How to get rid of unpleasant oily sheen on the face. Tips on how to get rid of oily sheen on the face. What helps to quickly remove on the forehead

It has its advantages - it is not so prone to aging and wrinkles. But at the same time, acne, blackheads and an ugly greasy shine often appear on it. It is difficult to cope with such a nuisance even with the help of a thick layer of powder and corrector. And it is not necessary - to deal with oily sheen on the face should be completely different means and methods.

How to identify the problem?

Annoying "shine" on the forehead, nose and chin - unfortunately, the problem is not only teenagers. According to studies, greasy shine spoils the mood and appearance of more than 10% of adult women who have long since passed the period. It is most pronounced in summer time year, less noticeable in autumn and winter. Sometimes even the owners of the nose begin to shine. Some begin to actively rub their face alcohol lotions, cover with matting creams. But this does not always give the expected result, and in most cases, on the contrary, it only harms.

How can you understand that you have oily skin prone to greasy shine? Beauticians recommend this simple test:

  • wash your face without any lotions or gels;
  • wipe it well;
  • do not lubricate with cream and do not wipe with anything - this is very important;
  • after a few minutes, press your face against the mirror.

If oily spots remain on the mirror, then the skin is oily and needs special care. It consists not only in the use of various cosmetics the corresponding type. The problem needs to be solved comprehensively.

Where to start treatment?

Keeping a few simple rules, you can deal with trouble quite simply. Sometimes they alone are already enough to completely get rid of greasy shine. Here is what experienced cosmetologists and dermatologists advise:

Of course, it is difficult to resist not powdering the quickly shiny forehead, nose and cheeks and solving the problem radically. However, you will have to be patient - the effect will be, but not immediately. And now it's time to figure out in detail what needs to be done to get rid of oily sheen on the face once and for all.

Proper cleansing of oily skin

To deeply clean the pores from the accumulation of fat, you will need to purchase special brush with soft bristles or a sponge. First, it is wetted, then applied to it delicate gel and foams up. Now you can be careful in a circular motion wipe your face. It is not necessary to press hard, and after washing, wash off the foam along with the remnants of makeup and sebum warm water.

Do not use ordinary soap or scrubs that are too harsh on your face. They will dry out the skin and provoke increased production sebum. And this will certainly lead to the appearance of shine on the face.

Acne prone skin needs to be cleansed. But make sure that the lotion has a low alcohol content. Pure can lubricate only individual inflamed acne and do this no more than twice a day.

Concerning deep cleansing oily or combination skin and scrubs, then you need to do this two to three times a week using a gentle gel or emulsion. If you can’t do without makeup, but you need to apply powder and cream as much as possible thin layer and always have special matting wipes with you to get wet problem areas. At the same time, it is better not to go outside, especially in the heat and sun, from 11 to 15 hours.

Oily face masks

It is important not only to find the right recipes that will help to cope with the lack of skin, but also to use them correctly. Here are some procedures you can do with shiny skin:

Also from home remedies for wiping oily skin suit carrot, cabbage or cucumber juice. They are better to wipe the face and neck before going to bed. And after that, apply a moisturizer.

A greasy sheen on the face often causes a spoiled mood when, knowing about our problem, we lose confidence in our own attractiveness in the eyes of other people.

A shiny face was once considered a sign of beauty - in medieval Europe, especially in Spain, noble beauties smeared their cheeks and forehead with special lipstick, and commoners - with olive oil.

But today, the shine on the face looks untidy, deprives the image of freshness and pretty spoils the makeup. Therefore, it is so important to take care of your skin, especially since it is not as difficult as it might seem.

5 causes of oily face

Of course, in the summer heat or while exercising in the gym, everyone’s face shines without exception. And it's not just about sweating - the face does not belong to places with profuse sweating. The rush of blood to the vessels and capillaries in the skin causes sebaceous glands produce more fat.

But this natural property of the skin does not always work only at the indicated moments.

