A hardware pedicure is being done. Is it possible to do it yourself. The main advantage of this procedure

In order for the feet to be healthy and look attractive, they need to be carefully looked after, including a pedicure. One of the most popular types of foot treatment is hardware pedicure. It can be done both in the salon and at home. Today we will look at what processing is, how to do a hardware pedicure and what is required for it. We have also prepared a step-by-step guide for beginners for you.

What is also a hardware pedicure

Medical hardware pedicure is the treatment of feet and nails, for which a special device is used. In the process, rough skin, corns, calluses are not removed with a grater or blade, as in classical processing, but are ground off.

A hardware pedicure machine has cutters with an abrasive surface that rotate at a speed of 30-50 thousand revolutions per minute. They gently remove dead skin cells and do not damage healthy skin.

Benefits of hardware pedicure

The main benefits of foot treatment include:

  • safety - there is no risk of cutting the skin or leaving other damage, as in the classical procedure;
  • delicacy - suitable for owners of thin sensitive skin and even children;
  • hygiene - the possibility of infection with a fungus is excluded, since there are no microdamages on the skin;
  • long-term result - after grinding with a machine, the skin remains soft and tender for a longer time,
  • a hardware pedicure should be done on average once every 4-5 weeks, while a classic one should be done every 2-3 weeks.

Types of hardware processing

Classic hardware pedicure. With this treatment, a device for hardware pedicure is used on the heels, under the fingers, and on other rough areas. They, only with a different nozzle, remove the regrown cuticle and cut off the overgrown edge of the nail.

How to learn how to do a hardware pedicure at home

To do a hardware pedicure at home, you need, first of all, to deal with nozzles and cutters for the machine. Training in hardware pedicure begins with the study of the classification of nozzles.

Diamond tips

Above, we have listed the forms of nozzles and indicated what they are used for. It remains to deal with the rigidity of the cutters. When choosing stiffness, you need to follow the basic rule: hard cutters are used to shorten nails and remove calluses and corns, soft cutters are used to treat cuticles and small rough areas.

Diamond cutters have colored notches that indicate hardness. So, the hardest - with black notches, medium - with blue, the softest - with red, green, yellow.

Ceramic nozzles

Ceramic nozzles are suitable for teaching hardware manicure and pedicure. They are used by beginners, as they are softer and safer. Made from corundum, a material with a grainy surface. Their rigidity is distinguished as follows:

  • blue and pink have a hardness of 100 microns, that is, they are the softest;
  • whites have a hardness of 200 microns, they are medium;
  • black and brown have a hardness of 400 microns, they are the hardest.

sand caps

Sand or silicon carbide caps are an effective tool for treating rough skin. They are worn over the cutter and used once, after which they are disposed of. To process the feet qualitatively, a three-stage processing is needed:

  • a cap with an abrasiveness of 80 is used to remove the main rough skin;
  • a cap of 150 units is needed for grinding, that is, removing irregularities with treated skin;
  • a cap of 320 units is used when polishing the foot, making it smooth and soft.

Processing technology

When processing feet with a machine, it is important to select the intensity of pressing. Pressing the burr too hard can damage the skin. The direction of movement is also important. Experienced craftsmen advise:

  • during training, choose the rotation speed of the cutters below the recommended one;
  • position the nozzle at an angle of 35 degrees in relation to the surface that you are processing;
  • process the cuticle from the center to the edges, nail ridges - according to the growth of the nail;
  • move the cutter in the opposite direction to its rotation so that the nozzle does not slip;
  • do not press the nozzle too tightly and do not hold it in one place, otherwise the skin may be damaged;
  • be sure to apply cream after treatment of the feet.

