Staining of vitreous gray hair. How to paint over gray hair at a low percentage of oxidizer? Metabolic disease

"How and with what to paint over gray hair?" - probably the most popular question on the Internet after the request "lose weight by 5 kg in 2 days." But if for successful weight loss it’s enough just not to eat, then you won’t get rid of gray hair by inaction. In the article, we discussed the French Angel hair dye, which easily paints focal gray hair up to 40% in dark tones (medium blond, dark blond) already on a 3% oxidizing agent without glare. However, gray hair is different, and Angel paint is not sold on every corner, so in this article we will look at different options for gray hair and how to deal with it.

First, let's clarify a few things:

- All proposed techniques are suitable for fine hair and hair of medium thickness with gray hair of medium hardness.
- We will talk exclusively about professional dyes and working with them.

- Professional cosmetic lines for hair contain oxidizing agents of different percentages, but we will discuss work only on 1.5% - 3% (maximum 6%) oxides, because the higher the percentage of oxidizing agent, the more hair is injured, the quality of the color deteriorates, and durability decreases colors, etc.

You can read about the difference between professional and "ordinary" dyes.

The color of human hair depends on the coloring matter - melanin. Gray hair is different in that there is no melanin in it, i.e. gray hair is literally a hollow tube filled with oxygen molecules. If you remember, when dyeing hair, the oxidizing agent reacts with the natural pigment (melanin), dissolving it, the dye molecules interact with the dissolved natural pigment and we get the desired hair color. With gray hair, everything is not so simple, the oxidizing agent has nothing to dissolve, and the dye molecules have nothing to interact with, the hair is empty! So it turns out not an even color, but, at best, a glaring gray hair.

Gray hair can be:

- scattered - gray hair is distributed fairly evenly over the head
- focal - hair completely turns gray in certain areas (usually temples and frontal part of the head)
- soft - if the hair is thin or medium thickness
- hard (or glassy) - when the hair is thick and thick.

the photo shows an example of soft gray hair of focal type (40%)

The classic rules for working with gray hair involve the use of 6% oxidizer on soft and thin hair when coloring 50% gray tone on tone and darker and 9% oxidizer when coloring a tone lighter, but even 6% oxidizer is a very aggressive effect on hair! In the article "What is the difference between professional paint and ordinary?" we discussed the effect of oxidizing agents of different percentages on the hair and concluded: the higher the percentage of the oxidizing agent, the more the hair is injured, and the scalp of most women is sensitive enough to endure a burn of 6% or 9% of the oxidizing agent every month (I don’t even know about 12% writing). In the end, which is better, to go gray-haired or bald?

How to be?

There are several techniques that hairdressers use when dealing with glassy gray (very thick, coarse gray hair). If you use these techniques on soft gray hair using not 6% -9% oxidizing agents, but 1.5% -3%, you can get very good results!

The first technique muzzle. Its essence is that before coloring, the gray hair is, as it were, prepared by applying 1.5% - 3% oxidizer to dry hair (if the gray hair is focal, the oxidizer should be applied only to the area with gray hair). The oxidizing agent lifts the scales of the hair and loosens it. After withstanding the oxidizing agent for 10-20 minutes (depending on the quality of the gray hair), it should be blotted with a towel (do not rinse!), Dry your hair with a hairdryer (at medium temperatures so as not to burn) and then dye your hair according to the usual scheme.

Even if you have coarse hair, you can dye it after muzzle at 3%! In total, after the procedure and coloring, you will receive a 6% oxidizing agent (twice 3% each), and, in general, you could not waste time, but immediately dye your hair by 6%, however, 6% oxide opens the hair more aggressively and affects scalp, the color after working with 6% of the oxidizing agent is worse, it is washed out much faster, and also goes into a blackout during subsequent colors. And, of course, the quality of the hair after two times with 3% will be much better than 1 time with 6%.

Second technique - prepigmentation. Its essence is to apply a dye without an oxidizing agent to the hair to saturate it with pigment. To perform prepigmentation, take a dye from the natural range a tone lighter than the desired color and apply it (only paint, no oxidizing agent!) On the gray areas or all over the head if the gray hair is scattered.

Masters - hairdressers constantly argue whether it is necessary to add water to the dye or not. Some argue that without water the reaction will be too slow, others believe that water will adversely affect the quality of the hair during further dyeing. A compromise in this dispute can be the application of dye to wet (or lightly sprayed from a spray bottle) hair. The dye should be kept for 20 minutes, and then, without washing off the previous dye, apply the usual mixture of dye with a 3% oxidizing agent and keep the hair on the hair for the prescribed time.

You can combine these two procedures: first make a muzzle, then prepigmentation, and then dye your hair in the usual way, and all this with a maximum of 3% oxidizing agent (of course, if you have a fairly soft gray hair).

