Rules of conduct for public transport passengers. How to behave when on public transport

This feature of behavior distinguishes us from animals. Minibuses, trams, trolleybuses, metro - places where many people forget about culture. Knowing the rules of conduct in public transport is a norm of life that everyone should adhere to.

Elementary decorum

When you walk through the door, let retirees, people with disabilities, children and women come forward. Also, before stepping forward, give way to passengers who are getting out of the vehicle.

If someone needs help, don't stand aside. The rules of conduct for a public transport passenger require you to behave with dignity in such situations. Raise the stroller for a mother with a small child, give a hand to an old woman who is looking for support. But before you get down to business, politely offer the person your services so that your gesture of goodwill is not perceived with hostility.

Communication culture

When you have taken a free seat, do not rush to relax. If you see a woman, a disabled person, a child or an elderly person standing nearby, give way. Be sure to say at the same time: "Sit down, please." It is very important to use exactly this wording, because many passengers react negatively if they are told simply: "Sit down." You can try using another tactful phrase that you think is appropriate.

The person you offered your position to should thank you. This is an elementary culture of behavior in public transport. Children, in particular, need to learn to be respectful of other passengers from an early age.

Be courteous and say "thank you" if the driver stops the car when they see you running after it from the stop. Don't get personal and don't call him "friend", "man", "dude", etc. Don't be rude if he asks you not to stand in the aisle. Pay the fare immediately upon boarding the transport.

The unspoken law of decency, which can also be included in the rules of behavior for a public transport passenger, is courtesy. Do not forget to thank the passengers who, for example, helped you to drag a heavy bag into the minibus, gave you a hand at the entrance / exit, gave you the opportunity to walk to the handrail, offered your seat. No need to push long speeches, the most ordinary word "thank you" will be quite enough to express gratitude.

Don't be indifferent

Always follow the rules of conduct in public transport. Etiquette requires you to intervene if one of the passengers openly violates the norms of culture.

If a healthy teenager is sitting, and next to him is a hunched old woman who can barely stand on her feet, ask the guy to give her a seat. But you need to do this as tactfully and delicately as possible, without rudeness and raising your voice. Usually even the most inveterate pranksters give way if they feel disapproving looks from all corners of the bus.

Conflict situations

The rules of conduct in public transport prohibit passengers from violently expressing negative emotions. If you see a gross violation of etiquette by other people (someone refuses to pay the conductor or does not give up his seat), do not yell at them. In any situation, you need to be tolerant, and for the use of force you can get an administrative fine on charges of petty hooliganism.

The culture of behavior in public transport is also the correct settlement of conflicts that arise between passengers. Most often, scandals on the road occur for one of three reasons. First, people begin to express their dissatisfaction with the driver about the way he drives. Secondly, they quarrel with the conductor. But the most common case - the elderly begin to reproach the young for their bad manners. Usually they begin to recall the Soviet times, when “the youth behaved much more cultured” and show their ambition with might and main. In this case, you need to calmly tell the indignant pensioners that they need to calm down.

Be careful with luggage!

If you're bringing a bulky bag with you, place it where others won't trip over it. If you have a backpack on your back, do not turn your back to the passengers, it is better to lean against the wall. This will not only insure you from unnecessary conflicts, but also protect you from thieves who trade in public transport during rush hour.

Try to position yourself on the bus so as not to obstruct the movement of other people. You do not need to spread your arms too wide, stand at the very door or in the aisle. If you manage to get into a seat, do not spread your knees and do not stretch your legs. In no case do not put a bag on the adjacent free space, it is better to just keep it with you.

When you are standing at the door and are not going to leave the salon in the near future, you need to let other people go ahead. If your stop is next, position yourself closer to the exit so that you don’t push everyone in a row and ask to be let through. Address passengers who block the way in a calm tone, do not show aggression towards them.

Fight for personal space

Rules of conduct in public transport prohibit loud conversations on the phone. If you meet someone you know, do not call them across the entire salon. Your loud cry will bring discomfort to other passengers.

In conversations with fellow travelers, do not raise your tone, but do not whisper. The interlocutor may not hear you, and a loud conversation will annoy others. Do not discuss personal life in public transport and do not use obscene language.

