Peeling with retinoic acid at home. Indications and contraindications for yellow peeling. Retinoic peeling at home

Many women face various problems on the skin of the face - from comedones to wrinkles. And to combat them, it is not necessary to use harsh and expensive means. Peeling with retinoic ointment will help restore beauty and youthfulness to the skin, which does not require much effort and financial investment.

This procedure is offered by many specialized salons, but you can perform it yourself at home.

Forms of release and composition of the product

The drug is available as an ointment in tubes of 10, 15, 20 and 35 grams, as well as in different concentrations of isotretinoin - 0.05% and 0.1%. The product is based on the most effective form of vitamin A, supplemented with other ingredients.

Beneficial features

The peeling procedure with retinoic ointment is good not only for its availability and simplicity. The drug is designed specifically to combat skin rashes, but its composition allows you to get rid of other dermatological problems, including reducing wrinkles.

Thanks to retinoic ointment, you can achieve the following effects:

  • improved skin renewal;
  • activation of collagen synthesis;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • giving the skin softness and elasticity;
  • restoration and strengthening of damaged areas of the epidermis;
  • deliverance;
  • exfoliation of dead skin cells.

Peeling with retinoic ointment starts the process of skin restoration, smoothes its surface, and prevents unwanted pigmentation. This tool is actively used by dermatologists and cosmetologists in the creation of masks, as it does not have serious side effects. As a result of the procedure, the face is cleansed and looks younger and fresher.

Contraindications for use

Retinoic ointment, like any other pharmaceutical product, has a number of contraindications, including:

  • excessive oiliness of the skin;
  • individual sensitivity;
  • violations of the liver;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • taking medications, including antibiotics.

Side effects:

  • peeling and irritation of the skin;
  • greasy shine, the appearance of comedones;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • mood swings, depression;
  • headaches, increased intracranial pressure.

The cost of the ointment

Retinoic ointment is a cosmetic product, so you can buy it without a prescription. Depending on the chosen pharmacy and the volume of the tube, the price ranges from 150 to 300 rubles per pack.

Features of retinoic peeling

To carry out such a peeling, you need not only an ointment, but also fruit acids. In cosmetology, they are used for the regeneration and restoration of the epidermis, getting rid of dead skin cells and age spots. Thanks to the mask with this composition, the skin is not dehydrated, and the body starts producing its own collagen. With the help of retinoic ointment, you can smooth out the creases of the skin and make it more elastic.

Fruit acids are most often used by women aged 35-55, and the ointment has an antiseptic effect. The finished mask can be applied not only to the face and neck, but also to the décolleté, arms and legs. To achieve the best effect, a complex of four procedures should be carried out. It is not necessary to repeat the course very often - only once every six months. Thanks to numerous positive reviews, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure, and with the help of ready-made recipes, you can easily use the product at home.


Sufficiently safe and delicate peeling is recommended for:

  • the formation of blackheads, acne, pigmentation and other rashes on the face;
  • the appearance of the first wrinkles;
  • decrease in skin elasticity;
  • the appearance of scars after acne (post-acne).

Features of peeling with retinoic ointment

The mask should be applied to the entire face and décolleté. After the procedure, there may be slight redness of the skin, which will quickly pass.

The mask is based on retinoic ointment, which can be mixed with aloe juice, various herbal decoctions, vegetable and herbal mixtures, natural oils.

Retinoic ointment, if necessary, can be replaced with Tretinoin, Differin or azelaic acid, which are also freely sold in any pharmacies. Experts recommend using the same sequence of actions that is used in salon sessions. At home, peeling is performed as follows:

  1. as a preparation for two weeks before the procedure, any types of scrubs are not used;
  2. the face is thoroughly cleansed;
  3. glycolic acid is applied to the skin;
  4. after its absorption, a thin layer of retinoic ointment is applied;
  5. after 45 minutes, a neutral mixture is applied to the skin;
  6. the mask should be left for 7 hours and then washed off with warm water.

After the procedure, there is usually a feeling of peeling, which is a clear indicator that the applied composition is working.

