How to replace powder at home. DIY cosmetic rice powder

Homemade powder for face and body. Main ingredients and their uses


Today in cosmetics stores you can find big choice powders in color and composition. But among so many products, it is not always possible to make the right choice, so every year hand-made cosmetics become more and more popular. And it has much more advantages than the store, the chemical elements of which can cause allergies.

Modern girls are increasingly trying to replace store-bought cosmetics with natural ones, made only from natural ingredients. Powder is no exception, therefore, in order not to lose such an important part everyday makeup you need to learn how to make it at home. Besides that homemade powder takes care of facial skin, it is also suitable for girls of all ages.

There are many positive aspects in the impact of homemade powder:

  • allows the skin to "breathe";
  • does not block pores;
  • prevents acne and oily sheen on the face;
  • cleans up dark circles under the eyes;
  • protects the skin from excessive sun exposure, from dirt and dust;
  • evens out the tone
  • suitable for sensitive type skin.

This cosmetic product is far superior to what is sold in stores, since the composition can be determined personally. And almost every woman knows what's in cooking home cosmetics there is nothing complicated, plus it does not require large financial costs. All ingredients are completely natural and can be easily purchased at a pharmacy.

Components for making powder with your own hands

To make powder at home, you can only use ingredients that match certain type skin:

Do-it-yourself powder: characteristics of the ingredients used

To prepare face powder with their own hands, knowledgeable lovers of home cosmetics use the following ingredients:

  1. Cinnamon helps to increase blood circulation and cellular metabolism, as it is saturated with various vitamins. Cinnamon powder helps to remove pallor and earthy color faces. Perfect for people with tanned skin.
  2. White clay in the composition of face powder at home acts as an excellent antibacterial agent, helps fight enlarged pores and overactive sebaceous glands.
  3. Yellow clay contains a lot of iron and potassium, which actively eliminate toxins and enrich the epithelium with oxygen.
  4. Green clay eliminates irritation, restores hydrobalance and improves blood circulation in the capillaries. Powder based on this ingredient smoothes and tones the skin, eliminates shine. Thanks to unique trace elements, the surface becomes soft and silky. The whitening effect helps fight age spots. Powder with blue clay can even out skin tone, increase elasticity and “become younger” for several years.
  5. Red clay eliminates peeling, redness and various irritations. It contains a large number of iron and copper oxide, which improves oxygen metabolism and blood supply.

Do-it-yourself powder: types of homemade face powder

There are several types of homemade powder according to the main components.

Real vegetable face powder is very difficult to find on sale, but you can easily make it at home. As a rule, the composition uses dry powder from plants and roots for problem areas of the epidermis. This mixture does not close the pores and gives a feeling of freshness. Apply mainly at bedtime instead of other night remedies. Carefully selected herbal ingredients are able to get rid of acne and blackheads, remove excess shine, moisturize the skin and give it an even color. After the course of applying the powder, you will no longer need to use tonal creams and bases. There are a lot of trace elements and vitamins in herbs to make the skin look much younger.

Corn starch is White powder with a yellowish tint. The starch in corn grains is bound together by protein. During processing, the protein is separated, and then it is dried and obtained finished product. In cosmetics, in particular in powder, it is used to treat skin diseases.

Rice powder has been popular among the fair sex for many years and is suitable for all skin types. It has absorbent and mattifying properties, heals minor damage and cleanses pores. Rice powder can be used at any age, as it does not provoke an allergic reaction.

Oatmeal powder is a real find for the skin. It is absolutely hypoallergenic, easily and transparently falls on the skin, quickly eliminates oily sheen. Lovers of natural cosmetics will definitely like this powder and will certainly become part of everyday makeup.

Do-it-yourself mineral powder can serve as a base for makeup. Due to its light structure and natural ingredients it perfectly masks significant imperfections on the skin, does not clog pores, hides redness and wrinkles, as well as dark circles under the eyes. Minerals are excellent antiseptics that do not cause allergies, in addition, they protect against ultraviolet influence. Using powder, you can get rid of the appearance of acne.

DIY powder recipes

Making powder at home is very easy. Choose the one that suits you from the recipes below.

Vegetable powder:

  • comfrey powder - 1 tsp;
  • American elm bark powder - 1 tsp;
  • arrowroot root - 1 tsp;
  • kaolin powder - 1 tsp;
  • beetroot powder;
  • lavender essential oil (orange or rose is also suitable).

We mix the first four components well in a glass vessel. Add 1 drop of essential oil to the mixture and mix with a wooden spoon. We vary the desired shade of powder with beetroot powder. Store in a container with a tightly closed lid.

Starch powder:

  • a cup of starch;
  • remnants of shadows or blush for a certain tone of powder.

In a container, put 1/4 of the starch and powdered blush or shadow. Stir until you get suitable shade and desired consistency.

Powdered starch doesn't need a lot of ingredients, it's easy to prepare, plus if it gets too rich, it can be diluted with an extra portion of starch. For an evening out, add a little to it. golden shadows.

Oatmeal Powder:

  • 3 tbsp oatmeal;
  • pure water.

Grind oatmeal and soak in water room temperature for 2-3 hours. Then crush the mixture and mix well. Drain the resulting cloudy water and do this operation about 3 times for a greater consistency of the powder. When the sediment sinks to the bottom, drain the liquid, and strain the remaining gruel through a sieve. Collect plaque from the walls, dry it, grind it into powder and sift. After drying, the powder should be poured into glass container. How to cook oatmeal powder at home, see the video.

