Repainted yellow. Grape juice with shampoo. How to prevent jaundice

An article for those who are interested in a perfectly shining blond. Our mission is proven and accessible ways get snow-white hair, eye-catching and bewitching with its cold shine. So, we offer instructions for blondes, which tells how to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing.

Traditional ways to remove yellow hair


First you need to figure out why an unattractive yellowish tint has formed. Perhaps the paint was incorrectly selected or incorrectly used. Help to correct the situation the right remedy. Its action should be directed not only to discoloration, but also to staining in a certain shade. Paints from famous brands. The best choice would be a product whose color is located in platinum or ash tones. A prime example of such a paint is Recital Preference. Her color at number 9.1 is called Viking. Produced by L'Oreal. Fits in every case different shade, therefore, it is better to entrust the choice of hair dye to a good hairdresser, who will select the paint in accordance with the original and desired color, and also take into account the condition of the hair.


If you do not want to use paint, you can adjust the color with shampoos or balms with a tinting effect. It is known that in many cases there is no trace of the hated yellowness. True, it is extremely important to use the chosen tool correctly. If you overdo it with its concentration or keep the composition on your hair too long time, then the color may turn out not snow-white-ash, but bright purple or any other. Please strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of tinted shampoos and balms. Fortunately, the modern market quality cosmetics offers a range of specially formulated products. We list the most popular types of shampoos and balms.

  • Tinted shampoo from the manufacturer "Schwarzkopf" called "Bonacure". Color Freeze Silver Shampoo gives bleached hair a beautiful silver hue.
  • Shampoo "Bonacure" from the series "Color Save", brand "Schwarzkopf". It is recommended to use shampoo together with conditioner from the same series. Such care protects dyed hair from fading, gently cleansing and moisturizing them, the color does not wash out for a long time.
  • Balm "Irida" with a pearl shade.
  • Conditioner-clarifier "John Frieda Sheer Blonde Go Blonder".
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "L "Oreal" marked "Professionnel", the name "Serie Expert Silver".
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "L "Oreal" marked "Professionnel", the name "Expert Shine blonde".
  • A product from the manufacturer "Shot" called "Love Hair", labeled "reset shampoo antigiallo".
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", color - pearl-ash.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", Professional series, name "Curex Color intense". The result is silver.
  • Shampoo from the manufacturer "Estel", designed for cold shades of blond. The name of the drug is "Otium Pearl".
  • The good old remedy "Tonic", the name of the shade is pearl-ash. It is also worth considering other colors from the purple range.
  • Mask from the manufacturer "Lush" marked "Blondie Marilyn". The effect is the elimination of yellowness and obtaining a pure blond.
How to remove yellowness after staining and lightening: treat your hair with a good tint shampoo and fix the result with a homemade mask

Folk methods for removing yellow hair

groupies traditional medicine also know how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching, they offer alternative means. Methods listed below good topics that are completely safe and require scanty costs. But there is a feature in the form of low efficiency and lack of versatility. That is, there is no guarantee of an excellent result of home procedures, and in each case the resulting color may differ. But do not be afraid to use home methods - in the worst case, the hair simply does not change color, but it certainly will not be damaged. In addition, the masks natural ingredients perfectly restore and strengthen the hair structure, making them more elastic and healthy. So, let's highlight the most popular products to eliminate the yellow tint of blond hair.

Lightening hair with honey

For this mask you will need:

  • a small amount of natural honey,
  • a container for heating honey using a water bath method,
  • insulating cap made of polyethylene.

An overnight mask made from natural honey heated in a water bath gives a slight brightening effect and is good for hair. No need to do anything supernatural - just soak all your hair with warm honey, put on a plastic hat and go for a night's rest. Wash your hair in the morning.

Elimination of yellowness with tea

We need:

  • good green tea without foreign impurities
  • liter container with clean water.

Regularly rinse your hair with a liter of purified or boiled water, where an average cup of brewed green tea without additives is added. After tea, do not rinse your hair with water.

Onion mask

For cooking onion mask you will need:

  • several bulbs,
  • polyethylene hat and towel,
  • container for boiling onions with water.

