How to restore strength? Restoration of vital, physical and mental strength and energy after illness, stress, training, work, fatigue. How to increase energy? Restoring and increasing the energy of a man or woman

The human body has a high energy potential. Channeling energy into right direction you can achieve high results in your field of activity, become successful, increase productivity and leave more time for interesting things, active rest and families. There are a number of ways to control and restore strength and energy more effectively.

How to restore vitality and energy

Excess or lack of energy prevent a person from behaving correctly in the current situation, interfere with the achievement of goals. Excess energy leads to increased irritability, splashing out emotions on others, negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system, and, consequently, the health of the whole organism.

The lack of energy makes a person lethargic, compliant, unable to make important decisions, following the lead of others, sometimes against his will. Such people get tired quickly, do not have an active life position and prefer free time spends alone, which significantly hinders full life. That is why it is so important to know how to restore strength and energy.

Decided to restore strength and energy? What does all this mean? Just imagine that in your house the doorway is one meter wide. But at one delightful moment, you decide to buy a huge incredibly beautiful sofa. At the same time, you know for sure that the sofa is actually very good.

You also know that many of your friends have already set themselves the exact same one and are incredibly happy with it, you even already know where you can get it and at a reasonable price.

But this sofa can never be yours, because until it can fit into your meter-long doorway, you will not be able to start using it. It's the same with energy. The strength of our energy completely determines the very thoughts that can enter our brain.

Most people live this way: they know very well that there is some useful thought, they know very well in which such a book it is beautifully described, and they also know very well people who have already made a lot of money with this thought. But this thought cannot affect their life in any way, because it does not fit into their head and does not belong to them in this way.

Without energy - almost nowhere

Just imagine that only in a very calm and balanced state, our human brain is able to consume 7 times more active energy than any other organ. Occupying only about 2% of body weight, it consumes about 20% of the body's energy.

Can you guess which sport is the hardest? That's right, chess. And this is not a joke at all, according to the research of the famous professor Ilya Arshavsky, at the very moment when any chess player sits down at his chess table, his arterial blood pressure, pulse and also cardiogram indicators are equal to the state of a weightlifter who lifts a record weight. But at the same time, a weightlifter does all this for about 5-7 seconds, and a chess player sits at the table for hours.

The level of a person's active energy will be able to form, somehow change and even in some way determine the level of all our mental abilities and abilities, and therefore the degree of some kind of personal happiness, as well as life success!

A stabilized and reorganized psyche will help to see this problem in a new way, and then reshape your life to match those changes. In the external world, where the reality of life is manifested by facts, completely different directions and goals will ascend to the leaders.

The onslaught of these new forms must supplant sexual dreams, the feverish search for a love idol, which by its presence can not only suppress and belittle human honor and dignity, but also can prevent the personality from developing its strengths and opening up energetically.

Decided to restore strength and energy? I would like to draw your attention to the fact that physiological recovery must be included in the training. In addition, it is necessary to monitor your professional activities in parallel in order to develop as a specialist.

To recover, you can do exercises that can, through physical movements, not only strengthen the body, while giving physical forces but also to balance the spirit.

Spiritual corner in nature

If you want to restore strength and energy, in the late afternoon, but no later than 2 hours before bedtime, it is recommended to do exercise in nature. If you do not have such an opportunity, then your favorite corner of the garden or park may come up. It is important that nature in the chosen place delights you with its life force.

A similar corner can be made even in an apartment, if you fill it with the ones you like. indoor plants and stones. In it you can find physical and mental balance.

If you have the opportunity to make full walks, then it is recommended to perform the entire set of exercises. Dress light and preferably comfortable clothes. Suitable sports suit. Next, you need to run at an average pace to some place you like in the forest or in the park.

If you manage to regularly take such walks in nature, then soon you will feel improvements in your inner world.

