Happy birthday wishes to an elderly mother. Happy birthday greetings official old age mom

Years like film frames
They flickered as if at once.
Live with dignity, do not stand on the sidelines -
Maybe this is called happiness.
We wish vigor for years
To be the same, to please others,
We wish good health,
Do not hang your nose, live and do not grow old!

Today we congratulate you on your birthday,
We openly express our respect.
So much spiritual simplicity in you.
Years add beauty to you!

Let the love of relatives warm you,
Energy boils, does not fade away.
We wish you good health forever,
You are the best person in the world!

Happy birthday congratulations!
On this day we wish you -
So that the husband loves very much,
And he always gave flowers
Children not to forget
Helped mom in everything
Helped with advice
And a good look.

Happy Birthday! You are irresistible
As before, young, fresh,
I want to be always loved
To be appreciated and adored by the husband.

Be cheerful, attractive, desirable,
Good mother and tender wife,
Let your loved one take you to restaurants
And calls beauty unearthly.

In life there will be a million, without edge
Women's joys, pleasant little things,
I wish you happiness and harmony
Bright days and sweet nights!

You have tears on your eyelashes...
What are you speaking about? What's wrong with you? Are you sad?
You are very rich: in the future you have
There are an endless supply of wonderful minutes.

Spring worries you with its arrival?
Happy is he who languishes with such excitement.
Listen to the song that the people sing
They will charm, they will carry away with them.

See what a scope is everywhere in life!
Go, keep it up! All in your hands!
The wonderful cup in front of you is full -
Take a sip and drink to the bottom!

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
And we want to wish
For the authorities to hurry
Raise your pension as soon as possible.

We wish you health
Happiness, joy, guests,
To loud feasts
All the children were called.

To please your grandchildren,
Great-grandchildren to wait
Disappeared so that ailments
There is still life ahead!

Happy Birthday to you,
Our dear!
We wish that always
Your pension is enough.

To dark clouds
They walked sideways.
Visit every day
Children came.

The world surrounds you
Let only kindness
Angels on guard
Will be behind!

Our meeting on a good occasion:
Congratulations on your birthday!
Grateful for the friendliness
And good relationships.
Optimism and vitality,
Your humanity is different
Wonderful mood,
Like the sun, you radiate around!

May youth live forever in the heart
We wish you health and success
Many, many years ahead!

And no matter how old you are
Trust me, don't be afraid of them.
We wish you bright happiness in fate,
Your years are your wealth!

There have been adversity in our lives
Dashing trouble came
But even in the most difficult years
Your optimism never faded.

So welcome the guests, dear,
Celebrate your anniversary more fun
And for those who have known you for a long time,
Don't feel sorry for young wine.

We heartily congratulate you
And we wish, dear, to you,
To keep you young forever!
Inspiration and light in destiny!

You are so chic, so fresh
You are infinitely good!
Today, on the birthday
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

But don't hide your age
It is quite small!
You are very wonderful,
There is no other beautiful one!

You are very delightful soul,
And outwardly excellent and I will not hide,
Men adore you, we know
And we want to be the same!

You have peace of mind,
Live in joy, in pleasure.
Do not think about sorrows -
Let youth live in the heart.

Affectionate children and grandchildren,
And more bright holidays.
Don't get lost in loneliness
Husband to be accommodating.

We sincerely congratulate you
Exquisite gifts for you.
Bathe in rainbow happiness -
And laugh cheerfully.

Thank you mommy for raising me
And never asked for anything in return
You are the best for me, my dear,
Happy birthday to you.
I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart,
Happiness, joy, good luck,
May the Lord reward your good deeds,
And will give good health in addition.

Nothing that you are completely gray-haired,
That wrinkles lay around the eyes ...
We don't care about that, dear
Rejoice, as you have rejoiced, us!
We love and miss you
And we just want more strength
To and centenary
God has rewarded you, dear!

We don't need much to be happy
It's quite easy,
So that the home is home - and mom is nearby,
Salvation from all problems...
My favorite wrinkles
I'm ready to stroke you forever,
Say to mommy - THANK YOU!
For life, for happiness, for LOVE!

Your love, you know it
We want to give you everything.
We, dear mother, dear,
We adore you all our lives.
A network of wrinkles is not a hindrance.
You are always young at heart.
And be like that, darling
For many more years.

Years go by irrevocably
Not all dreams come true.
But how can we feel good
What is in the world mom - you!
Don't be sad that your hair is turning gray
Take care of yourself and don't get sick
Because there is no white light
A person is closer and dearer!

And in an everyday preoccupied,
I could not sit with my hands folded,
In front of me older
Not counting wrinkles, not gray hair,
Has not lost its modest charm,
Keeping the eye glow,
Forgiving me all my sorrows
I have not forgotten my best dreams,
Who taught me perseverance,
Here it is, simple and proud,
I love you more than ever!

Lovely wrinkles, warm hands,
Kind eyes your mother
Children and grandchildren love you
And bathe in your love
Mother dear, dear,
Happy birthday congratulations
And you, our beloved,
With all our hearts we wish
Health, for many, many years,
Good luck in all matters,
So that joy is like external waters,
Splashed in your eyes!

Mom, dear, dear,
Do not be sad today about the years.
You are so young for us
Even with silver hair.
Your wrinkles are invisible to us,
And for us you are not more beautiful.
Be beautiful and cherished
Many, many more years

Happy birthday mom.

Entries 1 - 20 from 28

Mommy, happy birthday! I want to wish your days to be warm, clear and cloudless, your nights to be calm and serene, and your life to be long and happy. May the sun warm you with its rays every day, every night the stars will be favorable to you and, falling, fulfill your desires, and may the Lord protect you all your life. All the best to you, bright and good!

I am the daughter of the best mother on the planet,
What could be more beautiful in the world?
Mom, accept congratulations,
Meet your birthday with a smile!

You, dear mother, I love you with all my heart.
Thank you for your kindness and care.
I wish you longevity, health and luck.
And joy, fun ... Mommy, happy birthday!

There is such a country on the planet -
Mom's heart she is called.
Even in fights, delusions, risks
In this country, do not deprive of registration.

Mom, I thank you!
Everything that happens in my destiny
Lived by your heart of gold,
Feeling your maternal saints.

And on my birthday I will wish
Be joyful and not worry
To be filled with happiness, not to grow old in soul,
The most beautiful star to burn.

Always surrounded by love
May your years turn back.
Good winds to your ship!
Mommy, I love you very much.

Our mother and grandmother
Today, on your birthday,
We wish you health
Love and joy with the mountain!

She gave us care and kindness...
We want to wish you
So that you know how much you are loved
And I didn't want to be discouraged.

We wish you to live three hundred years,
You are the best in the world.
native mommy, granny,
You are a bright light in our life!

Dear Mom! No doubt,
That today is the best day of the year.
Most bright holiday- birthday -
Breaks the daily routine.

Congratulations to the whole family -
Children, grandchildren - and we hasten to say
What we love, we adore
And we wish you so much!

First of all, good health
Peace and harmony in the soul.
Live with hope in your heart and love,
Drive sorrows out of the house.

We are proud of you mommy.
And we wish you all the best:
Be bright, radiate kindness,
Stay forever young!

Our dear, beloved, dear mother and grandmother! Happy Birthday to You! We wish you, from the bottom of our hearts, to always be as beautiful, healthy, happy. Thank you for your care, tenderness, attention. We love you! I really want everything to work out for you the best way. To make dreams come true. Children and grandchildren brought joy, and relatives and friends brought kindness, warmth and sincerity to life. Happiness to you!

Mom, our dear grandmother,
We congratulate you today:
The whole family is now our big
Wish only happiness, loving.

We are grateful for everything in the world,
For the life you gave us
That our children grew up with you,
That you are the best mom in the world!

May, dear, God bless you
According to your immeasurable merit.
And may your life be the whole path
God alone will keep!

We wish your life to be eternal,
The cup was full of health and happiness,
So that we love our endless
You were surrounded, our mother!

From children and grandchildren
Many beautiful words
They fly to mom, grandmother,
To arrange a holiday.

Every hour and every moment
Let it be cordial
And the warmth in your eyes -
Good, endless.

Don't be sad, don't be sad
Be beautiful yourself.
You are the best, you know.
Happy birthday mom!

Our dear mother dear,
The whole family congratulates you.
Children, grandchildren sincerely wish
So that you smile and bloom!

So that the eyes shine only with happiness,
So that you do not know troubles at all,
We will shelter you from bad weather,
Let's cook soup for lunch.

We also wish you good health.
Without him, believe me, nowhere.
We wish you patience
Happy birthday, we love you!

Dear Mom, we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness and health from the bottom of our hearts!
Be the most cheerful, mommy, always,
Let your beloved eyes sparkle with happiness.

And we will all try not to upset you,
Let's not just grumble in vain.
Your dear grandchildren will always come to you
And they will tell you, grandmother, how they are waiting to meet you!

Once again, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Hug, kiss - treat lovingly!
With our warmth we will warm any day and hour,
After all, you are not dearer to all relatives, to us!

Congratulations mom
Happy birthday
Be happy yourself
Every moment

Be fun yourself
On the big planet
Simply the best mom!
We love your children.

Our bird, mommy, dear! Thank you for being born on this day, thank you for giving us life. We love you very much and give you the most warm regards on your birthday. Let every day be filled with affection and care, positive and joyful moments. We, your loving children, promise to keep the family comfort in our home and always delight you with our successes. Happy Holidays, Mom!

Even though I'm a daughter-in-law
I love you very much!
Together with your son
I want to congratulate!

We wish you, mom
Joy and strength.
You be young
And always beautiful.

Let troubles pass
Everything will be according to plan.
Happy birthday our
Dear Mom!

Our dear mother,
Happy Birthday!
We wish you happiness, joy
And health, no doubt!

You are kind, generous soul,
You wonderful person,
Your heart is big
And open to everyone.

We are grateful that you exist.
Vigor to you, a lot of strength!
So that every day lived
Brought smiles to you!

Our dear mother! Let today's birthday be the most memorable, brightest day in your life! We wish you all the best: the most bright colors, most highlights, the best health and, of course, huge, immense and immense happiness! Happy holiday!

Mommy, please accept congratulations
From his own son, his daughter-in-law:
We congratulate you on your birthday
We wish you to be happier and more fun!

We love you very much and we appreciate you very much,
For us, there is no one more precious than you.
Always be healthy, loved, beautiful.
What you dream about - achieve everything.

For the closest and dearest people, it is most difficult to find words on a birthday. Thoughts get confused, I want to say so many things that I just can’t fit everything in a few lines. Therefore, we have collected beautiful congratulations happy birthday to mom in verse and happy birthday to mom in prose or in your own words.

Happy birthday greetings for mom in verse

Today, mom, is your holiday!
I want to say with all my heart:
There is no dearer you in the world!
Please accept these congratulations.

Live without grief, do not grow old,
Let there be no sad days.
Laugh more, smile more
Stay the same kind.

Drive sickness away
Let the fires burn in your eyes.
I wish you light and warmth
So that you are happy!

Happy birthday, sun rays,
And let the heart beat more cheerfully,
More kind, sincere speeches,
Let the holiday turn into a huge miracle!
Will be fulfilled cherished dreams,
And all the bad things will come back instantly,
Health, happiness, sincere love,
So that life is extraordinary!

Mommy dear, on the day your birth,
May illnesses bypass you!
Let your house not know sadness and problems,
There will be more good changes in life!

Also, I want to say thank you
For a love that cannot be expressed in words.
For caring for what I raised
For not asking for anything in return!

And sorrow and joy dividing in half,
In everything, you wished us the best.
And I want to tell the whole planet
About what you best mom in the world!

I want to be always happy.
Kind, sweet, patient.
Always be a little new
Cheerful, healthy.
Be more young
And do not grow old in soul.

mommy today
Your birthday!
Be as fashionable
Good, groovy!

many I wish you years,
Make us happy always!
Mom, congratulations!
I love you!

Happy Birthday
And I wish you to continue
Contrary to the worries of many,
Bloom and be beautiful!
I wish you bright, long days,
Don't count your years
May happiness be in your home
Stays forever!

In the innermost heart I opened the spring.
Birthday is a holiday, birthday is a moment!
I will not forget: I have one mother.
Fall, summer and spring are subject to her!
Mom, I'll give you an acrostic!
Let joy light the rays in your eyes!
Happiness will surround us with a golden ring!
Life, fun will flow right into the house!
I will give you happiness, eternity and love!
If you want, the songs will be again
sing to you about fairy forests
And about distant countries, scarlet sails.
I love you like in the brightest dreams!

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, happiness, friendship
And always a kind soul.
May your birthday
The warmth of your family will keep you warm.
And nothing is scary with him
Even though the snow flies, even though the rain sows.

Peaceful sky, happiness, warmth,
So that you are always healthy.
Many years have passed already -
How many wrinkles do you have on your face
How many sleepless nights spent
You raised all the children to their feet.
Low bow to you kind mother,
For long years we wish you life.

Everyone on the planet knows
And, of course, it's no secret
Mom is the best in the world
Better mom in the world is not.
And for mom all the flowers,
Gifts, congratulations.
Let dreams come true
Happy Birthday, mom!

Darling, my precious
Incomparable, just priceless
Happy birthday, mommy cute,
You are always my heart's favorite.

I wish to live long and happily
May your happiness be sweet.
Let your heart not worry
And the fate of a good fairy tale will turn out!

Dear, dear, dear,
Happy birthday, mommy to you.
And heartily congratulating you,
I want to tell you, loving:
If I ever offended
Mommy, my love, I'm sorry.
You are loved, you knew it.
And please, dear, do not be sad.
So that your eyes shine with happiness
And she was always smiling.
So that bad weather does not touch you,
And over the years it only bloomed.

Let the sun shine gently
Radiant and welcoming
Flowers in a crystal vase
They stand coquettishly in the water,

The smile will be joyful
Always like a birthday
AND whole year will be
Happy continuation!

Mommy, dear, protected by God.
I have always been infinitely loved.
Be brave, invincible,
Beloved, beloved, beloved.

Mommy, sweet, gentle, glorious,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.
"Thank you" for everything I tell you.

Live, smile adversity-years,
We will share worries with you in half.
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
We will light your life path with love!

The fragrance of all flowers and the blush of dawn
I am ready to give you this day.
Tenderness of roses in the morning, light, warmth, kindness,
A lot of kind words and earthly love.
All that is bright and holy in fate,
I wish, dear, today you!

Your kindness is endless
And care knows no fatigue,
Mother's soul beauty
Not subject to hardship and old age.

Let the year go by
And wrinkles fall stubbornly.
Be healthy you, mother, always,
Be happy, dear mother!

You, as always, are full of worries,
After all, life was not easy.
Oh, how many difficult, difficult days
It's gone through your heart!

You deserve joy in life
Many days ahead.
So be happy and healthy
And every day, and every year!

Happy birthday greetings for mom in prose (in your own words)

Happy birthday, my dear mother, dear and dear. Thank you for all the good and kind that you have done for me: for support, for science, for that lot of strength that you have invested in me. You have always understood and helped me. Forgive me if my careless word or ugly act has ever upset you. I wish you happiness, goodness and health, good luck and prosperity, so that every day brings only joy, and bright hopes are always justified. Happy holiday, mommy.

My precious mother! I congratulate you on your holiday! You are the most important thing in my world. Forgive me if sometimes I am rude to you or do not notice your sadness. I sincerely worry and always remember your sorrows and experiences. I want to wish you the most important thing - health. You have the rest. I am grateful to you for everything you have done for me. I'm ready to just carry you in my arms. Happy holiday!

Mom, I want to congratulate you on your birthday! And with all my heart I want to wish that all misfortunes and hardships disappear. May the years not age you, so that your strength does not leave you, may all your affairs go successfully. Be always cheerful and beautiful.

My favorite, the most best mommy in the world, I wish you a happy birthday. May your personal holiday bring you the sea good mood. May good luck visit your home often. Good health to you, peace, and boundless happiness. May fate be favorable to you, may all bad weather fly by. All earthly goods you, dear, respect and a lot of joy. Live long - long, dear mommy, because your concern, your wise advice we always need, and it does not matter how old we are.

My dear, Dear mommy, Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, love, prosperity, good luck and joy! For long years happy life, all the blessings of life. Stay always young and beautiful, and may all your dreams come true!

Mom, I want to wish you good health, and also be calm for your children and be sure that we will never let you down, hurt you and make you blush for us!

Mommy, happy birthday! I wish you to enjoy every day and it doesn’t matter if it’s raining on the street or the sun, someone offended you or made you happy. Take from life everything that you could not get before. Mom, you are our pride. Know that we love you very much!

Let no worries come to your path,
Let no grief stand in your way,
Let it not get tired and stop
Happy to follow you along the way.
Know no worries, live happily
To always speak after
How beautiful this woman is
How infinitely young.

I wish you a long, long life
And the surface, and the blue sky,
And palms full of happiness
And in life eternal spring!
I want to always be beautiful
I wish you not to know sorrow
Always love and be loved
And don't forget about me!

Beautiful world, mysterious and new,
He is born and melts before our eyes,
It will appear, then it flies away again,
Rich, generous, but stern.
And maybe cruel, but maybe
Loving, sweet and fragrant,
Exploding or dying down
To hate able to love.
After all, these women have similar features
With one remark - a woman is more tender,
More capricious, more insidious, but ... fairy,
The sorceress of mind and beauty.
No, we will not throw the apple of discord,
Let's not waste words
We ask the hostess of the ball to the stage,
Today is her day, and praise her!

U... birthday.
Did they all spill one?
I'll say a toast
For a dear friend.
Go around the whole White light,
Better than ours ... no!
Brown-eyed, white-faced,
Emerald, not a girl!
Lush bust, hip, what you need -
A delight for men's eyes.
There is a waist and chest
There is something to take, something to look at.
Not a single dashing horseman
On ... the eye squints.
How does she sew? How does it bake?
Look after the household!
Maybe this is out of place:
In general - a treasure, not a bride!
For such a reason
There is also a young guy.
Look at the ears on top -
Hearing about a girlfriend
I'm talking good here.
Glasses in hand, please take!
Happy birthday, congratulations
From the bottom of my heart I wish you:
Love, health, a lot of happiness,
To bypass you bad weather.
To make your dream come true -
The apartment was private.
To your beautiful portrait
Has not changed for a hundred years!
For this, ladies, gentlemen,
Let's drink it all down!

I wish you not to know the sad sunset,
I wish you not to know farewell love,
I wish you not to suffer in thoughts, in feelings,
I wish you not to lose happiness in life.

Be happy, even though it will be difficult sometimes
Be loved - love always saves us,
Be well done, hold on in any conditions,
After all, whatever it is, this life is beautiful!

Let your eyes sparkle with joy
The smile never leaves the lips.
Be able, when it is difficult, to laugh,
Smile to extinguish any ailment.
Know how to love and wait, and trust people,
No anger, no self-interest,
Learn to breathe freely full chest,
And happiness, believe me, will not bypass you!

Always be good, always be beautiful
Be always cheerful, kind, glorious, sweet.
Do not meet grief and do not be sad,
Smile more often, in a word, be happy!