My assistant is a speech pathologist's office. Equipment and design of the speech therapist's office. Important requirements for a speech therapist's office


Equipping the office of a speech therapist

Target: implementation of individually oriented corrective measures that ensure the satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities.

According to purposeful equipment and use, the office is divided into several work centers:

sensorimotor center.

"School for preschoolers"


Activation of speech activity;

Develop correct speech breathing, intonational expressiveness of speech. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

1. Sounding toys (rattles, squeakers, whistles, pipes, bells, tambourine, sounding balls and tops).

2. Sounding substitute toys.

3. Subject pictures with images of animals and birds.

4. Subject pictures with images of sounding toys and objects.

5. Cards with superimposed and "noisy" images of objects on all lexical topics.

6. Board-printed games for the development of visual perception and the prevention of violations of written speech (“Find out by contour”, “Whose shadow?”, “What is missing?”, “Find out by details”).

7. "Magic bag" with small wooden and plastic toys.

8. Planar images of objects and objects for outlining on the studied lexical topics.

9. Cut pictures and puzzles on the topics studied.

10. Cubes with pictures by topic.

11. Massage balls of different colors and sizes.

12. Medium size ball, small balls in different colors.

13 Lacing toys, fastening toys.

14. Small and medium beads of different colors and a fishing line for stringing them.

City of letters.

sound lines;

The alphabet in pictures;


Schemes for determining the position of sound in a word;

Picture material (selection for each sound of the native language according to the principle: sound at the beginning of a word, in the middle of a word, in

the end of a word);

· Magnetic board, set of colored magnets.

· Wall board

Center for speech and creative development.


1. Develop correct articulation patterns of speech.

2. Enrich and activate the vocabulary of preschoolers;

3. Combine pronunciation correction with the development of phonemic perception and the formation of sound analysis and synthesis skills.

1. Mirror with a lamp for additional lighting.

2. 2 chairs for practicing by the mirror.

4.. Nipples, spatulas, cotton wool, cotton swabs.

5. Breathing simulators, toys, aids for the development of breathing (whistles, whistles, pipes, balloons and other inflatable toys, "Soap bubbles", feathers, dry leaves and flower petals, etc.).

6. Card file of materials for automation and differentiation of whistling, hissing sounds, affricates, sonorous and ioted sounds (syllables, words,

7. Phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, texts, word games).

8Speech therapy album for examining sound pronunciation.

9. Logopedic album for examining the phonetic-phonemic system of speech.

10. "My primer"

11. Story pictures, series of story pictures.

12. "Algorithms" for describing a toy, fruit, vegetable, animal.

13. Lotto, dominoes and other printed board games on the topics studied.

14. Small toys and models on the topics studied, a variety of counting material.

15. Subject and subject pictures for automation and differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds, affricates, sonorous and ioted sounds in words, sentences, texts.

16. Board-printed didactic games for the formation and improvement of the grammatical structure of speech.

17. Handout and material for frontal work on the formation of skills in sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis (semaphores, traffic lights to determine the place of sound in a word, plastic circles, squares of different colors).

18. Handout and material for frontal work for the analysis and synthesis of proposals.

19. Split and magnetic alphabet.

20. Alphabet on cubes.

21. Sets of toys for staging fairy tales.

30. Board games for improving the skills of language analysis and synthesis.

Fairy Therapy Center.

Fairy tale therapy is:
1. the process of searching for meaning, deciphering knowledge about the world about the system of relationships in it;
2. the process of transferring fairy-tale characters into reality;
3. contemplation, disclosure of the inner and outer world, understanding of the past, modeling of the future; the process of selecting each child his own special fairy tale;
4. therapy by the environment, a special fabulous setting;
5. Identification and development of creative abilities;
6. lowering the level of anxiety and aggressiveness;
7.development of the ability for emotional regulation and natural communication;
8.development of the ability to overcome difficulties and fears;
9. formation of skills for adequate expression of emotions;
10. strengthening the union "Child-Parent-Teacher";
The tasks of developing the speech of children are solved with the help of:
- retelling of fairy tales; telling stories in the third person; group storytelling; telling fairy tales in a circle, writing fairy tales.