Nook at home

Psychotherapy will help you take control of your energy. It should include the following steps and training:

  • Restructuring of psychology;
  • Attention concentration training;
  • Work on the development of imagination;
  • Mastering the technique of meditation.

The restructuring of psychology helps a person to understand what place he occupies in society. To restore strength and energy, you should control your feelings, restrain irritation and not splash out your emotions on others. Outdoor recreation, positive attitude, good relations to people help to concentrate and save energy.

If you want to restore strength and energy, remember: concentration of attention allows you to direct energy to one specific goal, without spraying it on extraneous actions. There are often times when our attention is diverted foreign objects or sounds, even in Everyday life this can lead to disastrous consequences and become a source of danger to yourself and others. Designed to train attention special exercises, the regular implementation of which will significantly increase your attentiveness.

The development of imagination allows you to concentrate energy on an imaginary object, relax your muscles and brain. By diverting attention to imaginary objects, you can long time perform monotonous work that does not require high concentration.

Mastering the technique of meditation is an important step towards developing complete control over energy. Meditation allows you to completely relax the body, relieving it of the influence outside world, concentrate thinking and direct all the energy of the body to solve a specific problem.

Control your energy and achieve your goals.

We, humans, are not an exception either, but rather we can even be generators of this energy called life.

A person is alive as long as energy flows through his body. It flows through the most perfect device - the invisible human energy system.

This system is absolutely perfect and quite simple. When a person learns to see it and work with it, the number of doctors will be significantly reduced due to their uselessness. And even stem cells for rejuvenation will be a relic of the past.

Much has been written about energy points, channels and human centers,

But there is no description anywhere. energy system generally.

Energy in a person is the result of the interaction of two energy flows - the Earth and the Cosmos. This is the basis. Points, channels, centers are all additional parts of this common whole and wonderfully perfect.

Reiki, acupuncture, mental healing, etc. this is only a partial, temporary and often effective impact on the subtle energy system of a person. In order to influence your own energy system, you do not need to be "seven spans in the forehead", it is enough to have more or less positive, pure, unossified thinking.

Remember the fairy tales about the hero who fights with the three-headed serpent and when he no longer has the strength, he asks Mother Earth to give him these strengths. Lie down on the ground and again invincibly strong. This has its real justification, because the strong energy flow of the Earth is part of our human strength, the only question is to keep clean channels for this flow.

When something hurts, we instinctively put our hands on that spot correctly. Isn't that Reiki? After all, from the hands of each person come two energy flow- one is terrestrial, the other is cosmic. And it is a big quackery to take money for initiation into Reiki. From these "masters" it looks something like this - Nature has given you this, and I am due a fee for this.

Here are three harmless tips on how to restore and replenish energy. This has been verified by experience. And no matter how simple and naive it may seem, believe me, it works.

1. Try to sleep on your back with your head to the east or north. You need to sleep on your back because then during sleep, the chakras are more effectively cleansed, preventing many health problems. Sleeping on your back is a disease prevention. Another position - on the side or, even worse, on the stomach, interferes with the purification of energy channels during sleep. If you don't sleep well, look for a different bed location in your home. Often the bed is placed incorrectly, and if this is not noticed for a long time, then from malaise and irritability there are already serious problems with health.

2. When you just feel tired and energy weak, and you need to be in shape, then first of all find a secluded place, preferably in direct contact with the ground, but it is not so important. Energy is all-pervading, for it even reinforced concrete is not an obstacle. The barrier to it is our own wrong thinking.

Take a horizontal position, always lying on your back. The head should be slightly raised, best of all it is an elastic roller under the neck. Relax. Think positive. Read a prayer - yours or "Our Father". Then say simple words: "Mother Earth, help me, cleanse my body." Lie down relaxed, trying not to think about anything, just passively observe what is happening in your body. After 5-7 minutes, say other words: "Father-Cosmos, give me your energy of goodness, love and creation." Again, listen in a relaxed way to what is happening with your body.