A logical question arises, why, then, mater hairdressers do not offer similar procedures in salons, but dye everyone in a row using “technology”?

Several answers:

- this increases the cost of cosmetic products, and therefore the cost of the procedure
- this increases the time spent on the client
- not the first time the master will be able to choose the very sparing formula that is right for you, but where is the guarantee that the client will not rebel?
- not all masters are proficient in these techniques

Questions and your comments can be discussed in the comments.

Have a good day!

The appearance of silver hair is a natural process. Usually gray hair appears with age: over time, the cells responsible for hair pigmentation (melanocytes) begin to work slower and weaker.

This leads to the fact that the curls gradually lose their natural color, becoming silvery white. To put up with this, not every woman agrees, and most try to paint over gray hair in various ways. Someone goes to the salon for coloring, and someone tries to cope at home.

gray hair types


This is an even distribution of gray hair over the entire head. Its degree is measured as a percentage. To determine what percentage you have, there is a simple way: you need to count ten hairs and see how many of them are white.

Conventionally, it is believed that if one out of ten hairs turns out to be white, then you have 10 percent gray hair, if two, then 20%, and so on.

You can also use the "salt and pepper" principle to determine the percentage. Imagine what ground black pepper mixed with salt looks like: if it turns out that there is more salt in the mixture, then gray hair is 50% or more, and if there is more pepper, then hair with healthy pigmentation is more than 50%.


Focal gray hair appears in certain areas of the head and is usually 100% in these places.

It can be both soft and hard - the so-called vitreous. It depends on how tightly the hair cuticles fit together, and how thin they are. The degree of softness is also related to how easily gray hair can be dyed.

Hair dyeing

The next step is choosing the right paint.

natural remedies

Popular folk remedies for coloring:


A decoction of onion peel;


Henna hair coloring tips

Coloring gray hair with natural dyes does not guarantee that you will get the desired color. You can get a positive result if there is not much gray hair. But if it is more than 50%, the coloring particles can penetrate the strands unevenly - this will be especially noticeable on the tips and roots of the hair.

The softer the hair, the higher the chances that the dye will penetrate deeper into them. With vitreous gray hair, it will not be possible to change the color of the hair the first time. If this is your first time using basma, henna, chamomile, etc., and you don’t know how your hair will react, try it on one strand first.

Getting different shades:

If you mix henna and basma, you get different colors, and if you also add ground coffee, cocoa or black tea, you can get new variations.

The proportions depend on the length, the percentage of gray hair and how strong the shade you want to get as a result of dyeing your hair.

For redheads. If you have naturally red hair, you can deal with white curls with henna. Also, a reddish-red hue gives a decoction of onion peel.

For brunettes. Basma suits you. But it should definitely be mixed with henna, since in its pure form it can give a bluish and greenish color.

For blondes. Use chamomile to color blonde hair.

For brown hair. Mix henna with basma so that there is more henna. You can also add cocoa powder, tea or coffee to the mixture.

Tinted shampoos

Almost every hair color brand also makes gray hair products. But do not hope for a miracle: tint products are not able to completely remove gray hair if it is more than 30%.

The list of the most famous tint shampoos:

1. Schwarzkopf Вonacure - a series of tinting products that are good for giving a uniform silver tint. Cost: from 450 rubles.

2. Irida (Classic series) - the most budget option. Price: from 65 rubles.

3. Estelle offers a wide selection of shades from the DE LUXE SILVER series. The cost is from 90 rubles.

4. Loreal Professional offers shampoos priced from 700 rubles.

5. Cutrin helps to give your hair a new shade at a price of 560 rubles.

Professional and non-professional paints

What is the difference between gray hair dye and regular hair dye:

1. Firstly, she is stronger, as she has to cope with colorless porous hair.

2. Secondly, it contains 2 times more pigment (color) than conventional products, thereby painting more effectively.

3. The choice of a suitable dye depends on the company and the general condition of the hair. The most famous and affordable products are produced by Palette, L'oreal, Garnier, Senko, Estel, AcmeColor.

There are also professional tools:

Angel professional.

They can be bought mainly in specialty hairdressing stores, they are not as unhealthy as their cheaper counterparts. Also, they stay on the hair much longer and dye the hair better. But in order to choose the right paint, you should consult with a specialist.

The choice of the best tool depends on what type of gray hair you will paint over - focal or scattered.

With a diffuse type of gray hair, natural colors are used - brown, ashy and golden tones.

If there are a lot of white curls, only specially designed formulations should be used - they have a more aggressive effect to penetrate deep into the hair structure.

If the staining technique involves mixing shades, this can only be done within a group of colors. Most often, a 6% oxidizing agent is used for scattered.

If you need to cope with focal or vitreous gray hair, two methods are used - pigmentation and bristly mixture.