· Toys

Puppet theater toys

Attributes for games



1. Stimulation of weakened sensory functions;

2. Create an environment of psychological support for children with speech disorders.

3. Creating a positive emotional state.



Bags of cereals

massage balls

· Air balloons

· Bubble

Games for the development of speech breathing

· Floor mats with sewn-on buttons.



1. Make directly educational activity an interesting game;

2. To form a positive attitude towards joint gaming activities.

Balloons of different colors

· Toys



· Cube - sound. Purpose: to develop phonemic hearing, highlight the sound against the background of the word, invent words for a given sound, determine the position of the sound in the word.

· Cube - prepositions. Purpose: And use prepositions in speech, make sentences with them.

· Cube "Choose a game" Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing, coherent speech, fine motor skills, coordination.

Card file of materials

Teaching aids and kits for diagnostics

cognitive activity

1. .Inshakova O.B. Album for a speech therapist. - M.: VLADOS, 1998. - 280s.

Diagnostic material for examining all components of the tongue: phonetics; vocabulary; grammar; connected speech.

1. Inshakova, O.B. Album for a speech therapist. - M.: VLADOS, 1998. - 280s.

2. V.V. Konovalenko S.V. Konovalenko "Express - examination of phonemic hearing and readiness for sound analysis in preschool children"

Correction of cognitive activity

Speech correction

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one's horizons

Subject pictures by topic ( toys, dishes, furniture, clothes, transport, vegetables, fruits, etc.);

Story pictures: (a simple story with one character; multifaceted story pictures; a series of 3-4 pictures united by a common plot; humorous pictures; landscape pictures);

Series of paintings (“Wild Animals”, “Pets”, “We Play”, “For Children about Professions”, etc.);

Illustrative material reflecting the emotional, everyday, social gaming experience of children;

Illustrations of different seasons and parts of the day;

Various types of theaters (table, finger, bibabo);

Children's books;

sensory development

colorful flags , ribbons, balls, balls, cubes, bricks, braid, bags;

Boxes of forms (various types);

Various nesting dolls;

Pyramids and different sizes and different designs and colors;

Plot toys: a cat, a bunny, a bear cub, a horse, etc.;

Various musical instruments: bells, rattles, tambourine, piano, drum, etc.;

A set of models of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms;

Baskets of various sizes, bowls, jugs, bottles, jars for laying out beads, balls, small toys;

Lotto tabs;

Boxes-liners of different sizes;


Tracks with different coatings (sewn on buttons, smooth surface, fur surface, etc.);

Small toys of animals and their cubs;

Sets of bulk materials (peas, lentils, river sand, cereals, etc.);

desktop printed games.

Formation of the grammatical structure of speech

Allowances for all case forms of singular and plural nouns;

Benefits for all prepositional constructions;

Benefits for all approvals

Phrase Forming Aids

Formation of the lexical side of speech And

Subject pictures by topics: vegetables, fruits, toys, furniture, clothes, shoes, pets and birds, wild animals and birds, flowers, trees, professions, dishes, transport, water world.

Benefits for the formation of word-building skills: suffix, perfix, relative and possessive adjectives, cognates.

Subject pictures for the selection of antonyms.

Pictures to expand the verb dictionary.

Formation of phonemic perception and sound analysis

Sound symbols,

Signal circles for the differentiation of sounds,

Schemes for sound-syllabic analysis of words;

Subject pictures for the differentiation of sounds,

Aids to determine the position of sound in words,

Texts on the differentiation of sounds.

Correction of the sound-producing side of speech

Articulation exercises;

A set of manuals for working on speech breathing;

Subject pictures for all studied sounds for frontal and individual work;

Albums for automation of delivered sounds;

Games to automate the set sounds;

Benefits for the formation of the syllabic structure of the word;

Texts for the automation of delivered sounds4

Literacy Education

Magnetic alphabet

Schemes for analysis of proposals;

Sets of subject pictures for dividing words into syllables.

Improving communication skills

Series of plot pictures, plot pictures, sets of subject pictures for compiling comparative and descriptive stories, sets of texts for retelling and manuals that facilitate this process.

