Paper snowflake is easy and simple. Paper snowflakes. #8 Threads and paper plate

Most beautiful paper masterpieces obtained if you know how to fold paper for a New Year's snowflake. Only in nature these wonderful carved snowflakes there are 6-ray ones, but together with the children we can make a 4-ray snowflake, 6, and even a snowflake with 8 rays.

In order for your snowflake to turn out well, you must first pick up thin paper. It is better to use tracing paper or thin paper for cutting snowflakes. paper napkins. This will make it easier to cut out small details on paper folded in several layers.

For thin openwork snowflakes, you need to take small (you can manicure) scissors. If you are carving snowflakes with children, then warn them to be careful and not cut themselves.

How many rays our New Year's snowflake will have depends on how you fold the paper. Let's try to put together different snowflakes together.

Three ways to fold the correct 6-ray snowflake

In this video I'll show you how to different ways fold the correct snowflake.

Scheme of folding a classic 6-ray snowflake

Correct (as in nature) 6 ray snowflakes. they turn out very pretty.

To fold the correct snowflake, take a square piece of paper. To practice, first cut out a square from an A4 sheet, and then you can make smaller snowflakes.

Fold the square as shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2. Most difficult moment folding - this is point 3 and 4. It is necessary to calculate the angle so that the edges of the paper converge, i.e. angle will be the same. Then just cut off the excess paper with scissors.

After that, draw a pattern on the triangle. Can be taken ready template snowflakes or dream up and make your own unique New Year's snowflake.

Scheme of folding a 4-ray snowflake

Four-ray snowflakes are the simplest. Such snowflakes are cut even by small children. Folding such a snowflake out of paper is simple, and it is also easy to cut it out. Look at the scheme for folding a 4-ray snowflake.

Fold a square sheet of paper diagonally. Then fold the resulting triangle again and draw thin with a simple pencil the outline along which you will cut.

How to fold an 8-ray snowflake

An eight-ray snowflake is easy to fold. Look at step by step photos by folding. Fold the square sheet in half and the resulting triangle in half 2 more times. Cut off the excess paper. Draw a snowflake and cut it out. You will get a snowflake with 8 rays.

Knowing how to cut a snowflake out of paper can be useful for both a child and an adult: paper snowflakes - good foundation for many winter crafts and room decor. How to make paper snowflakes?

Using interesting patterns, you can make the most unusual snowflakes from plain white paper.

Snow... Adults say it's frozen water, but children know better: it's little stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

Simple paper snowflakes: cutting templates

Choose suitable pattern, print and cut along the contour. Print out the templates and cut out the snowflake.

Paper snowflake 4

Origami paper snowflake (fold and cut out)

Before you do, you need to fold the paper a simple workpiece, on which in the future the scheme for cutting will be applied.

To do this, we take a white square sheet. You can use blue, blue and even colored paper- depending on what your imagination tells you. We select the density of the sheet, taking into account the purpose for which the snowflake is made. So, it is better to use thicker paper to create snowflakes - pendants: they will retain their shape well and will not tear from accidental touch. It is convenient to decorate windows and various crafts with thin airy snowflakes.

Gently fold it diagonally and point the top of the resulting triangle down.

Fold the triangle in half again. It turns out a smaller triangle, the top of which we again point down.

We combine the sides of this triangle with the central line that divides it in half. We get a narrow triangle with an uneven base, the top of which, for convenience, is directed upwards.

Align the base of the triangle by carefully cutting it with scissors in a straight line.

Look at the video detailed instructions: how to fold and cut a snowflake out of paper?

That's all! We made the basis for cutting paper snowflakes! Now we will apply cutting patterns to such bases in order to get different types snowflakes. For convenience, print out the template and draw it on the prepared paper sheet. If you get the hang of it, you can print the template on the sheet from which the snowflake will be cut out in the future, for this, the picture must be placed in one of the corners of the sheet, choosing the optimal print scale.

Having cut the paper along the drawn contour and unfolded the base, you will see in front of you openwork snowflake unique form. For cutting small contours, use the smallest scissors, including those with a curved edge. You can also use a sharp clerical knife, in which case the workpiece is placed on thick cardboard, a wooden or plastic board, the surface of which is not a pity to damage.

