Important tips for cutting hair. Is it possible to get a haircut on a full moon

There are many signs about cutting hair. Creating a new image due to certain factors can be a positive or negative action for a person. What should be remembered when cutting hair so as not to disturb the energy balance and karmic aura?

For centuries, hair has been considered a talisman and the main sign of human beauty. The sages are sure that extraordinary power, magic and deity are hidden in them. By performing the ritual of cutting strands, a person can influence his fate, even radically change it.

There is a belief that hair should not be cut in the evening, after sunset. The ban sounds very convincing - so as not to shorten your life, not to curtail your happiness, not to frighten off your fate.

If you cut your hair late at night, you can lose your luck and physical strength, because human hair is a heavenly blessing, a connection with mystical creatures (which is lost during circumcision).

Attention! All these facts are stated by the ancient Slavic philosophy, and therefore believe it or not - the wish of everyone. The main thing is to tune in a positive mood and believe yourself that after the haircut everything will be just fine!

Modern Warnings! Doctors strongly do not recommend haircuts before traveling to the sea, because climate change increases the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the scalp, increasing the load and thereby worsening the quality of the hair.

Hair is not just an adornment of a man and a woman, it absorbs energy and reflects the power of personality. By the state of the hair, one can determine the success and inner potential of each.

If an unfavorable streak has come in life, then you need to cut off the ends on the growing moon or it is best to make a short haircut, then the negative energy will leave the body even once, and a positive attitude will come to replace it.

Folk signs will tell you which day to choose for a haircut. Lucky days fall on:

  • First Saturday of the month;
  • Full moon days;
  • Wednesday on the eve of Maundy Thursday;
  • 9,15,23 or 29 lunar days;
  • The waning moon (although the hair grows slowly, it becomes thicker, the problem with hair loss disappears).

In Orthodoxy, the 7th day of the week is a day off, and therefore on Sunday it is strictly forbidden not only to have a haircut, but also to perform any household work. After such a rash step, conflict with loved ones cannot be avoided.

A haircut on the growing moon will ensure the rapid growth of strands, however, it is forbidden to carry out this procedure on the new moon - a person shortens his own life. A newborn child should be trimmed only for the growing moon, in order to avoid problems with baldness in the future.

On a note! Our ancestors used cut strands as amulets - they stuffed pillows with them or carried them with them to protect themselves from the evil eye.

A person himself is powerful over his own destiny, and therefore it is better not to risk your own safety. The most dangerous haircut will be on the days of big holidays, when the church forbids doing ordinary things.

Also, it is not recommended to trust a stranger with a haircut, depriving yourself of cosmic energy, violating the human biofield. It is forbidden to wash the cut strands with water, it is best to burn it under a green tree, so as not to transfer your energy power to anyone.

Getting a haircut on your own is a bad omen, after such actions it is difficult to find harmony and balance in all areas of life. Changing the image during personal cutting of strands leads to a deterioration in well-being, long-term illnesses.

It is best to trust your hair to a positive and experienced master who does not outwardly cause negativity. It is desirable that the specialist be of the same sex as the one whom she cuts (so as not to disturb the balance of family relations).

Many signs have lost their relevance today, turned out to be debunked by scientific knowledge. But whatever it is, cutting your hair in the evening or late at night is a bad sign and you shouldn’t rely on it!

Take care of your strands and be happy!

When people ask me whether it is possible to get a haircut on Sunday, I answer in the negative. And I myself go to the hairdresser most often on other days of the week. The last day of the week is very unfavorable for any changes in appearance. In the article I will tell you how the time of a haircut affects your energy field and life in general.

Popular rumor has an unequivocal opinion about Sunday haircuts: you can’t cut your hair on the last day of the week. Also, you should not make any other cardinal changes in appearance, it is better to postpone them until a more favorable day.

What happens if you cut your curls on Sunday:

  1. Huge damage will be done to your energy field. A huge gap will appear in it, through which your vital energy will begin to flow. And it will not be easy to patch up this hole later.
  2. With scissors, you will not only cut your hair, but also break the connection with your guardian angel. Therefore, you risk being left without the invisible support of the Higher Forces.
  3. There is a sign that you can lose your luck, even if you were a very lucky person before the haircut.

Conclusion: postpone visiting the hairdresser for another, more favorable time, if you do not want to get in trouble and lose your luck, lose your vitality and energy.

