How to get rid of the smell of shoes - simple and effective ways. If the shoes stink of cat or dog urine, pet excrement. Ways to remove odor

The onset of summer brings not only quite obvious advantages in the form warm sun, blue sky and green grass, but also very unpleasant cons. One of them is the terrible smell that can settle in some people's shoes.

The smell is the result of bacterial growth in a humid and hot environment, which is formed as a result of wearing tight and poorly ventilated shoes. Sometimes it is associated with individual characteristics organism.

Anyway bad smell, which disperses all your friends the moment you take off your shoes, can be won. We'll tell you how to do it.

Dry your shoes

No bacteria can live in a dry environment, so take steps to dry your shoes thoroughly. Pull out the laces and lift the tongue up and out, then place the shoes on a radiator or in direct sunlight.

Put your shoes in plastic bag and then place it in the freezer overnight. Expose your shoes to the sun the next morning for best results. There is plenty of evidence that this strategy works, as the bacteria are hit twice.

Put orange, grapefruit, lemon zest in shoes

Fresh citrus peel has a bright and persistent smell due to the essential oils it contains. Put some peel in your shoes all night. In the morning it will smell much nicer. Approximately the same effect can be achieved by dropping a few drops lavender oil on the insoles.

Fabric shoes can be successfully washed in washing machine. Put it in an old pillowcase or wash it with a couple of towels, but don't use too hot water or a spin dryer.

You can also use a conditioner to create a pleasant scent and white vinegar to kill the bacteria causing the smell. Drying shoes is best fresh air.

Make deodorant powder

Mix three tablespoons of baking soda, one tablespoon of cornstarch and five drops of oil tea tree. Treat with this composition inner surface shoes and leave overnight.

This powder is powerful tool against bacteria and fungus, and also has the ability to absorb odors and antiseptic action.

Use newspaper or cat litter

Another way to get rid of excess moisture in shoes is to place crumpled newspapers or cat litter in them. They will be able to absorb all the sweat and the accompanying smell, after which they can simply be thrown away.

And if misfortune befell you and your sneakers won the competition for the title of the most smelly shoes in the city, then use several of the above methods at once. For example, sprinkle them with deodorant powder, fill them with newspapers, put them in the refrigerator overnight, and then hold them under the first rays of the morning sun. Then your shoes will smell only of lilies of the valley and honey gingerbread.

An unpleasant smell in your favorite shoes or branded sneakers sooner or later occurs in everyone. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of shoe odor problems can be successfully addressed and prevented from reoccurring. There are proven folk recipes And industrial facilities to help remove unwanted odors at home.

Reasons for the formation of an unpleasant odor

In order for the fight against this by no means the most pleasant phenomenon to be effective, it is necessary to find out and eliminate main reason this. Fighting only the smell will give a short-term result.

Sweat is the most common cause of bad breath in shoes, boots, and boots.

The odor may be due to excessive sweating legs. For some this whole problem, because it's embarrassing to take off your shoes when you come to visit or buy a new pair in the store. In fact, the cause of unwanted odor is not sweat itself, but bacteria. These microorganisms feed on the secret of sweat and sebaceous glands, and the end products of their vital activity give the very specific aroma. Therefore, it is necessary to fight first of all with excessive sweating, monitor cleanliness and hygiene, and also buy only quality shoes and socks from natural materials. The use of special deodorants for feet and shoes and insoles - "breathing", with activated carbon will not interfere.

Activated carbon insoles protect shoes from excessive sweating of the feet


Very often, the cause of the smell is a foot fungus. The disease is very unpleasant and requires treatment, since fungal microorganisms multiply very actively in a humid enclosed space. Antifungal drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy. It will also be useful to buy special insoles and ultraviolet dryers for shoes.

Dampness and mold on suede and leather shoes

Closed shoes are a great breeding ground for mold, the spores of which thrive in damp, closed, and poorly ventilated areas. Grayish coating spoils appearance sports shoes, shoes, boots and emits a specific unpleasant smell of dampness. Therefore, do not forget to dry the insoles and shoes after wearing or getting wet, as well as before long-term storage.

  1. For this, the old and proven method is perfect - to stuff shoes with crumpled dry newspaper, which will absorb excess moisture.
  2. You can buy special electric dryers. They are made even in small sizes especially for children's shoes.
  3. If the shoes are moldy, but they are old and it is not a pity to throw them away, then we throw them away without regret, since mold is very harmful to the human body.

If the shoes are expensive and it’s a pity to throw them away, you can take them to a dry cleaner or try to clean them yourself using vinegar essence, ordinary laundry soap or anti-mold preparations.

