Signs that a pregnant woman should not do. The life force of a man is in his hair. Folk signs for pregnant women: a boy or a girl

Pregnancy is a special state for female body, therefore, the future mother must be protected from unnecessary worries and physical activity. Today there are many interesting folk signs that pregnant women should not do before the birth of a child. These superstitions must be followed, because all parents want to have a beautiful and healthy baby!

How are forbidden signs and the health of a pregnant woman interconnected?

Forbidden signs for pregnant women were known in ancient times, and our wise ancestors tried to carefully observe them. Modern doctors have already proved the correctness of the actions of our ancestors with the help of long medical observations for women in an "interesting position".

The more you believe in superstition, the more likely you are to bear a healthy baby

Scientists gave this phenomenon scientific rationale: how more girl who is preparing to become a mother, believes in mystical predictions, the more carefully she will treat her health. That is, folk signs impose certain restrictions on future women in labor, due to which the chances of successfully carrying a baby increase.

But here it is important not to overdo it: after all, the 21st century is in the yard and you should not unconditionally believe all the old prejudices. After all, every rule has its own exception. Any unauthorized actions taken according to the principle “even grandmothers observed signs for pregnant women, and nothing bad happened” can negatively affect the well-being of a pregnant woman.

"Medical" signs for pregnant women: what should future mothers not do?

There are a large number of superstitions that directly relate to the health of a woman carrying a child under her heart. Below are the most common folk signs for pregnant women:

  1. You can’t hang clothes and raise your hands to a height: the veracity of this superstition is confirmed by doctors. The mother-to-be is advised to always be in comfortable posture, otherwise the “hands up” position can provoke hypoxia - oxygen starvation at developing fetus. This rule applies to travel to public transport You need to sit, not stand. But at the same time, mothers can, within reasonable limits, do physical exercise and hang clothes after washing on special dryers, located at the height of the waist. Short-term dynamic loads will not bring any harm if there are no medical contraindications. It is important not to overload the body: as soon as fatigue appears, you need to rest.
  2. You can not cross your legs or put them on top of each other: the unborn child will have crooked legs or other serious problems. From the point of view of doctors, in this case, the blood circulation in the pregnant woman is disturbed. In turn, this negatively affects the development of the baby and can provoke the problem of varicose veins in the legs in the future.
  3. You can not take a bath: doctors agree with this popular statement. Women who are expecting the birth of a child are prohibited from staying in hot water: often this leads to pain in the lower abdomen, or premature birth. Especially this medical rule relevant to recent months pregnancy, when a woman in labor needs to take care of herself carefully.
  4. You can’t eat scarlet or bright red berries: folk superstition says that the baby will develop scrofulous disease. There is some truth in this statement: many berries and fruits are the strongest allergens, so they should be eaten with extreme caution.
  5. You can not eat fish - as it is "silent", so the child can be born dumb. Doctors partly agree with the popular belief: fish delicacies, especially red fish and seafood, often cause an allergic reaction in a pregnant woman, which in turn negatively affects the unborn baby.
  6. Do not eat "double" foods: eggs with several yolks, "sticky" berries and fruits. It was believed that this would lead to the birth of twins and the appearance of many problems. Previously, it was difficult to bring up several years at once, but now it will bring joy to future parents - there are more opportunities for the maintenance and upbringing of children than in the old days.

Folk signs about cats: what not to do when pregnant

Being around cats during pregnancy is a bad omen.

And in our enlightened time, a curious old belief is widespread: a pregnant woman should not often and for a long time play with representatives cat family. The older generation claims that only ill-wishers and enemies will “wander” around the still unborn child in the future.

Whether this actually happens is not known for certain. But doctors interpret this “message to posterity” in their own way: cats often suffer from toxoplasmosis, a disease dangerous for women in labor. Often, the symptoms proceed imperceptibly and painlessly, so a woman carrying a baby under her heart is sometimes unaware of the diagnosis.

For your own safety, it is recommended to take an appropriate analysis at any veterinary clinic if a cat lives in the apartment. But from communicating with other people's pets, it is better to limit yourself during pregnancy. The disease is transmitted to humans through cat feces Therefore, it is better to clean the toilet of the animal with gloves.