During rush hour, conflicts constantly arise on buses due to the fact that passengers do not have enough free space. Standing at the door, you will have to go outside at every stop, and then come back to clear the way for new arrivals or people leaving the salon.

Read wisely

When reading newspapers or books in transport, try not to interfere with people nearby. Do not forget that this puts a lot of strain on your eyes, and it is better to limit the study of any literature while driving.

But if you can’t do without it, use not printed publications, but electronic ones. Enter all interesting books or articles on your smartphone or e-book. This way of reading, unlike the classic one, will not cause inconvenience to your fellow travelers and will not restrict either them or your movements.

Feel free to ask

The rules of conduct in public transport and at the bus stop do not prohibit refusing to give up your seat to someone if you feel unwell. When asked to vacate a seat, be honest about your problem. No need to pretend to be asleep or simply ignore the requests of others. No one will insult a person who is unwell, but otherwise you will look like an ill-mannered boor and cause a lot of indignation from others.

If you are standing and you feel sick, do not hesitate to ask someone who is sitting to give you a seat. This statement is included in the rules of passenger behavior in all types of public transport.

Malaise is not a manifestation of weakness, but the most common life situation that can happen to anyone. For example, if you feel dizzy, it will be much more sense if you step over your pride and ask to give way than if you hold on to the last, and then pass out right in the minibus.

Food and drink

When you are driving home after a hard day at work or from one business meeting to the next, you want to have a bite to eat on the road so as not to waste time in vain. But the rules for using public transport prohibit this.

Before you take a sandwich out of your bag, imagine yourself in the place of the people sitting next to you. Bread crumbs will start to fall on their clothes, a strong smell of sausage will spread all over the bus, and if you also accidentally drip sauce on a neighbor, it will be a real disaster. Therefore, it is better to restrain your desires and endure.

This taboo also applies to carbonated drinks. During the ride, the contents of your bottle willy-nilly shake up, and no matter how carefully you open it, it is virtually impossible to do without a fountain of spray. It goes without saying that drinking alcohol and smoking in transport is also prohibited.

If you can’t imagine a single trip without your favorite songs or you have a long way to the final station and need to somehow pass the time, listen to music with headphones. No matter how beautiful it may seem to you, other passengers do not have to go to the accompaniment of your speaker.

Do not turn on tracks at maximum volume if the headset has poor sound insulation. Passengers sitting next to each other have enough stress in their lives, except for a road disco.

And if you think of turning on the speakers at full power, fellow travelers will curse you at all, because in combination with engine noise, any music becomes extremely annoying and unpleasant.

We monitor our safety in the subway

All of the above rules of conduct in public transport are universal and suitable for any type of transport. There are several separate points for the metro.

So, when riding an escalator, you cannot step over the boundary line drawn along its edge. If you are wearing a long coat or dress, make sure that the hem does not get chewed up by the moving stairs. Pick up bags and small children in advance. Get on the escalator and get off it carefully. Do not run or turn your back to the direction of travel. Try to stand on the right side and be sure to keep your hand on the handrail. These and the following rules consist of a subway passenger memo.

While on the platform, do not go beyond the boundary line. Don't lean over the rails, let alone jump on them. Do not remove light objects such as sheets of paper from your pockets or bag, which can fly away due to the air flow created by the electric train. Don't fool around on the platform with your friends. Don't push each other, don't dance, don't fight, and just don't make sudden movements that could cause someone to fall under the train.

One of the main trends of the modern world is constant movement, therefore it is not surprising that even children have to actively use public transport. Some parents sent them to a school far from home, because the teachers there are better, some attend additional classes and circles after school.

In a school or sightseeing bus, children are accompanied by adults who are responsible for their safety and proper behavior, however, in ordinary public transport, the baby is left to himself and can get into an unpleasant situation due to non-compliance with etiquette.

Parents should explain to their child the rules of behavior in public transport so that the baby feels more confident and does not make adult acquaintances in the cabin “blush” for themselves.

How to enter?

Boarding a transport, being an extremely simple procedure, still implies certain rules of decency. Their knowledge will help to avoid a scandal at the bus stop.

