How long does mascara last when closed? How to store mascara. The specifics of using mascara

The shelf life of mascara is a very important requirement when using cosmetics. This accessory is very common and can be found in every woman's makeup bag. In order for mascara to stay like new for a long time, you must follow very simple rules regarding its storage and use.

Main characteristics

The expiration date of absolutely any product or product is always stuffed by the manufacturer on the packaging or on the item itself. In the case of mascara, there are several options. The expiration date can be specified in this order:

  • Batch number, date and time of issue. For example, the expiration date is 12 months. It is from this date that the expiration date will be counted.
  • The batch number, date and time of issue are indicated immediately, taking into account the period of use of the product. In this case, there is no need to remember the date.
  • The batch number and release date of the product may not be on the product at all, but there is a final date and year of expiration.
  • Before using mascara for makeup, it is necessary to check its expiration date in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the future. Because the eyes are the most sensitive organ in the human body. If the expiration date is coming to an end, and the mascara itself has not been opened, that is, air has not entered it, then in this case it can be used.

    Each mascara has a label that allows you to understand how long after opening it you can use this product.

    This marking is indicated by a capital letter "M", and an open bottle is shown next to it.

    The manufacturer almost always indicates a shelf life of 12 months in order to produce a large number of products, thereby insuring himself. In fact, after opening the tool, the safe use time will be 3-4 months (no more). For example, even on the eyelashes, a lot of bacteria accumulate, which subsequently enter the mascara and then through it to the mucous membrane of the eye.

    If you use dry mascara in everyday makeup, then in reality its shelf life will be exactly six months. And do not look at the date indicated by the manufacturer.

    In addition to the need to monitor the expiration date, you should pay attention to the consistency of the product. If the mascara began to crumble or simply dried up, then you should not show miracles of ingenuity and dilute it with water or other means. Another sign of unsuitability is an unpleasant specific smell.

    Knowing all these nuances and observing the storage rules, you can significantly extend the life of the cosmetic product.

    The recommendations that are attached to the product are given not just to fill the space on the package, but as an aid. How to store mascara correctly? The main thing is not to store it in the bathroom, where it is warm and humid. This is a perishable product, so for a long service life it needs a certain temperature regime. To prevent this cosmetics from spoiling ahead of time, a chest of drawers or any place where direct sunlight does not fall will be an ideal place to store it.

    The most common way to quickly spoil the carcass is when the brush moves back and forth repeatedly.

    With each movement, a lot of air enters the tube, which leads to the drying of the product before its expiration date. In order to prevent this unfortunate misunderstanding, it is enough to turn the brush in one direction or the other.

    Another common mistake many women make. Namely: the remnants of the product on the brush are often wiped on the edge of the tube. These actions lead to the fact that the tube stops closing carefully and lets air through. Such negligence leads to rapid drying and premature expiration of the shelf life. After reading all the requirements listed above, you will know how to store your mascara. Good luck!

    Every cosmetic must have an expiration date. There are several options for specifying the date. Most often, the day until which you need to use a cosmetic product is indicated. In other cases, the tube contains the production date and the period after which the product can no longer be used. The shelf life is from 18 to 36 months. Even if you have never used cosmetics, and the expiration date has expired, it is not recommended to use the products in the future. Don't risk your health and beauty.

    The shelf life starts from the moment the vial is opened. When exposed to air, any cosmetic product begins to deteriorate. Therefore, after opening a bottle of mascara, it must be used within 3-4 months. Many cosmetologists reduce the specified period to 1.5–2 months. It is necessary to monitor the smell and texture. The unsuitability of a cosmetic product can be recognized by an unpleasant pungent odor. If the consistency is too dry, or, conversely, very liquid, this means that the storage rules were not followed and it is better not to use such a product.

    How to properly store cosmetics

    Having bought new cosmetics, all women want it to last as long as possible. Then many girls face the question of how to store mascara so that it does not lose its magical properties.

    It must be remembered that long-term storage depends not only on the conditions, but also on the careful use of the product. When coloring eyelashes, you do not need to lower the brush into the tube several times in a row. In this case, air will enter the vial, which can lead to the growth of bacteria or to rapid drying. It is better to dip the brush once and just scroll it around its axis.

    If there is a lot of product left on the brush, carefully remove the excess with a napkin. Do not wipe the brush on the edge of the tube. Otherwise, dried lumps will not allow you to tightly close the bottle. To limit airflow, you can cover the tube with your finger while you color your eyelashes.

    Don't forget about temperature and humidity. Room temperature is suitable for storage, so you should not keep it near the battery and in the refrigerator. The bathroom is not a place to store cosmetics. Too much moisture can adversely affect the consistency of the product. Mascara is stored in a dry, dark place, a bedside table drawer is suitable.

