How to choose a foundation for skin color? How to choose a tone? The right foundation for different skin types

Modern people, already a whole generation, live in two realities. One is beautiful and the other is real. In the first life there beautiful food, and not some kind of borscht, but sushi, dorado and so on. In the first life, girls all look young, they have plump lips"duck", open eyes and perfect tone skin, around which there is even a slight haze, sort of like from an unearthly radiance ... But real life, it is, yes ... real. There is no haze around the face, unless the person is puffing like a locomotive. IN real life girls grow old, they have pimples, enlarged pores, on the face in the morning there is an unhealthy pallor and bruises. It is not surprising that people began to go headlong into virtual reality social networks, because all that is needed for happiness is the right angle and photo retouching.

In fact, you can be beautiful in real life. It's worth taking a little time to learn makeup, trust me, it's a little more difficult than managing filters on Instagram! And make the skin glow Foundation. True, you will have to study a little the features of its choice and application. Read the article on how to choose the right foundation for the face by color, and you will look great not only on the profile social network but also in everyday life.

Like a second skin

The main condition that you should be guided by when choosing a foundation is that it should not differ too much in color from yours. own skin. Two common mistakes: fair-skinned people want to give themselves the appearance of a tan and smear a dark foundation. And dark-skinned women want to “whiten” and use porcelain shades.

In both cases, the output is a uniform catastrophe. Surely you noticed white ears and a decollete area when chocolate color faces. It's better to use a bronzer. And a chocolate mulatto, using a very light cream, will simply see pink spots on your skin.

That is why it is pointless to fight with nature, love yourself for who you are. And knowing how to choose the right foundation for the face in a color close to natural tone your skin, you will make your face velvety matte and hide all imperfections.

color to color

When you go to the store to buy foundation, it's easy to get confused. On the shelves you can see dozens of jars of various shades and texture. In fact, you should not panic yet - if you know your skin tone, there will be no problems.

You don't need any super complex tests to determine your tone. You just need to remember how you sunbathe. If the skin darkens quite easily in the sun, rarely burns out, then its tone is yellow. But if being under the sun is a problem, you easily burn out, and even from a short stay in the sun, the skin turns red - the tone is pink.

yellow base

Experts were not too lazy and calculated that as many as 70% of women have a yellowish skin tone. And not everyone has a bright yellowness, because the variety of shades is impressive. Ivory skin is considered the lightest, it looks noble-transparent and does not cast yellow. But darker shades, without hiding, show a yellow base. For example, olive skin.

What cream to choose? Look for the word beige on the jar and choose walnut, sand, olive, gold ...

pinkish base

face with pink tone looks very soft and young. To emphasize its attractiveness, you need an apricot-colored foundation, shades of copper, pink beige.

What cream to choose? Look for the label "rose", "porcelain", "petal" on the packaging.

If you don’t like your deep pink complexion, you can even out it a bit with a pink-beige foundation. Pay special attention to the transition of color from the face to the neck, there should not be a mask effect.

But still, the main function of the foundation is not to change the tone of your skin, but only to even out it, so do not get carried away with opposite natural tones, as a rule, the result is not impressive.

Selection technique: instructions on what to do in the store

The 21st century is sweeping the planet, which means that beet cheeks and lead blush have sunk into the past. Modern cosmetics perform several functions at once, the same foundation moisturizes, removes fat and, most importantly, the right one is able to adapt to natural tone skin. In order not to be mistaken, in no case do not choose a product only on the advice of a consultant or by the color on the package. Here is the correct algorithm of actions:

  • Do not spare money for a quality product. As mentioned above, a good cream will not only mattify, but will also take care of your skin and will not clog pores. Having bought a cheap analogue, with a probability of 98% you will receive a cream rolling in wrinkles, clogged pores, greasy shine on the face and swollen makeup.
  • There is an opinion that the product should be tested on the wrist or outside brushes. This is fundamentally not true. The skin color there differs with the tone of the face, it is lighter on the wrist, darker on the hand, and the dermis itself differs in density from the face.
  • Buy a cream only after you have tried it on a makeup-free face. Most appropriate place- lower cheekbone. Then you can evaluate its compatibility with both the face and the neck. When the “tonalnik” is chosen successfully, they will not need to smear the neck, it will only be necessary to blend the borders well.
  • A suitable cream is easy to shade, does not form a feeling of film and tightness. If unpleasant sensations are present, test another company.
  • And the decisive factor is that the boundaries of the tinted area and the natural skin tone should not be noticeable.
  • Feel free to ask for 3-4 shades to sample. If you find it difficult to choose between the two that came up, give preference to the one that is lighter. In general, experts unanimously advise taking a “tonal” one tone lighter than yours. natural shade skin. He will visually throw off 10 years. But a tone darker, you can choose a foundation for special occasions, for example, for an evening look.
  • A good beauty store boasts beautiful lighting that will make anyone look flawless. No wonder, because their goal is to make products appear on the skin in a favorable light, and in the literal sense. In order not to fall for this bait, go outside and once again, in daylight, meticulously look at yourself in the mirror. The cream shows "its real face" only 5-7 minutes after application. If after this period of time and in daylight it also remains invisible and has adjusted to your skin, feel free to choose.

little secrets

  • Happy owners of a porcelain complexion, you need transparent base. She evens out the tone, making it noble.
  • For those with earthy skin tones, a pinkish-orange foundation will save you.
  • If the skin is pale and unhealthy dull, a peach shade will make it more attractive.
  • When there is redness, give up pink tones, they will only aggravate the picture. But a cold-toned cream with a greenish undertone can help.

Of course, an unhealthy skin color signals some problems in the body, they must be identified, not masked. But in exceptional cases, they resort to makeup.

It's such a delightful feeling to be beautiful without filters. You just need to choose the right foundation for the face by color, and you will never need filters to correct your appearance!

Modern cosmetics have advanced so far that one jar of foundation is able to hide all skin imperfections. But sometimes this magic turns into a nightmare: the wrong remedy does not mask the flaws, but rather emphasizes them. Therefore, it is important to know how to choose a foundation that is ideal for skin tone, color and type, how different creams differ from each other and what their scope is.

Texture classification

Thick cream is the basis. Most girls safely use only it. After applying the foundation, you can correct problem areas and even out the shade. But sometimes it is not enough, then means of different textures are used:

  • pencil - for spot masking;
  • liquid tone - to moisturize and improve the overall color;
  • cream powder - for short-term application, usually with a sponge;
  • day cream - an easy replacement for foundation;
  • tonal powder - for applying over the foundation and fixing the effect.

BB cream is one of the lightest analogs for foundation. It adapts to the skin tone better than foundation, and is almost invisible on the skin. But it does not hide imperfections so well, so if it is used, then only as a first, very thin layer or if the skin is in very good condition. You can also use a compact foundation with a large coverage effect, but it must be fixed with powder.

Choice by skin type

Different types of skin have their own individual, sometimes completely opposite features. So, on a dry face, it is correct to apply a foundation with a moisturizing effect, but for oily skin it will be destructive. Therefore, the type of skin is usually indicated on the cream box so that the girls know how to choose a foundation.

If you have dry skin, an oil-based product is required. It must have a light texture so that when applied it does not become heavier and does not absorb deeply. good cream contains nourishing moisturizing ingredients, they will give the face healthy shine. A luxury product can also have a diffuse effect: optical pigments repel light, as if visually leveling the face.

For oily skin, a mattifier is better. It is denser and heavier, plant elements tighten pores and absorb excess sebum. This relieves the face of oily sheen, making it more even with a velvety effect. Properly applied, a good waterproof cream dries out the skin, but does not clog pores - here you should be careful not to add black dots to yourself.

For owners mixed skin at least two are required. If there is an oily area on the nose and around the lips with the effect unpleasant shine, and on the forehead and cheeks - dry, then you will have to apply a different base to different areas. You need to learn how to combine them correctly.

