What to do to have beautiful skin. The surgeon's scalpel in the fight against sagging and serious defects in the skin of the face. Everyday skin care

The desire to be beautiful is a natural desire. It haunts girls from an early age. Getting older, we try to look perfect: we dress with taste, carefully select makeup. However, we must remember that beauty is, first of all, health.

The mirror of the state of our body is the skin. Indeed, a person with healthy color The face is truly beautiful, even without makeup. What do you need to know in order to keep your skin perfect for a long time?

Nutrition and sleep for perfect skin

  • Great importance for perfect skin has a diet. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits daily. The skin needs vitamin A, which is found in carrots, tomatoes, vitamin E ( fish fat, olive oil), and C (currant, lemon, orange, etc.). Do not abuse canned food, chips, fatty pork, smoked meats. Replace sunflower oil to olive. Remember that food should be simple and varied.
  • Good rest and sleep is very important for perfect skin. Go to bed no later than 23:00, because. It is at this time that metabolic processes are actively taking place in the body. At this time, "working" night cream for face. The duration of sleep should be at least 7-9 hours a day. Don't fool yourself: by "saving" on sleep, you "save" on your health. Sleep deprivation leads to failure nervous system, and stress will immediately affect the skin.
  • Do not forget about vitamins for perfect skin! Keep your health under control and help the body vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. Unfortunately, harmful ecology and other factors have done their job. Fruits, vegetables and other foods do not contain enough vitamins and useful substances. Therefore, we simply cannot do without “chemistry”.

Cleansing for perfect skin

Very milestone caring for perfect skin i - cleansing. You need to wash your face twice a day: in the morning and before going to bed. The skin cleanser should be chosen according to your skin type. The water must be warm. Very beneficial for the skin contrasting washes(warm - cold water). You need to wash your face in the morning because during sleep, dirt and sweat accumulate on the surface of the skin. In addition, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of makeup residues that may have remained on the skin from the evening. Before going to bed, it is also important to cleanse the skin of the dirt accumulated over the whole day. Only clean skin can fully rest at night.

Exercise is very beneficial for perfect skin. They improve blood circulation in large vessels, as well as in small capillaries that supply the skin. nutrients and oxygen. Improved blood circulation will make the skin radiant. Walking is also good for the skin.


Moisturize perfect skin

The second very important step in skin care is moisturizing.. Water is the main component of the human body, therefore, especially in summer time drink as much water as possible. The state of all organs, and, consequently, the skin, depends on the amount of water entering the body.

Required amount liquid depends on several factors: weight, physical activity, consumption of alcohol and caffeinated drinks that dry out the body. But the minimum fluid intake is 8 glasses per day.

Moisturizing perfect skin is necessary not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Use moisturizers, lotions, gels. In the summer, it is very useful to spray thermal water or ordinary boiled water on your face.

Perfect skin is not touched!

Try to touch your face less. Give up the habit of popping pimples or rubbing your eyes. After all, many bacteria accumulate on our hands, which can cause inflammatory processes. Squeezing acne in youth can result in the appearance of scars, red dots on the face, which are very difficult to get rid of.

remember, that internal organs affect the condition of the skin and make it perfect if they work correctly. Therefore, do not let your illnesses take their course, but get rid of them.

Love yourself, take care of your skin, and it will retain its youth, health and will be perfect for a long time!

The first thing that catches your eye when you scroll through fashion magazines, - the perfect skin of the faces of celebrities in the photo. But you can achieve the same result without Photoshop. Help in this correction of nutrition, refusal bad habits, cosmetics.

How to achieve perfect facial skin? Change your lifestyle!

Better than any cosmetics, a woman is adorned with a good 7-8-hour sleep. A full night's rest energizes the body, which naturally affects the condition of the skin. Another factor that greatly affects appearance is nutrition. An excess of carbohydrates and fats in the diet adversely affects the liver and intestines.

Ideal skin of the face is characterized by a uniform color and a slight radiance

Malfunctions inside the body lead to the appearance of oily sheen, acne. However, the lack of fat is also harmful to the skin: without them, it becomes dry, dull, sensitive.

