Did you receive a watch as a gift? Signs that exist on such an occasion. Why you can not give a watch

There are many signs regarding gifts, but is it worth paying close attention on what a particular object promises. This article is about watches. It's not just universal no doubt necessary thing, which will bring a lot of benefits, so it is worth presenting the watch as a gift.

Signs say that after such a gift, a quarrel and a break in relations will certainly follow. In addition, many people today pay attention to the associations of the word "clock" from other languages. This became the source of another gloomy sign associated with their donation. In China, the word "watch" is consonant with the word "funeral", so today they believe that such a gift is not capable of bringing anything good. Not a bright prospect, but is it worth paying attention to superstition?

There is a certain category of people who take any signs seriously, therefore they are not ready to accept such a gift from loved ones as a watch. In refutation of such an act, it is worth noting that, according to signs, one cannot give perfume, towels, razors, and many other necessary gizmos that are often wrapped in gift wrapping.

You can’t completely refuse gifts, therefore, if someone decides to donate a watch, the sign may lose its meaning if some object is received in return, for example, a small coin. In fact, in this case, an exchange will occur, not a gift, so all the negativity from the sign will come to naught. Such advice will be very useful for overly superstitious individuals.

Speaking about what to give a watch, it is worth referring to what this item symbolizes. Time is one of the most important categories that cannot be stopped, so by presenting a watch as a gift, you also give the opportunity to establish power over this racing category. Such a present is perfect for business people who are used to appreciating every minute. Undoubtedly, they cannot do without a watch, and elegant and stylish gift will become great helper on the path to prosperity and success. It is for this reason that in Lately more and more people began to give watches as gifts. Signs that frightened earlier, were transformed into another, bearing only positive traits. So, today desktop or Wall Clock bring success and good luck to the person who received them as a gift. There can be no talk of a quarrel!

Business people have long made it a rule to present watches to colleagues or partners as a gift. Signs do not play a role here, because business people are used to relying on their own strength: they do not look for the reason for disagreements in what gift they received. Watches are a symbol of punctuality and precision, which is why they have become so popular in business; it would be much more difficult to keep up with meetings and business flights without an elegant and stylish ticking gift on hand.

In addition, a watch as a gift is perfect for both men and women. Signs can scare when you know about them. But after all, you can come up with your own sign, which will only carry a positive charge for a person wearing a stylish accessory on his hand. So, you can give it to schoolchildren and students, parents and children, colleagues and partners.

If you think about such a gift and remember what popular personalities most often give, then, for sure, you will remember many examples of the fact that watches are popular gift. The state gives watches to veterans, celebrities give them to each other, even the clergy get a time measuring device as a gift. And after all, no one is afraid of what may happen later. All this because no one believes in existence negative impact from a sincere gift that is presented from pure heart. Good gift will only strengthen relations, but will not cause a negative resonance in them.

Therefore, choose a watch as a gift, let the omens be beyond doubt, and sincerity and kindness in relationships continue as forever as the movement of time.

What in life goes by so fast and drags on so slowly? "Time" - you will say, and you will be right. Time is perceived very subjectively: minutes of waiting often seem like years to us, and years, on the contrary, quickly slip through our fingers like sand. Mankind has not learned to either adjust or delay time, but it has learned to measure it. The measurement of time is the only way his control. Among the first instruments designed to measure time were hourglass. This is one of the most accurate And convenient ways measurements of time, relevant to this day.

Grains of sand running from the upper flask to the lower one are a bewitching sight. Time becomes visible: here they are - seconds, running after each other! That is why hourglass subconsciously perceived as a kind of magical, mysterious object that allows you to see and understand time. You can't go wrong buying an hourglass as a gift! And if they are in a beautiful brass or wooden case, with ancient oriental ornaments, from which it seems like ancient legends blow, you will not lose doubly.

How to seize the moment?

Choose good gift that's not all, you need to give this gift correctly, that is, to beat the moment correctly. An hourglass as a gift should have with you not only beautiful packaging, but also a colorful legend - the so-called background to the gift. The meaning of this backstory will greatly depend on the future owner of the gift.