Enough 15-20 minutes and you are again energetic as a baby. The main condition for success is positive thinking, love for the Father - the Creator and the Earth - the Mother, as well as the ability to relax.

Doesn't this correspond to the stories about the restoration of strength by yogis or those tales about the hero who, after lying on the ground, regains strength?

3. Laying on of hands. Slightly rounded inward palms with closed fingers (as in Reiki) put on the lower abdomen. Lie so calmly in positive attitude 10-30 minutes, you yourself will want to take your hands off when it's enough. Energy increases due to its replenishment and circulation - the return of its own energy to the body through the hands. This simple action is very useful for older people to maintain their energy tone.

These simple manipulations with your energy and the energy of space will never harm you, at worst they will not help. If your power system serious violations then relax, most likely you will not be able to and imposed own hands they will bake with fire, or you will experience great discomfort. To your body and the processes taking place in it, you must definitely listen and “clean up” in your body just like you clean up in your house. When there is a lot of dirt, then cleaning is already very difficult, sometimes already impossible.

However, if your energy system is very polluted and unbalanced, most likely you will not take this advice at all.

Next, I would like to say about frequent occurrence- pain in the back, starting from the upper part of the cervical vertebrae and down to the sacrum. This speaks of pollution and a clear blockage of the chakras. And here it can be very effective second advice - cleaning with the help of the Earth and Space. Only once, as to replenish energy, will not be enough.

Love your Mother and Father, “do not create an idol for yourself”, treat yourself carefully and be healthy.

Not all people think about the need to protect their internal energy just like your own health. In this article, this is exactly what I want to talk about: how to increase energy and how you can restore its lost level.

Why is this needed?

First of all, it is worth saying that even if the inner is not visible to the naked eye, this does not mean that it does not exist. Often, when meeting with a person, you can feel a surge of strength, a certain charge. This is what energy is. It nourishes not only the soul, but also the body, thanks to its condition, a person has a certain mood, attitude and desire not only to work, but also to live. It will also be interesting that the Chinese called given energy"Qi" and even came up with medicine that should work to improve the state of energy - Qigong.

Main Rules

If a person wants to understand how to increase energy, he should know a few golden rules, thanks to which state of mind body will be fine. This will also help to avoid periodic therapy, which may otherwise be necessary.

  1. quality good nutrition(saturation of the body beneficial substances, vitamins and microelements).
  2. Normal rest (you can’t kill yourself with work, work through force. For normal functioning, the body needs periodic short rest, good sleep and vacation).
  3. No negative attitude. This is very important point, because when a person is angry, indignant or enraged, he destroys his energy, transferring it to the wrong level.

Already only observing these pretty simple rules, we can say with confidence that the energy sector will not require additional work above her. However, it is always important to carry out various preventive measures, which will be discussed further.

About waste

Understanding how to increase energy, it is worth saying a few words about what it is actually spent on. So, this is an important point, because by reducing its spending, only this can bring a lot of benefits to your own body.

  1. experiences and negative emotions. All this pumps out energy, exhausting a person. More than once, probably, many people felt as if “squeezed out” after experiences. This is what happened the complete destruction of internal energy.
  2. Emotional stress. In a small amount, they are useful for the body in terms of shaking, however, this should happen very rarely. Otherwise, resentment, petty quarrels and misunderstandings also drain energy from the body.
  3. Artificial increase in energy. Drinking alcohol or smoking is all an illusion of filling the body with something useful. If on this moment a person felt a surge of energy, then after that he will have to give it much more. It's like a loan or borrowing money at interest.
  4. Little things. If a person does not have a specific goal, he does not know what to do and what to strive for, this also depletes energy reserves. Spraying on trifles is the enemy of any organism, it is worth remembering this.

Energy recovery

Often there are situations when a person after a certain situation feels completely empty. In this case, it will be very useful to him simple tips how to restore human energy. Using the method called "solar disk", you can bring to normal condition body in a few hours.


The algorithm of actions of this method includes several rather simple steps. The procedure will be as follows.