Important! Vitamin E, especially valuable for the skin, is found in large quantities in vegetable oils so they must be included in the diet.

Prevent dryness and premature aging skin allows sufficient intake clean water- at least 6 glasses a day. Sour-milk drinks are considered beneficial for the body, green tea. But it is better for women who dream of having perfect skin to refuse coffee and alcohol. Tobacco smoking affects the skin of the face badly: they turn yellow, thinner, look like parchment.

How to make your skin perfect at home?

The key to beautiful skin is correct and regular care. Daily care on the face should consist of cleansing, toning and moisturizing. It is necessary to wash in the morning and in the evening, using gel, foam or milk. After cleansing, the skin is wiped with lotion or tonic. For moisturizing and nutrition use day and night cream.

Achieving perfect facial skin allows constant comprehensive care

To make the skin smooth and uniform in color, peeling is done 1-3 times a week. At high fat content face exfoliating procedures are carried out more often, with dryness - less often. After peeling, as a rule, a mask is applied - a composition that saturates the skin with fatty and organic acids, proteins, minerals, and vitamins.

Makeup allows you to hide minor flaws on the face. Here are some tips on how to use cosmetics to make the skin radiant and velvety:

  • After moisturizing your face, apply foundation. For skin with redness, use a color rather than a clear product.
  • Apply over make-up base Foundation or fluid. Do this only in those places where imperfections are visible.
  • The tone of the product should either match the skin tone, or be a little lighter.
  • Mask the blue under the eyes, pimples, spots with a concealer.
  • Set makeup with powder. If you have oily skin, use a loose product. When dry skin use compact powder.
  • To correct the oval and give face lung radiance, apply highlighter locally.

Sooner or later, everyone has to deal with certain skin problems, whether it be acne, dryness, hypersensitivity, oiliness, pigmentation or wrinkles. Most of them cannot be completely eliminated or avoided, but steps can be taken to minimize the damage. Keep your skin healthy by taking care of it properly. Solve problems as they arise with suitable means or procedures. In addition, take care of your skin and body in general by adhering to a healthy lifestyle.


Take good care of your skin

    Find out your skin type. The first step to perfect skin is to figure out exactly how best to take care of it. for your skin. Each person's skin is unique. What works for others may not work for you. Take a closer look at your skin and decide whether it is normal, sensitive, dry, oily or combination.

    • If you have normal skin, lucky you! Your skin doesn't get oily, your pores are small, your skin tone is even, and you rarely get acne.
    • sensitive tends to react strongly to stimuli. It can become dry, itchy, or irritated due to the weather, your lifestyle, and the foods you eat.
    • Dry skin usually feels tight after cleansing and may be rough or flaky, especially when exposed to cold weather or dry air. Dry skin is prone to the formation of fine wrinkles, but the pores on it are usually hardly noticeable.
    • Oily skin may become greasy and greasy within an hour after washing. Sebum can even show through cosmetics, causing makeup to “leak”. Oily skin is prone to breakouts and blackheads and has visible pores.
    • Combined The type of skin means that it can be dry in some areas and oily in others. The skin can be oily in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) and at the same time tight and flaky on the cheeks. The pores on such skin are usually visible in the T-zone.
    • Also, depending on light, average or dark your skin tone, it will have certain characteristics. This should be taken into account when choosing care products.
  1. Wash your face twice a day. Washing is essential to remove dirt, oil, bacteria, and make-up residue that may otherwise be left on the skin.

    • Wash your face twice a day: once in the morning to wash away the sebum accumulated during the night, and once in the evening to get rid of dirt and make-up residue.
    • If you don't wear make-up, washing your face once a day may be enough.
    • Before washing, brush your hair back to fully expose your face.
    • To cleanse your face, wet it warm water. Hot water may be too harsh and dry out the skin, but a warm one is ideal as it will help open the pores. Squeeze a little cleanser into the palm of your hand and apply it gently to your face. in a circular motion. Move from the bottom up and from the middle of the face to the sides, starting from the chin. You need to cleanse the entire face and neck.
    • Take Special attention"folds of the terrain", such as nasolabial folds.
    • Then rinse your face cold water to close the pores. Make sure to rinse off the cleanser completely. Pat your face dry with a clean towel (do not rub, as this is too rough for the skin). Or, better yet, let the skin dry itself.
  2. Use a cleanser that suits your skin type (this should be indicated on the package). If possible, avoid products containing fragrances, dyes or a large number of aggressive chemical substances. They may cause skin irritation or simply be ineffective. When it comes to facials, the simpler the better.