    If the mascara begins to dry out, do not dilute it with water, oils, eye drops, or anything else. Actions lead to the multiplication of bacteria in the vial. The use of the product causes inflammation of the eyes. You can substitute the product under a stream of hot water: the mascara will heat up and become liquid. Use the method 1 time.

    Recommendations on how to store mascara are helpful. Following the rules, you can use the cosmetic for 3-4 months. When the time is up, the mascara is thrown away, even if the consistency suits. Together with the air, bacteria enter the tube, which cause eye diseases. 3-4 months are recognized as a safe period under the storage conditions.

    The eyes have an amazing ability to start a conversation before the lips move, and can continue to speak when the lips have long been closed ...

    The eyes of a woman are a mirror of the soul, which must be looked after and protected. Mascara can rightly be called the basis of any cosmetic bag. It is indispensable, easy to use, has a convenient compact size. can make the look seductive and mysterious. It is dear to every girl, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to properly store and use ink. Here are some helpful tips for you.

    To store Mascara right, know that she does not like heat and excessive cold, as well as direct sunlight. A cosmetic bag in a nightstand or closet is the most neutral and cozy place to store ink. It is generally not recommended to store any cosmetics in the bathroom. Near heat sources, cosmetics dry faster or become unusable. The mascara tube must be tightly closed, as the product dries very quickly. Dried mascara should not be diluted with water or anything else. Microorganisms develop in it quite quickly and can cause inflammation of the eyelids, lacrimation, and loss of eyelashes.

    Signs of a damaged product:
    glues eyelashes
    does not fit well

    How to choose mascara for eye color?
    Blue mascara
    Blue mascara is able to hide tired eyes and gives the eye whites a blue tint. Among the huge variety of its shades - from electric blue to royal turquoise - you can easily choose your own. However, such mascara is not suitable for everyone. She will look great in makeup for brown eyes, especially if blue eyeshadow is used. But blue mascara is categorically contraindicated for green, gray and blue eyes. She makes them pale and inexpressive. If you have a different eye color, use blue mascara only if this color is present in your makeup and clothing. Otherwise, such mascara will look completely inappropriate on the eyes.
    Purple mascara.
    As a rule, purple mascara is a great option that can emphasize the beauty of gray-blue eyes. But it also suits gray-eyed, brown-eyed and green-eyed girls. Its rich plum shade can look very sophisticated and sophisticated. Purple mascara looks especially good in combination with dark hair. In daytime makeup, purple mascara can be used with warm berry eye shadows and chocolate brown eyeliner. It will look very nice if you first paint your eyelashes with black mascara, and only emphasize their tips with purple.
    Green mascara.
    For brunettes with dark and green eyes, as well as light-eyed brown-haired women with fair skin, green mascara is perfect. In addition, combined with silver, pearl eyeshadows and silver eyeliner, as well as shades of malachite and marine shades, this mascara will emphasize the beauty of emerald green and olive eyes. Dark green or swamp mascara gives brown eyes a beautiful olive tint and makes them brighter and more expressive. In general, there are several options for using green mascara. For everyday natural makeup, you can only slightly touch the edge of the upper lashes with a brush. But for an evening look, using mascara in two colors at once would be a good option. For example, make up the lower eyelashes with green, and the upper with purple mascara. You can also paint over the upper lashes with darker mascara (black or brown), and the lower ones with green. It will look very extravagant if you make up your eyes with green mascara and shades of bright color at the same time.
    Brown mascara.
    For fans of natural makeup, brown mascara is an excellent choice. She is able to soften the look and at the same time give the eyes more expressiveness. This mascara is absolutely suitable for any eyes - both light and dark. However, it looks especially good with blue and gray-blue. To make the makeup the most spectacular, use delicate cream and brown shades in its creation. In evening make-up, it is recommended to focus on the eyes. Therefore, if you use brown mascara, then remember that it should have a dark saturated tone.
    Gray mascara.
    Sometimes, when we want to highlight the eyes in makeup, we paint the eyelashes in several layers with black mascara. However, it often looks too catchy and even vulgar. Instead of black in this case, it is better to use gray mascara, it looks more natural on the eyes. By the way, this is an irreplaceable thing in a business woman's cosmetic bag. Gray mascara, like others, has different shades. It looks very nice when the upper eyelashes are painted with dark gray mascara, and the lower ones are light gray. Gray mascara is ideal for fair-skinned blondes with blue, gray, or blue eyes, as well as dark-skinned blondes with brown, green, or brown eye tones. Ideal gray mascara for short, light eyelashes. Softly shading them, such mascara, unlike black, does not focus on their insufficient length.
    Red mascara.
    Of course, red colored mascara looks a little extravagant and is more suitable for eyelashes of burning brunettes than blondes. But you can apply it not only to vamp-style parties. If you have an evening by the fireplace ahead of you or a trip out of town where there will be gatherings around the fire - red mascara, properly applied, will make your eyes reflect the dancing flames and will catch more than one look at you. Lightly touch the ends of the upper lashes with red mascara. In daylight, this color will be invisible, but next to an open fire, your eyes will shine.
    White mascara.
    Ideal white mascara is suitable for winter holidays. Eyes painted with white mascara look amazingly fresh and young, and the white color gives volume and length to the eyelashes, they look really fluffy. Or just tint the tips of your eyelashes with white mascara, on a winter day you will get the impression that the sparks of snow have frozen on your eyelashes and your eyes are illuminated by small luminous diamonds.
    Pink mascara.
    This color is absolutely not suitable for ladies of elegant age, as it obsessively emphasizes the discrepancy between makeup and age, and will look too ridiculous. Ideal pink mascara is suitable for the eyelashes of young girls who are not afraid to experiment with makeup. And they know how to select contrasting tones of shadows and eyeliners. Otherwise, the eyes will appear inflamed.
    Yellow mascara.
    Yellow mascara is ideal for redheads and owners of straw hair. Applied on the lower eyelid or on the tips of the eyelashes, yellow mascara will make the entire face glow with a gentle light. By the way, this mascara perfectly “removes” age and, with careful application, will remove more than one year from the face.
    Golden mascara.
    This mascara is perfect for celebrations and holidays. The minimum layer will make the eyelashes softly glow, the maximum one will create the image of the queen of the ball. In contrast with black eyeliner and brown shadows, golden mascara will look great. And you can also apply golden mascara before going to the beach. And do not be surprised, colored mascara can often appear in the most unexpected places. Gold on the eyelashes, applied without fanaticism, will reflect the bright rays of the sun and the eyes will shine and sparkle, attracting attention. And the mascara on the eyelashes will remain invisible.