  • The present is intended for a sedate, serious person who knows his worth, has a good career (perhaps even your boss) and occupies a certain position in society.

A good accompaniment to the gift in this case will be a story that for a person, knowing the price time and who knows how to properly manage it, the hourglass is a kind of symbol that indicates both the success achieved both now and in the future. good option will play with the phrase "time is money", emphasizing that the future owner of the hourglass knows the value of both time and money.

  • You have chosen an hourglass as a gift for a young man who still has a lot of things ahead of him.

In this case, a good wish would be a story that this gift will become a symbol of future happy minutes that will develop in the years of successful life. Well, if difficulties arise, then you definitely need to see how the sand is pouring and realize that this difficult period of time will definitely pass, as the sand runs out of the flask. You just need to know it and not give up.

  • Hourglass as a gift for a child.

Stories about what time is, how it is measured, and how time was measured in antiquity are well suited. It is also important to explain why time is so valuable. And of course, invite the child to think about how such a clock can be used today: for example, to keep track of time, for this or that business, whether it is solving a problem, physical exercise or cooking soft-boiled eggs.

Of course, these are just sketches of the backstories for the gift. You will still need to approach this task individually, choosing words, taking into account the personal characteristics of the future owner of the hourglass.

Is it okay to give a guy a watch? The answer to this question is given by many girls. On the eve of the upcoming holidays, such an accessory would be great gift for a loved one or a well-known guy. However, there are a lot of superstitions and signs, according to which the clockwork is not recommended to be presented to loved ones. Is it possible to give a guy a watch on his hand, or does the ban apply only to wall clocks? We will talk about these and other nuances in our article.

Is it possible to give a watch to a beloved guy

Some of the fair sex, after donating watch mechanisms to their halves, in case of quarrels or disagreements, try to connect what happened with the present. Lovely ladies remember the signs and begin to analyze how the relationship would have developed without a donated watch.

However, young people rarely believe in superstition, so they rejoice in this kind of present from their beloved. The ideal option before purchasing this kind of gift, there will be a preliminary conversation in which lovers can find out personal attitude each to bad omens associated with clockwork.

Superstitions and their history

Perhaps many have heard that wall or wrist clocks are not the most the best gift that they portend trouble and are considered a bad omen. Where did it come from

This belief came to us from China. The locals believed that clockwork measured what they could not see with their own eyes. a common person. Also, the Chinese are alarmed by the fact that the hieroglyphs that denote time and death are almost the same. In their opinion, to receive a watch as a gift is tantamount to an invitation to a funeral. However, we have undergone some changes. For example, to the question of whether it is possible to give a watch to a guy, the older generation will answer that this leads to separation, to a reduction in the life of the one to whom they were presented.

Western traditions

There is also another theory, following which it is undesirable to give watches. She came to us from the West. Adhering to local traditions, it is not recommended to give sharp objects to loved ones - forks, knives, edged weapons. Wrist and wall clocks, as a rule, have pointed hands, so they are also not supposed to be presented as a present. It is believed that this can disrupt the auspicious aura of a person.

It is not customary to give piercing and cutting objects, according to such a superstition that this kind of attention can break relationships, friendships or nascent love.

However, over the years, some signs begin to lose their power and do not seem to be as effective as they once were.

When is it okay to donate a watch?

All the beliefs mentioned above have no concrete confirmation. Based on this, to the question of whether it is possible for a girl to give a guy a watch or not, each young lady must choose the appropriate answer for herself on her own. First of all, she must predict how her young man will react to such a gift. If the representative of the weaker sex knows that her boyfriend is very superstitious, that after accepting the present he will worry and think about the gift for a long time, then you should not give preference to watches among the abundance of other gifts. Is it possible to give a guy a watch if neither the girl nor the guy is superstitious? The answer is yes, but only if such a gift would be appropriate.