Ingredients mineral powder:

  • 30% mikka (rather expensive ingredient. An alternative is White clay, talc or ordinary chalk) - 6 ml;
  • 15% silk powder - 3 ml;
  • mikka "sericite" - 6 ml;
  • silica microsphere - 1.5 ml;
  • 7.5% aquafluid - 1.5 ml;
  • zinc oxide - 1.5 ml;
  • 2.5% Mickey color of any light color to choose from - 0.5 ml.

Grind all ingredients and mix in a container with an airtight lid. To get a natural shade of the composition, add 3 dyes - red, blue and yellow. Can be applied after foundation. The powder is obtained with a beautiful matte effect.

Rice powder:

  • 3 tbsp round rice;
  • clean glass container;
  • boiled warm water.

Sterilize the jar and sort the rice from dark grains. Rinse in running water several times. Pour the grains into a jar and fill to the top warm water. Then cover with cheesecloth and leave in a cool place. Change the water daily once a day, but if the smell of fermentation appears, then 2-3 times. After a week, grind the softened rice into a gruel, add water and mix well with a spoon. When the sediment is gone, carefully drain rice water in a jar, but so that the grains do not get inside. After 60 min. the resulting sediment will sink to the bottom. Carefully drain the water and pass what is left through a paper filter. As a result, a white wet powder will remain on the filter, which must be dried for 12 hours. Then sift it with nylon. With what is left, repeat the same. Here is the rice powder. Transfer it to a suitable container and store it away from strong odors. The shelf life is the same as that of regular powder.

Rice powder came to us from Asia. In ancient times, girls believed that in addition to their healing and cosmetic properties it protects them from the evil eye and damage. The tool can be used for problematic and oily skin, as it has an absorbent effect, improves the tone of the face.

DIY body powder

As you know, you can make powder with your own hands not only for the face, but also for the body. In terms of functionality, it is 100% the same as face powder. Using it is also simple and necessary, because sometimes there is something on the body that you want to disguise. This powder copes with irritation on the skin, with scuffs and prickly heat, with bad smell because it has an absorbent effect.

Types of body powder:

  1. Hygiene powder absorbs sweat and impurities on the skin, gives light fragrance maintains moisture levels and freshness. Powder happens only in a friable look and it is almost not visible.
  2. Perfumed powder can be matched to your favorite perfume scent. It is evenly distributed throughout the body, invisible on the skin, so it does not stain clothes. The powder is as stable as possible, but it has a completely unobtrusive smell.
  3. Shimmering body powder has two effects - hygienic (eliminates excessive sweating) and cosmetic (gives radiance to the skin). The composition includes small particles that reflect light. It can match the skin tone or be colorless. During the day, this powder is almost imperceptible. But in the evening, by the light of lamps, it looks especially charming on the body.

Don't be afraid to try something new daily care behind the body. Try making your own powder and your skin will thank you.

Do-it-yourself powder: recipes for homemade body powder

Almost all of the ingredients that go into most home remedies can be found in soap shops or ordered online.

For perfumed powder you will need:

  • talc or chalk - 3 g;
  • corn starch - 10 g;
  • zinc oxide - 1 g;
  • coconut oil - 10 drops;
  • fragrance - 20 drops.

How to make powder:

  1. Mix starch with zinc oxide and grind for 10 seconds in a coffee grinder.
  2. Melt the coconut oil in a water bath. It will perfectly fix the aroma.
  3. Add the fragrance to the heated oil and mix it drop by drop into the mixture. After that, grind for another 10 seconds in a coffee grinder.
  4. Apply fragrant powder to a clean and dried skin light clapping movements. Throughout the day, your body will be pleasantly fragrant.

For hygienic powder you will need:

  • rice flour;
  • corn starch;
  • 15 drops of your favorite essential oil;


Powder can be different, and its benefits are really invaluable - it is protection from smog, dust and ultraviolet radiation, and giving a beautiful natural tone, and nourishing the skin. You can be sure that today it is not difficult to make homemade face and body powder. The main thing is to be patient and have the right ingredients.

Powder with your own hands. Video

Hi all! Today I will share with you a recipe for making natural oatmeal powder at home - in all details, point by point and with photos. Since I'm pretty lazy and impatient at the same time, the recipe was chosen as the fastest and easiest - a couple of hours of work, a day of waiting, and voila! Natural product is ready. And may those who like to stand oatmeal for days in the refrigerator forgive me ... I think that you can do without it :)
As the result of my efforts showed, I did not fail with the recipe, because the powder turned out to be excellent!

My skin is in love with oatmeal - I have it in my kitchen and bathroom. Oatmeal cleanses the body from the inside, making the skin clean and beautiful (when used internally), and nourishes it when used externally in the form of masks and scrubs.

How else to apply such a valuable and useful product, and even with benefit? Make oatmeal powder!
In general, I very rarely use powder, because I do not like to clog pores, and there is no special need. But purchased powder- this is one thing, but homemade, natural - a completely different matter. Not only will it not harm, but on the contrary, it will nourish the skin and protect it.
So enough words - it's time to act!

I advise you to start with a small amount - I took 4 tablespoons of oatmeal.
Further, it all depends on what kitchen device you have available: a coffee grinder or a blender. Let's start with the blender method, as I did.