Causes of excessive sebum secretion and, as a result, shiny face, there are different:

  • climatic conditions ( abrupt change climatic zone, heat, air humidity above 60%);
  • the microclimate of the room (staying in a dusty and stuffy room, working at the stove);
  • digestive problems (skin condition is highly dependent on the health of the intestines, liver and pancreas);
  • hormonal surges and changes - puberty, menstruation, pregnancy and lactation, menopause;
  • congenital skin type combined with improper care.

The type of skin that suffers from shine can be oily or combination ( fatty forehead, nose, chin and dry cheeks). IN Lately cosmetologists distinguish a special, acquired type of skin - oily, and at the same time dry. More precisely, it is oily skin that suffers from dehydration, but continues to produce sebum.

All named types can be sensitive, although fatty type it is rather rare. Having determined your type, proceed to eliminate shine using suitable products.

emergency matting

Nobody argues that a long-term matting effect is obtained only with good care- regularly and with the use of products designed for a specific skin type. But how to remove oily sheen from the face, if you do not have two or three weeks left to put yourself in order?

For example, you need to look "excellent" tonight. Let's see how you can quickly solve the problem (albeit temporarily).

In 1 minute, you can matte your face with napkins and powder.To do this, the powder should be a transparent shade, very fine grinding, preferably from a series of mineral cosmetics. Some brands have loose powders in a brush case or with a membrane and a puff in the kit - they are convenient to carry with you in a cosmetic bag and they do their job better than regular ones. compact powders. Never use tan powder to hide shiny forehead or nose otherwise dark spots and lumps on the skin are provided.

Before or instead of powder, you can use special cosmetic wipes from oily sheen. These thinnest napkins come in two types - dry and wet. The former act like a blotter, absorbing fat. The latter dissolve and absorb fat due to impregnation with tonic, and also matte with talc, which they also contain. In general, this is the best emergency remedy, but there is also a minus - you have to constantly think about whether it's time to get your face wet.

Cosmetic water will refresh in 15 minutes.An excellent tool for simple quick care- cosmetic water in a spray. It can be micellar, thermal water or mineral spray. How to use them?

Let's take a few minutes:

  • take off earrings, glasses, close your eyes;
  • lightly spray the face and neck with a spray;
  • wait until the skin dries a little;
  • fixing makeup.

Some cosmetic water manufacturers directly indicate on the packaging that their product can be applied to makeup during the day without fear that it will “float”. It's all about special atomizers that release something similar to a wet haze without leaving drops on the face. cosmetic water dissolve large molecules of fat and even out the tone of the face - no need to wipe, and the skin does not shine.

Make a clay mask in 1 hour.If you are at home and have time, cleanse your face and apply a blue clay mask. This natural remedy absorbs fat not only from the surface, but also draws its excess from the pores - this is a first-class cleansing before makeup. After the mask, apply moisturizer daily cream and start regular makeup - matte effect from the mask will last at least 18 hours.

Basic anti-shine treatment

To reduce shine in the T zone, take care of your skin daily in three stages - cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Nourishing night creams can be discarded, especially in the hot season.

Choose funds from hyaluronic acid for moisturizing, with oxygen for the lipid balance of combination skin, with plant extracts for velvety and purity (rose, ylang, chamomile, aloe).

Exfoliate twice a week mild agent with small particles. You can make a home remedy: cereals in gauze bags, steamed for 1 minute in a cup with hot water, perfectly remove fat and dust, while gently narrowing the pores, exfoliate the layer of dead cells, refresh and rejuvenate.

Excellent matting yeast mask: soft yeast is slightly kneaded in boiled water and apply this gruel on the face, avoiding the eye area. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water, tone and moisturize your face. Yeast perfectly cleanses and tightens pores, and also prevents the appearance of pimples.

Here are some simple tips to help reduce fat problems:

  • stick to a moderate diet with a reduced amount of spices and the exclusion of smoked meats and fatty foods;
  • wash your face with water room temperature- hot water activates the sebaceous glands, and cold water dries;
  • do not abuse artificial tan, since irradiation in the solarium heats the skin and starts it hormonal processes(formation of melanin), which enhance the work of the sebaceous glands and at the same time make it dry;
  • touch your face only with napkins or hands that have just been washed with soap, wash all makeup brushes clean once a week, and puff and sponges once every three days, this will protect against germs and inflammation.