Formation of thinking, development of cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities

A set of tool items: a net, a fishing rod, a stick with a ring, a stick with a hook, etc.;

Story toys;

Sets of toys imitating tools: hammer, wrench, screwdriver;

Clockwork toys (cars, fun toys: chicken, frog, etc.);

Wooden, cardboard houses, trees, Christmas trees, etc.;

Basins, jugs, jars;

Plastic toys (balls, ducks, fish);

Carts, cars;

Sets for experimental activities;

Plot and subject illustrations;

Board games

desktop constructors and schemes of building samples.

Development of fine motor skills

Massage balls, rings;

Benefits with different types of fasteners;


Seeds, cereals, peas, etc.;


Plasticine, planks;

Pictures for hatching;

Coloring books.

Do the same game

Game "Fold from matches"

A selection of didactic material on each lexical topic

Autumn. Mushrooms. Trees. Autumn. Subject pictures: “Autumn”, “Harvesting”, “It's raining”, “How animals prepare for winter”, “What are the plants”, “Rye ripens”, “Golden autumn

Mushrooms. .Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: “Forest clearing with mushrooms”, “Basket with mushrooms and berries”. Scheme for describing mushrooms. A series of plot pictures "For mushrooms".

Trees. .Subject pictures on the topic.

Kindergarten. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: “Professions of kindergarten workers”, “New in the group”, “The way is open”, “Rain”, “We play together”, “Cheburashka”, “Katyusha”, “Mashenka”. A series of plot pictures for the poem "What we did in kindergarten."

Vegetables. Subject pictures on the topic. The plot picture "Garden", "Basket with vegetables." Retelling of the story "Our garden" (based on subject pictures). Learning poems: “The hostess once came from the market”, “Our garden” (based on subject pictures). Magnetic theater "Repka". Game: "Syllabic analysis on the topic "Vegetables". Counting material on the topic "Vegetables". Diagram for writing a descriptive story.

Fruits. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: "An apple for everyone", "Harvesting apples and pears", "Garden", "Fruit basket". Diagram for writing a descriptive story. The poem “Our autumn garden is beautiful”, subject pictures for learning the poem. Counting material: raspberries, apples, pears, watermelons, cherries.

Pets. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: “Let's drink the calves”, “Friends”, “Walk with the dog”, “Cat and sparrow”, “Dog, puppy and crow”, “On the farm”. A series of plot pictures: "How the mouse outwitted the cat", "Bought a puppy", "Three puppies". Pictures for compiling comparative stories: “Goat and Pig”, “Horse and Donkey”, “Cow and Sheep”, “Horse and Goat”. Game Find Mom. Hats-masks "Kittens" (5pcs). Pictures for individual work: Whose tail, whose head. Who lives where. Whose mother, whose children. Professions.

Wild animals. Subject pictures on the topic. Pictures for making sentences of 3-4 words. Subject pictures: “Fox and cubs”, “Squirrels”, “What animals are”, “In a living corner”, “Who lives where”. A series of plot pictures: “The Fox and the Wolf”, “Guests have come”, “Compote”, “Badger nose”, “Rescue of the hare”. Diagram for writing a descriptive story.

Find your mom game.

Table theater "Kolobok".

Cloth. Shoes. Hats. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: “How woolen things are made”, “How a shirt grew in a field”. Making suggestions from pictures. Diagram for writing a descriptive story. Games "Matryoshka", "Dress the doll".

Winter. Wintering birds. Subject pictures: “A hare on a bed”, “A family of polar bears”, “Squirrels flee from a marten”, “Moose in a winter forest”, “Bear lair”, “Winter feeding of wild animals”, “Wolf pack in winter”, “First snow ", "Winter day. Diagram for writing a descriptive story.

Wintering birds. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: "Help for wintering birds", "Bird feeder", "Birds at the feeder".


Furniture. Dishes. Food. Furniture. Subject pictures: Subject pictures: "Furniture of the kitchen, corridor", "Furniture in the apartment", "Modern appliances in the house" Scheme for compiling a descriptive story.

Subject pictures on the topic.

New Year.