Cook several peeled and chopped onions in boiling mode for 10 minutes. Keep the cooled broth on the hair, provided that the head is warmed, then rinse. Exposure time - at least an hour, a maximum of one night. It is not known whether the hair will emit an onion scent after applying this mask, but some reviews claim that there is no smell.

We reviewed traditional and folk methods giving hair a beautiful whiteness and silver tint. Unfortunately, not everyone knows yet how to remove yellowness from hair after lightening, so we must actively share our recipes with familiar blondes.

The yellow tint on the hair appears as a result of a chemical reaction resulting from the contact of the dye with the hair pigment. The intensity of yellowness depends on the individual characteristics of the original shade. To independently remove yellowness from your hair effectively and quickly, use our not tricky tips.

1. Violation of hair coloring technique.

Often yellowness occurs after stainingwhen the specialist (or yourself) did not follow all the necessary steps of the procedure. In particular, he incorrectly calculated the time required to hold the bleaching agent on the hair, which depends on the original shade of the hair. To avoid such mistakes in the future, go for coloring, highlighting, bleaching, etc. procedures. to proven beauty salons to masters with good experience work and positive feedback.

2. Poor quality or expired products.

The yellowness of curls can also occur against the background of the use of low-quality or expired products for dyeing or lightening hair. This usually happens when the girls (women) choose such coloring products on their own and do the procedure on their own at home. In order to avoid the occurrence of yellowness on the strands in the future, trust the choice of a specialist.

3. Rinsing after lightening-coloring.

It is very important to use purified water (or mineral water without gas) for the procedure, since the salts, rust and other impurities contained in the tap water can easily penetrate into the open hair scales and react with the “paint”, causing an unpleasant yellowness, creating the effect of unkempt hair.

4. Lightening black strands.

At cardinal change hair color (brunette to blonde) yellowness is a natural companion after the procedure. And all because the natural or original hair pigment will try to prevail over the "artificial". In this situation, to obtain a shade of blond, you will have to repeat the bleaching procedure more than once, which is fraught with damage to the hair. That is why professionals hairdressing in such cases, the fair sex is warned in advance about possible consequences(brittleness, loss), often persuading to abandon this decision, so as not to regret the results later. Those who are naturally black or very dark color hair, before the lightening procedure, it is advisable to consult a specialist regarding the possibility of acquiring a shade of blond without yellowness, given your natural pigment.

How to remove unwanted yellowness from hair?

There are several proven home and "store" ways to eliminate yellowness from hair. Let me remind you that a lot depends on your initial piment. Therefore, advice that helps in one case, not the fact that it will help in another. In any case, you should not despair, try all the methods of eliminating yellowness one by one, but be sure to keep it for 2-3 days so as not to overload the hair already weakened by bleaching. If it turned out that your natural pigment is very strong and the resulting yellowness cannot be removed in any way, it remains to accept or repaint in a different color.

Silver shampoos.

Similar products are sold in specialized stores, they have a Silver Shampoo mark. The composition of such shampoos contains an active coloring pigment of a bright purple hue, due to which the yellow tint is neutralized, and the hair is given such a desired whiteness. The tool has drawbacks, in particular, if it is overexposed on the strands, a bright ash, light lilac or eggplant shade appears.

Tinted shampoos.

Well proven in the fight against yellow hair tinted shampoos and balms (tonics) of mother-of-pearl, pearl, platinum, silver tones. Features of the impact and disadvantages of such products are the same as those of silver shampoos. For greater effect, they are recommended to be used in combination with regular shampoo in a ratio of 1:2. Keep the product on the hair for no more than 3 minutes. A similar manipulation should be carried out after every 3-4 hair washes. To really get a good result and remove yellowness, it is better to use professional tint shampoos.

Video: Get rid of yellowness with a tint tonic.

Proper rinsing of the hair after the washing procedure.

After each hair wash, rinse with filtered water with the addition of rhubarb infusion (per 1 liter 2 cups of infusion (for infusion: chop a couple of washed petioles (1 tablespoon), pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist under the lid for 20 minutes, then strain)) . Rinsing can be carried out with acidified water (1 liter glass of lemon juice).