Home peeling with retinoic ointment: homemade recipes

The folk piggy bank of knowledge contains several easy-to-use recipes. Peeling is carried out strictly in stages.

  • First, glycolic acid is applied to the skin. Then you should mix retinoic ointment with vitamin E in equal proportions and cover the skin with the resulting composition for 20 minutes. Then a neutral agent is applied, and the mask is left for another 5-7 hours, after which it must be washed off with warm water.
  • As a vitamin mass, you can use retinoic ointment mixed with aloe juice in equal proportions. Such a tool is applied to the skin for one hour, and then a neutral component is used.

Another version of the vitamin mass includes retinoic ointment, almond oil and burdock oil taken in equal proportions. This composition is also applied for one hour.

All of these mask options are great for home use and effectively smooth out wrinkles. It is important to bear in mind that after their application, peeling of the skin is inevitable for one to three days. During this period, it is recommended to use good quality moisturizers.

Skin restoration after peeling

After applying a delicate and safe peeling, it would be logical to expect the effect of delicate and velvety skin, but this is not entirely true. After some time - from 12 hours to a day - the skin begins to actively peel off. Thus, dead keratinized cells are removed. Redness of the skin may also appear, which disappears on the second or fourth day after the procedure.

Complete renewal of the skin occurs in 7 days, and the maximum effect manifests itself only on 21 days. This amount of time is required for complete renewal and restoration of skin cells. Usually during this period 3-4 peeling procedures with retinoic ointment are performed.

The process of exfoliating the skin is very intensive, so it is recommended to exercise maximum care in care and daily life. You can not touch your face with your hands, use scrubbing and aggressive products. To cleanse the skin during this period, you need to use not tonics, but warm water. It is useful to apply neutral moisturizers with UV protection and use enzyme masks.

Since after applying retinoic ointment the skin becomes more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, it is best to carry out the procedure in autumn or spring. This will minimize the risk of sunburn and also choose a convenient schedule for repeat sessions.

The action of retinol peeling is based on the application of retinoic acid to the skin and its further effect on skin cells.

The acid contains retinoids- artificial substitutes for vitamin A, which regulate the processes occurring in the cells and intercellular spaces of the skin, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

How retinol (yellow) peeling works

Collagen retains moisture in the layers of the skin and prevents it from aging. Elastin gives the skin elasticity. When applying retinol peeling, the skin temporarily turns yellow, hence the name - yellow peeling.

An easy way to improve the appearance of your skin is with a retinol peel at home.

Main the function of retinoids is to maintain and restore the epithelial tissue of the skin, so they are part of many cosmetics for facial care. An easy way to improve the appearance of your skin is with a retinol peel at home. This article will tell you how to make it effective and safe.

Carefully! Retinoic acid causes a slight burn of the skin, followed by exfoliation of dead cells. When they are removed, the skin is renewed and looks young and beautiful.

General application rules

Peeling is applied to previously cleansed and prepared skin.

For this procedure, you may need the following auxiliary items:

  • latex gloves;
  • brush (a brush is perfect for dyeing hair);
  • cotton swab.

CAREFULLY! Acid is not applied to moles, warts. These places must be protected, for this they are smeared with petroleum jelly or olive oil.

Peeling, like any mask, is not applied to the area around the eyes and eyelids

Peeling, like any mask, is not applied to the area around the eyes and eyelids. Use the retinoic acid solution carefully to avoid getting it into the eyes.

Peeling is applied to the skin of the face, neck, decollete. The brush is dipped in the solution and it is applied to the prepared skin. The composition is evenly distributed throughout the site.

Everyone is interested in how to make retinol peeling, which is made at home, penetrate deeper into the skin.

For deep penetration and enhancement of the effect and with strong pigmentation on the skin, it is necessary to rub these spots with a cotton swab dipped in acid.

Additional friction is also required for the skin area with mimic wrinkles, around the eyes. After applying retinol peeling, after 30 minutes, a slight burning sensation and redness of the skin may be felt. This is a normal process. The skin begins to tighten slightly. Retinoic acid is stored in a dark bottle in the refrigerator.

! During peeling, it is required to avoid mimic movements of the face, otherwise the skin may stretch and small wrinkles will not disappear.