    Use a tonic. Tonic is the most underrated skincare product and many women skip this step. Although the use of a tonic is not absolutely necessary, it provides the skin with many benefits: it removes dirt residues and cleansers, restores the acid-base balance of the skin and nourishes it. It also helps the toner to better absorb the care products (such as moisturizer, serum, or sunscreen) that you apply after.

    • Most tonics come in liquid form and are very easy to use. Just squeeze a little cotton pad and gently apply to face and neck. Leave the toner on the skin, no rinsing or wiping is required.
    • If your skin is prone to breakouts, use a beta- and alpha-hydroxy acid toner to exfoliate your skin.
    • If you have dry skin, opt for a hydrating toner with vitamin E or aloe vera.
    • If you're looking for an anti-aging toner, use one that contains antioxidants (to repair skin) and retinoids (to fight wrinkles).
    • If you have dry or sensitive skin, don't use a toner that contains alcohol, as it can be too harsh and dry out your skin.
    • Keep in mind that children and teenagers are not recommended to use tonic. It is best to start using it after 17 or 18 years.
  3. Use a moisturizer. Regardless of your skin type, choosing a moisturizer is one of the highlights in daily skin care. Such products moisturize your skin by retaining moisture in its upper layers. In addition, they protect the skin and improve its tone and texture. As with other skin care products, the choice of moisturizer depends on your skin type.

    Exfoliate your skin regularly. Regular exfoliation of dead skin cells leaves the skin fresh, smooth and radiant. Therefore, you should do it at least once a week or more often (depending on your skin type).

    Always wash off your makeup. It may sound like a truism, but the importance of complete makeup removal cannot be underestimated. every evening. It's boring and probably the last thing you want to do on some nights, but your skin will thank you!

    Keep cleaning wipes handy. Although it is desirable to use complete procedure care (total cleansing, toning and moisturizing), in case of an emergency, you should keep a pack of wipes next to the bed to remove makeup from the face and eyes. Then all you have to do is rub your face quickly to remove most of your makeup before falling back onto your pillow.

    Let your skin take a break from make-up. If possible, try to give your skin a break from time to time and not make up, especially if you are used to applying a dense tone. This prospect may scare you, but your skin will feel much better. If walking around with no makeup sounds too extreme for you, try switching to a moisturizer with tonal effect- it is much lighter than the foundation, but you will not have the feeling of a "naked" face.

    Get rid of old makeup. At least once every six months, check your cosmetic bag and throw away everything that is stale. Makeup is a haven for bacteria, so using thick foundation and clumpy mascara can clog pores and lead to breakouts. Do not use cosmetics that have passed their expiration date.

    Don't forget sunscreen! Importance sunscreen cannot be overestimated. This cream is not to be underestimated. They protect the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet rays, which can cause a whole bunch of skin problems. Proved that sunscreen significantly reduces the risk of skin cancer, and this is reason enough to use it. It also protects the skin from aging sun rays, including wrinkles, age spots, vascular network and color changes.

    Learn how to deal with skin problems

    1. Fight acne. Acne, or blackheads, is one of the most stubborn and irritating skin problems. Despite the fact that teenagers mostly suffer from it, it can manifest itself in the same way in adulthood. No one is immune from getting pimples here and there. Since acne is a very common problem, there are a huge number of medications and with some trial and error you will find one that will help you.