Homemade whitening hair masks against yellowness, recipes

The whitening effect of hair masks is due to the content of active substances with a brightening effect in the ingredients. Such procedures are recommended to be carried out twice a week for a duration of 40-60 minutes, then the yellowness will not bother you for a long time (unless your original pigment turns out to be stronger), and the curls will not only become the desired white shade, but will also recover after the bleaching procedure.

For an additional effect, after washing off the mask, rinse your hair with filtered water with the addition of lemon juice or rhubarb infusion.

Honey mask.

Village honey - 3 tbsp. l. (on average length hair).

Melt honey with a water bath. Divide your hair into thin strands and soak them generously with honey. As with any mask, wrap your head with polyethylene on top and create conditions for a thermal effect, that is, build a turban from a thick layer on top. terry towel. Keep the mask from 1 to 3 hours.

Rhubarb mask.

Dry rhubarb root - 1 pc.
Good white wine - 5 ml.

Grind rhubarb root into powder. 1 st. l. pour the resulting powder with wine, put on the stove over high heat. When the mixture comes to a boil, lower the heat to medium and wait until the liquid has reduced by half. Then remove the mixture from the stove, cool and strain. Apply to strands, thoroughly wetting areas with yellowness. Keep under a film and a towel for 40 minutes.

Kefir mask.

Kefir fresh - 50 ml.
Vodka - 2 tbsp. l.
Your care shampoo - 1 tsp.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Chicken egg - 1 pc.

Combine all components into a homogeneous mass, distribute it into areas of yellowness. Keep under a film and a warming cap for 40 minutes.

Rhubarb mask with glycerin.

Rhubarb root chopped - 150 g.
Steep boiling water - 250 ml.
Glycerin - 60 g.

Pour the powder with boiling water, add glycerin and leave the mixture to infuse for 30 minutes, then strain and can be used. Distribute the product through the hair, insulate with a film and a towel and leave for 1 hour.

Decoction of onion peel.

If you have yellowness and you can’t get rid of it, try to slightly improve the situation with a decoction onion peel. Hair will gain golden hue, which is still better than yellowness, and they are reanimated a little after all the color change manipulations. To do this, pour the husks from several onions (2-3) with water and put on a quiet fire. As soon as the liquid boils, remove from heat and leave for 5 hours. Strain the finished infusion and apply to the hair with a sponge. After 30 minutes, apply the product again to the strands, put on a shower cap or a plastic bag, fix it with a towel on top and leave the mask overnight. Rinse in the morning and apply lemon juice to the hair.

Use our tips, and you can remove unwanted yellowness from your hair yourself at home. Everything is very fast, simple and effective. For the future, if you want to become a blonde, think a hundred times and consult with several experts, maybe it is on your hair to achieve the desired blond without yellowness is simply unrealistic. This procedure will only ruin your hair. Well, those who do this procedure regularly, consider your mistakes and do not allow them to recur. Good luck!

Yellow pigment after is a fairly common occurrence. And to remove it with ordinary shampoo, alas, is almost impossible. Why do unattractive yellow and red shades appear in the process of “blond” staining? The reason for this may be the incorrect work of the master colorist, the wrong choice of coloring agent, the specificity of the “native” pigment, which provides such reactions.

And if you perform such a complex painting procedure yourself, a defect is almost inevitable. But every blonde quite rightly strives for "purity" of color, and this is quite logical.

Let's take a closer look at the causes of such " side effects» when lightening, highlighting and coloring hair. Knowing about the provoking factors, you can certainly avoid the formation of unwanted shades on your own blond curls.

Because of what the yellowness of the “blond” shade appears: low-quality paint

So why does it appear yellow tint when dyeing strands? Consider the most common causes of an unwanted defect.

Modern hair dyes in the blond palette without yellowness almost always give the desired result, even if the coloring takes place at home, without the help of a qualified hairdresser. However, there are exceptions.

First of all, defects occur against the background of the poor quality of the paint used. It can be household, too cheap, or simply expired. And the only effect that such a product can provide is untidy hair with an intense yellow tone.

