What can powder be made from? How to make face powder: pros and cons of homemade powder

There is a tinting agent in any cosmetic bag, and most often girls use powder. Such cosmetics are even for those who are too lazy to paint their eyes, and those who constantly forget lipstick by the mirror in the hallway. After all even tone faces are a must-have that is not neglected. Cosmetic giants have long flooded store shelves with tinting agents and inspired everyone that right powder should be called something like this.

There are many recipes for making powder at home.

Substitute the name of any of the popular brands - and you will get that beauty recipe that, as they promise, will make you a beauty in one moment. And all this is usually for quite a decent amount and, of course, provided that you do not read the composition. And in this composition, upon closer examination, there will be a good third of the periodic table!

Powder from natural ingredients: for or against?

For those who are not thrilled with the idea of ​​applying products of the chemical industry to the face, manufacturers have invented something new. Now a variety of natural ingredients can be added to the powder - from clay to rice flour. Marketing asks more for this than for conventional means. But why pay more when you can just go for cosmetics not in a boutique, but ... in groceries?

Natural powder can be made independently from ingredients that are in every kitchen. TO homemade means often treated with prejudice and irony. And in vain! As part of the most expensive products, which are positioned as natural, you can find, for example, rice powder. You can easily do the same in the kitchen if you stock up on time and patience.

A tool made from the most common oatmeal will replace the powder base - it has a flesh color and an excellent silky texture. Cosmetics made from scratch are definitely safe, because you can be sure that they do not contain harmful chemical impurities, fragrances, dyes of unknown origin, etc. In addition, such powder will cost mere pennies - and this is with full preservation quality.

The main advantage of powder made from natural ingredients is its safety.

However, these tools have their drawbacks. Some substances in their composition (like valuable rice powder) will have to work a little. In addition, the color palette of homemade powders is very small. You will either have to be content with what you have, or experiment with the ingredients. For example, with the components that are used to make mineral cosmetics.

Minerals are another option if you want to make powder. with my own hands. Products made exclusively from ingredients natural origin, - a separate class of decorative cosmetics. They can be bought at ready-made, or you can "assemble" yourself by purchasing individual components. Some of them (for example, pigments and components that add shine or treat inflamed skin) can also be mixed into powdered rice or oatmeal.

Another huge plus of such cosmetics is an almost unlimited shelf life, because there is simply nothing to spoil in it. All components are dry, there are no fragrances, liquid components, etc. And, of course, you can experiment with them, choosing the ideal texture, color and properties. As you can see, the pros of homemade powder are much more than the cons!

If desired, it can be given any shade, but in any case, the product will remain much safer than any purchased one, and it will cost many times cheaper. And, importantly, you will never be left without your favorite powder just because the manufacturer has stopped making it: all the ingredients are at hand, and a new portion can be prepared at any time!

Dry Skin Needs Moisturizing Before Using Homemade Powder

How to use homemade powder?

  • According to lovers of natural cosmetics, homemade powders in use are very similar to mineral. They can dry out the skin - oily and combination skin will certainly benefit, but dry skin will not be happy. Therefore, before applying the product to the face, such skin should be well moisturized.
  • For applying makeup, it is best to use mineral foundation brushes. This is usually done with flat top or kabuki brushes. The peculiarity of such tools is that they are ideally suited for applying cosmetics, ground to very small particles, literally into dust. Flat top and kabuki provide not only a uniform and dense coverage, but also an economical consumption of powder.
  • In addition to a good brush, a jar with a sifter is also useful - a lid with several small holes. The finished powder can, of course, be stored in a regular cream jar, but then it will be used up faster, and you will have to sit down to prepare a new portion more often. The sifter doses the powder and allows you to use it in small portions and more slowly. If the household did not find such a container, it can be bought at a mineral cosmetics store. The jars are quite inexpensive.
  • You need to apply fine powder not with the usual waving movements, as is the case with the usual “loose powder”, but with soft, circular, as if grinding. So the powder will not scatter through the air, but will lie tightly on the skin.

Grocery cosmetics: rice, oatmeal and starch

rice powder

Perhaps the powdered rice is the most difficult to prepare. The process will require not so much effort as time - it will take about a week. But, if you master these manipulations, making powder from other products will no longer scare you. And the result is worth it: rice cosmetics love for its ability to matte, absorb excess fat and even out the tone of the face. Store rice powder in a tightly closed jar, away from moisture and sources strong odors. Rice is an excellent sorbent, and water and fragrances can easily “migrate” into cosmetics.

Rice powder is best made from round varieties of rice.


3 tbsp rice, boiled water, two glass jars (smaller and larger), clean cloth or gauze, mortar, pestle, paper towels, cloth towel, sieve.