Folk signs about talking about a child: what not to do when pregnant

Talk about the onset of pregnancy will not end well

There are several signs about talking about the expected child and the condition of the mother. What pregnant women should not tell and what it is not recommended to ask them about:

  • It is impossible for anyone at once: this superstition was known in the old days and is still relevant among various peoples. In the past, there were many rituals that could confuse evil spirit, and she would not have known about the birth of a new life. In the same way, they protected themselves from witches so that they could not send damage. How are ancient beliefs and modern life? Doctors and psychologists really recommend keeping silent about the event for at least two or three months: in the first trimester, pregnant women often have miscarriages and asking curious people can make them very nervous, but this should not be allowed. The exception is close people;
  • You can't keep your pregnancy a secret for too long. Of course, in the first months of pregnancy, you should not shout about the good news, but it is not recommended to remain silent in the future. It is believed that just as a woman in labor is silent and does not say anything, so the child will speak poorly or not speak at all. It is important to maintain a reasonable balance here: honestly and briefly answer questions from others.
  • Do not inform friends and family about upcoming date the birth of a child. Should not even know about the estimated time of onset of childbirth future father. Knowledgeable people claim that in this case the process will occur quickly and painlessly. If mommy tried to convey such good news to all the curious, then on the birth table she will have to “wear off” for each person. The doctors themselves are neutral to the sign - no relationship was found between the expected date of birth and their complexity, but they find a reasonable grain of truth in this. A pregnant woman may experience constant stress: an endless debate on the topic “it's time or not time”, “are you afraid to give birth” and other questions will only add to her irritability. Yes, and the next of kin will constantly worry about the upcoming event.

Signs about hair: why should pregnant women not have their hair cut?

Hair is a source of mystical energies, cutting it during pregnancy is a bad omen.

  • You can’t cut your hair: esotericists say that all human strength is concentrated in the hair, and if you cut it, you gradually weaken. And a pregnant woman especially needs to have a strong and healthy body in order to successfully give birth to a baby in the future. Although today this rule is difficult to follow: in fashion short haircuts, which require permanent care. It is advisable to choose such a hairstyle in order to reduce visits to the salon to a minimum.
  • You can’t dye your hair: this superstition is associated with medical indications for pregnant. Any hair dye contains many chemical substances, which do not always have a beneficial effect on the condition of the expectant mother. It is not recommended to inhale harmful vapors - they can adversely affect the health of the crumbs. There is an alternative - funds with natural dyes or return to natural color hair before pregnancy.

What is impossible for pregnant women: folk signs about shopping and needlework

If a woman is a craftswoman and loves to be creative, then it will be difficult for her to follow some signs for pregnant women:

  1. It is impossible to engage in knitting and sewing during pregnancy: this superstition is common in many countries of the world. It is believed that the baby can become entangled in the umbilical cord and not find a “way out” during childbirth. But Eastern signs say that the sewing of a woman carrying a child under her heart significantly increases the number of suicides in the family. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to make things for the baby. How does medicine explain this phenomenon? Doctors have not found a relationship between needlework and unsuccessful childbirth, but also recommend not to overwork yourself with such work. Prolonged stay in one position leads to circulatory disorders. Result: supply of nutrients to developing child decreases significantly, so you need to take regular breaks for rest.
  2. . This is a very old superstition: psychics claim that the evil spirits saw brand new things, so they tried to “pick up” them in their greedy paws and “wear” them as soon as possible. Thus, a terrible curse could be attracted to the expectant mother and her child. The real explanation: earlier, the mortality rate among newborns was extremely high, while things were expensive and might not be useful. Thrifty people tried to avoid unnecessary spending. Of course, in our days, infant mortality has decreased significantly, but the hectic life often does not allow you to prepare for the appearance of a child after childbirth. Therefore, good housewives try to purchase everything in advance.

What not to do when pregnant: other folk signs

It is contraindicated for a pregnant woman to visit the cemetery

There are a large number of superstitions among the people that prohibit pregnant women from doing various things. These include the following signs:

  • It is impossible for a woman to stand or sit on the threshold: he serves as a conductor between evil spirits and guardian angels. And the unborn child does not have its own heavenly "protector" and at this moment is very vulnerable. From the point of view of doctors, strong drafts are formed that are dangerous to health.
  • You can’t attend funerals and visit the cemetery: these are joyless trips that do not carry any positive energy. In addition, pregnant women carry their child under their hearts, which the dead can take away.
  • You can not look at the fire: the fire causes stressful condition and a strong fear even ordinary people. Pregnant women, all the more, should not subject themselves to this serious test, so as not to worry once again.
  • You can not look at any manifestations of deformity and mutilation: it is believed that a woman in labor in this way projects deformity on her unborn child. The baby may be born with significant health problems, worst case- disability.
  • It is impossible to swear during a pregnant woman: it is believed that if the expectant mother hears bad words, then the child may appear dark spots and noticeable moles. The scolding was originally laid down bad energy causing stress to the mother.
  • Do not dry your face or hands after washing. kitchen towel. Popular superstition says that then all his life the baby will suffer from abundant saliva.
  • You can not be photographed during pregnancy: in the old days it was believed that the static position of a woman in labor could lead to a slow development of the child in the womb or stop it altogether. Today, this has been refuted, but you still need to protect yourself from unnecessary personnel.
  • : it was believed that in this way it can be changed. But in our time, the statement is not recognized as correct and has no power for a pregnant woman.
  • A pregnant woman should not steal: it was believed that in the future a mark would appear on the face of a baby in the form of someone else's property appropriated.
  • You can’t quench your thirst by drinking water from a bucket: a newborn baby develops frequent and unpleasant heartburn.
  • Do not harm animals: the child often becomes aggressive, nervous or irritable. Psychologists agree with this statement.
  • A pregnant woman should not spit, look at carrion or rotten meat - a child born in the future will smell bad from her mouth.
  • You can’t sleep enough and quarrel with your mother-in-law - in the first case, this can lead to sleep disturbance in the baby, in the second - to a curse on women in the family.

What not to do during pregnancy: church folk signs

You can't be a godmother during pregnancy

Many pregnant women who are expecting a baby and regularly attend church take the following signs for pregnant women seriously:

  • It is not recommended to remove the pectoral cross future mother during pregnancy or upcoming childbirth - it protects from evil spirits and envious glances.
  • You can’t become a godmother during pregnancy: this portends a quick death to the baby who is going to be baptized.
  • Can't get carried away magic rituals and fortune-telling: these activities willingly attract evil spirits, which will try to stay near the mother and child.

There are other signs that a woman should not do during pregnancy, so as not to harm herself and the baby with wrong actions. Some prohibitions are imposed on the surrounding people.

People often wonder why it is impossible to offend pregnant women - folk signs say that the evil done against the woman in labor will return many times over. It is also curious why pregnant women should not be refused - the sign says that mice or moths will definitely start up in the house of the "miser".

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps you have been tainted with money. This amulet will help to remove lack of money

Superstitions of pregnant women

As long as humanity exists, so many exist different signs and superstition. Those phenomena that a person could not explain with the help of reason, he attributed to otherworldly forces. It is clear that over time a fairly detailed system of superstitions has developed for any life event. In our time, we listen to some signs. It gives some psychological peace. This is especially true for a pregnant woman. The expectant mother becomes more suspicious, just in case, trying to insure herself and the baby from several sides. Many expectant mothers, including me, hide their pregnancy until the last moment, do not buy baby things in advance, look closely at the shape of the abdomen. To believe or not to believe in superstition is a personal matter for everyone. But be sure to listen to your doctor antenatal clinic.

Many are worried about what gender their baby will be:

  1. A boy will be born if hairs have grown on the abdomen. Today, such an edge is explained increased amount male hormones in a woman's body when she is expecting a boy.
  2. If the stomach is a cucumber (sticks out sharply), then it will be a boy.
  3. Mom has a slow heartbeat.
  4. The child behaves calmly in the stomach, spins a little
  5. No early toxicosis. So the first trimester was easy.
  6. If the expectant mother walks on the left foot.
  1. A wide belly indicates that there will be a girl. Although such a belly may indicate that the child is simply lying sideways.
  2. A girl steals beauty from her mother. It is believed that age spots and swelling appear on the face.
  3. Mommy has a fast heartbeat
  4. The baby in the abdomen is restless and pushes.
  5. A pregnant woman has early toxicosis.
  6. If the expectant mother walks on her right foot