So, we take 4 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal and pour into a container in which we will grind the oatmeal with a blender. We fill it all with cool filtered water (spring, or boiled ... any, except for the one that flows directly from the tap - you yourself know what kind of water we have). For 4 st. spoons of oatmeal I took 0.5 liters of water.

Immerse the blender in water with oatmeal and well grind oatmeal. This should take a few minutes. Since we need to get the smallest powder, there is no hurry here!
An alternative for those with a coffee grinder: Pour the oatmeal into a coffee grinder and grind, then pour the powder into a container of water and mix.
The result in both cases will be the same - a cloudy white liquid.

Now leave it for half an hour to separate the precipitate:

Carefully pour the white water into a new container, and fill the sediment again with water. After another half an hour, drain the white water again, adding it to the first. We don’t need the sediment anymore - now it can be used as a light body scrub! But back to our sheep, our powder.
So far, this cloudy water looks more like milk than something that will soon become the most useful natural powder. But a little more patience!

We take a strainer and paper napkin. I took a paper handkerchief - at first I started filtering as is, through all three layers. Very quickly it dawned on me that nothing would come of it, tk. it does not let water through at all, and I divided it into layers. Through one layer it filters perfectly :)

We spread our layered handkerchief or paper napkin on a strainer, place the strainer over a plate or saucepan (so that it keeps itself, because the filtration process is very long - it lasted for me more than an hour). We pour our milk here, and go about our business.

When you return in an hour, you will see that all the water is glass, and a layer of white mass remains on the napkin - this will become powder very soon!

But it’s too early to rejoice - there is a whole day of drying of this very powder ahead. So we remove the handkerchief with powder from the strainer, carefully spread it on a shallow plate and forget about it for the whole day.
I did all this in the evening, and already in the morning I ran to check the powder: it was almost dry, but still not completely. Yes, and I had to run to work, so I left final stage for evening.

When everything is completely dry, carefully remove the filtered layer from the napkin - now you need to either grind it in a coffee grinder or crush it in a mortar. I used a coffee grinder and this is what happened:

It may seem that the powder is quite fine - but there are still large particles in it, so now you need to filter it with nylon:

The tension of the capron should not be too strong. Here you can see large particles that were in the powder and filtered out:

You can do this procedure with kapron again, but I stopped at once. Everything, now you can breathe a sigh of relief: our natural powder is ready!

Now my conclusions:

I am already very satisfied with the result.

Of course, this powder cannot hide redness or, let's say, bruises, but that's it. it slightly evens out the overall skin tone and refreshes the face.

It removes oily sheen very well.- although my skin does not suffer from this, it can still shine a little by the end of the day. With this powder, even by the evening there was no shine.

But most importantly, the sensations from this powder are very pleasant. It really soothes the skin!

I don't regret the time spent. Moreover, this powder will last for a very long time, and the price came out just a penny and is equal to 4 tablespoons of oatmeal :) Next time I will do it immediately 2 times more)

So I advise everyone to try it! Experiment! I hope my article helped you :)
Thank you for your attention)

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Do-it-yourself natural oatmeal powder: a simple and quick recipe: 139 comments

  1. Alyona

    I have long wanted to do it, but my hands don’t reach, today I stumbled upon your article and again I wanted to! Thank you!)
    Just a question - if I like a light tan, will this powder make my face white? :)))

  2. Tatiana
  3. Alexandra

    Hello, I'm glad I found your site! Can you please tell me what containers do you use to store this powder (or carry it if you carry it with you), and what is the best way to apply it on the face?

  4. Bee

    And you call yourself lazy?! I make it even easier and N times faster (it all depends on the amount of powder you want). I pour 1 tsp into the coffee grinder. (No top) oatmeal or rice and start grinding. After 15-20 seconds, a dusty coating begins to appear on the lid of the coffee grinder. I continue to grind the same amount, then I stop and wait until the dust in the grinder settles a little. Then I carefully remove the lid, on which is ready-made powder, which can already be poured into a glass container. I use cereal in this way 3-4 times. When the dust on the lid stops collecting, I pour the rest into another jar - it's tender and natural scrub for the face and neck for every day. We repeat the process until we feel sorry for the coffee grinder (just kidding). Good luck!!!

    1. Anna Post Author

      Is the powder really fine? interesting way, thanks for the idea! I'm just running out of powder, I'll try to do it in your way now))

      1. Bee

        Small, like a store bought. Try it.

      2. Lily

        Dear Anna, first of all I thank you for the treasure healthy recipes and the generosity with which you share them! Thank you so much! I have been using your advice for more than a year, and I am very happy with the results.

        So I got to the powder, tried the above method, but, alas, something did not work out. But the Bee option turned out to be easy and fast. The main secret, of course, in a coffee grinder :))) At the same time, be sure to grind in a small amount, otherwise the powder will not settle well on the lid.

        Once again, thank you for this site! Good luck and love to you! And natural beauty :)

      3. marina

        and if we have ready-made oatmeal for sale? maybe just take it?
        By the way. Are you sure the powder is safe? rice clogs pores...

      4. Taya

        The coffee grinder can go bad and, God forbid, explode. The instructions for all coffee grinders say that you can’t grind for more than 15 seconds, and then you need a rest for the unit for at least a minute.

    2. Rita

      Hello! I'm so lucky to have stumbled across this site! I've wanted to make natural powder for a long time. Thanks a lot!