1. Plot pictures. "In the workshop of Santa Claus", "Round dance".

2. A series of plot pictures. "We decorate the Christmas tree."

Winter entertainment. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject picture: "Sasha and the snowman." The game "What did the artist forget to draw?" A series of plot pictures "skating rink".

Body. Subject pictures on the topic. Pictures for making proposals. Subject pictures: “Gymnastics”, “In the pool”, “Ski trip”,


K. Chukovsky. "Moydodyr"

Ground transport. Water transport. Air Transport. Subject pictures on the topic. Drawing up proposals for pictures: “Who manages what”, “Cars in the garage”, “Cars on the road”. Stories from pictures: “In the parking lot”, “Bridge”, “On the street of a big city”, “Bus station”, “At the car factory”, “Who manages what”. A series of plot pictures: "At the tram window", "Visiting the polar bear", "On the bus". Games: "What did the artist make a mistake", "Find the same ships."


V. Mayakovsky. " Who to be".

Animals of hot countries. Subject pictures on the topic. Texts for retelling: "Turtle", "Camel", "Kangaroo". Games: “Who lives where”, “Living world of the planet”. Subject pictures: "African animals", "Birds of the rainforest". Scheme for compiling a descriptive story "Animals of hot countries."

Animals of the seas and oceans. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: “Fishing”, “Aquarium”, “Big Catch”, “Ocean, Sea. Freshwater body of water." A series of plot pictures "Fisherman". Scheme for compiling a descriptive story "Pisces". Pictures for compiling comparative stories.

Family. March 8. Women's professions. Subject pictures on the topic. Pictures for making proposals. Scene pictures "Family in the evening", "Brother and sister", "Let's run".

March 8. Women's professions. Pictures for making proposals on the topic. Scheme for describing professions. Subject pictures: “The best gift for mom”, “Flowers for mom”. A series of plot pictures. The children prepare gifts for their mother.


S. Mikhalkov. "And what do you have."

House. Construction professions. House. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: "Shop", "Theatre", "School", "Circus", "Stadium", "Theatre", etc.

Construction professions. Subject pictures on the topic. A set of paired pictures "To whom, what is needed for work." Story pictures. “On the construction of a big house”, “On the construction of a school”. Cubes "Single-storey and multi-storey houses". Didactic game "Tangram".

Our Motherland - Russia Subject pictures: “Red Square”, “On the street of a big city”. "Moscow - the river", "In the park".

Domestic birds. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: “At dinner”, “We feed the geese”, “We feed the chickens”. Diagram for writing a descriptive story. A series of plot pictures. "Spikelet", "Natka".

Spring. Migratory birds. Subject pictures on the topic. Story pictures. "Early Spring", "Forester Saves Hares", "Bear in Spring", "Spring Work". A series of plot pictures. “Spring Signs”, “Who Lives in a Hollow”, “Beaver Pond”, “Ice Drift”, “Planting Trees”.

Victory Day. Defenders of the Fatherland. Victory Day. Subject pictures on the topic. Story pictures. "At the Eternal Flame", "At the Parade", "In the Brest Fortress", "At the Eternal Flame". A series of plot pictures. Pilot Rescue. Conversations with children. Journal "Preschool Education", No. 5, 1982. Texts for retelling. Journal "Preschool Education", No. 5, 1982.

Defenders of the Fatherland. The plot picture "On a visit." A series of plot pictures "At the outpost".

School. Flowers. Insects. School. Subject pictures on the topic. Story pictures. “In the library”, “New school”, “In the classroom”, “On duty”. A series of plot pictures. "First time in first class", "In the library". Pictures for making proposals.

Flowers. Subject pictures on the topic. Subject pictures: "Flowerbed", "Make a bouquet of garden and wild flowers." The game "Flowers garden and field."

Insects Subject pictures on the topic. Plot pictures "Who is hiding here", "Who will help the person."

Speech development- one of the main conditions for the full formation of the personality of the child. An important role in the correction of speech defects is played by a speech therapist. Its task is to differentiate the diagnosis of speech disorders and carry out corrective measures in order to improve the child's speech skills.