Think about where exactly you get the coloring products. If this is a specialized professional boutique, you have nothing to worry about a priori.

There are expired ones in the supermarket cosmetical tools However, this is also the exception rather than the rule. But in the stalls near the house, where they sell low-grade household chemicals, the purchase of paint becomes directly proportional to the crime against one's own hair.

It is also worth noting that if you are dyeing curls for the first time, it will be extremely difficult for you to choose the right product yourself. Ask for help from the masters of reputable salons.

If you don't have enough Money, post your photo on a specialized forum and ask experts to help you with the choice of paint and its specific color.

We are looking for the reason in the black source

If you are more or less familiar with the basic laws of color, you should know that the dark pigment is the most “strong”, and he will defend his “rights” to the last. As a result of bleaching black or very dark hair, you are guaranteed to get either dirty red or bright yellow strands.

To achieve, say, platinum blonde, you will have to lighten up many times in a row, and no, even the strongest curls can endure this.

That's why self wrestling with dark pigments is by definition utopian. As a result of several discolorations, not only the cortex and cuticle will suffer, but also the hair follicles.

As a result, your hair will become extremely brittle and dry, begin to fall out systematically, acquire a dull and “liquid” look. To get rid of the black color, you need only the professional help of a master with great experience.

Usually, he decapitates (washes) permanent and demi-permanent artificial dyes, and only after that gently brightens the hair with a gentle oxidizing agent with powder. After all the step-by-step manipulations, the specialist tones your hair, achieving the desired shade.

Problems due to incorrect staining technology

If the painting was carried out unprofessionally, this is almost a guarantee that at the end you will get a yellow tint of curls of varying intensity. This is usually due to ignoring the individual characteristics of the hair structure and their "native" pigment.

A typical mistake of novice masters is the failure to observe the time of keeping the clarifier on the strands, as a result of which the most unexpected result may appear. How to avoid it? Clarification should be done only in hairdressers and salons with an excellent reputation. And again, do not try to lighten your hair yourself, especially if your current color is far from blond, and even light brown!

Avoid neglecting a full rinse!

This item will probably be the most unexpected for you. But when you lighten the curls, the scales of the hair open up, and its stem structure becomes vulnerable to various irritants. If you remove paint with ordinary running water, which contains dirt, chemicals, rust, and metal ions, all harmful components enter into a real chemical reaction with the pigment.

Even if the staining was done in accordance with all the rules, improper washing of the head after the procedure can bring all the efforts of the master to nothing. We recommend that you wash off the product from your hair only with high-quality, purified and distilled, and preferably with mineral water.

Also in the process of removing chemical composition it is optimal to use a special shampoo for yellow hair, which neutralizes unwanted pigments. Wella professional lines have such a tool.

All of these mistakes are the most common in hair coloring, so knowing about them will help you protect yourself from unexpected effects. Although there are exceptions, when even a professional with solid experience cannot cope with yellowness in any way - in this case, your individual characteristics cellular processes in the hair shaft, not subject to correction. If you constantly encounter this result, it is possible that best solution for you will be the rejection of discoloration in favor of a neutral color of hair.

But what to do if all the errors have already appeared visually, and it is pointless to talk about their causes? How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing?

We remove yellowness after staining and bleaching

The first, and most affordable, thing that can help you deal with an unattractive shade is homemade masks.

Especially popular among them are honey and kefir. As part of the main ingredients of home remedies, specific substances are concentrated that can break down and neutralize the pigment.

How to prepare a honey and kefir mask for yellow hair?

1 option. Just melt on steam bath natural flower or linden honey. You will need at least a glass, depending on your hair length. Divide your hair into sections and soak each section liberally with warm honey. Wrap in foil. Treat the whole head. Soak for at least an hour (for the first time this will be enough).