    3. Julia

      Bee, thanks for the idea. I made the powder in your way in 15 minutes. Only then rubbed it through the capron to remove large particles. Everything worked out great. Before that, I did it as the author of the post, I just suffered. Napkins get wet and torn, water flows down them. The powder dried up, then I tore it off with paper. In short, I suffered for a day and a half and threw it away. It seems that the hands grow from the shoulders, and not lower, it still didn’t work out. Apparently some special talent is needed.

    4. Maria

      And oat milk from a pharmacy in powder form by any chance is not the same?

  5. Arina

    I accidentally stumbled upon this recipe and decided to make it, the cooking process seemed very interesting. Never used powder before.
    The result pleasantly surprised me - the powder really evens out the skin color, it becomes smooth both in appearance and to the touch. My sister and mother also appreciated it, now all three of us use it :)
    Thank you very much for the recipe!

  6. Catherine

    What a great guy you are! I, too, at the beginning of summer, refused ALL industrial

  7. Natalia

    Excellent article, thank you!) I use a purchased similar one (composition: jasmine flowers, fine flour, alum infusion, almond oil, wheat germ oil, water). When it ends, I will definitely try your method) After all, it turns out almost the same thing, only much more economical)

  8. Victoria

    I also used your recipe!
    The oatmeal turned out great! Now that's the only one I'll use! Thank you!

  9. Galya

    Hello. Is it possible to make some kind of hard powder out of it ???

    1. Anna Post Author

      Galya, good afternoon!
      Do you mean pressed powder? Unfortunately, I don't know of such a way.

    2. Natalia

      Actually, you can.
      It is necessary to add alcohol to the powder (namely alcohol, not vodka and not other alcohol, so that there are fewer impurities), mix to a liquid slurry, transfer to a powder box and press (compress) well with a napkin. When dry, get pressed powder.
      Thus, any broken compact powder can be reanimated, the method does not affect the properties of the product.

  10. Kate

    THANK YOU for your blog! I am utterly delighted! keep writing, the recipes are just amazing, I have been using some of them for a long time, but thanks to you I learned so many new useful things! I am now your number 1 reader!

  11. Kate

    girls, the powder is just perfect for those who need to even out skin tone, mask small pores, refresh their complexion a little. Today my powder had its first appearance. the skin remained matte for 6 hours! For me personally, this is a record! I am very pleased! sorry, didn't do much...

  12. Elena

    Annayu. What blush do you buy?

  13. Elena

    Sorry. I wanted to write: Anna, what blush do you buy?

  14. Elena

    Thanks for the answer. I'm also looking for natural blush. run out really slowly.

  15. Victoria

    And tell me this, please: I have one unpleasant feature(hereditary) - bruises under the eyes ((This powder will help to cope with it, like foundation, for example?

  16. Valeria

    Gonna try this one tomorrow interesting recipe, but I have a question: is it possible to make this powder lighter and not darker? I'm very pale skin, almost Japanese type, and I would like to keep this shade.

  17. Julia

    And it will be possible to crush in a mortar? No coffee grinder or blender.

  18. Natasha

    Can you use it as a powder oat flour? Isn't that the same? Or do you have to grind oatmeal?

  19. Natasha

    By the way, thanks for the great idea, I have been looking for a recipe for homemade natural, and most importantly, useful powder for a long time))

  20. Natasha

    Got it, thanks! Have you tried adding a little cinnamon to the powder for tone? To powder still tinted? I still have a great desire to find a recipe for homemade foundation

  21. Irina

    Thank you very much for creating this site. Super!!! I'm going to go make powder. And then I have a gorgeous expensive powder, but something went acne, probably, it fits very well and clogs the pores. I decided to start doing steam baths. After the baths, a salt and soda scrub. And today I remembered about the oil. Smeared on the face sunflower oil. I like it very much. I don't like olive oil. I read about peach. I'm going to buy it. I have a question. After him, the face will not be greasy, and, accordingly, the hair that will fall on it and the pillow? And thanks for detailed description how to use and wash off burdock oil. I heard so much about it, but I just can’t start smearing it. And I have a request for you - you can write articles about steam baths everything you know about them.

  22. Daria

    Hello! I'm just switching to natural cosmetics for the first few days ...
    How do you feel about products from the iHerb website?

    And on the topic: tomorrow I will also try to make this powder.
    And then I thought ... What if we add beetroot broth to this broth? Get blush! :)))))

  23. Elena

    Anna, thank you for such valuable and useful information on your site. I also thank the girls who share their experiences and recipes in the comments. I read this article and comments to it, got inspired and started experimenting. Here are the results.
    I decided to make powder in a dry way, i.e. crushed oatmeal in a coffee grinder - sifted through a small nylon. The rest was crushed again - sifted and so on for several approaches until I scored the right amount powder. Then she took the purchased cocoa powder (it is very fine) and sifted it too. I mixed everything in a ratio of 1: 1 approximately (for more dark skin you can add more cocoa). The result was a powder with a toning effect. I did not finish the experiments on this and made eyeshadows.
    She took the coal, put it in a double-folded sheet and ground it into powder with a rolling pin, sifted it through a fine nylon. The shadows turned out to be jet black :) By mixing with sifted cocoa, I got dark brown shadows. And I just use cocoa as beige shadows. Coal + cocoa in different proportions - shades from black to beige.
    Cocoa can also be added to the lip balm according to your recipe - it turns out a light shade on the lips, and if you add more (experiment) - brown lipstick.

  24. Irina

    Wonderful powder! At first I did rice powder, but I couldn’t use it, it turned out to be somehow rough for my skin. But oatmeal powder is so gentle, it lays down perfectly, evens out, mattifies. It really helps me switch to natural care, because I have to not use foundation , and this powder is a salvation for me! Thank you, Anna!