    It is important to know about the healing functions and types of carcasses:
    Healing mascara for eyelashes is a transparent gel, the decorative effect of which is practically not expressed. This mascara is often colorless and has a gel-like consistency. It contains castor oil or jojoba oil, vitamins, lanolin and keratin, which give the eyelashes elasticity and emphasize their natural beauty.
    In addition, medical mascara will protect the eyes from pathogens that cause conjunctivitis. It also provides resistance to moisture, tears and sweat. This gel does not contain dyes. Such mascara can be used as a base for ordinary or colored mascaras: colored mascara will lie on it more evenly and eyelashes will be easier to comb. Therapeutic mascara with a high content of protective components and vitamins is suitable even for people suffering from allergies. It will provide delicate and brittle eyelashes with gentle care and protect them from negative environmental factors. Always pay attention to the packaging of such mascara, it must be indicated there that this product has passed ophthalmological control and certification. As a rule, packages of therapeutic mascara contain marks fortified or nutritious, or both together. Often, medical mascara is used to fix the shape of the eyebrows.
    With help firming mascara you can lengthen and strengthen eyelashes, make them thicker, darker and fluffier. Such mascara often contains oils and extracts from medicinal plants, natural waxes, carotene and protein, so that after its application the eyelashes look longer and healthier. Unlike conventional mascara, firming mascara organically combines both healing and decorative functions. With a spiral brush, a layer of mascara is applied to the eyelashes very easily. For best results, apply two coats. This mascara does not cause allergies, harmless to sensitive skin, does not irritate the eyes and is suitable for those who use contact lenses.
    Vitaminized mascara contains additional components (keratin, melanin, protein, UV filters, etc.) that strengthen eyelashes, provide them with gentle care, protect them from the negative effects of the environment and from brittleness. The very best fortified mascara contains vitamins E, A, F and B5, which provide flexibility and nourishment to the eyelashes. In addition, this mascara stimulates the growth of eyelashes. Vitaminized mascara is especially recommended for women whose body is prone to allergic reactions. Vitamins are also added to moisture resistant mascaras to provide extra protection to lashes. Mascara for sensitive eyes Mascara for sensitive eyes will not cause irritation and redness of the eyelids and eyes, conjunctiva. It contains a minimum amount of preservatives, which, as a rule, are allergens. Such mascara is specially designed for allergy sufferers, its packaging should have a Sensitive label, which means that it does not contain perfume fragrances, which are often the causes of a negative reaction to cosmetics. However, even such mascara must first be checked for “compatibility”. It's quite simple: you should apply a small amount of paint on the inside of the earlobe. Mascara is not suitable for you if redness appears within a few hours. Quite often, antibacterial substances are added to mascara for sensitive eyes, providing additional protection to the eyes.

