The script of the holiday "Childhood is a happy time." Scenario of the concert "Moments of a happy childhood" Scenario of the concert children are our future YouTube

"Childhood bright country"
Scenario of the concert program dedicated to Children's Day.
"The ball is spinning" choreographic composition performed by the Exemplary Dance Ensemble "Talisman"
1 leader. Our earthly ball does not get tired of spinning,
So let the birds always sing cheerfully,
2 Lead. May all people be happy in the world,
It wasn't like that before -
Together. So let it be so!
1 leader. Good afternoon everyone!
2 Lead. All-all radiant smiles and good mood!
1 leader. Because today is a really good day!
Together. Children's Day!2 Presenter.June 1 is the day to protect children from cruelty, exploitation, the universal struggle so that all children on earth can learn, grow, live under a peaceful sky.
1 leader. Preserving childhood is not only a matter for adults; protecting us, giving us all the best, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers expect help from us, they want to see us active, kind, attentive.
2 Lead. Today we have a holiday, and on holidays it is customary to accept congratulations.
1 leader. The word for greeting is given to the Head of the municipal district Bezenchuksky Saraev Evgeny Viktorovich.
2 Lead. Evgeny Viktorovich, we ask you to stay on the stage to present letters of thanks to the most active volunteers of the Bezenchuksky district.
Presentation of thanks.
1 leader. Thank you, Evgeny Viktorovich!
2 Lead.
Guys! Guys! Today in the world
On the whole planet, the masters are children.
On all continents of the vast land,
In all cities and regions
Guys live and meet dawns,
People like you and like me.
1 leader.
Do you know how many guys are in the world?
A hundred thousand, five hundred, a million, a billion?
Under one sky we live and grow,
May our sunny home be happy.
So much and so little is needed for this,
Peace in the world of people, understanding and friendship.
"All the children of the earth" - 1 junior group Exemplary vocal ensemble "Consonance"
1 leader. Children's Day is a bright, sunny holiday. No wonder it is celebrated on the very first day of summer, on the first day of school holidays! 2 Lead. And this makes my soul so happy that I just can’t wait to jump for happiness, sing and dance!
"Mouse fuss" - 4 junior group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
"Orange Sun" - 2nd junior group Exemplary vocal ensemble "Consonance"
"Love the guitarist" - 2nd junior group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
1 leader. How much sun! How much light!
How much greenery around!
What is this? This summer
Finally hurries to our house.
2 Lead. How much sun! How much light!
What a beautiful summer heat!
That would make it so summer
It was a whole year with me!
"Colors of Summer" - middle group Exemplary vocal ensemble "Consonance"
"Zakadrilnaya" - 3rd junior group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
"River" - junior group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
"Rainbow of Desires" - junior group Exemplary vocal ensemble "Sounding Rain"
"Once again about love" - ​​4 middle group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
1 leader. June, June, June came
Birds are chirping in the garden
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fall apart!
2 Lead. Sun Festival! How many of you,
Dandelions in summer!
Childhood is a gold reserve
For our big planet!
"Children of the whole earth" - 1 junior group Exemplary vocal ensemble "Sounding Rain"
"Cossack sketches" - 1 middle group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
"Autumn Melody" - 2 middle group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
"Lullaby" - preparatory group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
1 leader. Everyone in the world dreams of something
We all lack something a little.
Someone wants to grow up quickly
Someone - a funny puppy to get.
2 Lead. Someone dreams that everyone smiles,
They became friends and met more often.
Know that there is no unimportant dream!
Believe and hope, and you strive for it!
“On the wings of a dream” - 2nd junior Exemplary vocal ensemble “Sounding Rain”
"Do not forget" - Alsu Satubalieva Exemplary vocal ensemble "Sounding Rain"
"Duck" - 1 middle group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
"Return home" - 3 middle group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
"Potpourri" - senior group Exemplary vocal ensemble "Sounding Rain"
"Nitochka" - 1 junior group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
"The nightingale sang in the grove" - ​​senior group Exemplary dance ensemble "Talisman"
1 leader. Clearer every year
We forgot about it!
Children Protection Day -
Day of Defense of Russia.
2 Lead. To keep the light from going out
Protect the incoming
Hundreds of kind eyes
To the world with hope beholders.
1 leader. Protect from misfortune
From adversity and bad weather,
Protect from war
Give peace and happiness.
2 Lead. We are responsible, believe me
If only there was enough strength!
Protect the children
Protect Russia!
"My Motherland, Russia" - middle group Exemplary vocal ensemble "Sounding Rain"
1 leader. With hope for future meetings, the Center for Children's Creativity "Kamerton" wishes you good and happiness.
2 Lead. Goodbye!
1 leader. See you soon!

Yankina Victoria
Scenario of the concert "Happy Country of Childhood"

Concert script« Happy Country Childhood»

At 12 o'clock

(Cheerful, mobile music sounds, fabulous presenters exit)

Button: Hello moms and dads! Grandmothers and grandfathers!

Bead:. Hello our friends and acquaintances!

Button: Hi, girls and boys! Those who have a hundred freckles on their noses and those who have none.

Bead: Hello those with pigtails and bows and those with funny bangs!

Button: Children's groups of the Children's House creativity welcomes everyone in this festive hall.