Studies show that most preschoolers have poor communication skills or very poor vocabulary. Due to this modern office of a speech therapist should be equipped with everything necessary to create a favorable speech environment that contributes to the successful development of monologue speech.

The purpose of classes in a speech therapy room

  • Improvement of mimic muscles. Helps to normalize the performance of facial muscle tissue.
  • Improving speech skills. It helps to stabilize the work of the respiratory and vocal apparatus and their coordination.
  • Elimination of psychological barriers. Contributes to the improvement of cognitive mental processes aimed at improving speech in a child.

In modern children's private and public educational institutions, the speech therapy room plays an important role in the formation and improvement of the lexical and grammatical basis of speech. Classes with a specialist help to consolidate and expand the vocabulary in lexical areas, enhance the use of the proposed constructions and word-formation skills.

Leading areas of the speech therapist's office in the preschool educational institution

  • Consulting teachers and psychologists on the most effective teaching of children who have any difficulties in pronunciation.
  • Analysis of children's speech defects in order to select an individual training program.
  • Creation of a corrective developmental base to correct existing violations.

The design of the speech therapist's office in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard should include a zone for diagnostics, sound correction and play therapy. The main task- to help children acquire coherent speech skills with the help of various methodological aids and well-chosen games.

Important requirements for a speech therapist's office

  • Availability of advanced technical devices. Implementation modern interactive devices is the most important condition for the organization of the educational process. After all, it provides prompt processing of the issued information without loss of time.
  • No distractions. The office should look strict, but at the same time beautiful and comfortable, nothing should distract from classes and cause discomfort. Everything around should create a positive, working mood in the child.
  • Time spending. The specialist is prohibited from independently lengthening the duration of classes with children and making various reductions between them.

The school office of a speech therapist must also comply with approved sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

Manuals and devices for the office of a speech therapist according to the Federal State Educational Standard

  • For the formation of sound pronunciation. A set of publications for working with speech breathing, various inflatable toys, special albums for differentiating sounds.
  • To study literacy. Various alphabets, diagrams and images for studying sentences, interactive sensor complex "Wunderkind" for computer literacy.
  • For the development of phonemic perception and sound. Signal circles for studying sounds, aids for establishing sound in certain words, special pictures, modern interactive whiteboards, for example, speech therapy complex it-YAGA.
  • For the formation of coherent speech. Colorful plot images, text sets for retelling and various modern devices.
  • For the development of visual attention and memory. This includes a variety of game elements, prefabricated pictures and puzzles, as well as cut pictures of various configurations.

A modern speech therapist's office, in addition to visual teaching aids, should be equipped with furniture and specialized equipment, game devices, interactive whiteboards and screen-sound teaching aids.

Properly equipped office is a cross between a classroom and a children's playroom. The professional equipment of the speech therapist's office will create the most productive atmosphere for individual and group classes in kindergartens and schools.

Items for the development of children

  • Mirrors. They help the child to observe their own articulatory and facial movements, contribute to the development of speech skills.
  • Tables with various items. All kinds of toys that differ in color, shape and weight help develop tactile sensations.
  • Various turntables, soap bubbles. Various means for the development of speech breathing can be involved here.
  • Modern interactive devices. Many software systems include games for logic, attention, coherent speech, sound pronunciation, grammatical structure.

Modern interactive complexes and electronic devices have recently become an integral part of the speech therapist's office at school. They, in comparison with the usual subjects of education, help to significantly increase the interest of children in remedial classes and facilitate classes in the lexico-grammatical structure and coherent speech.

Speech therapists will appreciate the convenience and usefulness of using such modern speech therapy complexes as "Prodigy" And IT-YAGA from ANRO technology, which comes with a huge set of specialized speech therapy games and tasks: from breathing and air jet exercises to games around the world and learning to read.

Hello my inquisitives. My name is Elena and I am glad to welcome you on my portal. Let me tell you a little about myself and what you will find interesting here.

By education I am a speech therapist, a primary school teacher, I have a specialization in psychology. I have been working with children for more than 20 years, I conduct face-to-face and online classes. From my own practice, I can say that a speech therapist has much more tasks than just teaching a child to speak competently.

