Blue topaz: family destroyer. Blue topaz stone: magical properties, meaning, which of the zodiac signs suits


Origin and deposit of warm stone

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The topaz stone is a well-known and widespread mineral. The origin of its name is unclear. Some believe that the stone is named after the island of Topazos, where it was first discovered. Others claim that topaz is derived from "tapas" ("fire", "warmth" in Sanskrit). The stone is an island silicate.

Topaz deposits are very extensive and scattered throughout the world. The largest of them are located in Germany, Burma, USA, Australia, Afghanistan, Norway, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Madagascar, Russia and Tajikistan. Primitive mineral decorations were found at the sites of primitive people in the Urals. The size of the stone can be simply gigantic. Found samples weighing more than 100 kilograms.

Now most of the stones are mined in Brazil. The deposits are rich in minerals of various colors. Blue and transparent crystals, as well as orange-red ones, are especially valued.

Topaz has a vitreous luster and high brittleness in cleavage directions. He is very transparent. In hardness, the stone is second only to diamond and corundum. The mineral is very sensitive to sunlight. It can burn out and completely lose color. Fortunately, the natural color of the stone can be restored. To do this, it is enough to hold it for several days in the dark. Almost all topaz crystals have a flat bottom. When rubbed or heated, the stones become electrified.

True topazes and their artificial copies

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Most often, yellow gems are found, but their diversity is not limited to this color. The mineral can be colorless, blue, pink, red, purple, brown, golden yellow and rose yellow. The rarest and most valuable are pink topazes. They are mined in Pakistan. A rare variety of the mineral is a stone wrapped in a grayish "shirt". The color of the crystals is not affected by their chemical composition and the presence of impurities. They owe their color to defects in the structure of the atomic lattice.

Most of the topaz used in modern jewelry has an ennobled color. Colorless crystals are irradiated with harmless rays until brown, then heated, and topaz turns blue or blue.

Distinguishing a stone with a natural color from a processed topaz is very difficult even for a specialist. A sure external sign that the color has been worked on is an overly saturated, "chemical" color. Natural crystals are warm and soft in color. If there is a bright blue or blue topaz in the decoration, then most likely the stone is imported and has been processed. The disadvantage of artificially obtained color is its instability and discoloration over time.

Often cheaper varieties of citrines are given out as a mineral. "Bohemian", "Indian", "Spanish" topaz, rauchtopaz have nothing to do with a real mineral. It's just burnt smoky quartz. Instead of faceted topaz, other natural or synthetic stones may be sold. So, blue topaz is similar to aquamarine and zircon, tea - to tourmaline and zircon, colorless - to rock crystal.

Only an experienced jeweler can accurately determine the difference between a real topaz and a fake for it. An ordinary buyer can only check the stone for hardness. Topaz is harder than quartz and leaves scratches when run over it. When the stone touches warm skin, a chill is felt. This phenomenon is due to the low thermal conductivity of the stone. Natural gems have cracks, minor inclusions or other defects. Artificial stones are ideal in their shape and structure.

Topaz is cut in several types of cut:

  • emerald,
  • diamond,
  • cabochon,
  • oval
  • and fantasy.

They often do stone carving. Of these, headsets, rings, bracelets, pendants are made. The price of topaz depends not only on the weight, color and transparency of the stone, but also on the quality of its processing. Stones must be protected from temperature jumps and impacts along the cleavage directions.

Stone properties

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magical properties

Topaz jewelry is a good amulet for merchants and businessmen. The yellow stone allows you to reveal deceit and expose schemers. Taking it with you to a business meeting, you can reveal the secret thoughts of partners and make the right decision. Yellow topaz is for leaders and masters of life. They help to control other people, defeat enemies and repel the attacks of envious people. The mineral gives strength to lead large teams and build great plans.
Another positive magical property of yellow topaz is the ability to return the will and love of life. It helps people who are depressed or who have lost their taste for life. The stone will cleanse the soul of the blues and enlighten thoughts. Its warm glow will give joy and peace.

