Statistics of the test "Which Harry Potter character will kiss you, and under what circumstances will this happen?" Test: “Your image in the world of Harry Potter” (cute tomfoolery:) Test Harry Potter who will kiss you statistics

Your appearance doesn't play any role here. Why can’t a person fall in love with you just because you’re good?

Swinging your legs off the bed and stretching, you yawned loudly before you could cover your mouth with your hand. In response, someone exhaled noisily and turned from one side to the other, someone yawned in response, someone had something fall from their bed. Probably a blanket or a favorite toy. Having illuminated the path with your magic wand, you grimaced and pushed away someone’s ownerless panties with your toe. “Like pigs, by God...” Sighing, you slipped out of Gryffindor Tower, not forgetting to throw a thin robe over your shoulders. Hogwarts at night evoked dark, frightening images in your mind, making you scream and twitch every time someone in the pictures moved and spoke harshly about the unreasonable girl wandering around at night, when all decent people should be having their tenth dream.
Watching the stars from the astronomy tower, you hugged your shoulders tightly with your arms and rubbed them a little, trying to warm up. She pulled her blond hair, tangled during sleep, into a careless ponytail, missing a couple of strands that went down winding roads.
- Bergamot? – a quiet whisper broke the silence, making you shudder and get goosebumps.
Just as you were about to turn around, someone’s cool palm fell on your eyes, and the stranger’s second hand grabbed your thin wrists. No matter how much you tried to guess who the voice belonged to, your imagination suggested someone in whom it was impossible to believe. (Would you like to?) Malfoy? Listening to your feelings, you came to the conclusion that the stranger’s touches are not unpleasant, rather, on the contrary, they warm up your interest and desire to play this game with him.
- Who are you? – breaking the prolonged silence, you whispered barely audibly.
- Doesn't matter. Don't open your eyes. – Your “good” was lost in his approving laugh. Slowly removing his hand from your eyes, the night guest walked around you. You, obediently, did not open your eyes and waited for the stranger’s further actions.
His hands slide over your shoulders so tenderly, as if you were a porcelain doll that they were afraid of breaking. You feel his breath on your lips, and then a light touch that sent a herd of goosebumps down your spine and a disappointed sigh when the stranger pulled away slightly. Reaching out for a kiss, and hearing the stranger’s muffled laughter, she touched unfamiliar lips. A barely felt touch gives way to a rough kiss. The guest crushes your lips, parts them and penetrates his tongue into your mouth, intertwining with yours. Holds your face in the trap of his palms. Your eyelashes tremble, the desire to find out who this stranger is, makes you open your eyes slightly, but, having pulled yourself back in time, you close your eyelids again. Breaking the kiss, the night guest, touching your temple with his lips goodbye, whispered:
- Don't look.
Now his palms fall again on your shoulders, slide down and the heaviness from someone else’s touch disappears. You hear retreating footsteps and, as soon as silence swallows you again, pressing disgustingly with your fingers on your eardrums, you slowly open your eyes. There was nothing to indicate that the young man had been here previously.
Exhaling noisily and touching your lips with thin fingers, you wrapped yourself tighter in the barely warm fabric of your robe and headed to the Gryffindor dormitory.

Draco avoided Harry for the rest of the day, skipping Transfiguration and ignoring Harry at lunch.

Harry, did you and Malfoy get into a fight? Hermione asked as Draco rushed past them in the common room without even saying hello.

Harry sighed.

You know, it's hard to explain.

"You and Malfoy haven't had a real fight since sixth year," Ron commented with a mouthful of beans. - Unless you count that fight over pumpkin juice as a fight.

Harry blushed.

We didn't quarrel.

Hermione and Ron looked at each other.

What?! - Harry asked, not missing the look his best friends exchanged. -
Well guys...

Nothing, Harry. - Hermione replied, but the tone of her voice told Harry that this was not true.

Hermione, what?

Ron was the first to answer.

You and Malfoy.

Harry looked at his friends in confusion.