Together: Hello everyone, everyone, everyone!

Bead: Welcome to our happy country

Together: Country of childhood!

Button: A festive there will be a concert today, Cheerful bead

Bead:: AND happy button

Bead: Childhood is golden time

And magical dreams.

Button: Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is me and you! Happy, it's time childhood! How can we not love the memories of her?

Bead: And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment, in this small country called« Childhood» !

Button: Rummage in the sandbox or, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulia on the head with a spatula. Arrange a fight with Seryozha over a tricycle, truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga (dreaming)

Bead: Button, it seems to me that you are daydreaming. But it's time for us to celebrate with you concert start.

Button: And in truth, I dreamed something

Our today a concert is not just a concert, the guys were engaged, the whole academic year, they tried, waved their creative abilities, overcame difficulties, and today, at our festive concert, the guys will show all their skills, all their creative potential, and everything they have learned for the whole year.

Button: Our open concert program, associations "Theatre-Lyrics and Confetti", throughout the year, the guys actively took part in concert activities of the institution, have repeatedly been winners of regional competitions children's creativity.

Bead: Dear friends, stage"Theater - Lyrics", And

"Confetti", leaders, Tatyana Ermakova, and Victoria

1. Theater - lyrics, Confetti

Button: Today at our festive concert, just a wonderful atmosphere, kind, open and positive

Bead: Otherwise, there can be no button, now I want to invite to scene, one beautiful charm that this year makes on our stage, the first artistic steps.

Button: Bead, and our Polina, it turns out so great, dear friends, on stage Polina Efremova. We meet with friendly applause

2. Polina Efremova

Bead: So I would like to wish all viewers today that there are many warm and pleasant moments in their lives, and of course, that their excellent mood never leaves them.

Button: On stage charming soloist of the House children's creativity, Ulyana Igoshina, we meet with warm applause.

3. Ulyana Igoshina

Button:: In our House children's creativity there are guys-stars, of different sizes and brightness. Some have already discovered their creative talents, others are just beginning to open up, but all our stars occupy an important place in their teams.

Bead: On stage, the brightest, most beautiful and, the smallest stars, we meet the younger group, associations "Confetti" head Tatyana Ermakova

4. Bees - d / s Confetti

Button: Bead, do you like to sing?

Bead: Notttt… something doesn't work for me with songs at all.

Button: Well then, listen and admire how cool it is to sing with Veronika Grishaeva, this year, just yet, she begins to reveal her creative abilities. Let's support Veronica with bright applause.

5. Victoria Grishaeva

Bead: Meet, dear friends, your musical gift gives you, the beautiful soloist of the House children's creativity, Arina Tsulina. Let's welcome with a round of applause

6. Arina Tsulina

Button: Today, just a fabulous day, because it has come, the favorite season of adults and children, warm and sunny summer. We wish everyone, our viewers, more warm days, a great mood, a great summer vacation, a cool trip for someone, and so that the sunny and joyful days of summer last as long as possible.

Bead: Well, ours, festive concert, continues, the charming soloist, Anastasia Potapova, we meet with bright applause.

7. Anastasia Potapova

Button: You know, they say, when the stars are falling, you need to make a wish, and it is obligatory come true. So, while the little star, Vlada Kapitonova, is preparing for her performance, you have the opportunity to make a wish that will surely come true. Dear friends, we meet our star with warm and bright applause, because she is just starting her creative activity on our stage, Vlada Kapitonova sings for you

8. Vlada Kapitonova

Bead: Leisya, song! Go, song!

Help make friends!

All the kids really need

fun to be friends

We meet the beautiful soloist of the House children's creativity Yeseny Melnikov

9. Yesenia Melnikova

Bead: Here are the lovely girls - everyone admires them

How they dance marvelously to everyone, so it is with them!

Meet the choreographic team "Confetti" head, Tatyana Ermakova

10. Katyusha

Button: Bead, can I ask you a question?

Bead: Certainly

Button: Do you like it better when stage sing, girls funny bangs, or when beautiful, strong, brave guys come out.

Bead: A button, but you can, I won’t answer anything now. and invite to beautiful scene, artistic guy Maxim Salkin, with his musical gift, we meet dear friends, Maxim Salkin sings for you

11. Maxim Salkin

Button: Our festive program continues, the wonderful soloist of the House children's creativity, Victoria Korotkova

12. Victoria Korotkova

Bead: We will remember more than once

That good planet

Where with rays of eyes

Dawns meet

Where are the sunny dreams

Where are the star trails

Where in the songs are heard

Laughs and sadness

I am pleased to invite you to scene Elvira Shikhlarova and Ksenia Rozhkova, we meet dear friends

13. Shikhlarova and Rozhkova

Button: Dear friends, now I would like to invite you to scene girl, which is in the House children's creativity, leads a very active and creative life, Anastasia Medvedeva, is engaged in three creative associations, in regional children's competitions, always takes prizes of honor, and today she wants to give you her musical gift, we meet, Anastasia Medvedeva

14. Anastasia Medvedeva

Bead: Accept a musical gift, from the beautiful soloist of the House children's creativity, Daria Trofimova.

