stray animals” Purpose: to explain to children that contact with animals can sometimes be dangerous; learn to take care of your safety.

Outdoor games "Shepherd and flock".

Objectives: to learn to walk on all fours, crawl under the arc; cultivate friendships.

"Trap". Purpose: to exercise in running, orientation in space, agility.

Remote material

Subject: " Sorceress water»

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments




socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning gymnastics.

The game of low mobility "Brook" - the development of coordination.

Conversation "Who lives in the water?" - expanding knowledge about the life of living beings in various ecological systems

Laying out geometric shapes from sticks. Goal: Develop finger coordination. Develop attention, imagination.

Nursery rhymes “Pure water washes Vova’s face, Tanechka - palms, fingers - Antoshka” Purpose: the formation of hygiene skills in children. “Me and my health” Tarasova.

D / and "Paired Pictures". Purpose: To cultivate observation, the ability to find similarities and differences in objects depicted in the pictures.

Oleg, Sasha, Kirill Z

Conversation on the topic: “Water, water, wash my face” Purpose: to cultivate independence skills when performing self-service skills

Create conditions for drawing "Rainbow-arc" Purpose: development of imagination, fine motor skills hands Create conditions for NIP at the request of children

Direct educational activities

Speech development

Drawing up a story based on the picture “Melt water” Purpose: to teach how to write a story based on a picture, to exercise in selecting a verb for nouns.

Physical development

According to the plan of the physical instructor


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development


P / and "Mice lead a round dance." Goals: to exercise in performing movements;

cultivate interest in the game.

Polina Vaz, Alina, Sonya M

Dressing for a walk

One, two, three, four, five We're going for a walk.

Tied up Katenka

The scarf is striped.

Let's put on the legs

Of course we are boots

And let's go for a walk

Jump, run and jump.

External material Molds, buckets, shovels, scoops. Create conditions for independent activities of children for a walk.

Work before bed

socio-communicative development;

Open Window Conversation

Purpose: to expand ideas about objects that can serve as sources of danger in the house; to form the concept that it is impossible to open windows and look out of them without adult supervision.


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Reading "Why the cat washes after eating" Purpose: we consolidate the ability to answer questions.

Imitation games associated with game transmission of various images. Purpose: to promote the development of imagination and creativity.

Conversation from the experience “How mother washes the floor” Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with the properties of water.

Didactic game Wonderful bag"

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes, their size and thickness, the ability to guess objects by touch.

Zhenya, Denis, Julia

Situational conversation “We need water in order to ...” - consolidate children's knowledge about the need for water in human life

Create the conditions for Fun Games with soap bubbles, balls. Purpose: call emotional response in children.

watch over sun glare on the water;


physical development.

s/r“Why in rainy weather we don’t take books, soft toys for a walk?”

Outdoor games: "Mice in the pantry." Purpose: to learn to run easily, without bumping into each other, to move in accordance with the text, to quickly change direction. Games with portable material.

Theme: "Sorceress Water"

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developing environment for independent activities of children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments




Social and communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises (file cabinet)

Conversation "Water in natural phenomena" - to form knowledge about the diverse state of water in environment, to give basic knowledge about the water cycle in nature.

Sit. conversation about the importance of water for humans (cooking, washing dishes, etc.)

D / and "On a visit to the sun" Purpose: to acquaint with some phenomena and objects of nature.

Games-discussions "Why do we need an umbrella and boots"

Didactic game "Tell me a word."

Target:. Work on the formation in children grammatical structure speech, learn to use nouns correctly in the nominative and I accusative cases.

Yana, Nastya, Polina Vas

and/c"Find out what kind of water"

Purpose: to reveal the properties of water (transparent, odorless, fluid, substances dissolve in it).

Create conditions for ecological lotto: pets. C / r game Chauffeur ” Purpose: to promote the formation of friendly relations between children.

Direct educational activities

Artistic and aesthetic development


"Our Aquarium" Goal: to intensify the use of different tricks sculpting to create beautiful aquatic plants and ornamental fish. Continue mastering relief modeling, create figures of fish, attach to the base, decorate with moldings. Arouse interest in the disclosure of the main topic.