      • Follow your normal daily skin care routine (cleansing, toning, moisturizing) but use products specifically formulated for skin prone to acne. Try cleansers with ingredients such as triclosan, benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. To combat dryness, use lightweight, oil-free moisturizers.
      • In addition to standard daily procedures often helps topical application drugs that are usually available in the form of a cream or ointment. Most effective means contain ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, sulfur, retinoids and azelaic acid. While most of these products are available over the counter, larger concentrations may require a prescription.
    2. If acne persists, see a dermatologist. A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in skin problems. If spot treatment doesn't help, make an appointment with a dermatologist. Your doctor may prescribe topical or oral medications depending on the type and severity of your acne. Oral antibiotics help some, some women are effective birth control pills and some need a more drastic retinoid like isotretinoin.

      Fight the signs of aging. Deep and fine wrinkles, sagging skin and dark spots- skin problems that everyone will have to face at some stage in life. However, provided proper care behind the skin, you can delay their appearance and keep the skin young for as long as possible.

      Ask your doctor about retinoic acid treatment. Retinoic acid, or tretinoin, is an acidic form of vitamin A that is exceptionally effective in reducing wrinkles, firming loose skin and spot lightening. This happens because tretinoin improves cell reproduction, stimulates collagen production, and exfoliates the skin. At the time of this writing, tretinoin for external use is not registered in Russia, but you can ask your dermatologist a question about it. If you do not live in Russia, more detailed information O this tool can be found. Also retinoic acid included in some of the professional peeling used in salons.

      Fight skin discoloration. Color change includes issues such as brown spots, darker areas and hyperpigmentation. These problems are caused by overproduction of melanin in the skin, which can be caused by a wide variety of causes, including sun exposure, pregnancy, menopause, birth control pills, and others. medicines and popping pimples. Although the discoloration sometimes goes away on its own, there are a wide variety of medications available to speed up the process.

      Learn how to take care of sensitive skin. Sensitive skin can be a serious problem - you need to be especially careful in choosing care products, otherwise problems such as excessive dryness, redness, burning, red "pimples" or or even ulcers.

      Change your lifestyle

      1. Eat healthy food. Eat a healthy diet rich in the vitamins and minerals your skin needs. Vitamins B, C, E, A and K will help your skin look fresh and glowing.

        • Vitamin B is essential for skin, hair and nails. It is found in foods such as eggs, rice, bananas, and oatmeal.
        • Vitamin C protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun 's rays . It is found in citrus fruits such as lemon, lime or orange, in paprika, cranberry and grape juice, cauliflower and leafy greens.
        • Vitamin E also helps protect the skin from sun exposure. You can find it in foods like olives, spinach, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils.
        • Vitamin A is necessary for the restoration of skin tissue - without it, the skin will look dry and flaky. Vitamin A can be obtained from fruits and vegetables, so eat plenty of them.
        • Vitamin K helps to reduce dark circles under the eyes and bruising. Vitamin K is hidden in leafy vegetables, dairy products, and certain meats such as pork and liver.
      2. Maintain water balance. As you probably know, drinking water is very important for keeping your skin clear and healthy. This is due to the fact that the skin, like most of the cells in our body, is mostly made up of water.

      3. Use cosmetics suitable for your skin. If you are using decorative cosmetics, choose products that suit your skin type. Look for cosmetics High Quality labeled "non-comedogenic" or "does not clog pores." Choose products that suit your skin tone and are formulated for your skin type.