WITH sensitive skin And everything is simpler - you need a light texture with moisturizing plant ingredients. If you are not sure why you need foundation, everything is clear here. The main function is to protect against external influence, so it is better not to skimp and choose luxury products. Often they have a thermoregulating ability and an effect that does not let cold or heat through, and thanks to cocoa butter and lanolin, they allow the skin to breathe. Luxury waterproof cream also protects against ultraviolet radiation: if SPF-15 is written on the box, and even better 25, Sun rays will not be dangerous. Need perfect cream and in winter: the luxury product contains elements that protect against wind and frost, so the skin will not become weathered and flaky.

Mature and young skin is also the right choice of different products. With age, especially after forty, the face needs to hide wrinkles and smooth out pigment imperfections, so the ideal cream should include useful pigment elements, collagen and silicone particles. In luxury creams, tinting elements are often combined with leveling elements, they fill wrinkles, and although they lie in a rather heavy layer, they create an even natural tone. More young girls it is more useful to use a waterproof fluid cream as a base, light and almost weightless. It evens out the tone rather than covers up problem areas, but in most cases this is not required.

Color matching

If the shade of the cream differs from the color of the body, it will look strange and ugly. Therefore, when choosing a super-resistant foundation for the face, be sure to apply it on yourself first. The main test areas are the chin and the area under the lip. Many mistakenly check it on the hands or cheeks, but the skin of the hands is almost always different from the skin of the face, and the blush on the cheeks can ruin everything: after it comes off, the colors will no longer match.

It is difficult to come to the store with a bare face, but it is correct to check the shade on the skin without makeup. You can take cleansing wipes with you and remove only part of the makeup between the cheekbones and the neck, and after selecting the tone, correct the makeup. But in order to figure out how to choose a foundation without having to return it later, it is better to take samplers home and perform tests there.

For yellow skin best suited sandy beige color. Walnut, olive - depending on the shade of the face, the options may vary. Porcelain tone requires lighter shades - light beige, almost transparent with a glossy effect. Pinkish skin is correct to take copper, apricot, peach color. If the face is prone to redness, then you definitely need a little green tint in the base - this will calm the tone. However, if you are not sure how to choose the tone of the foundation in this case, then do not experiment. Hue Green colour add soreness to a pale or grayish face.

For tanned girls, shades of caramel and chocolate with a radiance effect are ideal. But you can’t use them to create the illusion of a tan - the foundation will lay down strangely and unnaturally. bright face need peach or beige shade the same tone.

If you do not know how to choose the color of the foundation the first time, choose the tone that seems right to you and the neighboring shades. If you cannot decide between two similar colors, take the base that is slightly lighter.


When buying a super stable foundation for the face, always go to a familiar seller and choose only famous brand. Be sure to check the expiration date and integrity of the packaging. It is better not to go to the store at the beginning of autumn - the summer tan has not yet disappeared, but will soon come down, after which the color will change and the foundation will not fall well.

To check how well the tool hides imperfections and adjusts to the tone, put a dot on the face with a bright pencil, then apply the foundation. So you will see if it closes the point or not. Choose carefully - this cream you will wear on your face, it should fit well.

In contact with

Modern discoveries in the field of cosmetology contribute to the fact that cosmetic products are widely represented on the market. Any woman of fashion without any problems can choose an exclusive option that is suitable specifically for her needs. Tones are no exception to this. How to choose the tone of foundation for the face, knowing its features? Manufacturers, competing with each other, are fighting for each customer, offering cosmetics that contain both vitamins and protective ingredients, and much more.