  1. The expectant mother is forbidden to sew, cut, patch. According to popular signs, they believe that such actions can lead to the appearance of moles in a child. While sewing, a woman can cut herself or prick herself with a needle. This makes her scared. This is the kind of damage that needlework can cause. Maybe that's why there was a belief that moles will appear.
  2. It is forbidden to sit on the threshold. Including it is impossible to step over such things as a broom or a log. The threshold cannot be crossed, as you go beyond your "home" world into someone else's. On the other hand, there are drafts on the threshold, which are not useful for a pregnant woman. By popular superstitions a brownie lives in a broom and stepping over it can incur his wrath. In addition, stepping over objects, you can stumble.
  3. A lot of red berries eaten by the expectant mother will lead to the baby being born ruddy. This statement can be substantiated by the fact that, being allergenic products, red berries in in large numbers eaten by a pregnant woman can cause diathesis in a newborn. And diathesis is most often manifested in redness on the body and face.
  4. You can't raise your hands. It is still a very popular belief. It is believed that the baby will become entangled in the umbilical cord. Doctors also advise avoiding raising your hands. Since this can lead to premature birth due to untimely outpouring of amniotic fluid.
  5. You can't cut your hair. Cut off the child. This means, according to popular beliefs, that there may be a miscarriage or premature birth. This superstition is connected with the fact that hair personifies the life force of a person. Cutting hair means becoming weaker and more vulnerable according to popular beliefs.
  6. You can not cross your legs and sit cross-legged. By the way, doctors also do not recommend expectant mothers to sit in this position. After all, the mother's body during this period is prone to such an ailment as varicose veins veins. And the “foot for foot” pose worsens the normal blood supply. In the old days, it was believed that from this a child would be born with a clubfoot.
  7. According to signs, you can not sleep on your back. It is believed that the child may suffocate. This sign is not without common sense. Doctors do not recommend pregnant women to sleep on their backs, as the inferior vena cava is compressed. This leads to disruption of normal blood flow.
  8. You can't look at the ugly. A pregnant woman is forbidden to look at terrible things, mutilated people, watch horror films. It is believed that this will affect the appearance of the child. But there is a rationale for this. Mom should not be afraid, because the baby feels everything that the mother does. It is necessary to arrive in a good, calm state, admire harmonious paintings (Dali's canvases are unlikely to fit), listen to beautiful music. The main thing is that what you see and hear causes joy and pleasure. Positive emotions are essential expectant mother no less than vitamins.
  9. Expectant mother is not allowed to play with cats. It is believed that this will lead to the fact that the child will have many enemies. Today it is known that a cat can become a carrier of toxoplasmosis, which is dangerous for the human nervous system. If you have a pet, you need to take him to the vet and have him tested for toxoplasmosis. After all, if the virus enters the blood of a pregnant woman, then this can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  10. You can not knit, sew, weave. Otherwise, the baby will get tangled in the umbilical cord.
  11. It is necessary to hide the pregnancy as long as possible. This is done so that no one jinxes it. Until now, many pregnant women hide their position for a long time. This is a personal matter for everyone. Moreover, the first half of pregnancy, the abdomen is almost invisible and you can not talk about your position. In the old days, they were afraid that the forces of evil would take the child away. After all, most miscarriages occur in the first trimester.
  12. Orthodox Church prohibits the sex of the child before birth.
  13. The expectant mother should not eat on the sly. It is believed that the baby will then be thieving or will be afraid of everything. Most likely, this sign came from the fact that a pregnant woman often has an addiction to unusual products. The woman is embarrassed by her increased appetite and hides it by hiding with food in the corners. But don't do it, otherwise nutrients won't get it, but nervous system will suffer.
  14. You can't comb your hair on Fridays. Thus, one can offend Paraxeva Friday. And she will not help during childbirth.
  15. You can not take pictures and draw the expectant mother. It is believed that the child will stop in its development in the state in which the pregnant woman is depicted.
  16. You can not buy things for a newborn in advance. According to legend, evil spirits will inhabit the body of a child. Although the dowry for the newborn from time immemorial was prepared in advance with their own hands.
  17. Meet a pregnant woman for success.
  18. To see a pregnant woman in a dream is good luck.
  19. If a pregnant woman hits a cow 3 times with her apron, then that (cow) will become better at calving.
  20. You can not eat food "twins". For example, eggs with 2 yolks, fused fruits, etc. Since, according to superstitious signs, twins could be born
  21. You can’t say before the birth what you will name the child, so that the demons do not kidnap him.
  22. If a pregnant woman touches her face, then the baby will have birthmarks.
  23. It is impossible, frightened, to grab the face or body. It was believed that in these places the child will have birthmarks.
  24. You can not say the possible date of birth. It was believed that in this case, childbirth will be easier.
  25. You can not step over the fruits growing in the ground (carrots, potatoes, beets, etc.). Because the dead are buried in the ground. It was believed that the earth could take the soul of a child.
  26. If the expectant mother is poured with water, then it will rain according to folk signs.

Attention! It is important!

All information in the article, as well as norms and tables are presented for general information only. It does not give grounds to self-diagnose or prescribe treatment on their own. Always consult a doctor!