Especially beautiful are paper snowflakes, the patterns for cutting which are a symmetrical pattern.

Snowflake in origami technique (video):

Snowflakes - ballerinas: templates for cutting

Ballerina snowflakes are incredibly delicate and elegant. You can hang them on a lamp Christmas tree or decorate a window with them. We fold a sheet of paper and put on it a template on which we will cut.

Cut out according to the chosen pattern.

Now we need to cut out the silhouette of the ballerina. Select one or more silhouettes.

Print out the silhouette of a ballerina and cut it out.

We should get a silhouette of a ballerina and a snowflake.

We dress the snowflake on the ballerina like a pack and fix it with glue.

We tie a thread to the handle of the ballerina.

An elegant and delicate snowflake-ballerina made of paper is ready!

A lot of snowflakes can turn any room into a real one. winter fairy tale, and any window - into a picture drawn by a magician - frost!

Watch how to make a snow ballerina in the video:

Volumetric paper snowflake - the best decoration For great hall or rooms. It is not difficult to make it at all, you just need to carefully follow our instructions. For crafts, colored paper of medium thickness is best suited.

Cut out a square from paper. We took a square measuring 10 * 10 cm.

Fold it diagonally.

Then fold the resulting triangle one more time.

On the double side of the triangle, we make three cuts at the same distance from each other. We don't cut to the end.

We straighten the snowflake and glue the first two inner ends together. Can be glued with glue or tape.

Turn over and glue the next two ends of the snowflake.

Turn over and glue the next corners.

We glue the last layer of corners.

We make six such rays.

Glue first three rays.

We cover our snowflake with glitter gel.

Volumetric beauty paper snowflakes are ready!

Watch how to make such a snowflake in the video:

Scheme for cutting No. 1 - "cobweb"

This snowflake resembles a light cobweb.

Scheme for cutting No. 2 - "snowflake with stars"

The scheme for cutting out a snowflake with stars.

Scheme for cutting No. 3 - "frosty snowflake"

Scheme for cutting No. 4 - "wavy openwork snowflake"

Scheme for cutting No. 5 - "snowflake with zigzags"

Scheme for cutting No. 6 - "herringbone snowflake"

Scheme for cutting No. 7 - "Staff of Santa Claus"

Scheme for cutting No. 8 - “straight arrows”

The larger and smoother the lines of this pattern, the easier it is to cut. This must be taken into account when choosing schemes that will be used by children.

See how to cut an openwork snowflake step by step? The video clearly shows the process of applying a pattern for cutting.

Samples of snowflakes for cutting No. 1

Snowflake patterns for cutting No. 2 - "geometry"

Samples of snowflakes for cutting No. 3 - "dance"

Snowflake patterns for cutting No. 4

Samples of snowflakes for cutting No. 5

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 1 - “round rays”

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 2 - “sharp rays”

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 3

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 4

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 5

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 6

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 7

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 8

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 9

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 10

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 11

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 12

Stencil for cutting snowflakes No. 13

This snowflake is decorated with tender hearts.

Quilling snowflakes are very delicate and airy. In order to make such a snowflake, we need quilling paper and an awl for winding paper curls (rolls). We make free rolls of white paper.

We flatten the rolls, giving them the shape of droplets.

We make a heart out of paper tape, twisting its edges inward.

We need six of these hearts.

We glue together "droplets" and "hearts" of paper.

From paper turquoise color making free rolls.

Flatten them into a droplet shape.

We glue the turquoise "droplets" at the base in two.

Glue the turquoise "droplets" to the snowflake.

From white paper we make a “lamb” figure, twisting the edges of the ribbon outward.

We need six of these "lambs"

We glue the “lambs” to the snowflakes, laying out the outer layer from them. The quilling paper snowflake is ready!

DIY snowflake garland

From paper snowflakes you can make a beautiful New Year's garland. To do this, cut out a circle from colored paper.

Fold the circle in half.

We fold the workpiece again.

Once again.

We draw markings on the workpiece for future cuts.

Making some of these snowflakes different colors. We glue them together.

straightening paper garland. We got a very elegant Christmas decoration.

Snowflake craft ideas

small and big snowflakes can decorate new year card- a mitten! We wish you happiness this winter!