Is it possible to cut hair on Sunday according to the Vedas

According to the Vedas, the energy power of a woman is contained in the hair. Therefore, the time of the haircut can greatly affect her life. But it is better to choose the days suitable for going to the hairdresser not according to the days of the week, but according to the lunar cycle.

Some interesting facts about the connection of hairstyles with the internal state of a woman:

  1. Loose hair is a sign of sexuality. But it is advisable to dissolve them only at home. Outside the walls of your apartment, walking with loose curls through the streets, you become more vulnerable, spilling your feminine power.
  2. If you collect part of the hair and let the rest loosen, the vulnerability to the outside world decreases, but you become unable to accumulate and accumulate your feminine energy.
  3. The tail at the back of the head adds to the character of rigidity. This is the perfect hairstyle if you need focus, you need to make an important decision. But there may be problems in the family - with such an internal state of rigidity, you will begin to command children and your husband.
  4. The best hairstyle for a woman, from the point of view of the Vedas, is a braid. She adds to the inner state of femininity, security, fills with soft, gentle energy. And thoughts remain clear, strength is added.
  5. Two pigtails are introduced into the state of a little girl, the mood becomes playful, flirtatious.

And the most suitable time to update the hairstyle can be gained using knowledge about the influence of the phases of the moon:

  • On the growing moon - curls will grow strong, strong, healthy.
  • On the growing Moon in the sign of Leo - the density will increase, in the sign of Virgo - they will become long.

These days only happen a few times a year, so it's best to schedule your haircut or trim in advance. The day of the week doesn't matter.

When to cut your hair?

Our ancestors have accumulated knowledge for centuries about how the time of a haircut affects fate, karma and the course of life in general. Great-grandmothers, grandmothers noticed that on certain days it is better not to take scissors in hand, so as not to get problems.

What do the folk tales say?

  1. If you were born on Monday, then the most successful days for you are from Thursday to Saturday.
  2. Tuesday - avoid getting a haircut on Friday and Monday, but the rest of the week is perfect.
  3. On Wednesday - unfavorable days for you - Thursday and Saturday.
  4. On Thursday - do not cut your hair on Wednesday, but feel free to go to the hairdresser on even days of the week.
  5. Those born on Friday should have their hair cut on Thursday or Saturday, and Tuesday will bring a lot of trouble.
  6. Saturday - Sunday is a terrible day for you, it is better to change your hairstyle on Fridays.
  7. And Sunday birthdays should not get their hair cut only on Monday, the rest of the week is neutral.

If you are a believer, then you can ignore signs. The church is extremely negative about superstitions. But Orthodoxy also has its own rules regarding hair cutting. You can not have your hair cut on church holidays, especially those that fall on Sunday. Even combing hair is strictly prohibited.

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It is worth saying that for many people a haircut is not a simple trip to the hairdresser, it is a whole ritual, surrounded by secrets and signs. It is believed that performing a haircut on any particular day can both help and harm a person. If you carefully follow the signs, then cutting your hair on a certain day of the week or time of day can help solve some problems or make you a little happier. Today we will try to figure out what days are good for visiting a hairdresser, when you can’t cut your hair categorically, is it possible to cut your own hair and relatives’ hair, and so on.

Haircut and lunar calendar

The lunar calendar can be helpful in choosing the right day for a new haircut. So, you can choose from the week the very day on which you should plan a trip to the hairdresser.

The first day of the lunar cycle is the only day when hair contact with scissors is strictly prohibited. It is believed that violation of this prohibition can provoke a losing streak after the procedure.

As for the period from 2 to 11 days, there are also some prohibitions. The fact is that even minor changes in the length of the hair made these days can change your life dramatically. And you will never know what kind of changes it will be, positive or negative, so if you do not want to tempt fate, it is better to refuse a haircut on Friday.

As for the 13th day of the lunar cycle, new haircuts on this day are considered quite successful, since this number marks the beginning of a new stage in life. The remaining days are neutral days, whether to cut your hair on these days or not is only your decision.

The position of the moon when choosing a day for a haircut

If you want to decide which day is best to visit a hairdresser, you should pay attention to the position of the moon, namely in which zodiac sign it is located.

