Pharmacy creams with urea. Rating of the best pharmacy face creams. Face cream with urea

All women take care of the skin of the face, body and heels. For this, a variety of creams, serums, lotions are used. Recently, urea-based products have been especially popular. They well moisturize and soften the skin, as well as heal it.

"Urea" (translated from Latin urea) is a solid compound of organic substances, its structure resembling sugar crystals. It is added to cosmetics, as it regulates the water balance of cells.

Urea in cosmetology: benefits and harms

As we have already found out, in cosmetics "urea" is used to soften and moisturize the skin. This component is found in tissues human body and maintains the moisture balance of the skin.

Benefits of addingurea in cosmetics:

  • Reduces the evaporation of fluid from the skin, that is, retains moisture in the cells of the dermis, so that it does not dry out.
  • Well moisturizes.
  • Promotes Recovery protective properties epithelium.
  • Removes pain, itching and burning.
  • Allows the skin to absorb other beneficial elements that make up the cream.
  • Exfoliates dead cells removes impurities from the surface of the skin.
  • The presence of acne.
  • Bleeding wounds and deep scratches.
  • Irritated skin.

To achieve a good result, the cream should be applied immediately after taking a shower. For the treatment of mycoses, the affected area is smeared with a cream. In no case should the product get into the eyes and on the skin where there are wounds. If there is a burning sensation or itching, then you should not use the ointment further.

With eczema, psoriasis, with dry skin that appears in people with a disease diabetes emollient creams should be used regularly. This helps prevent cracking and provides antimicrobial protection to the skin. For these purposes, ointments are well suited, in which the concentration of urea is 40%. To moisturize the skin, use products that contain from 10 to 20% urea. In the composition of antifungal ointments used to combat athlete's foot, there is about 50% "urea".

Popular face creams with urea:

  • Bioderma - copes well with dryness, soothes irritated skin. The cream can be used for any type of skin, does not cause allergies.
  • Doliva is a cream that also contains vitamins and oils that moisturize and soften the dermis. The product is quickly absorbed by the skin, does not leave a greasy film. Can be used on any skin type.
  • AA Therapy is a moisturizer for those with sensitive skin. The cream protects the dermis from the negative effects environment.
  • Bioturm - ointment which includes urea, canola, sunflower oil and a variety of plant extracts. Well moisturizes the skin and makes it smooth, suitable for those who suffer from allergies.

Popular urea body creams:

  • Dermica. The product contains 10% urea and milk lipids. Thanks to this composition, the skin receives necessary elements and becomes soft.
  • Topicrem - used to moisturize dry and rough skin. After several days of use, the water balance in the dermis is restored, and the skin becomes soft.
  • Seni Care is a cream used to moisturize sensitive skin. The tool protects the dermis from exposure to the sun, frost, wind.

Popular urea hand creams:

  • Dulgon UREA from a German company is used for skin care during cold weather. Urea and panthenol perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin, promote rapid healing small wounds.
  • Doctor. The company's creams have a light, pleasant texture, moisturize well, have a neutral smell, and are inexpensive.
  • Foretal - used for skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis. Smear 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Popular foot products with urea:

  • DiaDerm "Intensive" from the company Avanta - remedy intended for patients with diabetes. Well softens and nourishes the skin.
  • Evo is a product of Avanta. The tool is used for cracks in the legs. In addition, it copes with corns and calluses, fights against mycosis.
  • Healer - has a good softening effect, relieves fatigue, is used to treat dry corns.
  • Baehr. This tool provides nutrition, hydration, restores the hydrolipidic balance of cells. Suitable for patients with diabetes and people with delicate sensitive dermis.
  • Glatte by Greppmayr is the most effective ointment well coping with growths, dry calluses. Before application, the skin does not need to be treated with a pumice stone. After applying the ointment to the feet, you need to put on socks, and after 8 hours, the softened skin is removed with a special brush or pumice stone. If there are cracks on the legs, then you should use a cream with a 15% concentration, and if the skin is a little dry, then a 5% concentration is enough.

Face creams are the basis of self-care for every woman. Products with urea have an excellent effect on the skin, moisturizing and healing it.

Useful properties of urea in face creams

Urea is the synthetic compound urea. IN pure form visually it can be compared with refined sugar. Substance approved the best cosmetologists and is used in the production of many famous brands care products.

Initially, urea was used as a preservative - the substance prolongs the life of the cream - but then experts noticed excellent cosmetic properties this substance.