Before replenishing your cosmetic bag with new products from the foundation series, read the recommendations. Perhaps they will save not only your nerves, but also will not allow you to spend money in vain:

  • buy cosmetics from time-tested manufacturers who give a quality guarantee for their product, confirm it also with the availability of appropriate certificates;
  • modern foundation, in addition to masking imperfections, often performs another function - whitens, moisturizes, protects from UV radiation, so choose so as to kill two birds with one stone;
  • The cream for summer and the product for winter are different, use seasonal tonal products so as not to harm the skin

  • similarly, choose a foundation for going out in the evening or daytime walks: daytime should provide your skin with a healthy and radiant look as close to natural as possible, and for evening events it is allowed to “tighten” the skin.

How to choose a foundation for the face according to skin type

Young ladies, not knowing how to choose the tone of the foundation, and not yet understanding the intricacies of creating beauty on their unique face, can unknowingly use the girlfriend's foundation. However, a lady who knows her type of face, who understands cosmetics no worse than cosmetologists, modern lady will never allow it. You should know and take into account several features for different oily and sensitive skin types.

Dry skin needs hydration

Owners of aristocratically pale and dry skin can choose cosmetics with a high degree of moisture. This also applies to foundation creams: it is better to choose liquid remedy than powdery, which will only emphasize the dryness of the skin.
Financially independent ladies can treat themselves to a foundation from a series of BB creams. They moisturize the skin due to the content of glycerin, nourish due to plant extracts, visually (and not only) smooth wrinkles, protect from ultraviolet radiation. The water-gel base of the cream base will prevent peeling.

Oily skin should be powdered

Oily sheen even on young face does not look attractive, so it is worth making changes with a dense foundation. In addition, over the main tone should be applied thin layer and dry powder. Alternatively, you can use matting emulsions or a masking pencil, which will make the imperfections of oily skin less noticeable. When buying tinting agents, owners of problematic skin in this regard should look at creams with absorbens, additives that affect the process of sebum formation: with zinc, sulfur and various vitamin supplements.

Normal skin and combination

less common perfect skin, normal. More often it is combined, when in some places there are either increased fat content, or, conversely, peeling. For these types of skin, the foundation should be creamy-powdery in texture, have a vitamin composition and mandatory protection from ultraviolet radiation.

In order to avoid complications on sensitive skin, its owners should use tonal products with caution, choosing creams with natural ingredients, mineral based. It’s great if a set of protective substances is present in the composition of the product.

Skin that has already shown signs of aging requires foundation creams with a strong lifting effect and anti-aging components. These can be antioxidants, moisturizers, vitamin supplements. In addition to external visual effect foundation must protect against harmful influences.

Except general information about skin types, it is desirable to learn how to choose the tone of foundation for the face in appearance, according to complexion.

How to choose the right foundation tone

The right shade of concealer can do wonders for a brighter, younger looking complexion. Conversely, the wrong shade will make the face look like a mask, highlighting all its flaws. To prevent this from happening to you, determine, first of all, your color type. It can be warm "spring" or "autumn", cold "summer" or "winter".

How to choose the tone of foundation if you like salmon, golden pink, yellowish shades, and your face type is cold (summer, winter)? Or if the bluish-pink range is more suitable for you, and the color type is warm (spring, autumn)?

How to choose the color of the foundation for the face of a warm color type

For the warm color type "Spring" selection cosmetics, including tonal, involves the choice of warm tones. It can be light beige tones, tan shades, bronzing powders and even creams with a golden shimmer. Shades of peach, apricot, light coral and salmon in the range of cosmetics will be a good addition to the chosen foundation.

How to choose a foundation according to skin color for the Autumn color type? Such skin will tolerate foundation well. warm colors: beige and bronze, for example. If you intend to use powder, then you need to choose light-skinned, almost colorless, and light-beige shades for tanned representatives. To the shades of "Spring", which are described above, the autumn type can add terracotta.

How to choose a shade of foundation cream cold color type

Tonal means for a "summer" girl should be selected from natural cold shades. In this case, the face will look fresh, rested, the tonal coating will not give itself away, and it will not harm the owner of fair skin. If the skin is slightly tanned, then you can go to natural beige color with a gray tint.