As you can see, getting rid of oily shine is not so difficult, the main thing is to know what you need for this. Choose your favorite tool and don't forget to use it!

Cleansing according to the rules

One of the main ingredients in the care oily skin th - salicylic acid. It should be contained in cleansers at least in a two percent concentration, then there will be an effect. This component slightly dries the skin, without leading to dehydration, and thereby relieves it of oily sheen. Use gels and tonics with salicylic acid for morning washing so that your face does not shine during the day.

Basic care

Heavy, thick cream- not the most the best choice, which owners of oily skin can do. Care with it will only increase the manifestation of such a problem as oily sheen: such products are often rich in oils that nourish the skin, but at the same time provoke the appearance of an oil film. So instead of rich creams for daily care use a moisturizing gel or, for example, light serum which is quickly absorbed without leaving any traces on the skin.

Mattifying primer

Supplement proper care It is worth applying a matting primer. Such as Shine Killer from NYX Professional Makeup, does not weigh down makeup at all, lays down on the skin with a thin, weightless layer and solves main problem- removes oily sheen. Having become matte, thanks to this tool, the skin remains so for a long time - and with it, the makeup retains an impeccable look. By the way, such primers at the same time narrow the pores.

When you need to get rid of oily sheen, the main thing is not to use foundation containing oils. Another mistake is to powder your face harder in the hope that it will remain matte all day: the oily sheen will still show through the layer of powder. The best thing to do is to choose for your cosmetic bag for tone correction: they do not clog pores and for this reason do not contribute to the skin secreting more sebum.

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Matte effect finish

However, even if the foundation does not contain oils, shine can still appear on oily or combination skin. Therefore, complete the tone correction by applying a transparent matting powder. For this purpose, for example, De-Slick from Urban Decay is suitable. Its peculiarity is that the product not only instantly mattifies the skin, but also absorbs sebum, which is released during the day. All thanks to the content rice powder capable of absorbing fat.

Looking at the night

To wake up without a greasy film on the face, you need to give Special attention night skincare. Before going to bed, use exfoliating products with a formula for every day, as well as make masks - these products will help regulate sebum production.

Matting napkins

A pack of matting wipes is what you should always have with you if the skin becomes covered with an oily film during the day. They can get wet skin at any time - and it will immediately become matte again, and at the same time well-groomed and beautiful.

Proper nutrition

Not only cosmetics help in solving such a problem as oily sheen. Pay attention to your diet: your diet should include more foods with vitamin A, which slows down the secretion of skin oils. These include, for example, carrots and spinach. But sharp and fatty foods should be avoided.

Every girl and woman wants to look perfect. But this is not always possible to achieve. Most often, the mood deteriorates from various problems with skin. One of the most common cosmetic troubles is oily sheen on the face. The skin shines a large number secreted sebum. This may be due to hormonal changes teenage years during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the skin may be oily from malnutrition or use of low-quality cosmetics.

To cope with the oily sheen of the face, you need to normalize the production of sebum. This can be done with the help of special cosmetics that are designed for this type of face. But it is best to use homemade recipes, because they consist of natural ingredients.

Masks against oily sheen

  1. Kefir. It is best to take kefir with a low percentage of fat content. Instead, you can use fermented baked milk or curdled milk. Dairy products very good for oily skin. They nourish it with vitamins and acidic bacteria that normalize the production of sebum. Kefir should be applied to cleansed skin every day, and then after a week you will notice an improvement.
  2. Lemon. This is a great remedy for oily skin and enlarged pores. It is not recommended to wipe the face with pure lemon juice, because it is quite aggressive. However, as part of masks, lemon works wonders. Lemon juice, thanks to its acids, provides a soft and delicate peeling of the skin. After regular use lemon juice in masks, the skin becomes matte, no shine.
  3. Protein. This is another powerful ingredient in the fight against oily skin. Whisk the egg white chicken egg with a tablespoon of lemon juice and add cucumber pulp to the mask. This ideal remedy for moisturizing and matte skin.
  4. Oatmeal. Flour oatmeal perfectly absorbs excess sebum. Grind oatmeal to a state of flour, add a little kefir and lemon juice - the best mask not for oily skin.
  5. Cucumber and milk. It's another one healthy recipe for oily skin. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and mix it with three tablespoons of milk. Put the pulp on the cleansed face. If the mixture turned out to be quite liquid, then soak a cosmetic tissue in this liquid and place it on the skin. Wash off the mask with water after drying. This composition will not only eliminate oily sheen, but also improve complexion, remove bags under the eyes.