The main properties of urea in face creams:

  • Hydration. Carbamide refers to substances that absorb water from the air and absorb it into themselves. This avoids dehydration of the epidermis.
  • Skin renewal. Urea stimulates the appearance of new skin cells, the regeneration of old ones.
  • Anesthesia. Creams get rid of severe itching, burning and pain with irritation and peeling of the skin.
  • Stimulation of local immunity.
  • Protecting the skin from negative external influences.
  • Cleansing. Urea creams help get rid of flaky skin. At the same time, sebum and dirt are “washed off” from the face.
  • Softening of the epidermis.
  • Protection of the outer layer from drying out in a stuffy room and in hot weather.

Indications for the use of urea creams

  • with skin prone to irritation and peeling;
  • with skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis);
  • with frequent itching caused by irritation;
  • with very dry skin;
  • with a constant feeling of "tightness" of the skin;
  • with frequent exposure to the negative influence of the external environment (strong wind, frost, sun).


There are strict contraindications for the use of urea cream.

Funds are prohibited in the following cases:

  • there is intolerance to any component of the cream, primarily an allergy to urea;
  • facial skin is irritated when applying any cosmetic product;
  • there is a rash on the face or a large number of acne and blackheads;
  • in the presence of infected wounds and areas with impaired tissue integrity;

It is strictly forbidden to use urea cream for children under 3 years of age.

What percentage of urea should be in the face cream

The effectiveness of its effect on the skin depends on the percentage of the active substance in the cosmetic product for the face. Using a cream with urea above 10% on healthy skin can lead to severe allergic reaction.

When is urea used in cosmetics:

Percent Skin properties Impact effect
1% Oily skinAt oily skin means with a minimum amount of urea are used. You can only apply them before bed.
1-2% Normal skin without cosmetic flawsProphylactic. Recommended for low indoor humidity and as sun and wind protection.
Up to 5%normal skinProphylactic. Helps to avoid microtrauma of the skin surface at aggressive impact dry air, sun and frost. It is recommended to apply a few minutes before going out or immediately after returning.
5% Dry, flaky, rough skinCreams with urea of ​​this concentration should be applied several times, including before and after sleep. For dry skin, it is necessary to choose a product that, in addition to urea, contains hyaluronic acid.
5-10% Age skinAn anti-aging agent for the skin. It is recommended to use cosmetics daily, morning and evening, as well as when going outside.
Over 10%Any kind of skinCreams and gels with a high urea content are classified as medicines. You can use them only for skin diseases with the permission of a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Rules and instructions for the use of funds

Creams with a low concentration of urea (up to 5%) can be used in the same way as any other facial treatment. Before application, the skin is cleansed of dirt, accumulated fat and cosmetics. After application, you must wait a few minutes for the cream to be completely absorbed.

When using a product with a high concentration of urea, caution is necessary.

Despite the fact that most creams contain only natural auxiliary components, they can provoke severe irritation and even allergies. Before using creams with a urea concentration above 5%, an allergy test is first performed for small area skin.

The best creams with urea. Overview, prices

Almost every cosmetic company offers its own line of urea facial skin care products. Prices for products vary greatly: from hundreds of rubles to several thousand.

Lierac Hidro Crono

The tool is a representative of the French line of facial creams. Unlike many products with urea, it has a pleasant structure; when applied, it is quickly absorbed without effect. oily mask. It has a pleasant fragrance and is suitable for normal skin.

Cost - from 3000 rubles.


In addition to urea, it contains amino acids that contribute to additional skin hydration. It copes well with inflammation, applying a kind of “patch” to the damaged areas of the epidermis.

Removes the effects of an allergic reaction and damage from the aggressive sun and wind from the face. The cream is quickly absorbed, but leaves a protective film on the surface of the face. It simultaneously protects against negative external phenomena and stimulates the restoration of the epidermis.

Cost - from 1000 rubles.


Cream with urea for the face D'oliva is included in the line of cosmetics on natural basis. The composition, in addition to urea, includes olive oil, minerals and other active substances. The tool is great for dry and problematic skin care, as well as for combination and oily.

Balea Urea

The product is recommended for very dry, but healthy skin no signs skin diseases. This budget fund will accelerate the recovery and restoration of damaged skin areas due to panthenol and vitamin E in its composition. An additional advantage of Balea Urea is UV protection.

Cost - 330 rubles.


Evo creams with urea are products for foot care. But some use this cream as a good emollient and exfoliator for problem skin care. Evo cream is especially recommended for skin that suffers from temperature changes and strong wind with rain or snow.

Cost - from 100 rubles.