    How to wash off mascara - the technique of using special products
    When purchasing mascara, you should immediately think about an important point - how will you remove mascara from your eyelashes. Washing with soap is harmful both to the mucous membrane of the eyes and to the thinnest skin of the eyelids, which is not supplied with sebaceous glands and cannot protect itself.
    If, after thinking about how to wash off your mascara, you decide to wash it off with the same cleanser that you use on your face, you are also doing the wrong thing. Products intended for the skin of the face are focused on the area other than the eyes. Please note that on almost any of these products, the emphasis is on the fact that they should not wash the skin of the eyelids. So how do you wash off your mascara safely?
    Today there are carcasses that are washed off with just warm water. The special composition of the mascara allows you to get a good effect for eyelashes and easy rinsing, but this does not guarantee you the removal of all eye makeup - the remnants of eyeliner and shadows may not be washed off with water, and rubbing your eyes for a long time is also not an option. You can wash off ordinary mascara from the eyes with any cosmetic milk or any other product specially designed to remove eye makeup - this is as safe as possible for the skin of the eyelids, removes makeup residues without leaving the smallest particles of coloring pigment.
    Apply makeup remover to a cotton pad. Place the disk on your lashes and hold for a few seconds, this will make the mascara wet and you won't have to rub. Gently slide the disk from the bottom up in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the nose. Pressing should be light. Repeat the movement several times. If mascara and makeup residue are still visible around the eye, take another disk - do not save on disks so that you do not have to splurge on anti-wrinkle products later. Rubbing an already dirty disc is not safe, so be careful.

    It should be borne in mind that the expiration dates of cosmetic products depend on the manufacturer and what the product is based on.
    Below is a summary list of the suitability of cosmetics:

    The sponge for cosmetic make-up must be washed after each procedure and discontinued after a month of use.
    What if there is no expiration date? Real cosmetics have a longer shelf life and can be used even for more than 30 months.

    Does your foundation smell like motor oil, but does your mascara make you cry? So it's time for a makeover.
    All cosmetics contain preservatives but even they eventually have an expiration date. And expired cosmetics can become a source of bacteria that can cause eye infections, acne, and other unpleasant complications.

    Liquid foundation
    Shelf life - up to two years. Experts recommend: if foundation develops a strange or pungent odor, discard it immediately without regret.
    What is inside?
    Water based cosmetics usually stored no more than a year: water evaporates over time, and bacteria can begin to multiply in the product. Alcohol-containing components significantly prolong the "life" of cosmetics. But natural components (oils, extracts), which are both useful and effective, shorten its service life and require special storage conditions - in a dark and cool place.
    Solid creamy foundations.
    Shelf life is two to three years. Pay close attention to changes in the texture of the tool. Sometimes the foundation starts to bubble as a result of long storage, and the solid base cracks and becomes dry. If the product does not adhere evenly to the skin, it is time to throw it away. Store your foundation at room temperature.

    Shelf life - up to three years. If the lipstick is dry and no longer glides on the lips, it's time to find a replacement! Another tell-tale sign is an unpleasant sticky feeling on the lips, or an unusual strong odor. It is better to store lipstick in the refrigerator - so it will last you longer.

    Powder, blush, eye shadow
    Shelf life - up to three years. From contact with the skin of the face, compact cosmetics gradually become oily, therefore, before using shadows or blush, it is recommended to remove the oily film from the surface. Compact eye shadows are the most durable, because there are no sebaceous glands on the eyelids that secrete sebum, which contaminates compact cosmetics.

    Shelf life - three months and no exceptions! Mascara is often a breeding ground for bacteria that cause eye infections. If you have an eye infection, stop using mascara immediately.

    contour pencils
    Shelf life is indefinite, up to several years. Remember that it is absolutely necessary to clean the pencil every time before sharpening it. It is recommended to wipe the pencil sharpener with alcohol after each use. Get rid of the pencil as soon as you notice a change in its texture or smell, advises

    Care products

    Creams, gels and lotions are also cosmetic items. In the case of using expired cosmetics, various allergic reactions, itching and redness, and even the development of dermatitis are possible.
    Therefore: - do not use cosmetic products for more than 6 months after opening the package;
    - choose products with a dispenser so as not to climb into the tube with your hands;
    - store cosmetics in a dry and cool place. The bathroom is not suitable for this;
    - the appearance of an unpleasant odor, separation of the cream, changes in viscosity, consistency and mass density, and in some cases a change in the color of the product should alert you and make you think about its further use.
    Most likely, the cosmetic product has become unusable and needs to be thrown away.