  25. Julia

    Can you mix oatmeal with water? And pour some water too? will it work? otherwise there is no blender and coffee grinder for grinding oatmeal.

  26. Victoria

    Great step by step recipe. It’s a pity that I discovered it after I made the powder (. My first mistake is that I didn’t grind the oatmeal before pouring it with water. As a result, I didn’t dry the sediment on the battery, but roughly speaking the soaked oatmeal itself. The powder turned out all -equally, I was satisfied with the result (very tender to the touch and pleasant sensations on the face), but this recipe seems to me less time-consuming and more effective.Thank you!

  27. Victoria

    Good afternoon, Anna! Last night, having found this article, I rushed to make powder, followed the points clearly, the only thing was that instead of a paper handkerchief, I took a regular napkin, unfolded it and it turned out 4 squares (I hope you understand :)) but it seemed to me that the napkin is quite thin , in general, in the morning, I saw on this napkin, as if some kind of plaque and brown, small remnants of oatmeal, it's a shame, where is my long-awaited powder? Tell me, is there a mistake in the napkin? :(

  28. Alexandra

    Good afternoon Is it possible to use wheat flour as a powder (quite a small amount)? Will it clog pores? Will it provoke the appearance of acne? And in general, is it possible to use it like that, otherwise I came up with it :)

  29. Victoria

    Tell me, will this powder not clog pores, will acne appear?

  30. Tatiana

    Anna! Please clarify: you need to spread a new handkerchief after each portion of the liquid (ie, dry several handkerchiefs) or you filter everything through one handkerchief.

  31. Tatiana

    Thanks for the answer. Anna, do you remember what company the paper handkerchiefs were from? The fact is that the filtration process takes 1 hour for you, but for me it leaks out in 5-10 minutes (I laid a scarf without dividing it into layers, I also tried it through a paper napkin and even a paper towel) .. But the most important thing is that the sediment on the napkin is almost No. Apparently even the brand of scarves matters.

  32. Nadia

    Good evening. I did everything as in the recipe, it turned out))) in general, I thought I couldn’t handle it. Excellent powder, but I would even more even out the tone, I have White skin, but there is redness. I want to try cinnamon. Please advise where it is better to add, immediately to water or after, when I grind the dried sediment. I threw out the foundation, there is no desire to use it anymore. Thank you

  33. Lou

    I could not get. When I poured through a paper handkerchief, then everything just came out and only a raw handkerchief remained. What I did wrong I can not understand

  34. Svetlana

    And I had such a question, I constantly stumble upon 2 different recipes: one, like yours, and the second is quite the opposite, that is, the white mass is not needed. I don't even know which one to use.

  35. Tatiana
  36. Julia

    Interesting interesting! Can I add iron oxide to this powder? Brown to make the powder beige??? I wanted to make mineo powder, but I never bought the foundation (Mika), and oatmeal powder is somewhat similar ...

  37. Tatiana

    Good afternoon
    Anna, I use oils, flour, ubtan, mineral water cubes... and now I find your site, almost my mirror image :) I am very glad to find a like-minded person.
    I use mineral makeup (primer, foundation, blush, concealer, corrector - when needed). The skin is oily in the T-zone, I use oil for matting grape seed- the skin feels great, moisturized, elastic, the pores have narrowed very significantly, cleared. There are still shortcomings - the unevenness of the skin, the pores between the eyebrows, but I understand that everything is not done so quickly.
    In general, more to the point. I use green tea powder as a primer. Often in mineral cosmetics in primers, kaolin (clay) is in 1st place, and then colored mics, titanium oxide, zinc (depending on the product). I wondered, I can’t fully find information, what do you think - is it possible to apply white powder on the face in the form of a primer (for example) in pure form or at least 1:1 with oatmeal or rice? Your opinion is interesting.

  38. Leysan

    Hello!) Thanks a lot for your article) yesterday I started making rice powder, but I like oatmeal powder, as it is much faster to make)
    This afternoon, I started the "production" of oatmeal powder ... at first everything was fine: the water was cloudy, the residue was small ... but then I got to the filtration stage, when suddenly everything went to hell! There was no residue at all, but I did not give up and started filtering again ... everything was repeated 5 times ... then I took 4 napkins (0.0) and started filtering again ... this time I sat until one in the morning ... and here is the result: all this mixture ( filtered) was smeared all over the napkin, and by the amount of it was ... well ... about 1/5 of the little finger ... so I'm completely desperate !! And yes, in addition to napkins, I also have a handkerchief ...
    Help me please! And I really wanted to try this powder on my oily skin, which I also spoiled with purchased cosmetics T_T

  39. Feruza

    Good day, Dear Ann! For the second week I have been reading your articles, choking with admiration! Your page is just a treasure trove useful information which just turned my ideas about cosmetics in general! You are just brilliant, Anna! Most of all I was shocked that all the recommendations went through a certain experience and with what attention you treat even the smallest things. Thanks to the girls who share their experience! I wish you success! Joy and Happiness, Anechka!

  40. Elena

    Hello Anna!
    Do you think it is possible to thicken such a powder with something to use as a corrector? I have bruises under my eyes (about fruits and healthy eating I know it doesn't help :) I plan to buy a corrector under my eyes, but I really don’t want to mess with store products, especially on such delicate skin.
    Can you recommend any remedy? I will be very grateful

    1. Anna Post Author

      Elena is not sure. The texture of the powder is not so thick.