L'Adeleide Urea 5%

Recommended for very dry, irritated skin. In addition to the main component, urea, it contains substances that heal the skin and accelerate its regeneration: panthenol, vitamin F, shea butter. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for moisturizing and giving the epidermis greater elasticity.

Cost - 130 rubles.


The Bioturm line includes skin care products with 5% urea content. They are recommended for dry and flaky skin. In addition to carbamide, the composition includes a lactocomplex. This is a special serum that does not allow cells to quickly grow old and die, but, on the contrary, stimulates their natural regeneration.

Additional elements of the cream are vitamins and amino acids. Cost - 1580 rubles.


Cream with urea for the face Bioderma can be used not only for hands, but also for other parts of the body. It's great for protecting against dryness and irritation when you're allergic to cold or heat. Bioderma is used to treat atopic rashes in adults and children.

Cost - 1300 rubles.


Cream Arabia positions itself not only as a moisturizer, but also as protective agent. It allows you to achieve elasticity and hydrated skin, and then with the help of a protective layer to keep such an effect for the face for a long time. The cream allows you to restore the regeneration processes characteristic of young skin, so it is recommended to use it when age-related changes in the epidermis.

Tool improves performance sebaceous glands and gives the face healthy color. Cost - 600 rubles.


Recommended for use by people with severe dryness and irritability of the skin of the face. Can be used for peeling, after negative impact external stimuli. The cream helps to moisturize and nourish the dermis, make it more elastic and elastic, restore a pleasant color to the face.

Cost: 510 rubles.


Cream Lekar refers to cosmetics with a therapeutic effect. The composition of the product is based on natural recipes ancient folk cosmetology. The substance is quickly absorbed and acts on the deep layers of the dermis. The first effect can be seen after a few hours: peeling and itching gradually disappear, the skin looks more toned.

Cost - 200 rubles.


AATherapy contains 10% urea, which classifies it as a therapeutic cream. You can use it only with a serious rash and peeling. After the skin gets rid of dryness and irritation, you should not refuse this remedy. It is an excellent prevention and protection against harmful external influences.

Cost - 270 rubles.


Keratosan from the Uriage line refers to medical cosmetics. It is a substance of cream and gel, which are mixed before application. The cream contains 30% urea. This prevents it from being used for healthy skin.

Cosmetologists allow the use of Keratosan for various diseases of the epidermis, including hyperkeratosis, psoriasis and follicular keratosis. Cost - 600 rubles. for a small tube (40 ml), from 800 rubles. for a large tube (75 ml).


Face cream with urea from the Belarusian company Belita has a dense, but not greasy structure. It perfectly nourishes, but does not oversaturate the epidermis. The basis for the cream is thermal water from France. The cream is recommended for dry skin., in other cases, it can create a "greasy" shine on the face.

The only exception may be frosty and windy weather. To maintain healthy facial skin, you can use the entire line of urea products, which include milk and tonic.

Cost - 136 rubles.

Eucerin Replenishing Face Cream

Cosmetologists recommend this remedy for dry skin prone to frequent irritations and atopic dermatitis. The cream contains 5% percent urea, so people with a tendency to oily skin are advised to use the cream with caution.

At regular use the agent forms a protective film on the surface of the skin. It helps to protect delicate and irritable skin from bad weather conditions.

Cost - 790 rubles.

How to make a cream based on urea with your own hands

Carbamide is used as a fertilizer, so getting urea is not difficult.

Benefits of homemade cream:

  • safety. The cream does not need to add any preservatives and additional products that can cause allergies;
  • availability and budget. Urea is an affordable and cheap component for the preparation of cosmetics. At the same time, the cost of finished cosmetics can reach several thousand rubles;
  • diversity. The cream can be prepared with those components that are necessary for of this type faces: moisturizing, nourishing, rejuvenating, refreshing.

Cream with urea for the face is easy to make yourself by purchasing necessary components

The process of making cream with urea:

  1. The basis of the cream can be beeswax (recovery), lard or fat (protection from peeling and chapping) and butter(nutrition). The base must be melted to a liquid.
  2. Urea is dissolved in a small amount of water and mixed with the base until a homogeneous liquid is formed.
  3. Additional funds are added to the base with urea: essential oils, decoctions of herbs, plant components.

Can be added to urea creams lemon juice, a decoction of chamomile or calendula, bee products, oil solutions of vitamins C and F, solid vegetable oils. Urea can not only heal and improve the structure of the skin, but also negatively affect its condition.

Therefore, you need to choose a face cream with a concentration of a substance suitable for the condition of the face.