Important! Rice should be taken only the best - the quality of cosmetics directly depends on this. It is best to use round rice for making powder. In order not to miscalculate, choose the most expensive cereal from the available assortment: it will still cost many times cheaper than even the simplest “crumb” from the nearest cosmetic store.


Sort the rice - remove unpeeled and spoiled grains, if any, as well as specks, etc. Rinse the rice well in cold water. Sterilize the jar over steam or in the oven. Pour the prepared rice into it and fill it with water. It is very important that it be boiled and cold - otherwise the mixture in the jar will ferment, and preventing this is one of the main tasks at the preparatory stage.

Cover the jar of rice with a cloth or gauze folded 2-3 times. It should protect the contents from dust particles and small debris. Put the prepared grain in the refrigerator or on the balcony (if it's cold enough). Leave the workpiece for 6-7 days. During all this time, change the water in the jar at least once a day. To do this, take out the grains, old water drain, put the rice back and fill with fresh water.

If possible, look into the container and check if there is a smell of fermentation. If so, change the water immediately! After 6 days, check the rice for softness. If the grains have already taken on water and can be kneaded with your fingers, they are ready for further processing. Otherwise, change the water and leave the rice for another day. Most likely, this time will be enough for him to reach desired state. Drain the water, put the rice in a mortar and pestle into a gruel. It is important to grind the grains as much as possible.

Rice powder perfectly mattifies and evens out complexion

When the process is over, pour some pure water mix gently and leave for 1 min. Drain the water into a larger jar, but make sure that large particles of those that have settled to the bottom of the mortar do not get into the container with it. Pound the large particles remaining in the mortar again with a pestle. Grind the rice as best you can. Fill with water, let stand, pour the milky liquid into a jar. The more cloudy water, the better - it is in it that the future powder is concentrated.

Leave the jar of rice "flour" for an hour and a half. The water should become clear and sediment should form at the bottom. Carefully, being careful not to shake, drain clear water. The sediment should remain in the bank. Put a paper towel (if it is thin, then take a few pieces) on a sieve and pour everything that remains in the jar into it - a little liquid and a cloudy sediment that has collected at the bottom. If rice "flour" settles on the walls, pour some more water into the container, shake it up and pour it into the filter. Let the liquid drain.

Remove towels with powder from the sieve, place on a dry cloth towel and leave in a warm place at room temperature for drying. The process will take at least 12 hours. How much depends on the temperature and humidity in the room. It is very important not to dry the powder in direct sun, in an oven or in a draft. When it dries, once again put the mass in a mortar and grind with a pestle. Since the particles are very small, it is better to put on the face medical mask. Pour the finished powder into a jar.


Powder provides a transparent and uniform coverage. The effect of a dense tone cannot be achieved with it, so this remedy is more suitable if you need to matte your face and even out its color. Rice powder brightens the face, so the owners of a swarthy or tanned skin you should be careful with the tool: 2 or more layers will certainly be noticeable.


Solid particles that remain after the water with rice "flour" has been drained can not be thrown away. They make a great face scrub. Rice is the main ingredient of such a beauty product. The remaining components are selected depending on the type of skin.

Leftover rice is great for scrubbing.

To prepare the scrub with particles of rice, use the following ingredients:

  • for dry skin: 0.5 tsp rice, mix with 0.5 tsp. cream.
  • for normal and combination skin: 0.5 tsp rice, mix with 0.5 tsp. milk.
  • For oily skin: 0.5 tsp rice, mix with 0.5 tsp. kefir.

oatmeal powder

Such powder is prepared much faster than rice powder. The whole process will take you a couple of hours. Suitable for cooking any cereals- there is no need to look for ideal ones, as in the case of rice grains.


6 tbsp oatmeal, 1 liter of boiled water, paper towels, a cloth towel, a sieve, capron (for example, tights), 2 glass jars, a coffee grinder.


Sort the oatmeal: remove the remnants of the husk, stems, specks, etc. Grind the flakes in the coffee grinder as finely as possible. Pour the crushed oatmeal into a glass jar and pour over cold water, leave for 30 min. Then stir and wait until large pieces of flakes settle to the bottom. Carefully drain the water into another jar. Pour water into the first jar again and repeat the procedure.

After that, you can pour the rest of the oatmeal as many times as there is white "flour" in the water - from it in the future you will get powder. So the more such particles are washed out, the more finished product will be. When all the oatmeal is dissolved in water, let the jar stand for a couple of hours. Wait until the powder settles to the bottom and the water clears. Pour off some of the water, being careful not to stir the liquid and pour out the part that has a lot of powder.

Oatmeal powder is suitable for those who do not want to change their skin tone with cosmetics.