15. Daria Trofimova

Bead: Another concert number which we are happy to provide. They hurry to please you, teachers of the House children's creativity, with theatrical picture "Love and pigeons" greeted with warm applause.

16. Love and doves

Bead: We meet a wonderful soloist, winner of regional creative competitions, Anastasia Danilina

17. Anastasia Danilina

Button: Our festive concert continues, winner of all-Russian and regional competitions, who conquered everyone with her voice and became the favorite of the public, Valeria Matkina sings for you

18. Valeria Matkina


World childhood is the best world,

Naive, kind and happy,

Baby wants to be big

Strives to live in the adult world.


solar world my childhood...

It's full happiness, kindness and light.

It is so huge, colorful, like summer,

solar world my childhood!

Anastasia Perekalskaya sings for you

19. Nastya Perekalskaya


IN kids need to work hard,

To become an interesting adult.

Therefore, we cannot be lazy

It's so great to create, dream, dare!


Let our meetings continue

Let creativity not recognize barriers.

May your talent and inspiration

Will bring you here again

We congratulate all the guys, once again with the beginning of the summer holidays, we wish you a great holiday, good mood, true friends and unforgettable summer travels.

Together: See you soon

(Scenario of a children's holiday).

Stage decoration: the wall of a fabulous city with a large beautiful city gate in the center of it and an inscription above the gate: "Magic Land".

The holiday is led by:

(The number of fairy-tale characters can be increased or decreased, as well as replaced by any other, except for Aibolit and the Princess).

The musical screen saver for the Golden Key TV contest sounds. The Leader enters.

LEADING: Hello dear friends! Good afternoon, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, and, of course, children are the main characters of our today's celebration! Yes, yes, dear boys and girls, today is our holiday - CHILDHOOD HOLIDAY! How beautiful is this kind, cheerful, fabulous country - the Land of Childhood! How we adults envy you children that you live in this wonderful country! And you know, sometimes we all want to return to the world of childhood at least for an hour or even half an hour. What if today, on this extraordinary, full of magic day, this miracle will happen? But what if you try to open this cherished door and enter it? (Opens the door and then quickly slams it shut). Oh, no, it's scary to be the first... Maybe one of you, our adult guests, is ready to be the first to enter the magical Land of Childhood?

LEADING: Who said that? Please on stage!

(A solemnly sad melody sounds, and an old woman in a cap, with white curls, in an elegant dress with a cape thrown over it and with a stick in her hand, walks along the hall to the stage).

OLD WOMAN (getting up on stage):I want to go to the Land of Childhood! I have to get there, but not for half an hour, but for years ... (counts on fingers) five... no, seven.

LEADING: Dear granny, why do you need to go to the Land of Childhood, and even for so long? After all, you are probably at least 90 years old!

OLD WOMAN: What are you, uncle! I am only 10 years old, and I am not a granny ... I am a Princess from a neighboring kingdom - the country of "Skuchinia".

LEADING: But why, dear Princess, do you look like an ancient old woman?

PRINCESS: I don't know, I don't know anything. I woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and ... oh, horror! Instead of my wonderful golden curls, I saw gray curls, instead of elastic pink cheeks - terrible wrinkles all over my face ... And my back ... my back was hunched over and no longer unbends. I want, I want to be the first to enter that door! (runs up, tries to open the door and can't). How is it closed? So open it up for me! Quicker!

LEADING: Strange, it just opened. It looks like someone's evil magic. (Then he speaks against the background of the emerging “fabulous” melody, this may be an introduction to the staged fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen “The Swineherd” - a recording). And if so ... then we are already in a fairy tale ... And only kind, cheerful, sympathetic friends - the heroes of our favorite fairy tales - can help us. Let's call them for help, they will surely tell us what we should do for our poor Princess! One two Three!

(The melody changes, a march from P. Tchaikovsky's opera "The Nutcracker" sounds. The fairy-tale gates swing open, and fairy-tale characters come out onto the stage one after another, bow and stand in a semicircle).

CINDERELLA: Hello guys! Hello, dear grandmother ... oh, dear Princess!

Thumbelina: We are happy to help you return to the Land of Childhood!

AIBOLIT: But first, let me ask you a few questions - this is necessary to clarify the diagnosis of such a strange disease.

GERDA: Dear grandmother… that is, dear girl, tell me how you lived in your father's kingdom.

PRINCESS: Skuchinius the Second!

GERDA: Yes, yes, Scucchinius II.

PRINCESS: Well, she lived and lived ... Like everyone else ...

SHEKHERAZADA: What fairy tales did you like the most?

PRINCESS: Fairy tales? Nobody told me stories. My teachers told me only terrible, bloody stories about the struggle for power in our kingdom.

BURATINO: And often, do you eat caramel, chocolate, marmalade, ice cream, cake?

PRINCESS: I do not know what it is. My tutors didn't feed me this. I was served on the table only eggnog, oatmeal.

PRINCESS: My nanny used to sing one song to me all the time, and I learned it:
"Oh, my dear Augustine, Augustine, Augustine,
It's all gone, gone."

PEPPIE: Yes, the song is not funny... And what games did you like to play? Classics? In chasing? Or maybe in the Cossacks-robbers?

PRINCESS: I did not play ... Together with the Pope-King, I listened to the reports of ministers all day long.

