DIY birthday card for sister. Master class with step by step photos. Cute, practical and stylish DIY gifts for sister

There is nothing more pleasant than family holidays, when we get together with relatives and celebrate a joyful event. One of these events is the birthday of your beloved sister. I don’t want to make a mistake with the choice of a present, because the birthday girl is not only one of the closest people in our life, but also an ally, a source of tenderness and warmth. The sister is the most important friend, of course, after the mother. They are very different for everyone, which means that the gift must match exactly her tastes and hobbies. And it is not necessarily very expensive, but it is desirable that the surprise turned out to be bright and could emphasize the love of the giver.

Everyone wants to give a truly unforgettable gift, but often, due to the rhythm of life, it is not possible to spend a lot of time looking for something unique. Therefore, you can study the most suitable options in advance and, with ready-made ideas, go shopping for a gift on the eve of the solemn day. It often happens that for some reason the relationship at one time deteriorated and you want to make peace. And a birthday is a great occasion to pick up something that will serve as the first step towards reconciliation. In this case, the presented thing should be more personal and warm. If you can also give money for a wedding, then it’s better to choose something else for a birthday.

For big sister

It is worth remembering well all the tastes and hobbies of the sister. And, based on this, decide what to give her. If the older sister does not like to do household and household chores, then it is definitely worth refraining from buying household appliances and accessories, only if they can make life easier. But still, it is better to prefer something for personal use and with a personal bias, and not as a wedding gift in the form of sets and dishes. For example, for a birthday girl aged 25-35, a certificate for various cosmetic procedures will be a wonderful gift:

    • Salon course of procedures for youth and beauty of the skin;
    • Eyelash or nail extensions (especially if the birthday girl plans to get married soon, she will really like this option);
  • Tattoo (suitable only if the sister really said that she wants to do something similar for herself and will definitely decide on the procedure);
  • Certificate for a beauty salon.

If the sister, on the contrary, is happy to do housework, then she will be happy with the electric meat grinder, juicer, double boiler, bread machine, you just need to make sure that she doesn’t have the device yet. Usually, everyone loves coziness and pleasant tea parties, so you can look for original tea sets of ceramic and electric teapots, complement all this with delicious loose tea - and a luxurious gift filled with warmth is almost ready. It remains only to present it appropriately.

The latter option is generally universal, and you can use it for the birthday of your cousin or even your husband's sister. By the way, if you can give a relative almost anything, then for a cousin and sister-in-law, the choice of a gift should be approached more carefully. You can find original presents, but if you want to make a bias towards humor or some kind of joke, then you need to think about whether such an established relationship allows and whether it is appropriate to give this or that gift relative to the age of the birthday girl.

Choosing a gift for a younger sister

It is a pleasure to pamper your younger sister with a present. In this case, it is not difficult to choose a good gift: if the girl is small, then you can give her an interesting interactive toy, a beautiful doll on her name day. There are approximate lists of birthday gifts for children of different ages, tested in practice more than once. For a sister under 10 years old, you don’t have to bother too much, since any gift for a child of these years is suitable here, corresponding to his preferences and hobbies.

What to give a sister at the age of 10-15 years:

    • Stylish bright watch in an interesting case;
    • Original T-shirt;
    • Nice umbrella;
    • Bright and unusual flash drive;
  • Cute lamp for the room;
  • Some suitable decoration for this age or a set of children's cosmetics.

If the donor is not yet earning money himself, then he can choose a beautiful pencil case, a notebook, a pen, a keychain or a phone, a phone case and something simple but beautiful as a gift for his younger sister. From 16 years of age and over, the choice of gifts is expanding even more. A girl will surely be delighted with any of these gifts: an MP3 player, jewelry, a camera, perfume, decorative cosmetics, a small evening bag and something like that.

At 20-25 years old, hair styling devices, straighteners, all kinds of irons, manicure and pedicure devices, sets of professional cosmetics will be appropriate.

For my husband's sister

A gift for the sister of the husband should be chosen in accordance with the existing relationship. If the wedding was played not so long ago and, accordingly, they are not yet very familiar, then the present should be chosen more versatile and not risky, because little is known about hobbies and tastes. But when a trusting and warm relationship is built, then you can present the same present as for your own sister's birthday. You can tell your husband to tell you more about his sister's preferences and perhaps carefully find out what she needs now. But a relative of the husband can also be of different ages (younger or older than him).

You can give your husband's younger sister 10-15 years old cozy pajamas, a T-shirt, a tracksuit, fur headphones, a beautiful hairpin or an anklet. At an older age, it is appropriate to give cosmetics, a gold chain or bracelet as a keepsake, perfume. A 30-year-old sister-in-law can be given cosmetic products for the skin, massage accessories, an epilator. If she is already married, then such a thing that could be presented for a wedding is also suitable - a coffee grinder, dishes, a blender and other household appliances. What to give her husband's sister if she lives alone:

    • Water filter;
    • Heater;
    • Humidifier;
    • Inflatable sofa;
    • Mirror;
    • Bathroom set;
  • All kinds of certificates to shops or beauty salons;
  • Subscription to a fitness club, etc.


It is also not difficult for a cousin to choose a gift that she will like. But if for a sister you can choose something of a personal nature or home, then a cousin - it will be quite possible to give such useful and necessary little things:

    • waffle iron;
    • Certificate for individual tailoring in the studio;

    • Portrait or cartoon;
    • Nominal apron;
    • A beautiful flash drive with rhinestones or with an original design;

    • Interesting lamp;
    • Painting;

    • Freezer;
    • yogurt maker;

    • Wall Clock;

  • Jewelry box or organizer;
  • Gloves or scarf.