The delicate color of topaz can soften even the hardest heart. Therefore, the mineral was considered the stone of the courtiers, because they had to fight for the favor of the monarch and beware of opponents. In our time, topaz is a stone of lawyers, politicians, major leaders and other dignitaries. He helps them to understand the career intricacies and keep the soul and conscience clean.

Red-orange imperial topaz is a love and erotic amulet. It makes partners more attractive in each other's eyes, kindles passion and awakens romance. Sailors respected topaz for its ability to calm storms. In family life, this property also manifests itself, reducing the intensity of passions in quarrels and helping to find ways of reconciliation. Topaz also brings material wealth and financial well-being to the house.

For uncommunicative and taciturn people, a stone with a blue color is suitable. He will give self-confidence and add sociability. Pink topaz relieve stress, remove from a depressive state. It is believed that a mineral with this rare color can protect against betrayal and the torment of jealousy. Topazes help students and scientists to gather their thoughts, express themselves clearly, be quick-witted and reasonable.

Topazes are very suitable for people who have set foot on the path of self-development and improvement. They bestow purity of thoughts and aspirations, fill the soul with goodness and joy. For women, the stone helps to preserve beauty and youth, for men - prudence and generosity.

The mineral is essential for magical rituals. He is able to develop intuition, increase extrasensory abilities. The influence of the stone on the mood of a person is great. It can subdue anger, raise self-esteem and inspire a sense of superiority.

Medicinal properties

The healing properties of topaz depend on their color. Yellow stones help with diseases of the respiratory tract and throat. In these cases, jewelry with a stone should be worn around the neck or chest. In asthma, yellow topaz relieves attacks. The mineral can help fight diseases of the liver and digestive system, spleen and gallbladder. The solar gem has a positive effect on the nervous system, calming it and bringing it back to normal after shocks.

Products with blue topaz reduce the risk of developing Graves' disease and have a positive effect on the thyroid gland. In case of violations of the nervous system or mental abnormalities, blue topaz brings calm, softens attacks and balances the patient's condition. There is evidence that a stone of this color reduces the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures.

Topazes have a good effect on the female reproductive system. Jewelry with them is indicated for those who have problems with the uterus, irregular cycles and early menopause. It will also help those who want to get pregnant and safely bear a child. With hormonal failures, you need to wear yellow or transparent topaz.

Topaz crystals are widely used in Ayurvedic practices. In India, they are among the 12 main stones with healing properties.


Topaz is an excellent talisman for people born under the sign of Scorpio, especially in November. It allows overly impulsive representatives of this zodiac sign to become more calm, wise and balanced. In addition, the stone helps too harsh and self-confident Scorpios control their emotions, establish communication with others, deal with conflicts and maintain strong friendships and love relationships. Scorpios are advised to choose jewelry with blue or lilac topaz, as they harmonize best with the elements of this sign.

Topaz can also be a good talisman for Libra. Jewelry with it helps people of this zodiac sign to establish harmonious contacts with others, and also attract material well-being and good luck in business into their lives. People born under the sign of Libra are indecisive and prone to contradictions. Topaz gives its owner a feeling of peace and serenity, relieving him of fears and doubts, and also charges him with positive energy, so he is considered one of the most powerful stones that patronize Libra. Astrologers advise representatives of this zodiac sign to wear jewelry with transparent, blue or pink topaz.

Another sign of the zodiac that topaz works very well for is Sagittarius. Representatives of this sign are very careless and gullible, and topaz protects them from hypocrisy and lies. In addition, Sagittarians love to travel and are often on the road, and topaz is a very strong protective talisman for travelers. This stone helps Sagittarius to quickly restore energy and spiritual strength, endows them with prudence and prudence. The best talisman for Sagittarius is considered to be an ornament with a rich blue topaz, which is quite rare. Also, red and golden topazes are suitable for this zodiac sign.

Topazes of yellow and golden hues patronize Virgo, Leo and Gemini. Gemini is also advised to choose transparent varieties of the mineral. Stones of brown, greenish and lilac shades suit Capricorn well and can serve as a talisman for Virgo. Aries can also use topaz as a talisman, but people of this zodiac sign should choose stones of the brightest and most saturated colors - red, golden and purple. Jewelry with blue, green and blue topaz is best for Cancers.