A detailed video tutorial with instructions for a beginner master can be viewed here:

Step-by-step instruction

  • Prepare your feet. Wipe off the old varnish if it remains on the nails. Remove gel polish with cotton pads soaked in acetone, foil and a grinding cutter or file.
  • Wash your feet or take a bath. In order for the roughened areas to soften and respond better to processing, the legs should be held in warm water for 10-15 minutes. You can add salt, oil or other additives to the bath.
  • Apply preparations to corns and corns that soften rough skin. Hold the recommended time, which is indicated in the instructions. Due to this, the keratinized layer of the skin will soften, it will be easier to remove.
  • Wipe off the remnants of the product with a napkin. You can use a small towel, its fleecy structure will capture the softened layers of the skin. Intensively rub the feet, roll up the skin particles with a towel. The towel must be washed after each use. Reusing it during the next pedicure without washing is unhygienic.
  • Treat the feet with a large cutter with a high level of abrasiveness - it will remove rough skin, cope with corns and corns.
  • Treat with a medium abrasive cutter, and then with a fine abrasive to polish and grind the feet, to make them smooth.
  • With a small fine cutter, process the side ridges of the fingers and the areas between the fingers. For these areas, it is important to use a fine nozzle, too hard can damage delicate skin.
  • Remove the cuticle with a diamond tip with a ball at the end or a needle cutter. If you are treating your feet with a machine for the first time and are afraid to damage the cuticle, do an unedged pedicure. Soften cuticles with a cuticle remover and push back. Remove the machine when you get used to using it.
  • File the overgrown edge of the nail or trim it and shape it with a cutter with medium abrasiveness.
  • Polish the nail. To do this, you need a special felt nozzle or a rubber cutter. If there are no such nozzles, use the usual buff, that is, a soft file.
  • Wipe your feet with a disinfectant to prevent infection. Lubricate with moisturizer.

Note! If you have ingrown nails or have overgrown nail plates, warts, it is better to go to the salon. It is difficult for beginners to get rid of these problems at home, especially when using the device for the first time.

A detailed video on how to do a hardware pedicure at home, see here:

On the site you can find photos of hardware pedicure and stylish nail design options. Watch, get inspired and take care of your feet to look irresistible!

Beautiful and well-groomed legs all year round are the dream of any woman. However, salon procedures are expensive and therefore, most often, intensive foot care falls on the summer season, when it is necessary due to open shoes. Not every woman can do a classic (edged) pedicure on her own, because working with blades is traumatic. In this case, a special pedicure machine will become an excellent home assistant. It remains only to figure out how to do a hardware pedicure yourself.

First you need to decide which device for a pedicure is better to purchase. There are professional and household pedicure devices. The former are distinguished by increased power, many functions and a wide range of cutters. Serious training is required to work with them, because in inexperienced hands a device operating at high speeds can cause injury. Therefore, a household appliance is enough for a home.

Household pedicure devices are offered in a wide range. Cheap machines with very low power will bring more trouble than good results. It is not necessary to overpay, it is better to buy a device in the middle price segment, which will have good technical characteristics sufficient for high-quality foot treatment.

According to what characteristics to choose a household apparatus for a pedicure:

  • Power. The higher the power of the pedicure machine, the faster and better the foot treatment procedure will be carried out.
  • Vibration. With strong vibration, the procedure will quickly cause hand fatigue. It can be difficult to work with small nozzles.
  • Light weight and ergonomic device. As well as vibration affects the comfort of working with the device.
  • Universal Functions. It is not necessary to take into account this characteristic, since many functions are often not used. Therefore, before paying money for a particular function, you should carefully read them.
  • Guarantees. You should choose a device from well-known manufacturers, as it is purchased for many years, although it is not cheap.

Before you independently do a hardware pedicure at home, you need to carefully prepare informationally.

To do this, it is advisable to visit the salon, where you can see all the subtleties of the work of a professional.

It is necessary to study which cutter is intended for which operation and what are the features when working with each of them.