PEPPIE: Well, did you have any favorite pranks and pranks?

PRINCESS: Is it possible to eavesdrop on what court ladies gossip about in the king's waiting room ...

AIBOLIT: All clear! The diagnosis is not in doubt. The disease has a complex Latin name, which I will not bore you with, but will only suggest how the Princess can be cured. It is necessary that she finally, for the first time in her life, feel like an ordinary girl, just a child, and then the doors to Wonderland will open for her too.

BURATINO: But no fairy door will open by itself. Only a magic key can open it. Believe me, I know this like no one else.

FIRE GUN-LEAP: Just what is this key and how to find it?

Thumbelina: I know who will help us! Sun! Let's all say the magic words together:
Sun, give us a ray
Light up the magic key!

(Children repeat these words in chorus. A melody sounds - the introduction to the "Song of the Bells" from the TV movie "The Adventures of Electronics", and a golden treble clef appears in the spotlight).

LEADING: Yes, it's a musical key! Thank you, Sun! Now everything is clear to us: an amazing sorceress, music, will help us return the Princess to the Land of Childhood. Let's have a fun musical carnival! Let songs and dances take our Princess back to the Land of Childhood.

PEPPIE: Are there musicians, singers, dancers among us? For example, everyone says about me that a bear stepped on my ear.

LEADING: Maybe there are not many such talents among you, but look how many guys are in the hall! They will help us, and the magic musical key will open the door to the fabulous Land of Childhood for us. Really guys, can you help me?

HALL: Let's help!


LEADING: So, we invite young artists to the stage!

PRINCESS: And where do I go now?

LEADING: You - to the guys. This is the auditorium, spectators sit in it - children and adults, and you will also be a spectator. It is very interesting.

PRINCESS: What should the viewer do?

LEADING: Listen, watch, clap your hands, stomp your feet to the beat of the music and have fun with everyone.

PRINCESS: I agree to be a spectator.

(The march from The Nutcracker sounds again, under which the guest descends into the hall and sits in the front row. Fairy-tale characters leave through the magic door).

LEADING: Well, friends, let's start our fabulous musical carnival!

(Children's performances begin. Fairy-tale characters invite them to the stage, introducing the Princess to the performer of the performance with a cheerful witty monologue related to the theme of the performance. Therefore, songs and dances on the themes of childhood, fairy tales, games, and fun will be especially appropriate in the concert.)

Examples of such a presentation of stage numbers:

FIRE GUN: I am the Jumping Fireball. I jumped out of the wonderful Ural tales to you - straight out of the fire. I thought that I was the only one here, and suddenly I saw such a fiery dance, as if my own bright flame suddenly flared up. I want you all and our guest Princess to feel how much fun it becomes when you see a dashing gypsy dance!

SHEKHERAZADA: In the magical Land of childhood, children of various nations live side by side and are very close friends. And now I greet you - the daughter of the East! I know so many wonderful oriental tales that I could tell them to you, Princess, for a thousand and one nights. Well, you must admit, during this time you will have time again, if not grow old, then grow up for sure. And so I will tell you only one phrase about my homeland: “The East is a delicate matter,” and our oriental dance will tell you everything else.

CINDERELLA: Guys, now you are probably thinking: “Well, our Princess will visit the magical Land of childhood, well, she will become a child again ... So what? After all, she will have to return to her boring kingdom, and there she will again turn into a sad old woman. Nothing like this! I just visited this kingdom and got ... where do you think? Right to the ball, where everyone sings, has fun, dances. It turns out that one cheerful person has already been there - our man! - and what happened is what he will sing to you now (represents artist) in "The Song and the Evil King".

(After 2-3 numbers after the start of the concert, to the sounds of a shrill, chaotic melody, a new guest unexpectedly bursts onto the stage - the old woman Shapoklyak).

SHAPOKLYAK: Wait a minute! Just a minute, just a minute! Hello dear! Is this where rejuvenation sessions are held?

LEADING: Gee! And what is this miracle?

SHAPOKLYAK: I am no miracle. Allow me to introduce myself - Madame Shapoklyak! My rat Lariska brought me news about your extraordinary event. And because I, and because I ... Well, don't you see that I, too, despite my flourishing age and appearance, would not hurt to get a little younger? What do you have there? Hypnosis? Psychic? Black or white magic? And yet, I don't care. Get started, I'm ready!

LEADING: And why, excuse me, are you in the Land of Childhood?

SHAPOKLYAK: I don't need to go to the Land of Childhood. What did I forget there? I’m explaining to you in Russian: I need a little more attractiveness, a little more strength and agility, and then ... And then all these Cheburashki-blotters and Hooligan Genes will not recognize me in the first minute, and in the second they will fly upside down!


SHAPOKLYAK: Yes, that's it! By the way, the fact that all this will not be free, I, of course, understand and pay at the rate ... I do not engage in deception, except in the most exceptional cases. Well, that's how today ... However, I chatted. Get to the point! Where should I go?

LEADING: To the auditorium.

SHAPOKLYAK: And what am I supposed to do there?

LEADING: Sit, watch the children on stage, clap your hands with pleasure, sing along, dance and rejoice with the children.