It is quite possible to save shoes from already formed mold. You can prepare a soapy solution, wash your shoes well in it, and then treat with a solution of boric acid (1:10) or a special anti-mold preparation.

Boric acid will protect leather and suede shoes from mold and remove the characteristic odor

Poor quality shoes - the reason for the appearance of a strong chemical smell (formaldehyde, paint, glue)

Often the shoes themselves smell unpleasant, especially if they are cheap and made of artificial materials. Some unscrupulous manufacturers make products from low-quality textiles, rubber and leatherette, using low-quality glue and dyes. The materials can be quite toxic and include hazardous substances such as phenol and formaldehyde. It is impossible to buy and wear such shoes, as they will not only disturb you and those around you. pleasant smell but it will be harmful to your health. If you have already bought it and cannot return it, try to remove the smell using:

  • ammonia;
  • soda;
  • soap solution;
  • laundry with fabric softener;
  • good ventilation of the couple.

Very often, the cause of a bad smell is poor-quality insoles, which will be enough to replace with new ones and the bad smell will disappear.

Second hand shoes

Such clothing and footwear without fail treated with special substances that include formaldehyde. Thanks to this, bacteria and fungi die, and things acquire a persistent and specific second-hand aroma. A solution of 10% ammonia and water will help eliminate it - 20 ml will be needed for 5 liters of water:

  • if the shoes are made of textiles, they must be soaked in such a solution, and then washed.
  • if it is impossible to wash, then we take a cotton swab, moisten it in a solution and wipe the shoes inside and out.

Cases are known when ammonia when inhaled in high concentrations, it caused reflex respiratory arrest, but this is unlikely to happen when preparing the solution described above.

Why new shoes of their leatherette or genuine leather can smell bad

Do not forget that even high-quality leather shoes may not have the most pleasant smell. This is completely normal and related to technological features its manufacture. In this case, the problem will disappear by itself in the process of wearing, airing in the fresh air or using a special deodorant for shoes. Sometimes new leather shoes can smell like naphthalene, which is used to repel moths and leather beetles. Helps get rid of the smell mustard powder, cloves, soda, the same airing on outdoors preferably in warm sunshine.

Coffee beans and tea bags can be used as fragrances for shoes.

Remove bad odor new shoes coffee beans or tea bags will help

If your shoes smell like cat or dog urine, pet excrement

Surely every owner of a cat or dog has become their victim more than once, or rather, not himself, but his favorite sneakers or slippers. It is very difficult to deal with the smell of urine, it can even be classified as "unremovable aromas". Here we will be helped either by special products that are sold in pet stores, dry cleaning or shoes will simply have to be sent to the trash.

Special products or dry cleaning will help remove the smell of cat or dog urine from shoes

Folk ways to remove unpleasant odors from ballet flats, boots, sneakers

In most cases, getting rid of a bad odor is fairly easy. Often simple ventilation can eliminate it. But if the reason pungent odor is the quality of the materials, it makes no sense to fight it and it is better to return or throw away such shoes. Now let's discuss the means and ways to eliminate unpleasant odors. On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on this topic, as well as videos with detailed description and step by step instructions.

How to manually remove odors with baking soda

The most popular means of combating unpleasant odors is baking soda. It is not only able to absorb unwanted odors, but also fight the microorganisms that cause them.

  1. Pour soda into shoes and leave it overnight. It can be longer - the effect will be better.
  2. After the end of the procedure, we pour it out, and remove the remains with a vacuum cleaner.

Judging by the reviews on the network, this method does not give a 100% effect. A light and barely perceptible smell still remains, but it no longer causes anxiety. The disadvantage of the method is that the remnants of soda cannot always be completely eliminated, you have to tinker with a vacuum cleaner.

If the smell is not strong, you can pour soda into a cloth bag or an unnecessary sock and put it in your shoes. Although the substance will not touch the inner surface of the shoes, where harmful microorganisms live, it will perfectly perform the function of an absorbent.

How to treat shoes with hydrogen peroxide

The most effective and vaunted remedy, judging by the reviews on the net and stories on YouTube videos, is hydrogen peroxide. It does an excellent job of both eliminating unwanted odors and all germs, as it is an excellent antiseptic.

  1. Prepare a cotton swab (you can take ordinary cotton wool or a cotton cloth) or a spray bottle.
  2. Plentifully moisten a swab with 3% peroxide or pour it into a spray bottle.
  3. Wipe or spray the shoes well from the inside.
  4. Leave to dry naturally for about a day.
  5. Dry with a hair dryer.