Technique for performing hardware pedicure at home

The technique of hardware pedicure is not so complicated, which everyone can master. Despite the variety of cutters that are equipped with devices, it is possible to distinguish the main groups according to the purpose of use:

  1. Degree of abrasiveness. Cutters with strong abrasiveness are used at the initial stage of work, when wide layers of keratinized tissue are peeled off. The fine abrasiveness of the cutters allows you to polish the feet to smoothness and silkiness, and the nail plates to a shine.
  2. Size. Cutters with a large area are used for feet and heels. Small ones - for the cuticle, lateral ridges near the nail plates, as well as areas between the fingers.

The technology of hardware pedicure when performed at home has a number of recommendations that are especially important for beginners:

  • Always choose a speed lower than the recommended one during the learning process.
  • The nozzle in relation to the body is located at an angle of 35 degrees.
  • The movements of the cutter when processing the cuticle are performed from the center to the edges, the nail ridges - in the direction of nail growth.
  • To avoid slipping of the tip, the direction of movement must be opposite to the rotation of the cutter.
  • Do not press the nozzle of a working device tightly against the skin or keep it in one place for a long time.
  • After the procedure, you need to use moisturizing or nourishing creams to treat the skin of the feet.

Home pedicure will especially appeal to those who do not trust salon procedures for fear of contracting fungal nail diseases. In addition, a pedicure performed using the apparatus virtually eliminates the possibility of the spread of the fungus, since the procedure uses dry treatment of the feet.

A hardware pedicure will easily remove corns and calluses, will allow you to cope with cracks and other problems of the feet and nails. The technique of performing hardware pedicure for therapeutic purposes has its own subtleties and nuances, as it has various areas of application. Namely:

  • ingrown nail correction;
  • treatment of the area around the wart;
  • overgrown (hyperkeratotic) nail plates;
  • fungal diseases of the nails.

Performing a hardware pedicure for medicinal purposes is best left to a professional. Depending on the disease and its localization, the master will select the optimal nozzles for the device and medicines for disinfection, treatment and healing of wounds.

To achieve the maximum effect from the pedicure procedure, it is required to carefully perform all stages of the treatment of the legs and nails.

For those who are doing a hardware pedicure for the first time, you need to have a lot of time left in order to complete all the steps without fuss and haste.

After the technology of hardware pedicure becomes familiar, and the skill of working with the device is formed, the time for the procedure will be significantly reduced.

How to do a hardware pedicure step by step:

  1. The first step is to prepare the feet and nails for the pedicure. If there is old varnish on the nails, then it must be removed. Trim your nails to the desired shape and length. Wash feet thoroughly and dry with a towel.
  2. Special cosmetics are applied to the feet and cuticles, which help soften dead skin cells. The time of action of the drugs is indicated in the instructions for them. Preparations with increased keratolytic properties are used to treat corns and calluses.
  3. After softening the skin, the remnants of the funds are removed with a napkin. Feet are processed with a cutter with strong abrasiveness, which easily removes corns and calluses.
  4. A cutter with fine abrasiveness polishes the skin of the feet to smoothness.
  5. In the next step, with the help of a fine-grained nozzle, the areas between the fingers and the side rollers are carefully processed.
  6. To work with the cuticle, you need to use a diamond nozzle with a ball. The cuticle is slightly lifted and peeled off in the direction from the center to the edges.
  7. The shape of the free edge of the nail is formed using a cutter of medium abrasiveness. The processing of the nail plates is completed by polishing with a soft felt or rubber nozzle.
  8. At the end of the procedure, the legs are lubricated with a moisturizing cream.

The pedicure procedure should be repeated after three weeks. People with allergies should use cosmetics with caution. Due to the presence of chemical components in the hardware pedicure, it is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Pedicure must be done not only in summer to show the beauty of the legs, but also at any other time of the year. Since the regular conduct of this procedure eliminates the appearance of corns, corns and other troubles. We can safely say that a pedicure is a manifestation of a woman's respect for herself, for her body. If a girl is well-groomed from head to toe, she will feel much more confident in any situation, and it's worth it.


Modern cosmetology offers a new type of procedure - hardware pedicure. What is it and how much does this pleasure cost in a beauty salon? We will answer these questions, and also discuss the possibility of performing such a procedure on your own at home.