Article formatting: E. Chaikina

Useful video clip about urea cream

What is the value of urea in creams:

Many women have already managed to make sure that a cream with urea for the face and body helps to cope with problems, for which they had to go to a cosmetologist's salon or purchase expensive drugs. This substance is often compared with glycerin and hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to use the products for owners of dry and normal skin. Before use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the products, study the instructions, determine which composition to choose to get rid of defects.

What is urea?

The scientific name of the component of many preparations for the skin of the face and body is urea. It is widely believed that real urine is used to make products, but this is not so - the constituent creams are a synthetic analogue of the substance.

Urea is an essential component of the dermis, and the lack of this element can lead to depletion of the skin, dryness, and flaking. It is easy to make up for the deficiency of carbamide - by using drugs in which the active components are exactly synthetically obtained urine.

The use of face cream with urea has several positive qualities. Carbamide molecules are very small, which allows them to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin, saturating the tissues with moisture. Another property of the substance is that it is able to attract and combine water molecules, preventing dehydration.

Peeling, dryness are problems of the dermis, which are quite difficult to deal with. Preparations based on carbamide allow:

  • quickly saturate the tissues of the dermis with the necessary moisture;
  • prevent the appearance of wrinkles;
  • smooth the skin;
  • start the process of updating the cells of the dermis;
  • prevent evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin;
  • increase the protective forces of the skin (to endure without much difficulty the destructive effects of frost, ultraviolet radiation, cold wind);
  • improve skin condition (even out shade, increase elasticity and firmness);
  • exfoliate dead skin cells.

Do you know? The use of drugs based on carbamide promotes the healing of small wounds, getting rid of irritation, redness spots, pigmentation.


Even if you purchased a face cream with urea in a pharmacy, this does not mean that it is completely safe. There are a number of restrictions on the use of compounds that are best studied in advance in order to completely eliminate unpleasant consequences.

  • bleeding wounds, abrasions, infected skin lesions;
  • purulent rashes (the use of urea can cause new acne and even cause inflammation);
  • negative reaction of the dermis to exposure to urea.

To avoid trouble, be sure to test the purchased drug in advance. To do this, apply 2-4 drops of the composition to the sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe dermis (“crescent” behind the ear, wrist) and wait an hour. Undesirable signs in the form of irritation, redness, rash are absent? You can start using the tool.

Application area

Often urea is included in the composition of products intended for daily care behind the face. The use of the composition allows you to get rid of various defects, one of which is peeling and increased dryness. Be sure to make sure when buying that there are no harmful E-additives and fragrances, preservatives among the components of the drug.

In the composition of preparations for the care of the skin of the body (lotions, oils, creams), carbamide can also often be found. The active ingredient allows you to moisturize the dermis, prevent the evaporation of moisture, improve the appearance and general state.

Before you go to a pharmacy or store to buy a cream, be sure to study the features of the drugs. One of them is that the products have different concentrations of the active substance. You need to choose the composition in accordance with the characteristics of the dermis and the problems that you need to get rid of.

If the choice is difficult, it is better to first go to the beautician. The master will examine the condition of the skin and recommend best ratio substances in the medium.

Face creams with urea

Until recently, urea could only be found in pharmaceutical preparations, now many cosmetic products for facial care contain such a component that is useful for dermal tissues. To understand how to properly apply the product, how to correctly determine the concentration of the composition for individual use, a special table will help.

Percentage of urea Skin type, problems Correct Application
1 normal, oily Use only when necessary (in winter against frost or wind, in summer against ultraviolet radiation).
5 Normal, needs occasional hydration Use periodically, can be used as a base for cosmetics. Apply the composition to the dermis of the face once a day.
10 Normal or dry skin with the first signs of aging, flaking The application should be carried out regularly, with too obvious problems, use the drug twice a day.
20 Dry, strong peeling Use composition for regular care behind the dermis only with the permission of a doctor or cosmetologist. Apply twice a day, it is recommended to use as a base for decorative cosmetics.
30 Cream with 30 percent urea to get rid of defects on the face is not recommended - a high concentration of the active ingredient can cause undesirable consequences.

Urea facial moisturizer can be purchased at a pharmacy or professional store. There is no difference, but when buying, be sure to study the information about the drug.

Cream with urea 5% is suitable for women with flaking problems. In addition to urea, the cream contains canola and sunflower oil. The use of the drug allows you to improve the condition of the dermis, moisturize, increase tone. There are no fragrances in the composition, so you can safely apply the composition to owners of sensitive skin.

Cream with urea Russian production 10% is in no way inferior to expensive branded counterparts. Recommended for water imbalance, strong peeling, damage to the skin by harmful effects. Suitable for all types of dermis.