- What with me and Malfoy?

His best friends shared a different look before Hermione turned to Harry. Her brown eyes were warm and open, without judgment.

We saw the way you look at him.

And the way he looks at you,” Ron muttered, his mouth full again.

Harry began to stutter.

I... I have no idea what you're talking about.

Mate,” Ron gave Harry a stern look that looked strange and out of place, something Harry hadn’t seen since the war. - He likes you.

“It’s not like that, we’re just friends,” he said defensively, his face turning red under the heavy gazes of his friends.

Hermione smiled slightly.

It's okay Harry, you have nothing to hide anymore.

Harry fidgeted nervously. He didn't expect his friends to be so open. Draco was a different man now, a better person, no longer under the influence of the Dark Lord or forced to do things he didn't want to do to keep his mother safe. The new Draco was wonderful, smart, still arrogant, but he had a sense of humor, and he looked forward to eating in the great hall and playing chess with Ron, making friends in the most unexpected places.

“I saw you in potions,” Hermione said quietly, watching Harry’s reaction. His green eyes opened wide under his glasses, his face darkened.

I... It doesn't mean anything, he swears a lot, I make him stop.

Ron rolled his eyes.

Come on Harry, there are other ways to get someone to stop swearing.

Hermione nodded, tucking her curly hair behind her ear.

We could intervene. Maybe I can help you?

Unexpected frankness swept over Harry.

No, this is something I have to do myself.

Ron and Hermione looked at each other again, so Harry stood up, tired of his friends.

This is not so,” he began to insist again. - We are friends.

“Yeah,” Ron and Hermione said together, looking at the back of Harry as he walked away. He stumbled on the stairs, blushed and became embarrassed. He closed the curtains as he climbed into bed, not wanting to see Ron when he showed up to try to talk again. In the morning he would find out everything with his friends and Draco.

The thought of Draco made his heart beat wildly. I couldn't sleep that night.

In the morning, the atmosphere around his friends was a little strange, as if they knew something he didn't know. Only he knew. They were completely and utterly wrong about everything. Tomorrow was Hogsmeade weekend, and the eighth years were buzzing in the common room, discussing how to buy more butterbeer and firewhisky from the Three Broomsticks and sneak the booze into Hogwarts. At breakfast, they passed a sheet of parchment to each other, writing down who would buy what, what and how they were going to take it to the castle. When the paper reached Harry, he laughed along with Ron at the funny ideas of some of his fellow students.

Draco arrived late. His hair was slightly damp, and he carried the robe in his hands.

Overslept? Harry asked as Draco sat down next to him, snatched a piece of sausage from Potter's plate and looked at him questioningly. Harry simply laughed and showed Draco the parchment. Draco read it carefully, noting each idea with a small nod of approval or a negative shake of his head.

“Your name is not here,” he said when he finished reading, handing the parchment to Neville, who in return handed over a glass of pumpkin juice, from which Draco took a small sip.

“Like yours,” Harry commented, taking several pieces of toast.

“I don’t want to fucking get caught,” Draco looked at Harry intently. Gray eyes met green ones. Harry just raised an eyebrow and shrugged, glad that his kissing plan had finally worked.

Draco exhaled, visibly relaxing.

"I don't think McGonagall would be too angry if he discovered that one or two students had a bottle of liquor hidden in their underpants," Draco snorted, taking a bite of bacon.

Or in the hair,” Harry chuckled, and Draco joined him. They laughed at the absurdity of the idea, ignoring everyone around them.

Hermione raised an eyebrow and looked pointedly at Ron, he whispered something to Neville, who in turn whispered something to Dean, and soon the entire eighth year was watching the former Death Eater and the Savior of the Wizarding World steal food from each other and laugh together as if it were completely natural.

On the other side of the parchment, someone began to write down bets.

I actually need new feathers, so I'm not chipping in. I'm sure Granger and her expandable bag will fool even McGonagall, and I'll get my share of firewhisky from her.

Harry nodded.

This was my idea too.

Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me? Draco asked, resting his elbow on the table and taking a sip of pumpkin juice. Harry shrugged and pushed his plate away.

“It’s not the same as going with everyone,” he said, looking down at the table. Draco nodded.

"We'll go together," Draco said firmly, knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me?

Don’t look so oh-so-- Draco interrupted himself, “Surprised.” Don't look so surprised, Potter, I just need some advice on which feathers to choose.

Harry grinned and nudged Draco with his shoulder, laughing.

You don't seem to enjoy my company.

Draco rolled his eyes.

But you like it,” Harry laughed loudly, and Draco smiled back at him.

Hey lovebirds! - Ron shouted from his seat. Draco and Harry both blushed and turned to him. Ron shook his head.

Time to go to class, assholes.

You... You're an idiot, Weasley! - Ron just laughed as he and Hermione left the Great Hall.

Wow,” Harry said, picking up his bag.

Shut up,” Draco grumbled, putting on his robes.

I meant that this is clearly not your best insult, Malfoy.

Fuck off, you idiot." Draco didn't even realize he'd made a mistake until Harry pulled him into an alcove behind the statue and put his arm around Draco's shoulders, pulling him towards him until their bodies were pressed together and their lips were touching. Draco sighed in surprise and grabbed Harry by the shoulders. Harry broke the kiss.

We'll be late for class." Draco didn't have time to ask what Harry was doing or what the hell he was thinking about because he was already heading towards the Charms class.

Quiz: Which Harry Potter character would you have sex with?

You are a very attractive and beautiful girl. Many guys only dream about you, but your heart is free... and their dreams are broken... One day you decided to go to the village of Hogsmeade, there you walked through different shops, met people you knew, talked to them and was about to go home when you were almost run over by a guy. You looked at him indignantly. He was a rather handsome young man, he had blond hair and blue eyes, the look of which was somewhat arrogant. He muttered, “Sorry,” but then, when he saw you, he suggested going for a walk to make up for his mistake. You had a free day and you agreed. You walked along the streets for a long time and said... You began to like this young man. Here you come to some house. “Come in,” he said. You went inside and saw that this house was much larger than it seemed from the outside. You went up to the second floor and entered the room. Suddenly Draco slammed the door to the room and closed it with a spell.
you: what are you doing?
But there was no answer, Draco grabbed you, pulled you to him and began to kiss you. You resisted, and then you finally managed to free yourself. You wanted to transgress from here, but Draco blocked the magic. And he stood smiling at your attempts to escape. You felt like a mouse caught in a mousetrap, knowing what awaits it, but unable to escape it. Meanwhile, Draco approached you again.
he: you have nowhere to run, it’s better not to resist, it will be better... and more pleasant... for you!
you: let me go! Please...
him: no way!
Then he started kissing you and threw you on the bed. His hands roamed all over your body until he pulled off your blouse, then unclasped your bra.
him: you have big and beautiful breasts...
He started massaging your breasts, first with his hands and then with his tongue.
Then Draco started giving you a massage, his deft fingers sliding over your back, chest, legs... he pressed some point, and you felt that all your fears were gone, and only desire remained.
Draco pressed his stomach against you. You felt something hard, tense... you realized what it was... Draco lifted the hem of your dress. You didn't stop him. And so he slightly spread your legs.
Then Draco unbuttoned his pants, and you felt something large, warm enter you. You moaned. Draco wrapped his arms around your waist and continued to thrust deeper into you. You screamed... You were in pain, but then the pain gave way to pleasure. You arched and moaned with every move he made. And suddenly a wave of pleasure washed over you, a spasm passed through your body and you began to breathe quickly. At this time, you felt something warm spread inside you. Draco pulled out his dick, kissed you and left the room.
Take the test.