Paper snowflakes are the best decoration for windows. From paper snowflakes you can make a luxurious New Year's composition. Such a decoration will bring warmth to the hearts of people both on one side and on the other side of the window.

Snowflake - window decoration

Another way to make a snowflake is this. There are a great many options for the execution of drawings, because each snowflake is unique and unrepeatable.

Paper snowflakes (reviews):

I love making snowflakes))) (Alice)

New Year- the most fabulous beautiful holiday in a year that both children and adults look forward to. He personifies not only changes in life, but also gives a little magic to such cruel world reality.

On New Year's holidays, everything around is decorated bright garlands and lanterns, decorate Christmas trees colorful balls, decorate houses with incredible snowflakes. Snowflakes have always been associated with winter holidays most. In a burst of creativity and in order to save money, you can make snowflakes yourself.

I offer several ways to make snowflakes of incredible beauty, and how to decorate a house with them for the holidays.

simple paper snowflake

The easiest way to cut out a snowflake has been known to us since childhood - this is cutting out different figures and curlicues on the sides of a multi-layered sector.
It is very easy to create such paper snowflakes. For this unpretentious business, all you need is fantasy, paper, white or any other, colors, scissors and a pencil.

Step 1

It is necessary to lay out a piece of white or colored paper A4-A5 in size on a hard, flat surface. Then attach a round plate or saucer to it, circle the circle with a pencil and cut it out.

Step 2

The resulting circle must be folded three, if possible four, times in half. We will get a sector in six or eight layers.

Step 3

Now comes the most interesting step - to create beautiful pattern. To do this, you can use your imagination, or use ready-made schemes. The pattern just needs to be drawn on your workpiece with a pencil. Then we take sharp thin scissors, you can use manicure scissors, and carefully cut out the drawn patterns.

Step 4

We unfold the workpiece into its original shape. It turns out a little crumpled, for this you can iron the snowflake with an iron, only necessarily through the fabric and without steam. Or put the workpiece in a book for a while, but this process is much longer than the previous one.

Step 5

To do original snowflake, it can be smeared with glue and sprinkled with sparkles. Or paint watercolor paints in the ombre style - make a transition from one color to another. Or draw bright dots on a snowflake. But at the same time, we must not forget that the paint will significantly soften the paper, so you need to work very carefully. You can cut out a snowflake from foil. Then it will immediately turn out to be a beautiful silver or gold color.

Step 6

The last thing is to hang finished snowflake on a string, ordinary thread or wire. Such a decoration can be placed on a Christmas tree, you can create a whole garland of snowflakes, and decorate a window with it, imitating snowfall, attach it to the ceiling, furniture, wherever your imagination is enough.

Simplified quilling

The latest popular novelty in the manufacture of snowflakes is quilling technology. This method is much more difficult than regular paper cutting, and requires certain skills and time.

I'll tell you how to do volumetric snowflake from paper, but in a slightly asked system than quilling.
To make a snowflake, we need a newspaper or an old unnecessary book, or a stack of paper, but always soft so that it easily succumbs to deformation. As well as scissors, thread, glue and glitter.

Step 1

From paper, you need to cut strips measuring 2 cm X 20 cm on average. You can choose the size yourself, depending on the size of the snowflake you want to get as a result. To start, you should have seven stacks, each with 6-10 strips. Adjust the number of strips depending on the thickness of the paper: the strips should bend easily, but keep their shape.

Step 2

Fold the strips in half and bring them together. Make it so middle lane was longer than others, the side ones were slightly smaller, as in the image. You can cut off the excess length. Tie such a petal with a thread and put it under some heavy object, be it a book or desk lamp.

In the original, you must make eight of these petals.

Step 3

Cut another stack of 15 strips of the same length. Twist the stack into a small ring and tie with a thread. For strength and reliability, you can lubricate the strips with glue so that they do not unwind.

Step 4

Lubricate the end of the petal with plenty of glue and attach to the ringlet. Hold for a while so that the petal adheres securely.
Repeat the same process for all petals.

Step 5

When the snowflake has dried and is completely ready, its edges can be lightly greased with glue and sprinkled with sparkles, or you can decorate it with the color you like.