"Winter" skin requires cold light shades of foundation. How to choose a foundation for skin color? Be careful, and it's better not to experiment with base products with warm pigments. Foundations can be very light in tone, almost white. When a tan appears in your palette, an olive tint may also appear.

How to choose the color of foundation when buying

Suppose that you, for example, know perfectly well how to choose a foundation according to skin color. However, it is easy to make a mistake when buying foundation. Incorrectly set light at the mirrors, in general, can influence the choice. artificial lighting. To minimize the mistake when buying, follow these simple rules:

When choosing a daytime foundation, test it by sitting close to the window so that the lighting is natural.

  • it is necessary to test the foundation intended for evening outings under electric lighting;
  • test not on the wrist, where the skin is far from the same as on the face, but apply a small dab of foundation on the chin line.

How to choose the right foundation by color from a variety of offers? Pre-select three tones, then choose from them the one that suits you best, putting three tonal strips of different shades side by side.

The task of choosing the right foundation for the face will not be too difficult if you know your color type, choose not only for the sake of the brand, but also for the sake of health, apply the rules and listen to advice.

“Tell my mirror, my light, but tell the whole truth, am I sweeter than everyone else in the world, all blush and whiter?” - how many real modern beauties would hear an affirmative answer?

Immediately after waking up water procedures, cups of invigorating coffee and applying makeup, only movie heroines shine with charm. In order for an ordinary young lady to approach the cherished ideal, it is necessary at least to “draw her face”.

Pledge neat makeup– even skin tone created by foundation.

How to determine the skin tone of the face (color type)

The cosmetic industry of the last decade has given a woman a lot of all kinds of products to even out complexion. These innovative means perform many functions and meet the needs of even the most demanding girl.

However, the abundance of the assortment does not help at all to decide main problem: how to choose foundation for skin color.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to deal with the color type, i.e. facial skin tone.

Professional makeup artists have identified three main skin types:

  • neutral;
  • cold;
  • warm.

Pure types are defined by the following criteria:

  1. Cold- the color of the veins on the wrist is bluish or purple; skin color in natural light with a bluish tint. The preferred metal for jewelry is silver;
  2. Warm- the color of the veins on the wrist is olive or khaki; skin color in natural light with a yellowish tint. The preferred metal for jewelry is gold;
  3. Neutral- the color of the veins on the wrist is blue-green; skin color in natural light with a green tint in the sun. The preferred metal for jewelry is any.

In addition to explicit types, there are mixed variants.

When choosing a foundation, the color type is not the only point on which to rely.

One of the secrets of choosing the right cream to even out the color skin- this is a clear definition of another nuance.

Depending on the reaction to the sun, the epidermis is divided into red and yellow.

If the tan lies with ease and evenly, then the woman is the owner yellow class skin. The red class is characterized by a sharp reaction to ultraviolet, expressed by redness and copper tint tan.

How to choose a foundation for skin color: basic rules

The choice of tonal means should be given special attention. Aligning the complexion, masking defects is the most important and responsible stage of make-up. If the tone is chosen correctly, the cream is applied skillfully, then to create beautiful image most often, minimal manipulations with the eyes and lips are enough.

Otherwise, the girl is faced with a problem " age makeup» when the face looks much older than its real age, or with a “mask effect”, when the foundation creates an inanimate, alien cover on the face.

To find out how to choose a foundation for a color, you should initially determine your color type and skin type in general. And based on this, listen to the advice of makeup artists.
  1. With skin belonging to the red type, such cream options as pink beige, apricot or copper are in harmony - those that carry scarlet notes at the base.
  2. For owners of the yellow type, experts insist on choosing from foundations of such shades as light beige, gold, walnut, sand.
  3. For a trip to the store for foundation, it is optimal to choose a clear sunny day so that you can evaluate the product in natural sunlight.
  4. Experts recommend that, even if the room is very light, go outside and check the shade of the product again before buying.
  5. The foundation must be applied to well-cleansed skin, so you can not pick up a tinting agent without washing your face.
  6. Cosmetologists advise on the eve of a responsible choice to carry out home procedure exfoliation, remove dead cells, apply a moisturizer, then the skin will be as prepared as possible for the selection of foundation.
  7. Testing cream on the wrist is the most common mistake. The color of the skin on the face and hand is significantly different. The shade of the wrist serves only as a hint in determining the color type.
  8. The test tool in the store should be applied to the cheek, the only way to assess its suitability.
  9. Professional make-up artists practice the use of several colors of foundation in one make-up, for example, the main tone and a lighter shade - in the eye area, and a darker tool on the nose and along the contour of the face.