Put a paper towel (if thin, then 2-3 pieces) in a sieve and carefully pour the rest of the liquid with sediment into it. Let the water drain. Remove the towels, transfer to a cloth and let dry at room temperature. If the humidity is low, this will last for a day. Remove the powder from the fabric, and grind it again in a coffee grinder (if desired, you can do this with a pestle in a mortar). Sift the powder through the nylon, and then pour the powder into a jar.


This powder lays down perfectly and mattifies the face. Unlike rice, it does not change the skin tone - the product itself has a color close to beige or flesh. Perfectly absorbs the skin secret, so that the face ceases to shine.

Starch Powder

The easiest and fastest manufacturing option. There are 2 ways to make starch powder. The first option is simpler, but it will not work to call such a powder completely natural - you will give a second life to cosmetics that you no longer use regularly. To make such a powder, you will need ready-made shadows, blush or bronzer, which are close in color to the shade that you want to get in finished cosmetics. The second method will require more effort and ingredients, but it can be considered completely natural and even medicinal.

Starch powder is the easiest and fastest to prepare.

Option one

  • You will need: 1/4 cup potato or corn starch, leftover blush or eye shadow, sieve, mortar and pestle, bowl.
  • Cooking. Sift the starch through a sieve (can be replaced with nylon), remove the lumps. Pour starch into a bowl. Pound eye shadow, blush or bronzer (leftover) with a pestle in a mortar. Add the resulting colored powder to the starch and mix thoroughly. Remember that you need to introduce the pigment in tiny portions so that the powder does not turn out to be too concentrated. Mix the ingredients until the mixture becomes desired color. If you overdo it, prepare more starch powder and even out the shade. Pour into powder container.
  • Effect. The product removes excess sebum, evens out the complexion and mattifies it. To make the skin look healthier, you can add a little to the powder. golden shadows or a ball or two of meteorites. Slightly noticeable sparkles will visually smooth out the skin texture and give it healthy shine. However, a dense coverage from such a powder should not be expected. It is more suitable for light toning.

Option two

  • You will need: cornstarch, green clay powder, cocoa powder, mortar, pestle, 3 bowls, sieve.
  • Cooking. Sift the starch through a sieve (or capron), remove lumps and pour it into a bowl. In the same way, sift the green clay powder and cocoa. Combine starch and green clay in a 1:1 ratio, for example, 2 tbsp. Mix thoroughly, pour into a mortar and pestle until smooth. Return the mixture to the bowl, add a small amount of cocoa powder and mix thoroughly. Cocoa must be introduced into the powder in small portions until it receives the desired shade. Grind all the ingredients again in a mortar, then pour finished product in a jar.
  • Effect. Green clay in such a powder gives cosmetics medicinal properties. This component perfectly absorbs excess sebum and makes the skin matte. As in the powder prepared according to the first recipe, you can add a little golden shadows, a bronzer with a shimmer or meteorites to this remedy. Then the skin will look even fresher.

Powder based on starch gives lung effect toning

Mineral powder

The first step to making mineral powder is to gather all the necessary ingredients. There can be a very different number of them, depending on what properties it is planned to give to the tool. However, four ingredients are enough for a basic recipe: micaceous sericite, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, and pigments.

The main components of mineral powder

  • Mica Sericite (Sericite Mica). The basic component of any mineral cosmetic product. In normal decorative cosmetics the same role is played by talc. Thanks to mike, the components mix well and lie flat on the skin - this substance provides adhesion to the surface. In addition, Sericite Mica has a slight sheen, due to which the surface of the face is visually evened out and acquires a healthy glow. This component does not clog pores, absorbs oil and makes the skin matte. The more mika, the more transparent powder. Sericite Mica comes in two varieties - matte or glossy. You can choose any base for powder, depending on the desired effect. For example, oily skin more suitable matte formula, but a dry face will be happy with the gloss.
  • Titanium Dioxide. This component is also called titanium white, and half of the description lies in this definition. Titanium dioxide is a powder that gives the finished powder whiteness. In addition, Titanium Dioxide is a powerful sunscreen.
  • Zinc oxide (Zinc Oxide). A substance known for its adsorbent and antiseptic properties. It is in every mineral cosmetic product. Like titanium dioxide, it is an excellent natural filter and protects the skin from harmful effects sun. Typically, cosmetics include both oxides. One of them is better at fighting UVA rays, the other with UVB, and their combination creates a powerful solar filter with an SPF of about 15. In addition, a mixture of two oxides has a bright White color. It interacts with the pigments added to the product and ultimately determines the final color of the prepared cosmetics.
  • Pigments. They are used to give cosmetics the desired color, which is then leveled by oxides. The role of pigments can be played by various substances. For example, oxides of iron, chromium, ultramarine, indigo, carbons, etc.