An unusual gift can be given to any sister - an unforgettable flight in a balloon, paragliding or helicopter, a parachute jump with an instructor, and something like that.

Handmade gifts for sister

If there is a talent for needlework, then the task is facilitated and the question of what to give your sister for her birthday disappears. Whether it's her own, cousin or husband's sister, she may like beautiful jewelry. Especially now there are a lot of shops where you can find high-quality beads, beads, ribbons.

Someone who knows how to sew can make a bag or some not too complicated thing. You can search for a suitable design on various thematic sites on needlework. For 30 years and more, sofa cushions are a suitable gift, made by hand. They can be made from almost any material and there are no restrictions on decor, you can even use bows and flowers that were once bought or sewn for a wedding.

The sisters, with whom we competed so much in childhood, eventually become the closest people and best friends. We dedicate them to the most intimate secrets, share everything that we have. And when the occasion is brewing, I want to give something really original and unusual for my birthday. And what could be better than a birthday present for your sister, made with sincere love and tenderness with your own hands?

Almost all handmade birthday gifts are easy to make and look very pretty. Of course, it is most pleasant for every girl to receive “female things” as a gift, with her own hands it will be possible to do many such things for her sister, which can be divided into categories:

  • Do-it-yourself caring cosmetics;
  • Bijouterie;
  • Hair ornaments;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Collages, postcards;
  • Body cosmetics.

Aromatic bath bombs will be an excellent gift for your sister. They can be made by adding different ingredients, depending on this, the bombs will have relaxing, tonic, invigorating properties. In order to make such a bomb, you will need soda and citric acid - these ingredients are present in every kitchen.

You need to take the ingredients in the following proportion: 2 parts of soda and 1 part of citric acid, mix thoroughly in a large container. Be sure to wear a cotton-gauze bandage, as citric acid harms the respiratory system. The ingredients need to be ground to a powder state, from this the bombs will not crumble. Then add essential oils and mix well. For invigorating and tonic bombs, you can add citrus and pine needles oils, for relaxing - lavender.

Next, you need to carefully irrigate the mass from the spray gun and start kneading when the mass becomes slightly wet. Do not overdo it with water, otherwise the alkali and acid will react, this process is irreversible. You can make several types of bombs and, if desired, add dried flower buds, lemon zest, powdered milk, chocolate to each of them. The finished mixture must be laid out in spherical shapes from two halves, pressed down well, dried for a day. Before giving, each bomb can be wrapped in a napkin and tied with a ribbon.

With your own hands, a gift for your sister can also be made in the form of a natural body scrub. To do this, you need insoluble coffee or sugar, any non-vegetable oil or honey. We mix the ingredients until the consistency of sour cream, add aromatic oils if desired. The finished gift can be placed in an empty bottle of already used cosmetics, decorated with a ribbon and a homemade label.

DIY jewelry

Each girl loves to receive jewelry as a gift, and if it is also made with love and with her own hands, she will remain for a long memory to her sister and create a unique, original image. An abundance of gizmos that you can make and donate:

  • Pendants;
  • Medallions;
  • Earrings;
  • rings;
  • Bracelets.

To create handmade things, you can use thick and thin threads, beads, beads, artificial flowers, wire, cord. The easiest way to make products from beads and beads. For bracelets, you can simply string beads on a thread, cord or wire, or weave patterns from them. The simplest of them is to string three strands of beads, having previously measured the length of the bracelet, then weave a pigtail out of them. when weaving a pigtail, the length of the bracelet will decrease, so it is better to make strings of beads a third longer. There are also complex and time-consuming options for weaving beaded bracelets, for example, with a name or an inscription, a pattern that can be presented for a birthday.

Homemade bright hair ornaments

To make stylish and unusual hair products with your own hands, you will need basic simple elastic bands, hairpins or a hoop. Flowers always look very beautiful in the hair. They are best made from fabric, as paper flowers are not durable and will not last long. The easiest way is to cut out a lot of petals from a fabric that does not crumble and does not need to be processed, then string them all on a strong thread and fasten. Sew a matching bead to the center, or thread a bead on a wire, it will look like a stamen. Finished flowers are glued with superglue to a hairpin or elastic band. In the same way, you can arrange a hoop and give it as a gift. You can glue not only flowers, but also beads, chains, buttons, or combine them. The finished product will greatly please the sister, give a pleasant mood.

Handmade soft toys

A cute and touching birthday present will be a plush animal made by yourself. You can make the pattern yourself, for this you first need to draw the outline of the animal on the landscape sheet, cut it out. Then fold the fabric in half so that it comes out with the right side inward, pin the pattern with pins and cut it out, leaving allowances for the seams. You can sew two pieces with any seam, the main thing is to leave a small piece of an unsewn product to turn it inside out and fill the toy. Soft animals are filled with cotton wool or small fabric clappers. You can also add dry lavender, then the product will also be flavored. The gap on the product must be carefully hemmed, wrapping the seam allowances inward. It remains only to draw the face of the beast - and you're done! Such a birthday present for your sister will definitely not go unnoticed.

In addition to a present or as an independent birthday present, you can make a beautiful card or collage. If you make a postcard from thick cardboard, then you can glue artificial flowers from corrugated paper on it, make drawings from beads or small beads. On the first page, you can make a cut in the form of a heart or an asterisk, then a piece of the picture from the third page will be visible on the first. The shape of the postcard itself also may not necessarily be traditionally square; a hand-made postcard for a sister in the form of an animal, a flower, or a guitar will look very original.