  • You should not try to enter the transport immediately after it has arrived. It is more logical to first let out passengers who want to get out of it. It is worth observing the queue, but even if one has not been formed, you should not push, trying to get inside the vehicle as quickly as possible.
  • For a long time, it was considered an unconditional rule of good form for schoolchildren to help pensioners and pregnant women get on the bus. However, today it is recommended to first ask if this is appropriate. A person may be independent enough to enter the salon without outside help, and other people's touches or the very fact that outsiders perceive him as helpless can offend.
  • Schoolchildren often have a heavy briefcase or bag with them. If such a part is worn on the shoulders, it is better to take it off and hold it in your hands when landing.

How to behave in the salon?

Most often, a typical children's trip is limited to a few public transport stops, but in large cities such a trip can be much longer. During the whole time spent on the bus, you will have to interact with people. Both action and inaction can cause praise or condemnation. In order not to show yourself from the worst side, the child should remember simple recommendations.

  • Many passengers will give up their seat to an elementary school student of their own accord, but in fact a child of this age can already ride standing up. It would be polite in this situation to offer to sit in the vacant seat for the elderly or to offer the seated passenger not to give way.
  • If the child himself sits, it makes sense to give way to those who need it - the same pensioners, mothers with small children, people with heavy bags. However, the same rule applies here as when boarding a transport - for a start, it is worth at least visually assessing the degree of need for a standing passenger in a free seat. If the decision to yield is nevertheless made, it must be accompanied by the words "sit down, please."

  • Nowadays, in transport, almost every person travels, if not with a gadget, then with a book in his hands. Perhaps very interesting things are drawn or written there, but you should not look over the shoulder of an unfamiliar passenger. Everyone has the right to privacy, because he is not obliged to expose his preferences or activities to the public.
  • Public transport is not exactly the place where you need to put yourself in order. It is not recommended for girls to comb their hair, or, moreover, to paint on the bus. This is not very decent and may interfere with other passengers.

Exceptions can only be cases where the appearance of the child has undergone strong changes for the worse due to force majeure (hair was very disheveled, etc.).

What should not be done?

Certain actions in a close circle of strangers can cause condemnation. There are several rules regarding what a student should not do when traveling on public transport.

  • In any situation, you need to sit carefully, occupying only the space that is provided for by the occupied place. This statement is especially true on the bus during rush hour. It would be wrong for one person to take his place and half of the aisle when several people “crowd” in the other half.
  • Self-care is good, but in a tight, enclosed space with little fresh air, even the best French perfume can be a problem. It is possible that some of those present may be allergic to such a smell, however, in a crowded cabin, a person will not be able to change position with all their desire. Even if the passengers are not allergic, the lack of air can make them dizzy from the strong aroma.
  • If pleasant smells in the passenger compartment of the bus should not be abused, then unpleasant - even more so. It's no secret that many types of delicious food can leave bad breath, and in a crowded environment, it's possible that a student could breathe in someone's face. This does not mean that you should give up your favorite food, but after eating flavored food, it is advisable to at least use a refreshing chewing gum.
  • Eating food on public transport is also considered wrong. Its smell can bother someone, and the risk of staining the seat and other passengers due to sharp jerks of the vehicle is also not excluded. Of course, in conditions of a road that takes several hours, this rule is not considered valid. However, unaccompanied schoolchildren rarely find themselves in such situations.

  • Modern gadgets make it interesting and useful to spend time on the road, but you should not interfere with other people in the process. Loud extraneous sounds, whether it be music, a movie or a game, can distract other passengers from their own thoughts or even annoy them due to content aversion or headache.
  • In rainy weather, an umbrella not only allows you to protect yourself from precipitation, but also becomes a frequent cause of conflicts in public transport. In order not to touch people with a wet umbrella and not to splash drops of water in all directions, it should be folded at the bus stop before entering the bus. In the cabin, if possible, it is better to lower the folded umbrella, allowing the water to drain down. After leaving the bus, you need to open the umbrella not at the door, but after moving a couple of steps away from other passengers, because otherwise they will be splashed with drops or even touched by the umbrella itself.
  • There are times when a child feels so bad that it is difficult for him to stand on his feet.

In order not to fall and hit himself, he can politely explain what is happening to any of the seated passengers and ask him to give up his seat if there are no empty seats left in the cabin.

For the basic rules of behavior in public transport for schoolchildren, see the following video.