The tool is produced with different percentages of carbamide, so without much difficulty you can choose the composition specifically for your type of dermis. In the composition, in addition to synthetic urine, there are medicinal components that enrich the skin with useful elements.

The name of a face cream with urea is familiar to many ladies, since this remedy has several advantages - it is recommended for various skin problems, has a herbal composition, and is quickly absorbed. Regular use of the drug allows you to maintain the moisture of the dermis without additional measures.

Urea in body creams

Before you buy a drug with urea for the body, be sure to study the table, which will help you understand the features of the funds.

Percentage of urea Problems of the skin of the body Application features
1 no problems Use to improve the surface of the skin, the regularity of use - once a week.
5 no problems It is recommended to use to protect the skin in frosty or sunny weather.
10 Dryness, rapid dehydration of the dermis Apply twice a week
20 Dryness, tendency to peel Apply up to 3 times a week
30 Peeling areas on the skin, thickening on the heels, elbows Use daily until problem disappears

What drug to choose? Many tools have passed the test of time, so there will be no difficulties with the choice.

A cheap, effective drug from a pharmacy (10-30%), recommended for getting rid of cracks on the surface of the dermis, peeling, coarsening. It is prescribed by doctors against dermatitis, rashes, irritation.


Use cream (20%) against peeling and roughness skin. Can be combined with emollients to speed up results. Not recommended for ladies with sensitive skin.

It is used to moisturize the whole body, but is often used for hand care. Concentration - 10%. Carbamide perfectly retains moisture, relieves peeling, gives hands velvety.

Body balm, which allows you to eliminate the most common defects - dryness, loss of moisture, coarsening of some areas. It is allowed to use on sensitive skin - 5% concentration of the active ingredient is completely safe and does not cause allergies.

Each of the urea-based products has its own characteristics and requirements for use, so it is better to carefully study the instructions beforehand. Strict adherence to the rules will achieve good results and deal with defects.

It would be useful to consult a beautician. The master will explain in detail the features of the application, determine the number of procedures per week, and recommend additional actions.

Frequency of application

It is recommended to use drugs in accordance with the instructions. Some remedies need to be applied several times a day (depending on the problem), others only once a week. You should not exceed the recommended dosages or the number of applications to the dermis - this will not affect the effectiveness, but it can cause allergies or irritation.

In the morning or evening?

Apply composition better in the morning. Some drugs are used as a base for applying cosmetics. If the instructions for the product indicate dual use, it is better to carry out the procedures immediately after washing in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed.

What products can be used with creams containing urea?

Carbamide goes well with other substances, so it is recommended to use the composition in different combinations- with lotions, tonics, masks. It is allowed to use a cream with makeup, the main thing is that cosmetics must be of high quality.

If a cream with 20 percent urea is used, it is advisable not to combine it with other means - lotions or tonics can reduce the effectiveness of the drug. At 30%, it is also better to avoid the use of additional drugs.

Below are photos before and after the course application of the cream with uric acid.

Draw your attention to! These photos were taken by people who have used uric acid for at least 4 weeks!

Question answer

Do I need to use carbamide-based products regularly?

Can I use 10 percent urea cream on my face?

Theoretically possible, but be careful. If the composition does not contain any acids, except for uric and lactic, and their percentage does not exceed 10%, then you can use such a cream on your face one time. But such a scheme can be used only as a last resort, when you need to soften very rough or exfoliate (give evenness) embossed skin.

Can a urea-based product be used to improve the appearance of the skin?

Yes, the drug perfectly moisturizes, increases elasticity, evens out the tone.

Is a facial remedy suitable for getting rid of problems on the body?

How often do products with carbamide cause allergies?

If you choose the right composition, irritation on the face or body does not appear. ”]

Facial and body skin care is an essential part of every woman's life. As a rule, for this purpose, the fair sex is used different creams, lotions, serums and other cosmetic products. One of the most sought after high efficiency are urea-based products. They have excellent moisturizing properties and have a beneficial effect on skin health.

What is urea cream

This is a cosmetic product designed to actively moisturize and soften the skin. Urea is used to create many different products, including creams. Such cosmetics are very useful for the face, hands, feet and body, as they not only provide quality care behind the dermis, but also heals it, penetrating into the deeper layers and contributing to the restoration of its structure.

Urea is the name of the ingredient in Latin and is often found in skin care cosmetics. It is a solid compound of organic substances similar in structure to sugar crystals. The tissues of the human body also contain urea: without it, the most important processes in cells are impossible. Often this component can be found in moisturizing cosmetics, since its key purpose is to regulate the water cellular balance.