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Nastya34 16.03.2018 19:27
Most important signs for pregnant women: what should not be done to pregnant women, what are the warnings and rules during pregnancy, conspiracies for easy childbirth and other necessary information for expectant mothers here:

soff 01.09.2016 14:36
Why do you write all such nervous comments about this article if you don’t believe in superstition?) Well, you don’t agree - so read and close, laugh, I don’t know, cheer yourself up somehow)) You need to receive positive emotions from everywhere. It is very informative, by the way, to find out what our ancestors thought. After all, all these superstitions are not taken from empty space, this is the rich cultural heritage of our ancestors, who explained what was happening as best they could, being unable to explain it in a different scientific way.
So relax and enjoy :)

Diana 16.05.2016 21:46
An excellent composition for women who want to have children. I, myself, once took all these herbs to give birth to a child. Only at that time there were no such ready-made preparations and therefore I collected, bought in pharmacies and prepared it myself. And here is already a perfectly balanced remedy with all the necessary plants, you don’t have to think about how much and what to put. Just brew and drink. I just recommend.

Nastya 19.12.2015 19:37
I recommend an excellent article about signs and rules for pregnant women

Karinka 15.09.2015 11:05
Prejudice is one thing, but stupidity is quite another. My relatives urged me not to buy a stroller prematurely. But it's good that they are not
listened, went with my husband, took a closer look and now we are traveling with our son through the park in
his wonderful stroller anex and everything is fine with us. In any case, no one has yet canceled common sense.

Kira 19.01.2013 20:50
I’ll argue about cutting hair - a pregnant woman went and cut her hair below her shoulders, her daughter is already 18 and her hair doesn’t grow longer at all - what the hell she did

In this article:

At first glance, beliefs and signs have long become a relic of the past, and few women can heed advice that does not correspond to the life of our time. However, in the process of communication, it turns out that many expectant mothers not only study old beliefs with pleasure, but also clearly follow them, despite possible condemnation from the outside. One way or another, but it is worth paying attention to signs for pregnant women, sometimes they can help not only save the future baby, but also find out who he will be.

Folk signs for pregnant women: a boy or a girl?

To determine who will be born - a boy or a girl - just look at your behavioral characteristics or take a closer look at food preferences.
A boy is born:

  • low position and acute form abdomen
  • sleep on the left side;
  • fast growing hair on the legs;
  • preference for salty foods.

A girl is born:

  • high position and round belly;
  • sleep on the right side;
  • dry skin, age spots;
  • preference for sweets.

Signs for pregnant women before childbirth

A few days before delivery, the expectant mother needs to be more careful about her dreams. It is prophetic dreams that will tell mom about upcoming birth, including details that must be taken quite seriously. Before sending to the hospital, there are several beliefs.

  • it is necessary to open all the windows and vents in the house so that the birth takes place without difficulty;
  • do not rock an empty crib prepared for an unborn baby;
  • a woman in labor should untie all the knots on her clothes or hair (it is believed that the knot can contribute to the entanglement of the umbilical cord of the child).

What not to do during pregnancy:

  • sit on the threshold (according to popular beliefs, the threshold is the border of the transition to other worlds, so you should not sit on it);
  • step over animals, especially cats (the child will be born with subcutaneous hair on the back, which will interfere with his sleep);
  • beat and offend pregnant animals (will affect the health of the child);
  • cut hair (it is believed that bangs cut during pregnancy can contribute to the birth of a girl, and not a desired boy);
  • to knit, sewing and doing needlework - these activities can lead to entanglement of the child with the umbilical cord.

Can pregnant women go to the cemetery?

It should be especially noted that, according to folk signs, pregnant women should never go to the cemetery or participate in the funeral. It is believed that bad entities live on the graveyard or directly next to the deceased, which have a negative effect on the energy of the child, and in some cases can contribute to a bad birth or death of the baby.

Why should pregnant women not be denied?

According to folk signs, pregnant women should not be denied their requests. It is believed that by not giving a pregnant woman a loan, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to be rich and successful.
Perhaps these are just beliefs, but on the other hand, pregnant women should not worry, negative emotions and stress are contraindicated for her. Your refusal can cause the woman to release stress hormones and adrenaline, which will adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Previously, it was believed that such a situation is dangerous for the unborn baby. There is a risk of entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck and suffocation. Actually it is not.
However, modern medical research has revealed that pregnant women should not stand with their hands up for a long time. In this position, the flow of oxygen to the fetus is reduced, which can even cause oxygen starvation. In addition, the pregnant woman herself can become ill from prolonged standing with her hands up, even fainting is possible.