Hydrogen peroxide has excellent antiseptic and deodorizing properties and is able to clean shoes from unpleasant odors and refresh them.

Before using the product, it is worth testing its effect on the material on a small area: hydrogen peroxide can bleach some materials.

Vinegar and vinegar essence - a quick way to disinfect and clean shoes from bad odors

Vinegar is effective tool in the fight not only against microbes, but also for the prevention of fungus, which is often the cause of an unpleasant odor.

  1. Moisten a cotton swab with the product, squeeze lightly.
  2. Place inside shoes.
  3. For best result wrap a couple in a bag and leave for a day.

Vapors of acetic acid will kill all germs, which will help you forget about the bad smell for a while. With a pronounced fungal infection, it is recommended to use 40% vinegar essence, which destroys the fungus much more effectively.

  1. Moisten a cotton swab, put it in shoes.
  2. Place a couple for 1-3 days in a plastic bag.

When using 40% essence, one must be as careful as possible, since if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes, it can cause burns. Do not use it on rubber boots.

How to destroy terrible odors with alcohol, boric acid and other antiseptics

Alcohol, like hydrogen peroxide, has good antiseptic properties, but is much inferior in effectiveness. Wet a cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the entire inner surface of the shoes or use a spray bottle. Alcohol does not harm shoe materials, relieves it of bad odors, but leaves its own light fragrance for a while. Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka.

An excellent folk remedy for mold is boric acid. It has low toxicity, is quite safe for humans, but is capable of destroying fungi and other microorganisms.

  1. Damaged surfaces must be lubricated aqueous solution with a swab and, if necessary, brush with a stiff brush.
  2. To prepare a solution, it is enough to dilute boric acid with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Also, to eliminate unwanted odor, you can use other antiseptics - a solution of potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate (6 crystals per 1 liter of water), furacilin (3-4 tsp per half a glass of water), chlorhexidine 1 percent.

How to get rid of the stink inside children's, women's or men's shoes with aromatic oils

Many aromatic oils are known to have antimicrobial and bactericidal properties. Clove oil, for example, kills fungi, while tea tree, lemon, pine, fir, and juniper oils kill bacteria. Therefore, the use of oils is quite rational. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product on a cotton sponge and treat the inside of the shoe with it. You can leave the sponge inside the shoe and hide it in a plastic bag overnight. As a result, you will get not only a wonderful aroma, but also purity from germs.

Will freezing help eliminate stinky smells, mustiness

If it is winter outside and the air temperature drops below zero, shoes can be taken out to the balcony or placed on the windowsill with outside. Frost is detrimental to most microbes.

  1. For the best result, the pair should be opened as much as possible, that is, unzip all the zippers and untie the laces, and then take them out into the street.
  2. The time spent in frosty air is at least 12 hours.

If there is no way to take shoes outside or if the temperature is above zero outside the window, you can use the freezer.

  1. Wrap the shoes in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for 12-24 hours. The bag will not allow the smell to spread throughout the chamber, so this manipulation will not affect the quality of the products.
  2. After staying in the cold, the couple should be placed near the heat source for some time to dry and just warm.

Of course, squeamish people will not like this method very much, since, in addition to frozen food products there will be shoes with a not very pleasant smell in the chamber. The fact that the pair is wrapped in a bag does not change the essence.

Do not forget that low temperatures can adversely affect rubber soles, varnished or faux leather. From low temperatures, it can crack.

Other ways to clean sneakers, slippers, boots from the smell of sweaty feet

  1. If the smell is not strong, then you can use folk remedies such as green tea and coffee. Tea, of course, is better to take in bags, and coffee - in beans.
  2. You can also use any herbs with a pleasant aroma. They make sachets.
  3. Orange and lemon peels, cotton swabs with a few drops of your favorite aromatic oil or perfume will help remove the smell of chemistry. Such products act as a natural deodorant for shoes and are in no way suitable for fighting fungi and bacteria.
  4. Activated or charcoal can also be used as absorbents. To do this, they must be crumbled, poured into bags or socks and then placed inside the shoes, leaving it like that for the night or day.

What means will help remove bad odors - gallery

Baking soda will help remove bad smell from shoes, as well as wash the soles Hydrogen peroxide copes with both eliminating unwanted odors and germs Boric acid will help to keep shoes clean and remove the smell of mold Using clove oil, you can weather the musty odor from shoes or sports shoes Using orange peels remove unpleasant odors from shoes

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 4 minutes


To the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the new and old shoes, as a rule, three reasons are given - poor-quality material, fungal diseases and heavy sweating of the feet. If, when choosing new shoes, you feel an unpleasant smell from the material, it is better to immediately refuse such a purchase.