The question of what should be the rules of conduct in public transport, unfortunately, not everyone asks himself. Going on a long trip, such as by train, or arranging a grand trip for children on a classy excursion, most people do not think about the fact that there are specially designed rules of conduct when using various modes of transport.


According to the rules of the road, a vehicle is a source of increased danger. A school bus, electric train or just a car, in addition to comfort and convenience while moving from point A to point B, can at any time get into an emergency or create it for other road users. In this case, often the cause of an emergency situation is the passengers themselves, or rather, their behavior. And it doesn't matter what we have in front of us - a 20-seater minibus or a ten-car train.

From childhood, we all remember signs with the inscriptions “Do not stand at the edge of the platform”, “It is forbidden to talk to the driver while driving”, “Stand on the right, pass on the left” and the like. In childhood, such inscriptions are perceived as something boring, tedious and completely optional, especially if adults do not see. You can ride on the footboard of a tram, immediately jump into a departing train or run across the road right in front of the oncoming traffic. And after all, nothing will happen, they did it a hundred times. For the hundred and first time, unfortunately, irreversible consequences may occur.

The human factor is perhaps one of the most common causes of emergency situations in public transport.

The behavior of passengers can and, unfortunately, often provokes various accidents, including those with victims. Often in such cases, the reasons that pushed passengers to a gross violation of the rules for using public transport are elementary ignorance of these rules or neglect of them.

The notorious “hooks” cause, in addition to condemnation, compassion and even understanding: young people are trying to attract attention to themselves, which is quite understandable, especially in the context of a lack of attention from adults. However, it is difficult for electric train drivers and linemen to understand and forgive exalted teenagers.

In our country, the history of the rules of conduct in public transport begins in the nineteenth century before last, being one of the most important components of public security. Modern vehicles, designed for convenient and fast movement in space, require compliance with simple and at the same time binding rules.

Only following these rules can largely guarantee the safety of life on public transport.

Basic Rules

It makes no sense to list the rules for using, for example, the subway or funicular (this is also a type of public transport), all the more there is no need to know all the above rules by heart. However, following the basic norms of behavior in public transport will allow not only to avoid unpleasant, including extreme situations, but also to behave politely towards others.

  • be careful. Public transport passengers are best characterized by the concept of "Brownian motion", especially for the subway. Following information signs, as well as following the instructions of transport employees, is not someone's whim, but allows you to ensure the correct logistics and proper security measures. It is not only when you are driving your own car that you need to be careful: even in the sleeping car of a long-distance train, various unforeseen situations can arise. Always remember: public transport is a source of increased danger.

  • Be polite. The culture of transport behavior is not a myth, but a reality that we face every day. Mutual courtesy and a patient attitude towards others makes it possible to avoid many unpleasant situations and greatly facilitates the work of employees and transport workers, primarily law enforcement officers. Public transport is called so because it belongs to everyone equally, and not to you personally, and only on the basis that you paid the fare.

  • Follow elementary logic. As the tram pulled up to the stop, the doors opened and people happily rushed in, shoving and pushing as if it were the last tram for the next few days. The elevator rule (also, by the way, a type of passenger transport) works wherever there are doors: first they go out, then they go in. If there is no space in the subway car or surface transport cabin, you should not shove yourself in, creating inconvenience to yourself and others, but simply wait for the next transport.

  • In the aviation sector of passenger transportation, the rules are much stricter than in the rest. And that's okay. When using an airplane or helicopter, one should be especially attentive, treat the work of pilots and other air transport workers with understanding. And to follow the rules of conduct during the flight and while at the airport - strictly and also with understanding.

Etiquette in foreign countries

Contrary to the stereotype that is still widespread, “everything is great there, but everything is terrible here,” the rules of conduct in public transport in European countries do not differ much from Russian ones. In Europe itself, there is a significant difference in the behavior of public transport in different countries. For example, in Italy or France, young people can afford to quietly make noise in public transport without crossing a certain line of what is permitted, while in northern European countries, the behavior of passengers can be called more restrained or even phlegmatic.

The main difference between European passengers and our domestic ones is, no matter how trivial, in a more responsible attitude to the rules of conduct in public transport.

In all types of municipal and private passenger transport, you can see memos to passengers; however, these memos are not always duplicated in English, even if the case takes place in the historical center of a large European city.

The general norms of behavior in urban transport, as already mentioned, are in many ways similar to ours, and the existing differences can be summarized as follows:

  • Europeans "on average for the hospital" more carefully follow the rules and regulations;
  • in a European city, you will most often not be persistently offered help or loudly express dissatisfaction with your ignorance or ignorance of the rules;
  • Europeans generally treat foreigners more condescendingly, in particular, this is manifested in the fact that you are likely to be explained in detail how best to get to the place you need.

I am underage. Do I have to follow the rules of conduct on the bus, trolleybus and tram?

Yes, definitely.

Behavior in public transport in each major city is regulated by the "Rules of travel in urban public transport." They establish rights and obligations for passengers. Some of these rules you need to remember.

1. You can only wait for public transport at stops.

2. You should enter the rear doors and exit the front doors of the vehicle. If the transport is equipped with an automatic turnstile, then the entrance is through the front door, and the exit is through the middle and rear doors.

3. Before entering, you need to release those who get out of the transport.

4. It is obligatory to pay for the fare by purchasing a single ticket or by presenting a ticket for multiple trips.

5. At an unregulated street crossing, the tram must be bypassed in front, and the bus and trolleybus in the back.

6. In transport, you must behave with dignity:

- do not make noise and do not push;

- give way to the elderly and the disabled, women with heavy bags;

- do not distract the driver while the vehicle is in motion;

- hold on to the handrails while the vehicle is in motion;

– politely ask and politely answer the questions of passengers;

– never get into transport on the go (you can slip off the steps and get under the wheels);

– do not enter a crowded bus, trolleybus or tram;

- items that are sharp and inconvenient for other passengers must be well packed and carefully placed so that they do not interfere with anyone.

I got on the bus with my friends, but I have no money. What should I do?

Even if you ended up in public transport without a ticket (lost your pass, forgot it at home, or didn’t take the money left by your parents), be sure: the controller who checks the tickets has no right to demand payment of a fine from you, because you are still a minor. But try not to let that happen.

For five days, we talk about polite people, terrible habits of citizens and rules of conduct in different places. In this article, we come up with a list of recommendations on how to behave on the street and in public spaces.

1. Do not start getting into the subway car, until all passengers have exited.

2. Give up your seat to the elderly pregnant girls and women with children, and if possible, do not take public transport at all.

3. Don't drive in public transport with loose hair during rush hours.

4. On platforms and crossings keep to the left and move at the speed of the traffic.

5. Try not to study the contents of a book or phone of a carriage neighbor, even if you are very bored.

6. Do not stand on the left half of the escalator. If you ended up there against your will - do not try to squeeze into the right side, it is better to go down / up on foot.

7. Hold the door for the next passenger, leaving the metro lobby.

8. Getting on the bus, trolleybus or tram through the front door, go to the end of the cabin, do not crowd at its beginning.

9. Do not throw at the inter-escalator space wrappers, papers and coins, even if you really want to see how they roll down.

10. Try your best do not eat or sleep on public transport.

11. Try not to kiss on the escalator in the subway - such behavior can hurt passengers with a broken heart.

12. If you are in a minibus, try to pay for yourself without involving the passengers sitting in front.

13. Don't stare at other passengers public transport, even if they look and behave extremely outrageous.

14. If you decide to watch a movie or play a game while driving, use headphones.

15. Do not enter into dialogues with city lunatics. and don't get involved in scandals, especially if they don't concern you.

16. Don't study the subway map or the direction of the exits, stopping in the middle of a dense flow of passengers.

17. Before entering the bus, trolleybus or tram with a validator, prepare your ticket in advance so as not to delay all other passengers.

18. Standing near the doors in the subway car, do not lean with your whole body on the handrail of the nearest bench.

19. Sitting on the bench closest to the doors of the subway car, try not to protrude your shoulder and arm beyond its border. So standing near the door people will be much more comfortable.

20. If the car or bus is not overcrowded, You don't have to get close to other people.

21. If there are not very many empty seats in a carriage or bus, do not put bags and packages on the next seat. Lay them on the floor to make room for other passengers.

22. Don't exit doors that say "no way out" and don't enter the ones that say "no entry"

illustrations: Masha Shishova