In order to give an interesting do-it-yourself birthday collage, you will need felt-tip pens, photographs, cut out pictures from magazines. Photos need to be selected such that will cause only positive emotions in the sister, will please and cheer up. Look in unnecessary magazines for pictures that are related to your sister's hobbies, dreams and hobbies, combine them with photographs. Glue the prepared materials on a large thick sheet of paper and write a congratulation.

We are always so pleased to receive gifts, but even more pleasant to give from loved ones. Surprise your little sister with these cute birthday gifts, handmade especially for her with care and love.

Nowadays, when you can buy almost everything or present an envelope with money for the holiday, it is not so easy to surprise your loved ones with an original gift. Things and crafts made by hand carry the warmth of the donor. It is these gifts that always retain their individuality and are intended for a specific person.

The article offers some simple ideas on how to make creative DIY birthday gifts.

Why do-it-yourself gifts are better than store-bought ones?

Handmade gifts are always unique, often unexpected and very economical. The creation of such crafts brings pleasure not only to the recipient, but also to the manufacturer, who can feel like a real creator. A homemade product carries a positive charge of energy and is always remembered.

These reasons allow us to argue that a gift with your own hands is much better than a store-bought one.

What to give mom and grandma for their birthday?

Birthday gifts for beloved mothers and grandmothers can be made by the whole family, and if it turns out to be not only beautiful, but also useful, loved ones will certainly appreciate it.

Bouquet of sweets or fruits

Instead of the usual bouquet, it is better to please your mother and grandmother with an original and tasty bouquet of fruits or sweets, which can be decorated with fresh or paper flowers.

To create a bouquet of fruits you will need:

  • Fruits(pineapple, kiwi, watermelon, melon, orange) and berries (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, blackberries). You can take other fruits, as long as they are not overripe and dense, do not change color after cutting, like an apple.
  • skewers different lengths on which fruits will be planted.
  • Forms for cutting fruit figures. Perfect for cookie cutters.
  • Bouquet container(vase or glass), polystyrene foam, ribbons.

Fruits are peeled, cut into slices and figures of flowers, butterflies, hearts are cut out of them. If there are no molds, it will be enough to evenly cut the fruit into half rings or triangles. Berries are best used whole. They are strung on skewers in several pieces like beads, except for strawberries. The finished parts of the bouquet are put on skewers.

If desired, some fruits can be dipped in melted chocolate and allowed to harden.

The next step is to form a bouquet. To do this, you can use a low, wide vase, a decorative basket or an opaque glass. It is advisable to place the foam inside and stick the skewers into it, beautifully arranging the fruit figures. Fresh flowers, stems and leaves of plants or dried flowers can be placed between fruits and berries, and the container can be decorated with a ribbon.

To create a bouquet of their sweets you will need:

  • round sweets;
  • corrugated paper of different colors;
  • wide and thin decorative ribbons;
  • wire or skewers;
  • scissors, wire cutters, adhesive tape, polystyrene;
  • floristic mesh, transparent wrapping paper, organza or flower pot.

The following steps will allow you to collect an original sweet bouquet for mom or grandmother in a short time:

  1. Cut clear wrapping paper into appropriately sized squares, wrap each candy into a square and secure it to a skewer or wire with tape.
  2. Another option for decorating flowers is to cut out petals from corrugated paper, place them in the center of the formed candy and strengthen the flower on a skewer.
  3. Wrap the wire or skewer with corrugated paper or green ribbon.
  4. You can collect a bouquet in a pot or in wrapping paper. Place the foam in the pot and fix the details of the bouquet in it. Another option is to tie candy flower stems together and wrap with organza or wrapping paper. Finish decorating a pot or bouquet with ribbons and florist netting.

tea house

How to make a birthday present with your own hands to surprise your grandmother? Build a cute tea house for her out of decorative cardboard.

First you need to prepare the details of the house:

In one wall of the house, at the same distance from the side edges, a semicircular hole is cut from the bottom about 5 cm high and 6 cm long. It is convenient to take out tea bags from here.

When all the blanks are made, it's time to assemble them with glue:

  1. All parts for fastening are folded in half in length, except for a rectangle measuring 6 * 10 cm. Its short side is divided into 3 equal parts and a pyramid is folded, the joints of which are glued using a 10 x 3 cm part folded in half. The remaining parts should form a right angle for fastening the parts of the house.
  2. The walls of the craft are assembled by gluing them together with the help of 90 ° bent pieces for fastening. In the same way, the house is glued to the base, excluding the wall with a hole.
  3. 2 parts of the roof 10 x 10 cm are fastened together using a finished pyramid part. On the long side of the roof base (10 x 13 cm), measure 2 cm from the edges and bend them down. The base is glued to the sides of the roof with the bent parts down. The finished roof is put on the house without gluing, from here the house will be filled with tea bags.
  4. You can decorate the walls and roof before gluing or after finishing work. Any interesting ideas will do, from children's drawings or paper flowers to newspaper clippings or quilling decorations.

Jewelry box

A box for earrings, rings and brooches is a very useful thing, which, moreover, can become a real decoration of a dressing table. The easiest way to make such a gift is from a cardboard reel from wide tape after using it. The lid and bottom are made from cardboard blanks. To do this, you need to attach the coil to the cardboard and circle around the outer circumference with a pencil.

Cut out 2 circles with a margin so that the bottom can be glued to the coil, and the lid calmly closes the future box. In order for the bottom to stick well, you need to draw a hard thin object (ruler or tweezers) along the pencil markings, then it will be easier to bend the cardboard. To make the bottom strong, several layers of cardboard of a suitable diameter should be glued inside the box.

