Proper hair care for fast growth. Use only a natural bristle comb. secrets of braids to the waist: how to grow long hair from short hair

Well-groomed curls make a girl more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex and arouse the envy of surrounding women. Long healthy hair not only attracts everyone's attention and admiration of others. They are also a natural indicator of a girl's health.

There are many reasons why you might want to grow your hair out. For some, this is a dream, someone wants to make a chic hairstyle for an upcoming event, someone wants to grow their hair color, and someone was prompted to grow their hair by an unsuccessful haircut. So, how to grow hair fast?

Hair life stages

Before moving on to practice, it is worth learning a little theory first. Any hair on the body has its own life cycle, which consists of 3 stages:

  • Height;
  • fading growth;
  • Hair death and hair loss.

On average, hair "live" from 2 to 6 years. This cycle of growth and shedding happens every day. If the hair is healthy, you can notice this only during combing. Hair grows by about 1.3 - 2 cm per month. Therefore, no matter what efforts are made and no matter what means are used, it is almost impossible to grow long hair quickly.

However, there is a paradox, someone's hair grows faster, and someone practically does not grow. So what's the reason?

How to stimulate hair growth

The condition of the hair and the rate of their growth is affected daily by many factors. Some of them are able to improve hair and speed up the growth process, while others, on the contrary, slow it down. First, let's look at what will help us stimulate growth.


Nutrition has a key effect on the entire body. Not surprisingly, the condition of the hair directly depends on what we eat. It is important to maintain a balance and avoid hunger strikes or overeating. The following foods must be present in the diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables. These products saturate the body with minerals and vitamins. Raw vegetables and fruits have a very positive effect on the state of the body as a whole. From vegetables, it is worth giving preference to beets, cabbage and carrots. These products contain vitamins A and E, essential for beauty.
  • Cereals and cereals. Products in this category enrich the diet with vitamins and minerals, they are also rich in fiber and help cleanse the intestines and remove toxins.
  • Fish. It is advisable to give preference to sea and ocean fish. It is recommended to eat fish 2-3 times a week.
  • Egg. This product, like other protein products, has a beneficial effect on hair quality. Do not consume more than 5 egg whites per day.
  • Milk and dairy products. Especially cottage cheese.
  • lean meat. For proper nutrition, turkey and rabbit meat are best suited. These representatives of the fauna eat only clean food, and there are much fewer antibiotics in their meat. It is better to reduce the number of meals with meat dishes to 1-2 times a week.
  • Olive oil. It contains fatty acids. It doesn't need much. Sometimes it is enough to season salads with oil.
  • Nuts. Contains healthy plant-based fats.
  • Sweet. Do not exclude healthy sweets from the diet. In moderation, you can eat dark chocolate, fruits, dried fruits and honey.
  • Fresh juices.
  • Herbal teas and decoctions. It is better to refuse black, green tea and coffee if possible.

General physical and psychological condition

Everything that happens in your body is instantly displayed on the condition of your hair. Hormones have a huge effect. That is why pregnant women or women who have just given birth lose a lot of hair, and during menopause it is almost impossible to grow long hair.

If you have any chronic diseases and unresolved health problems, take care of it. Visit your doctor, take all the necessary tests. Try to get rid of the problem if possible. Especially visit a trichologist before planning a pregnancy, because. during childbearing, many hair growth preparations will be contraindicated, and during pregnancy there is a high risk of high hair loss due to hormonal changes.

Lack of sleep and a short poor-quality sleep have a very bad effect on the beauty of your hair and skin. Therefore, along with a change in diet, take care of creating a stable sleep and rest regimen. Do not forget about sports and physical activity. It is also worth protecting yourself as much as possible from stress and constant haste.

Mineral and vitamin complexes

If necessary, you can start taking special vitamin complexes. They will help improve the quality of hair and nails, accelerate their growth. But it should be remembered that without a proper balanced diet, vitamins and active food supplements are just a waste of money.