After applying any mask should be left for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. It is contraindicated for girls with oily skin to wash their faces with hot water, as this contributes to increased production of sebaceous fat.

Wash for oily skin

If the skin becomes oily, you need to wash and wipe it more often. by special means. Decoction suitable for washing medicinal herbs. It must be prepared from chamomile, nettle and sage. Take one tablespoon of each of these herbs and pour herbal collection boiling water. After the broth is infused, it must be filtered. Wash your face morning and evening with this composition to get rid of oily sheen on the skin.

The oily layer from the skin can be removed with the help of various lotions and tonics. It is better if they contain low interest alcohol. cook homemade pink lotion. Fill with petals fresh roses opaque glass bottle. Then pour alcohol into it and leave it for several days in a cool room or just in the refrigerator. Shake the bottle from time to time. After 2 weeks, when the infusion is ready, it must be filtered and diluted with five parts of water. Wipe the face with this composition every day. This is very effective remedy against oily skin. Plus, it has a wonderful floral scent.

To quickly cope with oily skin, you need to follow some rules for caring for this type of skin.

  1. Cleansing - main procedure caring for your face. If you do not remove the remnants of cosmetics, dust and fat from the face in time, then inflammation can begin inside the pore, which leads to acne and black dots. Every day after removing make-up with special products, wash your face with a soft brush. It will deeply cleanse the pores.
  2. To prevent clogged pores, you need to regularly exfoliate the skin with any cosmetic scrub. As home peeling can be used coffee grounds. Coffee particles remove dead skin scales from the skin and clean the face with high quality.
  3. If oily skin is combined with enlarged pores, then you need to regularly wipe your face with ice cubes. For greater effect, you can use for freezing not plain water, and decoctions medicinal herbs, fruit and vegetable juices.
  4. If you have oily skin and enlarged pores, then steam baths it is undesirable to do, because the pores open up even more during steaming.
  5. If oily skin is combined with acne and black dots, in this case, you need to wipe your face with the following composition. Mix a rich decoction of calendula with aloe juice. Wipe your face and leave to dry. Repeat the procedure several times. After you have applied 3-5 layers, you can wash with cool water and apply on skin light moisturizing cream.
  6. To prevent the face from shining, you need to use the right decorative cosmetics. Light powder without a shiny structure will emphasize the dullness of the face and eliminate oily sheen. Concealer not recommended for this type of skin. But don't forget to thoroughly wash off makeup before going to bed to prevent clogged pores.

Competent facial care is part of the daily hygiene of any beauty. If you want to deal with the hated oily sheen, you just need to clean your skin regularly and do simple masks. And then your face will acquire an exquisite dullness and perfect cleanliness.

Video: how to get rid of oily sheen

Oily facial skin is a problem that most teenagers and approximately 12% of the adult population have. There are many methods to combat oily sheen. Let's figure out how to get rid of oily sheen on the face in general and on the nose and forehead in particular, which helps the best.

But before you start fighting with shine, you should find out if it is really the result of excessive activity. sebaceous glands. To determine the type of skin, you should wash, dry your face and, after 20 minutes, apply to it paper napkin- if traces remain on it, then measures should be taken to help make the skin more matte.

In this article:

Reasons for the appearance

Shine most often appears if - the sebaceous glands secrete an excessive amount of sebum, which eliminates haze. Often it becomes a consequence of such reasons:

And in order to say goodbye to it as soon as possible, you should find out what exactly it has on the skin. negative impact. Perhaps then the question of how to remove oily sheen from the face will disappear.

How to cope?

To make your face matte, you should clean your face in a timely manner - rinse your skin with contrast water, use specialized lotions, foams and tonics, massage with green tea ice cubes (brew only leaf tea for this purpose).