The speech of the child depends on a large number of related factors, and the first assistant in their constant training is the parent. Any specialist of my profile will confirm this idea. In order to make it easy and understandable for a mother to build the right communication with her baby, I created the “Logosad”.

In this project, all the important information about children's speech is laid out on the shelves.

Imagine that you and your baby ended up in a kindergarten with a speech therapy bias, there is only one kid in the group, and you are the loving teacher. Of course, in such conditions, the little one will speak quickly and competently. I have an advisory role in this garden. I will tell you in which group it is better to start classes, I will rejoice at your successes and achievements, I will carefully correct if something goes wrong and I will be in touch throughout all classes.

That's what Logosadik is, only everything I talked about takes place online, except for your classes with your baby. This project runs all year round. It is attended by children from different parts of our planet.

There are only two conditions for participation:

  1. you must have internet access;
  2. and the desire to help the baby learn their native language.

* In all groups, classes are waiting for you and your child, each of which will take 20-30 minutes of time per day. At - 12 lessons - this is the youngest group for non-speaking children and those who are just starting to speak.
* Exercises can be done at home, on a walk or while traveling.
* You do not need to buy additional educational toys, turn on your imagination and find a replacement for them among those that you already have.

In the "Logosadik" there is one very important one, where crumbs from 1.5 years old are engaged. With them and their parents, we competently launch a speech. From the very first words, kids speak more accurately, their attention and memory develop better, and adults in the course of classes understand how to properly build their communication with the child so that he understands what is said. During and after classes, kids actively add new words to their speech and listen with curiosity to what others say.

I think that any support should be timely. This rule also applies to children's speech. It's great when parents help from the very first steps, then the child learns new skills more easily and moves more confidently to the next stages of development, freely communicates with others and chooses any occupation and profession in life.

All activities and games in the Logosadik are multifaceted and open up a new world for the baby, in which he will listen and learn, learn to pronounce sounds correctly, make sentences, expand his vocabulary and find interesting solutions to the tasks assigned to him.

Travel around the site, read useful articles and come to Logosadik. See you soon!

My assistant is an office.

In the development of a child, education and environment play a greater role than heredity ...
The question is what education and
what environment best develop potential

child's abilities. Massaru Ibuka

So, welcome to the speech therapy roomkindergarten.

Appointment of a speech therapy room: designed to providetimely

qualified consultative - methodological, diagnostic, corrective assistance to children, parents and employees of a preschool institution on issues of speech development, training and education.

Main areas of work held in a speech therapy room:

    examination of oral speech of children;

    drawing up a corrective work plan;

    conductingindividual and subgroup lessons;

    counseling for teachers and parents;

    records management.

The premises of the speech therapy room are conditionally divided into 6 functional centers, in

which have the necessary equipment for conducting a speech examination and correctional speech classes, as well as cognitive and developmental aids, materials on all sections of the correctional educational program and educational and methodological literature.

    Scientific and methodological center.

This center helps to effectively organize professional activities.In that

in the center there is a speech pathologist's desk and a bookcase. The documentation approved by the scientific and methodological Council of the kindergarten is stored on the desktop.Bookthe cabinet is equipped with shelving, on which the methodological material is systematized by sections:

Reference and educational literature;

Speech, demonstration and handouts for all types of

speech activity;

Diagnostic tools;

Folders with information material, developments of activities, entertainment

Andother events.

    Center of speech pronunciation.

This center offers private lessons.It is equipped with:

Table with wall mirror;

Individual mirrors;

Working tablets: sound characteristics and articulation

styles of sounds;

Instrumentation that contributes to the production of sounds: probes, spatula;

Toolkit for Automation and Differentiation

delivered sounds;

Toys for the development of speech breathing: musical instruments,

straws for a cocktail, turntables, "wind blowers", soap bubbles,

small light toys, card indexes of breathing exercises;

- soft toys and speech therapy models that help with exercises with


Wash basin.

    Center for Correctional Activities is located in the most illuminated place near

window and is intended for conducting subgroup classes with children, and its elements are:

Children's tables and chairs;

Portable magnetic board;

- wall panel "ABVGDeyka";

- methodological manual and gaming software, selected taking into account

age characteristics of children and in accordance with the directions

correctional and developmental work.

The arrangement of furniture in this center is constantly changing depending on the purpose of the lesson.

If this is the consolidation of skills or the performance of independent tasks, then the tables are in rows or in a checkerboard pattern. If children learn to compose a story from a picture, retell the text they have heard, listen to each other's answers, the furniture is arranged in the form of a semicircle or square.

    Game Support Center.

To improve general motor skills and develop fine motor skills in the office

game center provided. When organizing outdoor games, physical and finger exercises in this center, an increase in its area occurs due to the transformation of children's furniture \ moving tables and chairs \.

For a calming and relaxing state of preschoolers is usedcarpet

track. Here the children do eye exercises and relaxation exercises.

This center is equipped with:

Playing material for the development of fine motor skills: designers, lacing, mosaic, puzzles,

nesting dolls, small toys, buttons, matches, clothespins, finger pools, stencils and


Card file: relaxation exercises, exercises for the coordination of speech and movement, and

also exercises for the fingers and eyes.

    Information support center.

collected in the centerinformationalmaterial foracquaintanceteachers andparents by

issues of speech development of preschool children: memos, booklets, game libraries, written consultations, mini-libraries, sliding folders.Here is located andspeech pathologist work schedule.

    Center technical training aids ( TCO )

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine the education of children without such technical means.

learning like:tape recorder, voice recorder, metronome, TV,DVD, multimedio projector andmodern computer.

The use of such technical means provides a wide opportunity for

optimize the activities of a speech therapist and stimulate interest in the correctional classes of pupils, whichallows in the shortest possible time toto teach them to develop proper physiological breathing; beautifully pronounce sounds and enhancelevel of pronunciation self-control.

An additional decoration and a positive mood for a comfortable correctional

the playful atmosphere in the room is set by such design tricks as colored curtains, sewn according to an individual option and decorative decorations on the walls, curtains from a set of insects: butterflies, dragonflies, bees.

There are indoor plants in the office. Green plants allow you to create a feeling

home, safe space

Thus,the presented subject-developing environment of the cabinet allows you to

in a playful way to successfully solve speech therapy problems. And the modernized centers increase the effectiveness of correctional and developmental education and contribute to the active development of the full-fledged speech of kindergarten students.

List of used and recommended literature.

    Ananiev BG, Rybalko EF Peculiarities of space perception in children. M., 2004.

    Artamonova O. Object-spatial environment: its role in personality development // Preschool education. No. 4 \ 2005.

    Glushkova G. Arrangement of a Variable Object-Spatial Environment in Group Rooms. // Child in kindergarten. No. 5\ 2008 .

    Grinyavichene N. T. Game and a new approach to the organization of the subject-game environment. / Creativity and Pedagogy (Materials of the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference). M., 2006.

    Davydov V. V., Petrovsky V. A. The concept of preschool education, 1989.

    Zheleznova S. V., “On the issue of the developing environment of preschool educational institutions”, Ulyanovsk 2001.

    Ivanova N.V., Bardinova E.Yu., Kalinina A.M. Social development of children in preschool educational institutions: Methodological guide. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008. (Supplement to the journal "Management of preschool educational institutions").

    Korotkova N.A. Materials and equipment for kindergarten. M.: Elti-Kudits, 2003.

    Materials of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

    Nisheva N. B. Object-spatial developing environment in kindergarten. St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press", 2006.

    Novoselova S., Pavlova L. N. Developing subject environment: Guidelines for the design of variable design - projects of developing subject environment in kindergartens and educational complexes. 2nd ed. – M.: Airess Press, 2007.

    Petrovsky V.A., Pechora K. L., Pantyukhina G. V., Golubeva L. G. Building a developing environment in a preschool institution K.L. Pechora, G.V. Pantyukhina, L.G. Golubev. – M.: Enlightenment, 1986.

    Petrovsky V. A., Klarina L. M., Smyvina L. A., Strelkova L. P., The concept of building a developing environment in a preschool institution, 1993.

    Povalyaeva M.A. Handbook of a speech therapist. - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix". 2001.