Components for mineral powder are selected according to skin type

Equipment for the preparation of mineral powder

To prepare cosmetics, you will need some tools.

  • First, the ingredients need to be measured with something. To do this, you will have to stock up on special scales or measuring spoons.
  • Secondly, the components need to be mixed and ground very finely.

For high-quality grinding, you can use a pestle and mortar (which is not very convenient), a zip bag (quite effective and always available, but you have to work hard with your hands - rub for 40 minutes), but it's best to get a grinder. This small device is a special grinder for tobacco and smoking mixtures. It excels at both grinding and mixing mineral makeup ingredients. With a grinder, the whole process can take up to half an hour.

Mineral Powder Recipe

There are a lot of recipes for mixing mineral powder, and they vary depending on the skin tone, its condition and the tasks that the product has to perform. We suggest starting with simple option– universal powder with a neutral undertone and without functional loads. Such a tool will create tone, even out skin color, matte, absorb fat and give the face a well-groomed radiant look.

Acquaintance with mineral powder start with a simple universal prescription

In addition to the four basic components, the product includes silk and pearl powders (the first evens out tone and helps the skin retain moisture, and the second gives radiance), magnesium stearate (binds components, helps cosmetics stay on the face better) and boron nitride (mattifies the skin, provides excellent coverage visually makes the skin glow).


3.25 g mika sericite, 0.75 g titanium dioxide, 0.375 g zinc oxide, 0.275 g magnesium stearate, 0.15 g boron nitride, 0.1 g silk powder, 0.1 g pearl powder, pigments as needed.


Mix pigments. You will need 3 base colors- yellow, red and blue. To create an average skin tone, they should be combined in this proportion: 3 parts yellow, 0.25 parts blue and 0.25 parts red. Search perfect ratio will require some experimentation, but in general the rule looks like this.

Skin with a pinkish undertone will require a little more red pigment, and with olive, like a dark-skinned Mediterranean type, blue. For experiments with proportions, it is better to stock up on a toothpick. Add new portions of pigments by dipping its tip into dyes. Let it not seem to you that this is a negligible amount: the pigments are very concentrated.

Feel free to experiment with the amount of pigments in mineral powder

The pigment mixture can be prepared in advance. It will be stored for a very long time, and you do not have to deal with "alchemy" and the selection of proportions every time anew. Next, prepare the base, for which you combine and mix mika sericite, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Mix thoroughly and grind them together. Add to prepared base mix pigments.

Pour in gently, in tiny portions, stirring after each application to control the color of the powder. Add additional ingredients - magnesium stearate, boron nitride and two powders - silk and pearl. All these components do not need thorough grinding, they are quickly enough to mix. Pour the finished powder into a jar.

Today, there are so many cosmetics in the store that it is very difficult not to find something that would help us girls look perfect. And it doesn’t matter what kind of income you have, because on the shelves you can find both cheap cosmetics and the most popular brands. However, you cannot be sure of the quality of these cosmetics.

Of course, you can ask people who have used them, but even this does not guarantee that you will not have an allergic reaction to any product. Therefore, home-made products are becoming more and more popular.

To date, there are not so many such cosmetics, but still they exist. In today's our article we will talk about the powder, which many girls use daily. So how do you make homemade face powder?

Pros and cons of homemade powder

The only disadvantage of this tool is that you have to spend a lot of time and effort to create it. But it's worth it, because the result will surprise even a girl with the highest demands.

The most obvious benefits include the following.

  • Powder, made at home, does not clog pores.
  • The complexion is significantly evened out.
  • Warns against the occurrence of acne and inflammation.
  • Removes oily sheen.
  • paints over dark circles under the eyes.
  • Protects skin from UV radiation.
  • Fixes makeup.

How to make starch powder

Corn starch is used in many branded cosmetics. Based on it, a good homemade powder is obtained.

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch;
  • 2 spoons of green clay powder;
  • a pinch of cocoa powder;
  • strainer;
  • mortar and pestle.

The first thing to do is sift the starch, clay powder and cocoa powder through a strainer. Mix starch and clay and grind it until smooth with a pestle in a mortar.

Add cocoa powder in small pinches to match your skin tone. Once again, rub the resulting powder well and pour it into a jar. The powder is ready.

Herbal Powder

Herbal powder is also good because with it you will not only look beautiful, but also smell delicious.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • White clay powder.
  • Arrowroot powder.
  • Beet powder.
  • Livestock powder.
  • Red Elm Bark Powder.
  • Essential oil (preferably lavender or orange).
  • Wooden spoon.

Mix all powders except beetroot. Mix them thoroughly. After that, in small portions, start adding beetroot powder. It is needed to give the powder the shade you want, so sprinkle as much as you see fit, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will have to start over.