So, what is a hardware pedicure, reviews of which are different? This is a special type of nail and foot skin care procedure, for which there is no need to steam the legs, as is the case with a regular pedicure. In a hardware pedicure, cosmetics with a special composition that act on keratinized skin are used.

Due to the special composition of these products, a disinfecting and healing effect is provided.

Indications for such a procedure

Initially, the procedure of hardware pedicure was performed according to the indications of doctors. Corns, calluses, ingrown nails and keratinized areas of the feet are the main problems that were solved with the help of it. In addition, hardware pedicure was recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus, who are characterized by increased thinning and sensitivity of the skin. Now this procedure has become available not only in any salon, but also at home. In order to become the owner of well-groomed legs, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on the services of a professional every time, it is enough to purchase a set for a hardware pedicure - and you can perform the procedure yourself.

Differences from the usual. What are they?

Consider the main advantages of a hardware pedicure over the usual procedure for this part of the body:

  • Treatment of hard-to-reach areas.
  • A large number of different nozzles that allow you to adjust the degree of exposure to different areas of the skin.
  • No risk of skin injury. Since instead of a blade in a hardware pedicure, special safe nozzles are used.
  • Due to the absence of the risk of cuts, the risk of infection with fungal diseases and various infections through damaged skin areas is also reduced.
  • In addition to the aesthetic appearance, the client receives a kind of massage that helps relieve leg fatigue, improve blood circulation and overall well-being.
  • The result after a hardware pedicure lasts much longer than after the usual one, since there is a better removal of keratinized areas of the skin of the feet.
  • There are absolutely no contraindications to a hardware pedicure.

The main advantage of this procedure

Those who choose the classic option simply do not know what a hardware pedicure is good for, what it is and what results can be achieved with it. Only those who have tried it on themselves at least once can appreciate the advantages of the modern procedure. The comfort and relief received after a hardware pedicure, in combination with the beauty and well-groomed feet, will leave only positive emotions and make you want to go through this procedure again.

Its main advantage is that it is absolutely safe and has no contraindications.

Fraser - what is it?

What is a device for hardware pedicure? In professional language, it is called a milling cutter. What does he represent? A milling cutter is a kind of device that consists of a handle, a battery and a different set of nozzles designed to process each individual section of the foot.

Two types of devices. Description

Milling cutters can be of two types:

  1. Professional. It is a powerful stationary device designed to perform hardware pedicure on a massive scale. That is, this device is designed to be used in a salon. Therefore, it is unlikely to be convenient when performing a pedicure at home. Despite the rather large dimensions, a professional router can be portable. For this, a special case is provided in the kit.
  2. Amateur, or router for home use. Its main difference from the professional one is lower power and more compact dimensions. However, otherwise it is not much different from professional ones. It is also characterized by a large number of nozzles, some models have an indicator that reminds you of the end of the battery charge, and a special LED that illuminates certain areas of the foot for a more comfortable procedure.

Consider hardware pedicure step by step. How to do it right?

Now we will consider all the stages of a hardware pedicure that the master performs in a salon:

  1. To begin with, the specialist disinfects his own hands, the device, all attachments that can be used, then directly the client's feet.
  2. The next step is to apply a special softening gel to the feet. How long to withstand the composition on the skin of the feet depends on the state of the foot.
  3. The removal of keratinized and dead cells of the epithelium is carried out using a special nozzle.
  4. Problem areas are treated - corns, calluses, hardening, warts, etc. Separate nozzles are also used here, suitable for each specific case.
  5. Nails are processed: the cuticle is removed, the skin around is polished, trimmed and brought into a neat shape. To bring nails to perfection, special grinding nozzles help.
  6. Nail polish is applied to the treated nails, the shade of which is chosen, of course, by the client himself.
  7. After drying, the skin of the feet is once again subjected to grinding and smoothing. This can be perceived by the client as a relaxing massage.
  8. A moisturizing and softening cream is applied.