    2. Oksana

      Forgive me, Anna, I will fit into your blog.
      I don’t know about you, Elena, but try. Maybe someone else will come in handy.
      In the morning I washed my eyes - first warm, then cold water(this hardens my blood vessels and, after a month, the blackness became less noticeable). I wash my face with a microfiber cloth (there are such - find and buy - enough for 7-10 years). The napkin itself is like suede (this is important). I wash - first I get wet with a wet napkin, and then I wipe it (I wipe it easily) on upper eyelid from the nose to the temples and the circle under the eyes to the nose and slightly up to the bridge of the nose rise. Immediately return under the eyes in the opposite direction to the temples and down vertically. Asahi method - you drive the lymph at the same time. Don't push. Do this 3-5 times, the skin will turn red - it's normal! The cloth will pick up all the dirt. Use a clean area of ​​the tissue each time you go. So you remove the keratinized particles of the skin (dead layer). The new skin will not wrinkle, often dead. Do not be afraid to stretch the skin - it's the opposite, like a morning and evening massage. In any salon, a specialist will say that before you get young skin, you need to practically remove the entire dead layer. And masks, and acids, and what they do not exfoliate ...
      I’ll confidently say, it’s nonsense that you can’t apply cream on the skin of the eyelids, depending on what you apply. It depends on what you think, how you eat and in general the spiritual state on the face is often reflected. I use wax + honey and olive oil.
      Then, immediately after washing (you finish all the shower procedures with your eyes), apply the cream and 3 times in the same directions of movement, easily “rub” it into the skin of the eyelids.
      On the cream “rubbed” as a base, apply powder with your fingers and gradually cream-powder ... alternating. Hit, don't rub. Choose the number of layers yourself. I have 3 . Do the procedure near DAYLIGHT. To not go out with "monkey" circles around the eyes.
      On poorly cleansed or dry skin, everything will fall like cracked earth.
      If the skin is too oily, the same effect (choose the dosage of oils and water-based creams).
      Somehow like this))

    3. Olga

      I had such a problem for two years. I saved myself with unrefined olive oil, for a start a spoon over the fire was brewing a little, then the oil was there and dipped cotton swabs. (Should be slightly warm) For a few minutes under the eyes. A couple of times a day. Then I prepared for the skin of the face olive oil(almost half of the total) with various vitamins plus glycerin, Castor oil etc., whatever you prefer, everything is on the eye. This was for the night instead of a cream on the face and around the eyes an hour before bedtime. And then I didn’t take it off, it doesn’t interfere with my sleep. The bruises went away very quickly. After two weeks, I stopped doing cotton wool under my eyes, and I still apply oil on my face. The skin shines, there are fewer wrinkles, I forgot about bruises :))

Face powder

Mattifying powder is one of the key elements of makeup. modern woman. Thanks to it, the skin acquires a uniform tone, minor imperfections and oily sheen disappear. The benefits also include the setting effect of the powder, allowing makeup to stay on the face longer. It would seem that an ordinary product that is in demand among 80% of women, but how much do we know about it?

What is face powder

Powder is a homogeneous loose (or compressed) mixture, the main function of which is to improve skin color, eliminate minor defects and protect against the harmful effects of external factors. Its composition may contain mineral or organic components and natural dye(if the manufacturer is conscientious and worries about the quality of their products).

To take a closer look at the composition of modern powder, let's go back several centuries. In those times curvy ladies in luxurious lace dresses and rich nobles (yes, yes, men too) used lead carbon to mask their own shortcomings. This substance corroded the skin, so by the age of 30 their appearance was far from ideal. Later, the matting powder formulation was slightly corrected, replacing the poisonous component with ground wheat and corn starch. But even such a product was not safe enough for delicate female skin, because clogs pores and absorbs essential moisture. And now, after several decades, they invented perfect recipe powder, which included mineral talc, different kinds dry clay, potato starch and flour, vegetable oils and natural flavors, kaolin and zinc oxide (an alternative to toxic lead). These ingredients are still used in the production of quality products to this day.

What is the difference between mineral powder

Mineral matting powder contains in its composition a powder of frayed mineral stones. Unlike ordinary powder, it is absolutely harmless to a woman's face and is suitable for all skin types.

It is also worth noting that even the dyes in the composition of such a product are made exclusively from natural hypoallergenic materials (for example, clay). The cost of a good mineral powder is much higher than that of a regular one and you can buy it only in specialized cosmetics stores. This is due to the use of more expensive components such as pearls and mica. Thanks to them, the skin acquires a natural freshness and radiance.

What is harmful face powder

A variety of natural cosmetics on the shelves allows you not to think about the dangers of a particular product. Manufacturers offer us a huge selection of powders that are not only safe for the skin (for example, mineral), but also care for it (antiseptic). If the powder is of high quality, there can be no harm from it (except for clogging pores, perhaps, but all tinting agents sin with this).

Another thing is cheap powder from an unscrupulous seller. Trying to save

women often forget about the benefits of expensive cosmetics. By purchasing natural powder from a trusted manufacturer, there is always confidence that it will not harm the skin. But cheap cosmetics do not give such confidence. Preservatives, toxins, refined products - this is not the whole list of hazardous substances that are found in low-quality powders. Don't skimp on the health of your skin.