  • If the light is in Aries, this is not the best day for a haircut. It is believed that trimming on this day can significantly worsen the state of immunity.
  • The Moon is in Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo. All three signs of the zodiac indicate the onset of a favorable time to visit a haircut master, it is believed that hair after such haircuts grows faster, looks healthy and shiny.
  • If the Moon is in Libra or Gemini, this is also a good time for a haircut, as well as for a radical change of image. It is believed that all the changes that have occurred at this time will be positive and successful.
  • Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer or Pisces. Try not to cut your hair during this period, as this will lead to a deterioration in their quality, they may begin to fall out and split. Do not cut your hair before the moon sets in the next phase.
  • Moon in Leo. This is a good time for a change, and it is believed that shortening your hair during this period will help you overcome life's difficulties and cope with depression after a haircut, if any.
  • Light in Scorpio. If you get a haircut on such a day, it can cause a deterioration in relations with the opposite sex, so it is better to postpone the visit to the hairdresser for another, more favorable day.
  • If the Moon is in Sagittarius, haircuts at this time will contribute to professional success and help you move up the career ladder.
  • If the Moon is in the constellation of Aquarius, this is the most unfavorable time for a haircut, it is believed that this can cause illness.

Where is the best place to get a haircut?

Not only is it necessary to choose a good master with positive reviews about his work for a haircut, the choice of a place for cutting is also important. What is meant? We all know that hairdressers work both in beauty salons and at home. According to signs and beliefs, it is not recommended to cut hair in someone else's house, because after the procedure you leave energy in it.

When deciding where it is better to get a haircut, it is better to give preference to your own home or beauty salon, so you can be sure that damage or evil eye will not be committed on you. By the way, if you suspect such an effect on yourself, stand in front of the mirror in the evening, take your hair in your right hand and say the following words in a whisper:

“Straight to strand, fie on you, let all the bad things go away for you, but the sun will remain with me.”

Can you cut your own hair?

According to popular beliefs and folk signs about when to cut your hair and who should do it, it is strictly forbidden to shorten your hair on your own, neither the day nor the phase of the moon matters here. The fact is that the violation of this rule can lead to the onset of serious health problems, as well as a series of other troubles throughout the year. People who regularly cut their own hair look tired, often depressed and have trouble communicating with the opposite sex.

This is explained by the fact that with the help of scissors you destroy your biofield and connection with higher powers. In addition, the emergence of financial problems is not ruled out. The spiritual part of you also suffers, you can feel an inner emptiness, a lack of something very important. You can avoid all these troubles, just do not cut your curls yourself, entrust this business to professionals.

There is an opinion that along with the hair that a person cuts off to himself, life expectancy is shortened.

Is it possible to cut your relatives

Many are interested in whether it is possible to cut the hair of relatives and, accordingly, use their services. This is strictly prohibited. If a mother or father cuts the hair of children, then they shorten the life of their child with their own hands. If the opposite happens, that is, a daughter or son cuts their parents' hair, they deprive their life of happiness.

In Russian beliefs and traditions, one can often find references to prohibitions on cutting hair by relatives. It is believed that these violate the human biofield, and it is extremely difficult to restore it. Except for relatives, it is not advisable to cut your husband's or wife's hair, it is equivalent to cutting your own hair.

Is it possible to get a haircut while pregnant

Based on popular beliefs and will accept about haircuts, pregnant women and nursing mothers are strictly forbidden to cut their hair throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and preferably until the moment the child is baptized. When cutting hair length, you cut the invisible thread that binds a mother to her child. Moreover, there is a possibility of the birth of a dead child. Even if you have never considered yourself a superstitious person, it is still better to wait and postpone the haircut until a later time, when the child is born.

Another danger that arises from cutting the mother's hair during pregnancy is the premature birth of a child or an increased risk of a caesarean section. There is also an opinion that untimely cutting of hair can affect the sex of the baby. Thus, if you want a girl, a boy will be born and vice versa.

Examples about hair related to study

There are a number of signs about whether to cut hair or not, which are often used by schoolchildren and students on the eve of exams. It is believed that a haircut can negatively affect the results of the assessment. So, you can not cut your hair a week before the exam, session and other important events.

It is believed that along with the hair you get rid of the knowledge that was gained during the school year. The same prohibition applies to men, you can not shave on the eve of important events related to training. In addition, do not visit the hairdresser on the last day of the week, that is, on Sunday, this will deprive you of the opportunity to draw out that lucky ticket. If you have to pass a knowledge test on Monday, it is better to spend Sunday reviewing the material studied.