To make the outer part of the gift even, you need to glue the coil with cardboard over the entire surface.

Before making the lid, you need to cut a strip of cardboard half the height of the coil, wrap the top of the future box with this strip and glue the edges. When the rim is dry, glue the prepared circle of the lid to it in the same way as the bottom was glued.

You can decorate the finished gift in any suitable way:

  • wrapping paper,
  • ribbons and beads
  • kanzashi style flowers
  • decorate the box with decoupage.

Topiary of flowers

If your mother or grandmother loves artificial flowers, giving them a delicate topiary would be a great idea that is easy to implement. For crafts, you will need artificial flowers and greenery, a pot, gypsum, a base ball, which can be made from crumpled newspaper wrapped with green knitting thread, a branch with a diameter of at least 1 cm, a glue gun and decorations for the pot, soil and flowers.

The sequence of steps for creating a topiary:

  1. put the prepared ball on the branch;
  2. glue flowers on the ball;
  3. fix the branch with gypsum in a pot;
  4. after the gypsum has hardened, decorate the “soil” with pebbles or artificial greenery by gluing them on PVA glue;
  5. decorate the pot by wrapping it with coarse textiles, twine or ribbons;
  6. ladybugs or butterflies can be planted on flowers, a tree trunk or under it.

DIY apron

Making a kitchen apron is not difficult if there is a sewing machine in the house. All you need is fabric, thread, scissors, chalk, a pattern and a sewing machine. The desired pattern is easiest to find on the Internet, but you need to adjust the width of the pattern to the waist half of the woman for whom the gift is intended. The best models are an apron and an apron with a bib.

The fabric (teflon, denim, cotton or linen) is washed, dried and ironed before starting work so that it shrinks. Then the fabric is folded in half lengthwise and the pattern is transferred to the wrong side with the help of chalk. You need to cut out the details with allowances and folds of 1.5-2 cm. The edges of large parts that will not fit together are folded over and overlaid.

Ties for the neck and belt are made from strips of fabric of suitable length and width. To do this, fold the parts in half, sew 2 halves from the wrong side along the long and one short edge, turn inside out and iron. Ties for the neck are sewn to the bib, the bib and apron are connected, sewing at their junction from the inside of the tie for the belt. The finished product is smoothed.

What to give dad and grandfather?

You need to think in advance about what to give and how to make a birthday present with your own hands for dad or grandfather.


To make a postcard, you will need thick cardboard as the base of the postcard, colored paper and scissors.

A sheet of cardboard is folded in half in width. The back side is cut off from above by 3 cm. On the front side, cuts are made on the right and left at the same distance, leaving a solid section of 5 cm in the middle. Fold the ends of the cardboard to the middle so that a shirt collar is formed, cut off the extra cardboard tails.

Make a tie out of paper

  • Fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, unfold it again and turn it so that the fold line becomes the length of the future tie.
  • Fold 2 side parts equally to the middle (to the fold line).
  • Once again, fold the 2 side pieces to the middle and glue them. Fold the upper sharp corner twice, making a tie knot.

Glue the finished tie to the collar and then glue the corners of the collar to the shirt. Sleeves can be glued on the sides, or a folded sleeve with a cuff can be glued to the bottom of the card, imitating a shirt packed in a box. You can decorate a gift with a pocket or buttons on the edges of the collar. Make a congratulatory inscription on the inside.

Knitted socks (step by step instructions on how to knit)

Having mastered the knitting technique, you can create interesting socks in the form of sneakers that will appeal to any man. For sizes 43-45, you will need yarn with a wool content of 50% or more, 100 gr each. 2 different colors, and hook number 3, laces about 1 m. Socks are knitted with a thread in 2 additions.

Knitting sole and spout:

  • 1 row: in the center of the ring, 7 columns are knitted without overlap (st. b / n);
  • 2-4 row: knit st. b / n evenly add 7 loops (p.);
  • 5-8 row: evenly add 4 sts;
  • 9-17 row: even knitting without additions;
  • on the 18th row they unfold the work and knit 30 tbsp. b / n;
  • repeat row 18 22 times;
  • next 8 rows: knit st. b / n, decreasing in the middle of each row by 2 p.;
  • finish the part, sew the heel.

Tongue: in the direction of the AC knit 16 tbsp. b / n (about 30 cm). The upper part is performed along the ABC line. Knit 11 rows of Art. b / n and continue knitting st. b / n, but do not knit 3 sts at the end of each row. Perform 4 rows in this way, and the next 4 rows do not finish 1 p. at the end of each row. Next, knit straight st. b / n about 17 cm. I finish the work with a “crustacean step”.

You can decorate socks by tying the edges in 4 rows of art. b / n, sew parts, thread laces. On the side part, you can knit a circle of a suitable color.

Case for glasses

A useful gift - a case for glasses, can be made of felt, leatherette or leather, cotton or jeans in the form of a handbag with a lock, a bag with a magnet or a drawstring.

To do this, parts of a suitable shape are cut out from the base material, the same parts are prepared from flannel and synthetic winterizer (for thin fabrics), and slightly smaller parts are cut out of whatman paper or cardboard to put them in for sealing between the outer and inner layers.

If a zipper is provided, it is sewn in at the beginning of work, a magnetic button is sewn between the layers, and a place is left for the rope in the upper part of the cover. When everything is ready, sew 2 layers with cardboard inside from the inside, turn over and smooth the product.

Personalized cake with wishes

Cake with wishes - a fun cardboard surprise that gives you a great mood and 0 calories. Such a gift is collected from cardboard "pieces", inside which you can put small surprises and wishes. Templates for making pieces are easy to find on the Internet, print them on suitable paper, cut and glue.