In order to see better what shade is obtained, pour the powder at the same time and stir while doing this.

rice powder

Can you make rice powder? Of course you can! Rice is a real salvation for the skin of our face. It removes pimples, makes the skin matte and tightens pores.


  • 3 spoons of round rice;
  • boiled water of low temperature;
  • mortar and pestle;
  • 2 banks.

Before you start making rice, rinse it thoroughly and dry it. Pour rice into a jar, fill it with water, cover the top of the jar with a piece of cloth and leave for a week. Every day you need to change the water 3 times.

After a week has passed, drain the water and mash the rice to a mushy state. Pour in clean water and then stir. Drain carefully muddy water into the second jar so that the grains of rice do not fall out. After an hour, a white precipitate can be observed in the jar.

Drain the water and strain this sediment through a special paper filter. What remains on the filter will be our future powder. Dry it for 12 hours, and then carefully pour it into a pre-prepared jar. This recipe is not the easiest, but you will really enjoy the result.

Cream powder

From homemade powder It makes a great cream powder. So how do you make cream powder? Everything is pretty simple. Take your regular or homemade powder and mix it with your regular moisturizer in about the same amount.

Do not squeeze too much, as such a remedy cannot be stored and you will have to use it immediately after preparation. That's the whole recipe.

How to properly store powder?

As mentioned above, the powder must be stored in special containers. It is better to use a glass container with a wide neck. An old jar of cream is perfect.

Now you know how to make natural powder. We hope these tips were really helpful for you. Be beautiful!

Powdered sugar is one of the most essential ingredients in cooking. Powder is made from sugar, which, in turn, is extracted from cane or beets.

It often happens that, having bought all the ingredients for baking sweets, we forget about decorating confectionery. And we remember that we need powdered sugar already in the midst of the process. Well, is it really now to drop everything and run to the store ?! No! Powdered sugar can be made without being distracted from household chores. In addition, by making the powder yourself, you will save not only time, but also money.

How to crush sugar in a mortar

This is the simplest device for easy and fast grinding of sugar.

  1. Pour sugar into a metal or ceramic mortar. It is better to crush the sugar gradually, adding no more than two tablespoons of granulated sugar. If you fill the whole mortar with sugar, you will not be able to grind all the grains.
  2. Crush the sugar so that all large pieces are crushed as much as possible. This is usually seen by their whitish state. After all, sugar dust has such small particles that do not refract light. From this, they lose their transparency and become white.
  3. After that received powdered sugar must be sifted through a fine sieve. So you get pure product without grains.

How to make powdered sugar without a mortar

Most of the mortars we got from our grandmothers. Modern food processors have replaced this ancient device for us. Therefore, it is not surprising that there was no mortar in your kitchen. But that's not a problem. Powdered sugar can be prepared using improvised means.

  1. To prepare sugar powder, we need thick paper. It is best if it is a dense, non-porous cardboard. plain paper just break from the sharp edges of the sugar crystals.
  2. Fold the paper in half and sprinkle a tablespoon of granulated sugar on the inner fold. Walk on the paper with a rolling pin. You will hear how small particles of granulated sugar will break.
  3. If you don’t have a rolling pin handy, you can use a bottle, jar or pot of water instead.
  4. As a final step, again, sift the powder. Sifted large pieces can be pounded again.

Can you make powdered sugar in a blender?

Many housewives often ask this question, is it possible to grind sugar in a blender so as to get powdered sugar. Well, of course you can! For this case, you can use both a stationary and a submersible blender. You should not use a coffee grinder, because it is then difficult to wash it off from small grains of the remaining sugar. Yes, and you should not use a device for grinding spices, otherwise you will get spicy sugar with the addition of cumin and black pepper. In addition, powdered sugar perfectly absorbs flavor and will certainly take on the smell of spices. It's no good. Therefore, for grinding sugar, we choose a simple blender that washes well and does not leave a foreign smell on the walls after products.

Before making powdered sugar, read the instructions for the blender. Some models are not designed for grinding small particles. If there is no such instruction in the instructions, you can safely proceed to the process. If your blender blades are dull, they need to be sharpened first.

You need to pour a little sugar into the blender - the device simply cannot handle large portions. In no case do not try to put refined sugar into the blender bowl - you can break the blender, without the possibility of repairing it. After all the sugar has been crushed and sifted in small portions, you need to add a little cornmeal to it. This will keep the powdered sugar from getting damp and lumpy. Add cornmeal in a ratio of 10:1. By the way, they do the same in the production of powdered sugar. That is why it comes to the consumer in a crumbly form. If you're making sugar ahead of time, keep it in an airtight container so it doesn't get damp.