Hair care cosmetics

It is best to use professional hair products. When choosing a product, be sure to consider your hair type (oily, dry, combination). The wrong choice of cosmetics can cause serious damage to your hair. They can become more dry and brittle or oily and heavy.

Gentle daily brushing

It would seem a simple procedure, but it should be given special attention. Incorrect combing can damage the hair and, as a result, slow down its growth. Correct - removes dead hair and improves blood circulation.

You need to comb your hair gently, starting from the tips and gradually moving to the roots. You shouldn't brush your hair. This makes them brittle and split, wait until they dry.

Approach with extreme care. It is better to give preference to wooden combs and natural bristles. However, natural bristle brushes are not suitable for owners of curly hair.

Regular visits to the hairdresser

It is much easier to grow hair after a haircut. At first glance, this may seem strange. However, split ends sometimes appear even on healthy hair. They must be removed in a timely manner, otherwise the damaged ends will interfere with healthy hair growth, or use. Yes, and the hairstyle will look ugly and not well-groomed.

What stops hair from growing faster

The reasons for slow growth may be the following factors:

  • Alcohol and tobacco use
  • Stress
  • Taking various medications and diseases
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Scalp damage
  • Frequent staining
  • Wrong care
  • Aggressive cosmetics
  • Hairdryer, curling iron, iron
  • Head injury
  • Protein deficiency and malnutrition
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals
  • Heredity

From all of the above, one can draw a very obvious conclusion, it is possible to grow hair 20 cm only if the hair is healthy and well-groomed.

Professional ways to grow hair

Modern cosmetology offers several professional ways to help any woman grow long hair.

laser comb

The laser helps to improve blood microcirculation and has a stimulating effect on the hair roots. A professional laser treatment course can be taken in a trichological or cosmetology clinic. However, to save money and time, you can buy a laser comb and use it at home. The effect will be the same.

Mesotherapy for hair

This method almost always helps to get a tangible result, which can be noticed after 8-10 sessions.

The cosmetologist selects, based on your particular problem, a cocktail of substances necessary for hair. Then he injects this mixture under the skin. The composition and dosage are set individually for each patient.

Hair follicles are saturated with essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The blood supply to the scalp improves. Hair, having received the necessary nutrition, begins to grow much faster.

Darsonval with hair attachments

Microcurrent well stimulates hair follicles, improves blood circulation. It strengthens the hair and accelerates growth. This method is well suited to owners of oily and oily scalps.

Hair ampoules

The composition of the ampoule includes nutritious, biologically active substances. These substances nourish the hair follicle, improve metabolic processes, strengthen it and lengthen the hair growth phase.

In addition to the fact that such ampoules promote growth, they also fight hair loss well. You can notice the result after 2-3 months. For the selection of ampoules, it is best to contact a professional - a trichologist or cosmetologist.

How to grow your hair the right way

Whatever procedures you do in the salon and at home, all your efforts will be in vain if you do not maintain the result with the right care.

Care Secrets

How to grow hair at home? It is enough to follow a few rules for hair care.

  1. Braid and tie your hair. Loose hair is subject to mechanical damage. They constantly cling to something, get dirty and confused.
  2. Wear hats and keep your hair out of both the cold and the sun.
  3. Do not use tight elastic bands in hairstyles. Constant use of this accessory interferes with the nutrition of the hair and deprives it of strength.
  4. For the period of growing, give up dyeing and thermal effects on the hair, whether it's curling or straightening.
  5. Turn off the hair dryer.
  6. Use professional hair products. Get good shampoos and masks. A special therapeutic lotion against hair loss will not be superfluous. It is also advisable to take care of the indelible care and buy a cream, serum or hair tonic.
  7. Use shampoo correctly. Apply a small amount to your hand and dilute with a little water. Apply to hair. The first time is enough to wash your hair, the second - to support longer.
  8. Rinse off all cosmetics thoroughly.
  9. Rinse your head with water and lemon juice.
  10. Do not rub your hair with a towel. Wet hair should be carefully blotted, otherwise it will be damaged and begin to split.
  11. Use oils. Any base oils are suitable for this: coconut, almond, olive, linseed, burdock, etc. You can even make a cocktail of these oils. The mixture should be applied to dry hair, kept warm under a hat or towel and rinsed thoroughly. This procedure nourishes the curls and improves their condition.