Step 6

Attach with glue or simply thread a thread through the petal. You will get an original and beautiful voluminous toy for Christmas tree or element New Year's decor for home.

Children's snowflake

Doing crafts with children is very useful activity, which not only develops creative imagination, but also instills in the child perseverance and accuracy. On New Year's Eve you can do funny snowflakes to decorate a child's room.

To do this, you will need cardboard, scissors, glue, scraps of fabric, glitter, colored pencils and eyes, which are sold in stationery stores, although you can simply draw them.

Step 1

You need to print a diagram or, if you draw well and come up with your own snowflake, you need to draw it on cardboard. When the diagram is ready, cut it out.

Step 2

Glue the eyes or draw them, as you prefer. We finish the mouth, nose, eyebrows. Color the snowflake with pencils in the color you like.

Step 3

From fabric or colored paper, cut out a snowflake hat, belt and other details that you came up with. We glue them to the snowflakes and decorate them with sequins, beads, beads, or whatever is at hand.

Step 4

The finished snowflake does not have to be hung on a Christmas tree or window. It can be attached with double-sided tape to the wall near the child's bed, and the New Year's atmosphere is provided.

These are just the basic ideas of how you can decorate your house for the New Year holidays. The rest is up to your imagination!

Happy needlework!

This step by step guide will teach you how to make SIX-pointed paper snowflakes. Most people make (or most tutorials teach how to make) 4- or 8-point options. In nature, snowflakes always have 6 vertices (on extreme case, three). I decided to be closer to nature, and chose the option with 6 ends. I myself learned this technique at school, and every year before the New Year I make a lot of snowflakes.
All you need for this project is paper and scissors. Some people use some kind of colored, fancy paper, but I cut out pure white snowflakes - it's easier and more natural.

Stage 1: Starting with a square

Start simply with a square white sheet. I usually make two snowflakes from each A4 sheet, so first I cut it in half, then I cut a square out of each half. The size of the snowflakes is about 10 cm. If you are just learning, it's easier to start with bigger size snowflakes, cutting out one from a whole sheet of A4.

Making a square out of a rectangle is very easy. Lay the sheet in front of you and attach one of the top corners of the sheet to the opposite side so that an isosceles triangle is formed (such as you see in the photo). The extra piece of the sheet just needs to be cut off evenly.

Step 2: Fold in half

Fold the square diagonally to form a triangle.

Stage 3: Cut in half again

Fold the resulting triangle in half again to make a smaller triangle.

Step 4: Triple fold

Imagine a triangle divided into three equal parts, and fold it in three. If you like to be precise, you can use a protractor, each third equals a 30 degree angle.

Step 5: Fold Again

Bend and fold the left third. Try to keep the folds clear and all thirds are equal. This will make the snowflake as symmetrical as possible.

Step 6: Cut off the top

cut off upper edge paper at an angle. Make sure you cut off all layers of the folded paper so that the cut is the same on all sides of the snowflake. The corner cut forms the tops of the snowflake. In time you will learn to cut under different angles to make more or less sharp peaks.

Stage 7: Pattern

And this is where your imagination comes into play. Start cutting pieces different shapes on the sides of the folded paper. Smaller triangles are easiest to cut out, but don't forget to experiment with different shapes.
For this snowflake, I slightly changed the top edge so that my tops are of a different shape. I also cut out a couple of "thorns" inside. Use your imagination to decorate!
I don't use any stencils for my snowflakes, I just cut and design as I go. I never get two of the same. Sometimes I find some elements that I like and use them in several snowflakes, but I have never completely copied the ornament.

Stage 8: Reversal

Once the cut is complete, carefully unfold the snowflake.
At first the snowflake will not be even and flat, so I usually put the snowflake between the pages of the book for a while to make it even. I also ironed them (between two sheets of paper) to make them perfectly smooth. In this case, be careful as the paper can become very hot (never use a steamer!). Therefore, before taking a snowflake in your hands, let it cool down. And of course, remember the flammability of paper.
Ironing will make the snowflake a little stiffer, which is great if you plan on hanging it up rather than gluing it to some surface.