The desire to change haunts many girls throughout their lives, and, most often, these changes relate to our hair. This is not surprising, because changing a haircut or hair color is now the easiest thing. We, girls, are not permanent creatures and can easily change our color from a burning brunette to a blonde, but will the result please us?
Hair lightening not like that simple procedure, as it may seem at first, it is important to follow a lot of rules in order to get desired result, and in many cases, tinting after lightening the hair is indispensable, so it is best to entrust such an important matter to the master. With self-lightening, you may encounter the following consequences:

✓ hair can be colored unevenly;
✓ there is a risk of burning hair, it will become brittle and dry
✓ the first time it is unlikely to achieve the desired shade;
✓ yellowness will appear on the hair, we will talk about it in detail in this article.

Yellowness- most terrible dream of all blondes, for sure, every girl who decided to become a blonde faced this problem. Why does this unpleasant yellow tint appear on the hair?

Causes of yellowness after clarification

1. Poor quality, cheap or expired paint. In the pursuit of savings, many choose low-quality products for dyeing, which leads to a yellow tint after clarification.

2. Violation of staining technique. Here we are talking not only about correct application paint on the hair, but also about the exposure time of the paint.

3. Coloring dark hair. The pigment of dark hair is not so easy to remove, this may require several lightening procedures, and then hair tinting. If you decide to drastically brighten dark hair at a time, the yellowness of the hair is provided to you.

4. Poor quality water.
Hard water with impurities and impurities can also lead to an undesirable tint. The fact is that when washing off the paint, it easily gets into the open scales of the hair and interacts with the paint.

5. "Strong" native hair pigment, it will appear in the form of a yellow tint not immediately, but over time.

If you still wish to proceed lightening hair at home, then you need to properly prepare your hair and know a few rules in order to avoid the appearance of yellowness to the maximum.

What you need to know before bleaching your hair

1. If you have done hair treatments such as carving, perm, etc., it is better to wait and start staining a few weeks after the procedures.

2. Lightening hair is a rather aggressive procedure, so before it it is advisable to take care of the hair, make firming, moisturizing masks, and trim the frizzy ends.

3. Choose the right oxidizer. For brunettes and owners of black hair, you should take 9% or 12% oxidizer, for brown-haired women 6% and 9% are suitable, fair-haired girls can stay at 3%.

On the day of staining, do not wash your hair, it is better to do this a day or two in advance.

5. If you have previously dyed your hair in a dark color, it is better to make a wash.

6. Choose high-quality paint for lightening.

7. Rinse off with clean water if possible.

How to lighten hair without yellowness? Staining technique

1. Divide your hair into 4 equal parts. To do this, we make two partings, first from the forehead to the neck, then from temple to temple along the back of the head.

2. Dilute the paint according to the instructions. Strictly follow the instructions, the result of staining depends on it. Use special utensils and gloves.

3. Coloring starts from the back of the head, then we move on to the temporal regions and only at the very end is the hair at the forehead. At the same time, take small strands and carefully paint over them. The paint should get on every hair.

4. The exposure time depends on your type and color of hair, as well as on the type of dye. Usually, the instructions indicate the staining time.

5. Then wash off the paint with water and only then you can wash it off with shampoo and apply a special balm.

But even compliance with all of the above rules does not guarantee you the absence of yellowness after lightening your hair. So how do you get rid of it?

How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing at home

1 way - using a tint balm

The most budgetary and easiest option is the Tonic tint balm, with it it is easy to change the shade of the hair and remove the yellowness. But using this method you need to be especially careful, with the wrong choice of shade and application, you can get opposite result and instead of blond strands, get, for example, green.
If you overdo it over time, you can also get gray hair, so read the instructions carefully before use.

How to remove yellowness with Tonic

2 way - special shampoos

Now almost every manufacturer of hair cosmetics in the line has a shampoo to neutralize yellowness. This is the most simple and safe way remove yellowness from hair. It is necessary to use such a shampoo as well as a regular one, it has purple or blue tint, no need to be afraid of this, such a shampoo will not stain your hands and skin.

Apply shampoo to hair, hold for a few minutes (as indicated on the package) and rinse with water. It is necessary to use such a shampoo as needed approximately every third or fourth wash, it is not suitable for daily use.

This shampoo will help with a slight shade of yellowness, if you have an intense shade, then without tint balm not enough.