I believe - I do not believe

You can present a present to a young man in the form of a wall clock if he does not believe in superstitions and bad omens. A modern guy can be presented with a table or wall clock, which is made in a style that is in harmony with the interior of a bachelor's house.

An excellent option can also be an electronic or hourglass, which is simple in design and able to fit into any environment. Is it okay to give a guy a watch? Consider how well-known manufacturers world-famous clockworks have learned to circumvent superstition.

Is it possible to give a guy a watch

Present in the form of expensive wrist watch always talking about good taste giving and respectability and self-sufficiency of their owner. Such a gift is an essential sign of attention for young man. You can present it for any occasion. Solve the problem with negative side gift and bad omens associated with clockwork can be non-standard. For example, Chinese manufacturers, who are known to everyone for their ingenuity, do not get tired of creating universal mechanisms with a variety of different functions.

The world got acquainted with watches without numbers, with double dials, built-in calendars, a compass, a navigator and other original functional solutions. Presenting such gifts carries a completely different semantic load. The gift of a stylish thing that has lost its negative connotation will appeal to everyone, even the most believing in all sorts of signs.

However, for those beautiful females who still visit the question of whether it is possible to give a watch to a guy without fear for a joint happy future in a couple, there are a number of recommendations.

Very superstitious girls who opt for clockwork as a gift should keep in mind that:

  • For this kind of gift, you must definitely take a coin, then it will be considered that the watch is not a gift, but a purchase.
  • The ransom amount should not be too large (even 10 kopecks is possible) so that the present itself does not lose its meaning.
  • It is necessary to hand over and take money for the purchase with the left hand.

If a person is not familiar with such traditions, you need to explain to him the essence of superstition and take only a couple of coins from him for a gift. As a rule, everyone treats such signs quite easily.

When the nature of superstition and bad omens clear, and the right tips taken into account, the question arises whether it is possible to give a watch to a guy on N.G. ( New Year)? In what cases would such a presentation be appropriate?

Reason for a gift

You can present a watch to a young person for his birthday, housewarming, graduation from the university or for the New Year. This can be done on any other holiday, but with the condition that the chosen clockwork will be to the taste of the recipient of the gift.

When buying a watch, you need to consider a few nuances:

  • At a housewarming party, you can safely present a young man with wall, table or even floor clocks.
  • A guy who is a great cook would love an hourglass. They can be used as a timer during the preparation of any dishes. Also, a similar present can be given to a young man who would use them during physical training.
  • For young people who lead an active lifestyle, an electronic and waterproof clockwork with a built-in chronometer will be a great gift.
  • An engraved watch will be a pleasant and memorable gift for your beloved guy.

Clockwork, as a gift, you can express your sympathy or sincere feeling. You can symbolize this by choosing a mechanical version of the watch. The uniform movement of the device for measuring time is associated with the beating of the heart, and the strap, which fits snugly around the wrist in the pulse area, is interpreted as a desire to always and everywhere be close to a loved one. This gift in the form of a wrist watch mechanism, not only will it not cause superstitious prejudice, it will be able to tell about the real feelings of the girl.


A gift looks more original, beautifully packaged or packed in some kind of box or chest made by one's own. It can be a carved wooden thing or a vintage package, equipped with inscriptions like “to the very best and other phrases that are pleasant for your young man.

You can give a gift without any special undertakings, but to make this event memorable, accompany the presentation with an ode or humorous poems of your own composition dedicated to.

When you give a small gift, it can be wrapped in a pile of paper and a bunch of boxes. different sizes. It is curious to watch how a young man opens them all and hopes that this one is the last one. You can enhance the effect with the help of notes placed in each layer of the package. They can be written with humor or provided with philosophical sayings or aphorisms.

Gift giving can be made unexpected and somewhat adventurous. For example, prepare a gift and put it in the storage room. And then send your man an SMS with the code and number of the desired cell. Or send your gift by messenger. This is especially true if the gift needs to be given, and you are far away.