How to paint over gray hair with chemical dyes

Method 1: pigmentation

With this method, the hair is artificially saturated with pigment. To do this, the dye is mixed with water and applied to gray hair. The staining time is 20 minutes. After this time, the paint is not washed off, and the master proceeds to dye the rest of the hair.

Method 2: Bristle Blend

The method is well suited for coarse hair that is difficult to color. To obtain a mixture, you need to take the dye 2 times more than usual. The percentage of oxidizing agent also increases: it should not be 6%, but 9%.

If the hair has medium hardness, then you need to take 1.5 parts of the dye of the natural series for 1 part of the 9% oxidizing agent. With high hair stiffness, 2 parts of the dye are taken per 1 part of the oxidizing agent.

If you want to give your hair a bolder color (lilac, pinkish, reddish or copper). To do this, you need to mix a natural shade with a fashionable one, you can do this if the gray hair is at least 30%:

30-40%: 2 parts fashion shade + 1 part natural;

40-60%: fashionable and natural shades are taken in equal proportions;

60-80%: 1 part fashion to 2 parts natural;

100%: Pigmentation required.

With gray hair less than 30%, it is necessary to add paint of a natural shade! After applying the mixture, you can immediately proceed to the main hair coloring.

Golden Rules for Coloring

You can use products without ammonia only if you have little gray hair.

For thin and brittle hair, you need to choose dyes with a 3% oxidizing agent.

With stubborn hair of a vitreous structure and if more than half of the gray hairs use a 9% oxidizer.

If the white hair is less than half, pigmentation can be omitted. But if you have a focal form, then it requires prepigmentation, which is carried out with natural paints.

With noticeable wrinkles on the face, it is better not to use black and other dark colors, as they will emphasize age even more.

If the hair has become sparse, do not dye it dark, as the scalp will show through the hairstyle.

To give the hairstyle visual volume, it is better to dye your hair in light colors.

If you have a lot of gray hair, and you have not dyed before, do not try to return your natural shade. It will be much more successful to lighten hair by 1-2 tones.

When in doubt, choose a dye one tone lighter, as non-gray hair can become even darker as a result of dyeing.

The process of dyeing gray hair takes longer than normal hair, on average - 40 minutes.

The paint keeps worse on white curls, so after staining they need special care. Shampoo and conditioner for colored hair is best.

In European countries, they try to cope with signs of age as early as possible. But in the East (in India and Arab countries), gray hair is considered a sign of wisdom and mystery.

Gray hair is that part of our life that makes the chemistry of hair dyes develop, and stimulates the study of the causes of graying. If it were not for the desire of people, and especially women, to hide gray hair, and indeed the fact of their aging, then many achievements in cosmetic chemistry would not have appeared. And the world itself could look very different. But these are just guesses. Let's look together in more detail at the question - gray hair: "What is gray hair?", "How do they appear?" and "How is it different from ordinary hair?". And we will begin our consideration with the question - the production of pigment.

Principles of hair pigmentation

In gray hair, pigment is completely absent, while in healthy hair it is still present and when paint is applied, gray hair will react to paint like a white sheet of paper, and pigmented ones will show a lightening background, since melanin will lighten in them.

You can often find gray hair of yellow color (in the form of separate strands or sections) - a fairly common occurrence among smokers. In them, keratin, as a result of biochemical reactions, changes color to yellowish, therefore hair takes on a similar color. Also, yellowness on gray hair can be acquired under the influence of various therapeutic series. For example, some hair loss ampoules cause the growth of gray hair with a slightly yellowish color. Usually such yellowness is not removed from the hair and all attempts to lighten it to white only lead to damage. When working with such hair, this must always be taken into account.


Rules for dyeing gray hair at home

The appearance of silver hair is a natural process. Usually gray hair appears with age: over time, the cells responsible for hair pigmentation (melanocytes) begin to work slower and weaker.

This leads to the fact that the curls gradually lose their natural color, becoming silvery white. To put up with this, not every woman agrees, and most try to paint over gray hair in various ways. Someone goes to the salon for coloring, and someone tries to cope at home.

gray hair types:


This is an even distribution of gray hair over the entire head. Its degree is measured as a percentage. To determine what percentage you have, there is a simple way: you need to count ten hairs and see how many of them are white.

Conventionally, it is believed that if one out of ten hairs turns out to be white, then you have 10 percent gray hair, if two, then 20%, and so on.

You can also use the "salt and pepper" principle to determine the percentage. Imagine what ground black pepper mixed with salt looks like: if it turns out that there is more salt in the mixture, then gray hair is 50% or more, and if there is more pepper, then hair with healthy pigmentation is more than 50%.


Focal gray hair appears in certain areas of the head and is usually 100% in these places.