Three types of peeling and their effects on the skin

The goal of any type of peeling is to rejuvenate the skin by removing dead cells from the epidermis. There are several ways to influence the skin, which are classified according to the depth of their effect on the epidermis.

Retinol peeling

Beauticians distinguish three types of peeling:

  1. Surface. Retinoic acid penetrates only into the granular and horny layers of the skin, without affecting the deeper layers. This type of peeling is gentle, since the effect of retinol occurs only in the surface layer of the skin.
  2. Median. This type affects the upper layer of the epidermis and reaches the capillary layer of the skin. This type of peeling has a rejuvenating effect, because it penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin.
  3. Deep. Affects the reticular dermis. The impact of this type of peeling is not only on dead cells, but also on living ones. This type of peeling is carried out only in beauty salons, no need to try to do it yourself.

Step by step instructions at home

The process of applying retinol peeling is quite lengthy and takes a long time to heal the skin, so you should not plan activities related to visiting public places.

Before performing a retinol peel at home, you need to figure out how to make this process safe and prepare the necessary skin area. Skin preparation depends on the type of peeling used and the type of skin.

Skin preparation depends on the type of peeling used and the type of skin.

For normal skin preparation takes 2 weeks. If the skin is dark, then this process will be delayed up to a month. Solarium lovers should refuse to visit it (about a month before the planned retinol peeling.

For superficial and median peels, half a month before the planned procedure, creams are used, which contain the main active ingredient.

For superficial and medium peels, half a month before the planned procedure, creams are used, which contain the main active ingredient

As a result, the skin gradually gets used to such products, which avoids unwanted negative reactions of the body. Such creams soften the skin, and allow retinoic acid to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin tissue and provide effective cleansing and skin rejuvenation.

Peeling order

It is very important if peeling is done on your own, at home, and not in the salon, follow a certain sequence of application on the skin of the cleansing mixture.

If you follow the order, the result will not keep you waiting. It is worth taking the study of this issue very seriously, since if peeling is used incorrectly, negative results can be obtained.

Try to drink more water, as renewed skin cells need a lot of water to form elastin and collagen.

During this period, you need to drink more plain, clean water and increase its daily intake. Skin renewal will occur 10 days after the procedure. Re-peeling can be repeated after 3 weeks. During this period, the skin will rest and fully recover.

Precautionary measures

What and how should be done to avoid allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock to retinol peeling at home?

Preliminary allergy test for this drug: a small amount of retinoic acid (10%) is applied to the inside of the elbow for 7-8 hours.

If as a result of this there is a strong burning sensation and itching, then the peeling should be abandoned.

The consequences of home retinol peeling

After a cosmetic procedure for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, positive and negative effects occur.

The positive effects are as follows:

Possible negatives:

After retinol peeling, the temperature may rise, itching and swelling will appear, which will disappear in a few days.

Skin care after peeling

Using retinol peeling at home, how to make the skin heal as soon as possible? This question is asked by many women. Moisturizers are used for faster healing., creams and masks for the skin, which contribute to the rapid restoration of the structure of the skin.

Where to buy peeling products

Preparations for retinol peeling can be purchased at specialized cosmetics stores.

A wide range of products is presented in the online store of professional cosmetics for the face. Retinoic acid can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Who is Retinol Peeling for?

To maintain youth and beauty, periodically it is worth carrying out retinol peeling at home. But it's important to know how to do it right.

Peeling effectively fights comedones, age spots, acne

Especially such cleansing is indicated for people with the following skin problems:

  • comedones - whiteheads and rosacea;
  • scars and irregularities;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • dry skin;
  • dark spots;
  • acne
  • lack of elastin;
  • skin aging.


There are contraindications for retinol peeling. These include:

  • sensitive skin;
  • drug intolerance;
  • allergic reactions to the composition;
  • herpes;
  • blood disease;
  • open cracks and wounds;
  • age restrictions (retinol reeling is not performed for persons under 18 years of age);
  • pregnancy.

NOTE! It is impossible to use retinol peeling during pregnancy, as it is possible to get fetal intoxication.