Since every man retains something of the boy, you can try to play on mystery and excitement. For example, make a homemade map on which you can draw the path to the “treasure” with pictograms and riddles. Hunting for a gift can be complicated by puzzles or questions, of course, not very tiring, better obvious.

A similar option is to create a system of notes that will eventually lead to your gift. Put the notes at the alarm clock, in the bathroom, in the kitchen (in the refrigerator, tea bag, sugar bowl), in your trouser pocket, coat, etc. The latter will indicate the place where the gift lies. Accompany instructions with humorous phrases and warm words. Every man will be pleased.

Attach a gift to balloons, filled with helium, and bring into the bedroom when the young man is asleep. Waking up in the morning and seeing a kind of balloon with a gift near the ceiling, he will be pleasantly surprised.

You can give a gift in person, but not quite usually. For example, put on some original outfit (for example, a dress of a 19th century court lady), take a tray, put your gift on it and bring it into the room. “Bow in front of the guy and serve a tray. By the way, you can go out in a sexy outfit. In this case, he will have two gifts.

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  • how to give an original gift

Your loved one is having a holiday, and you have already chosen a gift for him. It remains to think of a way to present it in an original way. After all, an incorrectly chosen method can spoil the impression of the very an expensive present, and an unusually presented gift will leave the most pleasant impression at the hero of the occasion.

You will need

  • - wrapping;
  • - several boxes;
  • - balloons filled with helium;
  • - animators;
  • - poem;
  • - the form of OMON fighters, bandit masks.


A small gift can be wrapped in a huge package. Many layers can be wound on a small box wrapping paper secure it firmly with tape. The birthday boy will have to sweat if he wants to see his gift.

Put the item you chose as a gift in the box. Then this box should be packed in a larger container. Thus, even jewelry can be hidden in a drawer from under the TV.

A small gift can be delivered to the window of the birthday man with the help of balloons. Buy some helium filled balloons and tie your gift to them. Also, a rope should be tied to the balls, which will remain in your hands. Call the hero of the occasion, ask him to go to the balcony and release the balloons. The birthday boy will be able to catch the gift right out the window.

Heroes of films and fairy tales are liked not only by children, but also by adults. If your close person young at heart, invite animators who will play a comic performance and give him a gift.

Write a poem dedicated to the birthday. If you do not have a poetic gift, use the site "poet's assistant". Type in the word you want to rhyme with, and the service will offer you several options. Note in the poem positive sides your friend, wish him happiness and fulfillment cherished desires.

If you are confident in your friend's sense of humor and strong nerves, you can choose an extreme way of presenting a gift. The birthday boy, who is waiting for guests, opens the door, and you and your friends, disguised as riot policemen, burst into his apartment. If there is no way to get a uniform, you can dress up as bandits. The bewildered hero of the occasion is thrown to the floor and his hands are wringed. When he tries to find out what the matter is, the aggressors of the mask begin to congratulate him and present him with a gift.

There are many holidays in the year when you need to give gifts to men. It is better to pack such gifts with your own hands in a special way. No romantic bows, various flowers and beads are needed. Packaging for male gift should be strict and stylish.

You will need

  • wrapping paper,
  • ribbons,


The colors of the materials you use play a big role. They should be quite restrained, but at the same time juicy and deep. Therefore, take a monophonic or with some simple pattern. The paper size must be at least twice the size of the . The paper must be long.

Lay out the wrapping paper in front of you. From its short side, bend the allowance (in the future it will be equal to the size of the sleeves of your package).

Then make two folds along the long side of the paper.

From the side where you made the allowance, bend the corners. They will be sleeves.

Turn the workpiece over, and thus the sleeves are already visible.

On the opposite side, fold the allowance two times up towards the middle of your wrapping paper.

IN Once again turn the paper over and fold the corners. This way you will get a future collar.

Fold the package in half, while hooking the side with the sleeves to the corners of the collar.

Even better, holes will allow you to fasten the particles of the package, which you can punch through all the layers of wrapping paper near the edge, at the collar, and tie a ribbon, while tying all the layers of the package.