How to make colored powdered sugar

Powdered sugar is used for many culinary masterpieces. After all, this whitish dust is the easiest and easiest way to decorate buns, muffins and muffins. To decorate apple charlotte, you can mix powdered sugar with ground cinnamon - you will add a delicate aroma and spicy taste to the pastry. Powdered sugar can be added lemon peel, cocoa and other bulk ingredients. But the most spectacular decoration is colored powder. She magically transforms even the simplest shortbread cookies. So, how to make sugar colored so that baking becomes even more appetizing and attractive?

To prepare colored powder you will need food coloring. It is better if it is in the form of a powder. Liquid food coloring is usually used if powdered sugar is the future ingredient for colored fudge.

Grind sugar in a blender, as described in the previous recipe. Then add a few pinches of food coloring powder to the dust. Scroll the contents of the blender again so that everything is thoroughly mixed. The intensity of the color depends on how much paint you add. If you want to get a blue color - add blue paint to the tip of the knife. If you wish to receive a bright Orange color- put in a blender half a teaspoon of red and yellow.

Colored powdered sugar is used to make mastic. Today it is impossible to imagine a modern cake for a child without bright figures and colored paints. But all this is made of mastic, the main ingredient of which is colored powdered sugar.

Experienced housewives know that sugar and powdered sugar are not interchangeable products. For example, protein cream whips much better if powdered sugar is added to it. And if you replace the powder granulated sugar, you can spoil the whole impression of the cake - sugar will grind on your teeth. Make your own powdered sugar and delight your loved ones with culinary delights!

Video: how to make powdered sugar

Modern cosmetics manufacturers offer many options for powder. different shades. But sometimes situations arise when suitable powder picking is very difficult. It happens that a suitable color is chosen, but the powder causes allergies, and the other is suitable for the skin, but the tone is not what we would like. Those who cannot find a powder for their skin type can make it at home. This powder is suitable for all skin types.

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Photo gallery: How to make cosmetic powder do it yourself

Preparation of herbal powder

For the manufacture of vegetable powder, you will need 1 teaspoon of American elm bark (powder), comfrey root and kaolin, as well as 100 g of arrowroot root. Mix all ingredients and sift into a glass bowl. Add a drop of lavender, rose or orange oil to this powder. After that, gently mix everything with a wooden spoon. In the resulting mixture, add beetroot powder. One pinch to start. Beet powder is needed to give the powder a certain color. To select the desired tone, the prepared powder must be applied to the face. If the tone does not suit, you need to add a little more beetroot powder and add until you get desired tone. Store this powder in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.

Making corn starch powder

To prepare the powder, you will need ¼ cup of cornstarch, as well as some eye shadow or blush. You need to take a sieve and sift the starch, and knead the blush shade with a mortar. Shadows should be the color that is needed for the powder. After the shadows are kneaded, starch should be added to them little by little, until the desired tone is obtained. To improve the color of the powder, you can add a little golden shadow.

Making rice powder

To make rice powder you will need glass jar, boiled water and 1.5 st. l. rice. The jar needs to be sterilized, then rinse the rice, place it in a jar and pour boiled water over it. After that, the jar of rice should be placed in a cold place and closed. black cloth. Once a day, you need to drain the water from the jar, rinse the rice, wash the jar, and then put it back, pouring it with boiled water. This procedure must be repeated for eight days, after which the rice will become soft. Drain the water, crush the rice in a mortar to a mushy state. Pour the resulting slurry clean water, mix and let settle. After that, pour white water into a clean jar.

After the water has been drained, the rice needs to be crushed again, pour water, mix, let stand and drain the white water. After an hour, a precipitate will appear in a jar of white water, then after two hours you need to drain the water, leaving a precipitate. The sediment must be passed through a napkin, which was previously placed in a sieve. A napkin covered with a white coating should be left to dry in the air, but not in the sun. It will take about 14 hours to dry the wipes. It must be placed in a mortar and crushed. The resulting powder must be sieved through nylon and put on white paper to dry. When the powder dries, you need to carefully pour it into a small jar.

The resulting rice powder is used in cosmetic purposes. For example, it is applied at night as a mask on problem areas of the skin. This powder gives the skin a matte tone, evens out the color and cleanses the face. Rice powder does not dry out the skin. Store it like any other powder.

Making oatmeal powder

To make powder, you need 3 tbsp. l. oatmeal. It is ground and soaked in water for three hours. After this time, you need to ceiling again and stir the oatmeal. Then the precipitate is drained three times. After the sediment settles, the water must be drained, and the sediment is passed through a sieve. The plaque that remains must be dried, then ground in a mortar and sifted through a sieve. The resulting powder must be dried a little and then placed in a small jar.