You can decorate the cake on top with corrugated paper flowers, coffee beans, and you need to connect the pieces by tying them with a beautiful satin ribbon.

Ideas for surprises and wishes:

  • vivacity - bags of coffee;
  • health - blisters with vitamins or hematogen;
  • good luck - lottery tickets;
  • prosperity - a banknote;
  • freshness - a pack of Tic-tac;
  • energy - a finger battery;
  • love - cookies in the shape of a heart.

Everyone can come up with such options for himself, taking into account the characteristics of the birthday man.

What to give a friend or sister?

How to please a friend and sister and make a unique birthday present with your own hands?

It is not difficult at all, the main thing is patience and a positive attitude!

Commemorative album in Instagram style

A fashionable gift that modern girls will love is easy to make by decorating a photo album or photo book in the style of Instagram.
You can depict a well-known social network icon on the cover page using scissors and a cut out thematic picture. And you can fill such an album with the most memorable photos, placing famous Instagram elements and icons next to them.

Chocolate bottle with a surprise

To make a delicious gift for chocolate lovers, you will need the following components:

  • 150-200 gr. chocolate
  • small plastic bottle;
  • funnel;
  • small sweets such as sea pebbles or nuts.


While the chocolate is hot, it is necessary to evenly distribute it over the bottle, slowly rotating it in a horizontal position for a while. To completely solidify, place the bottle in the refrigerator. Then pour candy or nuts inside. Carefully make an incision in the plastic and remove the mold without damaging the chocolate. The bottle can be closed with a plastic cap and labeled.

A vase for flowers

How to turn an ordinary jar into a gift with your own hands and make a friend's or sister's birthday unforgettable? Make a bright flower vase for her!

There are many ways to give new life to a glass or plastic container:

  • stick pieces of bright napkins or corrugated paper on the jar (decoupage technique);
  • evenly wrap the container with thick woolen threads, satin ribbons or twine;
  • paint with acrylic paints, applying them with a sponge, and stick beads and flowers on the bottle using a glue gun.

Bracelet made of beads and threads

There is nothing easier than buying beautiful beads, floss threads in a needlework store and making an elegant bracelet out of them. The basis for decoration can be an inexpensive ready-made bracelet or a circle cut out of a plastic bottle. If individual beads are purchased, they must first be collected on a fishing line, if there are ready-made beads sold by the footage, you can immediately begin to manufacture the product.


  1. glue the beads with a glue gun to the base in 1 or 2 rows;
  2. wind the beads in the gaps between the beads with threads of floss of a bright color;
  3. make several of these bracelets, combining the threads in color.

Such products look beautiful on the hand if you combine several narrow bracelets.

Candle in a shell

To make a romantic gift in the form of a candle in a shell, you will need candle ends, a wick from cinders or a string for a wick, 2 toothpicks and 2 rubber bands from money, large stable shells and tweezers.

Manufacturing instructions:

  • fasten the shells on a plate or plank by gluing them to the melted stearin of the candle;
  • melt the cinders in a water bath;
  • pull out the wick with tweezers or make a new one;
  • clamp the wick between two toothpicks fastened at the edges with rubber bands from money;
  • install toothpicks on the shell so that the wick is located approximately in the middle of the future candle;
  • pour melted stearin into the shell, holding the hot container with cinders with tweezers;
  • let the candle dry and then remove the toothpicks from the wick.

What to give a friend or brother?

A few ideas for creativity will help to make gifts to friends and brothers that will remain in their memory for many years.


Such a product as a funny pillow will be a great handmade birthday present for those who like to sleep. An interesting idea is to make a pillow in the shape of an owl. Print the pattern from the Internet and prepare the fabric (preferably cotton), synthetic winterizer, thread and scissors. If there is no sewing machine, a small product can be sewn by hand.

To make a spy pillow, you need to cut out the main parts from the fabric according to the pattern with a margin for allowances. First, draw the front side by sewing on the eyes, wings and beak. Sew 2 halves of the body from the wrong side, leaving an open space for stuffing the pillow with padding polyester. Unscrew the product and distribute the padding polyester evenly inside the owlet, sew up the hole by hand.

Candy motorcycle

Some guys are just as sweet-toothed as girls, and a candy bike would be a nice gift for them. The frame of the motorcycle is made of cardboard wrapped in gold foil or crepe black paper and attached to wire guides to create the desired shape.

The wheels can be made from multiple layers of 4.5 cm corrugated cardboard glued together and wrapped in gold or black paper. Handles, exhaust pipe and wheel holders are made of wrapped wire.

Now it will be easy to assemble a motorcycle:

  1. Glue square-shaped sweets in 2 rows around the circumference of the wheels with double-sided tape. Fasten the wheels with gold ribbon. Make a hole in the middle of the wheels and thread the prepared wire through them.
  2. Fill the base of the motorcycle with candy inside, forming the line of the gas tank and the seat. Fasten the wheels and base with wire.
  3. Glue a row of sweets on the front panel, attach it to the handles, which are hooked to the product with a wire.
  4. Glue the headlight candy in front, and lean the motorcycle on the support legs made of wire.

What to give a loved one?

sweets poster

The easiest way to please your loved one is to give him a poster with sincere or cheerful wishes, decorated with sweets “with meaning”. The inscriptions can be made with your own hands or made up of cut out printed words.

One of the design options can be like this:

  • I wish you endless (chocolate "Inspiration") and prosperity (candy in the form of gold coins);
  • let (curd "Miracle") accompanies your every day;
  • be cheerful and strong, like (a bag of coffee);
  • you and I are inseparable, like (Chocolate bar "Twix");
  • you are my most (small package of juice "Favorite") person on earth;
  • now we know for sure that (chewing gum "Love is") our present and future.