SHAPOKLYAK: I can't be happy together. If I am happy, then children usually cry. And if they rejoice, anger begins to choke me, I want to do dirty tricks to them.

LEADING: Well, I don't know, Madame Shapoklyak, what should I do with you? We have only one method of treatment, and if it does not suit you ... I dare not delay any longer.

SHAPOKLYAK: No, why not? I don't mind trying. Show me my place.

LEADING (points): Here you are.

SHAPOKLYAK: Phew, with these imaginaries next to you? And with that pouty crybaby? Sitting in such a bad company... Fi!

LEADING: Well, I'm not forcing our...

SHAPOKLYAK: Everyone, I'm going, I'm going to the place! So, I'm ready. You can continue your session!

(Children's performances continue on the stage, during which Shapoklyak throws various remarks from the audience about this or that number. Sometimes, inspired by a song or dance, she tries to jump onto the stage and perform herself, "improving", from her point of view, one or another concert number. She is politely reined in and returned to her place. Fairy-tale characters continue to introduce the children-performers to the Princess).

1 fragment.

AIBOLIT: Dear Princess! As a doctor, I must prescribe you another wonderful remedy for your disease. This is a healing dream. Fairy tales come to children in their dreams. You need to drink 10 tablespoons of this “Fabulous” syrup at night, and then you will dream about what the young singer sings in her song “Amazing Dreams” (…………… ..), and what the dance “Dreams” performed by choreographic group (………………).

(The doctor puts the "Fabulous" syrup on the edge of the stage and leaves. After the performance of the announced numbers, Shapoklyak jumps out onto the stage, grabs a bottle of syrup).

SHAPOKLYAK: Wonderful dreams! Let me, I'll give this syrup to the Princess! Ha-ha-ha, look, she wanted Fairy Syrup! I'll give her fabulous dreams! Doesn't she want nightmares? (replacing the vessel). In! Syrup "Nightmare".

AIBOLIT (leaving): Well, stop, my dear! Get your nasty potion over here and march back! And we ourselves will give the medicine to the Princess, from hand to hand. (transmits).

PRINCESS: I am very grateful to you, dear doctor, and I will drink this syrup every evening with the largest spoons.

AIBOLIT: You don’t need big ones, otherwise you will be like one fat, fat little man named Carlson.

PRINCESS: Carlson? Never heard of such a thing.

AIBOLIT: Well, now you will hear. He is so funny, so funny and mischievous! Everyone in the Land of Childhood loves him. And now (……………..) will sing us a song, which is called “Funny Man”.

2 fragment.

PEPPIE: How nice, decent, how wonderful everything is here ... Oh, these roses, fairy tales, Thumbelina ... This, of course, is interesting, but in moderation. Sometimes ... sometimes you just want to ... misbehave. Have you never been seized by such an irresistible desire? Oh, then you have nothing to do in the Land of Childhood! But, perhaps, there will be here, among you, at least one, even the smallest, but a real hooligan?

SHAPOKLYAK: If you need a bully, then this is me. I am ready to demonstrate my art even now.

PEPPI (looking backstage): Alas, Madame Shapoklyak, you are late. We already have an excellent bully. Look, look how nicely he picks up the girl! Well, let's see how it ends, shall we? (………………….) in the dance number “Hooligan”!

(Young artists involve the Princess in their dance, and she is on stage).

LEADING: Well, how are you, Princess?

PRINCESS: Magnificent! I don't want to grieve or cry any more. I want to sing, dance, laugh and enjoy the sun, summer, flowers, moths with you. Thank you, my dear friends, for your help to me! And now I also want to help some sad, unhappy person become cheerful, young and happy.

SHAPOKLYAK (getting on stage): So help me. And then everyone seems to have forgotten something about me. And maybe I also want to feel the “great” mood. By the way, mood is mood, but younger than your decrepit one hundred and fifty years, you, my dear, something did not begin to look. Yes, and without your stick you obviously can not do. So what the hell is this mood of yours to me if it doesn’t add strength, dexterity, or youth?!

LEADING: But in order to do this, you still need to go through the magic door leading to the Land of Childhood.

PRINCESS: But we still don't have the magic key in our hands! There he is: high, high...

SHAPOKLYAK: My key! My! Chur, I'm the first! (She rushes to catch the key, but it does not fall into her hands. Shapoklyak jumps to the appropriate music, trying to get it, chases around the stage for the key slipping out of her hands and, finally, exhausted, falls, crawls to the side, cursing and groaning).

LEADING: Princess, now try to take the key!

(Music sounds. This may be an introduction to the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen “The Swineherd” from a gramophone record. The princess comes to the center of the stage and raises her hands. The key falls directly into her palms).

LEADING: And now bolder, Princess! Open the secret door!

(The chorus of the intro song for the Golden Key TV show sounds. The princess approaches the cherished door, puts the key on it - and the door swings open. The princess waves her hand to the hall and hides behind it.
And after a short pause, the song begins to sound again from the sing-along, and fairy-tale characters again come out onto the stage one after another from the magic door. Standing in a semicircle, they applaud along with the audience. Under the last solemn chords of the song, the door swings open again, and the Princess appears from it - a girl in a magnificent dress, with a golden crown on her head. In her hands is a cape - what is left of the old princess).