Draco had been walking blacker than a cloud for several days now. Of course, this did not surprise anyone, because the scion of the Malfoy house was never in a normal mood, but now no one knew the real reason for this. No, it wasn't that he was angry at Potter again, or that he was annoyed by Mudbloods, or even that he had received punishment from Professor McGonagall. All this seemed to him an absolute trifle compared to what happened.
The son of Lucius Malfoy was known to everyone as an ardent admirer of pure blood, hating everyone who was related to Muggles. This is how this arrogant blond was raised, and it is difficult to say whether it is his fault that he grew up to be such a, one might say, bad person. Draco supported his father's views; he did not hesitate to throw offensive words in the faces of those who did not correspond to his idea of ​​wizards, without thinking at all that they might be very offended. And just recently something happened that he did not expect at all.

Draco Malfoy fell in love. Oh, it wouldn't be so bad if his heart chose, say, Parkinson - the girl who Harry, Ron and Hermione secretly thought looked like a pug. Or Daphne, his classmate, or someone else from Slytherin... But no, fate played a cruel joke on the blond. His chosen one was the Mudblood, known throughout the school for her easy-going character and her pranks, which were carried out together with the Weasley twins. The whole school knew how they planted some coffee on Filch, which caused him to be covered with huge blisters, and how they exploded fireworks and firecrackers right in the corridor, under Professor Snape’s nose. As you already understand, you are this girl. Draco didn't know how to fight the feeling in his chest that wouldn't give him peace. He couldn’t take his eyes off you in the Great Hall when he ate, he thought about you day and night, and this only made the blond feel worse. He was really tired of this, he didn't know what to do.

However, one incident happened that decided everything for the two of you. Professor Snape punished you for not listening to him by flying in the clouds the entire lesson, and ordered you to stay after class. Well, even that couldn't ruin your mood. You asked one of your friends to tell the twins not to wait for you at dinner, and you followed Severus to some basement room. It turned out to be a storage room, lined with shelves containing a variety of potions. One shelf was overturned, many jars were broken, some medicines spilled across the floor. And with a rag they were collected by none other than Draco Malfoy, who rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt and took off his robe.

“Mr. Malfoy, here’s some reinforcements for you,” Snape said in his usual cold tone, and you stood there wondering: what did Draco do that made Severus punish him? After all, he was usually very lenient towards the students of his department.

Seeing you, Malfoy even shuddered. He could not even imagine that the professor would be so “friendly” to him. However, you started cleaning, trying not to pay attention to the strange looks he was throwing in your direction.

It was quite cold in the storage room, which was clearly located underground. Not much time passed, and you felt that you were all covered with goose bumps, and even work didn’t warm you up. And the fact that Malfoy was wearing only a shirt made it even colder. You involuntarily wrapped yourself in the robe tighter, and this slowed down the cleaning significantly, because it was not very comfortable, and your hands were shaking a little. Draco didn’t notice all this right away, but when he did, he straightened up and looked at you a little confused. You were surprised, because you didn’t even think that this guy could have such a look. However, what he did surprised you even more, although it seemed that there was nowhere else to go. The blonde picked up his robe and walked towards you. He carefully threw it over your shoulders and began to fasten it, trying not to look at your face, which was covered with a slight blush and at the same time expressed complete bewilderment.

Uh...D- cancer?
“Quiet,” he answered unexpectedly sharply, and still looked up at you. - Listen, if you tell anyone, I swear: I will kill you.

You were about to ask what exactly you were going to talk about, when suddenly he kissed you. It was a real kiss, his tongue entered your mouth and intertwined with yours there. And you stood there with your eyes wide open, not knowing how to react to this. Before you even had time to come to your senses, Draco pulled away abruptly and quickly left the closet. With your hands no longer shaking from the cold, you finished cleaning, and only then left the room, moving with difficulty on stiff legs.
You were walking down the corridor and couldn't understand why everyone was staring at you, but suddenly it dawned on you - you were still wearing Draco's robe. And what a surprise it was for those around you when the next day you gave it to him in the Great Hall, in front of everyone. However, Draco was no less surprised.

I can say that from that very moment, your relationship has changed so much. But whether you accepted his love or not, decide for yourself...