Scalp massage

Massaging the scalp also helps promote hair growth and keep it healthy. This procedure enhances blood circulation and accelerates collagen.

It is best to massage before washing your hair. Apply a little olive oil to your fingertips.

  1. Make sipping movements, taking the hair at the base of the roots. Move slowly and engage all roots. Perform the movement for about 5 minutes.
  2. Make the movement as if washing your hair, only without water and shampoo. The task is to feel the warmth on the skin. Movements should be neat without damaging and pulling out hair. Run time - 5 minutes.
  3. We finish the massage with stroking. We begin to stroke the skin from the crown down. First, intense strokes, then weaker movements.

Regular massage before shampooing often gives results after the first week.

Homemade recipes for growing hair

Not everyone can afford a trip to a beautician or expensive cosmetic preparations. But there are effective and affordable recipes for homemade masks.

The ingredients of the masks are presented in the table.

All components must be mixed until a homogeneous mass, applied to dry scalp, wrapped with plastic wrap, covered with a towel on top.

Components Time(how much to keep on the head)Well
Egg yolks - 3 pcs.
Liquid honey - 2 tbsp.
Flax oil - 1 tbsp.
30 minutes3 times a month
- 2 tablespoons
Calendula tincture - 2 tbsp.
20 minutes2-3 times a month
Any vegetable base oil - no more than 2 tbsp.
- 1-2 drops
30-40 minutesAny number of times
Kefir - 1 tbsp.
Yogurt - 1 tbsp.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
10-15 minutes1 time per week
Grated avocado - 1 pc.
Olive oil - 2 tbsp.
30 minutes2 times per week
- 1 tbsp.
Sugar - 1 tbsp
Any oil - 1 tbsp.
Boiling water - 2 tbsp.
20 minutes to 1 hour
Pepper tincture - 1 tbsp.
Calendula tincture - 1 tbsp.
- 1 tbsp.
Castor oil - 1 tbsp.
2 hours2 times per week
Gelatin - 1 tsp
Colorless henna - 1 tsp
Mustard - 1 tsp
Yolk - 1 pc.
30 minutes1 time per day for a week
Yolk - 1 pc.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Butter - 1 tsp
Clay - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tsp
20 minutes2 times a week for a month

The best tips and recipe reviews from bloggers on how to grow hair fast at home.

Let your hair always be on top! We will be glad if you share your beauty recipes in the comments.

So you've cut your hair short and now you're trying to grow your hair back. You go through a strange period called the “uncomfortable hair length phase.” But don't worry! Good styling and a little patience can make the transition from short hair to long hair easier.


Part 1

Growing hair styling

    Pin up the overgrown strands. If you have strands that are too short to tie and too long to hang, you can try pinning them up. Invisible barrettes will become an essential part of your style over the weeks and months as you grow your hair out. Here are some tips for those who are not very good at using "invisible" hairpins:

    Make friends with gel and mousse. These beauty products will help you style your hair when it starts to look messy. Experiment with several different mediums until you find what you like. If you're on a tight budget, ask your friends what they use and ask if they can try their styling products on your hair. If the product you are using makes your hair too coarse, try adding some water to it before applying.

    Change the hair texture. If you have the right hair styling tools, you can try curling your hair to make your hairstyle more colorful. A perm is a good solution if you want to shorten your hair for that awkward period when your hair isn't short enough or long enough. If you have curly or wavy hair, you can straighten it and get the desired hairstyle.

    Tie a knot at the crown. Gather your hair in front and tie it into a knot, while leaving the hair on the sides and back. This is an easy solution for those who want to keep their hair out of their face and who don't like bangs. If your hair isn't long enough at the front to be tied up in a bun, don't worry, you can still tie it into a mini ponytail.