The most popular shampoos to eliminate yellowness:

L "Oreal Professionnel Expert Silver- Silver Shampoo to neutralize yellowness, approximate price 600-700r.
Shampoo from the Schwarzkopf line, Bonacure Color Freeze Silver Shampoo, approximate price 600r.
Silver shampoo for light shades to neutralize yellowness Concept silver shampoo for light-blond and blonde hair, price 300r.
Estel Professional Curex Color Intense"Silver" for cold shades of blond, the approximate price is 300 rubles.
Shampoo Kaaral K05 Silver with anti-yellow effect, 1200r. Per 1000ml

Get rid of yellowness with shampoo

3 way masks and balms to eliminate yellowness

In addition to shampoos, there are special masks and balms that neutralize yellowness. The advantage of this method is that in addition to eliminating the unwanted shade, the mask also restores and nourishes the hair. For example, these include the Mask "MARILIN",
and Conditioner "Sheer BLONDE".

Method 4 - home remedies to neutralize yellowness

Home methods for removing yellowness, of course, are more laborious and the effect of them depends on the duration and number of procedures, however, with these shortcomings, they have a significant plus - in addition to the brightening effect, you will receive nourishing and regenerating care. Therefore, as an alternative, you can consider several useful lightening procedures for blondes.

Honey home mask from yellowness

Take a few tablespoons of natural honey and apply generously to each strand, to make it easier to apply honey, it should be slightly warmed in a water bath or mixed with base oils. Wrap your head with a film and warm with a towel, leave for 1-3 hours.

Rinse hair with decoction of rhubarb root

To remove yellowness, a decoction of rhubarb root has proven itself well. Prepare a decoction and dilute it with a liter of water (a liter of water per 1 glass of decoction) and rinse your hair after washing. Rhubarb has a good brightening and firming effect. Chamomile decoction also has a brightening effect.

Kefir mask for lightening

Kefir is not only able to deeply moisturize the strands, but also remove yellowness, due to its composition. For greater effect, lemon juice can be added to the mask. Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply on curls, after an hour you can rinse with cool water.

Now you know how to remove yellowness at home, and you can easily transform and get a beautiful platinum shade from a cheap yellow!

IN modern world many people try to stand out possible ways. Today, no one will be surprised by an anime girl with yellow hair or a guy with a mohawk of the same color. In this case, people quite consciously buy paint and take such a brave step. But there are situations when such a shade is a side effect of normal staining, and then the person simply falls into a stupor and does not know what to do.

In this case, you need to know the means that will help to cope with this problem quickly and without consequences.

How to achieve yellow hair color?

Young girls first of all agree to such experiments for self-expression. For example, anime fans especially love this shade.

There are several ways to achieve what you want:

  1. Special balms that give shade. This option is considered the most gentle, since such products do not contain ammonia and other oxidizing agents. In addition, the color is well washed off and after 3-7 washings the shade will not remain. Can be used for both highlighting and full coloring. It is important to consider that such balms are not suitable for owners dark hair. As for blondes, the color on their hair will have more bright shade. In both cases, preliminary tinting of the hair is suitable;
  2. Crayons, pastes and powders for coloring. This option is used if you need to dye individual strands for a short period of time, since after the first wash the color will disappear. To do this, you need to apply the selected product according to the instructions and then just do the styling or hairstyle. Important note: girls with blonde hair the coloring pigment can stay longer usually. It is not recommended to use this option for owners of thin and;
  3. Paint with oxidizers. This option is designed for long-term staining, as the color will last for 3-6 weeks. You can paint over it both light and dark strands. As for the sparing options, they will not cope with dark hair, so you will have to pre-lighten it.

It is important to consider that the yellow color of the hair focuses on existing skin imperfections, for example, pimples, redness, etc. This shade is best suited to owners of fair skin.

Why does hair turn yellow after bleaching?

Many of the fair sex are faced with a situation where a yellow tint appears after dyeing or highlighting. This is a completely unpredictable phenomenon, since it chemical reaction dye and natural pigment.