  • What zodiac sign is topaz suitable for?

For some people, their zodiac sign is an important criterion in choosing jewelry. Astromineralogy claims that improperly selected stones that do not fit your zodiac sign can do harm. At the same time, gems that correspond to your horoscope will be an excellent amulet. So, red stones are contraindicated for earthly materialistic m and blue and green are recommended.


Although Taurus is an earth sign, and its main color is green, the most active talisman of this zodiac is sapphire, set in silver. This gemstone will help conservative, but at the same time sentimental Taurus, to strengthen the spirit, determine the right direction, and get rid of worries. Sapphires have a delicate effect and symbolize virtue, and therefore they help to reveal the best character traits of their owner.

Lithotherapists and astromineralogists strongly recommend jewelry with the so-called “old” turquoise, which has a characteristic greenish tint, to Taurus. However, the usual azure turquoise will also fit. Since ancient times, this mineral has been considered a powerful amulet and talisman of winners.

Another useful stone is malachite. Gems of green shades are generally best suited for Taurus, and malachite is the best choice. It absorbs negative energy and protects against depression.

Other green stones that can become an excellent talisman are chrysoprase, aventurine and, of course, emeralds. Chrysoprase will give determination in a new endeavor, aventurine will add self-confidence, and emerald will enhance insight. Changeable alexandrites, changing their color from purple to green, can also be an effective amulet that contributes to the spiritual renewal of the wearer.

Green chalcedony will help protect yourself from active energy influence from the outside. This is especially useful for Taurus, whose

Many gems are "hidden". Others flaunt their aesthetic content and spiritual essence. Most crystals acquire their purpose only after being in the hands of a jeweler.

Large stones with a good cut become solid, significant, desirable jewelry. Small, somehow polished gems cannot boast of importance...

Topaz is unique in terms of its significance. His character can not be attributed to either extraverted or introverted. He never sticks out himself, but he does not hide his properties either. By analogy with a person, we can say: topaz meaning knows his own, and submits himself exactly to the best of his abilities.

Symbolizing wisdom, peace, constructive harmony, topaz - regardless of its color - "tames" a person. Wearing a topaz means holding a staff in your hand that helps you overcome the vicissitudes of life.

What does topaz stone mean?

First of all, topaz seems to assure others: "My owner is a man of good artistic taste, with plenty of money and intelligence." Different colors of topaz jewelry inserts can clarify a person's commitment to certain life aspirations. But the owner of topazes will never be proud of folly, boast of dubious achievements, and commit ridiculous acts.

Known for its magical properties, it denotes the owner's belonging to the adherents of esoteric knowledge. It should be noted that not every person capable of magic is aware of his own vocation, and can be completely satisfied with a completely mundane occupation. But if he likes mystic topaz, then the real purpose of the individual is to comprehend the secrets of nature.

Exact blue topaz meaning it is not always easy to determine due to the difference in the brightness of the color of the stone. The degree of modeling effect on the gem (heating, irradiation) also affects the capabilities of the crystal. It has been noticed that the mystical value of a small but intensely colored topaz of completely natural origin surpasses the magical potential of larger, but darkish stones.

What does artificially colored blue topaz stone mean? At first, only what the owner sees in it. With careful handling, excluding fading of the crystal; and also with constant spiritual communication with the stone, its strength grows. Particularly useful is the inheritance of blue topaz by blood relatives connected, among other things, by deep feelings.

Blue topaz, having passed through several spiritually “co-directed” owners, acquires the meaning of a powerful magical artifact.

Curious about the answer to the question

The properties of various stones were known to people in ancient times and people used them for their own benefit. Blue topaz is a powerful stone from the evil eye, which helped protect against the effects of black magic. It is an insidious stone, because in one situation it acts for good, and in another it is destructive.

The meaning and properties of blue topaz stone

Since the stone was found by sailors after a storm, people believed that its properties could cope with the elements.

  1. The mineral helps its owner find lost hope and develop. In ancient times, it was believed that blue topaz helps to subjugate people. At the same time, his power is capable of destroying families, but this applies only to those couples whose relationships are built on lies.
  2. The stone brings to light any lie, so it is worth keeping it in your home for people who doubt the fidelity of a partner.
  3. The magical properties of the blue topaz stone are able to reduce the intensity in relations between people, regulating human relations.
Medicinal properties

It has mineral and medicinal properties.