Production of mineral powder

To prepare mineral powder, you need 6 ml of 30% mickey, talc, white clay or chalk. In addition, you will need 3 ml of 15% silk powder, 6 ml of mickey "sericite", 1.5 ml of silica microspheres and 7.5% of aquafluid and zinc oxide and 0.5 ml of mickey color light shade(2.5%). All ingredients must be mixed and crushed in the introduction, then placed in a jar with a tight lid.

Mineral powder evens out skin tone and gives it matte shade. In addition, you can add a dye, such as yellow, red 1/3 of yellow or 5% blue of the total color. The dye will give the skin more natural color. Yellow dye attached warm shade. Powder can be used as a base tone or over foundation.

When using mineral powder, the skin becomes more silky and acquires shine, in addition, it has antibacterial properties and dries the skin, and also prevents the growth of bacteria. The skin becomes more even and smooth.

Useful properties of homemade powder

Homemade powder is suitable for everyone age categories, and for all skin types. It is especially suitable for those with sensitive skin. The use of such a powder allows the skin to breathe, the pores remain free. The use of this powder helps to avoid inflammation, and also reduces sebaceous secretions. The skin becomes healthier and more radiant.

Powder made at home is in no way inferior to the powder that is sold in stores. We can even say that homemade powder has a number of advantages, since it is made only from natural ingredients. Who are the cases when powder manufacturers do not indicate some of the components that are included in its composition, and which can cause harm or cause allergies, and in the case of homemade powder this will not happen, since all components are known. In addition, when making powder, you can add so much dye to get exactly the tone you need. Homemade powder helps hide under-eye circles and other skin imperfections, and evens out skin tone. This powder is used under makeup, as well as to protect the skin from oily sheen. In addition, homemade powder serves as some protection against ultraviolet rays, after its use the skin takes on a healthier look.

Today, there is an abundance on the shelves of cosmetic stores - the choice of care products, in particular face powder, is huge. Among the many expensive trend products, you can find budget options. Although, it is not always possible to be sure of the quality of the ingredients included in their composition, and choosing among all this variety what is right for you is a rather difficult task. Therefore, cosmetics prepared by oneself are becoming more common. In this article, we will look at how to make face powder at home, what ingredients are needed, and how homemade face powder is superior to store-bought.

The disadvantages of creating powder at home include the fact that this process is not fast and requires some effort. But the effect of the created product will please the most demanding beauty. After all, hand-made powder is universal - it suitable for women any age with any type of skin. You can be one hundred percent sure of the safety of such powder, because you prepared it yourself! And, of course, it will cost you much less than its store counterparts, and it can become yours.

Homemade powder has many wonderful properties:

  • does not clog pores
  • evens out complexion
  • prevents pimples and inflammation
  • eliminates greasy shine
  • conceals dark shadows under the eyes
  • protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation and aggressive environment
  • fixes makeup

Types of homemade powder

Powders that you can create at home on your own are divided into two types:

  1. Herbal powders
  2. Mineral powders

The first are created from what almost any housewife has in her kitchen cabinet - rice, oatmeal, starch, various herbs. A mineral powders, as the name implies, they contain minerals - miki sericite, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide.

Herbal powders

Plant components have a beneficial effect on the epidermis, treat acne and pimples, make the skin matte and moisturized. Due to the presence of trace elements and vitamins in its composition, plant components make the skin more elastic, fresh and noticeably rejuvenated.

starch powder

IN cosmetic products quite often used corn starch, which perfectly treats various skin diseases. It is a milky white powder obtained by special processing of corn. Based on it, you can make homemade face powder. The recipe is extremely simple.

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 2 tbsp green clay powder
  • cocoa powder (just a little, to add color)
  • mortar and pestle
  • strainer


Gently sift the starch, green clay powder and cocoa powder through a strainer. Then mix the starch and clay, grind with a pestle in a mortar until smooth. Now add cocoa in small portions so that your mixture gets the shade you need. After that, carefully grind the resulting powder again. Ready! It remains only to pour our mixture into a jar.

Green clay is an excellent absorbent. She absorbs excess sebum and sweat, leaving your face completely matte.

herbal powder

We will need:

  • larkspur powder
  • arrowroot (arrowroot powder)
  • white clay powder
  • red elm bark powder
  • beetroot powder (for tint)
  • lavender or orange essential oil
  • wooden spoon


Mix 1 part powders of livestock, arrowroot, clay and red elm bark, add 1 drop of the selected essential oil, stir. Then create the shade you want by adding beetroot powder in small portions to the resulting mixture. Pour the product into a jar and screw on the lid tightly.

Zhivokost has the ability to stimulate the regeneration of skin cells, which leads to natural tissue rejuvenation. White clay has excellent absorbent properties. Arrowroot powder is a natural thickener, gives a soft, silky texture to powders, mattifies the skin and is a great alternative to talc. Red elm bark has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

rice powder

Rice powder is just a salvation for the skin! It accelerates the healing process of small lesions, giving the skin a matte finish, has good absorption, cleans the pores.

We will need:

  • 3 tbsp round rice
  • boiled water at room temperature
  • mortar and pestle
  • 2 glass jars


At the beginning, the rice needs to be sorted out and washed several times.

Pour the cereal into a sterilized jar, pour water into it, cover with a piece of clean cloth and leave in a cool place. Change water 2-3 times a day. After a week, drain the water from the jar, grind the rice to a mushy state, pour in clean water and mix. Carefully pour the cloudy water into the second jar so that the grains of rice remain at the bottom of the first jar. After an hour, you will see a white precipitate at the bottom. Carefully drain the water, strain this sediment through a paper filter. What remains on the filter is the preparation of our future powder! Dry it for 12 hours, then pass it through a thin nylon and crush the resulting powder in a mortar. All! You can pour the mixture into a jar for storage and use with pleasure!

oatmeal powder

Powdered oat flakes help to cope with oily sheen, do not cause allergic reactions and have no contraindications for use. The effect of oatmeal will not be slow to reflect on your appearance: the face will become soft and smooth, and its color will be even and radiant. Oatmeal powder cooks much faster than rice powder.

We will need:

  • 3 tbsp hercules
  • 2 glass jars


Sort and carefully grind the hercules, pour it into a jar and pour water. Leave the mixture to stand for a couple of hours, and then grind again. Drain the cloudy water into the second jar, pour clean water and stir. Do this a few more times, each time pouring the cloudy water into the jar. Wait for the sediment to settle in the second jar, drain the water (thick should remain on the bottom) and filter the residue with a paper filter. Let the resulting slurry dry, then gently crush in a mortar and pestle. Place in a storage container.

Mineral powders

Minerals, despite their seemingly scary names, have an extremely beneficial effect on the condition. skin. They provide the skin with hydration, nutrition, treat inflammation and dry pimples. Cosmetics based on minerals prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation. And what is important, the minerals are absolutely natural and hypoallergenic, which means they can be used for any type of skin. You can find them in specialized stores, in particular, in online stores.

How to make powder at home from minerals?

For this we need:

  • 3 g mika sericite
  • 0.7 g titanium dioxide
  • 0.3 g zinc oxide
  • pigments yellow, red, blue flowers(oxides of iron or chromium)
  • grinder (or a bag with a zip-lock for grinding the powder)
  • measuring spoon
  • toothpick


First, mix the pigments to create a color base.

Exists next rule to create an average skin color: 3 parts of yellow are combined with 0.25 parts of blue and 0.25 parts of red pigments. If your skin has a yellowish tint, then the blue pigment will need a little less. For a pinkish tint, the red pigment should prevail over the blue. For an olive undertone, take a little more blue pigment and a little less red.

Once the desired color is obtained, prepare the base by mixing mika sericite, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Grind the mixture in the grinder (special hand device for grinding substances) or in a bag, tightly closing it and placing it between your fingers (you need to grind for about half an hour, in the grinder this process will take less time). Then gradually and carefully add the color base at the tip of the toothpick to the base until you get the shade you want. finished product pour into the container in which it will be stored.

Additional components

In addition to all the ingredients listed above, if desired, you can add to homemade powder:

  1. cinnamon which is exceptionally rich in vitamins. It will help get rid of excessive pallor or earthy color face and give it a pleasant shade.
  2. red clay, which will help to forget about irritations, redness, peeling and itching.
  3. yellow clay, which contains a lot of potassium and iron. They actively remove toxins and enrich epithelial cells with oxygen.
  4. white clay, which has antibacterial properties, tightens pores and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  5. blue clay, to get a whitening effect and lighten even freckles and dark spots. Blue clay accelerates intradermal metabolic processes and gives a rejuvenating effect.
  6. Green tea fights toxins and has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Selection of components according to skin type

To get the most benefit from using it, you need to know which ingredients are best suited for a particular skin type.

  • at sensitive skin the ideal would be the use of rice, yellow, blue and red clay
  • get rid of oily sheen you can use green tea, cinnamon, starch, white, yellow, red and blue clay
  • dry type the use of cinnamon, rice, red and blue clay is recommended
  • if you have problem skin , choose cinnamon, white, red, blue and green clay
  • for tired, dull skin the best choice would be red and blue clay, cinnamon

Rules for storage and use

Homemade powder is best preserved in porcelain or glass container with a wide neck (for example, in a jar of cream) or in a special jar with a sifter - a lid with small holes. Powder should be applied with a clean, thick mineral foundation brush, which will ensure economical use of the product and even coverage. Movements during application should be circular and soft so that the powder falls on the face, and does not fly through the air.