Rubik's cube from joint photos

So that your loved one always remembers the happy days spent together, you can make a Rubik's Cube for him from photos. To do this, you will need a Rubik's cube with colored stickers that can be removed from each part, glue, colorless varnish, scissors, your favorite photos and more patience.


  1. The faces of the Rubik's cube are free from colored stickers;
  2. prepare photographs that are suitable in size;
  3. on the reverse side, draw each photo into 9 identical squares, corresponding in size to the squares of the Rubik's cube;
  4. cut all photos without mixing them;
  5. carefully glue each part of the photo on the corresponding square of the cube, allow to dry;
  6. after drying, disassemble the cube into parts;
  7. cover each photo with a colorless varnish, allow to dry;
  8. collect details.

coffee heart

The coffee heart is a fragrant gift that expresses the love of the giver. It is performed in the same way as creating a topiary, using a heart-shaped base instead of a ball, pasting it with coffee beans. Another variation of the coffee heart is a car pendant.

The base for such a heart is made from corrugated cardboard covered with brown velvet or foil, or from a floral sponge cut into the shape of a heart and covered with sand as a background. Insert a hook with an eye or a wire into the recess of the heart to form a pendant.

On the finished base, using a glue gun, roasted coffee beans are attached tightly to each other, so that there are no empty areas left. Decorate the heart with a golden ribbon, star anise or cinnamon stick.

Balloons with wishes

An original birthday surprise will be a bouquet of balloons with wishes. Pleasant compliments and parting words are written on small pieces of paper and folded into a tube. Each is placed in a balloon filled with helium. Tie each ball tightly with a thread, tie ribbons and collect a bouquet.

You can attach a card with a gift certificate or a cheerful wish to the ribbons.

Master class for making flowers from balloons

An unusual bouquet for the holiday can be made from balloons. With a certain skill, a wide variety of types of flowers are obtained, but for a start it is better to make a chamomile, for which you will need to inflate sausage balls, leaving 3-5 cm at the end, free from air.


  • The beginning and end of a white or other color ball are tied, the ball is folded in half and twisted twice at the fold.
  • The resulting 2 parts are twisted in two places so that 6 identical parts are formed (three on each half of the ball).
  • Fold the parts on top of each other in pairs and intercept them at the place of twisting of the petals.
  • With the other hand, twist the petals in the middle so that you get a flower with a hole in the middle.
  • A stem with a center for a flower is made from a green ball. Near the knot, a sausage is twisted about 10 cm, bent it and twisted the same segment along with the first.
  • Pass the resulting core into the opening of the flower.
  • Make several flowers and collect them in a bouquet, tied with a beautiful ribbon.

3D images on postcards

If you attach a three-dimensional hand-made postcard to a birthday souvenir, such a set will look like the most original gift.

DIY birthday gifts are quick and easy to make if you follow the step by step instructions.


  1. Fold double-sided colored cardboard in half, mark with a pencil on the fold line, from the top edge 4 cm, 1 cm, 5 cm, 1 cm, 5 cm, 1 cm. From the points limiting the 1 cm segments, set aside lines perpendicular to the fold, 2 long, 5 cm, 2 cm and 1 cm.
  2. Make cuts according to the drawing, you will get 3 bases for a 3D format of different lengths. They must be folded in half in the middle inside the postcard.
  3. Glue the finished base onto a second sheet of thick paper folded in half.
  4. Cut out decorations in the form of gift boxes, the inscription "Happy Birthday!", balloons or butterflies from thick colored paper. Glue the selected parts on 3 bases inside the postcard. Make sure that when folding the postcard, the details are not wrinkled.
  5. Sign a postcard, decorate the outside of the postcard with details similar to those inside, with ribbons, beads or rhinestones.

How to make a gift box?

Gift wrapping can be done by hand. A gift box is made of colored thick paper in the form of a pyramid, a house, a flower bud, a round or square box. On the Internet you can find a lot of templates, cutting out which, you can make neat packaging at no extra cost.

It is very easy to build a box-cone yourself:

  • draw a circle on paper (the larger it is, the higher the box);
  • divide the circle in half and form a cone from half, connecting 2 corners together;
  • place a gift inside the box, close the cone with foil or paper, gluing it to the base;
  • decorate the box with ice cream appliqué, ribbons or beads.

Everyone loves to receive special birthday gifts. Everyone can surprise family and friends by making a unique surprise with their own hands.

After reading this article to the end, it becomes obvious that making a gift with your own hands and presenting it on your birthday is almost as easy as buying it. But in such a product there is always a piece of true love and best wishes for the birthday man.

Video: DIY birthday gifts, quick and easy

DIY gifts, see the video clip:

Ideal birthday present:

A sister's birthday is an important and special holiday for all members of the family. The hassle of preparing, choosing a menu and, of course, finding a gift for your beloved sister. Of course, all this is very important, because it is necessary that this day be special and important for the birthday girl.

To begin with, it is worth proceeding from how old your sister is. Different age - different program, it is quite logical, because what a little sister likes is absolutely not interesting for a teenager.

Organization of a holiday for a little sister

For a sister aged 3 to 12, you can organize a real fairy tale with actors, jugglers and clowns. Surprising a little sister is quite simple, just make her a princess or a fairy. Invite your sister's friends, make an original table with goodies. Be sure to cook a delicious original cake.