  1. It is believed that it strengthens the immune system and improves overall well-being.
  2. Blue topaz is used to treat diseases associated with the liver, gallbladder and spleen.
  3. The stone is able to alleviate the effects of digestive poisoning.
  4. Topaz has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, it has a hemostatic effect and helps in the treatment of the throat.

Topaz jewelry can be an excellent talisman to attract good luck, financial well-being and success in work. An amulet with this stone gives strength to cope with the difficulties that have arisen and get rid of. It is believed that he gives women beauty, and gives men wisdom. Blue topaz is a strong talisman for attracting wealth and for developing one's creative abilities.

Who is suitable for the properties of blue topaz stone?

Jewelry with this stone is recommended to be chosen by positive people who are optimists and believe in a better future. Topaz will be useful for timid and timid people, as it will give them the necessary energy. It is best to frame the stone with yellow metal. The ring should be worn on the index finger of the right hand, and you can also buy a pendant or bracelet. The blue topaz stone properties are best suited for the zodiac sign Scorpio as well as Cancer. You can not wear jewelry with this mineral to Slaves, Taurus and Sagittarius, who were born in December.

The most controversial of the minerals is blue topaz. The value of the stone will open the veil of its secrets, help in deciding whether you need such a powerful talisman.

What is the power of the mineral?

What effect does blue topaz have on a person? The value of a stone is difficult to overestimate, having learned its properties.

healing power

With the constant wearing of the mineral, its owner strengthens the immune system, which allows not only not to get sick, but also to fight existing chronic diseases, exhaustion. Topaz can overcome diseases of the central nervous system, arthritis, paralysis, inflammation of the bone tissue, problems with the spine. And women who own this mineral will not know what hormonal disorders, uterine diseases are. Infertility also does not threaten them. Nearsighted people will also feel the beneficial effects of the stone.

Repair properties

Blue topaz relieves stress, reduces the time spent on tissue regeneration, even prevents Graves' disease, because the life-giving effect of the mineral has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, strengthening it.

Calming properties

The owner of the blue mineral will not be tormented by depression, insomnia, nightmares, mental disorders. Moreover, under the influence of its action in epileptics, the frequency and severity of seizures decreases.

magical qualities

The owner of blue topaz develops powerfully the mind, intuition and flair. This is one of the strongest talismans of wealth, which helps businessmen, speakers, politicians, contributing to their popularity and favorable attention from people of higher rank.

Features that encourage creativity

Blue topaz reveals the creative potential of the owner, but only in people with great life experience, the wise.

mystical qualities

The ability to pacify a downpour and even a storm is one of the most unusual properties of the blue topaz mineral. He is a talisman, intercessor, amulet of clairvoyants. People are involuntarily drawn to a person with such a talisman, they want to listen to him, to know his opinion.

Stone with character

Only blue topaz is a stone whose properties are not intended for everyone. He will be a faithful assistant and talisman only for a courageous, honest and purposeful person. If you are a woman oriented towards family and traditional values, if privacy and peace are important to you, then forget about blue topaz. The meaning of the stone, or more precisely, its purpose is to send tests. After all, this unusually beautiful mineral predetermines the fate of a person who must win the battle of life. Not everyone can painlessly overcome critical situations. Wearing blue topaz guarantees bringing any, even the most innocent, lie and untruth to its logical conclusion. So, a playful response to an unsuccessful joke of a loved one: “Well, that’s it, I don’t love you anymore ...” will become a reality. A woman will become more and more entangled in personal problems and not suspect that the unusually attractive blue topaz is to blame. The meaning of the stone is destruction, a catalyst for decay. It is unlikely that the beauty of the mineral is worth such sacrifices.

Blue topaz will conquer Scorpio

And here the question arises by itself: who can fearlessly wear a blue topaz? The zodiac sign will give the answer. A sky-colored mineral is shown, first of all, to Scorpios - those who were born in the time period from October 24 to November 22.