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Furoshiki is a Japanese fine art for the perfect festive decoration gift. For this, a beautiful patterned scarf is used, which itself can be a gift, or square piece fabrics.

There are many ways to use furoshiki: you can tie and carry a watermelon, books or bottles. The scarf can be of any size - 45x45 cm and up to 2.3 mx2.3 - depending on what you are carrying as a gift - a book or a pillow. The Japanese are a practical nation that cares about environment, so this packaging can be used an uncountable number of times. Unlike plastic packaging, which is harmful to the environment. In Rus', too, there were their own ways to wrap objects in cloth. Let us recall at least a bundle on a stick with which the peasants traveled. Below are three ways to tie furoshiki - a boat, a bottle and a book.

You will need

  • handkerchief or square piece of cloth
  • present


Fold up square scarf diagonally.
Make a large knot at two corners so that the scarf takes the shape of a boat.
Tie the two free ends together - this will be the handle.


Place two bottles in the center of a diagonally spread scarf, bottoms facing each other.
Cover them with one end of the scarf and roll them into a tube.

Raise the bottles vertically and tie the loose ends of the scarf, pulling it tight.

Make the handle a comfortable size

Spread the scarf diagonally. Put two books in the middle, at a small distance from each other.

Cover the books with the corners of the handkerchief.

Fold the free ends of the scarf towards each other

And twist the ends crosswise

Fold the books so that the knot remains inside

Twist the ends of the scarf with bundles and tie - the gift is packed!

Helpful advice

Imagine, invent your own way of tying furoshiki.

This year my husband and I celebrated 10 years of our relationship. Joint New Year we have the eleventh. Can you imagine how many gifts have already been transferred, and how I rack my brains every time so as not to repeat myself? I share my ideas!

This New Year, I surpassed myself in originality - I give my husband a good leather office chair. How I transported it to the house and hid a huge box so that my husband would not see it ahead of time is another story. The armchair now, in principle, does not interfere with anyone, many of us spend time at home at the computer. My man spends a lot of time in his home office every day, and our chair is already quite old, so the gift idea was born easily this time.

In our country, a series of holidays begins, first - the husband's birthday, then St. Valentine's Day, and, well, February 23rd. On February 23, I have already decided on a gift - I will give new dumbbells. Weighty will be a present. Not so long ago, my other half began to do exercises in the morning, so I think dumbbells will come in handy.

For my birthday, I always try to make not just a gift, but some kind of interesting surprise. Last year, a week before X-day, I, despite the cold at minus 25 Celsius, rushed around the city: I delivered gifts in accordance with the "treasure map" drawn up in advance. There were several gifts. new belt, a keychain designed by myself in accordance with the work of my husband, a wallet, a large interior image of the logo of his company.

I will list what I gave and planned to give in the near future:

  • telescope (ordered on ebay, my husband was very surprised);

  • a large radio-controlled helicopter (it was for the last New Year, the gift caused delight);

  • certificate for a massage course;

  • trite, but: shirts, sweaters, etc. etc., chose what is guaranteed to please;

  • auto recorder (given an expensive one with a bunch of functions, I liked the gift very much, but, unfortunately, I had to return it to the store - in our frosts the registrar sometimes turned off. I recommend looking at the reviews. For the future, I still have plans to try my luck again and still give the registrar, but so far I have not found guaranteed frost-resistant ones);

  • car vacuum cleaner;

  • auto blanket;

  • watches (at the same time, I wanted to somehow surprise my beloved, he loves all kinds of new technologies, so I chose a watch with a solar battery, and in the future I also plan to give a watch with a kinetic mechanism, if you give a watch with reverse side can be engraved for memory);

  • purse, belts, gloves;

  • in addition to the main birthday present - a cheesecake cake from a cafe where my husband likes to order this dessert;

  • red caviar in a heart-shaped container - gave for St. Valentine's Day;

  • bag - my husband's is quite heavy leather bag over his shoulder, which he takes with him when we walk, I decided to replace it with a lighter and more compact one in the near future;