Despite the large list of stages of the hardware pedicure procedure, its implementation, as a rule, does not take much time. Of course, if, at the request of the client, decorative nail coating is carried out using complex techniques, the lead time will increase significantly. The standard nail coating looks like this: applying a protective base, then varnish of the selected shade or shellac. Then comes the reinforcing layer. This type of staining is the most practical and durable.

Can you do it yourself?

Now we have dealt with the concept of hardware pedicure, what it is, we have already found out. Now it remains to answer the question of concern to many. Can I do it myself at home? As mentioned above, there is a special amateur type of router. It allows you to carry out the procedure at home. However, it is worth considering one very important nuance - it is extremely inconvenient to perform a pedicure for yourself.

Many people think that getting a high-quality hardware pedicure (a photo in the process of work is presented in the article for clarity) is very simple - you just need to purchase a special device and learn how to use it somehow by reading the instructions. Such an opinion is fundamentally wrong. In fact, to get a really good result, you need to be able to properly carry out the procedure. In this case, you must follow all the steps, using special nozzles for each problem area.

The masters who carry out the hardware pedicure procedure do not just have to take special training courses, and the certificate of receipt of this training is not just a piece of paper. After all, this procedure also needs to be able to be done correctly, even despite the fact that modern devices allow you not to do half the work.

And yet you can do a hardware pedicure at home. But it is best if it is carried out as a preventive measure between visits to the master. If you keep your feet in almost perfect condition, you will have to do a professional pedicure much less often, which will be a significant saving not only in money, but also in time. In addition, the procedure at home will be an excellent way of massage, allowing you to relieve tired legs and improve your mood.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Having listed many advantages, having understood the concept of a hardware pedicure (what it is and why it is needed), we can talk about the negative aspects of this procedure, which also take place:

  • The high cost of the procedure (hardware pedicure is much more expensive than the classic one).
  • With an initially poor condition of the feet and nails, it will not work to make them ideal in one procedure. And visiting the salon 2 or 3 times will result in a decent amount.
  • Masters who own a professional level of hardware pedicure are quite rare.

The listed shortcomings for someone may seem significant, but someone will consider them stupid. But after all, everyone has their own financial situation, and there is no point in arguing about this. However, for those who are still trying to save the family budget, but at the same time look well-groomed and dignified, there is an alternative - to perform the procedure on their own, especially since we have considered how to do a hardware pedicure step by step, what nozzles should be included.

A small conclusion

Choosing this or that way of caring for your legs, you need to focus on your own financial situation. If the funds allow you to visit a pedicure master from time to time, then why not do this. After all, a real woman should be well-groomed all: from the tips of the eyelashes to the very heels. The self-confidence inherent in well-groomed girls allows them to achieve a greater life.

The basis of a hardware pedicure is the use of a special cosmetic device with various nozzles. Hardware pedicure at home can be performed using a slightly lower power device than professionals in salons.

Features of hardware pedicure

Today it is the safest type of pedicure. And it will be an excellent choice for those who want to keep their legs in perfect order. Such a service in the salons is quite expensive. It is much more economical to purchase a special device for home use and learn how to do this procedure yourself.

When buying a device, you must ensure that its power is not less than 36 thousand revolutions. Hardware pedicure is a comprehensive care for the skin of the feet and nails. With the help of rotating nozzles, you can easily and quickly remove rough skin, solve problems with calluses, cracks and ingrown nails, and stop fungal diseases at an early stage. The device gently exfoliates the skin of the legs without the risk of injury and cuts, as a result, it can be used by people with diabetes and diseases of the circulatory system.

When conducting a hardware pedicure at home, the following rules must be followed:

  • no need to strongly press the device to the ground area;
  • the angle between the nozzle and the treated skin should be 45 degrees;
  • you need to move from the middle to the edges;
  • you can’t stay in one place, you need to move the device all the time.

