How to remove the electrification of hair. What causes electrification? Fast-acting remedies for electrifying hair

Every girl dreams of having well-groomed hair, but what if they become electrified? Find out how to take care of your hair to make it look beautiful again. Probably, at least once in a lifetime, every girl faced such a problem as hair electrification.

Let's leave the analysis of the reasons why, in fact, hair is electrified to physicists, and we ourselves will look for a solution. Experts offer some tips to help you forget about the “halo” of hair.

  • Stop using a plastic comb. Plastic "magnetizes" the hair even more.
  • Rub your hair with a dry paper towel. Yes, this strange method is quite effective.
  • Apply some moisturizer or serum to the ends of your hair. Due to the weight of the product, they will not be able to climb. Read more:

Why is hair electrified?

To get rid of this problem, you first need to accurately determine the cause that provoked its appearance. Each case is individual, so it is necessary to analyze what care I receive for my hair and its general condition. Then begin to gradually eliminate all factors that can provoke the onset of electrification.

The most common causes that provoke the onset of electrification of hair are the following:

  • lack of vitamins and other nutrients in the body;
  • frequent stay in a room where the air is very dry;
  • hair is very weak, brittle, dry;
  • wearing synthetic hats, as a result of contact with which the hair is “charged” with electricity;
  • exposure to cold wind, frost, hot sun;
  • improperly selected hair care cosmetics - shampoo, masks, balms, conditioners, etc.;
  • exposure to very dry wind;
  • frequent use of a hair dryer and other styling stylers;
  • washing hair with very hot water;
  • increased air humidity.

These are the main factors that provoke the appearance of electrification of hair. Provided that one by one is removed from the list of all causes, it is possible to accurately determine the one that caused this unpleasant phenomenon. It is enough to start properly and regularly care for your hair and in the very near future this problem will disappear on its own.

How to solve the problem of electrification of hair?

After the cause that provoked a strong electrification of the hair is accurately determined, you can resort to methods for solving the problem, thanks to which the condition of the strands is normalized and they become obedient again.

If you have a tendency to electrify your hair, it is recommended to use the following tips:

  1. Do not use very hot water to wash your hair, as it is from this that the hair begins to become very electrified. For washing, it is best to take warm water and rinse the strands with cool water.
  2. In the cold season, you have to wear a hat, because of which your hair begins to become very electrified. Therefore, before putting on a hat, you need to put a couple of drops of rose oil on the comb and comb your hair well. You can also use lavender oil for this purpose. These products are natural antiseptics and can be used continuously.
  3. It is important to carefully select hair care products. As a rule, brittle, dry and thin strands with split ends begin to suffer from the problem of electrification. If an incorrectly selected shampoo is used to all this, it will be possible to get rid of this problem only if moisturizing and caring products are used for care.
  4. It is necessary to minimize the use of a hair dryer, it is best to let the hair dry naturally. If there is a need for frequent styling, then you need to purchase a high-quality hair dryer that will have the function of air ionization. Thanks to the use of this device, there is no deterioration in the condition of the hair and there is no problem of electrification.
  5. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water.
  6. It is recommended to refrain from using combs made of plastic and plastic, as these materials have the ability to increase electrification. The ideal option would be to purchase a comb made of natural wood (for example, cedar, oak or birch) or ebonite.
  7. In rooms with dry air, it is recommended to use special humidifiers.
  8. You need to choose only those hats that are made from completely natural fabrics, synthetic materials are strictly prohibited.
  9. In autumn and spring, it is useful to drink a course of multivitamins, because they will help not only return the energy spent, but also have a positive effect on the condition of the hair.
  10. If foam or wax is used during styling, it is necessary to opt for those products that contain antistatic components.

What to do at home?

If the hair is highly electrified and styling becomes almost impossible, you need to take care of proper care. First of all, you need to pay attention to the use of special moisturizing masks, which will be enough to do twice a week.

With regular and proper care of the problem of electrifying hair, you can get rid of it very quickly. After positive changes are noticeable, you can reduce the number of masks - for example, carry out one cosmetic procedure per week.

The masks themselves are also important, they need to be changed periodically, since the hair tends to get used to and the products used will be less useful. After applying the mask, in order to enhance its effect, it is recommended to wrap your hair with plastic wrap (you can use a food or simple bag), and put on a warm towel or scarf on top.

To wash off the mask from your hair, you can use a mild shampoo and water. But non-standard means will also be useful - for example, water diluted with vinegar or lemon juice, non-carbonated mineral water, beer, etc. It is important to choose a rinse aid based on your hair type.

A stunning effect is provided by the regular use of easy-to-prepare home masks, thanks to which static electricity is quickly removed from the hair and the prevention of this problem in the future is carried out.

Mango mask

To prepare this mask, you will need to take mashed pulp of ripe mango (2 tablespoons), add kefir of maximum fat content (50 g), introduce one raw egg yolk. Instead of kefir, you can use sour milk.

All components are well mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to the strands, evenly distributed over the entire length. After 20 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly with plenty of warm water and baby shampoo.

Mask with honey

It is necessary to take liquid honey (2 tablespoons) and olive oil (2 tablespoons). You can also use candied honey, but it must be melted in a water bath in advance. All components are mixed and raw yolk is introduced. The finished mask is applied to the strands and left for 30 minutes, then washed off with warm water and baby shampoo.

Mask with cognac

You need to take castor oil (1 tablespoon) and mix with raw yolk, brandy (2 tablespoons) is introduced at the end. All components are thoroughly mixed, and the composition is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. The mask is washed off after 30 minutes.

Vitamin A mask

To prepare the mask, you need to take grape oil (2 tablespoons), liquid honey (2 tablespoons), egg yolks (2 pcs.). Instead of grape oil, you can use burdock or castor oil. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath. At the very end, 1 ampoule of vitamin A is introduced. The composition is applied to the hair, evenly distributed along the entire length and left for about half an hour. After the specified time, you need to thoroughly wash your hair with warm water and baby shampoo.

Milk mask

Raw chicken yolk is mixed with milk (1 tablespoon) and liquid honey (1 teaspoon). All components are thoroughly mixed, and the finished composition is applied to the hair, distributed along the entire length. After 10 minutes, wash your hair with warm water and baby shampoo. At the end, the curls are rinsed with cool water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice. Thanks to such a caring procedure, the hair not only ceases to be electrified, but also acquires a healthy shine.


There is not always an antistatic agent on hand, and there is no desire or time to go to the store. In this case, a home remedy that is easy to prepare yourself will help. You need to mix mineral water (500 g) and lavender or rose essential oil (a couple of drops). The composition is poured into a spray bottle and applied to the hair.

You don’t have to look for ways to deal with the problem of electrifying hair if you choose the right shampoo and balm. It is important that these products are fully adapted to your hair type. To care for dry and brittle strands, it is imperative to use moisturizing and nourishing products.

The main source of hair electrification are plastic combs. Therefore, in some cases, it is enough to change the comb and the problem disappears on its own.

If you follow all the recommendations described above and do not forget to regularly, and most importantly, properly care for your hair, you can quickly get rid of the problem of electrification. Curls will always look well-groomed and healthy, and styling will not take much time and effort.

Electrified hair causes

Many of you have noticed that most often the hair becomes electrified and fluffy in winter, but did not understand the reasons why this happens. This often happens at other times of the year, but in winter the air in the room becomes dry due to heating devices, which negatively affects the condition of the hair. In addition, they constantly endure temperature changes, being either in the cold or warm, and also interact with the synthetic materials that make up hats and most clothes. Because of these factors, hair is very electrified in winter.

Among other things, poor care can be attributed to the causes of hair electrification. If your hair has been weakened by frequent dyeing, perms, and heating appliances, it will conduct electricity much more strongly.

If you, after reading the reasons for which hair is electrified, asked the question: “What to do?”, We have the answer. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the means by which you can prevent the electrification of hair at home .

Folk remedies

If your hair is electrified very strongly, and our recommendations did not help you, then you should move on to radical methods and use folk remedies that have been tested over the years. Folk remedies include balms and hair masks based on natural products that are made by hand at home. We present to your attention several recipes for effective hair masks that will save them from electrification.

  1. Mix fat yogurt in the amount of a large spoon with egg yolk, then remove the mango and chop half of the fruit as finely as possible. The resulting mask should be applied to hair already washed with shampoo, and it should be washed off only half an hour after application. Naturally, if you do not want your hair to be electrified, you cannot dry it with a hair dryer after use.
  2. In one container, mix the egg yolk with a small spoonful of olive or any essential oil, add a large spoonful of honey melted in a water bath, then apply such a simple mask on your hair for forty minutes. Rinse off with cool clean water. Since the mask contains oil, it is better to use a little shampoo, as the hair can become greasy.
  3. To prevent or eliminate static electricity in your hair, try adding egg yolk to your shampoo. Gelatin has a similar effect. Their use will help create a weighting shell on the hair and get rid of electrification.

Hair masks based on natural products are especially useful for those whose hair is not only electrified, but also falls out. Natural ingredients will help nourish the hair roots with vitamins and microelements, which will first slow down, and then completely stop the loss.

You can apply masks against electrifying hair no more than twice a week for a month. After a week, you will notice that the hair has become less electrified, and in addition, it has become soft and manageable.

Why does hair get frizzy?

Remember the school experience, when an ebonite stick rubbed with wool began to attract scraps of paper? This demonstrated the accumulation of static electricity. This physical phenomenon also explains the electrification of hair by a comb, hat or hood. At the same lessons, it was said that charges of the same name repel each other - therefore, recently obedient hairs almost stand on end so as not to touch each other.

You need to know the enemies of an obedient hairstyle by sight. And, oddly enough, they are exactly those things that are closest to the head:

  • hair dryers, irons and curling irons;
  • combs made of bone, bristles or bad plastic;
  • hoods, stoles and hats made of artificial materials;
  • hot water that dries out the roots and tips;
  • improperly selected shampoo and care products.

Most women face a fluffy problem during the cold season. Why is the hair electrified in winter even for those who do not use hats? Dry air is to blame: both frosty and heated by heating devices. Overdried by cold or heat, curls accumulate a charge faster, causing them to suffer from a mess on their heads.

It also happens that the hair is electrified, and the reasons are not immediately visible. In this case, you need to pay attention to your diet. After all, everything in the body is interconnected, the lack of vitamins and trace elements is reflected in the condition of the hair.

First Aid

It is not always possible to guess when the hair will show rebelliousness. How to get rid of the electrification of hair, if the trouble has already occurred? You can quickly moisturize your hair without spoiling the appearance by the following methods:

  1. Moisten your hands with plain, and preferably with mineral water and run through the restless strands.
  2. Having rubbed a little cream or hygienic lipstick on the palms, pat through the hair. The effect in this case will last for a long time, the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of fat.
  3. Antistatic wipes will help to remove the electrification of the hair. It is better if they are designed to remove the charge from clothes. But if trouble came unexpectedly, then those that wipe the TV or monitor screen will also come in handy.
  4. Splashing with varnish on the comb, comb the naughty curls.
  5. After dissolving a few drops of essential oil in water, spray the head with this mixture through a spray bottle.

Safe styling methods

Even if the hair has become electrified, it is difficult to do without a hair dryer, curling irons or irons. You can protect yourself from overdrying by using a mousse or gel with thermal protection. But the best way out is a hair dryer with an ionization function or a nozzle with a tourmaline coating.

The flow of air from such a hair dryer will dry your head faster. In this case, a large stream of negatively charged particles will be sent to it, neutralizing the positive charge.

For the effect to be noticeable, you need to choose the right device. Remember the smell after a thunderstorm? That's about how the air should smell with a good ionizer.

When buying foam or varnish, pay attention to the composition. Protection against electrification will be panthenol, keratin, silicone, oils or wax particles included in them. The effect will be complemented by antistatic hair, both bought in a store and made independently. To do this, mix water and a spoonful of honey or 10 drops of any essential oil in a bottle, shake vigorously and spray the styled hairstyle from a spray bottle.

Proper hair care

Weakened hair revolts faster due to the accumulated charges. Taking care of them at home, you can save your hair, leaving the house.

Care begins with proper washing with warm, but not hot water. The last rinse is useful to do with mineral water. A shampoo must contain keratin, ceramides, amino acids.

In summer, air conditioners and balms can be safely replaced by rinsing with decoctions of herbs. But in winter, you can not neglect them, supplementing with moisturizing masks.

  1. Oil masks are especially good against electrification of hair: burdock or castor. You can mix 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, add a few drops of mala cinnamon and 4 tbsp. spoons of fresh lemon juice. Before use, the mixture is heated to body temperature (you can put the bowl on a hot kettle and wait a few minutes). Having distributed the mask along the entire length of the hair, the head is wrapped with a towel for half an hour.
  2. Protects from the retention of static charges homemade mask of mango, egg yolk and kefir. It is permissible to replace the mango with a banana, peach or pear. The fruit is thoroughly ground with the yolk, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir and applied to wet clean hair.

Why does hair become very electrified in winter?

Why is hair electrified strongly in winter? One of the reasons is the heating, which is turned on for our comfort in winter. The air in the room becomes dry, of course, in this case, the hair dries out after washing faster if you dry it naturally. So, it is because of the dry air that the hair is strongly electrified.

Frosty dryness on the street can also affect the electrification of hair. It is necessary to wear a hat when going out. Most importantly, you need to give preference to hats made from natural fabrics, rather than synthetic ones. Since synthetics stimulate the appearance of electricity.

One of the factors that the hair becomes electrified is the lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. Due to the lack of vitamins in the body, the hair becomes thin, brittle, brittle, dry. Dry hair leads to split ends.

Hair is electrified. What to do?

Lack of moisture greatly affects the condition of the skin and hair. You need to drink at least two liters of clean water a day. Watch your diet, nutrition should be balanced. You can take multivitamins.

Hair should be washed not with hot water, but with warm water. After washing, it is advisable to rinse your hair with cool water so that the hair scales close. Use shampoo and hair conditioner, not just one shampoo. Limit the use of a hair dryer in hair care, let your hair dry naturally. The headgear must be clean and made of natural fabrics.

Aroma combing helps me a lot to avoid electrification. I adore lavender, so I have aroma combing with lavender essential oil. I put a couple of drops of this essential oil on a comb and comb my hair. Rose oil and ylang ylang are suitable for aroma combing, but I use only lavender. You can comb your hair using lavender oil 15-20 minutes before going outside. This unique natural remedy prevents the electrification of hair.

Oil masks help hair not to become electrified. I use coconut oil, wheat germ oil, almond oil. I recently made a hair mask with wheat germ oil. I added a drop of lavender oil to a spoonful of oil. For my long hair, I needed four tablespoons of oil and four drops of oil. I left the mask on my hair for an hour, washed it off with shampoo.

Video: hair is electrified: what to do?

Not so long ago I read that it is very useful to comb your head 20-40 times right before going to bed. This simple procedure improves sleep, relaxes the muscles of the head, warms it up, thereby increasing blood flow. Therefore, curls grow better and do not fall out.

But the trouble is that now my hair is electrified, I even heard a slight discharge of electric current while combing. The curls are very fluffy and stick out ugly. It spoils the mood and appearance. Therefore, I began to look for reasons: why hair is electrified - what to do?

I didn't want to say no to a head massage before bed. But I didn't like the state of my hair. I began to understand all the intricacies of this problem. As it turns out, there are many reasons.

Why hair is electrified: reasons, what to do and how to fix it

Most often, curls begin to magnetize during the heating season. If you like to take care of indoor flowers, then you know exactly how it is difficult to maintain optimal air humidity in a living room in the autumn-winter season. Many plants are very difficult to tolerate dry air.

But our curls can also suffer from lack of moisture. Electrification literally tells us about the dryness of curls. Therefore, we need to moisten them in all possible ways.

If the hair is strongly electrified in the cold season. Then you need to try to increase the level of humidity in the house. Ventilate the apartment from time to time. You can draw water into the most ordinary spray bottle, drop 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil there and spray all the rooms. From the point of view of Feng Shui, this enhances beneficial energy, and besides, it increases humidity.

It is very good if you can purchase a special humidifier. It regulates humidity itself, and also fights against diaphoretic microorganisms, that is, it also disinfects the air, reducing the risk of respiratory diseases.

Additionally, with an increase in humidity in the house, sprays are well used. The spray copes well with the electrification of the hair, besides it is very convenient to apply on the length throughout the day, thereby often moisturizing them. I personally love the sprays from Gliss Kur, a great hair nourisher.

It is good to combine spray and liquid silicone. If you are not an opponent of silicones in cosmetics, then go ahead. Silicone reliably envelops the curl with an invisible film that closes up split ends, smoothes curls, promotes easy combing and protects against drying out. Silicone performs the function of a kind of capsule, which prevents damage to the structure.

I choose shampoos, conditioners, masks for myself without silicone and parabens, since the scalp with cells must breathe. But I think it’s useful to lubricate them with a little length. In addition, it really reduces the electrification of the hair. My last purchase from Nouvelle. A two-phase agent - a spray for shine and restoration of curls, but the composition contains liquid silicone. Just a few sprays soften the curls. This is the salvation of hair from electrification, besides protection during styling.

Curls are also magnetized from drying with a hairdryer, styling with a curling iron, curlers, even gels, foam. These manipulations harm the healthy structure of the hair, dry them out. Curls begin to electrify at the slightest dryness. Therefore, silicone products are very effective. It slightly weights the hair, so it becomes more well-groomed and does not electrify. But silicones do not heal strands!

If you do not like silicone, I can offer you a natural analogue: moringa oil, broccoli seed oil.

You can moisturize your curls with a home spray. To do this, drop about 7 - 10 caps into a spray bottle with water. essential oil (natural). They do not greasy curls and do not stain them. Ether helps especially from electrification: lavender, jasmine, ylang-ylang.

In winter, curls can be electrified due to temperature changes. First, they are outside in sub-zero temperatures, and then they enter a room with a positive temperature, plus the effect of the cap leads to violent static electricity. We all know the picture when you take off your hat, and the curls stick out vertically.

Therefore, combs with an antistatic coating can come to our aid. This comb is quite expensive. The price ranges from 150 UAH (400 rubles) for a simple comb and up to ... the minimum monthly salary 🙂 But, I think everyone can afford to allocate finances for a comb. Such a thing will serve us faithfully for a long time. Such a comb charges the hairs with positive ions, which brings them to a normal state.

But besides professional combs with an antistatic coating, it is well suited for curls that are highly electrified - wooden. This is a folk remedy. A good, natural, unvarnished wooden comb also reduces static electricity.

Deep moisturizing curls at home or say no to hair electrification

This recipe was recommended to me by a stylist. So that the curls do not become electrified, they must be well moistened 2 times a week.

  • 1 - 2 tbsp balm - conditioner (natural).
  • 1 tsp olive oil.
  • 1 tsp linseed oil.
  • 1 tsp grape seed oils.
  • 3 - 5 cap. lavender esters.

We apply the mask on dry curls and scalp (if you are prone to oiliness, only for a length). Wrap cling film and a warm towel (hat) on top. Oils are used fatty, heavy, but they nourish the curls well, reduce their dryness. It is desirable to keep the mask for 1.5 hours. From time to time, if you warm your head with a hairdryer, the effect will only increase. Lavender essential oil not only eliminates itching, irritation. It perfectly soothes dry scalp, restores its water balance.

Now I want to tell you more about Broccoli oil and Moringa oil against hair electrification.

What to do if the curls themselves are dry and at the slightest dryness they magnetize as they want? Of course, pick up a good moisturizing cosmetics to suit you. And also connect these two unique oils to the care of the strands.

Broccoli seed oil is a natural silicone. Everything that artificial silicone does, that is, envelops and protects, this is what broccoli oil gives us. Just a few drops of this precious product improves strands. They straighten, are easy to comb, do not fluff, and are smooth and silky to the touch.

I think every girl has faced the problem of styling her strands in the morning, especially if they are freshly washed. Part of the hair always sticks out and does not want to lie down diligently. Broccoli oil is ideal for "taming" unruly curls. And if the hair is electrified, then this is simply an irreplaceable thing.

My second favorite Moringa oil. I buy myself from the Spivak company. Moringa is a powerful natural herbal moisturizer for strands. The oil is not heavy, easily absorbed and does not leave a greasy film. What to do if hair is electrified? - Apply moringa oil after shampooing. I drip 2-3 drops into my palm, rub between my palms, and then lubricate the tips, as well as the entire length, retreating 10 cm from the head. Curls thanks to this tool are very moisturized, strong, healthy. During the heating season, this is an additional prevention of hair electrification.

For myself, I found ways that help get rid of dry hair in the winter. How are you saved? Share your feedback, maybe your tool is even more effective!

1. Change your shampoo and conditioner

If your hair is very electrified, it is important during this period to change your care and switch to moisturizing and nourishing products with oils designed for dry and damaged hair: they will protect your hair from drying out and reduce static hair stress. Choose a balm or hair conditioner with silicone, which effectively neutralizes the electrical charge in the hair. Don't forget to use extra leave-in. It is better to refuse products for oily hair type: they wash off the skin sebum necessary to protect the hair, from which the hair dries out faster and is highly electrified. Therefore, when choosing a remedy, be careful.

2. Dry your hair properly and use heat protection

Frequent use of a hair dryer (especially at a high temperature) greatly dries out the hair from the inside. Therefore, we recommend blow drying your hair with cold air and be sure to use a leave-in heat protection spray, which should be applied to damp hair before drying.

3. Rinse your hair with cool water

In order for the hair not to become electrified, it is necessary to rinse it with cool (not cold) water after each wash. Thanks to this manipulation, the hair will become smooth and silky.

4. Use oils

Few people know that oils have an antistatic effect. To keep your hair from getting electrified, fill a spray bottle with water and add a few drops of rose or lavender oil. Use the mixture on dry or damp hair: it will not only, but also relieve static stress. You can put this spray in your purse and use it every time you notice that your hair is starting to get electrified. Also, do not forget about the various vitamin hair masks. You can use various folk and home remedies.

5. Use the right comb

Forget about plastic combs that make hair 5 times more electrified! Create a pleasant and safe environment for hair to grow and "live". Invest in a comb with natural boar bristles: it will spread the sebum evenly over the entire surface of the hair, the moisture in each hair will be better retained and the hair will not be electrified. We also recommend using a wooden comb: due to the large distance between the teeth, it reduces the amount of friction, so the hair after using it does not become electrified and will not rise.

6. Use a humidifier

Low humidity leads to drying out of the hair and provokes increased electrification of the hair. To alleviate this problem, use humidifiers. Put it near the workplace or in the house where you are most often. If there is no humidifier, then simply pour water into bottles and place them near the radiator.

7. Wear the right hat

Hats made from non-natural materials create static electricity. Give preference to hats made of natural wool, cotton or fur. Remember, even the most should protect your hair from hypothermia, but not harm them in any way. To choose a hat that will keep your hair from electrifying, read reviews on store websites, for example, and ask for more photos from a large number of people. Don't be lazy!

Now you know what to do if your hair is electrified. Use our advice and be the best!

“I took off my hat and — oh, horror! - became a dandelion! The problem of electrified hair is faced equally by both women and men. Especially in the beret-cap period. It is almost impossible to solve this problem once and for all, but there are several ways, using which you will not become a "dandelion". Tested on myself!

Why hair is electrified: reasons

Before you start to deal with the problem, you need to find the cause of its occurrence. Hair is electrified due to the following factors:

  1. Sudden temperature changes - relevant in winter;
  2. Low indoor humidity - heating, air conditioners dry the air, which has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the hair;
  3. Inappropriate care products - You chose the wrong shampoo, and your hair literally stood on end from such an attitude;
  4. Lack of vitamins - the body as a whole, hair - in particular, there are not enough nutrients;
  5. Hats and clothes - remember physics for grade 8. The main cause of static electricity is friction. The hair under the cap rubs against each other, as well as against the fabric of the cap, the surface of the down jacket and the scarf, which leads to the effect of "dandelion";
  6. Insufficient care - perhaps you forget about conditioner or hair masks.

What to do so that the hair is not electrified

Methods for dealing with static electricity

So, now you know why your hair is very electrified. As you can see, it can be either one of the listed reasons, or all of them in combination. So how to get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon?

  • The most important advice is to reconsider the rules for caring for your hair!

Perhaps you just fell for numerous marketing tricks and chose completely inappropriate remedies that do not heal, but cripple. Unfortunately, it's impossible to walk into a store and read the promises on the label and find the perfect shampoo or conditioner. Hair, like skin, is completely unique for each person, and only through trial and error you will find what is right for you.

Important! Keep a hair care diary. Divide an ordinary notebook into several columns and record all the changes that occur with the condition of the hair and scalp. Be sure to watch for color washout (for colored hair), moisture levels, possible dandruff or itching, and, of course, don't forget about static electricity - generated or not.

  • Opt for moisturizing shampoos, leave-in conditioners, and use hair masks regularly.

An integrated approach has always been, is and remains one of the leading ways to care for health and beauty. The lack of moisture, in principle, negatively affects the condition of the hair, if they have already begun to electrify - consider this a kind of cry for help.

Important! Do not abuse! Shampoo and conditioner use constantly, masks - no more than once a week!

  • Choose the right headwear.

Synthetic fabrics literally provoke your hair to riot. Don't give in! Give preference to a hat made of natural materials. If there is no way to urgently update your winter wardrobe, spray the inside of the headgear with an antistatic spray or hairspray before each wear.

Important! If the hair is long and the cap is only partially dominated, the down jacket and scarf should also be processed, otherwise expect an unpleasant surprise from the tips.

  • Humidify the air.

For this purpose, both special devices (air humidifiers) and more affordable means, for example, ordinary water cans, are suitable for you. Place them under the batteries in the office and at home, and remember to add fluid regularly. Evaporating, the water will counteract the batteries and make the air humid and as comfortable as possible for the hair.

  • Watch your diet.

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate and choose your own multivitamin complexes in the pharmacy! Be sure to contact your therapist, take the necessary tests, and the doctor will tell you the right remedy with the right dosage!

Until then, take care of your diet. Add more vegetables and fruits, fish and cereals - so you saturate the body with vitamins without medication.

  • Sign up for keratin hair straightening.

A great way to permanently get rid of problems with electrifying hair is a procedure using keratin. Curly lovers are unlikely to appreciate this offer, but believe me, the result will amaze you.

Firstly, this is the most real hair treatment with natural ingredients. Secondly, the perfect styling is always with you. Thirdly, the duration of the effect is about six months. You will not encounter static electricity, split ends, or many other problems.

Therefore, if you have time, money, and most importantly, a desire, try this procedure. And you don't even have to change your hat - the electricity won't touch your hair!

emergency measures. Get Rid of Static Electricity in Seconds

  1. Water.
    Another way to use plain water in your piggy bank is to remove electricity from your hair using absolutely any liquid! To give your hair a decent look, you will need a couple of drops of water, the palm of your hand and a few seconds. Rub the water on your palms and walk on the surface of the hair - that's it, the electricity is gone. Miracle! You can also lightly dampen the comb.
    Important! A small bottle of thermal water will perfectly fit in a handbag. Using it, you will not only remove electricity, but also give your hair a healthy shine and provide them with useful substances for several hours.
  2. Hair fixation spray.
    Everything is extremely simple - spray a little varnish on your hair. One of the advantages of the procedure is that the styling will last longer.
  3. Cream.
    Absolutely any cream is suitable for removing static electricity from hair. The procedure is the same as with water - rub a small amount of cream on your palms, run through your hair.
    Important! Don't overdo it! Too much cream will make your hair look greasy.
  4. Comb.
    In winter, prefer a wooden comb and keep it handy. Just a little - brush your hair. A plastic comb can only exacerbate the situation.

Sooner or later, each of us is faced with such a problem when hair flying in all directions like someone is pulling them with a magnet. What happens to them? In summer, the sun and salt water also dry the hair, but due to the fact that there are no sudden changes in temperature and our body receives a lot of vitamins, they look decent.

In winter, frost and dry air affect the hair. Hair accumulates static electricity: stand on end lose their luster and become brittle. And they should be smooth and silky! Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to curls and not spare any money or time for this.

Today "So simple!" will tell you about the reasons for this phenomenon. And, of course, about what to do so that the hair is not electrified in winter.

Why is hair electrified?

Hair is always in need of care. It is important not only to take care of them with help, but also to pay great attention to your nutrition and lifestyle. After all, it is better to prevent the problem than to spend a lot of effort and money to fight it.

We wish you not to be like a dandelion this winter! Share your tips with your friends.

Loves painting, ready to admire the paintings all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumery, is well versed in fashion trends and will give odds to many well-known beauty bloggers. Her love of sports is backed up by a sports rank in swimming! The favorite book of a charming girl is The Emperor by Niccolò Machiavelli.