The benefits and harms of urea in cosmetics

Often urea is used in the manufacture of cosmetics to moisturize and soften the skin. natural ingredient is found in the tissues of living organisms (in humans, it is part of the “moisturizing factor” responsible for maintaining the hydrobalance of the dermis, in the amount of 7%). In the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, synthetic urea is used, which is formed when nitrogen dioxide is combined with ammonia. The substance may be in solid or liquid form.

Since urea is inexpensive and very effective, it can often be seen in the composition of both affordable cosmetics and professional, elite products. Urea in the cream, due to the antiseptic properties of the substance, reduces the amount of preservatives used to preserve the beneficial qualities of cosmetic products. This component has the following effect on the skin:

  • helps to reduce the evaporation of fluid from the surface of the dermis (a large amount of fluid is released through the epidermis, especially in summer time, thanks to this property, moisture is retained in the cells, which prevents the skin from drying out);
  • moisturizing is provided (carbamide - another name for the substance - penetrates into the layers of the cover and changes the structure of the amino acids needed to moisturize the dermis);
  • restores the natural protective barrier of the epithelium, necessary to prevent the harmful effects of pathogenic microbes on the skin;
  • helps others absorb useful components contained in the cream;
  • relieves pain, due to its analgesic properties, can be used to eliminate itching, burning;
  • provides light peeling - has an exfoliating effect, removing keratinized cell flakes on the surface of the face, removes impurities, dust accumulated throughout the day (under the action of carbamide, the stratum corneum softens and is easier to remove, and "live" skin becomes smooth, silky);
  • triggers cell regeneration, promotes wound healing.

Since urea has a small molecular size, this ensures its excellent penetration into the deep layers of the dermis, due to which the substance stimulates the formation of a protective lipid layer of the skin and improved absorption of other active substances. Carbamide is a very effective component, but at the same time it increases the risk of negative reactions. Urea products should be avoided in people with:

  • acne;
  • bleeding damage to the dermis;
  • inflammation, skin irritation.

Application rules

To achieve maximum effect, the cream is best applied to warm skin(It is recommended to use the product immediately after a bath / shower). If necessary, in the treatment of mycoses, urea ointments are applied directly to the affected area, since the concentration of the substance in such agents is high. Carbamide is a non-toxic element, however, contact with eyes or broken skin should be avoided. When a thin, burning sensation appears, the use of the product is stopped, after which you should consult a dermatologist.

The best means

For certain skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, and the dryness that is common in people with diabetes, it is important to soften the skin regularly to prevent cracking and create antimicrobial protection. Urea in cosmetics perfectly copes with these tasks, where its concentration is 40%. To moisturize the dermis, creams with 10-20% urea in the composition should be used. The maximum amount of urea - about 50% - is included in antifungal ointments, which perfectly fight foot mycoses.

Foot cream with urea

The following options contain many different nutrients beneficial effect on the skin. Such creams should be used daily after a shower or bath. The compositions are applied to the feet in a thin or thick layer, depending on the skin problems, after which the base is completely absorbed. The following foot creams with urea have proven themselves well:

  1. DiaDerm "Intensive" (Avanta company). The tool belongs to the group of medicinal and designed for people suffering from diabetes. The softening cream perfectly nourishes the dermis, helping to soften even very rough areas.
  2. Evo (Avanta company). The cream will help those who have severely cracked skin on their feet, in addition, the remedy eliminates corns, old corns. Evo provides healing effect, fights against mycosis and prevents its occurrence.
  3. Doctor. An effective softening agent that provides a healing effect and, in addition, relieves fatigue from the legs. The doctor is used to treat dry calluses, cracked heels.
  4. Baehr. The cream actively moisturizes, nourishes, strengthens the skin barrier, while maintaining the hydro-lipid balance. Recommended for use by people with diabetes, well suited for owners of sensitive skin.
  5. Glatte (Greppmayr company). Considered one of the most effective means with urea for the feet, helping in the fight against dry calluses, various growths. Unlike analogues, Glatte does not require pre-treatment of the feet with pumice. After cream treatment, socks are put on the feet, and after 7-8 hours, all softened places on the legs can be removed with a brush. For cracks and wounds, it is recommended to use the drug with a concentration of 15%, for mild dryness of the skin of the feet - a 5% remedy.