How to do a hardware pedicure at home

First you need to soften the skin. To do this, it is advisable to use special cosmetics that not only act on dead cells, but also disinfect the skin. If not, then a foot cream will do. The product is applied in a thick layer to soften the rough skin. If a footbath is your favorite part of your foot care routine, then you can also use it. The temperature of the water should be high enough to steam the skin. For the bath, you can use baking soda, grated soap, sea salt, purchased ready-made products, decoctions of antiseptic herbs. It is recommended to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Ideally, tea tree oil, which has antifungal properties and will help get rid of unpleasant foot odor.

At the next stage, the skin of the legs and nails is treated using various nozzles for the apparatus. Grinding nozzles of different diameters and with different coatings are used, depending on what problem needs to be solved. Very small nozzles make it easy to treat small areas of skin in hard-to-reach places: they can grind the cuticle, treat ingrown nails and remove rough skin around the nail plate. Nails must be practiced at low speed, very carefully so as not to damage them. As you gain experience, the number of turns can be increased.

We remove the remnants of the polished skin with the help of a special nozzle included in the pedicure set. At the end of the procedure, we moisturize and nourish the skin of the feet, as well as nails. Ideally, it is advisable to use a special foot mask. It must be applied in a thick layer, washed off after a certain time, apply a moisturizer or nourishing oil. Then put on cotton socks for a better effect of the nutritional components of the cosmetic preparation.

Advantages of a pedicure with the help of the device

With regular hardware pedicure, the heels will become smooth and tender, calluses and coarsened areas will disappear. The question of the frequency of the procedure, everyone decides for himself.

For hygienic care, it is enough to carry out a hardware pedicure at home once a week.

If you resort to the procedure more often, the skin may become too sensitive.

Compared to other types of foot care, hardware pedicure has a number of advantages:

  1. With its help, only dead skin cells are removed, healthy tissues will not be affected.
  2. After polishing with a special nozzle, the legs, getting rid of coarsened tissues, begin to “breathe”.
  3. The cuticle is processed with a small nozzle, and not cut off.
  4. Calluses, corns are carefully and painlessly processed, with regular procedures they are forgotten forever.
  5. When grinding the feet, a kind of acupressure occurs, which improves the general condition of the body.
  6. The use of the device allows you to improve blood circulation in the feet, which increases vitality.
  7. Skin stays soft and supple for longer.

When starting to perform a home hardware pedicure, you need not only to familiarize yourself with its technology, but also carefully study the instructions for the device, find additional information regarding the use of the device itself. This will allow the nozzles to be used more diversely and effectively.

Hello dear guests and readers!

In the image of a modern girl or woman, manicure and pedicure are an essential attribute that emphasizes her individuality. Today I will try to focus your attention on a hardware pedicure, which is innovative way foot care, both medically and aesthetically.

It easily removes dead epithelial cells on the feet, copes well with ingrown nails, hyperkeratotic nail plates, calluses or cracks, can gently treat the area around the wart, does not touch, does not injure the living tissue of the skin.

Because of what such a system of skin care and toenails experts recommend people with circulatory problems or diabetics.

The technique of hardware pedicure is gaining more and more popularity lately, displacing foot treatments. It is professionally performed in the salons of the nail service master.

However, many girls today, in order to put their legs in order on their own, choose this very convenient technique, which does not take much time, and even saves money.

Therefore, for those women who decide to do a hardware pedicure at home, I will tell about the features of this procedure, components of household pedicure devices, the scheme of correct sequential actions.

What should work?

To perform a hardware pedicure at home, you need to at least buy this tool for work. On this occasion, I advise the young ladies decide first what you want, study reviews of various models, and then choose a household device from the middle price segment, but with:

  • Good power;
  • slight vibration;
  • Light weight;
  • Comfortable ergonomics;
  • Universal functions;
  • Manufacturer's warranty.