Haircut by day of the week

  • If it's Monday, this is a good time to visit the hairdresser. It is believed that shortening the hair on the first day of the week will be a great start for the whole week. Moreover, women can confidently plan any changes in their appearance for this day, they will certainly be successful;
  • Tuesday - this day is suitable for those who like to take risks and are ready to change their lives, turning it upside down. If you are such a person, go to the hairdresser on Tuesday;
  • Wednesday - the environment is suitable for those who are in search, and this may be the search for a life partner or life partner, the search for a new job, or simply the desire for discoveries;
  • Thursday. If you change your hairstyle on Thursday, it will help you find harmony and tranquility, in addition, on this day you will definitely be in the spotlight;
  • Friday - this day of the week is suitable for those who are used to experimenting with their appearance. If you wanted to go from ultra-long hair to a bob haircut, or change your usual blond hair into hot pink, then definitely choose Friday;
  • Saturday. This is a good choice for cutting hair, although the signs associated with the ban on cutting hair do not say anything special about this day.
  • Sunday. It is better not to choose Sunday for a visit to the hairdresser, as there is an opinion that happiness and good luck leave with cut off hair. If you consider yourself a superstitious person, you should not take risks and cut your hair on this day, it is better to spend Sunday with your family.

Tips from the woman Nina - Hair - signs! Why not cut hair for children under one year old?

Signs, haircut by day of the week.

To believe or not to believe? Signs about hair + Russian subtitles - Everything will be good. Issue 704 dated 11/12/15

Folk omens about cutting hair.

Now you know what rules regarding hair cutting exist. The choice of place, time, as well as the person who will hold the scissors in their hands is important. If you believe the reviews of people, then the rules work, although the last word still remains with you, it's up to you to decide whether to believe in these recommendations or not.

An integral and far from the last part of the appearance of every self-respecting woman is her hairstyle. It doesn’t matter at all whether it will be an intricate and complex creation of a hairdresser or an expensive one. Fashion trends annually offer lovely ladies the opportunity to experiment a little with the length and color of their hair.

What time of year is best to cut hair?

When to cut your hair is better - it's up to you. Perhaps this thought will arise spontaneously or after much thought. have always been and remain in trend. There is a fairly reasonable opinion that a well-made haircut “removes” several years from a woman’s face. Trichologists unanimously argue that you can change the length of your hair at any time of the year. This will not affect their structure or strength in any way.

Can you cut your hair in winter?

The myth that it is not worth changing your hairstyle or shortening curls in winter has long been debunked by experts, and by women themselves. The growth rate of your curls does not depend on the external environment and weather conditions. Genetics rules everything, since hair follicles are born during fetal development. The question of when it is better to cut your hair arises only because in winter the body receives fewer nutrients and it seems that hair grows more slowly. This is a superstition that should not be hung up on.

What lunar day is better to cut hair?

The Moon, being a natural satellite of the Earth, periodically changes its appearance, depending on its illumination by the Sun. In science, there is an exact definition of such a process - the phases of the moon. Each period significantly affects the general condition of the human body and the structure of its hair. Increasingly, we turn our attention to the lunar calendar, which describes the time of passage of the main phases of the night star, its location in relation to the zodiac constellations. With the help of this guide, you can determine exactly when to cut your hair by. Astrologers compile their treatises separately for each month. When planning a trip to the hairdresser - read their recommendations. However, there are a few general rules:

  1. When it is better to cut your hair, it is with the growing moon - for quick growth, trim the ends.
  2. To keep the shape of the hairstyle perfect for as long as possible, use the services of a master during the waning moon.
  3. The full moon and new moon are considered an unfavorable moment for any manipulations with your curls.
  4. On the recommendation of the same astrologers, the 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th lunar days are extremely unfavorable for changing the shape of a woman's hairstyle. During this period, the protective functions of the body do not work at full strength, which can lead to the depletion of the energy aura. A possible result is not only a deterioration in the quality and growth of strands, but also a breakdown.

What day of the week is best to cut your hair?

As for the question of what day of the week it is better to get a haircut, here the opinions of famous astrologers completely coincide. They call Monday the most positive day for salon procedures. Although many consider this day to be difficult, daring to change your appearance, you can try to change your attitude towards the environment:

  1. If you are overtaken - visit the hairdresser on Tuesday. A change of image will cheer you up.
  2. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are considered good days to visit the master. These days are filled with healthy energy that favors success in business and in personal relationships. This is exactly the time when it is better to cut your hair.
  3. You should listen to the opinion of healers on the stars for girls with weakened curls. Saturday procedures in the salon will help strengthen and improve the condition of the curls.
  4. The only unsuitable day of the week for manipulation of any kind is Sunday. This is a day of rest for the whole organism. You shouldn't tempt fate.