How to replace face powder

If there is no money for good powder, then do not despair, because any cosmetic product you can do it yourself at home. The advantages of homemade powder are not only cheap, but also natural composition. When buying cosmetics in a store, you do not know if the manufacturer has added anything harmful to it, because. often such things are not indicated on the packaging (or written in small print). Another thing is a homemade remedy made by oneself.

The main components of homemade powders:

  1. rice starch;
  2. baby powder;
  3. talc;
  4. ground oatmeal;
  5. white flour.

It is impossible to use exclusively the above ingredients as powder, because. they will constantly crumble from the face and roll down. But when mixed with other products and applied to the skin, you get a great alternative to expensive matting products. Here are some good homemade powder recipes:

1. Vegetable starch powder

The fastest and easiest option for homemade powder is based on corn or potato starch. There are two recipes for this remedy. The first one is much easier, but it cannot be called completely natural, because. the composition includes other stale cosmetics. We will need:

  1. A quarter cup of corn or potato starch;
  2. Remains of unnecessary blush, shadows or bronzer;
  3. A small bowl and mortar.

Sift the starch through a sieve (you can take any thin material, for example, gauze), remove all lumps and pour it into a bowl. Next, grind the rest of the cosmetics in a mortar and add it in small portions to the starch until the desired shade is obtained.

This tool perfectly mattifies the skin and evens out the tone. However, a long-term effect should not be expected from it.

The second recipe is a little more complicated, but much more natural. It contains dry green

  1. clay that cares for the skin and gives the face a natural freshness. We will need:
  2. cocoa powder;
  3. dry green clay;
  4. any starch (preferably from corn);
  5. several bowls and a mortar;

Sift all ingredients to remove lumps. We combine starch and green clay powder in a ratio of 1: 1 and mix well. Then add cocoa in small portions to achieve desired shade. You can add a little golden shadows, they will smooth out all the bumps and give delicate skin a natural glow.

2. Oat flour powder

The preparation of such a remedy takes more time, but the effect of it is longer. We will need:

  1. 6 tablespoons of large oatmeal;
  2. 1 liter of pure water;
  3. glass jars;
  4. sieve;
  5. gauze and paper towels.

Grind oatmeal and fill them with cool water for 30 minutes. Then mix, waiting until the small particles settle to the bottom, and carefully drain the liquid into a jar. Leave for a few hours and drain the liquid again. At the bottom there will be a mixture, which, when dried, will turn into powder. It will need to be sieved before use.

The advantage of such funds is long term storage, because they contain dry products that do not spoil (unlike expensive powders containing fragrances and liquid flavors).

How to apply mattifying powder on the skin

Powder must be applied to the face special brushes or sponges. They are sold in a set with a product, as well as separately in cosmetic stores. For loose powder Great fit large a beveled kabuki brush, and for a compressed kabuki brush, a puff or sponge. Some advise applying powder with your fingers, but this is absolutely not worth doing, as the tone is uneven and looks unnatural.

Powder- This important element any makeup, but sometimes you should use very light textures, and sometimes you need to apply a dense professional tool. Separately, it is worth talking about rice powder, because it appeared on the market a long time ago, but not all girls know about it. useful properties and versatility.

You can buy a ready-made product, or you can make it yourself at home. The disadvantage of acquiring this is its high price, and running into a fake is not as difficult as it seems. Rice powder perfectly heals small wounds, whitens the skin and absorbs excess sebum. Surely this is exactly what you dreamed about. Your attention is invited to the recipe for the preparation of rice powder.

Step by step guide on how to make your own rice powder

1. Take 4 tablespoons good expensive rice and thoroughly rinse it from various contaminants and dust. To do this, use cold running water and a tea strainer.

2. Now you need to take a clean sterilized jar, you need to rice will insist. If you do not process the glass container well enough, there is a high probability that the rice will deteriorate and you will not be able to make powder. Pour rice into the bottom of the jar and fill it with boiled water. it's the same important point otherwise fermentation may occur.

3. The bank needs put in the cold(it can be a refrigerator or a balcony in the cold season). Cover the container with a cotton cloth or gauze so that various small organisms and dust do not get in. Every day, the water must be changed to fresh, so that the fermentation process does not occur. Replace the water with exactly the same boiled water.

4. Rice a week later crumbles into many tiny particles, this will mean that it is time to proceed to the next step. Take out the rice and put it in a mortar, then turn it into a uniform gruel.

5. Now add in rice new batch clean boiled water and carefully move the liquid until a uniform mass is formed. After a few minutes, the rice will settle to the bottom, and the water will become cloudy. White color, that's exactly what we need.

6. Milky water is necessary pour into a clean jar, and grind the mixture again to the state of gruel and refill the container with water. You should have two servings. muddy water that need to be removed.

7. In the end, you will have absolutely some rice pudding, which must be filtered through a cotton cloth or napkin. The liquid will pass through the fabric or paper, and a white liquid will remain on it.

8. Shift it to absolutely dry paper towel and leave overnight in a warm place to dry. As soon as the mass dries, wrap it thin cloth and grind again to a powder state.

9. That's all, the powder is ready. Now find a beautiful jar for her, which can be tightly closed so that moisture and air do not pass, and pour the resulting one into it. You can use a jar of old loose powder, or you can take any container with a lid that is convenient for you.

Who is Rice Powder for?

- rice powder Suitable for those with oily or combination skin. Perfect solution oily sheen problems that will not decorate anyone. Rice powder gives a great matte finish for a long time, so you can apply it over your foundation or even on bare skin.