It can be both soft and hard - the so-called vitreous. It depends on how tightly the hair cuticles fit together, and how thin they are. The degree of softness is also related to how easily gray hair can be dyed.

Hair dyeing

The next step is choosing the right paint.

natural remedies

Popular folk remedies for coloring:

  • basma;
  • chamomile;
  • decoction of onion peel;
  • Walnut;
  • coffee.

Coloring gray hair with natural dyes does not guarantee that you will get the desired color. You can get a positive result if there is not much gray hair. But if it is more than 50%, the coloring particles can penetrate the strands unevenly - this will be especially noticeable on the tips and roots of the hair.

The softer the hair, the higher the chances that the dye will penetrate deeper into them. With vitreous gray hair, it will not be possible to change the color of the hair the first time. If this is your first time using basma, henna, chamomile, etc., and you don’t know how your hair will react, try it on one strand first.

Getting different shades:

If you mix henna and basma, you get different colors, and if you also add ground coffee, cocoa or black tea, you can get new variations.

The proportions depend on the length, the percentage of gray hair and how strong the shade you want to get as a result of dyeing your hair.

  • For redheads. If you have naturally red hair, you can deal with white curls with henna. Also, a reddish-red hue gives a decoction of onion peel.
  • For brunettes. Basma suits you. But it should definitely be mixed with henna, since in its pure form it can give a bluish and greenish color.
  • For blondes. Use chamomile to color blonde hair.
  • For brown hair. Mix henna with basma so that there is more henna. You can also add cocoa powder, tea or coffee to the mixture.

Tinted shampoos

Almost every hair color brand also makes gray hair products. But do not hope for a miracle: tint products are not able to completely remove gray hair if it is more than 30%.

The list of the most famous tint shampoos:

  • Schwarzkopf Bonacure is a series of tinting products that are good for giving a uniform silver tint. Cost: from 450 rubles.
  • Irida (Classic Series)- the most budget option. Price: from 65 rubles.
  • Estelle offers a wide selection of shades from the DE LUXE SILVER series. Cost - from 90 rubles.
  • Loreal Professional offers shampoos at a price of 700 rubles.
  • Cutrin helps to give your hair a new shade at a price of 560 rubles.

Professional and non-professional paints

What is the difference between gray hair dye and regular hair dye:

  • Firstly, she is stronger, as she has to deal with colorless porous hair.
  • Secondly, it contains 2 times more pigment (color) than conventional products, thereby painting more effectively.

The choice of a suitable dye depends on the company and the general condition of the hair. The most famous and affordable products are produced by Palette, L "oreal, Garnier, Senko, Estel, AcmeColor.

There are also professional products: CHI, Kaaral, Angel Professional. They can be bought mainly in specialty hairdressing stores, they are not as unhealthy as their cheaper counterparts. Also, they stay on the hair much longer and dye the hair better. But in order to choose the right paint, you should consult with a specialist.

The choice of the best tool depends on what type of gray hair you will paint over - focal or scattered.

  • With a scattered type of gray hair, natural colors are used - brown, ashy and golden tones.
  • If there are a lot of white curls, only specially designed compounds should be used - they have a more aggressive effect to penetrate deep into the hair structure.
  • If the staining technique involves mixing shades, this can only be done within a group of colors. Most often, a 6% oxidizing agent is used for scattered.
  • If you need to deal with focal or glassy gray hair, two methods are used - pigmentation and bristly mixture.

How to paint over gray hair with chemical dyes

Method 1: pigmentation

With this method, the hair is artificially saturated with pigment. To do this, the dye is mixed with water and applied to gray hair. The staining time is 20 minutes. After this time, the paint is not washed off, and the master proceeds to dye the rest of the hair.

Method 2: Bristle Blend

The method is well suited for coarse hair that is difficult to color. To obtain a mixture, you need to take the dye 2 times more than usual. The percentage of oxidizing agent also increases: it should not be 6%, but 9%.

If the hair has medium hardness, then you need to take 1.5 parts of the dye of the natural series for 1 part of the 9% oxidizing agent. With high hair stiffness, 2 parts of the dye are taken per 1 part of the oxidizing agent.

If you want to give your hair a bolder color (lilac, pinkish, reddish or copper). To do this, you need to mix a natural shade with a fashionable one, you can do this if the gray hair is at least 30% :

  • 30-40%: 2 parts fashion shade + 1 part natural;
  • 40-60%: fashionable and natural shades are taken in equal proportions;
  • 60-80%: 1 part fashion to 2 parts natural;
  • 100%: Pigmentation required.

With gray hair less than 30%, it is necessary to add paint of a natural shade! After applying the mixture, you can immediately proceed to the main hair coloring.

Golden Rules for Coloring

In European countries, they try to cope with signs of age as early as possible. But in the East (in India and Arab countries), gray hair is considered a sign of wisdom and mystery.