The best time to cut your hair

You can choose a favorable time for a haircut. First of all, it is positive coming from you and your master. Good mood and professional work of a specialist during the procedure will give you great satisfaction, which will last for a long time. The choice of "your" hairdresser, who will advise in choosing a hairstyle, is a very important aspect in the life of every woman. If you turn to astrologers for advice, they associate the favorable period for salon procedures with the movement of the Moon through the zodiac constellations of Virgo, Capricorn and Leo.

When can you cut your hair?

Trichologists recommend updating your hairstyle as needed. Even long curls, in addition to careful care, require trimming split ends from time to time. Favorable time for cutting hair according to folk signs is the period of the growing moon. Your curls will grow faster.

Is it possible to cut hair during menstruation?

Every woman knows what "critical days" are. Hormonal changes during this period affect the functioning of all body systems. Due to the increased production of sebum, the hair becomes oily faster, which can ruin the styling. Blood loss and impaired blood circulation have a negative impact on the structure and condition of the follicle. Curls become brittle and lifeless. Additional manipulations with them are highly undesirable.

Changeable mood can do a disservice. What you liked today will disappoint you tomorrow. It is worth considering whether it is possible to cut hair in "these days." The conclusion suggests itself. Menses don't last long. Better to wait. However, from the standpoint of modern science, barber scissors will not do much harm to your curls during menstruation. The decision in this case is yours.

Is it possible to get a haircut in the evening?

There are many superstitions and folk signs associated with various kinds of manipulations in relation to our hair:

  1. The dark time of the day is not very suitable for visiting a hairdresser. By changing the length of the curls, you can change the length of life or invite trouble.
  2. The evening time of the day is the realm of negative energy, which, together with the cut ends of the curls, “cuts off” the link between man and heaven.

All this knowledge came to us from ancient times. Modern women devote a lot of time to work and family affairs. Should I cut my hair in the evening, if it is difficult to carve out an extra minute during the day? You can get away from superstitions and tune in to the positive. Then nothing and no one can interfere with your plans. Perhaps your master is free at the late time of the day, and the question of when it is better to cut your hair will not be as important as the question of who will do it.

When should you not cut your hair?

Religion forbids cutting hair on religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Trinity, etc.). This time is not for work, but for a bright celebration. Do not change your hairstyle yourself. This destroys your energy aura. If you do not have certain skills in working with scissors, you risk spoiling your appearance for a long time. Negatively affect the condition of the hair and natural collapses.

When deciding on a radical change in your hairstyle, it is important not only to choose the right period or day for this event. The main thing is a positive attitude and healthy optimism. On what days you can cut your hair - it was described above, but when you should not do this:

  1. Try not to plan your visit to the salon on Sundays and inappropriate days according to the lunar calendar.
  2. Avoid haircuts on days when the Moon is in the zodiac constellations of Cancer and Scorpio.

I want to tell can you cut your hair? At all times in different countries and beliefs there were legends about hair. Women have always had long hair. From an esoteric point of view, hair is given not only for attractiveness, but it is an energy that connects us to the cosmos. In many cultures, to this day, it is believed that in the hair is the strength of a person, energy from nature (cosmos), which protects and protects a person. It is in the hair that information is stored about the potential of health, the willpower of a person, his well-being, and the characteristics of intelligence.

Many clerics wear long hair, but Muslims cut their hair bald on purpose to visit Mecca in order to get closer to the Creator.

When we drastically want to change our lives, we change our hairstyle, and then we think about changing the image, etc. Therefore, by changing the color and length of the hair, we thereby make changes to information about ourselves, and therefore many women ask themselves the question whether it is possible to cut their own hair hair.

Why you shouldn't cut your own hair

  • If cut your own hair in the evening, the biofield is deformed, a negative influence can attract diseases;
  • cutting your own hair means losing well-being;
  • to cut oneself on Sunday, to attract diseases;
  • with a cut strand, you lose your own energy, over time, the sensation will pass, but an inner emptiness will appear;
  • it was believed that cutting one's own hair was to spoil beauty (external and internal).