Why can't pregnant women cut their hair and dye their hair?

In ancient times, our ancestors believed that hair stored the life force of a person. And if you cut your hair, then the strength becomes weaker. And if a pregnant woman cuts her hair, then there is even a risk of giving birth to a premature or dead baby. In fact, this is just a superstition.
It is undesirable to dye your hair during gestation, as this can harm the fetus. The risk of such consequences is small, but it is better not to risk it. If you really want to change the image, then you can use natural colors, for example, henna or basma.
To believe signs or not is a personal matter for each of us. In any case, you should listen to your inner voice and intuition, and act in accordance with them.

Signs for pregnant women: video

"Do not buy! Don't take pictures! Don't hang laundry! Do not go! Do not say! Don't sit down! Don't pick it up! Do not eat! Do not drink!" - all these prohibitions and advice are poured on a pregnant woman from all sides, from grandmothers, sisters, aunts, girlfriends. What to do, is it worth paying attention to all these tips? Yes, it's worth it!

As a rule, all signs are divided into two groups:

  • signs with a real basis,
  • and baseless superstitions.

Signs to listen to

- You can not eat red, as the child will also be red. This sign should be interpreted as follows: if during pregnancy eat exotic fruits growing in other countries, this can cause the baby to develop allergic reaction and subsequently persistent allergies.

Most a high degree allergens have fruits of red color. It is best to eat fruits that grow in your environment during pregnancy.

- No need to hang clothes. Enough for a long time it was believed that by raising her hands up, the mother makes room for the baby. As a result, starting active movements, the baby can get tangled in the umbilical cord. Today, gynecologists say that the size of the umbilical cord depends on genetics .

And yet, this position has some drawbacks, namely, it provokes a violation in the provision of oxygen to the child, and also increases tone, which can lead to shedding of amniotic fluid and cause premature birth. Therefore, hanging clothes during pregnancy really should be entrusted to someone else.

- Don't knit during pregnancy as the baby will get tangled in the umbilical cord. Knitting like another sedentary work , has its drawbacks in the form of circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of knitting, but you need to do it in moderation. We must not forget about the obligatory walks in the fresh air.

- Pregnancy should be hidden until the appearance of the abdomen. Thanks to this sign, you can protect yourself from unnecessary explanations to others if the pregnancy is terminated.

- You can not tell anyone about the date of future births. This sign is aimed at supporting both sides. First of all, this will save you from the evil eye, and secondly, you will not be asked questions about whether you have already given birth or not.

- A pregnant woman should not see unpleasant, frightening animals and people. The meaning of this sign is the same as that of the one that advises a pregnant woman to look only at pleasant things, because this provides positive emotions, uplifting mood.

- Do not swear when pregnant, as the child may have a birthmark.

- Do not refuse food to a pregnant woman, as this can lead to difficult childbirth.

- A pregnant woman should not sit cross-legged, as the child will be clubfoot(due to circulatory disorders in the legs).

- Do not sleep on your back, as the child may suffocate(compression syndrome of the inferior vena cava).

Of course, one cannot believe all the signs word for word, and yet some of them really carry a warning for the expectant mother.


Today there are many signs that no longer make any sense. As a rule, they are related to some religious rites, symbols or obsolete signs.

These include the following:

- Do not prepare a dowry for a baby during pregnancy. This sign has two reasons. First of all, once the dowry was made independently, and again this process consisted of sedentary work that was harmful to the pregnant woman.

Had this sign and symbolic meaning, after all, the child must be in the clothes. And otherworldly forces can enter clothes prepared in advance, and the baby will not use the clothes.

Today, many pregnant women are engaged in the purchase of a dowry. It's so nice to go shopping in search of what you really want. In addition, these walks have a positive effect on both the physical and emotional condition mothers.

If you decide to listen to this sign and not buy anything, then imagine what situation your loved ones will find themselves in. After all, they will be forced to clean the apartment without you, buy everything you need for the first time for the baby, and you are unlikely to like all the things purchased without you.

There is another group of superstitions that are irrelevant today:

doppelgänger related

The ban on photography of a pregnant mother, according to which the development of the child can stop like on film, negative attitude to naming the baby by the names of the father, brother, sister. The ban on rocking an empty cradle.

Related to hair magic

Signs that prohibit pregnant women from cutting their hair and hair child before the age of one . Since the life force of the hair is hidden in the hair, their deprivation means a loss of energy.

Signs and superstitions of pregnant women /

The following signs are also associated with hair:

  • If the wax with the baby's hair sinks in the font, then the child may soon die.
  • A pregnant woman should not comb her hair on Friday.
  • During childbirth hair must be untied.

Signs related to the earth

According to ancient custom, a pregnant woman was considered a symbol of fertility, wealth, harvest. She was associated with the earth, and as a result, the following beliefs appeared:

  • To call rain, a pregnant woman needs to be doused with water.
  • A pregnant woman should not step over earthen fruits, as this can provoke a miscarriage.
  • You can simplify the calving of a cow if a pregnant woman hits her with an apron.

Who are we waiting for?

Our ancestors did not have the opportunity to determine the sex of the baby using ultrasound, and therefore were guided by some beliefs.

Most parents also adhere to signs that forbid visiting a newborn child for forty days after his birth. Despite the fact that this sign is based on mysticism, today it is justified important requirements hygiene.

Laughter-inducing legends

Folk omens very naive and simple. In some cases they do carry useful information, and in some - only cause laughter. So, according to the sign, the tooth that fell out of the child must be thrown into the corner for the mouse. She will take him there, and then the baby will grow a new and strong tooth. But who can know what bites are in a mouse.

Signs are also funny, which prohibit drying children's clothes in the yard at night, do not allow pregnant women to climb through the window and step over the log.

After all, it’s not so easy to meet a log on your way today and hang out the laundry in the yard to dry. high-rise building. But still, it must be remembered that these beliefs have a very long history and they were really very important.

Most of us do not trust and do not even believe in superstitions, as well as various signs, but still, when a woman is expecting a baby, she wants him to be healthy, so you have to believe in everything existing signs for pregnant. As a result, an incomprehensible nervous state, fear for the life of the baby, so expectant mothers sometimes perform all sorts of stupid things or various rituals. In order to get rid of this type of fear, it is necessary to understand in detail what signs and superstitions mean for pregnant women.

Signs and superstitions

First of all, it is worth understanding what causes the occurrence various signs. It is hard to imagine a woman who will wait for nine whole months to find out who will be - a boy or a girl. As a result, the girls try different ways satisfy your interest. And if we add to this desire also hormonal imbalance, then it is not at all surprising that there are so many different signs.

Signs for pregnant women were invented for one purpose - to calm the woman, as well as to satisfy her curiosity. So these superstitions do not carry any danger. How to treat them, the woman must decide for herself. But do not forget that signs and superstitions are good, just do not forget about the antenatal clinic, tests, obstetricians - gynecologists. One must learn to distinguish between absurd omens and instructive advice. So, for example, it is better not to sleep in an uncomfortable position and to activate physical activity, since the baby can actually get tangled in the umbilical cord or choke in the amniotic fluid. In order for the process to go well and it is better to check with the doctor, and not rely on ancient signs.

What not to do when pregnant

What can not be done to pregnant folk signs describe, it is up to you to believe this or not:
  1. It is advisable to refuse to photograph or draw portraits of a pregnant woman, since the image is static, which means that the existence of the baby may be interrupted. This is a traditional superstition and has nothing to do with real reality.
  2. It is advisable not to save children's things at home and not to buy them during pregnancy, as dark forces can curse the child's things and call for the performance of certain deeds.
  3. Most people believe that if you touch the face, the child will be covered. birthmarks. Therefore, it is worth controlling the movement of your hands. But this is all just superstition.
  4. Signs for pregnant women say that it is impossible to find out the sex of the child in advance, as this is completely contrary to the foundations of the church. Provoking a miscarriage, as well as an abortion, is also considered very terrible.
  5. It is best not to sleep on your back, as this can make it difficult for your child to breathe and may suffocate. In the case of a significant increase in the uterus or when squeezing the inferior pudendal vein, a woman may lose consciousness as a result of the clamped blood flow.
  6. If you prefer to sit cross-legged, then the baby may end up with crooked legs. This position does not affect the shape of the baby's legs in any way, but can cause varicose veins.
  7. Do not raise your arms high, hang curtains or linen, as the umbilical cord can wrap around the baby's neck. This applies to those moments when the baby is very nimble, and the umbilical cord is very long. At the fifth month of pregnancy, you should not raise your hands too high, because it has bad influence on amniotic fluid which can lead to miscarriage.
  8. In ancient times, great attention was paid to the external beauty of a woman, so it was forbidden to cut hair during pregnancy. A few decades ago, hair saved people from severe cold, so if they were cut, their well-being worsened and life expectancy decreased.
  9. Signs for pregnant women report that it is best to refuse to watch horror films, as well as scary, mythical monsters. The child perfectly feels the feeling of fear, as a result of which he can react to moments that are unpleasant for him. It is best to visit parks, exhibitions, watch positive films that are filled with positive energy.
  10. Can pregnant women knit? This question worries every needlewoman. Previously, this was forbidden to do, as this can lead to entanglement of the umbilical cord. But this is just a superstition. If this happened, then every second pregnancy would have such a result.
  11. go to a funeral
  12. Stroking a cat
  13. go to church