But to eliminate the odor that appears during the operation of shoes, you can use one of proven homemade recipes for the smell of sweat in shoes.

  • For example, wipe the inside of the shoe cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, vinegar, ammonia or potassium permanganate solution. The number of procedures depends on the degree of "aroma".
  • Change insoles . Preferably, on natural ones - from leather, and not its substitute. Perfect option– insoles with a carbon layer (excellently absorb moisture, prevent odor). And scented antibacterial insoles will soften the smell of new shoes. They are disposable, and they can be changed as the smell appears (the cost is about 100 rubles). Traditional insoles should be changed at least once every 3 months.
  • Buy deodorant for shoes (and at the same time for legs) . To begin with, the shoes are treated with hydrogen peroxide, then ventilated, and then a shoe deodorant spray is applied - preferably at night, so that the shoes have time to dry before going outside.
  • Remember the main rule: air your shoes regularly without wearing the same pair two days in a row.
  • Wipe the inside of shoes with alcohol within two weeks (daily).
  • Pour talcum powder (powder), salt, soda or flour into shoes. Leave in this form for a couple of hours (you can overnight). Next - vacuum the shoes / shoes from the inside and wipe with hydrogen peroxide. Can also be used for this purpose Activated carbon or sea salt.
  • Dry shoes regularly using a special dryer. For example, ultraviolet - it will not only gently dry the shoes without damaging the skin, but also eliminate fungi and other bacteria. It is absolutely impossible to leave wet shoes undried - an unpleasant smell will be provided.
  • If the quality of shoes allows, you can wash it with soapy water (warm), then wipe with vinegar and rinse again. Already clean shoes - properly dry and ventilate .
  • Wash in washing machine. Provided that these are sneakers or sneakers, and the machine allows such manipulations.
  • Rinse shoes thoroughly and put on socks soaked in alcohol , walk around in shoes up to her complete drying("grandfather" method).
  • It happens that the cause of the smell from shoes is not sweat at all, but the tricks of an offended mustachioed-striped pet. In this case, you can apply formidon (pharmacy drug). But often it is not recommended to use it (dangerous to health). And the procedure for getting rid of the smell is best done on the balcony and with gloves. And the shoes after processing must be aired with high quality (you can leave them on the balcony for the night).
  • From the cat's "gift" can help and "odor absorber" . It is purchased at a pet store and used according to the instructions (only not in the corners of the apartment, but in shoes).
  • Pour a bottle of hydrogen peroxide into your shoes. Chat with shoes and pour the product after a minute. How to dry.
  • Pour cold green tea into shoes (strong brewed) for an hour or two, dry, ventilate. Of course, if the shoes are made to last, and not bought around the corner in a shop. If you are afraid that the shoes will stick out, you can moisten them in green tea cotton pad and wipe it from the inside.
  • After drying the shoes - fill it at night mint or lemon balm leaves, tea leaves, dry oak bark etc.
  • Buy special shoe ionizer . It will help dry your shoes while you sleep, and eliminate the smell, and disinfect.
  • Put your shoes in a plastic bag hide them until the morning in the freezer (The main thing is to warn your household about this). In winter, you can put it on the balcony - frosty air helps to eliminate unpleasant odors.
  • Change shoes at work , replacing it with a lighter one. If there is no opportunity to wear slippers or light shoes at work, then get 2-3 pairs of shoes to go out in a new one every day, leaving the other two for airing and drying them with ultraviolet / electric insoles (40 minutes is enough).

And, of course, do not forget about regular change of socks, deodorants for the feet, timely removal of calluses and rough skin . And here nylon tights(Note to women) the smell only intensifies.

Do you think there is nothing you can do about it? Continue to suffer endlessly or have long resigned yourself to this state of affairs! The situation can be corrected, and very quickly and forever! Let's find out how to get rid of the smell in your shoes, as well as prevent its reappearance without the help of specialists and without even leaving your home.

First of all, let's dispel a popular myth: it's not sweat itself that smells unpleasant, but bacteria with their waste products. Often this is due to insufficient hygiene of the feet, less often - with certain diseases (for example, with hyperhidrosis). Other reasons for the repulsive smell include: foot fungus, diabetes, diseases of cardio-vascular system, elderly age, circulatory disorders, etc.

But in any case, if your feet suddenly began to exude a terrible smell, it is better to play it safe: think about checking your body for abnormalities in the functioning of organs and systems.