  1. You need to imagine a large solar disk. First, it must necessarily spin in reverse side drawing out the remnants of negativity from the human body. In this case, the disk should gradually grow, which will indicate that the body is being cleansed.
  2. Next milestone- imagine how the disk changes its direction and fills the human body with light, golden vitality and energy.
  3. Next, you need to create a virtual mirror sphere behind your back, which will also attract solar energy saturating the body with it.
  4. The last very important stage in the technique, which tells how to restore human energy: send this solar disk into the bowels of the earth. You also need to imagine how negative energy is completely transformed into positive energy there.

I want to say that today there are a huge number of various ways how you can cleanse your body of negativity and restore lost energy. However, the above method is one of the simplest, moreover, it does not require special knowledge and skills and is available even to a beginner.


It is also necessary to talk about how to increase energy, or rather, even how to increase it constantly. This must be done by every person, because only in this way can one constantly maintain in great shape not only the body, but also, what is very important, the spirit. So, there are some simple, but quite effective ways How to keep yourself in good shape:

  1. Faith-hope-love. And although this may seem ridiculous to many, however, both psychologists and power engineers recommend believing in everything good, in a bright future, hoping that life will turn out the most. in the best way and love not only loved ones, but also all those around you. Maximum positive and only good emotions- this is the key to a strong, healthy
  2. Gratitude. Be sure to also be grateful for everything that happens in life. So, you should always say “thank you” to those around you, thank the higher powers for all the good things that happen in life.
  3. Enthusiasm. Very important advice how to increase the energy of the body - do what you love. And if the main place of work is not related to a hobby, you still need to devote a lot of time to an occupation close to your heart. Enjoying the process, a person himself produces positive energy, which nourishes his body.
  4. Communication. It is worth remembering that energy can be recharged. So, talking to positive people, you can perfectly replenish your reserve of forces. However, it is important to remember that there are people - energy vampires who steal energy. It is better to be wary of such individuals and keep communication to a minimum.
  5. Self-hypnosis. Very important rule how to recharge with energy - call it to yourself on your own, with the help of emotions and the brain. So, you need to learn how to visualize a surge of energy in the body, and this will definitely happen in reality.
  6. Pleasant emotions. Well, the most, probably, the main rule of how to increase the level of energy is to always experience only positive emotions. Communication with relatives, gatherings with friends, intimate contact with a loved one - all this can charge a person with positive to the ears, as they say.

About female energy

It will also be interesting that they are different in nature. In addition, they have different purposes. So, it is worth noting that the energy of a woman is primarily directed at a man, while a man’s energy is directed at the fair sex. What can be said about the ladies? So, the main rule for them is to bring love, peace and tranquility. What are the main ones for this to be involved? To fulfill her main purpose, a lady must bring beauty, order, love, sensuality to the world.


However, sometimes it happens that the fair sex does not always succeed in doing this. You can deal with this problem if you figure out how to increase female energy. What needs to be done for this?

  1. Understand what holodinamics is and learn how to apply its principles (entering one's own consciousness in order to combat various reasons internal issues).
  2. Movies. For many, this will seem strange, but good romantic films are great at helping ladies increase their level of feminine energy.
  3. Music. The same applies to music. Listen to your favorite artists. However, if there are no special preferences, it is better to turn to classical calm and peaceful works.
  4. Cloth. In order for life to be bright, you need to become shining yourself. What I want to say to ladies who want to understand how to increase female energy: you should not be afraid to dress brightly. Bright light colors capable of much in relation to female energy.
  5. Food. Mandatory Rule: Proper nutrition. Maximum beneficial vitamins and trace elements and a minimum of junk food - this is the guarantee of health not only of the body, but also of the spirit.
  6. Thoughts. Well, probably the most main advice how to increase the energy of a woman: to think exclusively positively and treat everything around with love.