A prerequisite for conducting retinol peeling at home is a visit to a cosmetologist who will examine the skin and give appropriate recommendations for conducting such a procedure as retinol peeling at home.

How to make it in courses of 3-5 procedures with an interval of 1 month - the cosmetologist will tell you. Such techniques allow you to maintain the achieved result.

The effect of the achieved result on skin rejuvenation lasts for six months. Such procedures, subject to all recommendations, are safe for good health.

In this video, the blogger talks about his experience with retinol peeling:

This video demonstrates how to do retinol peeling at home:

The opinion of a cosmetologist on the topic of yellow peeling can be found here:

To combat rashes, comedones, wrinkles and uneven skin relief, yellow or retinoic peeling is performed in beauty salons. This procedure provides a gentle but intense exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis, due to which there is a rapid cell renewal and deep cleansing of the pores.

Modern women have learned how to do retinoic peeling at home. This saves a lot of time and money. In addition, a self-performed procedure is not inferior to salon sessions in terms of efficiency.

Retinoic peeling recipe at home

Fortunately, you don’t have to make any preparations on your own.

  • tretinoin;
  • retinoic peeling "Arcadia";
  • azelaic acid;
  • retinoic ointment.

Additionally, you need to buy glycolic acid, it serves as a preparatory product applied before peeling.

You only need to prepare a neutralizing mixture yourself. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of pure water.

How to make retinoic or yellow peeling at home?

Before the procedure, it is important to carefully prepare.

14 days before the scheduled peeling, it is recommended to stop using scrubs, cosmetics containing highly concentrated acids. To soften the keratinized scales of the epidermis, glycolic acid should be used. Alternatively, you can do a gentle ultrasonic facial cleansing. It will allow a little and prepare the skin for manipulation.

Peeling technique with retinoic ointment or other preparation at home:

After the procedure, intense peeling will definitely occur, indicating renewal and cleansing of the skin. During this period, it must be well moistened, and avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays, strong winds or frost.

It is quite simple to carry out at home and it is not at all necessary to seek help from a specialist. Unlike acid peeling, retinoic peeling does not have such a negative effect on the skin and at the same time has a fairly good effect.

Retinoic peeling at home - the effect of the procedure

Every woman dreams of eternal youth and wants to keep her skin in perfect shape for as long as possible. Many resort to plastic surgery for this, but surgery can cause serious harm to health and does not always bring the desired result.

As a rule, retinoic peeling is used not only to rejuvenate the skin of the face, but also to get rid of some skin problems. Retinoic facial peeling at home can improve collagen production and blood circulation, get rid of pigmentation, acne, fine wrinkles, blackheads and peeling.

In the photo - the result of retinoic peeling:

The effect of retinoic peeling

This face peel contains many healing acids, such as ascorbic, azelaic and retinoic acids. Some refer to retinoic peeling as a sun peel because of the slight tan that can be acquired by the skin of the face after several such procedures. It acts painlessly, softly and gently, so this procedure is suitable for almost everyone who wants to make the skin of the face velvety and healthy.

Also read about what is .

This procedure is not recommended for girls under 20 years old, because the skin at this age does not need such strict rejuvenation measures. The optimal age for retinoic peeling is considered to be between 30 and 50 years.

This procedure is not recommended for people suffering from various chronic diseases of the kidneys, respiratory tract and heart during the period of exacerbation, with herpes, allergies to aspirin and with any facial skin injuries (for example, burns, cuts or scratches). Do not use retinoic peeling for women who are expecting a baby, while breastfeeding and undergoing radiation therapy.

On the video, what is retinoic peeling:

How to make at home

You need to know how to do this peeling at home correctly. You can carry out the peeling procedure at home in several stages. First you need to carefully prepare for its implementation. 2 weeks before the appointed day, you need to stop visiting the solarium, bath and stop using exfoliating products. The skin must be gradually prepared and begin to use moisturizing creams containing glycolic acid, which will soften the stratum corneum on the face. It should be noted that peeling is a rather lengthy procedure, so it is better to free days off for it.

You may also be wondering what glycolic is, more on that.