If the medical examination and test results did not clarify the picture, it should be understood that the following factors can also affect the smell of sweat:

  • wearing socks or shoes made of artificial materials;
  • heatwave;
  • physical activity that provokes increased work of the sweat glands;
  • frequent addition of spices and spices to food;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol, which contributes to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

What to do if your feet sweat a lot

Neutralizing the smell of sweat from shoes is only the removal of the effect, but not the cause itself. Therefore, in order to eliminate the smell from shoes once and for all, we advise you to start with procedures aimed at reducing foot sweating.

This can be done, for example, using special pharmacy creams and ointments that have an antiseptic and deodorizing effect. They are especially effective after washing the feet with soap or after foot baths, which we will tell you about later.

Daily foot baths allow you to regulate the microflora of the feet, and are also an excellent prevention of fungal diseases. Try to use at least one of the recipes below, and the result will not be long in coming!

  1. We disinfect the legs with potassium permanganate. Make a weak light pink solution of potassium permanganate (5-6 crystals of potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water) and dip your feet into it for 15 minutes. Do these baths every night before bed.
  2. Bath with black tea. Boil one bag of black tea for a quarter of an hour in half a liter of water. Let it brew and cool down room temperature. Then pour the tea leaves into a bowl or a large basin, lower the legs there and relax for half an hour. Do this procedure every day until a satisfactory result is achieved.
  3. contrast baths. Fill two basins, one with hot water and one with cold water. Alternately lower your feet into them for 2-3 minutes. This will improve blood circulation and significantly reduce sweating. The duration of the procedure in total should be 10-15 minutes.
  4. Decoction of oak bark. 3 art. l. chopped bark, pour 1 liter of water and boil for half an hour over low heat. Strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth into a bowl, dilute with water and put the legs there for 15-20 minutes. Then wipe them dry terry towel and put on cotton socks.

Every time you use any of the baths, it is advisable to use a pumice stone.

It allows you to gently remove dead skin cells from the top layer of the skin, preventing the growth of bacteria. And after the bath, you can wipe your feet with infusion kombucha or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Other folk remedies

If for some reason you don't have the opportunity to take regular footbaths, try the following tips on how to get rid of shoe odor. However, you can resort to them along with the use of baths. So:

  • well absorbs moisture and adsorbs odors of talc or ordinary baby powder;
  • on sale you can find special insoles that absorb unpleasant odors;
  • can be applied to the feet or treated from the inside of the socks with crushed oak bark - it is a recognized natural deodorant.

Pharmacy remedies for sweaty feet

Sweating is the main cause of bad breath. Average, sweat glands each foot produces up to 235 ml of sweat per day. Depending on the characteristics of the body, the state of health and the shoes used, these secretions evaporate without a trace in some people, while in others they become an ideal habitat for millions of bacteria that feed on dead skin cells.

The waste products of these bacteria give socks and shoes a characteristic pungent odor.

When simply washing your feet with soap is not enough, it's time to use special deodorants for excessive sweating. Keep in mind that good means usually they are quite expensive, but there will be no sense from cheap fakes. Not only do they not relieve sweating, but they also mask the nasty smell very mediocrely.

Most often, good sprays and ointments for the feet contain chestnut extract, grape leaves or calendula, camphor, menthol. Sometimes the composition may also contain rutin - it has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthens the walls of capillaries, which has a positive effect on the health of the legs.

Another remedy that helps in the fight against excessive sweating is alum. The powder from them can be poured into socks and walk like this for 20-30 minutes. And foot baths with alum perfectly prevent the growth of bacteria that provoke an unpleasant odor. To prepare them, you need to dilute alum with water at the rate of 1/4 tsp. powder for 1 tbsp. hot water.

How to remove bad smell from shoes and boots

All of the above tips are aimed at preventing foreign odors from getting into the material of your shoes. But what if the smell of sweat has already taken root in your favorite shoes?

How to remove odor from shoes special means, and using proven homemade recipes. There are a number of products available that can absorb odors. You only need a few trials to find out for yourself the most acceptable and effective ones.

To remove the smell from the shoes, when it has already firmly settled there, you can resort to various folk methods. A fairly effective tool that neutralizes bacteria and a bad odor is wiping shoes from the inside. This can be done with a cotton pad soaked, for example, in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to thoroughly air the shoes after this, preferably in the fresh air!

Attention! If trying on a brand new pair of shoes in a store, you notice that it is already emanating unpleasant odor sweat of the person who measured this pair before you, better refuse to buy! IN last resort, ask the consultant to look for you another pair of this model in the same size.

You can also use these tips:

Do you want something interesting?