LEADING: Guys, it seems we have a new guest at the party.

PRINCESS GIRL: New guest? Who is me? Yes, I'm a former Princess ... no, a former old woman ... Oh, I'm completely confused! Who am I?

LEADING (gives her a mirror): Look, maybe you recognize yourself?

PRINCESS: Oh, it's me again! My curls, my rosy cheeks - all my former. Hooray, I'm a girl again! Huge thanks to all of you guys! I returned to the Land of Childhood again! I really like it here: I want to jump, spin, sing!

LEADING: So sing, what's the matter?

PRINCESS: Can i? Then I will give you my favorite song.

(sings a happy song)

SHAPOKLYAK (after song): Stop! You forgot about me! I'm not rejuvenated yet ... Hey, little ones, move over! Now I’m going to come out of this door like this, like this .... - not like you, slut!

(Solemnly enters the magic door, then, to the song of the clockwork monkey from the TV movie "The Adventures of Electronics", she appears from there satisfied, confident that she has rejuvenated, performs a funny dance. At the end of the dance, she comes across a mirror under her arm). Damn it! What's happened? The door is wrong, isn't it? Well, I'm running again...
(He runs now through the door, then out of the door again to the mirror, simultaneously making intricate dance steps. A suitable musical background here may be the music for “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” (gram recording). Finally, having looked in the mirror for the last time, the old woman lets out a yell of indignation and begins to whimper softly).

LEADING: Honorable Madame Shapoklyak, calm down! You will never be rejuvenated by this magical door to the Land of Childhood.

SHAPOKLYAK: Well, why, why?

LEADING: Because the world of childhood is not only the world of songs and fairy tales, fun and smiles, it is also the world of human love and kindness, care and mercy.

SHAPOKLYAK: What nasty words - “kindness”, “mercy” ... Oh, I can’t!

LEADING: That is why, dear, you will never get into this world of childhood.

SHAPOKLYAK: Never ever.

LEADING: Well, except perhaps when you stop harming and dirtying, and start helping people.

SHAPOKLYAK: Hm... And how can I, for example, help you all now?

LEADING: I want to ask you for one favor... step aside, please!

SHAPOKLYAK: What, what? Okay... I'll go...

LEADING: Let all the guys in the hall see once again what miracles they can perform if they really want to help each other. Where are you, princess?

PRINCESS (coming out): Here I am! Thank you guys, everyone! For bringing me back to the kind and joyful world of childhood! My dad is king (now called Veselius the First) sent for you in these elegant baskets the best chocolate that was found in his kingdom. But I just can’t figure out who to treat with what? Maybe my adult friends will help me with this?

(The jury members who evaluated the performances of the children in the competition show come on stage and first award the best performers, and then invite all the other artists to the stage, and the Princess gives them all chocolates. In the finale, a common song sounds.)

Voice-over: Attention! Attention! A fun performance for all children begins in our square! Only children take part in the concert! Come on! Applaud! Our holiday begins!
To the cheerful music, the Sun appears with a bunch of balls of seven colors of the rainbow.
Sunshine: Good morning, dear children and adults! It's great that the long-awaited, warm, colorful summer has come! It's great that summer holidays have begun! My name is Solnyshka and I came to visit you to congratulate you on this wonderful event. Exactly a year has passed since our last meeting, you have matured, grown up! And today at our holiday you will see the multicolor of colors, songs, music, costumes - a real rainbow! And we don't even need rain for that. What colors make up a rainbow? (children answer, the Sun prompts) Here it is, a rainbow! And today we give it to you, dear guys! (throws balloons to children)