In addition, you can use simple and affordable tools:

  • wipe the dermis with cucumber slices;
  • buy an oil solution of vitamins E and A, soak a cotton swab in it and apply it daily on your face for 20-25 minutes;
  • squeeze out the cabbage juice and wipe the skin with it (you can just crush the cabbage leaf with your hands so that the juice stands out from it and use the product as a mask);
  • it is useful to wipe the dermis with decoctions of St. John's wort and sage.

Acne and pimples often appear on oily skin, to avoid such a problem it is worth smearing the dermis fresh juice aloe with soothing and antibacterial properties. This type of skin needs frequent cleansing, so it is useful to apply scrubs to the dermis., among which refreshing mint is especially popular, it is prepared as follows:

  • a few drops of vanilla aroma oil, 3.5 small spoons granulated sugar, half a spoonful of mint and cocoa butter is mixed;
  • the resulting mixture is applied to the skin with a cotton swab;
  • the dermis is massaged for 5-7 minutes with light movements;
  • wash off the scrub under running water of a contrasting temperature, without using any means.

Give preference to products that contain salicylic acid or zinc oxide. These ingredients will give the skin a matte finish and make the pores less visible.

To skin covering acquired a natural haze, you need to monitor your diet, give up bad habits and eliminate the rest possible reasons- bring the level of hormones back to normal, do not be nervous. Details about the problem and how to get rid of it.

How to quickly remove oily sheen from the face?

More matte skin can be done using fast acting remedies, for example, matting wipes. This product is different from the usual wet wipes the presence in the composition of components that help eliminate shine from the skin and narrow pores.

Such napkins can be purchased at a store (pharmacy) or made independently:

  • mix a lotion suitable for the skin, boiled water, a decoction of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, string) in equal proportions;
  • add a few drops of aromatic oil to the mixture;
  • if you wish, you can add a little foundation to the composition;
  • the mixture is poured into a specially prepared container, which can be tightly closed;
  • paper or linen napkins of a small size are placed in the mixture, the container closes and shakes vigorously;
  • wipes are ready to use.

Facial masks that help get rid of shine are diverse:

  1. Carrots are rubbed on the smallest grater, a few drops of oil are added to it tea tree. The mixture is applied to the face for 12-15 minutes, then washed off with tonic. The tool not only mattifies perfectly, but also eliminates blackheads and skin inflammation.
  2. Black clay is diluted to a mushy state so that it does not spread. It is smeared on the dermis and left until complete drying, then rinse your face with running water and lubricate it with a moisturizer.
  3. Kefir can be used to make the skin matte daily, it is applied to a clean dermis with a cotton swab, left for up to 20 minutes and washed off with tonic, water or herbal infusion.

How to reduce oily skin in summer?

During the heat excellent remedy to give the skin a matte finish green tea - it is brewed in the proportion of 1 spoon per glass of water, insisted until cool. After that, a woven napkin is abundantly moistened in it and put on the face for half an hour.

In the summer, twice a week, you should make a mask from a spoonful of lemon juice and egg white:

  • the ingredients are whipped until foam is formed;
  • the mixture is applied for a quarter of an hour;
  • wash off with water;
  • effect from this tool noticeable after the first application.

You need to use funds, make masks and procedures constantly - in this case they will be as effective as possible.

Comprehensive measures

How to deal with oily sheen on the face? Long term ways, helping to make the skin matte, should be used constantly. These include:

  1. Proper nutrition and the use of complex vitamins.
  2. Regular cleaning of the skin with a scrub and other care products for washing.
  3. Application on the face of cleansing and matting masks.
  4. The skin needs hydration, so it is important to apply creams with moisturizing properties to it daily.
  5. Powder removes oily sheen well, but before applying it, fat on the skin is removed with the help of matting wipes.

To get rid of oily sheen on the face, do the above procedures regularly, do not forget to take care of your skin daily, then soon you will be able to be proud of your appearance. If you follow all the recommendations, then soon the pores will decrease, the sebaceous glands will stop producing too much sebum and the skin will look well-groomed and dull.

Useful video

See how to reduce oily sheen.

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