About men

Understanding the question of how, be sure to say a few words about male side question. So, it is no less important than women's. What is the purpose of the representatives of the stronger sex? Protection, provision, activity and determination.

Increasing the energy of the stronger sex

So, what do men need to do in order to increase the male energy in their own body? So, it is worth noting that the advice will be similar to how women need to work.

  1. Work in refrigeration. This item is important for both men and women, because every person, regardless of gender, should be able to cooperate with their subconscious.
  2. Movies. Guys should also watch films, however, those where there are examples of masculinity, strength, chivalry. Such views have a very positive effect on the level of male energy in the body.
  3. Music. It is better for the representatives of the stronger sex to listen to rhythmic music that can inspire activity. Again, I would like to advise you to turn to the classics.
  4. Cloth. For men, as well as for women, it is important to dress properly. It is better for guys to discard the style of a teenager, because he does not allow himself to feel like a man to the fullest.
  5. Be sure men should try to make decisions on their own. It is also good to play sports, but there is one important point here: aggression must be excluded, because it does not increase energy, but rather steals.
  6. Achievements. And, of course, the representative of the stronger sex must achieve something in life. Let it be a small victory, but it is also able to perfectly nourish the energy of every man.

Yin Yang

However, it is also important to say that two energies coexist perfectly in one human body - male and female. And each organism requires their tandem for harmony. Therefore, it is not necessary to clearly divide, it is better if a person tries to fill the vessels of both female and male energy evenly and in parallel.

Replenishment of energy - long and laborious process requiring human effort. It is important not only to scoop it up, but also to make sure that it does not leak out. Let's analyze how to restore energy and keep it in order to feel great and take on new things with enthusiasm.

Channels of energy leakage

In order to understand how to independently restore your strength, you should think about the circumstances under which they are lost. Imagine: a person has a hole in a jug, and he draws water into the vessel, makes up for the lack of liquid, but it still pours out. Likewise with energy. If it is possible to close the holes from which it flows, then this is already half the battle.

Here are the leak channels:

  1. Physical. For example, a person goes in for sports, takes care of his body, while taking insufficient time to sleep, eats improperly and at the same time drinks little water.
  2. Emotional. These include human complexes, fears, feelings of guilt, prohibitions, stresses, thoughts-viruses, etc. All this fetters the muscles, negatively affects the aura of the biofield, and undermines vital and psychological energy.
  3. Intellectual. There are two scenarios for the development of events: a person either grows or degrades. Without replenishment of the knowledge base, intellectual hunger sets in.
  4. Spiritual. The loss of the meaning of life, the misunderstanding of one's goals is also a hole where energy pours out.

After we figured out the leak channel, so to speak, we recognized the enemy in person, we need to fight him. First of all, eliminate the source; without this, the entire further process will be meaningless. Be sure to review the diet, make it balanced, give enough time to sleep. It is worth adding positive emotions to life, doing something that there was no time for before, finding time to read a book. It will be useful to visit places where you can feel spiritual saturation, go to a place of power, a temple, and meditate. Throw away unnecessary things, put things in order, do not clutter up your home, this negatively affects your mood and general condition.

Follow the instructions: first, we find out the cause of the leak, and then we are already engaged in restoration and accumulation.

Energy Recovery Methods

After identifying the cause and dealing with it, you can start restoring and accumulating energy. This can be done on 4 levels: physical, etheric, astral and mental. Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Physical body

On a physical level, it is important to give up bad habits Eat more vegetables, fruits, healthy carbohydrates and proteins. Exercises are useful, but they should tone up, develop endurance, and not deplete the body. Cleaning will also help replenish strength - therapeutic fasting, yoga, healing herbal decoctions. Meditation promotes muscle relaxation, general relaxation. Oriental gymnastics will help strengthen the body: qigong, tai chi or others.

So here are some practical ways.

Healing massage. If there is a feeling of fatigue, it is worth using this method. Here's what you need to do to recharge your batteries:

  • massage the place between thumb and index;
  • knead the neck with a wooden hair comb;
  • perform head tilts different sides and back.