For face

Often, urea-based products are used for facial skin care, while the formulations should be used with extreme caution. It is important to avoid getting the cream in the eyes. The composition is applied to the skin with light massage movements, thereby improving the absorption of its components. Among the most effective creams with urea for the face include the following:

  1. Doliva. The composition of the product, in addition to carbamide, contains various vitamins, natural oils, and other active substances that make the skin soft and moisturized. After applying the composition, it is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy film on the surface of the epidermis. Doliva is suitable for all skin types.
  2. Bioturm. Urea based product sunflower oil, canola and various plant extracts. Bioturm perfectly moisturizes the dermis, making its surface smooth and velvety. Since the cream does not contain synthetic ingredients, including fragrances, it can be used even for hypersensitive skin.
  3. AA Therapy. The product has excellent moisturizing properties and is indicated for owners of sensitive skin with a tendency to allergic reactions. In addition, the tool perfectly protects the dermis from the harmful effects of the environment, whether it be low temperature, drying sun or strong wind.
  4. bioderma. Eliminates dryness, tightness, any other discomfort associated with a lack of moisture in the skin. The cream is suitable for all skin types and belongs to the category of hypoallergenic products. Bioderma, in addition, is able to soothe irritated areas of the dermis, returning it to its normal color.

For body

Thanks to cosmetic products with carbamide you can get rid of excessive dryness on certain parts of the body. Such funds are applied in a small amount, distributed over the skin. thin layer. In case of abrasions or open wounds, the composition with urea should be discarded. For the body, the following urea-based products are recommended:

  1. Topikrem. Indications for use - rough, dry skin. Cream with a pleasant texture and neutral odor helps to restore the water balance of the dermis, actively moisturizing it. In addition, the tool perfectly softens the skin, while removing peeling.
  2. Senicare. Designed to take care of sensitive skin, prevents irritation of the epidermis, perfectly distributed due to its light consistency. Seni Care is able to prevent negative impacts external factors on the skin.
  3. Dermica. Body cream with urea contains 10% urea and milk lipids. Derma saturates the cells with the necessary elements, eliminating dryness and tightness of the epidermis. After using the cream, a feeling of comfort should be maintained.

For hands

Carbamide is found in human skin and is responsible for its hydration, helping to deliver fluid to the cells of the epidermis and keep it there. In addition, urea has an antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, promoting tissue regeneration. The most popular products with urea are:

  1. Doctor. A composition with a pronounced regenerating effect, which has a light texture, thanks to which it easily and quickly penetrates into the dermis, without leaving an unpleasant film on its surface. The healer has a neutral smell, yellowish color, Its big plus is its low price.
  2. Foretal. The cream is intended for hands and feet, indicated for dry skin, diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, etc. The composition is practically odorless, has a light texture. According to the instructions, it is optimal to use Foretal twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Dulgon UREA. A German-made product is suitable for winter use, when there is increased dryness of the skin due to cold weather. Panthenol and urea in cosmetics provide moisturizing and nutritional impact, promotes the healing of microtraumas and reduces the severity of wrinkles.


Urea is present in the human body and is important element many physiological processes. However, despite the positive impact, in certain cases, the synthetic component may be contraindicated. Urea is not suitable for the skin if the cover has:

  • inflammation;
  • wounds;
  • abrasions;
  • rash of unclear etymology.

Urea cream can aggravate skin irritation, so it is better to refuse it. In addition, do not use a composition with urea when elevated work sebaceous glands. A large number of acne formations is also a contraindication. The use of cosmetics with urea provokes the appearance of even more acne and pimples. People who are prone to allergic skin reactions use urea-based cosmetics with caution.

How to make a cream based on urea with your own hands

Can be purchased finished product in a store or pharmacy, but if desired, a remedy with urea is easily prepared at home. In addition to urea, the main component will be natural oil. Cream recipe:

  • in a water bath, melt a little beeswax and fatty lanolin (about 5 grams each);
  • here add 15 ml of any anti-aging oil - sesame, jojoba, wheat germ;
  • separately dissolve a few urea crystals in 15 ml mineral water, pour ½ tsp into this mixture. aloe and chamomile extract;
  • add to the oil-wax mixture essential oil ylang-ylang (a couple of drops), liquid vitamins A and E (2 contents of two capsules);
  • combine the composition with a solution of urea and mix with a mixer.


Urea-based skin care cosmetics are available in cosmetic stores and pharmacies in various price segments. In addition, compositions for the body, hands, face or feet can be bought in the online store by selecting the appropriate products in the virtual catalog and ordering home delivery. The table shows the average cost for popular funds in Moscow:


The urea-based foot cream allows you to provide your feet with natural, natural hydration. Most modern representatives of the weaker sex know such a tool used in cosmetic purposes like urea. Let's try to find out what it is and how it works.