    Straight haircut. This is a simple solution for those who want to avoid the hassle of growing out their hair. A straight cut will help if you are growing your hair out after a layered cut. The growing layers of hair of different lengths often look ridiculous. Due to the fact that a straight haircut equalizes the hair to one length, it is well suited for those who want their hair to grow evenly.

    Smooth your hair. If your growing hair starts sticking out and refuses to lay down, take the gel and slick your hair back. Comb your hair with a comb to remove any excess gel that may have been left on your hair. Depending on the length of your hair, you can style it to one side or straighten it and tie it down around your neck.

    Don't dye your hair different colors. Dyeing and darkening/lightening will make your hair look messy. Unfortunately, coloring your hair will make uneven hair growth even more noticeable. Monochromatic hair helps hide these imperfections.

Long healthy curls are the dream of every girl. Luxurious hair attracts attention, makes others look around. It is no secret that rapid hair growth is affected not only by cosmetic care, but also by general health, nutrition, and external factors. To become a happy owner of long shiny curls, it is not enough to regularly visit a hairdresser or do caring masks 2 times a week. It is necessary to apply an integrated approach, only in this way it will be possible to achieve the goal.

  1. Refrain from visiting places where there is a large accumulation of tobacco smoke. You should also avoid areas that release volatile chemicals such as paints, industrial varnishes or thinners. When swimming in the pool, wear a rubber headgear, if possible, follow this rule while relaxing in salt and fresh springs.
  2. An important feature of hair care is their proper processing in frosty or, on the contrary, hot weather. In the summer it is necessary to spray the curls with sunscreen, in the winter - apply special nourishing serums (hydrogel can be used).
  3. Do not be lazy to visit the master at least once every 2 months. Cut split ends, insist on a haircut along the entire length of the mop. This treatment will not allow the ends to exfoliate above, due to which the hair will not break. It is also worth taking a closer look at the processing of the tips with hot scissors, with their help, the withered strands are cut off and soldered at the same time.
  4. Several times a year, take a course of multivitamins or other restorative hair complexes. An alternative to such drugs is badger or fish oil in ampoules. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on digestion, respiratory tract, bone tissue, nails and muscles.
  5. It is no secret that during strong short-term stress or constant (prolonged) nervous stress, hair stops growing and begins to fall out. In such a situation, there is only one way out - protect yourself by at least 70% of possible experiences. Do yoga, meditation, sports, reading.

Balanced diet

  1. Hair health starts with proper nutrition. Load up on fruit and vegetable salads, but don't alternate between two meals. Eat seasonal berries, mix them with dairy products if possible.
  2. Give preference to products containing magnesium, iodine, calcium, zinc, potassium, chromium, beta-carotene. It will not be superfluous to eat food, which includes iron, vitamins A, B, C, E.
  3. A very important component that provokes accelerated hair growth is brewer's yeast. They include a large amount of protein, micro and macro elements, vitamins (including biotin), amino acids. As an effective preventive measure, take yeast in a course of 1 time per year.
  4. To saturate the hair follicles with the necessary moisture, drink enough liquid per day. In this case, the bulk should be water (about 2.3 liters), green tea (no more than 0.5 liters), freshly squeezed juices and fruit drinks.
  5. An important aspect in growing hair is considered to be the health of their owner, it concerns the stomach and intestines. At least once a year, take a course of local absorbent components (activated carbon, Polysorb) to remove poisons, toxins and food chemicals from the body.

Proper head washing

  1. As cleansers, give preference to shampoos with a restorative composition. The same applies to serums and care sprays. Read the "Ingredients" section carefully. Look for the following components there: natural (not mineral) oils, ceramides, extracts of medicinal plants, biotin, vitamins A-E, silk proteins, keratin. Important! As for unacceptable components, surfactants, alkanin, silicone, paraffin, petroleum jelly, lauryl sulfate should not be present in shampoos and balms. Remember to brush your hair before every wash.
  2. If you have oily strands that require frequent washing, give up this idea. Gradually transfer the mop to a more gentle mode: first, do the procedure once every 3 days, then every 5 days. If this possibility is not available for objective reasons, use dry or liquid shampoos, matched to an individual ph-balance.