  • hand trainer for hands (suitable for those who work a lot at the computer, choose good model with counter);

  • before hand simulators appeared, I gave my husband jade balls, they are rolled into the palms, thereby stretching the hand and fingers;

  • weekend in nature - a certificate for two days at the recreation center;

  • I dream of giving a flight on an airplane and on hot-air balloon, but so far in our small town there are simply no such services;

  • perfect sweater. This is very interesting gift which needs to be prepared in advance. A questionnaire was compiled with questions and answers, as a result of which we get a portrait of the perfect sweater from the point of view of our man, and we order it in the atelier. The most interesting thing is that the interviewed man does not realize that the questionnaire was actually compiled in order to give him a sweater, we voice this as psychological test and his answers are interpreted for the man himself from the point of view of psychology.

  • a sweet gift - a box of kinder surprises (may come up on February 14);

  • subscription to the pool;

  • set "everything for the pool": a sports bag in which swimming trunks, swimming goggles, slates, a towel, shower gel and shampoo in a mini-package, a swimming cap, diving nose nozzles - in general, everything you need to visit swimming pool;

  • an organizer in the trunk of a car, there are such things on Chinese sites, while this gift is only in the plans;

  • car covers;

  • gift certificate to a sports store.

The list is, of course, far from complete. I would like to add to all of the above: I always try to make a surprise out of a gift, I always pack it in an original way, but on such a holiday as a birthday, I certainly decorate the apartment with balloons, I can make a wall newspaper or some interesting congratulation, I light candles on the cake and that's it such other.

No matter how old we are, the feeling of celebration and surprise always manages to melt our hearts and allow us to plunge a little into childhood. Well, being the very person who arranges a holiday and gives gifts is a wonderful feeling in general, I recommend everyone to try it.

Tip 6: How to do original gift beloved man

Sooner or later, but every woman in love asks herself: what kind of original gift to give to her loved one. You can just go to the gift shop and ask the seller for advice, however, with a little imagination, you can make your beloved one unforgettable a pleasant surprise and even good savings.

Prepare the program. How are you going to entertain your master. You can dance, sing or read a spiritual poem to him.

As a gift, you can present him with a box of desires. Have a few pieces of paper ready in advance on which to write what you are willing to do for your loved one. Let him pull out the leaves one at a time, and you please him with your humility.

Important! If you do not have any talents, then it is better to prepare an ironic, comic number. If you don't know how to dance and suddenly start with serious face clumsily East Dance, and then still take offense at the fact that your loved one cannot hold back laughter, then the party may be ruined. Objectively assess your capabilities. It is better to be funny, ironic and touching than a bad but very serious singer.

jar of compliments

This is very soulful gift which will certainly please your beloved man. Here you need to apply all your imagination and prepare 365 compliments to your lover. Write reasons why you love him. Let him pull out one note every day and recharge good mood all day.

You can start each phrase like this: "I love you very much, because ...".

Unusual quest

You can arrange for your loved one unusual surprise: turn his holiday into an exciting adventure. True, for this, your man must have a sense of humor and is fine with pranks.

As an option: rent a hotel room, create a romantic atmosphere. Go there tonight, get ready. Let a mutual friend call your loved one and say that he accidentally saw you on the street, accompanied by a handsome young man. When your loved one calls you, start deliberately ineptly refusing everything.

Let him come to an empty apartment. Ask one of your friends to tell him a secret in which hotel you spend time with your lover. Your loved one will come to the specified address and see you there so beautiful. True, this is a very tough draw. I personally know a case when a similar joke turned into a huge scandal, so you can come up with a milder scenario. For example, play your disappearance or bring him to the room under some pretext.

Dinner blind

If your lover loves to eat deliciously, then you can arrange for him unusual dinner in complete darkness. Prepare a little bit of everything and feed him. Let him be surprised at his unusual sensations.