To understand how to remove an unwanted color, you need to find out what is the reason for such a reaction:

  • Bad paint. Many women try to save on their beauty, so they often take low-quality cosmetics. Some shops sell already expired paint for a promotion. Often girls choose the wrong shade for their hair. In general, in order to exclude this cause, it is recommended to contact specialists in the salon for the procedure;
  • Wrong paint. If the procedure was performed incorrectly, an unexpected effect may appear. The staining process must take place subject to certain steps. For example, a defect can result if the paint is overexposed;
  • Rinsing errors. Many do not even take into account this reason and in vain, because, even choosing good paint and doing everything according to the rules, you can encounter yellow shades. This is due to the fact that after dyeing, the strands are quite defenseless and due to the opening of the scales, the color may change. That is why it is not recommended to wash off the paint with ordinary running water, since it may contain harmful salts and other impurities.

These are the most common causes, but the individual factor should not be ruled out.

Yellow hair, what to do?

To date, there are quite a few ways that can be divided into home and store. It should be noted that it is impossible to single out one universal remedy, since everyone is individual, so find for yourself suitable option to be experimental.

Ways to remove yellow color from hair:

  1. Special rinse. After shampooing, it is recommended to rinse the hair with special water. Use only clean liquid or settled. Add rhubarb infusion to the water at the rate of 1 liter of liquid 2 tbsp. It has whitening effects. If it is not possible to prepare an infusion, then replace it with 1 tbsp. lemon juice. It is not recommended to use chamomile decoction common on the net, as yellow hair can become even more saturated;
  2. "Silver" shampoo. You can find it in almost all stores, in which case, the jar will be marked "Silver Shampoo". This product has a purple pigment. It is thanks to him that you can remove the yellow tint and achieve the desired whiteness. Now you should not have any problems than to paint over the yellow color on your hair. If you are using paint, then it must also have a purple pigment. It is important to note that if the product is overexposed on the hair, it may appear ashen and even lilac shade. The most popular option is offered by Schwarzkopf;
  3. Toning shampoo. You can also use balms with platinum, silver or pearl shade. Action and by-effect similar to the previous option, but the low price can be attributed to the pluses. There is also a drawback with such balms - they do not stay on the hair for a long time and after the third wash, yellowness may reappear;
  4. Get rid of yellow hair after highlighting, a mask with a whitening effect will help. There are many different options, which are prepared with their own hands, we will talk about them below. The action is due to the presence of certain ingredients that have a whitening effect. You need to carry out the procedure every other day.

Popular recipes for homemade masks

Don't rely on quick effect and after the first procedure, it is impossible to get rid of the yellow color. In order to achieve good result will take approximately 14 days. You need to keep the mask for an average of 1 hour. To wash it off, it is recommended to use purified water with a decoction of rhubarb or lemon juice which will enhance the effect.

For clarification, the following means are suitable:

  • Heat uncandied honey in a water bath. Minimal amount- 1 tbsp. Honey should be liquid and very warm. Take a deep container, pour honey into it and lower the strands there, soaking it well. To prevent honey from dripping, wrap parts of your hair with foil. wrap everything cling film and wrap with a towel. This is necessary to keep warm. At the first procedure, the mask should be done within an hour, and in the future, the time can be increased to three hours;
  • Take dry rhubarb root and grind it to a powder. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the resulting flour pour 2 tbsp. white wine. Put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, and then, lower the heat and continue to evaporate the wine. When the amount of liquid decreases somewhere in 2 times, then you can turn off the fire. After that, filter everything and rinse your hair with the resulting composition, after washing;
  • Take 50 ml of medium-fat kefir and warm it up a little. Then pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of good vodka and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of shampoo Send 50 ml of lemon juice there and a raw egg. Many girls prefer this option, considering it more effective;
  • Again, take the powder of crushed dry rhubarb, about 150 g, and pour it with 1 tbsp. boiling water. Send 60 g of glycerin there and leave it under the lid for 30 minutes.

If suddenly after dyeing you find that your hair has turned yellow, do not be discouraged, as you now know how to deal with this problem. You can purchase store-bought options or make home remedies.