Boy pregnancy signs

Signs for pregnant women on the sex of the child are gaining more and more popularity, since it will not be possible to hide from female curiosity. Back in the 17th century, a doctor from Azerbaijan suggested determining gender in this way: you need to drop milk on a piece of cotton wool, dip it into water, and if you dip the piece under water, then a son will be born. It is also believed that a woman who wears a boy has a much better complexion and the process of pregnancy is much easier. When carrying a boy, there are no scratches, wounds on the legs, and the legs do not swell.

Pregnancy with a boy can be recognized thanks to a thread and a needle. To do this, you need to thread the needle and raise it above the palm so that the needle looks at the palm and now you need to look in which direction it staggers. If the thread sways across the palm, then you should expect a boy, and if along, then a girl. In the same way, you can drive over your stomach, and if the thread with the needle sways with a pendulum, then there will be a girl, and if there are circular motions then you should expect a boy. A huge number of people believe in this custom, even those who have higher education.

Also, signs for pregnant women say that if the stomach is pulled forward, then there will be a boy. You can highlight the main signs that show that a boy will be born:

  1. Belly sticks out sharply
  2. Hair appeared on the abdomen - this is associated with an increase in the male hormone in the woman's body
  3. Expectant mother walks on her left foot
  4. Mom has a slow heartbeat
  5. The child leads a sedentary lifestyle
  6. No early toxicosis

Pregnancy signs for a girl

It is generally accepted that if a girl is pregnant with a girl, then she changes greatly in appearance. Often, pregnancy by a girl is characterized by constant toxicosis, poor health, and nausea. A woman very quickly begins to gain weight in the hips and buttocks, her breasts increase significantly.

During the bearing of a girl, the pulse increases to 140 beats per minute, which is a lot for healthy person. Changes in the skin are observed - it becomes drier, age spots may appear. There is a great desire to eat everything that is cooked with meat. In addition, during pregnancy, a girl's memory deteriorates, and the visual memory. If climbing the stairs, you try to stretch your left leg, then you should expect a girl, and if you are right, then a boy. Now take a closer look at your hands, if you turned them upside down, then there will be a girl, and if you look at upper part then a boy.

If you can remember when your baby was conceived and where you were turned, you can also find out the sex of the baby. If the face was turned to the north, then a girl, and if to the south, then a boy.

The main signs for pregnant women who are expecting girls:
  1. Wide belly.
  2. The baby in the womb is active, constantly pushing.
  3. There are age spots, as well as swelling, as it is customary to believe that the daughter takes beauty away from her mother.
  4. Cardiopalmus.
  5. The presence of early toxicosis.
Despite all the distrust, signs for pregnant women can somehow magically calm and protect against evil forces. So, for example, you should not allow strangers to stroke the belly of a pregnant woman, since it is not clear what kind of energy a person carries in himself and how he can harm the baby.

Many girls are concerned about the question is it possible? Naturally, it is possible, only in a small amount, since it contributes to weight gain, which means that the fetus increases, which can contribute to difficult childbirth. Also, as a result of eating grapes, a fermentation process can begin in the stomach, which is characterized by diarrhea and heaviness in the stomach.

In ancient times, they believed that it was impossible to offend a pregnant woman, since this person was in for huge troubles, and maybe even infertility. If you did not share food with a pregnant woman or denied her food, then poverty awaits you. As a result of the dismissal of a pregnant girl, the company may soon close, because people believed that a pregnant girl is the judgment of God.

In addition, women believe that it is not worth telling everyone that "", since pregnancy is a sacrament that must be protected from evil eyes. There are also signs of pregnancy for a non-pregnant woman.

Signs for pregnant women were created in order to explain some of the processes taking place in the life of a girl, as well as to calm her down.

Now it's up to you to believe it or ignore it. As practice shows, some signs still work, and some do not. Despite this, most experts argue that there is no connection between the passage of pregnancy and the determination of the sex of the unborn baby. How many people existed, so many different opinions and signs. Often those events that a person could not explain with the help of reason, he threw on otherworldly forces.