Note! Choose a foundation for color problematic skin, with significant defects on the face (acne, pimples, scars or red streaks), allows testing the product in the area behind the ear - where the skin most closely matches the complexion.

How to do this is already the second point, it is better to resort to the help of a trusted friend.

In the choice of foundation does not exist fashion trends and popular colors. This the tool is selected strictly based on external data, for each specific type of skin.

Color palette for fair skin

Bright skin often called porcelain for its noble pale shade, similar to the cheeks of sophisticated dolls.

How to choose a foundation for skin color, advice will help: study the names of shades. Most suitable means marked "light", "transparent".

Pale skin is characterized by some soreness and dullness, therefore make-up artists recommend foundations with a subtle peach sheen, then the skin of the face will be fresher and healthier.

The main secret of how to choose the right foundation that suits a particular shade is to test three close tones on the face and determine which one will merge with the skin color.

When there is difficulty which of the two shades to give preference to, experts advise choosing a lighter one.

Owners of pale skin often plan to give the face a tan effect with foundation - this is a serious mistake that leads to unnatural makeup. The tone should be as close to natural as possible. Other cosmetics are used to get a tan.

Color scheme for gray, earthy skin

Industrial cities have not had a favorable ecological situation for a long time. Smoke, smog, constant stress and a rare stay on fresh air lead to the fact that even the most enviable beauties complain about earthy color faces. Such skin looks gray, tired and aged.

With careful selection of the cream, this problem is also solved. For a fresh face cosmetologists advise using tonal foundations with a pinkish-brown tint.

The tone of the foundation, if the skin is prone to redness

Due to the proximity of capillary vessels, even a healthy epidermis, without blackheads and acne, may have a reddish tint. More often a clear red tone of the skin stands out in the nasolabial region. A good foundation is able to even out this flaw and provide a uniform, long-lasting beautiful make-up.

To mask skin that is prone to redness, tonal products are used that have a shade with a slight green. The most acceptable cold shades.

And here pink color scheme is a clear exception of suitable foundation creams for of this type skin.

Shades of foundation for dark skin

The most suitable colors for owners dark skin- nuances of chocolate or caramel.

In general, women with dark skin lucky by nature and they require a minimum amount of tinting agent.

If the choice is from two similar shades, then in this case it is worth giving preference to a darker cream.

How to choose a foundation for evening makeup

On celebratory event, when entering a secular society or a romantic dinner for two, a woman wants to look especially charming. To create a charming image, you will definitely need persistent, carefully executed makeup.

There are a couple of nuances of choosing a tonal for an evening event:

When a photo session is planned at an evening event and you want to look beautiful both live and in the pictures, it is extremely foundations with reflective particles should be used with caution, which, when the camera flashes, stand out on the face as white spots.

In general, if for day makeup light tonal foundations are suitable, then Better for evening out thick creams , maximally leveling the surface of the face.

Newbie mistakes when choosing foundation for skin color

Despite the numerous recommendations of experts, a lot of master classes from leading makeup artists, there are girls with clearly incorrect makeup. IN best case foundation does not emphasize their beauty, but most often it looks comical and even frightening.

In order not to be considered a beginner in the art of make-up, it is important to know how to match the foundation to the color of the skin in order to avoid mistakes.

In this way, you will save yourself in advance from mocking looks due to your stupid and inappropriate makeup.