  1. Put a couple of drops of lavender oil, ammonia or ammonia on each insole. lemon juice. They kill germs and perfectly neutralize the smell of sweat.
  2. Wipe the inside of the shoes with a used tea bag.
  3. In the evening, pour crushed activated charcoal into each shoe. Ten tablets are enough for one bookmark. During the night, the coal will absorb an unpleasant smell, and in the morning you will only have to shake it out, put on your shoes and go about your business. Baby powder or baking soda, which you probably have on the farm, also has a similar effect. However, soda is absolutely inapplicable for black shoes - be careful, white stains may remain! However, both activated charcoal and soda can be poured into small linen bags and placed inside carefully dried shoes. Try it!
  4. IN winter time years, smelly shoes can simply be frozen, leaving them on the balcony all night. In the summer, it can be packed in a plastic bag and sent to the freezer.
  5. Inside the product at night, you can put tea leaves, sage, eucalyptus, mint leaves, lemon balm or dry crushed oak bark.

What to do if your shoes smell like mold

Shoes should be stored in a dry, warm, well-ventilated area. But if it so happened that your shoes for a long time were in dampness, then almost certainly they will “smell” with the aroma of mold. How to get rid of it?

To begin with, wash the outer and inner parts with warm soapy water. Then wipe the inside of the shoes with a bleach solution to disinfect. After that, mix ammonia and vodka in equal parts (alternatively, you can simply dilute the vinegar essence) and wipe the product outside and inside with the resulting mixture. Leave shoes to air dry for a few days.

In no case do not wear untreated shoes, so as not to infect the skin with mold. Is it dangerous!

Special odor neutralizers

When folk remedies do not help or you want to get the effect as quickly as possible, we advise you to take note and add odor shoe spray to your shopping list. It, as a rule, not only neutralizes an unpleasant odor, but also contains antibacterial components.

The degree of effectiveness of disinfectants for shoes is tested exclusively in practice. Please note that these products are only intended for use on the inside of shoes. It is best to use them in the evening so that the shoes have time to dry completely by morning.

Preventive foot and shoe care

  1. Get into the habit of regularly airing your shoes (particularly sports shoes) rather than hiding them in a box or bag immediately after wearing them. It is advisable to stock up in the wardrobe with several pairs of shoes in order to be able to alternate them.
  2. Use disposable insoles made from natural materials and renew them weekly.
  3. Try to buy products only from quality materials, providing good ventilation to the feet, from trusted manufacturers. So the feet will not rush and, in fact, sweat.
  4. Be sure to dry thoroughly wet shoes to avoid the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms living in a humid environment. If the household does not have a special electric dryer, old newspapers can perfectly absorb moisture. Remember to change them every hour to speed up the drying process.
  5. Wash your shoes not only on the outside, but also on the inside with the help of special products.
  6. Follow the rules of hygiene. Wash your feet with soap and dry before putting on your shoes.
  7. Change socks every day, preferring cotton ones.
  8. Stock up on work with a changeable pair of shoes.
  9. Avoid tight and uncomfortable shoes.
  10. Use a special deodorant for shoes from the smell, as well as a skin deodorizing cream.
  11. In summer, instead of closed models, wear sandals and sandals.
  12. Sneakers and sneakers, for example, can be washed on the delicate cycle in the washing machine. Washing also allows you to refresh them.

Thus, to defeat the smell of sweat that exudes your favorite pair of shoes, you just need to wash your feet more often, wash your socks and wipe the shoes from the inside. Like these ones simple recommendations can help you forget about the problems that are associated with an unpleasant odor forever. We hope some of them will be useful for you.

To get rid of the smell in suede, leather and sports shoes, use ammonia, vinegar, soda, special sprays, desiccant bags or ultraviolet devices that destroy the causative agent of a bad smell - a fungus. Vinegar and bleach will help remove the smell of mold, animal urine - potassium permanganate and water with vinegar, naphthalene and rubber - filler for cat litter, activated charcoal tablets and soda bags.

Choosing a method of getting rid of the smell in shoes, you need to start, first of all, from the cause of its appearance and take into account the type, quality, material of the shoes themselves. There can be several reasons for the appearance of stench: sweat or fungus, animal urine, naphthalene, poor quality, etc. We will figure out how to get rid of the smell in shoes, in each specific case.

How to get rid of the smell of sweat from shoes overnight

Microbes are the main cause of bad breath.

You can destroy them:

  • folk remedies;
  • drying method using antimicrobial equipment;
  • special aerosols;
  • essential oils.

It is best not to get rid of the stench, but to prevent it - to weather the shoes in a timely manner and wear the one that is more suitable for the weather. It must be breathable, because shoes that are poorly oxygenated provoke sweating.