    Cosmetic labeling

    Relatively recently, a new international label was introduced for perfumery and cosmetic products. In the photo you can see the open cap of the tube and the number, and next to it is the letter "M", for example, 12M - the period of use after opening is twelve months.

    What kind of devices for inducing female beauty you will not find in her cosmetic bag. All kinds of sponges, brushes, mirrors, applicators, lipsticks, boxes with shadows and blush. And how many other things are stored in the drawers of your favorite trellis or table. If you review your favorite cosmetics, it turns out that 60% of them will be expired or unusable. Of course, the arguments that this bottle of aged cream is a very expensive gift, but this lipstick has a beautiful cap, which is a pity to throw away, are quite weighty. But unsuitable cosmetics will always harm the skin. Mascara deserves special attention. After all, it is one of the perishable products of decorative cosmetics. Knowing how to store mascara is simply necessary to avoid further discomfort. Usually, having successfully chosen a tube with mascara, a woman is reluctant to part with it and completely forgets to periodically check its expiration date. And even more often, out of ignorance, how to properly store cosmetic mascara, accelerates the process of its unsuitability.

    The specifics of using mascara

    The service life of mascara is about a year. At least that's what it says on the packaging. Unsuitability can be recognized by a specific smell and general condition. If the mascara is dry or crumbles excessively, these are the first signs to say goodbye to the tube.

    However, the mascara can be stored unpacked for a year. If the eyelash tint has opened, then you can use it for no more than three months. The contact of air with the paint adversely affects the cosmetic composition of the carcass. Many people know how to bring dried eyelash paint back to life. If you lower the tube into heated water, then the dried paint will melt and become liquid for a while. But, again, such resuscitation will not be permanent. After a while, the mascara will still have to be changed to a new bottle.

    How to use mascara?

    The service life of mascara also depends on proper use. For example, it deteriorates if the brush is often lowered into the tube when coloring eyelashes. It is much better to put the brush in the bottle and twist it a little inside, and then take it out and apply makeup. Also, you do not need to wipe excess paint on the edge of the bottle. It is much smarter to dip it with a napkin. After all, mascara dried around the edges of the bottle will not allow hermetically close the tube. And the ingress of air will significantly reduce its service life.

    And the most important thing is how to store mascara: do not be afraid to throw the old and unusable in the trash can. It is much cheaper to buy a new mascara than to treat an old one.

    How long can mascara last, what you need to know about storing it, how to store mascara and check expiration dates.

    The first thing you need to know about how to store mascara is: what is the difference between the expiration date and the expiration date.

    Mascara expiration date

    The expiration date of any product is indicated on the packaging of any product, including carcasses. Usually, the period for how long mascara will last is indicated in one of three classic ways:

    • The packaging indicates the date of manufacture of the product and the time after which the mascara will become unusable and cannot be used after that. That is, it is necessary to count the period of 12 or 24 months from the date of manufacture - this will be the life of your new carcass.
    • The packaging indicates the production time and the date by which you need to use the mascara. You don't need to count anything, everything is obvious.
    • The date of manufacture may not be indicated on the packaging, but the date of the last day of using the mascara may be - until this day the mascara must be used.

    No product should be used after the expiration date. If the mascara was given to you and you did not need to use it for a long time, check the expiration date and you can start using it, but on one condition - if the mascara has not yet been opened even once.

    Carcass shelf life

    The fact is that the shelf life of cosmetic products is different from the expiration date. Usually there are two terms on cosmetics: the expiration date and the expiration date. And if the first value is the date after which the product becomes hazardous to health, then the second value shows how much mascara can be stored after opening the package. That is, if the mascara was opened 3-4 months ago, throw it away, even if you have never used it. Throwing away new mascara is less offensive than getting eye problems due to your own negligence.

    In addition to all the terms, you need to watch the ink. Do not even think about storing mascara if the consistency of the mascara has changed, or an unpleasant smell has appeared, even if the smell has simply changed, you should not use mascara.

    To properly store mascara, you can get yourself a cosmetics calendar. It will be difficult to fit all the cosmetics into it, but you can mark the dates when you should change the old to the new after each new purchase of mascara.

    How to store mascara - storage conditions

    To store mascara correctly, know that it does not like heat and excessive cold, as well as direct sunlight. A cosmetic bag in a nightstand or closet is the most neutral and cozy place to store mascara. It is generally not recommended to store any cosmetics in the bathroom. Near heat sources, cosmetics dry faster or become unusable.