Be sure to create an atmosphere of a real holiday on your birthday, the more garlands, tinsel, balls, the better. Congratulate your sister on her birthday in the morning, as soon as she wakes up.

As a gift for a little sister, you can choose a variety of toys, dolls, art supplies, books, you can also give a special children's tablet for your sister's birthday, where you can watch cartoons and complete a variety of interactive tasks.

Organization of a holiday for a teenage sister

When preparing a holiday for a teenage sister, be very careful and careful. First, ask where she would like to celebrate her birthday. Most often, teenagers like to celebrate their birthdays with friends, so offer several options for celebrating:

First, you can organize a party at home, provided that the parents do not bother with their presence. When celebrating at home, you can come up with various contests for your sister and her friends.

Secondly, if there is no desire to celebrate a birthday at home, then you can call your sister to a cafe where you can arrange small cozy gatherings with congratulations from friends and original gifts.

To make an unforgettable holiday for your sister and surprise her, be smart and imaginative, try to arrange a holiday in the water park, where everyone will be interested and fun. You can also arrange a field trip, fry barbecue, sing songs with a guitar, launch air lanterns.

On such a day, a sister will receive especially pleasant attention from a loved one, so do not forget about a gift. When choosing a special birthday gift for your beloved sister, look for something unusual, but at the same time necessary and useful for your sister.

You can give various computer equipment that will be useful to your sister for study and recreation. A good gift would be a small laptop that you can carry with you to study.

Remember that a sister is a beautiful girl who needs to take care of herself. Therefore, you can be happy to give a variety of cosmetics, decorative cosmetics, large palettes of shadows and lip glosses. I will please my sister with gift certificates to shops or for personal care services, for example, manicure - pedicure, massage, various hair treatments.

Be sure to like gifts such as jewelry and jewelry. Various bracelets, rings, earrings. If finances allow, then you can give a silver or gold jewelry. There is no doubt that such a gift is sure to surprise a teenage sister on her birthday.

Organization of a holiday for an adult sister

It is possible that your sister no longer lives with you, but organizing an unusual holiday for her is definitely worth it!

Have your sister set a date for you to meet and celebrate her birthday with the whole family. A sister is a dear and close person who grew up with you. Therefore, gifts can be made unusual, however, original.

You can plunge into childhood together and arrange cozy gatherings with relatives, a cake with candles and, of course, congratulations and gifts. You can give an adult sister a variety of gifts, depending on her hobbies and interests.

An excellent gift can be a warm large blanket or colorful bed linen. You can give bath accessories such as towels and bathrobes.

A gift can be created not from one, but several gifts at once by collecting all the contents in a beautiful box or basket. Such a box can include a wide variety of small and not very presents. You can create a themed box that will include all sorts of sweets that were popular in your childhood. A basket of various body care products will also look pretty, and most importantly original: scrubs, shower gels, oils, balms and conditioners, all this and much more can be harmoniously “arranged” in a basket.

An excellent birthday present can be a photo portrait of your sister. It is enough to choose some colorful photo with the image of your sister, print it in large size and add a frame.

An original and truly amazing gift can be a gift photo shoot in the studio, where your sister will get professional makeup, hair and create an incredible and beautiful image for her. Such a gift will certainly please your sister, because, firstly, it is an extraordinary experience, and secondly, a memory that will remain in the form of stunning photographs.

Handmade gifts for sister's birthday

Among other things, you can make a nice gift for your sister with your own hands.

You can make a simple but very nice gift - write under the window "Happy birthday, beloved sister." Such an unusual gift will surely cheer you up in the morning and will remain on the pavement for a long time as a memory of your birthday.

You can make an unusual decoration out of plastic. It is quite easy to work with plastic, because it is a material that is somewhat similar to plasticine. You can mold anything, from earrings to hair accessories. If you know what your sister's favorite flowers are, then try to blind them and then such a gift will be worn to her all the time.

Also a great gift can be a beautiful bouquet of sweets. This is a very beautiful bouquet made of corrugated paper, and together the buds of such flowers are edible sweets. By the way, in this way you can arrange not only a bouquet of flowers, but also a toy or a heart.

A popular gift that is always a pleasure to receive is a coffee tree, which has a very pleasant aroma. It is not difficult to make such a tree, but it is an original and unusual gift that your sister will definitely like.

In general, you can make absolutely any birthday present with your own hands, the main thing would be desire. As ideas, you can keep in mind a pillow, a patchwork plaid, knitted clothes, handmade albums and much more.

To congratulate your sister on her birthday, it is not at all necessary to spend a huge amount of money, remember that you can always make a gift yourself. A gift given from the heart is always of great importance for the birthday person. Be original, be smart and imaginative to surprise your sister on such an important day for her.

Choosing a present will be much easier if you consider the following:

  • Keep age in mind. Little girls are pleased with some gifts, girls with others, and women with still others.
  • You can and should give flowers, but a bouquet from a brother is more appropriate than from a sister.
  • Do not try to impress a loved one with an expensive gift. Whatever choice you make, the birthday girl will be pleased.
  • Pay attention to women's hobbies. A hobby-related gift will please your little sister the most.
  • A good gift fulfills a cherished dream. Hand over the ones you liked for a long time, and the hero of the occasion will be the happiest in the world.
  • Packaging influences perception. Use pretty wrapping paper, ribbons, and stickers. The sister will unfold them with a breath, expecting a miracle.
  • It is better to determine the gift option in advance. Going to the store with a ready-made idea is much more rational.
  • Mom will help you make the right choice. Of course, if you ask her opinion. Parents love to be consulted.
  • Presentations can be delicious. On a holiday, it’s not a sin to forget about diets.