The working body of these devices are various nozzles that are included in their complete set. Depending on the purpose, they can be:

  • Diamond. These are small nozzles that treat the free edges of the nail and hardened cuticles.
  • ceramic for processing nail plates or eliminating cracks. Usually these are the safest tips that are recommended by experts for beginners.
  • metal. These carbide burrs are manufactured with a variety of cuts on the tip to remove trampled calluses or the acrylic layer.
  • Silicone, felt or rubber, which are intended for polishing and grinding work.
  • Sandy. These disposable tips are Chinese-made caps, with varying degrees of abrasiveness. By the way, they are inexpensive, very convenient to use, and according to some masters, they are not inferior even to cool European brands.

Nozzles, with coarse abrasiveness, traditionally taken at the beginning of the procedure to remove corns, calluses or wide keratinized skin layers. Cutters with fine abrasiveness allow you to polish the feet and nail plates at the finishing stage. And also by them comfortable to Work with:

  • cuticles;
  • Zones between the fingers;
  • Lateral ridges of the nail plates.

How to work?

Usually, before doing a hardware pedicure on my own, I advise the girls to visit the master in the salon several times, to feel the whole “taste” of this procedure for themselves, and at the same time get from a professional answers to your questions.

Then carefully study the instructions to an electric machine, to understand in detail all its options and attachments. Well, then, you can proceed to the procedure, which I will describe step by step.

Foot and nail preparation

This first step when performing hardware pedicure. For this need to:

  1. Remove old nail polish.
  2. Treat the instrument, hands and feet with a disinfectant solution.
  3. Trim your nails at your discretion, adjusting their shape and length with pliers.
  4. Wash your feet thoroughly and then dry them with a towel.
  5. Then a special gel with keratin properties should be applied to the feet to soften the thickened coarsened layer. Usually, according to the instructions, its duration is from 10 to 20 minutes. At the same time, it selectively acts on the keratinized layers of the skin, where there are no nerve endings and blood vessels.

Hardware processing

After the gel has had the desired effect, its residues must be removed with a napkin, and damaged areas further are removed grinding attachments. To do this, take a rubber holder and a disposable cap that has a rough abrasiveness.

Thus, the main stratum corneum and small corns are removed. Then a qualitative polishing with nozzles of gentle abrasiveness in order to exclude the appearance of the “fringe” effect after the procedure.

After polishing, the skin of the feet should have a healthy pink shade. Finishing the treatment of the feet, they should be sprinkled with warm water from a spray bottle and wiped dry with a paper or terry towel.

In the next step, we go to finger processing and areas in between. At the same time, I will make a reservation in advance that this area, where there are many sweat glands, is much more sensitive than the foot. For its processing, you need to take a stone nozzle with medium abrasiveness.

And before working with the nail plates and cuticles, you should cover it gel softener so that it slides away easily. Here I want to note that during the performance of a hardware pedicure cuticle is not cut. It is only treated with spherical diamond-coated nozzles, and the nails are polished using a felt analogue.

Coming to the finish line

After the main treatment of the feet, nails and interdigital space, the legs should be pampered with nutritious creams, protective oils and lung conduction massage. If desired, nails can be varnished, decorating them with a little decor to feel more confident, adding a little charm to your image.

To give yourself a pedicure using an electric apparatus at home, I would advise beginners to still stick to certain rules:

  • Start working at minimum speeds in order to get used to the machine or, if careless, not be injured.
  • Position the nozzle in relation to the plane of the body at about 35 degrees.
  • When processing the nail roller, it is advisable to move the cutter in the direction of nail growth.
  • The cuticle should be processed from the center to the edge.
  • To prevent the nozzle from jumping off, move it opposite to the rotation of the cutter.
  • Do not press the nozzle tightly against the skin during operation of the device and do not keep it in one place for a long time.

That's probably all I wanted to tell you. Don't be afraid to start, it is not difficult. The main thing is that when you “stuff” your hand, you will no longer be fixated on the salon, since at any time convenient for you you can put your legs in order.

Good luck with your pedicure! See you!