Stage 9: Inspiration


  • Use sharp scissors and keep your hands clean. Dirty hands leave footprints on the snowflakes, which is not very festive!
  • Some people recommend using nail scissors, they are easier to cut intricate patterns. I don't like it for two reasons. Firstly, nail scissors are uncomfortable to hold in your hand. And is it important. Secondly, you can go too far with the ornateness of the pattern, too many tiny cuts and insufficient cutting along the contours can turn a snowflake into a lacy doily. The look and feel is lost.
  • Snowflake carving experts recommend using tracing paper and an X-acto knife for finer ornaments and more perfect symmetry. But I still prefer plain paper and scissors - they are in every home and are safe for children, you can cut snowflakes together.
  • Some people cut out snowflakes from wrapping paper or other colorful paper. You can use any material to create the desired effect. Pure is closer to my soul, White paper simply because I wildly like to create beauty from something simple and ordinary.

Cutting process:

  • I usually make my snowflakes while I sit on a couch or chair with a coffee table in front of me, holding a small trash can at my feet. On the table it is convenient for me to fold the paper, and then I sit comfortably and cut out the ornament, throwing the scraps into the urn. So I don't litter around me in the process.
  • When folding paper, steps 4-5 are the most difficult, especially dividing the triangle into three equal parts “by eye”. When you fold the second side part, it often turns out that it is not equal to the other two. Then you have to unfold and bend the parts over again, and so on until you get three equal parts. The more identical parts you get, the more symmetrical the snowflake will be in the turn. Given the thickness of the paper and the number of folds, getting a perfectly symmetrical snowflake is next to impossible. The biggest asymmetry will be in the center: look at my snowflakes. The asterisk in the center of some of them is not perfect. Real snowflakes also have defects, so don't worry too much about it.
  • Avoid what I call "voids". This is when you cut out the snowflake in step 7, and leave a large space of paper without any cuts. Any place on a snowflake more than half a centimeter can be decorated, for example, with the same “thorns” that I cut out in my snowflake. Otherwise, when you unroll the snowflake, you end up with a rough ornament instead of a patterned, detailed snowflake. Too flickering in the pattern is also not worth it, it is better to use small and large details together.

Snowflake decoration:

  • Stick a small piece of double-sided sticky tape on each top of the snowflake and stick it on the surface to be decorated. I like to hang them on windows so they can be seen both from inside and outside. At night they look beautiful in the dark.
  • You can also hang snowflakes from the ceiling, but be careful as they are quite fragile. For such purposes, it would be better to cut out snowflakes with thicker outlines and not too detailed ornamentation (think of a snowflake with a wide “skeleton and small details around the main lines). for hanging suitable white thread or line.
  • Snowflakes can be beautifully decorated New Year gifts gifts instead of bows. I like to just stick one snowflake on gift box and a postcard with the recipient's name over a snowflake. lacy snowflake creates beautiful background for signature.
  • Don't throw away the A4 cutoffs after cutting out the squares. Use this paper to cut out small snowflakes that hang beautifully between larger ones. This will create beautiful effect placers and allows you to fill the space between large snowflakes. Unfortunately, this idea came to me after I took the photos below.

Step 10: Analyze it

If you want to try to copy the snowflakes you saw somewhere, then you need to understand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you can repeat someone else's drawing. Looking at the finished snowflake, try to visualize a repeating fragment of the ornament. This snowflake contains 12 identical pieces. This will be the fragment between the two lines. One line bisects the top, going from the center. And the second line runs between the two vertices in the middle. You can imagine a snowflake as a clock, and the lines we need are between 12 and 13 o'clock. See the markings in the photo.
This fragment shows which cuts need to be made on both sides in order to end up with the same snowflake. If you look at a dark background, then all the dark fragments are what you need to cut out.

From time to time I try to copy real snowflakes that I find in a book or on the Internet. Of course, it is impossible to completely recreate a snow crystal, since a snowflake has a very complex structure, and this volumetric figure, not flat. Snowflakes are often multi-layered, and we are dealing with just one piece of paper ... However, you can try to get as close as possible to the shape of a real snowflake.
Real snowflakes have a lot of "gaps" in patterns that don't look good when transferred to paper. I flipped through the whole book of snowflake photographs, and there were very few copies that looked like simple hexagons with simple details. If the snowflake you have chosen has too many “ free space”, still use it in a paper copy, complicating the pattern. Since this is not an exact copy, you can improve it without any problems!
Use the technique described in step 10. Imagine that the snowflake is a cake and the repeating pattern is a piece of cake. Or think of the snowflake as the face of a clock.
Above are examples of snowflakes that I tried to copy from real ones. I added a photo indicating the repeating fragment.