Retinoids, which will be needed for the procedure, can be bought at almost any pharmacy without a prescription. They are contained in special creams, the names of which can be checked with a pharmacist.

After the stage of preparation and purchase of the cream necessary for the procedure, you can begin to apply peeling. First you need to cleanse the skin of the face. To do this, it is necessary to apply a solution containing glycolic acid, and then immediately - a mass for peeling. Keep the mask on your face for about 45 minutes.

Also read how often you can do diamond by.

On the video, how to make retinol peeling at home:

Next, you need to prepare a special neutralizing mixture. For her, you need to mix soda and cool water (0.5: 1). Without removing the retinoic mask, apply the prepared mixture and do not wash it off for about 7 hours. After applying this additional mixture, a slight burning sensation may be felt. As soon as the allotted time has passed, you need to thoroughly wash yourself with warm water and apply a quality moisturizer that will suit your skin type.

After peeling, you need to go to the recovery stage. After the procedure, the skin will be velvety and silky, but after a few hours or a couple of days, the dead layer will begin to actively peel off. In some cases, redness may appear on the skin of the face. In this case, you should not worry, the skin will gradually recover in about a week.

To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to do retinoic peeling at least once every 3 weeks, in 3 sessions. It will be possible to repeat the peeling course only after 6 months.

The skin will exfoliate actively, which can last at least 7 days. Do not exfoliate it yourself during this period. It will be useful to use a moisturizer and a variety of emollient masks.

But at this stage, the retinoic peeling procedure does not end. Facial skin that has been exposed to retinoic acid needs careful care and hydration. It must be protected in every possible way from ultraviolet rays and try to restore the water balance as soon as possible with the help of various masks and compresses. Before going out into the open air, it is imperative to use protective creams and other means.

Also find out what gas-liquid is, read about it.

Retinol procedure

In addition to retinoic peeling, a similar retinol procedure can be used. From the sound it may seem that we are talking about the same type of peeling, but this is not so. These 2 procedures are united only by the fact that it is quite simple to do both retinoic and at home.

Retinol peeling contains vitamin A (in other words, retinol). Its action is much more powerful, unlike retinoic, so many cosmetologists recommend using it for those who want to achieve a faster effect from the procedure.

This procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding, dermatosis, allergy to vitamin A and herpes.

Carrying out the procedure at home will not be difficult. The skin again needs to be treated with glycolic acid, then immediately apply the solution and after 15 minutes - the neutralizing mixture. Care after retinol peeling does not differ from that which is carried out with retinoic peeling. Regarding the means that will help in the care after the procedure, it is better to first consult with a specialist so as not to run into a low-quality product that can ruin the skin of the face.

The procedure can also be carried out from those ingredients that every woman can find in her refrigerator. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to consult a cosmetologist, since such a procedure is not capable of causing severe harm to the skin of the face. This peeling is ideal for those with sensitive skin.

The procedure will require aloe vera leaves, cucumber, green tea, gelatin and chamomile. First you need to brew half a glass of green tea and the same amount of chamomile decoction, then add 1 tbsp. l. aloe and a packet of gelatin.

The cucumber must first be cleaned of seeds, and then turned into gruel. The resulting slurry and decoctions must be filtered. Gelatin must be put in a small saucepan and pour 0.5 cups of broth. Put the container on a slow fire and heat until the gelatin is completely melted. The mixture should not be brought to a boil. After that, you can add a mixture of cucumber, aloe and mix everything thoroughly. Next, you need to put the mixture to cool for 20 minutes.

How to do the procedure with calcium chloride, you can find out

On video retinol facial peeling at home:

After the allotted time, it is necessary to apply the mixture in a thick layer to the previously cleansed skin. The area around the eyes and lips should be avoided when applying. Leave the mask on your face for about 20 minutes.

Removing the peeling mask is quite simple. It must be carefully washed off with slightly warm plain water. At the same time, it is not recommended to use a standard terry towel; it is better to remove the mask with a soft linen cloth.

A small conclusion

Peeling, both retinoic and retinol, is still a rather serious procedure, which must be approached with all responsibility so as not to acquire unwanted problems with the skin of the face in the future. There are a lot of positive reviews about retinoic peeling at home. Those women who have tried this procedure on themselves say with confidence that it has a very beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenates it, making it soft and velvety. In addition, peeling done at home is much cheaper than a similar procedure in the salon.

Every woman wants to look 100%. This is especially true for the skin of the face. After all, a face, like hands, is a business card that can tell a lot about its owner. Therefore, it is important to maintain beauty and health as long as possible. Retinoic peeling can help with this for all skin types. It has a rejuvenating effect, helps to remove blackheads and also has many positive properties, which you will learn about below.

The procedure got its name due to the main component - retinoid. It is an artificial analogue of vitamin A, which promotes cell regeneration. A harmonious addition to the main component is folic, ascorbic and phytic acids, which are also present in the composition.

Sometimes in beauty salons you will hear the name yellow retinoic peel for facial rejuvenation. This is due to the fact that the main component stains the skin in a yellowish color. As a result, you will get a light tan.

The main advantages of such a cosmetic product are a low level of possible damage and consequences, a short rehabilitation course. This is a real guarantee of youth and beauty for many years.

Retinoic medium peeling and photo after the procedure

The median effects on the skin include those types of cosmetic procedures that affect the epidermal layer. Retinoic medium peeling, known to cosmetologists, is used to get rid of mimic wrinkles, acne and blackheads.

Median, unlike superficial exposure, allows you to correct deeper problems. Therefore, if you have scars or small scars, you can correct them with a special procedure.

How to use acid products at home, what types there are - you will read below in the article. You will also get acquainted with well-known manufacturers and choose the right option for yourself. If you want to verify the effectiveness of the procedure, then we advise you to view the photo after retinoic peeling further on this page:

Retinoic peeling of the face and its effect on the skin

Have you ever thought about how this or that cosmetic procedure goes, how it affects epithelial cells? Using retinoic facial peeling, you need to know about the process itself and its effect on the skin.

As we have already said, a retinoic mask is a product that contains acids. It is they that contribute to the regeneration of cells, which allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of the old ones. As a result, you get a rejuvenating effect.

It should be noted that when using such a mask, the skin does not dry out. It also increases the production of collagen.

Recall that collagen is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Therefore, the use of a retinoic mask helps prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles. Another important property that should not be forgotten is the antiseptic effect.

Acid remedies are suitable for women with mature skin - 35-50 years old. Apply not only to the face, but also to the neck, arms, décolleté and eyelids. The procedure is recommended to be used once every six months, the course consists of 3-5 sessions. The process is painless and delicate.

Retinoic peeling: contraindications and indications

The safety and delicacy of the procedure does not negate the fact that retinoic peeling has contraindications for some cases. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • lactation or pregnancy;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • acne, herpes or warts;
  • liver disease;
  • allergy to mask components;
  • oral intake of retinoids.

Pay attention to the factors that prohibit the procedure. By neglecting the rules, you can disrupt important body functions. Even previous hepatitis diseases should be a reason to refuse the mask.

In turn, it is necessary to remember about the indications that indicate the need for application. Among them it should be noted:

mimic wrinkles;

decrease in firmness and elasticity;

pigmentation, including those left after pregnancy;

some types of dermatological diseases.

Opening a beauty salon at home: retinoic peeling at home

Who said that it is necessary to visit beauty salons in order to be beautiful? You have the opportunity right now to learn how to prepare retinoic peeling at home for yourself or a friend. So get ready to read carefully. After all, attention is the key to a successful procedure. We open a beauty salon at home from the preparatory stage, during which it is worth preparing everything you need.

The process consists of three stages - preparatory, main and final.

The first stage consists of a relatively long and intensive preparation. Two weeks before the procedure, stop visiting saunas or solariums. Do not forget to remove cosmetics that exfoliate keratinized skin and remember the cream with glycolic acid. Thanks to such actions, you will soften the surface of the skin, therefore, the procedure will be more effective.

The main stage of retinoic facial peeling at home is to apply a mask to the necessary areas (face, hands, neck or décolleté). The agent is applied for 15-40 minutes.