Proper shampooing should end with rinsing with a decoction based on medicinal plants. At the same time, the composition should not be hot, high temperatures will reduce useful properties to a minimum. To appreciate the beauty of infusions, use them after using shampoos and conditioners.

  1. Mix crushed calamus plants, honeysuckle, chamomile and linden in equal proportions (40-50 g each) into one loose mixture, brew the herbs with boiling water, cover and leave for about 40 minutes. If the composition cools down earlier, strain and apply it for its intended purpose.
  2. Pour boiling water over 35 gr. birch bark, 30 gr. calendula, 20 gr. sage or rosemary. Cover with a lid, leave for 3 hours. After the time has passed, pass the mixture through gauze, rinse the strands and leave the decoction on the hair without rinsing.
  3. To prepare the infusion, you will need 55 gr. chamomile, 45 gr. willow, 10 gr. calamus root, 100 gr. dry nettle. Mash the herbs in a mortar or other convenient way, brew with boiling water, wait 20 minutes. Pass through a gauze filter, drip 3 ml. ether of citrus fruits.
  4. Take half a head of onion (preferably white), brew it in boiling water. After half an hour, pour 40 gr. honeysuckle, 35 gr. geraniums, 20 gr. burdock. Hold on for another 20 minutes. Strain, pour in the juice of half a lemon, rinse your hair before and after washing your hair.
  5. An excellent infusion that accelerates hair growth is custard yarrow in combination with cuckoo flax. Mix two types of herbs into one mixture, brew with boiling water and let it brew for 40-60 minutes. After this period, strain, rinse the strands.

Proper use of hairdressing tools

  1. Never brush wet hair. If this is not possible, carry out the procedure with a comb with large and rare teeth. After washing, use serums and sprays that detangle the strands, then gently separate them with your hands. Avoid iron-toothed combs entirely and opt for tools made from tortoiseshell or wood. When choosing a massage brush, give preference to natural bristles. As for plastic, such combs provoke the appearance of electrification.
  2. For about 2-3 months, stop using hot rollers, straightening irons, curling irons and other devices that require high temperatures. Also, for this period, it is necessary to stop all staining with ammonia and semi-ammonia pigments, which greatly dry out the hair and make it brittle.
  3. If possible, do not braid tight hairstyles using iron hairpins with sharp teeth. Also avoid tight elastic bands that pull hair together and weaken follicles. Wear only soft magnetic hairpins, they do not affect the structure at all. In this case, it is necessary to sleep only with loose or braided hair.
  4. Not everyone knows, but the so-called styling stylers (mousse, gel, wax, varnish, etc.) greatly dry the hair and slow down its growth. For this reason, they must be abandoned or the use of the composition reduced. It is also not recommended to do a perm or use other heat treatment technologies during hair growth.

The shelves of cosmetic stores are overflowing with professional cosmetics for every taste and budget. You can use a ready-made composition or prepare a mask yourself, while saving a tidy sum. All the recipes presented are designed for a shock of medium length hair, if necessary, increase or decrease the number of components.