The list of common mistakes includes:

  • selection of tone, based only on the index given on the package;
  • using the tester on the wrist or back of the hand;
  • the choice of means in dim artificial lighting;
  • applying a shade of tinted base that is obviously darker than the main complexion, hoping to get a tanned look;
  • the use of a cream that is unsuitable in composition and density for the type of epidermis (for young, fresh skin, you should not use dense, heavy tinting agents, while problem faces require more careful adjustment);
  • use of one tool all year round(in different seasons, the color and condition of the skin, and the level of necessary protection from the sun and bad weather change);
  • focus solely on the price of the product (when choosing a foundation main characteristic- this is a coincidence of tones, not a price category).

Pro tips: how to choose the right shade of foundation

Experienced Makeup Artists Often Share Their Choice Secrets foundation.

Here are the most interesting and useful ones:

In order to correctly select a foundation that suits both the color and the type of skin, it is worth allocating enough time to study the assortment of the store.

This is not a matter of haste. At right choice foundation, a woman can always achieve a neat make-up and a spectacular expressive appearance.

From this video you will learn how to choose a foundation for skin color.

This video will tell you how to choose the shade of foundation.

Avon cosmetics is distributed almost all over the world and is probably known to everyone. Attractive prices without store markups, no risk of stumbling upon a fake - this and much more attracts new consumers. And the company itself does not stand still: new tools are being created that are tempting to try. One of them in 2015 was the Calm Radiance foundation. Avon received positive reviews about him. Many girls were already familiar with this tool before. What was their surprise that this is the same cream, improved so much that now it has practically no flaws. What is the secret to the formula for the success of the new foundation from Avon? Let's figure it out.

History of the company

Avon became known to the mass public as early as 1886. It all started with the creation by David McConnell of small perfume bottles, which later became very popular among women. Success prompted the merchant to form his own perfume and cosmetics company. Already in 1897, the first Avon laboratory was opened. Gradually, the range of products offered is expanding. The company begins to produce jewelry.

In 1985, Avon introduced the first retinol-based cream. Then it also debuts with the release of products with AHA acids. Despite significant difficulties in the late 1980s, Avon still remains in the market and continues to successfully compete with other cosmetic chains. Today it is one of the most popular companies offering catalog cosmetics.

Description of Avon Calming Effects

In 2015, the company released another concealer - the "Calm Radiance" foundation. Avon received quite good reviews about him. Many owners noted that the cream fully complies with the properties declared by the manufacturer. I must say that the tool was released in two versions: for sensitive and oily (combination) skin. The customers liked it very much. After all, now they will be able to choose the most accurate for themselves a new foundation.

Pleased with the palette of colors in which the product is produced. Avon offers five shades of foundation for natural makeup. This is more than enough for non-professional cosmetics. In addition, the colors are made with undertones, pink or yellow, which characterizes the manufacturer only from the best side.

Release form

In a very good package, the “Calm Radiance” foundation is produced. "Avon" gets good reviews and thanks to a convenient bottle, which is similar professional means. It's transparent glass container with a volume of 30 ml, equipped with a dispenser on top. Additionally, it is closed with a cap to avoid contamination of both the bottle itself and surrounding objects.

By lightly pressing the dispenser, a small amount of foundation is dispensed. It's very economical. A transparent bottle allows you to control the consumption of funds and think about buying a new one in time. Consumer reviews note the convenience of using the package: the cream does not dry out, is not consumed much and looks presentable in a case. The cardboard packaging is made in the standard Avon style: black background with white letters.

Foundation "Calm Radiance", "Avon": photo, characteristics

Externally, Calming Effects products practically do not differ depending on the purpose for a particular skin type. These are two transparent bottles filled with one of five tones of a matting agent. The difference is felt only when applied directly. The formula for sensitive and dry skin has a soft caring texture. The components deeply moisturize and nourish the face, while providing a high-quality matting effect. The composition of the foundation includes extracts of chamomile, aloe vera and lavender, as well as vitamins E and A. The tool not only hides imperfections, but also takes care of the condition of the epidermis, which is so important when it is dry and hypersensitive.