Urea foot cream is in great demand among women who want to have beautiful smooth legs, but what is this substance? Urea is an essential component found naturally in human epidermal cells. The skin in the legs, in the absence of problem areas and various diseases may contain up to one percent urea.

The main purpose of this component is to moisturize the skin. cover that has different kind problems and lack of moisture can lose up to half the concentration of various moisturizing substances, among which is urea.

As a result, this loss is accompanied by drying of the epidermis, peeling and even atopic dermatitis. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use special cream for heels with urea.

Foot cream with urea is able to perform a variety of useful functions, for example, such as moisturizing: the skin becomes soft in just a few applications, roughness, calluses and corns disappear.

Also, a cream based on urea for the feet has a caratolytic property - it eliminates the keratinized layers of the epidermis on the feet. The substance allows you to easily loosen overdried cells, exfoliating dead cells and at the same time, filling the living with moisture.

Cream for the feet with urea performs protective functions, achieved as a result of retaining the necessary moisture in the tissues of the skin. Such a cosmetic product allows you to protect the epidermis from drying detergents, which people use as hygiene, as well as from the negative impact of the environment around you. Foot cream with urea also contributes to the penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis of various active substances that are part of various cosmetics.

Foot cream with urea also allows you to relieve the feeling of tension, eliminate various unpleasant itching and flaking, local anesthesia of pain. Such a cosmetic product also contributes to the treatment of numerous skin diseases, including fungus, ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema and much more.

Rules for the use of urea-based cream

Foot cream with urea has a certain melting point in its application, so, for example, the effect of it will be enhanced if you apply the product to the epidermis moistened after a shower, but dried with a towel.

With creams that have a high concentration of urea, you should be extremely careful. Despite their naturalness, such substances can cause an allergic reaction and inflammation.

In order to prevent the possibility of irritation, it is enough to conduct a sensitivity test.

Foot cream with urea softening is produced by many brands, here are some of the most popular brands.

Cream Healer for feet with urea

Healer foot cream with urea has unique properties that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the epidermis. Due to the presence of urea in the cosmetic product, the amount of moisture in the cells increases.

The cover becomes more elastic and tender to the touch. This cream for corns with urea perfectly copes with the assigned task, and also removes peeling, dryness, rough areas, relieves pain and heals wounds.

Cream with urea Evo

Evo foot cream with urea makes the skin supple and soft. The composition of the cosmetic product contains 10% urea, which improves metabolic processes, safely and effectively cope with corns and calluses, soften cracked, rough and dry skin.

Evo Urea Foot Cream contains the following active ingredients, such as coconut and olive oil, which are responsible for nutrition, restoring elasticity and softness, preventing moisture loss.

natural ingredients, including oak bark, extract of celandine, pine needles and sage eliminate irritation and abrasions, preventing bad smell and development of the fungus.

Cream with urea Baehr

As well as the cream of the old healer with urea, this remedy is suitable for owners of sensitive and dry epidermis, as well as for people with diabetes. The tool provides the required level of hydration, and a special composition allows you to remove pain and irritation, nourishes and protects the epidermis.

Foot cream with urea contains macadamia nut oil, pentanol, glycerin and urea.

Before you make a cream with urea at home, it is recommended to read the recipe and prepare all the necessary components. To prepare the remedy, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 g of urea;
  • 60 g lime hydrolyte;
  • 5 g shea almond butter;
  • 5 g glycerin moisturizer;
  • 5 g of any emulsifier;
  • preservative;
  • 2 g menthol in crystals;
  • 3 g of beeswax and neroli;
  • fatty lanolin;
  • 2 g stearic acid.

Now let's move on to its preparation. It is necessary to put dishes in a heated water bath in which all the oils used, stearic acid, wax and lanolin are placed.

A reverse emulsifier is added to the resulting composition, for example, Neo Care can be used, which has the property of creating an emulsion in the manner of "water in oil". As a result of this, the mixture you prepared, although it will turn out to be oily, will be quickly absorbed. After that, menthol must be added to the resulting oil mixture in crystalline form.

At the same time, we put linden hydrolate in the second water bath, in which urea will have to dissolve. It is recommended to add glycerin to the resulting composition. After complete dissolution of all components, the water composition must be poured into the fatty one.

Next, the ingredients are mixed using a special mixer. At the final stage, preservatives should be added, sparing and safe. The resulting composition is transferred to clean jars with a lid, in which it will be stored. Such a tool, like golden ratio, foot cream with urea perfect way soften the skin, making it smooth and supple. And everyone can cook it at home.