Physical development (on the street)

According to the plan of the physical instructor


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development


Mobile game "Colored cars". Objectives: to learn to move quickly on a signal and stop without bumping into each other; Anya, Sonya B, Rita Gn

Conversation: “How sand can become dangerous” Purpose: show the child to play with sand and warn him that it is unsafe to play with him: you need to be careful and make sure that the sand does not get into your eyes, mouth, nose, clothes, head.

Remote material

Bird food, dolls dressed for the weather

To create conditions for p / and "On a difficult path" Purpose: to develop a sense of balance and dexterity.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Conversation “Silence is our friend” Purpose: To teach to observe elementary rules behavior in the locker room: do not make noise, do not run, do not knock on the locker door, do not litter, help a friend, do not interfere with others.


socio-communicative development;

cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Wellness gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths

Reading "Visiting the sun" Purpose: to cultivate the desire to listen to fairy tales. Water games "Funny boats" Purpose: to expand ideas about water.

didactic games with the doll "Let's put the doll Masha to sleep" Purpose: To encourage the participation of children in the performance of lullabies in game situations. (Our House-South Ural)

D / and "Brooks" Purpose: the development of the respiratory apparatus. Danil, Vitya, Kirill P

d / and "Coloring water"

Purpose: to find out the properties of water (water is transparent, but can change its color when colored substances dissolve in it).

Create conditions forExperimenting with water "Sinking-does not sink" Purpose: expanding ideas about the properties of water.


physical development.

Conversation : "How to behave during outdoor games?" Purpose: to teach the ability to control one's behavior: restrain oneself and listen to the opinions of others, improve oneself as a person through communication with people; learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of a partner.

discussion of problem situations personal experience child "What to do when it's raining? The goal is to develop intelligence in children.

Reading a poem by N. Ryzhova

Have you heard of water?

They say she's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And at the faucet.

How an icicle freezes

Creeps into the forest with mist

Boiling on the stove

The steam of the kettle hisses,

You can't wash without it

Don't eat, don't drink!

I dare you to report;

You can't live without water!

What is the poem about?

Why do you think we can't live without water?

What do we use water for?

What can happen if there is no water?

Where does the tap water come from?

(children's answers)

Relevance Based on the results of conversations with children, I found out that children would be interested to know what happens to water, what properties it has, where the tap water comes from, why it rains, how it turns into snow, ice, snowflakes; Is there water in the human body? How water helps all living things to live and grow, who lives in water. The task of adults is to teach children to independently acquire knowledge based on experimental work, to draw elementary conclusions and conclusions in the course of acquaintance with water, and to take care of the natural resources of the Motherland.

Project objectives: To consolidate and systematize children's knowledge about water and its properties. To develop the cognitive abilities of children, to teach them to show independence in obtaining knowledge during experiments, experiments. Clarify ideas about how water affects human life and health, to whom water is a home. Raise a careful attitude to water, awareness of the need to protect it. Continue to acquaint children with the basic rules of hygiene and behavior on the water.

What do we know about water? What do we want to know? How can we know? We can drink water Water is found in rivers, seas and ponds Fish live in water Rain is water We bathe in water We pour water on plants Water is needed by everyone What kind of water? Where did the water come from in the river? What happens if the water disappears? Is there a lot of water? Why does it need to be protected? What is the Water Cycle in Nature? Ask a teacher Ask a parent Search books Search the Internet with parents Conduct experiments

Results of the work on the project In the course of work on the project, the children developed a careful and economical attitude to water resources. Children have mastered simple ways of experimenting with water. Children have acquired research skills appropriate for their age (they began to ask questions of a natural history nature, establish cause-and-effect relationships). Increased educational competence of parents in environmental education preschoolers.

Literature used: N. Nikolaeva "Young Ecologist". Mosaic- Synthesis Moscow 2005 O.A. Skorolupova " Thematic planning educational - educational process in preschool educational institutions.«Theme: Water». M.: OOO Scriptorium 2003 Publishing House, 2009. Dybina O.V. corrected - M.: TC Sphere, p. (Child in the world of search) T.M. Bondarenko " Ecological activities with kids". Voronezh 2004 N.V. Kolomnin "Classes in ecology in kindergarten". Moscow 2008