Note ! If your feet sweat a lot even in well-ventilated shoes, see a dermatologist. Maybe, increased sweating and smell from the feet and shoes are associated with a fungal disease.

Antimicrobial treatment with modern means

Many shoe stores sell not only shoes, but also shoe care products. The principle of operation of special deodorants is to prevent unpleasant odors due to the content of antibacterial components.

There are several types professional tools:

  • antimicrobial sprays;
  • desiccant deodorants;
  • pencils and tablets.

Aerosols are sprayed on insoles, shoes, sneakers from the inside. They destroy pathogenic organisms, which helps to remove an unpleasant sweaty odor.

Drying deodorants absorb moisture and look like pouches containing an antimicrobial filler based on bamboo charcoal.

Tablets are placed inside the sneakers for a couple of hours to refresh them, and the inner surface is “painted” with pencils. The latter option is less popular and convenient, since pencils often crumble when applied.

Special products with the following names are suitable for processing shoes:

  • Ultima.
  • A-Dez.
  • Nika Extra M.
  • Absolution Diquat.
  • Nika Neodez.
  • Abacterial.
  • Alpinika.

The average price of 1 bottle (100 ml) fluctuates between 500-600 rubles. With the help of these products, you can remove the smell of sweat without going to dry cleaning. But the main condition is to strictly follow the instructions and regularly monitor the condition of the feet and shoes, because it is impossible to remove the unpleasant smell forever, having a fungal disease.

Note ! Do not use products if the expiration date has expired!

Shoes disinfection devices

Disinfection devices are useful for people suffering from fungal diseases and excessive sweating legs.

They kill pathogenic spores with ultraviolet rays, but do not harm humans and pets. Some models also dry the inside of sneakers, sneakers, eliminating dampness.

The most popular are:

  • Timson.
  • Xenelight.

They are simple and easy to use. It is enough to put the device in the toe of the shoe and turn it on (pathogens will be destroyed in 6–12 hours). These devices are sold on the Internet and shoe stores. They are used for processing leather, suede, sports, patent leather shoes owned by a child or an adult.

Drying shoes

Timely drying prevents the active development of pathogens. If you are healthy, choose the right shoes, then daily weathering of the shoes on the balcony will help remove the smell.

Leaving "smelling" sneakers in the corridor is not worth it. There is insufficient air circulation in the room, which is why you can remove the smell from shoes without applying additional funds, impossible.

This method is especially popular in winter, because pathogens are afraid of low temperatures. In the summer at least 1-2 times a month wash sneakers in the washing machine powder. Every day before going out, treat your feet with talcum powder.

Advice! To get rid of or prevent sweaty odors, be sure to wash your feet and put on clean socks before you go out!

Freezing shoes

resistance of microorganisms to low temperatures allows you to use the freezer to "resuscitate" shoes that cannot be washed.

Instructions for the destruction of the fungus with cold:

  1. Put your shoes in a bag and tie it up.
  2. Place in the freezer.
  3. Take out after 6-12 hours.

During this time, all pathogenic organisms will be destroyed. This method is suitable for natural and synthetic products of any quality. It is especially popular for leatherette, leatherette and suede.

We wash shoes

To remove the unpleasant odor and restore the proper look of the shoes, wash them. This will help remove the absorbed fungus and remove dirt.

Follow these rules:

  1. Choose inventory based on the material from which the shoes are sewn. Wash inside with a brush or sponge. Clean suede parts with a special brush, while leather and patent leather parts should be cleaned with a sponge.
  2. Sneakers, shoes without sharp heels and metal heels can be washed in the washing machine, but it is safer to do the procedure manually.
  3. Use powder or antibacterial soap.
  4. Soak for 30-60 minutes so that the products are well absorbed into the fabric.
  5. Dry thoroughly for 1-2 days, otherwise dampness will appear, renewing the flora for the development of the fungus.

Note ! In winter, outdoor shoes dry three times longer, so put newspaper in your sock. It absorbs excess moisture..

We revive shoes with medicines

Some medicines able to kill the fungus.

Resuscitation with drugs

Treatment is especially relevant if the doctor has established a fungus of the feet or nails. In order for the treatment to be successful, it is important to timely treat not only the legs, but also the surfaces that the affected area touches.

Suitable for this:

  • Formidron.
  • Chlorhexidine 1%. (Means with a lower concentration of the active substance will be ineffective).