Haven't decided what to get your sister for her birthday? Consider a few versatile options:

  • Postcards, lovely souvenirs.
  • Perfumes, facial skin care products, bath sets.
  • Leather jewelry, handmade items, bijouterie.
  • Pet.
  • New smartphone, tablet, laptop.
  • Accessory for car or computer.
  • Stylish piece of furniture.
  • Sporting goods.
  • Fitness or pool membership.
  • Gift certificate or card of your favorite store.
  • Invitation to professional training, master class.
  • Cinema, theater, opera, ballet ticket.

What to get your little sister for her birthday

Picking up a present for the little ones is not difficult. Sister wants a new doll, a house for her, a set of dresses or children's dishes. A good idea is a sketchbook, pencils or felt-tip pens, coloring books or educational board games. Schoolgirls, and especially high school students, prefer gadgets. They can be presented with a smartphone, gaming tablet, fitness bracelet, virtual reality glasses. A budget option is a personalized flash drive, a T-shirt or a mug, a notebook or a cover, a phone case with a photo.

If your sister is a student, there are more than enough gift ideas! Give preference to cosmetics, jewelry, fashionable wardrobe items. An excellent present is a handbag made of genuine leather, a branded scarf or stole, shoes, boots, high-quality stationery, as well as:

LED book flashlight. Useful sister in preparation for lectures. An equally interesting gift will be a model connected to a laptop.

Phone holder "Pocket". The gift idea is simple. While charging, put your smartphone in a case and hang it on the power supply.

Ant farm. Best gift for a sister who dreams of having a pet. Caring for insects is easier than caring for a puppy.

Stand for rings "Anigram Cat". With this gift you will make your sister smile. A ceramic cat is not afraid to trust values.

Selfie monopod. Choosing a gift for an Instagram fan is easy. You can immediately say: the lover of herself will like the present.

Birthday gift ideas for older sister

The difference of interests with the older sister is visible to the naked eye. An adult girl spends a lot of time on social networks, keeps track of what hairstyles are relevant this season, flirts with fans. She wants to look attractive and collect men's looks, so the right idea would be to give small household appliances: a hair dryer, curling iron, hair tongs. You can also present a set of honey creams, a manicure set or a set of markers for nail design.

A birthday present doesn't have to be material. An older sister will be pleased with an invitation to a beauty salon, a hairdresser, to a professional photo shoot. If she has enough beautiful shots, put one on the cover of a glossy magazine. The effect will exceed expectations! The top presentations will also include:

Skydiving. Do it in tandem with your sister. An unforgettable gift can be a buffet after landing.

Hot air balloon flight. No less interesting gift for my sister. Ask in advance what heights the balloon will reach.

Electric nail file. Does your sister prefer calm gifts? Thanks to the present, you can take your time to do a manicure.

Mini umbrella "Capsule". Together with the gift, the girl will receive a plastic case stylized as a medical pill. Looks cool!

Bluetooth speaker "SUBWOOF". The sister to whom it was presented will have to download her favorite songs to her phone. Wireless connection and playback are automatic.

Universal Gift Ideas for Your Sister

There are a large number of things that you can give your sister, regardless of age. First of all, these are the little things necessary for every woman: a mirror, a jewelry box, a cosmetic bag, a comb, a set of hairpins and the like. An inexpensive universal present should be accompanied by an addition in the form of a photo postcard, a personalized chocolate bar, and an author's set of sweets. It will be doubly fun!

A universal gift for adult sisters is kitchen textiles, an embroidered dressing gown, a plaid with sleeves, a set of bed linen or towels. Of the more original presentations, we highlight a cool, handmade soap, an unusual bathroom dispenser, a wine decanter, a magnetic board for the refrigerator, as well as:

Skin rejuvenation device Bio-Photon. Before buying a gift, be sure to consult with a beautician. You want to please your sister, not hurt her.

Mini bag "Bank". Women pay tribute to original gifts. You can brag about them to your friends.

Passport cover "Flower". Decorated with fine ornaments. Before you give, ask to add the sister's monogram.

Watches with your Bands monogram. Another interesting solution. Personalized gifts are highly valued.

Apple Peeler. A lover of fruit salads will say that you understand gifts. Most likely, the little sister had no idea about the device.

Buying a useful birthday present for my sister

Good housewives often raise the question that gifts should not play a purely decorative role. Relatives who know this character trait can present household appliances to a practical sister: an electric broom, a steamer, a bread machine, a waffle iron, a food processor. A good option is a set of cutting boards or jars for spices, dishes or wine glasses, cartridges for a coffee maker or a water filter. Such a present will not lie idle without work.

Essential items include health and beauty products. If the sister is regularly engaged in fitness, give a tracksuit, women's dumbbells, a hula hoop, an exercise bike. For a birthday, you can look after a girl with skates, roller skates, skis, and a snowboard. Among the win-win ideas are a ticket to the sports base, a master class with a famous coach, a course of recovery procedures. Among the useful gifts for the sister will be:

Backpack with Vattern drinking system. Perfect for the travel minded woman. Let him quench his thirst on the go, without waiting for any source.

Exercise machine "Beautiful chest". Give without hesitation! 15 minutes of classes a day, and the little sister will be in perfect shape.

Organizer for cosmetics "Beauty Secrets". It is a desirable gift for women. 3 compartments and 3 drawers will be enough for your sister.

Tea set, 2 persons. Porcelain, author's design, gilding. Elite gifts for the home are always out of competition.

Pillow-headrest "Relax". Are you taking your sister on vacation after her birthday? Take a look at gifts for travelers. The chip of the product is a filler with a memory effect.