Mild dizziness is considered normal after the procedure is completed.

Healthy sleep. Go to bed before midnight, always on your back, this way the chakras are cleared more effectively, and head to the north or south. The duration of sleep should be 7-8 hours, with the exception of people who have experienced stress or severe emotional shock. Then you need to allow yourself to rest until you want to get up. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time every day.

etheric body

Consider how to increase your energy at the ethereal level. Accumulation is facilitated by: harmony with nature, the practice of proper breathing, maintaining calm (even in a non-standard, emergency situation), the practice of exercises for better cleansing and functioning of the chakras. Next, let's talk about techniques that will help the etheric body.

Interaction with natural elements. Esotericism says that energy can be obtained from the sun, fire, water or earth.

In the first case, it is better to choose a sunny, cloudless day. It is necessary to separate oneself from earthly vanity, forget about pressing matters and direct all thoughts towards the sun. Raise your hands up and ask him for energy. Feel how it spreads throughout the body, penetrates into every cell. Thank the luminary 7 times, verbally or mentally, and lower your hands.

You can ask for strength from the fire. The flame of a candle or a fire will do. You need to focus and look into the fire. Imagine that it burns negative emotions, illnesses and everything bad. For 10 days, perform cleansing, after which there will not necessarily be the presence of a flame. Subsequently, you can imagine the image frozen in memory, and the energy level will increase.

Now about water. Immerse yourself in the bath and breathe rhythmically, imagining that during inhalation the cells absorb energy, and on exhalation it is transformed into bioenergy.

With the help of the wind, you can recover as follows. Go outside, listen to the leaves rustle, the branches sway. Imagine how the pores absorb the energy of the wind, become one with it.

Proper breathing. There is a direct connection between correct breathing and well-being. In yoga they give him great importance. Breathing through the nose is considered correct, with concentration of attention, as if not air is inhaled, but the energy itself.

astral body

The energy balance increases in the astral body if a person tries to keep positive attitude in any situation, works on internal emotional traumas, creates a pleasant environment, and also learns to love the world and all living things. Here are the techniques you can use.

Search for emotions. Start looking for things that will give positive emotions. It could be walking the dog, playing badminton, camping trip or skydiving. From here the necessary energy will be drawn.

Learn to give. Start giving without asking for anything in return. Feed a stray dog, donate to the poor, or make an unexpected a pleasant surprise close. Gratuitous deeds are returned with an uplifting mood.

Change of environment. If you are not satisfied with the place of work - you need to change it, you do not like the environment with which you have to communicate - stop doing this, keep in touch with nice people. All changes in better side will give you the opportunity to increase self-esteem, regain confidence in your abilities and the opportunity to try something new.

Sincere forgiveness. Resentments against others are heavy stones that you have to carry around with your soul all the time. Get rid of the load, the burden will become less heavy. Relief will come instantly, well-being will noticeably improve.

mental body

Here it is important to control your thoughts throughout the day, get rid of negative images, and perform meditative exercises. It should be borne in mind that any thought has karmic consequences. Now about how to strengthen your energy at the mental level.

Visualization. Imagine exactly what you want, say it out loud and in detail. It works. Just no vague wording, you can also use mantras.

Temporary silence. The habit of constantly speaking takes away strength, without the need to pour a stream of unnecessary words, it is better to focus on your thoughts at this time.

How to quickly restore energy

Let's talk about how to quickly relieve fatigue, relax after abnormal loads at work or at home, for example, after the whims of a child.

  1. With the help of music. You can sing karaoke, play musical instrument, or just listen to a pleasant melody.
  2. Prayer. It is noticed that after its pronunciation, the aura of a person absolutely changes, becomes brighter.
  3. The melodious rhythm will help you quickly relax, as the body can adapt to environment. Turn on the sounds of salsa or drums, and then immediately feel the rise in tone.