  1. Cinnamon and kefir. Beat 3 yolks with a mixer so that the mixture rises 2-2.5 times. Mix the composition with one glass of fatty kefir, add a bag of ground cinnamon. Distribute evenly over the strands, wrap your hair with cling film and wait 1-1.5 hours. Carry out the procedure every other day for 2 months.
  2. Onion and honey. Scroll through a meat grinder 1 large onion (white), mix the resulting porridge with 50 gr. liquid honey. In another container, combine grated grapefruit and lemon into one composition, pour 40 gr. cane sugar. Mix the components together, rub the composition into the scalp, then distribute it on the strands, leave for 1 hour. Make a mask 3 times a week, the duration of the course is from 1 to 3 months, depending on the initial condition of the hair.
  3. Honey and cognac. Beat with a mixer or whisk 10 quail yolks, pour 100 gr. completely melted honey. Add 50 ml. cognac and 10 ml. any healing ether for hair (rosemary, eucalyptus, chamomile, citrus, etc.). Rub the mixture into the scalp, treat the root area well, and then distribute the remaining composition over the entire surface. The duration of the procedure is 25 minutes with regular care 2 times a week for a month.
  4. Aloe vera and beer. Break three chicken yolks into 300 ml. beer, whisk the mixture with a whisk or mixer, then heat until slightly warm. Squeeze the juice from two stalks of aloe into the resulting composition, add a tablespoon of honey. Distribute evenly over the entire surface of the hair, cover your head with a bag, wait half an hour. Repeat steps 3 times a week for 2 months.
  5. Henna and milk. Dilute 1 sachet of colorless healing henna in milk according to the instructions, leave to swell for half an hour. After this period, mix a teaspoon of mustard powder into the composition, make a mask. Pay special attention to the root zone, as the composition is aimed at awakening dormant bulbs. Carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per week, while the duration of the course can reach 3 months, it all depends on the desired result.

If your curls are strong and healthy, and the follicles are strong, your hair will stop splitting. As a result, there is no need for constant visits to the hairdresser, the hair will begin to grow 1.5 times faster. Prepare homemade decoctions, follow practical recommendations, avoid stress. Normalize nutrition, give up stylers and thermal devices.

Video: how to quickly grow hair

Is it possible to let go of hair while keeping it soft and shiny to the very ends? It is possible, subject to two conditions: mitigation and nutrition.

And a little more patience.

Our hair grows an average of 1.5 cm per month. In order for them to become long enough - this is about 30 cm - you need to wait, therefore, for almost two years.

After the hair grows from the bulb, it is this very hair - outside - “dead”, there are no living cells in it. And the tip of thirty cm in length is already 2 years old, that is, for two years it endures drying, styling, sun, dirty city air, having nothing inside to resist it and revive. And he has nothing to help slow down the process of his own aging.

So, to care for long hair, you need to act in two directions: oxygenate the scalp and “repair” the ends of the hair.

Scalp: stimulation.

The beauty of hair comes from a healthy and well-groomed scalp. To stimulate circulation you need:

1) Gently and slowly comb the hair in all directions, without making sharp gestures, so as not to break the capillary fibers or scratch the skin. A good brush is made of natural bristles. Or with small balls at the ends.

2) Lowering the head down, massage it: put the fingertips on the head, move the scalp with them. This is a matter of one minute, but it is very, very effective in stimulating circulation.

3) Choose a good shampoo. Shampoo is chosen for the scalp, not for the ends of the hair. It is normal to have slightly dry ends with long hair - it is not a question of the nature of your hair. We need to pay more attention to the roots.

Hair care:

At least once a week, you need to carry out a complete care for your hair, which compensates for all the difficulties that have fallen to their share in a week.
Dull and tangled hair needs, for example, cedar extract and detangling polymers - a gel texture, non-greasy, with a wonderful smell, which can be bought in the cosmetic department. ("Cedar Gel")

Jojoba oil- it can be a natural protection for the hair. It can be used after washing, applying evenly to the hair to the tips. Why jojoba? Because its structure is close to the element that our body produces naturally - sebum - this element is lacking in long hair, because it does not reach their ends.

Jojoba oil is not heavy and doesn't pull hair to the ground, provided you don't put too much on your head. The right gesture: squeeze just a few drops of oil onto your hand, warm it in your palms and then lightly run your palm through your hair. In addition, jojoba oil has mild HC protection (index 5). It can be bought in its pure form in pharmacies and bio-shops.