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"Beauty snowflake" Master class with step by step photos.

Paper cut snowflake.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 8 "Aistenok", Michurinsk
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating the premises for the New Year, Christmas holidays, a gift, Christmas decorations, can serve as work for the New Year, Christmas exhibition, competition.
Target: making paper snowflakes.
Learn how to cut paper snowflakes.
Introduce the technique of cutting 6 and 8 ray snowflakes.
Develop scissor skills Creative skills, imagination, fantasy, aesthetic taste.
To cultivate diligence, patience, accuracy, the desire to bring the work begun to the end, the desire to do something pleasant for relatives and friends.

Dear colleagues, today I want to present a master class on cutting paper snowflake. Everyone once cut out snowflakes from paper. Have you noticed that a miracle is happening? They folded a simple sheet of paper, cut it out, cut it out ... And you don’t even mean that you are doing magic with your own hands, which happens on New Year’s Eve! What happens there is not clear. Then carefully unfold and ... This is no longer a simple sheet of paper, this is beauty! The symmetry of a snowflake fascinates, attracts the eye, you want to look at it, admire it.
This master class is designed for children from 6 years old. The work will be of interest to everyone who loves to create, to please friends and relatives on Christmas holidays.

Some interesting information:
Once upon a time, people believed that snow or rain were water droplets. IN warm time Years pour from the clouds like rain, and in winter they fly out like snowflakes. But scientists have proven that snowflakes are not formed from water droplets, but are obtained from steam.
This vapor is constantly in the air. He rises high into the sky, where it is very cold. There the water vapor turns into tiny pieces of ice. The pieces of ice move, collide and cling to each other. So they grow, become bigger and bigger. And they begin to fall to the ground with beautiful snow stars.

Ah, beautiful and sweet!
How could she become like this?
All of the rays are needles.
But needles are not from Christmas trees!
And so delicate!
I'll get her now!
Today I bring to your attention a master class on making paper snowflakes.
Materials needed for work:
1. Sheet of A4 paper
2. Scissors.
3. Simple pencil

Rules for handling scissors:
1. Before work, check the tool. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
2. Do not hold scissors upside down, do not carry them in your pocket.
3. Do not use scissors with a loose hinge.
4. Do not cut with scissors on the go, do not approach your comrades during work, do not leave the scissors with open blades.
5. Pass scissors only in closed, rings in the direction of a friend.
6. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.
7. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
8. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Step by step workflow:
Paper for cutting snowflakes, you can take office, colored paper for children's creativity, origami paper.
1 Way. Cutting out an 8-ray snowflake.
It is easier to lay down such a snowflake base for children of preschool and primary school age.
We fold the blank for the snowflake from square sheet paper, so cut off the excess

The resulting triangle is folded in half along the perpendicular to the base

Fold in half again, connecting the sharp corners of the triangle

Fold again, aligning the sides

Cut off the excess. The resulting triangle is the basis for the snowflake.

A simple pattern can be cut immediately without preparation:

Such a snowflake turned out

2 way. Cutting out a 6-ray snowflake.
You need to fold the paper to make a regular hexagon
Starting to fold from a square

Place the triangle upside down

The expanded angle of the base of the triangle is divided into three equal angles

We wrap one sharp corner photo

We impose a second acute angle on it

Trim straight to make a triangle

Fold triangle in half

Using a simple pencil, we apply a drawing to the base.

Cut out the shaded part

Unroll carefully. Got a snowflake.

You can make the pattern more interesting by cutting out small triangles, stripes, etc.

The same snowflake will be more carved and beautiful

We will cut out the next snowflake without a pencil sketch. The thinner the pattern on the base, the more beautiful the snowflake will turn out.

Connect fantasy, cut as you like

Cut until there is very little paper left on the base.

Carefully deploy

And here she is - our beauty

Using such snowflakes, we decorate the group to New Year holidays

What if we insert the most beautiful snowflake in a frame? It turned out like this: