Tan color on request. How not to get sunburned and get a bronze tan

When we invest our own money in a bank, we painstakingly collect information about this bank, find out the measure of its reliability. But for some reason, many girls and even respectable ladies, going to the solarium, collect only the necessary amount of money - "for a wonderful bronze tan." Without thinking about the fact that the price of a skin tone rare for the middle band, acquired under the rays of the "artificial sun", can become unusually high.

Solarium, like the sun, is undoubtedly a source of beauty and youth. The solar energy transmitted by the solarium has a beneficial effect on a number of processes occurring in the body. For example, metabolism. Properly conducted sessions, of course, improve well-being. However, do not forget that the sun's rays in excessive quantities cause many problems. For example, the growth of tumors, a violation of the structure of the hair, a change in the pigmentation of the skin, loss of skin elasticity.

Many come to the solarium with the only aesthetic goal: to achieve an even tan, to "paint" their body in chocolate color. "We want to look great", "I want to take an increased dose", "My friend tans in the solarium every day and feels great"... They don't know or forget that the skin's ability to tan is individual. In fact, sunburn is a protective reaction of the body, which protects the top layer of the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays. A person's susceptibility to sunburn depends on the thickness of the skin and on the amount of skin pigment. Thus, each person has a special tolerance for solarium.

Do not try to tan in the solarium immediately, in massive doses. Solarium procedures for a healthy woman can be taken no more than once or twice a week, and after 5-6 sessions it is worth taking a ten-day or two-week break. Before going to the solarium, you should consult with your doctor. The doctor will help you skillfully "paint" individual solarium procedures, gradually increasing the intensity of the doses and their duration. If you are prone to frequent colds, and your immune system is clearly unable to cope with the abundance of infections of a poisoned environment, if your joints ache, and your legs get tired in the evening, then the doctor will probably advise you on a solarium.

The solarium also helps with enlarged, but not yet brought to chronic varicose veins of the legs, with a relief mesh of visible capillaries on the arms and legs. In all these cases, the solarium - a great invention of mankind - becomes an indispensable means of healing. Those people whose body is abundantly covered with moles should carefully monitor them. If moles or areas of skin around them begin to itch, redden or increase in volume, you should immediately stop going to the solarium and consult an experienced dermatologist. The most active and useful, and in many cases irreplaceable, is the solarium in winter and early spring, when many processes in the body slow down, and the manifestations of beriberi become more noticeable. Solarium has a special relationship with skin cosmetic problems.

A light tan is known to be beneficial. He suits every woman. Able to make her look more fresh and rejuvenated. Bronze complexion - the longed-for dream of many beauties - often ages. The danger of a long stay in the solarium is that the collagen ligaments of the dermis can collapse. The skin gradually begins to lose elasticity and smoothness, becoming covered with wrinkles. If a network of wrinkles appears, and the skin has lost its elasticity, then you obviously overdo it with the solarium. After all, each person has his own limit of stay in the solarium. The ultraviolet rays of a solarium help those who suffer from blackheads, blackheads and enlarged pores. The pores are noticeably narrowed. Solarium is great for psoriasis. But with dermatitis, you should not visit a solarium, since the skin dehydrated by the disease dries even more.

One of the surest indicators of the benefits of a solarium is your well-being. Listen to him. One of my patients, who visited the solarium infrequently, but regularly, was glad that she began to get sick less, did not get tired and was "ready to move mountains." Recently, she decided to acquire the color of the skin of an African native and began to visit the solarium daily. She herself quickly noticed that she became irritable, lost her stamina, and besides, she caught a viral infection that she was unable to overcome. This is a typical example. For a long time, my patient wisely supported her immunity with a solarium, and then, by excessive enthusiasm for the same procedures, undermined it. Solarium is a friend of health. And don't make him your enemy.

10 rules to follow when visiting a solarium.

Rule one. Don't forget a cotton cap or scarf to protect your hair. Sun dried hair loses its luster, fades and becomes brittle.

Rule two. Take special dark sunglasses. Don't rely on your eyes to close. Covered eyelids are too unreliable protection from strong ultraviolet rays.

Rule three. Before a solarium, treat the skin with. Indeed, in a solarium, out of habit, you can get burned, as at noon on the ocean coast. Sun creams reduce exposure to radiation, and the tan becomes softer and more even. Creams should be applied immediately before the procedure.

Rule four. Do not disregard the face, especially if the skin is prone to "burning". Use special cosmetics.

Rule five. Before a solarium, it is advisable not to wash with soap, as soap foam destroys the acidic layer, deprives the skin of fatty lubrication. This increases the risk of burns. Ideally, you should wash thoroughly with soap and water one and a half to two hours before the procedure, or, if you wash immediately before the procedure, replace the soap with a more gentle liquid foam.

Rule six. Make-up must not be applied to the face before visiting the solarium. Avoid even lipstick. Do not use perfumes, deodorants, aromatic oils.

Rule seven. Be careful when choosing the type of solarium. A solarium, like the sun, is tolerated differently by everyone. For many, staying in a solarium is a special pleasure. Some feel weak and dizzy. The first is preferable to use a turbo solarium, where the procedure is performed while standing and the stream of rays simultaneously hits the entire surface of the body, the sun "hugging" you from all sides. For physically weaker women, it is better to take ultraviolet baths lying down, in a horizontal position, when you can relax and unwind.

Rule eight. Be careful when taking medication before tanning. Better consult with your doctor. After all, certain drugs increase the photosensitivity of the skin and can provoke a solar allergy.

Rule nine. Women who have crossed the threshold of thirty years should be in a solarium in a bra and panties. Exposing tender areas to direct radiation is not worth it. Be sure to stick on the chest

Rule ten. Solarium, of course, is relaxation, but it causes the active work of many body functions, so after the procedure you should sit and relax. You can drink a cup of herbal fortified tea or juice rich in vitamin C.

Immediately after the solarium, you should not get up under a cold shower.

I probably won’t surprise anyone by saying that I have white skin, I don’t tan well, etc. etc., in general self-tanning is the solution to all problems. I want to say right away that I am new to this business, it was my first tanning in my life, and I think I will not change it)

I bought it by accident, I thought for a long time which one to buy at all, at first I thought it might be some Avon or Oriflame on the cheap, but after looking at the catalogs, I realized that I couldn’t save money - at least the price tag was from 250) The toad crushed) After reading reviews about budget self-tanning, I realized that you need to take Floresan. I went to the pharmacy for it, I wanted to take it, which is in such a yellow bottle, but in the pharmacy there was only this one, there were 2 shades - golden and bronze. The name "bronze" frightened me, I thought, suddenly I'll become a black man and took the golden one.

As for the GOLDEN shade, it gives a very light shade of tan, not yellow, but golden, as if I had been on the beach for 30 minutes, so that a small tan could be clearly seen - I applied 3 times, 2 times in a row, and the next day. I decided that I could take a chance and buy a bronze one)

As for the shade BRONZE, in fact it is the same golden, only as if more concentrated) i.e. apply 3 times a shade of gold = 1 application of bronze. So here it is) It turns out a beautiful shade of tan on the skin, just like from the sea, but not like grilled chicken, I tell you for sure) What struck me most of all was that all this miracle costs 100 rubles each. a piece) In our city, this self-tanner was dismantled in one fell swoop, next time, if I see it, I’ll buy it for future use - 3 pieces)

Now I have my own system - I apply golden on the face, and bronze on the body and it looks quite tolerable) Plus, self-tanning contains alcohol, and therefore all pimples on the face are dried and acne marks are “painted over” with a tan) Be sure to apply before applying avazagar you need to prepare the skin - scrub and moisturize with cream and only then apply) This miracle does not last long - 4 days, so I apply self-tanner every three days and go constantly tanned) By the way, it is washed off evenly - without spots)

Self-tanning itself has a quite pleasant smell, but for some reason, after absorption, it acquires some kind of specific smell (you know, if you hang a wet towel on hot batteries or a heater, then it will smell like something burnt)) well, it’s warm, I usually go at night I put it on, I get up in the morning - already with a tan, I go to the shower and, accordingly, there is no smell)

Keep in mind that after application it is better to avoid any contact with something for at least the next 10 minutes, ideally, of course, apply it and sleep after 10 minutes, then everything will be smooth and the main thing is that water does not get on such skin, otherwise there will be stains )

And also such a nuance - try not to scratch your skin much XD especially for those who have long nails - rip off all your tan and then you will have white stripes on your skin, not very like that)

The texture, despite the fact that this is a spray - like a body lotion, the application is convenient, you can even without any gloves, your hands will not stain if you wash them with soap after that)

By the way, as for applying to the whole body), I initially encountered this - how to apply on the hands, while not staining the palms? Very simple) We apply self-tanning everywhere except brushes, i.e. along the glove line, then carefully wash my hands, apply a little self-tanner on a cotton pad and wipe the brushes, fingers - as a result, tanned hands and clean palms)

So, the result - self-tanning is cool, it can compete with luxury, although it costs a penny) If you are new to this business and do not know how to apply self-tanning, then take a golden tint for a start, if you already know how and know everything - take bronze, but for the face it will be a bit dark, I think it’s better to use golden here) and it also doesn’t stain clothes and bedding)

Thank you for your attention, all the best :3

Attached are pictures of my legs.

In summer, a large number of people dream of a beautiful tan. Some people are just lucky - their nature endowed them with dark skin. One or two visits to the beach are enough, as the skin acquires a natural, beautiful tan.

How to achieve a bronze tan on white skin representatives, the useful information presented in the article will help. After all, people with white skin constantly have to hide from direct sunlight, otherwise you can get burned, so you need to know your skin color type and the rules for tanning in the open sun.

Why is it difficult for whites to achieve a bronze tan?

Sunburn is a skin darkening under the influence of ultraviolet rays, caused by the formation and accumulation in the body of a specific substance - melanin. This substance (pigment) is a reaction to protect the skin from the action of solar ultraviolet radiation.

In people with white skin, this process is less active than in dark-skinned people.

Therefore, white-skinned people, instead of tanning, often get sunburn and other health problems. Melanin retains more than 85% of ultraviolet radiation, the stronger this reaction, the more likely it is to get a beautiful tan.

Important to remember! In order not to wonder how to achieve a bronze tan for white-skinned people, you need to know your appearance color type (skin tone). According to the type of skin cover, the time for taking ultraviolet baths and protective equipment is selected.

Remedies for bronze tanning

Among tanning creams with bronzer, which, in fact, color the skin in a certain shade and contribute to the production of melanin, which makes the effect even more intense, experts highlight the following popular remedies:

How to determine the phototype according to the external data of the skin and achieve a bronze tan with white skin, the following table will tell you.

Appearance color types

(skin tone)

to the first type include owners of white, soft milky, silky, photosensitive skin. They usually have blond or reddish hair. The eyes are gray-blue or green. This phototype cannot form a pigment - an ultraviolet burn appears instantly, without a visible tan. The consequences are unsatisfactory.
to the second type include people with grayish-blue, greenish eyes, dark brown or light blond hair. The skin is also sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Sunburn sticks hard, burns are easily earned.
To the third color type include people with chocolate or dark blond hair, grayish-green or tobacco eyes. The body is more disposed to tan due to its favor for ultraviolet radiation.
Fourth type. It includes people with rich dark eyes, swarthy skin. Tan sticks from the first time, leaving no burns.
Fifth type. Owners of dark eyes and hair with very dark skin. The tan of the skin has a rich color.
Sixth type. People with black body color, eyes and hair. Never burn out.

Special cosmetics for bronze tanning

Very white skin, belonging to the first type, is difficult to tan. After a quarter of an hour of exposure to direct sunlight, burns appear on the skin.

To protect the skin, you should use effective creams with SPF 40.

After a few days, it is allowed to switch to SPF 20. Special products are selected from the series for ultra-sensitive skin. From oils for a rich tan, doctors recommend to refuse.

Type II skin is more easily tanned. Getting burns occurs if you take procedures in the open sun for more than an hour. Representatives with white skin belonging to the second color type can sunbathe without injuring the skin if you slowly adapt the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

In the first sessions of exposure to direct sunlight, the body needs to be protected with SPF 30, then protection can be removed up to SPF 15. The best option would be to use an effective, waterproof, sunscreen.

Vitaminized nutrition and bronze tan

The main key to the success of getting a long-lasting tan is to stimulate the production of melanin pigment. Among the products, it is worth using those that protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Here is a list of necessary and useful elements that will allow you to quickly achieve a bronze tan on white skin people:

What products contain these required elements?

Vitamin A rich foods such as fish oil, liver, egg yolk, yellow, orange, green fruits and vegetables.

beta-carotene strengthens cell membranes, stopping aging. Products worth paying attention to: apricots, spinach, carrot juice, melon, watermelon.

Lycopene helps to prolong the effect of tanned skin. It is found in orange, yellow, red vegetable and fruit fruits.

Vitamin E- an antioxidant. Prevents inflammation, skin pathological reactions, redness. Found in vegetable oils, leafy vegetables, dairy products, apples, eggs, veal.

Tyrosine increases the production of melanin. It is necessary to consume dairy products, peanuts, almonds, nuts, pumpkin seeds. The element is found in bananas, legumes.

tryptophan- amino acid. Sources of nutrients are: hard cheeses, peas, dairy products, beans, nuts, soybeans.

Selenium prolongs the youthfulness of the skin. Prevents dryness, cracking, peeling, protects from sunburn. Sources of selenium: fish, seafood, coconut, milk, eggs.

It is important to know! If you make the right diet, then the bronze shade will appear quickly enough, without stress for the skin.

How to sunbathe in a solarium for a bronze tan

A good tan of the desired shade can be obtained after several solarium sessions. The main thing is to know how to take the procedures correctly.

Before taking procedures in the solarium, a doctor's consultation is required. For some diseases, this procedure is prohibited.

For tanning in a solarium, there are special cosmetics that protect the skin from burns. They are different from those that are designed to protect from the sun's rays. Means are selected according to the color type of the skin and are often sold in beauty salons.

After the procedure, it is required to apply a moisturizer and coolant.

Before going to the solarium for a bronzed tan, white-skinned girls are not recommended to do hair removal, take a shower with soap, and also apply perfume or deodorant to the body.

How many solarium treatments will give white-skinned bronze tan

At the first visit to the solarium, spending time under the lamps for owners of fair skin should be no more than 3 minutes.

The second procedure is but only after 2 days, the tanning time is increased by 1 minute as well as all subsequent sessions. To obtain the expected bronze effect, 10-12 visits are required.

For people of the second color type, 7-8 visits are enough. The duration of the first procedure is from 4 to 6 minutes.

Rules for tanning for whites at sea

White people should be wary of sunbathing in the open sun.

The first day on the beach you can not sunbathe for more than 1/4 hour. After eating, at least 1.5-2 hours should pass. On an empty stomach, you should not sunbathe either.

A beautiful uniform shade, the skin receives during movements. The tan fits perfectly during the ball game. Do not lie in one position for more than 10 minutes.

Be careful! When getting a burn, it is better to abandon the beach for a few days. You can not sunbathe from 12 to 16 hours - at this time the sun is the most active.

How to achieve a bronze tan for whites on a regular beach

The most important rule is to always use protective equipment, preventing burns. After a light shade appears on the skin, it is allowed to use oils for taking sun treatments. Owners of fair skin sunbathing with oils is best under an umbrella or a canopy.

A long stay in the open sun leads to burns, even dark-skinned people.

Therefore, do not think that the more sun, the faster the expected shade will appear. Following all the recommendations, even white-skinned people can get a beautiful bronze tan, without stress for the body.

Not everyone can tan naturally, that is, under the rays of the sun. Although everyone knows that the formation of vitamin D in the skin (which plays a significant role in the body) is impossible without the participation of sunlight. However, not everyone knows that the skin ages prematurely precisely under the influence of the sun we all love. In addition, many probably had to deal with sunburn, which does not at all correspond to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba beautiful tan. For example, I instantly burn in the sun, after which the burnt skin exfoliates, acquiring a not quite aesthetic appearance, and becomes the same “green” as before tanning.

So is it possible, without harming your precious health, to get a beautiful bronze tan?

Most women today prefer self-tanning. The advantages of self-tanning over the sun and solarium are obvious - this type of tanning is safe for health, and the desired skin color appears after a couple of hours.

Many have probably had a negative experience with self-tanning in the form of a leopard spot effect. And this is not surprising, because the bottles do not say how to properly apply this remedy. Here we will learn.

Let's start with the fact that self-tanning can be of two types - bronzer And auto bronzer . Which one to choose is up to you.

Part bronzers only dyes are included, so they stay on the skin for only a few hours and are easily washed off with water. Often, reflective particles are included in the composition, which give an additional visual effect - shimmer and shine. Bronzers visually even out the skin, and the silhouette looks more slender and toned.

Unlike bronzers, auto bronzers can make your skin tanned for several days. This effect is achieved by the interaction of skin proteins and dihydroxyacetone, which is part of self-tanning. That is, the stratum corneum of the epidermis is stained.
How to apply self-tanner to avoid the effect of leopard spots?

1. In order for the tan to go on smoother and stay on your skin longer, epilate in advance.

2. The first thing to do immediately before using self-tanning is to take a shower or bath using a scrub or peeling.

3. Use gloves to avoid intense staining of the palms.

4. In order for the tan to be evenly distributed over your skin and look natural, you need to mix the self-tanner with moisturizing milk or body cream in the same ratio, and then apply to the skin.

5. Elbows, knees and underarms stain faster, so self-tanning is applied last.

What to do if, nevertheless, self-tanning is applied unevenly? You won't walk like a spotted deer, will you? Don't despair - we'll fix it. Just take a bath with a couple of glasses of milk added to it, this will help get rid of the “color”.

If you find several spots on your skin that are darker than the general color, then gently wipe the darkened areas with a piece of lemon (lemon juice helps to lighten the skin).


If you have any skin diseases or your skin is damaged, then self-tanning is better not to apply.

Immediately after using self-tanning products, do not wear tight and light-colored clothing. Wait for complete drying. Otherwise, light-colored clothes will cease to be such, and the tan will be smeared in places.


Self-tanning is only a visual effect, it does not protect against the penetration of ultraviolet rays. So if you're going to the beach, be sure to wear sunscreen!

A few more little tricks.

In order to give the skin a pleasant shade of tan, you need to wash your face with strong coffee. At the same time, you still moisturize the skin and tighten the pores. Cool the brewed strong coffee and freeze in ice cube trays. Wipe your face with ice twice a day - in the morning and before bed.

Coffee grounds can also be used for the benefit of your beloved - spread it on the skin and wait until it dries and falls off by itself. Then wipe your face with a mild tonic.

Be beautiful!

In summer, a large number of people dream of a beautiful tan. Some people are just lucky - their nature endowed them with dark skin. One or two visits to the beach are enough, as the skin acquires a natural, beautiful tan.

How to achieve a bronze tan on white skin representatives, the useful information presented in the article will help. After all, people with white skin constantly have to hide from direct sunlight, otherwise you can get burned, so you need to know your skin color type and the rules for tanning in the open sun.

Why is it difficult for whites to achieve a bronze tan?

Sunburn is a skin darkening caused by a substance - melanin. This substance is formed in the skin, is a reaction of protection from solar ultraviolet radiation.

In people with white skin, this process is less active than in dark-skinned people.

Therefore, white-skinned people, instead of tanning, often get burned. Melanin retains more than 85% of ultraviolet radiation, the stronger this reaction, the more likely it is to get a beautiful tan.

Important to remember! In order not to wonder how to achieve a bronze tan for whites, you need to know the skin color type. According to the type of skin cover, the time for taking ultraviolet baths and protective equipment is selected.

How to determine the phototype according to the external data of the skin and achieve a bronze tan with white skin, the following table will tell you.

Appearance color types (skin tone) Examples
to the first type include owners of white, soft milky, silky, photosensitive skin. They usually have blond or reddish hair. The eyes are gray-blue or green. This phototype cannot form a pigment - an ultraviolet burn appears instantly, without a visible tan. The consequences are unsatisfactory.
to the second type include people with grayish-blue, greenish eyes, dark brown or light blond hair. The skin is also sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Sunburn sticks hard, burns are easily earned.
To the third color type include people with chocolate or dark blond hair, grayish-green or tobacco eyes. The body is more disposed to tan due to its favor for ultraviolet radiation.
Fourth type. It includes people with rich dark eyes, swarthy skin. Tan sticks from the first time, leaving no burns.
Fifth type. Owners of dark eyes and hair with very dark skin. The tan of the skin has a rich color.
Sixth type. People with black body color, eyes and hair. Never burn out.

Special cosmetics for bronze tanning

Very white skin, belonging to the first type, is difficult to tan. After a quarter of an hour of exposure to direct sunlight, burns appear on the skin.

To protect the skin, you should use effective creams with SPF 40.

After a few days, it is allowed to switch to SPF 20. Special products are selected from the series for ultra-sensitive skin. From oils for a rich tan, doctors recommend to refuse.

Type II skin is more easily tanned. Getting burns occurs if you take procedures in the open sun for more than an hour. Representatives with white skin belonging to the second color type can sunbathe without injuring the skin if you slowly adapt the skin to ultraviolet radiation.

In the first sessions of exposure to direct sunlight, the body needs to be protected with SPF 30, then protection can be removed up to SPF 15. The best option would be to use an effective, waterproof, sunscreen.

Vitaminized nutrition and bronze tan

The main key to the success of getting a long-lasting tan is to stimulate the production of melanin pigment. Among the products, it is worth using those that protect the epidermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Here is a list of necessary and useful elements that will allow you to quicklyachieve a bronze tan on white skin people:

What products contain these required elements?

Vitamin A rich foods such as fish oil, liver, egg yolk, yellow, orange, green fruits and vegetables.

beta-carotene strengthens cell membranes, stopping aging. Products worth paying attention to: apricots, spinach, carrot juice, melon, watermelon.

Lycopene helps to prolong the effect of tanned skin. It is found in orange, yellow, red vegetable and fruit fruits.

Vitamin E- an antioxidant. Prevents inflammation, skin pathological reactions, redness. Found in vegetable oils, leafy vegetables, dairy products, apples, eggs, veal.

Tyrosine increases the production of melanin. It is necessary to consume dairy products, peanuts, almonds, nuts, pumpkin seeds. The element is found in bananas, legumes.

tryptophan- amino acid. Sources of nutrients are: hard cheeses, peas, dairy products, beans, nuts, soybeans.

Selenium prolongs the youthfulness of the skin. Prevents dryness, cracking, peeling, protects from sunburn. Sources of selenium: fish, seafood, coconut, milk, eggs.

It is important to know! If you make the right diet, then the bronze shade will appear quickly enough, without stress for the skin.

How to sunbathe in a solarium for a bronze tan?

A good tan of the desired shade can be obtained after several solarium sessions. The main thing is to know how to take the procedures correctly.

Before taking procedures in the solarium, a doctor's consultation is required. For some diseases, this procedure is prohibited.

For tanning in a solarium, there are special cosmetics that protect the skin from burns. They are different from those that are designed to protect from the sun's rays. Means are selected according to the color type of the skin and are often sold in beauty salons.

After the procedure, it is required to apply a moisturizer and coolant.

Before going to the solarium for a bronzed tan, white-skinned girls are not recommended to do hair removal, take a shower with soap, and also apply perfume or deodorant to the body.

At the first visit to the solarium, spending time under the lamps for owners of fair skin should be no more than 3 minutes.

The second procedure is but only after 2 days, the tanning time is increased by 1 minute as well as all subsequent sessions. To obtain the expected bronze effect, 10-12 visits are required.

For people of the second color type, 7-8 visits are enough. The duration of the first procedure is from 4 to 6 minutes.

Rules for tanning for whites on the sea, beach

White people should be wary of sunbathing in the open sun.

The first day on the beach you can not sunbathe for more than 1/4 hour. After eating, at least 1.5-2 hours should pass. On an empty stomach, you should not sunbathe either.

A beautiful uniform shade, the skin receives during movements. The tan fits perfectly during the ball game. Do not lie in one position for more than 10 minutes.

Be careful! When getting a burn, it is better to abandon the beach for a few days. You can not sunbathe from 12 to 16 hours - at this time the sun is the most active.

The most important rule is to always use protective equipment, preventing burns. After a light shade appears on the skin, it is allowed to use oils for taking sun treatments. Owners of fair skin sunbathing with oils is best under an umbrella or a canopy.

A long stay in the open sun leads to burns, even dark-skinned people.

Therefore, do not think that the more sun, the faster the expected shade will appear. Following all the recommendations, even white-skinned people can get a beautiful bronze tan, without stress for the body.