You have to be careful with prejudice. Trimming your hair is not like cutting the branches of a tree - it doesn't give your hair more flowering power. The cut tree branch stays alive and receives more tree sap. But the hair is dead and it will not change its constitution if the tip is cut off from it. At the same time, the haircut gives a fresher and more formed look, because the cut ends - cut and dry beauty did not add. It's like cutting off a piece of fabric that looks like a fringe.

David Lucas, Institute René Furterer in Paris:

Growing your hair out doesn't mean never cutting it again. It is imperative to cut the split ends, especially with weak thin hair. Curly hair deteriorates faster than straight and smooth hair that protect each other.

A good rhythm for cutting the ends is every three months, assuming that they grow 1 cm per month. Trimming 1 cm every three months, we leave two fresh, just grown centimeters. The more hairs of the same length, the better they protect each other from external influences. But today there is no fashion for evenly cut hair. There is only one solution left in order to grow long hair - beautiful thinning.

Caution: artificial curls.

The technique is as follows: on the head, at the root of the hair, he makes a knot to tie an artificial curl. This curl is fixed with a dot of glue, which, when dried, shrinks to be invisible when touched. At first it seems uncomfortable, but gradually the owners of such curls get used to it. But in fact, for the hair, this is a discomfort that makes it more fragile. Many hairdressers believe that this technique ruins the hair.

Let's be honest: you still won't be able to get a waist-length braid from a short haircut in a couple of months (extension does not count), but we know how to help hair grow faster!

Lead Stylist-Technologist Joico

How to grow long hair fast? This is a question that I get asked very often. There are many myths around this topic. One of my favorites is that the less you wash your hair, the faster your hair grows. Allegedly, frequent shampooing damages hair follicles, and rare, on the contrary, strengthens them. Or another myth that wearing hats reduces the number of hair follicles ... And there are a lot of such "nonsense" on the Internet. In fact, the rate of hair growth, as well as their number, largely depends on genetics. And yet you can help your hair grow faster! And it's much easier than you think."

eat right

“Hair is 85-90% keratin. Keratin is a protein that forms long, tightly twisted strands inside the hair. Do you want your hair to grow faster and be stronger? Add more protein to your diet.


Don't forget about vitamins

“Now in any pharmacy you can find vitamins for beautiful hair. From myself I can add that hair needs B vitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. By the way, many of these vitamins and minerals are found in dark chocolate. So if someone accuses you of eating chocolate, tell him that this is a special diet for hair growth.

Use keratin shampoos

“As mentioned above, keratin is the substance that makes up the hair. To strengthen the hair shaft, give your hair more keratin. Thus, you will save the length and take care of the quality of the hair web. Give preference to professional shampoos, because they contain molecules of ingredients that have the optimal size: not too big and not too small, but the one that is needed to “repair” damaged hair.”

Trim your ends regularly

" How? Just grown it - and already cut? Yes, because split ends will not disappear by themselves. If the hair is already damaged, it will delaminate further, which means that after some time you still have to cut, but not 5-10 mm, but much more. The ideal interval between haircuts if you dream of mermaid hair is 3-5 months. But what if split ends appear faster? Use special tools for "soldering" the tips. They will not restore the integrity of an already cut hair, but they will prevent further damage.

Forget about cheap styling products

“Cheap products contain not only silicones, but also other polymers, for example, acrylates. Light volatile silicones are washed off with ordinary shampoo, which cannot be said about acrylates. These polymers quickly accumulate on the scalp, build up at the hair follicles, cut off the oxygen supply to the cells and cause hair thinning. Do you need it?"

Do a head massage

“A gentle scalp massage causes blood flow to the hair follicles. Which, in turn, stimulates hair growth. With each wash, massage the scalp with your fingertips - you will combine business with pleasure.

Buy a silk pillowcase

“Not the most obvious advice, but the logic here is pretty simple. Most often, pillowcases are made from cotton. Cotton fibers are quite abrasive. Silk, on the other hand, damages the hair much less, which means that it will shine better and split less.”