The final stage is the application of a special mixture to the retinoic mask, which will perform a neutralizing function. The composition of the mixture includes soda and water, according to the proportions of 0.5 x 1. Rinse gently with water after 7-8 hours.

Retinoic peeling "Mediderma" - the right way to get rid of problems

Acne, hyperpigmentation, skin aging, stretch marks - all this can be a good reason to use Mediderma retinoic peel based on vitamin A. There are two options for a cosmetic product - peeling cream and yellow night peeling. This is a sure and reliable way to quickly and effectively get rid of existing problems with the epidermis.

So, for example, the first drug contains, in addition to retinol, lactic acid, which helps to whiten the skin. Therefore, if you have stretch marks, this remedy is relevant. The second preparation, yellow night peeling, contains a smaller amount of retinol, as well as plant extracts. Thanks to this combination, the product perfectly copes with mimic wrinkles, smoothes and renews the skin.

Before you start the procedure at home, it is important to prepare the skin for a few weeks. You need to apply special products that contain a small amount of acids to certain areas. After the procedure with the retinoic mask is done, it is important to moisturize the skin and protect it from the sun.

There is another peeling from the manufacturer "Mediderma" - almond. Its main task is to promote skin regeneration and better collagen production, as well as to have a bacterial effect. What does the drug do well?

The mechanism of action of Cimel retinoic peeling

The well-known retinoic peeling "Cimel" will be relevant for acne. Its actions are aimed at preserving the living cells of the epidermis and stimulating the formation of new ones. The process and mechanism of action of retinol in combination with other components (emblic extract, kojic and salicylic acid, phytonadione) contribute to the production of collagen.

In turn, each component has its own properties. So, for example, emblica extract is an excellent tool for skin rejuvenation, kojic acid has a whitening property, salicylic acid has an antibacterial effect, causes softening and rejection of the upper layer of the epidermis. Phytonadione (vitamin K) helps to get rid of dull skin and circles under the eyes.

Thanks to this combination and shallow effect, Cimel products are perfect for people with sensitive skin. The advantage of this tool is a short post-peel rehabilitation period (2-3 days). After the procedure, you can not be afraid of direct sunlight. The result will last up to 6 months.

Progressive retinoic peeling "Arcadia"

Using Arcadia retinoic peeling to eliminate skin problems is the best solution, according to cosmetologists. Its components contribute to less traumatism of the skin and have a beneficial effect on regeneration.

It should be noted that the progressive preparation of the Russian-French manufacturer "Arcadia" has not a yellow, but an orange effect. Therefore, the remedy got its name due to its action to color the skin in orange. It is washed off a few hours after the drug is removed.

Features of the procedure:

  • acts softer;
  • no redness and swelling;
  • short period of rehabilitation.

In its composition, the peeling "Arcadia" has beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, vitamin E. The combination of components provides an anti-inflammatory effect, skin lightening and rejuvenation. With this tool, you will not feel burning or tingling.

The drug should be used 1-2 times a year. In more detail about the regularity of visiting a beautician for you, the intensity should be discussed at an individual level.

Retinoic ointment as a remedy for skin problems

Retinoic ointment is a remedy created on the basis of vitamin A, helps to get rid of skin problems. Contributes to the treatment of acne, acne and other dermatological diseases. Peeling with rotinoic ointment is not easy, but it is necessary if you have direct reasons for using it.

Note that skin unaccustomed to retinol may react negatively. Therefore, it is necessary to give time for getting used to - for several days, apply the ointment in small doses.

After prolonged use (several months) you will be able to see a positive result. It is also recommended to use the ointment at night. This is explained by the fact that, like most peeling preparations, retinoic ointment reacts poorly to the sun.

In order for the effect to be guaranteed, it is important, in addition to the ointment, to use other means that will promote the regeneration of dermal cells. For this, a complex of vitamins of groups A, E, C is suitable.

The procedure should be stopped if each time there is discomfort, peeling or burning. Without a doubt, before use, you should consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist. After all, each person's skin is different. Therefore, relying on the success and stories of a friend about the effectiveness of a particular drug is not worth it.

Let the article be useful for you! Gentle procedures and beautiful results!