To get rid of the smell in the shoes, moisten a cotton swab and carefully wipe the inside of the shoe, paying attention to Special attention hard-to-reach places. Then put the shoes in a plastic bag, tie up, preventing air from entering, and leave for 3-4 hours. At the end of the process, dry thoroughly for 2-3 days outside.

Suitable Essential Compositions

You can also return the fragrance by making a deodorant for the inner surface of shoes (from smell) from essential oils with your own hands.

Essential oils will give new flavors

To do this, you will need any container with a spray, for example, a bottle of perfume or glass cleaner. Pour 0.5 liters into it. water and essential oil, based on the data presented in the table.

Table 1. Essential oils for the preparation of deodorant

Finished product spray into the toe of your shoes 2-4 times a day, depending on how much your feet sweat, to help prevent bad breath. In addition, it is recommended to treat the feet with powder to reduce perspiration.

We remove the fetid odor with folk remedies

Previously, there were no special dehumidifiers, disinfectants, so people were saved by improvised means, such as:

  • tea and coffee;
  • Activated carbon;
  • soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide and manganese;
  • vinegar;
  • peel of orange, grapefruit, lemon.

Each of them is effective, but, most importantly, carry out the procedure correctly. The processing cost is low compared to the cost of special tools. But regularity is required to completely destroy the pungent odor.

hydrogen peroxide and manganese

Pharmaceutical hydrogen in combination with manganese is a powerful antimicrobial agent for the fetid smell of feet and shoes.

To fix the problem:

  1. In 1 l. Dissolve 2 g of potassium permanganate in water.
  2. Soak a piece of cloth or cotton wool in the solution.
  3. Wipe the dry inside of the shoes.
  4. Apply hydrogen peroxide to a clean patch and wipe again.
  5. Dry thoroughly outside.

This recipe allows you to replace the use of expensive products to clean shoes from fungus. If there are stains on the product that do not wash off, rub them with peroxide. It is an easily accessible cleaner that resists many types of stains, including marks and marks.


Vinegar helps in the fight against stains, due to the presence of acid.

Therefore, it is often used to remove and.

To process shoes:

  1. Mix water and vinegar 1:1.
  2. Soak a cotton pad in the solution.
  3. Soak the inside of the shoe well.

Rinse off is not required. Leave the product to dry until the smell of vinegar disappears completely. By the same principle, boric acid can be used.

Baking soda

To remove an unpleasant smell with soda, you do not need to mix it with water or other liquids.

Pour in 2 tbsp. l. dry soda on each insole and spread evenly. After 2-3 hours, shake out and wash the shoes from the remnants of the product with a damp cloth. Dry the product before putting on treated shoes or sneakers.

Baking soda will kill germs

It is not recommended to clean suede shoes from the stench with soda in the manner described above. Pour the product into a cloth bag and place in a sock. After 2-3 hours, pull out and wipe wet wipe.

No less popular are soda balls. To make them:

  1. mix white clay with flour and soda in equal proportions.
  2. Add a couple of drops essential oil.
  3. Roll into balls.
  4. Place in pre-sewn fabric bags.

You need to put the balls at night. If you have increased sweating, carry out the procedure daily, then the smell will disappear completely. However, do not forget about the source of the stench - the fungus. Avoid wearing sneakers in hot weather, and if this does not help, get treated for a fungal disease.

Green tea and coffee

Saturated green tea and coffee is used as a sorbent and flavoring agent. To use them, place a tea bag or sprinkle some coffee powder between the sole and the insole for a couple of hours.

Alcohol products

Vodka, medical and ammonia help to quickly clean the shoes from the stench:

  1. Soak a piece of cotton wool in ammonia.
  2. Wipe the interior thoroughly.
  3. Use a sprayer to spray the product on the outside.

Another equally popular way to remove unpleasant odors from shoes is cleaning with hydrogen peroxide. How to carry out the procedure, see the video:

Activated carbon

Dark activated charcoal is a drug that eliminates harmful odors.

It provides resuscitation of shoes in conditions where it is not possible to dry the product. For this:

  1. Pulverize the activated charcoal.
  2. Pour into shoes and leave overnight.
  3. Shake out the rest in the morning.

Zest of orange, grapefruit, lemon

The rind of citrus fruits can protect against unpleasant odors.

Place lemon, orange, and grapefruit peels in a sock overnight. If the stench is not very acrid, these measures will be sufficient. But if the shoes are very worn and disgusting to approach, thoroughly wash and dry the sneakers once, and then regularly add fresh zest so that the stink is not absorbed into the material.

Methods for dealing with other odors

modern shoes made from various materials having a specific unpleasant odor, such as rubber. Cat manifestations of resentment are also known - urine that is difficult to excrete in slippers.