        • If you have dry skin, choose a tinted moisturizer.
        • If you have oily skin, choose an oil-free foundation.
        • Whatever makeup you use, give your skin a break from it from time to time. Remove makeup at least an hour before bedtime and try not to wear makeup at least a couple of days a week.
        • Never play sports with makeup on your face.
      • Always test the product before using it. To try a new product, apply a small amount on your wrist or above your arm and wait 24 hours. If you do not develop a rash, hives, or other allergic reaction most likely this product is safe.
      • Don't overload your skin with too much cream or lotion. A pea-sized amount will suffice. Excessive amounts of chemicals can simply increase acne and oily skin. Let your daily care behind the skin will be simple and easy. A simple wash with warm water, pat dry, and a small amount of a simple face cream can work wonders.
      • Instead of applying a large amount of foundation, you can mix it with your moisturizer.
      • If a cream or other moisturizer causes a rash, stop using it. In addition, after the appearance of a rash, it is necessary to give the face a rest for a while and not do makeup for several days.
      • Don't touch your face. Everyone wants to pick at a pimple or a healing crust sometimes, but your fingers carry a huge amount of bacteria that can easily transfer to your face and can make small breakouts bigger or reinfect the areas you're treating.
      • Keep your hair clean, especially if you have bangs. Try to keep your hair completely out of your face. If you have greasy hair, try to keep them away from your face and wash them regularly. Do not use conditioner on bangs - only from the tips and up to half the length at the back.
      • If you have dry skin, you can apply shea butter, olive oil or Coconut oil(especially recommended coconut). Put solid oil for a few seconds in the microwave or warm in your fingers to make it liquid. Apply to face after washing with cleanser at night. These oils can be found in stores healthy eating or in supermarkets.
      • Try to go from tight foundation on mineral makeup to keep your pores from clogging.
      • 3-4 cups of green tea a day helps to keep the skin clear and smooth.
      • If you need to pop a pimple, wash your hands thoroughly and squeeze very gently. Do not use your nails: instead of a pimple that will soon disappear, you can get a scar that will remain forever! If the pimple doesn't pop out, don't push harder. This means that the inflammation is still deep, and your efforts may damage the skin. Wait a few days and try again, or try drying the pimple with natural remedies.


      • If you have serious problems with acne or pimples so severe, you should consult a dermatologist. There are medications that can significantly reduce or even cure the manifestations of acne.
      • The suggested methods may not be suitable for everyone.

Today we will tell you how to make your face beautiful. The crazy pace of the modern city sometimes does not allow healthy lifestyle life: snacking on the go instead of a full meal, non-compliance with the regime of work and rest, lack of proper care - all this affects health. The skin is the first to suffer. And while clothes help hide the signs of skin aging on the body, the face is constantly visible. Worried about such a problem, women often wonder how to make their face beautiful at home if there is no time to visit a beauty salon.

In this article, we will look at some of the features of each skin type, the problems that arise, give recommendations and offer time-tested beauty recipes.

Features of skin types

There are five main skin types, each with its own characteristics:

It is possible to be beautiful without the use of cosmetics. First you need to know how to get beautiful colour faces. After all, this is the first step to the beginning of improvement. Ordinary water or green tea will help with this - drink two liters daily.

This will start the upgrade metabolic processes in the body, will help to eliminate toxins and, accordingly, improve and normalize the complexion. And in order to avoid the opposite effect, give up any energy drinks, including coffee and black tea. To avoid morning puffiness, drink liquid two to three hours before bedtime.

Making a clean face

How to make your face clean and beautiful? Many women are accustomed to using cosmetics as a panacea for all adversity. However, in some cases, this does not bring the expected result, and sometimes even harms - dry skin or inflammation appears.

It is not necessary to spend money on a ton cosmetics if you can make some adjustments to your lifestyle. Where to start and how to make the skin of the face beautiful? Will help you:

  • cold and hot shower;
  • Mandatory make-up removal at night;
  • proper rest and, of course, sleep;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • a balanced diet (all vitamins must be present);
  • using basic care products suitable for your skin type;
  • being outdoors.

Once you adopt these simple tips you will immediately see amazing changes in your face.

Continuing the theme of natural beauty, we bring to your attention proven facial skin care products that can be used at home.

Clear and beautiful skin on the face. What do we have to do?

How can you do Beautiful face? Use the following tools:

  1. Freshness to the face will return a decoction of bay leaves in proportions of 20 g per 100 ml of water. It must be boiled, cooled and wiped on the face.
  2. The problem of black dots will be solved by honey with lemon. How to make such a tool? Put a few drops of honey on a piece of lemon. Then the resulting remedy should be applied to the area where there is acne. Wash off the mask with cool water after five minutes.
  3. Acne mask. She is easy to prepare. On a fine grater, you need to grate the cucumbers to make three tablespoons, pour them with a glass of boiling water and leave for exactly three hours. Next, you need to strain the mixture and add one teaspoon of honey to the liquid. After washing, use this solution and you will get rid of acne and inflammation.
  4. If you have viburnum, also use it to destroy rashes. Wipe acne with a swab dipped in juice three times a day.