Restoring strength after illness and with the evil eye

If magic is applied to a person, damage or evil eye takes place, you can try to deal with it yourself. In order to Negative influence stopped, you need a strong emotional shock, for example: take an ice shower, travel to another country by plane, engage in extreme sports. These actions muffle the actions of the evil eye and help to remove it altogether.

And how to recover if weakness overcomes after an illness? In this case, be sure to sleep well, eat vitamins (be sure to include vitamin C in the diet, you can use folk remedies, for example, herbal decoctions). It is better not to rush to work, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. It's important to breathe fresh air and exercise, gradually increasing the load.


It is common for everyone to get tired, stress, illness take strength and energy every day, but if you work on yourself, you can replenish your reserves. Follow the instructions: first, we find out the cause of the leak, and then we are already engaged in restoration and accumulation.

Restoration of strength and energy

It is instantly possible to restore strength and energy! With just 15 minutes a day of very simple exercises, you will get immediate tangible results. You will be surprised at the strength and energy that you will feel in your body at the end of this complex. They originate in ancient art which was often kept secret. After a few minutes, stop and feel the movement of this energy through your body and recovery. Very important condition- Concentrate on doing the exercises correctly. Do these exercises for 15 minutes to gain inner strength and access your inner potential. This energy is called Qi and is often translated as the breath of life.

Feel it right now! Do the first exercise and already feel the energy flowing through your body and a surge of fresh strength.

Exercises to increase energy and vitality

1.0 exercise

Stretch your arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Bend your palms inward and vigorously rub your nails together. This activates your inner energy, which the ancients called Qi, the life force. Your inner strength and your inner potential depend on it. Take a deep breath and vigorously rub your nails together. Feel this energy. Keep doing it for a minute. Now place the palms of your hands with your hands facing each other. Hold them like this and feel the pulsing energy, this is the Qi energy, life force.

Place your hands on top of each other at the bottom of your abdomen. Breathe in, slightly inflating your stomach. While exhaling, gently press the stomach to the back, exhaling completely. Relax a little. Repeat several times and feel your mind relax, feel the energy in the center of your body. Thus, your diaphragm will drop and your chest will relax, tension in your chest and your heart will relax. This will help to feel emotional balance and calm the mind.

3.0 exercise 3.1. exercise

"Vertebral breathing" - breathing in motion. It helps to get rid of stress, tension in nervous system and develops back flexibility. Position your hands at shoulder level. Breathe in. Look up. Straighten your shoulders and open up chest. Then round your back, lowering your tailbone, and bringing your chin closer to your chest. Nice deep breath rising and straightening. Inhale - look up. Exhale - round your back. After a few repetitions, speed up the execution by synchronizing the movements. This exercise is good to do at any time of the day to add flexibility to the back and the body as a whole. Every time you need to recharge, you need to practice spinal breathing.

4.0 exercise

Activation points

Points, the pressure on which activates the internal energy of the body.

Lung point. After a deep breath. It is located directly below the collarbone. Tapping this point promotes effective work lungs, helping them to better convert oxygen into life force. Then we'll move along the meridians, energy channels to the hands and you will feel an electrical tingling in the hands.

Take a nice deep breath in, tapping the lung point, as you exhale, open your hand and slap your arm with your other hand, going down to your wrist. And then clapping your palm on the other, outer side of the arm, rise to the shoulder and neck. Do it three times. And then do the same on the other side of the body.

Now keep your palms at chest level, without touching, keep a distance of a few centimeters. Close your eyes and feel the electrical pulsation between your chest, lungs and arms. Pay attention to the sensations in your body after doing this exercise.

We have begun to awaken the inner energy of your body. To open this magic power, which is, you do not need much time inside.