Oily and combination - no less capricious skin, which constantly presents "surprises" in the form of pimples, inflammation, and just an unpleasant greasy sheen. The appearance of the face becomes less beautiful and healthy, and you want to look at 100. Owners of problematic, combination or oily skin will like the novelty - the Calm Radiance Foundation. Avon gets very good reviews, which talk about flawless matte skin for the whole day. Is this not a dream?

foundation shades

The purpose of the foundation is to hide imperfections so that in sunlight the skin looks naturally beautiful and healthy. On the way to creating makeup, every woman, one way or another, faces certain difficulties in choosing a foundation. The fact is that an incorrectly chosen tone will not only not emphasize beauty, but will completely spoil the image. That is why self-respecting enterprises are trying to offer the buyer a wide range of shades in order to use foundation as naturally and imperceptibly as possible.

Avon's Calm Glow Concealer has been developed in five shades:

  • pale beige (nude);
  • ivory (ivory);
  • light beige (cream);
  • sandy beige (almond);
  • warm beige (warmest beige).

Each of them has a light texture that is easy to apply and blend. Despite the fact that the foundation is moderately liquid, it has an average covering power. If the skin imperfections are minor, it can be easily applied with a very light, almost weightless layer.

Color "light" and "ivory"

Nude - the most light shade, offered in the line of foundation "Calm Radiance". According to customers, this perfect option for white translucent skin, the imperfections of which are much more striking than on darker ones. The tint is not yellowish. The tool qualitatively covers the face, instantly matting it. Nude is available for both dry and combination skin.

Women highly appreciated the Avon Calm Radiance Foundation. Reviews "gentle beige" received good. The naturalness of the shade and the absence of oxidation of the cream on the face are noted. After some time, the color does not darken, but remains, as before, light.

Shade "ivory" (ivory) is suitable for owners of fair skin with a pink undertone. The color after application looks very natural and natural. Coverage is sufficient for minor imperfections. Oily sheen is successfully eliminated with the help of perfect matting, which the Avon Calm Radiance foundation has. Reviews "ivory" received worthy: users are satisfied that they can purchase a product that finally does not turn yellow, but refreshes

Light and sandy beige tone

Sandy-beige (or cream) shade, warm with a yellow undertone, suitable for owners of slightly Will good option and for summer use. Light skin tans and darkens a little. At the same time, the previous colors may look unnatural on it, and slightly darker shades will come in handy. If the skin is slightly tanned or has a color between light and dark, and is also prone to a yellowish tint, cream tone will fit perfectly. The best choice it will be the “Calm Radiance” (“Avon”) foundation. Reviews "light beige" received good. Young ladies like its effectiveness.

Sandy beige (almond) is suitable for medium skin tone with pink undertones. It is very gentle and beautiful colour. It will emphasize the beauty of the face and give it freshness. If winter option cream was the color "ivory", feel free to choose for the summer "almond" foundation "Calm radiance" "Avon". Reviews "sand-beige" shade deserved positive. His soft color and good coverage was appreciated by many women.

Shade for dark skin

Warm beige hue evokes thoughts of sunny summer And bronze tan. And for good reason. It is for dark-skinned from birth or well-tanned skin that the Avon Calm Radiance foundation will come in handy. Reviews "warm beige" received positive. Owners of a warm chocolate shade of the epidermis now easily achieve effective matte finish all day. According to customers, the tool is very suitable for use in both summer and winter. The texture does not spread and does not change colors, which is very important for a perfect look.

Calm Glow Foundation is a mattifying agent that delights many women. Is it worth it to buy - the question is twofold. On the one hand, this is a perfectly matte (even too much for some) coating, on the other hand, not too high covering power. Nevertheless, the tool is worthy of attention. It is worth the money spent on its acquisition. Not suitable for everyone, but works very well for its price category.