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    Fedyaeva N. V., Beloded G. A. Organization of the playing space in preschool educational institutions in the context of FGT. St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press", 2013

Margarita Andreeva

The only way to get to the top of a ladder is to climb rung by rung, one at a time. And in the process of this rise, you will suddenly discover in yourself all the necessary qualities, skills and abilities necessary for achieving success, which you, it seems, never possessed.

Margaret Thatcher

Greetings, dear colleagues!

It is with great pleasure that I present my work speech therapist's office at MBDOU d / s"Berry" With. Aleksandrovsky, Tomsk region. speech therapist I'm only in my second year. In my work I use innovative technologies:

I am working on the development of auditory attention;

Speech, phonemic hearing;

Physiological and speech breathing;

Formation of the correct sound pronunciation, automation and differentiation of various sounds;

The development of the grammatical structure of speech;

The development of coherent speech (dialogues, retellings, stories).

I pay special attention to the formation of phonetic and phonemic perception.

I introduce children to sounds, develop sound skills syllabic analysis, synthesis.

Working on preventing dysgraphia and dyslexia.

This is what I managed to do with my own hands, the hands of my children and parents during this period.


At the front door cabinet plate« Speech therapist» , work schedule speech therapy

cabinet and« The speech therapist's secret» :

How to speak clearly and understandably -

Qualified master - SPEECH THERAPIST.

He teaches verbal communication,

Grammar and vocabulary are his subject.

Breathing, phonation, articulation

With knowledge of the matter will teach you SPEECH THERAPIST.

He is a teacher, teacher and psychologist,

He is a philologist, and he is a linguist,

He is a teacher, doctor, defectologist,

Actor, speaker SPEECH THERAPIST.

Researcher, methodologist, innovator,

He is a diagnostician, proofreader and expert,

Both consultant and observer

Versatile specialist SPEECH THERAPIST.

Speech therapist's office.

Card files of games and exercises, as well as other material for classes.

1. Workplace speech therapist.

2. Under the shelf is located "Clue speech therapist» : Schedule of individual work with children; Schedule speech therapist(general); Reminders "vowel sounds and letters", "Classification of consonant sounds of speech", "The structure of the dental system".

3. On the same wall are wall mirrors and "Spider line"(a place to fix the demonstration material for repetition with children, as well as tips for speech therapist for classes).

4. To the left is a zone for the development of breathing "Carousel" and hand motility "Colorful braids".

5. There is a small "Shop for the development of fingers" where the child in free activity can take the following allowances and games:

5.2. Didactic games, insert games, lacing.

5.3. massage balls (Su-jok therapy).

5.4. Collection of shells, animals of the seas and oceans.

5.5. Fruits and vegetables.

5.6. A game "Guess what's in the egg?"

5.8. breezes; "Repeater Snake"; "Talking Frog".

5.9. Dry pool for hands from kinder eggs.

6. « speech therapy assistants» - massage balls (soft and hard to the touch).

7. And on the shelf are our favorites « speech therapy assistants» (in special jars): pebbles, shells, beads, colored strings, balloons, whistles, small toys from kinder surprises, magnets, magnetic letters of different colors for a magnetic board, crumbs, buttons, puzzles and much more.

9. In the closet are « speech therapy keys» - probes and probe substitutes; oils for aromatherapy; spatulas; alcohol; cotton buds; cotton pads; napkins; tubules; cotton wool

10. On the closet are children's toys, containers for the development of breathing game "Snowfall".

11, 12. There are teaching materials in the closet, "Piggy bank of methodological material speech therapist» , as well as literature and other teaching aids.

13. In the office has a computer(I actively use modern ICT tools in my work with children).

14. Next to the study area there is a place for individual speech therapy work with children(equipped with various games, exercises).

15. Study area speech therapy room: board, magnetic board, a place for attaching visibility.

16. Handout for literacy classes for preparatory speech therapy group(chips of a card for drawing up a sentence diagram, counting sticks, chips for stress and games "Traffic Lights", colored woolen threads for laying out letters on velvet paper).

speech therapy corner for parents, located in the hallway of the group.