In the old days they said that you can’t trust just anyone to cut your hair. Scissors in their own and other people's hands of an evil person can bring negative consequences.

Signs why you can not cut the hair of young children

The people have preserved from ancient times a lot of signs about hair cutting:

  • from birth, small children cannot cut their first hair until they get stronger, they believe that otherwise they will lose their health and the worst can happen;
  • in Old Slavonic times, it was allowed to cut a child's hair only after 3-5 years;
  • in ancient Egypt, children were left on their temples until they came of age with a long strand.

If there is no one around, and you want to quickly change the image. You can use scissors to change any hairstyle.

Haircut Tips

  1. You must believe in yourself, cut your hair only in high spirits. Otherwise, with a small mistake, you will get annoyed.
  2. Need good quality scissors, specialized for cutting hair. Do not buy them on the Internet, do not be too lazy to go to a professional store and personally choose the tool you like.
  3. Learn the rules, haircuts start from the back of the head and go down to the bangs. You can't forget about zones either.
  4. Get some mirrors ready so you can see the back of your head. It is good to have a trellis with three mirrors that you can turn and see yourself from the sides.
  5. The most difficult thing is to learn how to cut yourself in a mirror image.

These are the main stages of self-cutting. Take into account all the tips and you can start creating a new image.

In the evening, gently untangle the strands along the entire length with your hands;
- a good comb made of natural wood: oak, juniper, linden and aspen;
- be sure to regularly cut split ends, they prevent energy from circulating freely;
- Do not abuse styling products.

  • A haircut on Monday will get rid of negative thoughts.
  • A haircut created on Tuesday will help from depression.
  • To distract new people from the "gray" days, it is recommended to cut hair on Wednesday.
  • Thursday is the most suitable day for a new hairstyle, a new look will definitely bring success.
  • It is not recommended to go to the beauty salon on Friday. But if there is a desire for drastic changes, then this is the right day.
  • Get a haircut on Saturday - for a surge of physical strength and vigor.
  • On Sunday, it is better not to touch your hair so as not to miss your luck.
  • Try not to cut your own hair, it can change plans and much more.
  • stay away from getting a haircut by a man's hairdresser if you are a woman. They say it will bring misunderstanding with your loved one.

What does the hair or lack thereof say?

Hair length directly depends on the amount of stored energy. Baldness also has its causes. If a man goes bald, it means that he is actively striving for power. Basically, it leads him astray from the spiritual path. Therefore, the hair, like antennae, leaves the head. If, on their own initiative, men cut their hair very short, shave their heads, often this is a desire to instantly break the energy connection with the past and start a new life, from scratch.

When people themselves get rid of hair on their heads or cut their hair very short, it is either he is looking for enlightenment and wants to be closer to the Cosmos, or he wants to hide information about his life, in which he had big troubles.

Between hair there is a direct connection with the inner world of a person, which means that with their help you can influence your own life.

Unfortunately, modern girls, women do not take care of their hair, as they have done for centuries ... Fashion pushes for experiments: coloring, curling, straightening, etc. As a result, hair weakens, fades, falls out. This simultaneously goes with internal devastation, diseases. People themselves destroy space communications. Ideal antennas are straight, long, smooth hair.

The main law for women: conservation, accumulation and retention of energies. This is why every woman is commanded from above to wear long hair. In order for a hairstyle to bring good luck and happiness, you need to properly care for your hair.

hair legends

There is a story in the Bible about Samson, which talks about hair, their strength and power. He dreamed that he had lost his hair, and with it his power and strength. When the hair began to grow, life began to return, he got stronger and became healthy.

In Rus', all women wore braids, loose long hair gave magical abilities to attract men. Women in marriage were required to cover their hair with a scarf so that no one except their husband could influence their energy field. Men chose their wives according to the thickness of their hair, thick braids, which means that the wife will be glorious and with a good disposition.

The value of hair and now cannot be overestimated. The beauty of a woman consists mainly of hairstyle and figure. Only when you get closer, you can see the face. Since ancient times, long braids have been an indicator of health for women.

In the old days, it was believed that women's hair keeps the memory of their ancestors about witchcraft power and age-old wisdom. For centuries, any magical rituals were performed with loose hair. They said that “when you cut your hair, you shorten your life or radically change it” ...
But astrologers advise

Believe it or not, these tips will hopefully help all women to be happier and more loved. Good luck to you!

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