Facial skin toning

How to make a beautiful complexion? To improve the complexion and moisturize it, you can use cucumber tonic. For its preparation, you need a cucumber, diced with a peel. It is poured with a glass of milk and boiled for three to five minutes. After straining, you can add a spoonful of honey and wipe your face with it.

Owners of oily skin will need a green tea tonic recipe. A glass of brewed tea is cooled. Then filter and add two spoons (teaspoons) lemon juice. Wipe the face, but do not leave the resulting mixture on the skin for a long time to avoid staining it.

Skin hydration

We steam two tablespoons of oatmeal with a glass of boiling water or milk. We insist about fifteen minutes and drain the liquid that remains there. Add a little honey, lemon juice (you can also use an aloe leaf) and apply the mask for twenty minutes. This option perfectly restores the water balance of the skin. Here's how to make your face beautiful in just 20 minutes.

Mask with cottage cheese and remedy with an apple

enjoys great popularity curd mask. To prepare it, you need to mix fatty cottage cheese and honey in proportions of 2: 1. The effect of the mask is thirty minutes. Such a tool not only nourishes the skin, but also tones it, and also allows you to remove irritation.

How to make a beautiful face? Now consider another recipe for moisturizer. Grate an apple on a fine grater, add a spoon butter and beaten yolk. Honey can be added if desired. Leave on for twenty minutes, then rinse. Perfect hydration guaranteed!

A small conclusion

Now you know how to make a beautiful face. Taking good care of your skin is pretty easy. It needs to be nourished and cleansed. Then the skin will become your pride. Love yourself and your happy eyes will shine, making your face flawless even without makeup!

Due to the economic situation in the country, prices have increased not only for products. Unfortunately, now not everyone can afford a weekly trip to the beautician and manicurist. However, you want to remain beautiful regardless of the state of finances. Of course, there is a way out, and it is simple: take care of yourself. In this article, we will consider simple ways how to make your face beautiful at home.

foundation of the foundations

The very first rule that you need to learn and follow even on autopilot in any state, if you are looking for how to make your face beautiful, consists of three steps: cleansing, toning, moisturizing.

Be sure to remove makeup in the evening, even if you are lazy. This simple action will take no more than 5-10 minutes, followed by washing. But in the morning, the skin will not “please” you with such “wonderful” surprises as different kind rashes and If you add more reddened and swollen eyelids due to mascara ... To get rid of the consequences, it will take much more time than the saved evening 10 minutes.

You also need to wash your mind. Ordinary soap, even advertised and with a supposedly appropriate ph level, will not work for this. It is suitable for the body, but not for the face. Facial skin is more delicate and needs delicate cleansing. There are many special washbasins from different manufacturers, so choosing the right one for both skin type and price is not difficult. Foams, gels, special cosmetic soap Your skin will only thank you.

Be sure to use a tonic or lotion. It removes residual impurities and prepares the skin for subsequent application of the cream. If you are looking for a way, and a beautiful one, do not neglect this stage.

Before you start building care, you need to know your skin type.

Oily skin care

Well if you are sure that you have oily skin. For those who doubt there is easy way check it out. Take or a regular napkin and apply to the face a couple of hours after washing. Do not apply any cosmetics or creams. If there are stains on a napkin or paper, then you are a happy owner of the skin. fatty type. So, how to make faces with such initial data?

It is often believed that oily skin is a real nightmare and very difficult to care for. No more difficult than dry. In addition, there is a bonus: wrinkles will appear much later. WITH oily sheen, enlarged pores, black spots and inflammation can be dealt with by choosing the right care.


Any care begins with cleansing. Train yourself to wash your face with warm water, not hot. Hot water promotes pore expansion and increased production sebum. Suitable foams or gels with antibacterial components, without alkali. Avoid products with a high alcohol content. It may seem that this perfect solution- Dry your skin a little. But soon you will see the opposite: fat production will increase and shine will appear faster than usual. It's quite normal reaction body for aggressive care.