Now let's do a stretch that will eliminate tension in the neck and shoulders. Spread your arms to the sides, pointing them down with your palms away from you. Spread your fingers. Shoulders also point down, and the sides. If at the same time you press your chin, then you will use the so-called tension lines, areas for which chronic tension is characteristic. This is an excellent preventive exercise if you work at the computer for a long time, against neck tension, headaches, mental stress and any hand problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Tilt your head to the side, pressing your ear to your shoulder. As you do this, you should feel a pleasant stretch in your other hand. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale just let your head slowly roll over to the back of your shoulder and then to the front of your shoulder. Repeat this movement several times in both directions, thereby getting rid of stress, stiffness and tension in the muscles of the upper back and neck. It is a long exhalation that helps to get rid of tension in this area. Now lower your arms and relax them completely. Close your eyes. Notice the sensations in your body. Feel the improvement in energy circulation. From the neck, it goes to the shoulders, goes down to the arms and rolls to the fingertips. If you feel warmth, pulsation or tingling in your palms, this is the life force, Qi energy circulating in your body.

Stretch your arms forward with your palms up and lightly tap your wrists against each other. On inside The wrist contains acupuncture points that are responsible for emotional balance, sleep quality, and the prevention of insomnia. And also these points can be used not to adopt the energy of other people. You just need to tap these points. The palms are facing your face. Clap on the points on the inside of the wrist of one hand outside wrists of the other hand. After this exercise, you will feel more vitality, more Chi energy in your hands. Clap your wrists together for emotional balance and chest clearing. negative energy, from anxiety. Take a deep breath, relax. When you lower your hands, feel that these points are active. you awakened this electrical energy, this life force and it flows in your hands. Pay attention to the sensations in your body.

After just a few minutes of this practice, you will feel the circulation and flow of vitality.

Smooth movements increase vitality, and also help to calm the mind. Sometimes they are called movement meditation. They bring clarity to your mind and charge your body with vitality.

7.0 exercise

Raise your arms, inhale, spread your arms to the sides, expand your chest, turn and

Point your palms up and exhale as you gently bring your hands back forward. Take a short pause at the peak of inhalation. Think about how stale or old energy leaves your body as you bring your hands together. And when, spread your arms, imagine that you are accepting new energy to recharge and refresh your body. When you inhale, you inhale life, new sensations, and when you inhale

get rid of the old energy, let go of the past. Refreshing, energizing. Now we move our hands as if we were holding the ball. Pay attention to the sensations on the surface of the palms. Slightly move your palms so that there are 8-10 centimeters between them, close your eyes and try to feel the energy between your hands. Your body is full of electromagnetic energy. When you do these

exercises, they activate your inner potential, and you feel, contain and radiate more energy from your hands and whole body. Slightly reduce the distance between the hands, and then gently spread them, bring them together again. Pay attention to feelings. Breathe in as you bring your palms together

exhale as you release. Your hands feel warm and like two magnets, they are attracted and repelled. This is your life force. It is not always in the shell of your body, it may be outside the body. When you perform such movements, you feel a current between your palms. Put your hands down. And now, we take all this energy that has accumulated in our hands and envelop the whole body with it. This technique is called "lowering the sky." Inhale, slowly raise your hands. Exhale, slowly lower your arms. Feel pleasant waves of relaxing energy flowing from your head down through your whole body. If you need additional healing energy, deeper relaxation, just open yourself to them during this exercise. Whatever energy you need, have the intention to receive it, whether it be abundance, creativity, clarity of thought, well-being, or a sense of balance and harmony in everything.

Place your hands on your lower abdomen. We end the full cycle of exercises the same way we started. Breathe deeply and listen to the sensations in your body. Do you feel different now before exercising? Your consciousness is more calm, more relaxed, you feel electrical energy, this new strength that you have discovered in yourself. Close your eyes. Take a few more deep breaths. Listen to the sensations of your body. No need to imagine anything, just feel. Let yourself dive into currently and be completely relaxed. Lower your arms and relax.

Hurry to fulfill simple exercises, make sure of their effectiveness and start using them in your life to restore strength and energy!