Wish checkbook

If you know what your man loves the most, then you can give him a subscription with requests. For example, he loves some dish that is very long and tedious to cook. So you give him the right to order it when he wants. Here you can think of anything. Ranging from household chores to sexual requests. You better know how to please your beloved. What he loves the most.

You can please your beloved man different ways and you don't have to spend a lot of money to do it.

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Good afternoon, Dear friends and blog guests about ideas for original presents and congratulations! Our topic today is: a watch as a gift.

Today I invite you to talk about practical gifts for the holidays. More precisely, even like this: we will talk about practical, relevant and stylish presentations - this is closer to the truth.

Watch as a gift - a great option for any holiday

"Why clock? - you can ask me. “After all, this blog is about original gifts!”

Yes that's right. I often talk about non-standard and creative presentations and congratulations. But let's look at this practical gift like a clock, from a different angle?

Judge for yourself: today there is such a huge range on the market, most brands have such a wide range of models, what to choose original model hours is very simple.

And even if you plan to present as a gift classic model, then by creatively designing your present, or by interestingly beating its presentation, you will automatically make it original.

Some believe that watches are not particularly needed today - after all, we constantly have modern devices at hand, which by default have such a function.

But I have a different opinion on this matter!

  • Firstly, without a watch it is simply inconvenient. Yes, you can check the time on your phone, tablet, ask passers-by and use a lot of other options.

But it's much easier to find out the time by looking at your own, so familiar and favorite watch, right? This is especially true for busy people, for whom every minute counts. So why not give them such convenience by presenting a beautiful and easy-to-use model for the holiday?

In addition, many men, unlike us women, use the functionality of the watch to the fullest. So, if you give your loved one one of the "advanced" models, I think he will appreciate your gift.

  • Secondly, today, for many, a watch is a stylish accessory. Therefore, it is not surprising that young modern people happy to use several models at once. And I understand them perfectly - I myself really like to wear different watches depending on the outfit and the situation.

Even my 15-year-old son (and who always tries to “look good”) thinks he needs at least two watches: a classic watch to wear with a suit and a sporty watch for everyday wear. So for men, this approach is also relevant!

Moreover, the trend today relatively stylish accessories us, as they say, "at hand" :-).

If you want the present to be original, but practical, there is always great option- Can buy a watch for presentation on a holiday. Moreover, such a gift is appropriate to give on any festive occasion - be it Birthday, March 8, February 23 and, of course, the New Year.

What kind of watch do we give? Fashionable and stylish!

Just look at the models of modern and stylish watches that are relevant for the current moment and are offered in the AllTime.Ru online store.

For example, I love watches with colored straps - interesting and unusual. For example, like these.

Such a watch can easily be worn instead of a bracelet - in this case, they play the role of a bright accent.

Although wrist models women's watches simpler, more classic designs are also relevant. They give the image of a woman a certain “completeness”.

Men's watch models can also be selected depending on the taste and style of their future owner. For example, I like these.

By the way, dear girls and women, there is an opportunity to pick up watches for our beloved men depending on their hobbies- on sale there are special models for motorists, fishermen, cyclists! But this, of course, is possible if your man has a similar hobby.

If such hobbies are not observed, you can go the other way!

For example, I liked one non-standard idea- choose a watch as a gift depending on the sign of the zodiac of their future owner. Isn't it original?

A watch as a gift: each sign of the zodiac has its own version!

It turns out that each sign corresponds to a certain talisman - precious or semiprecious stone. So: the model range is selected precisely on this basis. Watches and jewelry with stones, however, are different - both in design and in price - from democratic to luxury.

So, if you wish, you can even choose a watch as a gift, guided by a certain idea. In this case, your present will be not only practical. It will be beautiful, stylish and original!

P.S. Knowing lovers of all kinds of signs and superstitions, I will make a reservation: I do not believe in them, and I do not advise you :-). Believe in the best, and it will definitely happen to you!

The main thing is to prepare your gifts with pleasure! Consider the preferences and tastes of your loved ones - give them only cool gifts!

Always glad to see you on the pages of the site!

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