We are gathered here now
for a fun children's hour,
So we met together!
And let's start our holiday with a song!
Jump and Skok appear to cheerful music.
Jump: Hello boys and girls!
The warm summer has arrived!
Skok: We are happy today
Let's jump high!
Jump: Jump-jump!
Jump: Jump-jump!
Together: Let's jump all day!!!
Skok: Legs, guys, do not be sorry, jump into the summer all know how!
Jump: And we will teach you this! Meet the top-class jumping experts - kangaroo girlfriends ...
Skok (pointing to Jump): Jump! Because it jumps all the time...
Jump: ... and Skok, who jumps and jumps all day long!
Skok: Let's have a fun warm-up to make a festive jump into the summer! First, let's get on our toes. One, two! One, two! Well done!
Jump: Let's try to make small high jumps. Jump in place! And now - higher! Higher! And quite high!
Skok: And now we complicate the jumps. Let's jump left - right! Left-right! Back and forth! Back and forth!
Jump: For the most important jump, you need to join hands together. On the count of three, we all jump together in height. One two Three!
Skok: Wow! The jump into summer is done! We can congratulate you on the first summer holiday - Children's Day!
Jump: And wish you as much joy as possible, from which you want to jump to the very sky!
Skok: Today you can do everything: dance, jump, sing, and most importantly - smile!
Jump: Guys, going to the holiday today, we not only took games and fun with us, but also invited our friend (girlfriend, guys from ...), who will perform a song for you ....
The sad Sun comes out, Jump and Skok jump to her.
Jump: Sunshine, why are you so sad? After all, today the guys have a holiday, everyone is having fun ...
Skok: Children's camps are opening today, where the guys will have fun.
Sunshine: Yes, the fact of the matter is that they do not open. I had the key to all the children's camps, but I was in such a hurry to the holiday that I lost the key on the way and now I don't know what to do...
Jump: Don't worry, Sunny, we'll help you find your key, we'll run and look for it now and we'll definitely find it, and you continue to lead the concert.
Jump (with a treble clef in his hands) and Skok (with a wrench) run out
Jump: Well, I found the treble clef!
Skok: And I found a wrench!
Jump: Why do we need him at a music concert?
Skok: And why violin?
Jump: What are you?! All notes start with it!
Skok: Notes? These are such squiggles, right? I know I know! Note - tyrts, note - pyrts and mana-mana.
Jump: What other pyrts-pyrts? What mana mana? There are no such notes!
Skok: Still as it happens! The tyrts note has a leg down, the pyrtz note has a leg up, and mana-mana also has a scarf tied to the leg.
Jump: Guys, are there such notes of “pyrts-pyrts”, and even with a scarf? (children answer)
Skok: Well, if you are so literate, then be so kind as to tell me all the notes, only louder, three or four! (children answer) No, did you hear? Everything, as I said - and tyrts, and pyrts and manna-mana!
Jump: No, the guys speak correctly, only out of order. Let's, as soon as I wave my hand, you call the first note "do", as the second time I wave - "re" and so on. Ready? Started!
Skok: And what, all the songs consist of these notes?
Jump: Of course! And now you will be convinced of this, because our concert continues ....
Baba Yaga appears to the music.
B.Ya.- What is this? What kind of crowd is here? I will swallow everyone! I'll chase everyone!
Sunshine: This is ... this is ... guests to us, grandmother, have gathered for the holiday. Today is our first day of summer!
B.Ya.- Guests, you say? That's good, now I'll eat them all for a festive dinner!
Soln: You can't eat us! Guests are not allowed to eat at all! Let's better we will feed you a festive porridge. Bon appetit!
(brings a bowl of porridge, she tries) Well, Baba Yaga, did you like porridge?
B.Ya. - I liked it ... But you know what? I don't like porridge. Untrained since childhood. So I'll have to devour you all!
Soln.: Grandma, don't burst us! Tell me what you like and we will bring you another dish.
B.Ya.- I love vegetables.
Sun: Guys, remember what vegetables you know! (children answer)
Soln .: Cucumber ... cucumber ... somewhere I had a cucumber ... (brings a cucumber to the grandmother) Well, are you satisfied now, Baba Yaga?
B.Ya.- No, not satisfied! Now I want you to cheer me up!
Sun: Well, it's always welcome! Look, granny, how the guys sing and dance at our holiday!
Baba Yaga comes out.
B.Ya. - Well, a little amused. I changed my mind about having lunch with you, I’d better go decorate the hut for the holiday. Oh, how can I decorate it?
(children answer) I thought of it! Well, balls, of course! Guys, can you lend me balloons? And I will give you a key for this! See how handsome! (pulls out and shows key)
Jump and Skok run out.
Jump: Baba Yaga, where did you get this key?
Skok: This is probably the same key that Sunshine lost!
B.Ya.- The same one ... or not the same one ... but what fell is gone. I exchange this key for balls.
Soln.- Well, shame on you, grandma. And you took someone else's key, and you beg for balloons from the guys ... this key, by the way, from all children's camps and we need to open them.
Jump - Come on, Baba Yaga: we are your balls, and you are our key! Agreed?
B.Ya.- Bring me balls ... yes, more!
They bring a bunch of balls to her, serve, she gives the key to the Sun.
solar - Well, guys, our holiday concert ends. Baba Yaga will go to decorate her hut, and we will continue to play and have fun!
Jump - We wish every dog! We wish every cat!
Skok - And so that none of you cry today, tomorrow and always!
B.Ya.- We wish you all the best today, tomorrow and always!
Sol.- Thank you all for your attention! Goodbye!

"Holiday of childhood"

(Concert and entertainment program)

Target: create an atmosphere of success for children, a fun, unforgettable holiday

dedicated to Children's Day.


    popularization of the art of choreography and creative activity of the team;

    to give the audience an idea of ​​the creativity and repertoire of the dance association;

    implementation of practical skills in the performance of dances of different genres;

    fostering the spirit of collectivism and cohesion, mutual assistance. Uniting a creative team of different ages with a single responsibility in a solo concert;

    to awaken in schoolchildren, from among the audience, the desire to engage in choreography in TO;

Concert and entertainment program:

June 1 at 16.00. Grand opening. Performance of children's groups, games.

17.00. Awards ceremony for dance groups.

17.30. Tea drinking.

The curtain opens.

Kindergarten children open the holiday with a dance

The Leader enters the stage.


Fun today, joyfully with us!

Congratulations on the children's holiday!

Let it ring, ring everywhere

Our cheerful, sonorous laughter!

We have saved up a bunch of dances,

Have fun without interference!


Today is a wonderful holiday, the brightest and most joyful - International Children's Day. Now you are still small, and everything is still ahead of you, all doors are open for you, and the whole world is in front of you - at a glance.

And on this wonderful evening, the dance groups of tonight want to congratulate you.