For those who want to give the skin smooth light shade . Rice powder perfectly brightens the skin, making it soft and tender. Using such a product, you can profitably hide dark spots and visually remove a few years of age.

- rice powder suitable for those who dream of cosmetics that do not harm the skin. Unfortunately, today many cosmetic products are made on the basis of synthetic dyes and fragrances. Often even irritation and rashes. Some women even face allergies, so they should pay attention to cosmetics based on natural ingredients. If you make rice powder yourself, you can be completely sure that your skin is absolutely natural product without artificial colors and preservatives.

For those who want visual shrink pores and not clog them. Many tonal foundations and powders are different good coverage, but can look like a mask on the face or even sometimes clog pores. Rice powder is ideal for any type of skin without causing any harm to it at all. It is suitable for both women and men, so you can safely use it in your image, making your face perfect and well-groomed.

- rice powder suitable for those who dream of soft skin. Rice powder gives excellent softening and retains moisture, preventing its evaporation. Because of this, the skin becomes soft and supple, like a baby's. Girls who have tried the miraculous effect of this product on themselves will confirm that no other powder gives such an effect.

- Return to the section heading " "

Many years have passed since people discovered the miraculous effect of some common products.

Oatmeal, which is still used to make powder, occupied a special place among those.

The listed substances make oatmeal powder truly universal remedy beauty, allowing both to moisturize, nourish the skin, and restore it and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria.

Benefits and effectiveness of oatmeal powder

Even cosmetologists agree that homemade powder can solve many cosmetic problems.

What exactly are its benefits and effectiveness? Judge for yourself:

- during an exacerbation (but subject to regular use) and after a couple of days it allows you to get rid of pustules on your face, restore the disturbed work of your sebaceous glands and heal the skin from acne;

- moisturizes, nourishes, softens sensitive and irritated skin, as well as skin with an allergic reaction;

- helps you forget about itching and redness;

- Promotes rapid skin regeneration accelerated healing wounds and abrasions on the face;

- helps prevent or at least slow down skin aging;

- also mattifies the skin (especially relevant for the skin fatty type);

- Protects from impact sun rays and restores your skin after tanning in the sun;

- Visibly improves color appearance skin, heals it due to vitamins.

When using this product, do not use regular foundation or powder at the same time.

By the way, a huge advantage of oatmeal powder is that it does not clog the pores of the face, but returns it to a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

How is this powder prepared and how to use it?

The recipe for its preparation is quite simple to execute, but it will take you at least 24 hours.

However, doesn't such an effective and, moreover, natural cosmetic product deserve the time spent on it?

So how do you make oatmeal powder?

So, prepare four glasses of water (clean and cold, not boiling water) and about ten tablespoons of oatmeal (in this case you should not use instant cereals, including assorted mixes that contain several different types cereals).

It will be most convenient to grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, so use it.

Wait until the largest particles settle at the bottom of the container, and then drain the water from it.

A similar procedure must be repeated three or four more times, because your main goal is to wash the maximum amount of starch from the ground oatmeal powder with the same water.

When all the starch has already been washed, leave the container for about 30-60 minutes (a precipitate should form at the bottom). The same sediment should be filtered through paper towels folded several times.

Then you need to dry the mass (as a rule, it takes a whole day), which you just strained, laying it out on a clean and dry napkin. Transfer the well-dried sediment to some bowl where it will be convenient for you to grind it until a homogeneous mass is obtained, that is, powder.

Pour the finished powder into a container - preferably in a jar with a lid, because the powder must be stored in the refrigerator and in a tightly closed container.

This cosmetic product can be used at any, even the hottest, time of the year.

And powder from oatmeal is applied using a special brush (it is also used for regular powder) or powder puff - this is both fast and convenient, and matching accessory you probably have at home.

Disadvantages of powder

Unfortunately, it will not allow you to hide bruises on the skin, severe redness, if any, although it will be able to even out the tone well, it will refresh your face.

It cannot be used outside the home, and if you decide otherwise, you will have to face a number of inconveniences, because oat particles brushed off with a brush easily fall on clothes and, it is possible that they will leave noticeable marks on it.

In addition, powder made from oatmeal lacks variety in the choice of tones. It is almost transparent, but at the same time the skin after its application becomes much lighter.

Of course, this remedy will not work for girls with dark, tanned skin, but it will make pale skin even paler. In short, you should think carefully before using it.


For the most part, powder home cooking enjoys positive reviews.

Olga: “I gathered my strength and made myself this miracle powder. Now I'm not overjoyed! It does not pollute the pores (and even cleans them!), Mattifies well. I am very pleased, but so far I do not use it on an ongoing basis - I alternate with regular powder, because oatmeal does not matte for long.

Irina: “I decided to do it just out of curiosity (and how will it harm me?). I insisted it for only a few hours (this is not rice, it is softer, and there is no need to insist for many hours). In general, I still have everything remarkably washed out, settled down. The oatmeal is really good. It gave my skin a natural glow, slightly evened out the tone of the face, and mattified the skin until the evening. I also applied it on my eyelids (for makeup), in my opinion, she did a decent job. Although, of course, ordinary powder is somehow more familiar, easier and more comfortable to use.

Alina: “Given that I am quite white-skinned, and besides, I used this powder only in winter, I really liked the tool. For every day, I think it will not work, but if you want to give your skin a rest or if you have a weekend, the option is perfect. Perfectly softens and mattifies the skin.