Choosing peels and masks

Looking for a way to make your face beautiful and clean, pay attention to peels and masks. They will help even out the tone of the face, and remove impurities. Choose exfoliants with coarse or medium abrasive, clay-based masks. There are products that combine the caring properties of the mask and at the same time perfectly remove blackheads. Pamper your skin with such treatments at least 2-3 times a week. After any mask or peeling, apply a thinning tonic or serum to your face, after a couple of months of regular use, the result will be noticeable.

How to make a beautiful face, what else do you need? That's right, cream. The choice of cream must also be approached responsibly. Basic requirements: anti-inflammatory components, zinc and oil free. A good result is obtained by using oily skin products with snail mucin. They normalize the production of sebum, minimize inflammation, heal existing pimples and improve complexion.

Dry skin care

Dry skin is even more sensitive than oily skin. Feeling of tightness, redness, irritation and hypersensitivity are constant and faithful companions. Even tone, dullness and the rare appearance of rashes slightly improve the picture. However, if you take care of this type of skin poorly, you can easily get overdrying and premature wrinkles.

How to do beautiful skin faces of this type without the help of a beautician? And is it possible? Yes, it's possible. It is necessary to properly build care, starting with washing and ending with peels and masks. Dry skin needs gentle cleansing, so choose soft remedies with a gentle composition, if you like to use sponges or brushes, do not rub hard so as not to cause irritation. Choose a tonic or lotion with a minimum alcohol content so as not to overdry the skin. So you will avoid feeling of tightness and peeling.

Every skin needs deep cleansing. But here it is necessary to act without excessive fanaticism. IN this case the best will become the enemy of the good. Therefore, one, maximum two times a week will be more than enough. It is better to dwell on delicate peeling rolls, due to their features, they do not contain abrasive particles at all, but the skin is perfectly cleansed of any impurities. If the soul still requires scrubs, choose those in which the abrasive particles are small.

Masks should also be approached with caution: clay can do more harm than good. It makes sense to either keep less than the specified time, or even switch to fabric.

Choosing creams for dry skin

Dry skin needs to be moisturized and nourished. Choose creams with a dense texture, they may take longer to absorb, but the effect is worth it. If peeling appears, it means that the skin lacks moisture. You can add serum locally or try to make a course of moisturizing masks.

If an antiage effect is required, choose products with collagen and elastin. Avoid creams with mineral oils and glycerin, they will only dry out the skin and will not give any effect.

When working at a computer and during the heating season, use thermal water and your skin will thank you.

Normal skin care

Lucky with normal type skin can only be envied. There are not many ways to make a face beautiful with such initial data. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of care, choose a light, non-overloading cream, and do scrub-masks 1-2 times a week.

To keep the beauty normal skin, you can wipe it from time to time with ice cubes from a prepared herbal decoction or mineral water. Back then for a long time you don’t have to look for how to make a beautiful complexion. Your skin will be happy natural radiance and healthy looking.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Thinking about how to make a beautiful face at home, do not forget about the area around the eyes. She needs care the most and is the first to show her age. It is better to start taking care of this delicate area earlier than to throw heavy artillery into battle in the form of fillers or powerful lifting creams.

The most important rule: do not stretch. Apply cream light patting movements, and do not smear it. This will help to avoid the appearance of new wrinkles and will not deepen existing ones.

If you want to get an immediate effect, for example, before an important event, use an express product containing caffeine and alcohol. The skin will be smoothed out for a while, it will look rested and toned. However, the action will pass in a couple of hours. For everyday care, choose vitamin C. They do not give a magical instant result, but they act slowly but surely, and this The best way how to make your face beautiful at home.

Little beauty secrets

For clarification dark circles under the eyes, you can use the proven "grandmother's" methods: put thin slices of raw cucumber or potatoes under the eyes for 10-15 minutes. They will also help get rid of bags under the eyes. But for this, thin plates of vegetables must be held in the freezer, then removed, wrapped with gauze, let them warm up a little and put under the eyes.

And a little more

The final touches in personal care will be the right makeup and manicure. Understanding how to make faces is not difficult at all. The most important rule: choose perfect tone. clean, smooth skin attracts more attention than bright eyes or lips. With the help of concealer, it remains only to hide minor imperfections. A little mascara and lip gloss will make you look like a queen.