A cherished wish came true

What I dreamed many years ago:

Work, perseverance, skill, diligence -

Incarnated in our children!

For the third year now, we have been pleased with the work of wonderful dance groups

And today the ensemble members invited us to theirDance holiday.

Rehearsals, concerts, trips to festivals, and again performances, and rehearsals, rehearsals and rehearsals. Such is the life of these very young teams. And their efforts have been repeatedly marked by letters of thanks, certificates of honor, gifts.

Let's turn over the pages of the creative life of the dance ensembles "Grace", "Zadorinki", "Fly-dance", "Fiesta", "Girls", "Snowflakes" together.

Let's remember the brightest moments, admire the best dance compositions, once again rejoice at their well-deserved victories and achievements.

The dance is so old -

Not short and not long

Not Spanish, not Brazilian

The dance is true Russian.

    Dance, ensemble "Grace" dance "Russian"


Thanks to our charming girls. And we continue to flip through the pages of the creative album of ensembles.

Now the guests of our holiday will take the stage, the ensemble from the village of Arlyuk "Snowflakes"! While these kids are taking their timid, first steps on the stage. They are serious, and almost do not worry. Well, maybe just a little... Today's concert is a serious test for them! But we are sure that they will successfully pass this creative test!

Let's greet them with warm and stormy applause with the dance of "Jolly Schoolgirls"

    Dance Ensemble "Snowflakes" dance "Merry Schoolgirls"

Host: (Backstage)

To your warm applause, we send our kids backstage, getting ready for the next exit, and let the applause sound in honor of the Snezhinki dance group!


For all three years, the girls of the dance group "Grace" conquered the hearts of the spectators of the villages with their talent ________________________________ Where they were greeted with warmth and thunderous applause. Because the love for dance does not let go of this team, so they take the stage again and again, delighting the audience with their skill! And so meet, dance group "Grace" "Merge of Souls"

    T.A. "Grace" dance "Merge of souls"


Our holiday continues

Grief is not allowed here.

Yes, is it sad here

If there is a Russian dance on the stage!

On stage, a dance ensemble from p.________ "Girls", "Quadrille"

    T. A. "Girls" dance "Quadrille"

Host: (backstage)

Winter, spring, and finally the long-awaited summer - it's time for school holidays, rest, new adventures and travels! How many of us, how different, unusual and unlike each other we are, but we all want to have fun in the summer! But this simply requires a lot of strength.

How are you guys going to spend your holidays???? (children's answers)

You just need to look around carefully.

And suddenly you hear music everywhere.

It will sound in the murmur of the brook.

In the rustle of the forest and flower petals.

5. T.A. "Grace" dance "Vesnyanka"


Moms and dads, are there any in our hall?

Support the kids - they've been waiting for this!

Let the applause sound again -

Meet our little guys!

6. On the stage, the guys of the dance group "Fiesta" with the dance "On the border"!


Children's Day is a bright, sunny holiday. No wonder it is celebrated on the very first day of summer, on the first day of school holidays! And this makes my soul so happy that I just can't wait to jump for happiness and dance!

Here beauty begets beauty

What? The one in which there is no peace

And the heart again strives to the heights

Subject to dance, music and order.

7. T.A. "Grace" dance "Hip-hop"


What is dance? (question to viewers)

Dance is emotions transformed into movements that

taking place in the rhythm of modern life. Man must feel the rhythm

modern life, to fall into it and correspond to it.

What a long wait for inspiration

Dancer master of inspiration

He must command them.

One entirely, no doubt.

8. T.A. "Girls" "Dance of fire"


Dance is a means of emotional disclosure, conveying the mood of using the plastic capabilities of the human body. And this is very evident in the next dance number.

9. T.A. "Rainbow" dance "This is us"


How easily and beautifully our young artists perform today! It seems that you know how to sing and dance - go on stage and dare - surprise the audience! Right? Of course not, one talent is not enough! Rehearsals and rehearsals! And how much courage it takes to go on stage here! And adult artists' knees are shaking! And what can we say about young artists… But the participants of our concert are already real artists!

10. T.A. "Grace" "White dance"

Our today's concert is not just a reporting concert. The guys studied for a whole academic year, tried, overcame difficulties, laziness, pain, not everything works out the first, or even the fifth time. They delighted the audience

Still, here they believe in magic,

Here are friends with miracles

All fairy tales are real

They come to visit

Here the clouds are not visible,

Here from smiles closely

On a creative wave

Floating somewhere childhood.

    T.A. "Snowflakes" "Mom's Waltz"


For congratulations and presentation of certificates of honor and memorable prizes, I invite you to the stage to your stormy and friendly applause

F, I, O (Presenting diplomas and memorable gifts). Children remain on the stage and say goodbye to the guests.


Life is like a melody, and just like a melody from notes, so life is made up of relatives, friends, dreams, aspirations, hobbies, good, worthwhile deeds, and even though not everything will always work out the first time, but if you firmly believe, you really, really want and try very hard .. then you will definitely succeed. Remember everything is in your hands.

Our concert was a success

We hope everyone enjoys it!

May it be memorable and bright for all of us,

As the best expensive gift!

The song "Childhood" is performed

The curtain closes.

Everyone is invited to tea